Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 1A

Visit the link and comment on why you would vote for or against this proposition. The more detail provided the better!

Proposition 1A


Anonymous said...

I would vote No on Prop 1A because most of the tax payer's money would go to one company and just benefit that company.
-Julian J.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "no" on Prop 1A because not most people want their tax money to go to new train tracks, either way not many people travel on trains. There really is no use for it.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I would vote No on Prop. 1A because it would cost tax payers at least $20 billion on interest and principal alone. All together the prop. will cost somewear near $90 billion dollers. This means that each family of 4 will have to pay an avrage of $2000. I wouldnt spend the money when an Express 30-Day Bus Pass is $128.00. It just sounds like a better deal.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "no" because I think that a new train is not need when we already have some and we have airplanes and cars. Beside the tax increase is not needed right now at the momment. Another down fall is then even if we do get that new train its to expensive for most families to use it.
Noemi S.

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 1A because it is another sales play to get one company filthy rich. i do agree that our traffic situation isnt the best, but it wont be solved by hiring one company oto build billions of dollers worth of trains and train tracks. VOTE NO ON PROP 1A!
-Andrew M.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 1A because its going to be costing tax payers money and most of the tax payers might not even go on this train or whatever it is.
Skyye O.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 1A because people dont want to have their tax dollars to make new rail road tracks. everybody doesnt benefit from this.
Darin D.

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 1A because all the money will go to the company and it will only benefit the people sponsoring this prop. And it will also affect us in taxes.

Addie M per.2

Anonymous said...

I would vote no because I don't think we really need high speed trains.
Andrea P.

Unknown said...

I would vote YES because gas prices are way too high and trains are faster and would probably cost less than driving a car over time. Plus if everyone would take trains then that would lower the levels of greenhouse gases, and building new freeways would be more expensive... Which means HIGHER TAXES!!!

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 1a because after that big train crash i dont want to get on to a train for a long time. This prop would also raise taxes and who likes those.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Honestly i would vote no because this proposition takes away a lot of tax dollars. it takes away 90 billion. not a lot of people use the trains so its no point in building this railroad. a car takes you directly to the place you want to go.
Jose Cruz
per 5

Anonymous said...

either side does not seem favorable to me and therefore i would not vote for or against it. in my opinion both of these have the possiblity to succeed after a strenuous amount of time or fail compltely so there would be no point to spend money to fund them. voting yes would an immense amount of money on something that would take years to build and by that time road problems could have improved. the crash earlier this year does not help sway any votes toward the yes side either. and voting no would have the same problem. it would take a long time to build those roads, not only that but it would cause more traffic due to closed roads because of construction etc.

elizabeth c
period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote no on prop 1A because if they decide to build railroads or other types of transportation then us as citizen will cost us more tax money to pay and i dont think people would want that on their back.

Edgar S

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on 1A because even though we want safe fast reliable sources of transportation this project will require a substancial amount of money that will only come from taxpayers and in this crizis some cannot afford to get their taxes raced for something that they are not even going to use and this project will take time most of us will pay something that we won't even use

Anonymous said...

The comment with no name was from Miguel flores p.5