Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Current Event #10

Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:

1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)

NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit


Anonymous said...

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- Somali pirates hijacked their seventh ship in 12 days on Tuesday, as the U.S. Navy reported that pirates had seized an Iranian cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden.

U.S. Navy Commander Jane Campbell of the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet said the bulk cargo carrier was flying a Hong Kong flag but was operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines. The status of the crew or the cargo was not known, she said.

Elsewhere, pirates anchored a hijacked Saudi supertanker loaded with $100 million in crude oil off the Somali coast on Tuesday, causing residents in impoverished fishing villages to gawk in amazement at the size of the 1,080 foot (329 meter) tanker.

Pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia have surged recently, despite the presence of NATO ships, U.S. warships and a Russian frigate all working to prevent piracy in one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.

International Maritime Bureau on Sunday reported five hijackings since Nov. 7, before the hijackings of the Saudi ship or the Iranian ship were announced.

With few other options, shipowners in past piracy cases have ended up paying ransoms for their ships, cargos and crew.

No intervention for now

The U.S. and other naval forces decided against intervention for now. NATO said it would not divert any of its three warships from the Gulf of Aden and the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet also said it did not expect to send ships to try to intercept the Saudi supertanker, the MV Sirius Star. The tanker was seized over the weekend about 450 nautical miles off the Kenyan coast.

Never before have Somali pirates seized such a giant ship so far out to sea - and never a vessel so large. The captors of the Sirius Star anchored the ship, with a full load of 2 million barrels of oil and 25 crew members, close to a main pirate den on the Somali coast, Harardhere.

"As usual, I woke up at 3 a.m. and headed for the sea to fish, but I saw a very, very large ship anchored less than three miles off the shore," said Abdinur Haji, a fisherman in Harardhere.

"I have been fishing here for three decades, but I have never seen a ship as big as this one," he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "There are dozens of spectators on shore trying to catch a glimpse of the large ship."

He said two small boats floated out to the ship and 18 men - presumably other pirates - climbed aboard with a rope ladder. Spectators watched as a small boat carried food and qat, a narcotic leaf popular in Somalia, to the supertanker.

Piracy is 'a disease...against everybody'

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal called the hijacking "an outrageous act" and said "piracy, like terrorism, is a disease which is against everybody, and everybody must address it together."

Speaking during a visit to Athens on Tuesday, he said Saudi Arabia would join an international initiative against piracy in the Red Sea area, where more than 80 pirate attacks have taken place this year.

He did not elaborate on what steps the kingdom would take to better protect its vital oil tankers. Saudi Arabia's French-equipped navy has 18,000-20,000 personnel, but has never taken part in any high-seas fighting.

Meanwhile, the Norwegian shipping group Odfjell SE said it ordered its more than 90 tankers to sail all the way around Africa to avoid the risk of attack by Somali pirates. That means their ships will go past South Africa's Cape of Good Hope instead of taking the Suez Canal shortcut through the Gulf of Aden.

"We will no longer expose our crew to the risk of being hijacked and held for ransom by pirates in the Gulf of Aden," said Terje Storeng, Odfjell's president and chief executive.

Experts say the much longer journey adds 12 to 15 days to a tanker's trip, at a cost of between $20,000-$30,000 a day.

Abdullkadir Musa, the deputy sea port minister in northern Somalia's breakaway Puntland region, said if the ship tries to anchor anywhere near Eyl - where the U.S. earlier said it was heading - then his forces will try to rescue it.

Forces from Puntland have sometimes confronted pirates, though Somalia's weak central government, which is fighting Islamic insurgents, has been unable to mount a response to increasing piracy.

Puntland forces, their guns blazing, freed a Panama-flagged cargo ship from pirates on Oct. 14.

Crew 'believed to be safe'

The Dubai-based owner of the Saudi tanker, Vela International Marine Ltd., said the oil tanker's 25 crew members "are believed to be safe." The statement made no mention of a ransom or contacts with the bandits.

The Sirius Star's cargo is worth about $100 million at current prices, but the pirates have no known way to unload it from the tanker.

In Vienna, Ehsan Ul-Haq, chief analyst at JBC Energy, said the seizure was not affecting oil prices, since traders were focused instead on "the overall economy."

The U.S. Navy is still surrounding a Ukrainian ship loaded with tanks and other weaponry that was seized by pirates Sept. 25 off the Somali coast.

Pirates hijack giant oil tanker

Oil edges off lows, goes above $55

I believe that there are no pirates but the U.S gov stealing oil

thats why the prices are going down
Miguel F.

Anonymous said...


Alaska senator Ted Stevens lost his bid for his 7th term.he lost it because he had 7 felony convictions.i think that it was right for this man to lose his bid i mean if he has seven felony convictions he has no right to tell anyone else under him what to do or make any choices for anybody else.
if i could interview anyb ody else i would want to interview the people of alaska to see how they feel about having a convicted felon for a senator

ameer W. p.5

Anonymous said...


nestle recalls 900,000 pounds of lean cuisine.all over the nation there have been consumers reporting that they have bought this product and when they preparedit or they either seen or even taken a bight in to some hard blue plastic .
the USDA says its a health hazard they say it can cause death by cutting the inside of your throat. or cause injuries by cuting your mouth.
i think someone needs to sue this company because it is not right for people to rick their lives for a mistake made by someone else i think the company needs to do more than just have a recall.
if i could interview anybody i would interview the factory workers and ask them what went on when these foods were being sold

ameer W. p.5

Anonymous said...


small computer makers claim that apple is a monopoly because it tightly controls which computer makers build machines using its macintosh operating system software.the judge dimissedthe charges on tuesday. the judge says that the products dont constitute a market to dominate.
i think the small bussinesses aree just mad because the are not as big as apple and that is not apples fault.there is no one i would interview.

ameer W.

Anonymous said...


Scientist in Mexico have found a method of producing synthetic diamonds using tequila, Mexico's favorite alcoholic drink. The amazing discovery was made by physicists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and could have many industrial uses. The only bad thing is that the synthetic diamonds are too small to be worn as jewelry. Mexico produces hundreds of millions of litres of tequila every year. Annual sales to the US alone are worth about $500m. The head of the scientific team, Miguel Apatica explained to the BBC how they came up with their discovery. "First of all we turn the liquid tequila into vapour by using a lot of heat. The gas molecules are then broken up into tiny particles. Then we increase the heat even further - to around 800 degrees celsius." Although they cannot be used for jewellery, there are plenty of practical applications for them. They can be used as an alternative to silicone in computer chips or as ultra fine cutting instruments in medical procedures. One advantage of making diamond film from tequila is that it is extremely cheap. The scientists found that even the cheapest of tequila brands, averaging at $3 a bottle, are good enough to make diamonds.

I think that this article was entertaining. Who would have thought that diamonds could be made out of tequila! I guess it just makes tequila that much better now. I think that’s awesome. Especially because Mexican scientist discovered that.
It sucks that the diamonds can’t be made big enough for it to be worn as jewelry. It’s ok though because they can be used as many other different kinds of things. It’s not the greatest discovery but it’s an interesting fact to know. Maybe some day I’ll make my own diamonds out of tequila but I doubt it.

If I was to interview anybody else I really don’t know who would it be. I would interview other scientist that worked on the experiment. I want to know how they came up with the idea that diamonds could be made out of tequila. Or why they even tried it. I think that they were just curious of what would happen if they heat up tequila or something like that. They were probably drunk I don’t know.

Juan E.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


mickey mouse turns 80 years old. it turns out that mickey mouse actully supposed to be a rabbit named oswald but he lost the rights to have a rabbit and came up with a mouse and the original name was supposed to be mortimer but walt disneys wife like the name mickey better so he changed the name. i think it was better that walt disney did not get the rights to have a rabbit i think walt disney made a good choice at making micky mouse ... mouse. just imagine how weird disney land would look with a giant rabbit on it.

Anonymous said...


water pressures are said to have made the fight against the recent wild fires that spread to yorba linda. residents say that they have been complaining about the water pressues for years . the department of water says the the water belongs to the parks and thehydrants donot have enough power to put out a fire of that magnitude anyway. i think the people whose houses were burning dow were right they need to put mor pressure in those hydrants so that they canbe able to fight off danger such as critical fires.

ameer W.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #10

Title:State Supreme Court to hear challenges to Prop. 8

So what is the big idea with pro 8 that still has everyone talking about even though election day is over????well turns out that many people are going in the streets of San Francisco to get the word out that Gay and lesbian marriage should be allowed in the state of california instead of having our constution ban it.The article explains how in prop 8 "the justices voted 6-1 to grant review of lawsuits challenging the Nov. 4 initiative, with Justice Joyce Kennard dissenting". This will allow the case tp be brought up again and Attorney General Jerry Brown will be the one defending Prop. 8 as the state's chief lawyer.So why is this not over since November 4. simply because ""This goes far beyond same-sex marriage," Herrera said. "It's about equal protection of the law for all Californians".

I would interview Attorney General Jerry Brown to ask him and get to know his point of view on all this. Also to know exactly what his arguing points will be, because this is a hard ,matter to discuss, and a simple yes or no will not do to the people.Im sure he is very scared and excited for this day to come when he gets to speak about out loud, but it must be hard to put in a position of representing one whole side when many people are aginst you.

Overall i am not happy that this issue still going on, there was the time to vote your opinion. The people either voted yes or no, and it pssed with a yes, because thats what the people voted most for.They should just let it go and do whatever they want.If a man wants to be with a man,okay, women with women, okay, man with women, even better.America is supposed to be free country, so let em' be.I know traditional marriage is the right way and should be the only way, but people can't go their whole life hiding behind their closet.This whole thing should just be over already.

Genesis Hernandez
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Juan E
i bet u the scientist was drunk and accidently found out the next day because he was pouring alcohol everywere because that happens, not that i know of

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...


The article that I read is about a court in california that is going to review prop 8. The reason that they are looking at it is that many cities callenged the ruleing. The people who are protesting are getting a day in court to state their feelings.

This article is very interesting because i didnt think that anyone would protest it. If i could interview anyone it would be the person who made the protest happen.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


In Los Angeles a woman named Lori Drew had created a false account on myspace, she pretended to be a young teenage boy named Josh Evans. The victims name was Megan Meier. Ms. Drew created this account in order to find out information about Megan and things that she might have been saying about Ms. Drew's daughter named Sarah, a former friend. Eventually after a few weeks of chatting Josh Evans began to send Megan nasty and disturbing messages and also had told her that the world would be better off without her. all this was said on myspace, in results to that she ended up committing suicide. Ms. Drews goal was to embarrass her, to humiliate her, to make fun of her and to hurt her.Ms. Drew knew of Megan’s history of depression and attention-deficit disorder, he said, because Ms. Drew had given Megan her medicine when she vacationed with the Drew family. Ms. Drews was not charged with having anything to do with Megans death. Ms.Drew said that as a mother you have to do things to protect your daughter/children.

If i were to interview Ms. Drew i would ask her that why would she act so childish and pretend to be a teenage boy. If there were conflicts between her daughter and Megan then she could have spoken to the mother. If Megan committed suicide it may have something to do with Ms. Drew because first Ms. Drew just wanted to find out what conflict was going on between Megan and her daughter but she ended up tormenting her by sending inappropriate messages.

Jessy V.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #10
Gays get right to marry in US state Connecticut
This article is about gay people getting the right to wed in Connecticut. They passed the bill by a vote of 4-3, and many gay people where really happy. Most of the gay people there plan on talking to the gay community in California so they can over turn prop 8.
Well I chose this article because it really grabbed my attention because we just voted on that. But in our case the same sex marriage bill did not pass that is why I chose this article. That some where else in the United States same sex marriage is legal.
If I could interview anyone I would interview a same sex couple. I would ask them how they feel about the fact that the bill passed in another state. Also if they are going to still fight for the same sex marriage bill to be over turned. Also if they plan on moving to a state that that allows same sex marriage.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...


California Court to Review Gay Marriage

California's highest court have agreed to hear several challenges to the states new ban on Same-sex marriage on Wednesday. There has been three lawsuits seeking to nullify prop. 8. they are trying to overrule the court's decision on legalizing gay marriage.

I believe that they should just give it up. The people have already made their decision and if they wanted homo-sexuals to get married, they would have voted to legalize it. It's an old issue, they should talk about legalizing something everybody appreciates like cannibus.

I would want to interview one of the judges and see what they think about this issue.

Joshua C.
per. 5

Anonymous said...


this is an article about the wildfires that were goin on. this tell us that there are some students between the ages of 18-22 that are being blammed all because betweeen the housr of 2 am and 3 am in the morning they were having a bonfire. they had thought to turn off all the fire but fire officials say that the winds started to carry the fires along and only made things worst. it appears this fire was the result of carelessness, not criminal intent.The fire burned intensely into the weekend, chewing up 1,900 acres and injuring more than two dozen people, including a Montecito couple who remained in critical condition Tuesday. Lance and Carla Hoffman, both 29, were severely burned while fleeing their home, which was destroyed.

i honestsly think that the fires were not started because thats what was suppose to happen but i belive that the fires started on accident and i strongly think that this accident could have easily happened to anyone! and even though this was something really sad for all those who lost home i honestly think that the students that are to blame for this should talk and appologize to the people althoughtthis wouldnt bring back there homes it might make them feel a bit better!

if i couold interview anyone i would have to say i would interview three people i would interview a fire offical, and ask him or her what they think about all this and i would also interview someone that lost there home and lastly one of the students that started the fires!

diane segura
per 5

Anonymous said...


The governor Arnold Schwarzenegger warn groups of leaders about the potential cuts of education. He said that California is still sufferring from a $10 billion budget shortfall. The crisis could cost public schools another $2 billion to $4 billion in funding. A lot of Orange County educators are angry over deeper cuts because schools can lose about $320 to $640 per student. School districts across Orange County cut a combined $150 million as a result.

I think this is really a bad move done by the governor. There are other options that to cut schools fundings. All ready he has cut salaries and funding and now he wants to cut even more money to schools. Soon no one is going to work as a teacher. Students will be more crowded in rooms. Education will go down the drain and no one is going to want to come to school in California. There are a lot of private companies in California who can donate money and there are other resources that cutting funding. If he cuts schools funding he might resolve the budget crisis but he will get himself even more into an education crisis in California.

I would interview the governor. To ask him if he has thought of the long term consequences of the plan he wants to convey. Is it worth cutting school fundings or is the easiest way out of the budget crisis?
-Stephanie B. per2

Anonymous said...


Rally for gay marriage held at NYC Mormon temple
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NEW YORK - Several hundred protesters have gathered outside a Mormon temple in New York City to protest its endorsement of a ban on same-sex marriage in California. Protesters lined both sides of Columbus Ave. outside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints near Lincoln Center on Wednesday evening. Mormons leaders had encouraged its members to support passage of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state. Several protesters held signs asking "Did you cast a ballot or a stone?" while other signs read "Love not H8." The rally was held several hours after Connecticut legally allowed same-sex couples the right to marry. Massachusetts is the only other state that allows gay marriage.

I think that ‘Gay People’ should accept the fact that the same-sex marriage are not allowed in California. Californians had already spoken and they should respect that. They can be friends. Just Friends. But at the same time, I feel sad for them because they thought they were not given the same equal rights as other people have.

If I would interview someone else, I would interview some of the protestors. Ask them how they feel towards other people who were opposing the same-sex marriage and to the government.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/20/military.execution/?iref=mpstoryview

this article is about A U.S. soldier convicted of rape and murder two decades ago that will be executed December 10 in the nation's first military execution since 1961. Pvt. Ronald Gray has been on the military's death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, since 1988. A court-martial panel sitting at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, unanimously convicted him of committing two murders and other crimes in the Fayetteville, North Carolina, area, and sentenced him to death. Gray pleaded guilty to two murders and five rapes in a civilian court and was sentenced to three consecutive and five concurrent life terms. in July, president Bush approved the Army's request to exectue Gray. the article then goes on to talk about other cases were members of the U.S. military were executed.

in all honestly i really do not think much of this article. in all fairness it did grab my attention instantly however, i really do not have any comments regarding it.

interview: if i could interview another person for this article it would be President Bush because he was the one who granted permission to execute the soldier. i mean there is a reason why other presidents hadn't granted that order why did Bush?

elizabeth c.
period 2

Anonymous said...

Joshua C- Your Article was same as mine. I agree with you. Homo-sexual people should just give up. They could be friends. And not getting to the point where they’ll get married. Maybe after 4 years, on election day, they could please the people and approve their Issues.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Diane S.- I agree to what you said. I don’t think they should blame the students though because Wild fire can happen anywhere at anytime. I felt sorry for those people who lost their homes. No one knows when they can afford a new homes again. We should help and donate something.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

A 61 year old woman is being accused for first degree murder. In July of 1969 a 3 year old girl was killed, by her mother. Donna Prentice blames her then boyfriend James Michael Kent who she assumes; Kent was “a psychopath”. Who happens to be abusive to women and children’s? Prentice and Kent were arrested and charged with Michelle Pulsifer’s death in 2004 after a private investigator hired by the Pulsifer family. They found no evidence that the little girl ever existed after July 1969. My opinion towards this article is just plain devastating. I can’t believe there are sick people out there going the extra mile. A child doesn’t know what right or wrong is. Especially at an age of just 3 years old. I have a baby brother who just turned 2 years old and he’s the world. I wouldn’t be happy if something terrible happen to him. If I could interview anyone it would probably be Donna Prentice. Her attorney may insist that she is a “good, loving, nurturing mother”. I think she is a sick woman who didn’t deserve a child. A child is a gift who came into the world innocent and pure. Instead, she came for a little while and died.

Mayra S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This report was about how its always hard to get through airport security when traveling to other places. Well it seams that this year is going to be different because family lines. The family lines where designed so the people could go faster through security. Its for people who don’t know the procedure like taking of your belt and keys or who people who just want to go on their own past. This would make the rest of the lines go faster.
I think that this is a great idea and it came right on time for the holidays so people could travel more comfortable.
If I were to interview someone it would me the people who don’t travel often and who for the line was designed for. Just to see if they like this idea or don’t because this would be the line which would be going slow.
Noemi S.

Anonymous said...

hilary clinton is going to be nominated after thanksgiving to be the next secretary of state and president-elected obama says that everything is on track for clinton to be the nation's top diplomat, but an announcement will not come until after thanksgiving. hilary and obama came face to face after serving a wek on his cabinet in chicago and they were discussing about the hope of her achieveing the post as secretary of the state

Ivon G.
per. 2

Anonymous said...

Title: Teen's Mom Testifies in MySpace Hoax Trial

Link: http://www.abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/Story?id=6297275&page=1

Federal prosecutors on Wednesday accused a suburban mother of using MySpace to prey on an insecure teenager who later committed suicide. Prosecutors say Lori Drew, 49, along with her daughter and an assistant, used the social networking Web site to pretend to be a 16-year-old boy named "Josh," who befriended, flirted with and ultimately rejected Megan Meier, a 13-year-old who lived down the street. Megan killed herself, prosecutors said, after receiving nasty messages from "Josh." Drew has been charged with conspiracy and three counts of unauthorized access to protected computers; each charge carries a maximum five-year prison term. She has pleaded not guilty and, if convicted, will likely face a lower sentence under federal guidelines. Meier, the girl’s mother, ran upstairs and found Megan hanging in the closet with a belt around her neck. She died the next day. Drew's lawyer, Dean Steward, has said that Drew did not encourage or participate in the hoax and was not aware of the mean messages being sent to Meier. The trial, in federal court in Los Angeles, will focus not on whether Drew caused Megan to commit suicide, but on a seemingly more mundane issue: whether Drew violated MySpace's terms of service in order to inflict emotional distress on Megan. The case is believed to be one of the first of its kind to use the statute barring unauthorized access to computers, which has previously been used to combat computer hacking, to address so-called cyberbullying. Drew's assistant, 18-year-old Ashley Grills, previously admitted to writing the message that said the world would be better of without Megan. Grills, who has not been charged, is expected to testify against Drew. Tina Meier told jurors on Wednesday that her daughter was taking medication for attention deficit disorder and depression, and that she struggled with low self-esteem. Prosecutors contend that Drew suspected that Megan was spreading rumors about her daughter. They say Drew, her daughter and Grills set up a fake MySpace account in the name of Josh Evans, an attractive 16-year-old boy who was new in town, to spy on Megan. They allegedly used the Josh Evans account to contact and befriend Megan. Within a few days, Drew encouraged her daughter and Grills to flirt with Megan and planned to lure the teenager to the mall to confront her with the hoax and taunt her, prosecutors say. In October 2006, another neighborhood girl obtained the password to the Josh account and sent Megan a message saying that Josh no longer wanted to be her friend. The next day, an online argument escalated until Grills, posing as Josh, told Megan the world would be a better place without her in it, prosecutors say. Grills said during an interview with "Good Morning America" she wrote that final message in an effort to end the online relationship with Josh because she felt the joke had gone too far. Drew has previously denied involvement in the hoax, saying she didn't know about the mean messages being sent to Megan. Her daughter, whose name is being withheld because of privacy concerns, has also not been charged.

I think this 49-year-old lady acted ridculously. She acted completely childish. What she did is something an immature junior higher or high schooler would do. I also think it is dumb that she is the only one being charged when her assistant and daughter also participated. Her assistant has even admitted she wrote the last message before the girl's suicide on national TV! It is only fair that they are all tried and most importantly, found guilty. I also think it is dumb that this case is mainly about violating Myspace's terms rather than a girl who is now dead thanks to these immature, ignorant, low life people.

If I could interview someone I would interview the 49-year-old woman. Honestly I would ask her if she remember how old she is and what the hell she was thinking. I would tell her to grow up and rott in prison.

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Summary: This article is about an Arizona woman who was thought to have a brain tumor, but ended up being something they least expected. At first the woman thought she had a fever, but after odd symptoms it was possible it was much worse. Rosemary Alvarez had been experiencing blurred vision and numbness in her arm. Fearing the worst, her husband took her to the emergency room twice and doctors did not find anything after two cat scans. Then doctors decided to give her a MRI, that's when they noticed something out of the ordinary. Expecting to remove a brain tumor, Dr.Nakaji and his team of neurosurgeons found a worm! Doctor Nakaji's response was a chuckle after discovering it was nothing that life threatening. Doctors are not sure how she might have gotten the worm, but it is possible she might have gotten it from eating undercooked pork or contact with people who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Analyze: I thought this was an interesting article and it's kind of disturbing. You would expect to find worms in the mud ,but not inside a human brain. That's why it's so important to wash your hands after you go to the restroom and be more cautious when or if you eat pork. After reading this, I believe people should be more aware of this, even if it's rare.

Interview: I would interview a doctor and ask how often they find worms in brains during surgery. It would be much better if they wouldn't find any.

Leslie M.


Anonymous said...


This article is about a six-year-old girl who saved her little brother. Her name is katheine. She was in the van one morning with her brother and their mom left the car as she ran inside the house to drop of the newspaper. When she went inside without her knowing the van rolled backwards and thats when the little girl unbuckled herself and moved to the drivers seat and tried to turn the other way but that didnt work. So then she went back and grabbed a blanket and covered herself and her little brother to protect themselves from any glass. Once the van stopped she climbed out the window and ran up the cliff and into the house and told her mom that there was a little accident.

I think this little girl is very smart. Its an unbelieveable story especially because niether of the kids were hurt. Not even one little scratch. But what amazes me the most is the little girls reaction especially because shes only six!

If I was to interview anybody it would be the little girl and see what really went through her mind at the time.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


This article is about a senior tokyo police offical who was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. The ironic thing about it is that this officer is in charge of keeping the city's roads clear of drunk drivers. The deputy inspector was caught late monday after bumping into another car and veering off the road. "he smelled of alcohol and he couldn't walk straight," said a police official in Ibaraki.

I think this is one funny story, this guy is in charge of a campaign to stop drunk driving, but he does it himself! what a hypocrite! I don't this guy should get arrested, but i think he should get some sense slapped into him and should be kicked off the police force.

If i were to interview someone, of course i would interview the guy who was caught. I want to know why he would go through all that trouble trying to set a good example,running a campaign in charge of drunk driving and such, when he does it also.

Jeremy T.
Period 5

Anonymous said...


The article talks about of that a group of people protest against the tobacco companies. The people said that are their not against the smokers, there are against the companies that sell the tobacco. This people are people who practice sports, and said that the tobacco put the teenagers away for the sports.
The curious of all this is that the people are teenagers, that don’t want that more young people get in this kind of problem, their want that the companies get away for young people.

This article is really curios, because many of the smokers are teenagers, and this is a little estrange, the normal can be that the parents protest for their children

I want to interview the parents of these guys, to know the opinion, and if they support this movement

Jorge G
Period 2

Anonymous said...


ST. JAMES, N.Y. – A dog left inside a running van put the vehicle in drive, causing it to crash into a Long Island coffee house. Suffolk County police said no one was injured in the incident, which damaged the glass window and some patio furniture at Cool Beanz coffee shop in St. James.

Police said a 60-year-old Port Jefferson resident left the van running while he went into the shop. His dog, Bentley, somehow knocked the controls.

I think this article is funny, but what i don't get is why the man would leave his car on while he went into the store, even if it were for a quick stop i still would of turned the car off. Haha.
If i were to interview anyone it would be the owner of the vehicle and ask him why he would leave his car on, and ask him if he would sell me his dog for knowing how to drive. =]

Randy O.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

My current event was on how a carmaker has a idea for a cheap and environmentally friendly cars. He came up with an air-powered car. It can go at a top speed of 35 mph for 60 miles on a tank of compressed air, which is great for owners to go to work and complete daily chores. On highways this air car can go at interstate speeds for nearly 800 miles with a small motor that compresses air from outside to keep the tank full. It will burn diesel, gasoline or vegetable oil. This car has the highest mpg out of any cars. If it used only regular gasoline it can average 106 mpg, which is more than double the Toyota Prius. The cars air tank can be refilled when it is not being used by plugging it into a wall while the motor compresses air. This car is likely to be sold directly to consumers in 2011.
I think that it is so crazy how it can run on nothing but air and has crazy mpg. Although the car looks funky I still would want one because it is a total money saver. If I could interview anyone it would be one of the designers because I would like to know how it all works and see if they have any other ideas for the looks of it. I would also want to know how I can get my hands on it.

-Zachary P.


Anonymous said...


This my article is about Obama’s transition and “Change” that he claims he is going to make.

It is funny that some or most of the “changes” that Obama wants to make is going back to the Clinton administration instead of making a new one with better ideas and more diverse. I listen also in a radio show that Obama may not do everything he promised like giving healthcare to everyone and other billion project with out raising the tax in everyone. The reason I think is because by just taxing the rich we’ll still short in money. It was fun that this guy said that the Clintons people are very loyal to them and that it would be very interesting to see this change.

If I had to interview someone, I would have to interview the people that voted for Obama, and then ask them what they think about this change in time.

Andrea P


skyline330 said...


This article talks about President-elect Obama is on track to nominate Sen. Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state after Thanksgiving, three aides on Obama's transition team told CNN Thursday. Obama met last week with Clinton to discuss the possibility of her serving in his Cabinet.

i dont think it would be a good idea if clinton becomes a member of the senate for Obama, both are from totally different parties and both have different opinions and goals.

i would ask clinton about what would she do if she becomes a part of the senate to work for obama.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Juan E; I really liked your article because we have found new ways to make jewlery and use it for something else. Instead of using important elements on earth.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Dillon S; I really did not understand your article a whole lot. You did not expalin very well but I think that you are right that they should just leave it alone.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...


who-Hamid karzai(President of Afghanistan) and Barrack Obama
what is the article about....?
The article talks about President-elect Barrack Obama said that the United State Will assures and helps the people of Afghanistan from the war and bringing peace and stability to the country.
Where-Between Afghanistan and The U.S.

I think it's a good idea for bringing us to the peace. Because there are a lot of people died just because war and we want the world would be better without it.

if i had to ask somebody,i prefer to ask President Barrack Obama about it.

Firman P.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...


A Florida teenager committed suicide in front of a live webcam on Wednesday by taking an overdose of opiates and anti-depressants, which were given to him for his bipolar disorder, according to his father.
Abraham Biggs, 19, decided to end his life and told his audience through the website justin.TV. Some viewers egged him on, some tried to talk him out it and still some others did not take his word seriously because they said he said he was going to kill himself before.

You would never ever think that someone would ever just commit suicide. The real truth is that a person just doesn't want to do it in general,they are pushed to a point in which they feel they have no other option.Suicide is the finnal option for everyone but it doesnt accure to anyone why someone would ever do such a thing. Pain is evey mans enemy.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had to interview one person it would be Abraham's dad and i would ask why he had no idea why his son was even having these hard times.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


Basically this article is about the banning of fast-food adervertising in the United States. Apparently this will reduce child obesity by as much as 18 percent.

My opinion on this varies. As far as getting rid of it, I think in a way it's unfair. Many fast-food restaurants have tried hard to make their products and meals healthier, or atleast seem healthier. Restaurants have every right to advertise their food just as much as candy or soda companies have the right to advertise their stuff. Parents make the decision to feed their children. They don't have to put their kids in their car and drive them there.

If I was to interview anybody it would be the parents of these obese children. I would question them about their children's eating habits and why they would allow such a diet yet complain about advertising. Ultimately, it is a parent's decision how and what the child should do and eat in their life.

Paulina P.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Paulina P.- I agree with you when you say the parents are the problem and not the advertisements. The advertisers have nothing to do with how children eat, it the people who provide the food that are at fault and the parents drive them to the fast food places and feed their children the unhealthy, fattening food.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Jessy V.- Your article is about another sick person who finds satisfaction on sapping life out of people. Faking to be someone is one thing but faking to be someone and torturing a life in the process to the outcome victim to commit suicide is horrendous.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Jessy V.

Words cannot even begin to describe the kind of woman she was to make a fake account just to hurt this poor Megan girl. It is beyond wrong and evil. Not only was this girl prone to depression, but Ms. Drews was always aware of this. The fact that she got off with absolutely no charges is just terrible.

Paulina P.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Ameer W.

I agree with you. I think it is wrong for the company to allow plastic to be put in their meals and not do anything or attempt to do anything to remove them. They should be sued. DOWN WITH LEAN CUISINE!

Anonymous said...


Paulina P.
Period 5

skyline330 said...


President-elect Barack Obama's top adviser insisted Sunday that Obama's economic plan would be big enough to handle the country's financial challenges, but he declined to speculate about how large the plan would need to be.During the presidential campaign, Obama proposed a $175 billion stimulus package over a two-year period, but some of his economic advisers have said recently that the package would need to be much larger.

this article talks about the economic plans that obama has when he takes office in the white house and money plan that we all need to make this go away and his economic adviser said that tha the package would have to be much larger.

I would interview obamas advisers about how long and how much money is it going to take to fix this economic crisis.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Jordan A.- your article its very interesting because i saw that on the news the other day, its really disturbing why would this 19 year old guy kill himself in front of a webcam, what kind of people would do such a thing.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Veronia D.- this story is amazing that this little girl did for his bro, she save his life i dont hear stories like that anywhere even on the news , that girl is a hero. people should be like that more often in case of danger.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Jordan A.
dude the part that makes me sick is the other people telling him to go for it then when he was doing it they all laughed at him and started calling him a failure that is pretty messed up but wat is really messed up is that watched him take the pills and nobody even bothered to call the cops until eight hours later
Miguel F

Anonymous said...


middle class tax cuts?
remember the presidential campaign about middle class tax cut.
it could happen early this year.
it will play a central role.
expected a hundreds of billions in green energy.
he wants to lower tax cut for lower and middle class.
this might be a good idea for middle class and lower class for taxes it can help them when they are in need.
i would interview the tax payers and see what they think about this fantastic idea.


Anonymous said...


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some Democrats are growing impatient with President-elect Barack Obama, saying he's refused to inject himself into the nation's economic crisis.

Obama says there's only one president at a time. But House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank says the president-elect is going to have to be "more assertive" and play a more significant role on economic issues. Frank says Obama's mantra of only one president at a time, quote, "overstates the number of presidents we have." Frank says Obama's "got to remedy that situation."

Despite the criticism, Obama has maintained one of the most public images of any president-elect. He's held a-half dozen news conferences, fielding questions about the economy, the mortgage crisis and the faltering auto industry. He's even pressed lawmakers to have a massive economic stimulus package ready for him to sign as soon as he takes office next month.

i agree that Obama needs to start cairing now.... if he doesnt start doing something now.... he wont cair later....

jamie f.
per 5

Anonymous said...

ameer W.

I completly agree.... he has no right to tell any one what to do.

jamie f.

Anonymous said...

ameer W.

i agree.... peiople these days want only to get as much money as they can. they want to get the plans to mac. because then they can make duplicits and sell them just as much.

jamie f.