Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Current Event #9

Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:

1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)

NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit


Anonymous said...


This article is telling people not to throw those ‘I voted’ stickers because some places are giving away free stuff for the people who have voted. For instance, Krispy Crème is giving away a star shaped donuts to customers at selected locations. Starbucks is giving away 12 ounce cups of drip coffee for those who have already voted at most locations. Ben and Jerry’s are also joining in on this opportunity and giving out scoops of ice cream.

I think this is a good way to get people to vote because most people drink coffee and eat donuts. If I was old enough to vote and saw this article I would want to vote just so I can get my free donuts and coffee lol. This is a good way to bribe people to vote. This is a very big decision.

If I needed to interview someone else I would interview anyone that is eighteen. The reason I would interview anyone that is eighteen is because they can vote. Even if they don’t want to this article can try to get them to go and vote. These organizations have a great idea and more organizations should join in on this.

Darin D.
period 2

Anonymous said...


In Ramsey, Minn. a seven year old child came home from trick-o-treating and had meth in his candy bag along with skittles and snickers. The meth was worth about two hundred dollars on the street. The boy’s parents also found eighty five dollars in his candy bag. The boy said some kid ran up to him and asked if he wanted some candy and the young boy said sure so he dropped the meth in his bag.

I think this is why some parents don’t want their children going out on Halloween. Young kids are not alert of what kind of candy they get. They are just so excited to get their free candy and want to take it home and try it. It is very easy to get hurt Halloween because most people and their parents don’t check their candy before they eat it. If a young kid did take that meth they can easily overdose.

If I had to interview someone it would have to be a parent. I want to interview a parent because I want to see their reaction. I wonder what they would do if their child/children came home and had meth in their bag. Or what they would tell their children and if they would let them go out next year.

Darin D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

•A group of naked males was attempting to jump on the caller's truck, according to the Tustin police. When police arrived at the 600 block of Ambrose Lane, they were unable to find the naked males. Police received the call at 2:38 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 26.
•A vehicle burglary was interrupted at about 1:37 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 26. Police said the suspect was male, bald, wearing a white T-shirt and baggy pants. He was carrying a silver and black handgun. The attempted burglary occurred in the 14200 block of Newport Avenue at Newport Five

if i could interview some one it whould be the owner of the truck. i whould ask him wat was his reactions to the men.
jaime c. per2

Anonymous said...

Darin D.- I agree with you because it is a good motivation for people to go vote. If all people would know about this I think there would have been more voters. Its funny how you said if you were old enough to vote you would do it for the coffee and donuts. :P

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...


This article caught my attention because it was a head on car crash. There are many of these types of car crashes in this country. It is very sad because this young couple tat was in the car crash, Dotsie J. Irion and Clay J. newcomer, were both using there seatbelts but they both ended up dying. They had side swiped a dodge pick up, which was pulling a horse trailer, and lost control and went head on with a 2003 Kenworth truck.

I picked this article because I myself am afraid of getting into a car accident. I have almost been sideswiped on the freeway and it is a very scar feeling. I feel very bad for the victim’s families. It was not really there fault and they must have had a horrible feeling when they were going through this accident. I hope that I never have to experience a serious car accident or have to see one of my family or one of my friends go through a car accident. I would be very sad and I do not know what I would do if someone I knew died in a car accident.

If I had to interview someone about this article, I think I would interview the person who the couple had sideswiped. I would ask what they were thinking when all of this happened. And ask them how lucky they feel to come out unharmed. I would also ask them if they had ever encountered a serious car accident and what they would do to try to drive a little bit safer to not get into a car accident. I feel bad for these victims and I hope that I never have to go through a car crash.

Johnny Lopez
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #9
UPDATE 2-California stops gay marriage amid Obama victory
This article talks about how California was not the only state voting to stop gay marriage. Florida and Arizona were voting just like California and the proposition was passed in California. This proposition allowed that same sex could marry in California until they wanted to change the California Constitution so they could not marry. They also talk about how Obama won the 2008 election.
I liked this article because it talks about the elections that we are having this year. Also on how important they are for our country and for the people of the Untied States. It shows how important that some elections are and how they can change some ones life.
If I could interview anyone I would interview someone that is a homosexual and ask him/her how they feel about this. Also what are they going to do now that this bill has been passed.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

My current event was based on how astronomers, for the first time, think that they have found evidence of an alien solar system around a star that is able to be seen by the naked eye. The astronomers said that at least one and probably three planets are orbiting the star Epsilon Eridani, which is about 63 trillion miles from earth. The host star is slightly cooler than our sun and is much younger. It is about 850 million years old and our sun is 4.5 billion. "This really is a system like our solar system was when it was five times younger than it is now," said Massimo Marengo, an astronomer. "This system probably looks a lot like ours did when life first took root on Earth," said Dana Backman.

I think it is crazy that a solar system is like ours and it might have life on it. It blows my mind to think about. If I could interview someone I would want to interview a rocket scientist and see if there is a way we can send a machine with a camera to see what the planets look like.

-Zachary P.
Per. 2


Anonymous said...

Johnny L- I think your article was sad and i also dont want to get in a car accident. I feel bad for the family of the people who died and also the people who didn't die because the must feel so horrible for being the cause of those deaths.

-Zachary P.

Unknown said...


A boy named Brandon Crisp was found dead because he ran away from home because his father took away his XBOX because his grades were slipping. Microsoft was offering a $50,000 reward for anybody who found Brandon, his body was found in a cornfield on Wednesday.

I think this article is trying to warn parents whose children are hooked on gaming. The article is to inform people that video games can turn into a problem or an addiction if a child's game play isn't regulated or monitored. Parents probably shouldn't take away gaming privileges, maybe only allow a certain amount of time to play, so this doesn't happen to somebody else.

If I could interview somebody I would interview Brandon (The Boy) and ask him why he felt like he needed to run away just because of a game. And ask if he actually thought that running away would help him or get him closer to playing again. I would also ask him what it was like to be away from home so long.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Summary: This article is about a fourteen-year-old teen who decided to hide in a dumpster. This happened on a Tuesday afternoon, when the boy had run away and tried to hide from the Milwaukee Leadership Training Center, in a dumpster for recycling cardboard. The dumpster was then picked up and went on with the usual. After unloading the cardboard, a worker saw the boy's body and dug him out, along with help from the manager. They called the paramedics, who checked on him and reported that he was not harmed.

Analysis: I thought this article was rare, people don't hide in dumpsters. If the boy heard the waste management truck,he should have gotten out before he was thrown in the back of the truck with the rest of the cardboard.

Interview: If I could interview anyone that was not mentioned in this article, I would interview his parents. I would tell them to keep a close eye on their son and to be a little more cautious. They're lucky their son wasn't killed in the waste truck.

Leslie M.


Anonymous said...


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced a financial rescue plan for the state government that includes a 1.5% point hike in the state retail tax that would take Orange County’s sales tax rate to 9.25% and the state would get 6.5%. The cash is needed to help the $11 billion deficit in this year’s budget.Overall Arnold is proposing $4.5 billion in difficult cuts and $4.4 billion in new revenues for the current year budget. He called a special session of the legislature to handle the funding crisis.

I think it is not a good plan. The economy is barely getting better and he all ready wants to raise taxes. Right now the people need money and they dont need for the government to raise taxes especially in the o.c.

i would interview Barak Obama. I want to see how he feels about the economy. How he thinks arnord is handeling.
-Stephanie B. per2

Anonymous said...


This Article essentially says that women who suffer from constant migranes are 30% less likely to suffer from breast cancer as they grow older. This could be due to circulating hormones. Also, the medication women take to control their headache pain could also be a reason why it puts them at a reduced risk. There is evidence that use of NSAIDs is protective against breast cancer, so part of this reduction could be related to use of that medication, though it is unlikely to account for the whole reduction

When I read this article my first reaction was.. "What?" Well, since it helps reduce breast reduction it's natural to think that women will want to have more migranes :-/
Maybe women will start going to the doctor to get medicine to give them migranes? I would like to see how this plays out and how it will affect women today.

If I were to interview someone about this topic it would be the science team who found this discovery, and I would ask them questions on how they found out and if they laughed when they found out that something as bad as migranes could reduce breast cancer.

-Alejandro C.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


Christina Sajor Reeder, 42, was sentenced to 16 years in prison for leaving a woman dead and her son with severe injuries when she intentionally drove her SUV into the back of a sedan. She was charged for second-degree murder with implied malice and felony child abuse. The child abuse charge is because she had her 2-year-old daughter in the rear seat of her car when she slammed into the car. The lady who died was with her son in the car waiting on a red light when Christina hit them at 80 mph making no attempt to stop or avoid the car. She testified that she was diagnosed bipolar and denied she ever stopped taking her medication.

I think its sad how knowing that she has her daughter in the car and putting her at great risk she was still able to do it. I dont even know how anybody would have the guts to do something like that. Now she has to spend 16 years of her life in prison for something so unnecessary.

If I was to interview anybody it would obviously be her. I would ask her what she was thinking. Why she did it and how could she do it knowing that her daughter was in the rear seat of her car.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


this article talks about More than 3,000 protesters who marched near the landmark Los Angeles California Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- in the day in Westwood.the no on prop 8 supporters, were waving banners and chanting. A similar protests occurred on Wednesday night in Hollywood and West Hollywood.
At least seven people were arrested, four at the intersection of Hollywood and Highland, where one man jumped on top of a police car. Television cameras captured one protester struggling with officers and being struck on the legs by batons.

i think that this is actually pretty cool that a bunch a people can come to supposrt the gays rights. this pretty much reminds me of the walk outs that they were having for the mexicans. but i honestly think that the people that were drunk and got arrested should be an example to others and that they shouldnt show up to portest drunk because that only makes the supporters of no on prop 8 its good that they all came together to prove a point to others but they should try and do it in a right way with out any violence because if things get out of hand it would only make things worst for them!

if i could interview anyone it would be the people that are doingg the protest and the people who organizefd it! i would ask them the reason why they did this and how is it that they got so many people ghathered in one place the the passed days and how it still keeps happening!

diane segura!
per 5

Anonymous said...


Americans joyous, worried after Obama victory
Wed Nov 5, 2008

CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Americans woke with joy, cautious optimism and frank worry on Wednesday after the historic win by Democrat Barack Obama, who went from long shot to president-elect on the promise of change. Just hours after Obama's victory speech to thousands of cheering supporters in Chicago, ordinary Americans headed to work clutching coffees and carrying newspapers that proclaimed Obama's place in history as the first black U.S. president. Obama rode a wave of voter discontent to triumph over Republican John McCain, while his fellow Democrats won increased majorities in Congress, as Americans emphatically rejected Republican President George W. Bush's eight years in office. Andrews, 23, said she cried as she watched Obama's victory on television late on Tuesday night, amazed that America had taken such a great step in its long and troubled racial history. Even McCain supporter John Ward cheered Obama's victory as a great historic leap for America.

I think this article is pretty interesting. At last the people of the United States of America had already spoken. Barack Obama’s victory was pretty historic.

If I were to interview someone else, I would interview our new president Barack Obama. Now, that he had won. I would like to ask him what kind of changes he will bring, make and do for the U.S.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This article is about the history that will follow president George W. Bush through out history and the decisions he made as president. There are more bad things that will follow then good things. Some of the bad things that he is being hold responsible for is 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and the financial crisis in the U.S. The once who criticized him said President Bush is to be compared to Harry Truman that maybe his reputation will improved through history.
I do agree with the comments said because what you do follows you through out history. It could also be taken as a warning to other president so they wont mess up so they could be seen as good presidents through out history. But also a person shouldn’t be blame for everything.
If I were to interview someone it would be Obama to see what he thinks, and if maybe this could be his future when he finishes his term.
Noemi S.
Per 5

Anonymous said...

Darin D.
I think that, that is a good way of getting people to vote too. Its like if people were doing their good deed that benifits them and are being given a treat for that which I think thats great.
Noemi S.
Per 5

Anonymous said...

This article is about McCain and Pailin. Tension has been building between McCain and Pailin for the past month. It seems everyone is questioning Sarah Palin's expensive wardrobe. Which questions the loss of the presidential? After losing the election, comments have been said about each other and a Republican lawyer will fly to Alaska and retrieve the cloths from her possession. I think that they should not be attacking each other, McCain chose her for a reason and she accepted. Why attack your supporter, when in the first place you chose who you wanted. Eventually someone was going to win and someone was going to lose. Apparently losing was not an option for them. If I could interview anyone, it would probably be McCain. As to why he picked her? Now he is going against her. Why are you picking fights? Leave it, as is, its not killing you.
Mayra S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


This article is about how during this 2008 presidential campaign in the summer, computers that were carrying policies from both barack obama and John McCain, were hacked by a foreign country or organization. Files containing probable future policies for each candidate were taken and it is under investigation now. The source, of the information on the hacking said the sophisticated intrusions appeared aimed at gaining information about the evolution of policy positions in order to gain leverage in future dealings with whomever was elected.

i think this article is very significant because i tell us of the posibility of another nation having something to hold over our heads. I think this makes Americans look dumb ou rpresidential candidates cannot even protect their computers and their information.

if i were to interview anyone who was not interviewed, i would probably talk to obama and McCain to ask why their info wasnt protected and ask how important the files were that were stolen.

Andrew M.
period 2

Anonymous said...

This article is about a teacher who was accused of having sex with a student at El Modena high school. Her name is Carlie Rose Attebury and she was the band director at El Modena high school. She is 29 years old. She was arrested on October 13th and was released on October 14th after she had posted a $50,000 bond. She was “charged with eight felony counts: two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and six other counts, including dissuading a witness from reporting a crime.”

I thought this article was interesting because I think that this happens in most schools, but it’s just not talked about. Like 2 years ago when Ms. Jaeger was accused of having sex with a student and none of the teachers talked about it, she was just gone and we had a substitute for half of the year with no explanation. I also found it gross because she was twice his age when the accused incident happened.

If I were to interview someone, I would interview the teacher because I would want to know if it was true and what she was thinking when she did it. I would also ask why she would do it with a student who was HALF her age when there are other people who are of legal age.

Brianna H Period 2

Anonymous said...


Mothers in Kenya have marked Barack Obama's historic win in the US presidential elections by naming their newborns after him and his wife. More than half of the babies born in a Kisumu Hospital on the day after the election were named either Barack or Michelle Obama. Kisumu is close to the village where Mr Obama's father was born and raised and Mr Obama is a local hero. The region erupted in celebration after Obama won the election. Out of 15 babies born in the New Nyanza Provincial Hospital in the western city of Kisumu on Wednesday, five boys were named Barack Obama and three girls were called Michelle. Some of the mothers said they admired the couple and hoped that their children would be inspired to reach for great heights by sharing the names.

I thought that the article was interesting because all of those 15 kids where named after Barack and his wife. There was this lady that had twins and decided to name the girl Michelle and the boy Barack. The people of that region must really love Obama to name their sons and daughters after them. She said that even if Obama didn't win the election she would still have named them after Obama and his wife. She has offered Obama and his wife to come look at her children.
The people from there must really look up to Obama. They respect him so much because of the accomplishments that he has achieved. Since Obama's father was born around I understand why they feel that way towards him. Hopefully all those children look up to Obama and strive to achieve what Obama has achieved.

If I was to interview anybody else I would like to intervew Obama and his wife. I would ask them what they think about all of those children being named after them. And how they feel.

Juan E.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Diane S.-I agree that is pretty cool that they got police beating up protesters. But the real fact is, those protesters are sore losers and can't hanldle the fact that majority voted yes on prop 8.
Daniel S.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Juan E.-I agree that is pretty cool even though in my opinion he should have lost. If I was someone that lived in Kenya I would do the same considering he's a local hero there.
Daniel S.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Darin D.-I agree that parents don't normally check the candy bag their children come home with because usually it has regular candy in it. To whoever is stupid enough to give kids meth should be locked away for a long time.
Daniel S.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Title: Supremacists Deny Obama Death Plot Charges

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/06/obama.plot.indictment/index.html

Two white supremacists pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges of how they plotted to kill now-President-elect Barack Obama in the days before the election. Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, appeared Thursday for arraignment before a U.S. magistrate in Memphis, Tennessee. A spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office said no trial date for the two has been set. A grand jury indicted both men on charges of illegally possessing a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federally licensed gun dealer and making threats against a presidential candidate. Prosecutors allege they plotted a "killing spree" against African-Americans and hoped to cap their rampage with an assassination attempt against Obama. According to court documents, Cowart and Schlesselman planned to kill more than 100 African-Americans, including 14 who would be beheaded. They planned to cap the killing spree by charging at Obama with a car, firing from the windows as they went, dressed in white tuxedos and top hats. The two were arrested last month. According to an affidavit from a federal agent who questioned them, they backed out of an October 21 attempt to rob a gun dealer after spotting two cars and a dog. They shot out the window of a church on their way back to Cowart's grandfather's home in Tennessee, where they were arrested the next day. Federal law enforcement sources said there was no evidence that Cowart, of Bells, Tennessee, and Schlesselman, of West Helena, Arkansas, had any details of Obama's schedule. The two are being held without opportunity for bail.

I definitely believe these men are guilty of what they're being accused of. I guess it wouldn't be very precise to mention that the states they come from (Arkansas and Tennessee) are still very racist, but from my point of view they are, and the fact that what was being planned by these two considering where they come from, makes complete sense to me. I am just thankful they were caught before they could have hurt anyone, because their planned sounds extremely brutal and just plain horrible. I think maybe the part of attacking Obama had no chance, but other African Americans could have been hurt.

If I could interview someone I would interview Obama. I would like to see what he thought about this attempted/planned attack against him and how safe he really feels, especially now that he is going to be the President of the United States. I would also maybe interview some African Americans that lived in the same cities and states as the men who were attempting to hurt a lot of them. I would love to see what they had to say.

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...


President Barack Obama surprises the public with his choice of his first cabinent, Rep. Rahm Emanuel from Illinois. He accepted Obama's offer to be White House chief of staff. The purpose of the Chief of Staff is to oversee and coordinate activities and communitcation among many departments of the administration. Obama chose Rahm because he is a brilliant strategic thinker and knows how to get things done. Speculations of Emanuel being a partisan is "rediculous" quoted Manely. Rahms way of politics is the art of compromise. "To get things done you have to compromise," says Rahm. The house minority leader John Boehner questions Obama's choice of cabinet. Rahm holds a respectable reputation. He is the fourth highest-ranking member of the chamber's Democratic leadership. He also worked with president Clinton's first presidential campaign and served as a White house advisor to Clinton.

I believe Obama's choice of president-elect Rahm is a great decision. He knows what hes doing and can be a great help in political strategies. I believe in Obama's plan for the better. I would have like to see an interview from Bill Clinton to see his feedback of Rahm.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


The article talk about of here, in the state of California, the taxes are going up in next two years, this said the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and all this is because of the money needed to the propositions. The new taxes are coming for the year 2010, but many of the people and the republicans are against this decision of the Governor. Principally the taxes are going to be for the oil and the alcohol.

The article is very short, and I think that can be more information of this theme. This theme is very important for all the California residents; the periodic should put more information in this theme.

I like to interview to the Governor, because if he see that the people don’t have money, how can they pay all the new taxes, this is crazy.

Jorge G.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


A new zealand rape victim drove her rapist to the police station after he fell asleep in his car. Vipul Sharma, age 22, was found guilty of abduction and two charges of rape. Sharma met the woman at a bar in 2006 and later drove her to a park where he raped her in the back seat. After the attack, sharma allowed the woman to drive while he slept in the passenger seat, so she drove to the police station where he was arrested.

I love articles like this, it shows how stupid some people really are. I think it's funny how sharma didnt even think about where the woman was going to drive him. It's not like she was a friend driving him home because he was too drunk or something, he was a rapist that abused her in his backseat!

If i were to interview someone, i would obviously interview sharma, the man who raped the woman. I just want to know what is going through that little brain of his. I mean, its bad enough that you rape someone, but why would you let your victim drive your car?

Jeremy T
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Darin D. - I don't really think thats why parents don't want their children out on the streets trick-or-treating at night. But this does show that kids should be more cautious of who they take candy from. Its basically common sense not to take candy from some random kid on the street.

Panda H.
Period 5

Anonymous said...


My article was about how the Arabs and Muslims are happy that President Barack Oboma won the election. The Arabs and Muslims are glad that John McCain didn't win because his foreign policies in the region drew widespread criticism. They think that for electing President Obama people all around the world should be inspired and that we all should be congradulated for electing him. The Middle East think that Obama will be the true good change for America.

I believe that Obama will give us a good chance in changing the ways former president Bush had it before. I do agree with the Arabs and Muslims that he will do America good.

I would have liked to interview an Arab or Muslim to ask them why do they think Obama will do good to America and how do they think so. I would also ask them how do they think this will help the Middle East.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy T - That is one hilarious current event! I totally agree, why would someone be stupid enough to let their victim drive their car while they were sleeping? Its not like shes his girlfriend! Stupid rapists! haha

Panda H.
Period 5

Anonymous said...


Regional cellular carriers MetroPCS Communications Inc. and Leap Wireless International Inc. have made a business out of offering cheap talk plans, though not being able to cover large service areas they are still considered small compared to other service providers. Though now both company's are working together to try to allow free roaming on each other's networks. This will allow customers to be able to roam in different service areas without having to pay roamoing fees.

I personally think this is great, being that I myself am a Metro PCS customer. Also because I always end up roaming unless I'm in Santa Ana and certain areas within Tustin. Otherwise my service is useless. So whooo partay.

If I were to interview someone it would be the CEO or whoever is in charge of Metro PCS,and ask him certain questions. Questions such as: Why didn't you think of this earlier?; and of course I would ask him for free stuff.

Panda H.
Period 5

Anonymous said...


BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Two thieves were caught in southern Hungary with 12 pigs stuffed in their small van during a routine traffic check, Hungarian police said on Thursday.

Police stopped two men in a Renault Kangoo near the town of Szigetvar, about 220 km (137 miles) south of Budapest, as they attempted to drive off.

"The pigs weighed about 25-30 kg (55-66 lb) each -- they were really squashed into the car very tightly," a spokesman said.

Police said the pigs came from a nearby farm, where 35 pigs have gone missing in recent days. (Reporting by Krisztina Than; Editing by Catherine Bosley)

If i were to interview anyone it would be the two thieves and i would ask them why they were stealing 12 pigs, if you ask me, their the real pigs... =]

Randy O

Anonymous said...


Well my event this time is not really an event but is some short research about some of Obama’s promises.

This time I decided I wanted to read Obama’s promises since he promised a lot of things and people says he won’t do them all the way he said. Some people say that it was really easy to talk. Well one of the most important points right now is the economy and he choose this guy that worked for the Clinton’ administration. All people just wants to get out of this situation and they will believe anything just like FRD told the Americans back on 1930’s or Hitler when he talked really good about the situation to the Germans.

If I had the chance to interview someone it would be the democrats to see how much they do know about Obama.

Andréa P


Anonymous said...

Panda H- I also think what they are doing is great, even though i am not a pcs metro customer myself, i have friends who are. It gets pretty annoying when they can't use their cell phones for some weird reason!

Jeremy T.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Darin D.- I agree with you. That’s a good way to get people to go vote. They got to vote and at the end, they also got something to eat.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Leslie M. - How come the parents didn’t even bothered to find their child. He could have died in that waste truck. They should monitor their child somehow.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Darin D. - I agree with you because if i were to vote i would be happy to get a treat after i was done voting.

brianna h
period 2

Anonymous said...

Johnny L; I really liked ur article a lot. Because I also drive and it is very scary when u almost crash. I do feel bad for that family because they died a very bad death.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Juan E; I liked ur article because Obama won more than just an election. He has become a modern hero for everyone all over the world. I really liked ur article a lot but its going to be wierd because there is going to be a whole lot of children named after this couple.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Zach P- I agree with you because it would be crazy if there was life on another planet. It's also weird how there's another solar system that is similar to ours out there.

Brianna H
Period 2

skyline330 said...


Congressional Democrats want the Treasury Department to carve out $25 billion in loans for troubled automakers from the $700 billion bailout package originally passed to help the financial industry, which is reeling from the global credit crisis.But the White House and congressional Republicans have not signed on to support such a move, and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson suggested Wednesday that the bailout plan -- dubbed the Troubled Asset Relief Program -- may not be the best way to help the troubled automakers.And On Tuesday, General Motors stock continued to slide downward, reaching $2.92 a share, its lowest close since April 1943. The company has also laid off 5,600 employees in less than a week and also last week Ford announced that it has lost $3 billion in the third quarter and was also planning to reduce its salarie and hourly work force.

this article its very interesting because it about the economic financial crisis again but this time its about automakers that are being affected and also losing mone, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson should help with the bailout in order for the automakers like ford, chrysler and GM to stop losing money. all three companies already fired most of their employees and that doesnt sound good because most of them work for them for a long time and its not fair.

i would interview trasury secreatary about the bailout on how long is it gonna take to make all this go away for the automakers.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Ravid Y--- your article talks about Obama building up his staff for his cabinet and i agree with you about that Obama knows what hes doing to make changes it better for our country.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Jorge G.--- your article talks about George Bush and his decisions that he made as president but this part where it says that hes responsible for the 9/11 incident i really dont know about that but i did heard some people talking about that in the past.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...


A suicide bomber rammed his car into a u.s. military convoy.
It killed atleast 20 civilians and an american soldier.
Also some attack at outside of JALABAD also wounded 74 civilians.
At southern afghanistan this wednesday an explosion killed 2 nato soldiers.
the soldiers u.s. tropps killed in afghanistan killed atleast 148
the highest # since 2001.
there was 111 u.s. military deaths at the yr of 2007.
More then 5400 ppl. n nearly 1000 have died in related violence.
i would interview the head of the military to bring our soldiers back from war. to many deaths and its enough already.
thanks for all the soldiers who died for the hard work and can fell the sorrows for all the families who had suffered from all the tradgedy of war cases.
i mean there is got to be a way to solve government issues wether then fighting.
we were born to live not born to kill.
how do u feel about this situation?


Anonymous said...

edgar s i totaly agree of what your current event is. but i personally think that its not that easy to make changes right now. i mean pres. bush didnt do nothing as a pres. he never changed anything he just made it worse. lets hope obama goin to make a change but history repeats itself.
well it didnt this time a new african american is a change and lets hope he goin to make a change its not easy.paying for everyhting. its goin to take a couple years to fix all issues. just got to be patiene.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the situation they said not to throw your i voted stickers.
good idea to get ppl to vote i would especially would interview the middle aged ppl y cuz they look like the majority of middle aged ppl drink a lot of coffee and eat donuts and ice cream are for the 18 or older lol.

Anonymous said...


The article is about of that Hilary Clinton can be considerer by the elected president Barack Obama for the position of Secretary of State for the elected president. Many of the media said that this is not the only position that can be occupied for Hilary Clinton, is rumors that Supreme Court. The article said too that Hilary and Obama were competing for represent the Democrat Party, but is very probable that Hilary are going to represent the Democratic for the year 2012

I think that this can be a good opportunity to Hilary Clinton, because whit this position, can get more experience in the political life, and this can help to the possible candidature for the year 2012

I would interview to Hilary, to know her position in this decision of Barack Obama, and to know if she really want to be president on 2012

Jorge G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Current Events # 10

Rally for gay marriage held at NYC Mormon temple
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NEW YORK - Several hundred protesters have gathered outside a Mormon temple in New York City to protest its endorsement of a ban on same-sex marriage in California. Protesters lined both sides of Columbus Ave. outside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints near Lincoln Center on Wednesday evening. Mormons leaders had encouraged its members to support passage of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state. Several protesters held signs asking "Did you cast a ballot or a stone?" while other signs read "Love not H8." The rally was held several hours after Connecticut legally allowed same-sex couples the right to marry. Massachusetts is the only other state that allows gay marriage.

I think that ‘Gay People’ should accept the fact that the same-sex marriage are not allowed in California. Californians had already spoken and they should respect that. They can be friends. Just Friends. But at the same time, I feel sad for them because they thought they were not given the same equal rights as other people have.

If I would interview someone else, I would interview some of the protestors. Ask them how they feel towards other people who were opposing the same-sex marriage and to the government.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that businesses are giving out things if you wear your sticker so people can be more encouraged to vote. Maybe some people voted just to get free stuff.

Addie Molgado