Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 8

How would you vote and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 8


Anonymous said...

i would vote yes on prop 8 beceause i have the simple belief that marriage is between a man and a woman and thats it nothing else. you can say that gays are people who need the same protections as heterosexuals but they already get the same protections prop 8 is just preserving a title. and that title is something that shouldn't be altered just to accomodate people who think that just because it doesn't say your married on paper its like your not getting the same rights and protections as any other americans. also when i get older and have kids i defenitely don't want my child ever coming home telling me about how his teacher read them a story about gay princes or princesses.

shawn c.

Anonymous said...

I am undecided on wether or not to vote "yes" or "no" on Prop 8 because I think if the world started with a man and a women making up the people and starting this life on earth then that should be the way to go. I also think that you can't be told who to love even if it is same gender because you should be happy with whomever you want to spend your life with. I just wouldn't want our children in the future to be learning that it is okay to have same gender marriage beacuse it might cause there to be more gays than a traditional marriage. I don't want same gender marriage to be taught at school because i wouldn't want my child coming home and telling me about how her teacher read them a story about how a she could marry a princess, like they showed in the comercial.
You should be happy with whomever you want to be with but dont teach it at school and change our childrens minds.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I dont feel like i could make a choice on this prop. Who am i to decide who can marry who. I have hard enough time choosing who i want to marry or even date. I can only imagen how hard it must be for people to put there marrige choice up for everyone to vote on.

jordan t.
period 2

Anonymous said...

i say yes on 8. i dont think the people should care who you marry. let the person decide who they whant to spend the rest of there life with.

Anonymous said...

If i could vote I would vote no on 8 because everyone has the right to get married with the person they love and by voting yes people are eliminating their civil rights.

Addie M. per.2

Anonymous said...

If I could vote I would vote yes on prop 8, because I think marriage is between a man and a woman. They still get the same rights and benefits, they just don’t get the official title of being married. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against gay or lesbian people I just think marriage is between a man and a woman. If I have kids when I am older I don’t want my kids to be taught about homosexual lifestyles. I people are saying that marriage is not forced or required to be taught in schools, but the key word is “forced”, they don’t have to but most schools choose to. It’s not required but sex education is and I wouldn’t want my kids learning about that and I have no say in the matter.

Zachary P.
Period 2

Unknown said...

i would vote YES on prop 8 because marriage is between a man and a women. If same sex couples were to call it something else like "combining" or "togetherness" then I'm pretty sure it would be fine. But the two main specifications of marriage are: Man & Woman. So if same gender couples were to get married it wouldn't exactly be getting married because the couple would be missing out on one of the requirements.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

If I could vote on prop 8 then I would vote no because I don't really care who gets married. If two people love eachother enough to want to get married then they should be able to.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I could vote on prop 8 then I would vote no because I don't really care who gets married. If two people love eachother enough to want to get married then they should be able to.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I vote no on 8 because i believe that it is unfair and people should be able to marry the one they love and on the bonus sides more girls for meEEE!!! we are kind of over populated with guys...

Anonymous said...

That last post was from

Ravid Y.
Per 2.

skyline330 said...

i would vote no on prop 8 because i think every people are created equal dont you think i mean if he or she is happy with the person they love then let them because is not harming anybody but i dont know about this being taught in schools i dont actually agree with that.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Current Event # 10,0,3778315.story

Rally for gay marriage held at NYC Mormon temple
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NEW YORK - Several hundred protesters have gathered outside a Mormon temple in New York City to protest its endorsement of a ban on same-sex marriage in California. Protesters lined both sides of Columbus Ave. outside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints near Lincoln Center on Wednesday evening. Mormons leaders had encouraged its members to support passage of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state. Several protesters held signs asking "Did you cast a ballot or a stone?" while other signs read "Love not H8." The rally was held several hours after Connecticut legally allowed same-sex couples the right to marry. Massachusetts is the only other state that allows gay marriage.

I think that ‘Gay People’ cannot accept the fact that the same-sex marriage are not allowed in California. Californians had already spoken and they should respect that. They can be friends. Just Friends. But at the same time, I feel sad for them because they thought they were not given the same equal rights as other people have.

If I would interview someone else, I would interview some of the protesters. Ask them how they feel towards other people who were opposing the same-sex marriage and to the government.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This has been a bug issue i would vote no on prop 8 because the goverment has no buisness interfering with peoples personal lives that is wron trying to control who the can get married with theres no defenition for marrige so i would say the if two guys want to get married it is not going to affect anyone

also that of teaching children about gay marrige in the kindergander level is wrong they should teach the kids when they are ready so that they can make their own decisions

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...

This has been a bug issue i would vote no on prop 8 because the goverment has no buisness interfering with peoples personal lives that is wron trying to control who the can get married with theres no defenition for marrige so i would say the if two guys want to get married it is not going to affect anyone

also that of teaching children about gay marrige in the kindergander level is wrong they should teach the kids when they are ready so that they can make their own decisions

Miguel F.