Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 6

How would you vote and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 6


Anonymous said...

I would vote "yes" on Prop 6 because it is something positive for our community to have or maintain a safe environment. Prop 6 will reduce gang violence and crimes by bringing in more cops to have more safety on our streets.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I have changed my mind on Prop 6 since we discussed it during class today. I would vote "no" because the state will be spending a lot more on prisoners and we don't want our money to go to criminals. Voting "yes" on prop 6 will give the prisoners a much better place to live in by having new facilities constructed for them and having prisoners cost a lot of money.

Alexandra C.

Unknown said...

I would vote NO on prop 6 because prisoners do not deserve better living conditions they should just be happy they are still alive after whatever they did that got them in there in the first place. Plus there's already enough cops in Tustin.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote No because this costs too much money and it is very hard to change a gang banger. Once a banger always a banger for LIFE!

Anonymous said...

dangit i forgot to put my name ^ that last post was from me.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 6 because we all know that our neighborhoods that we live in has to be safe enviroment for us live without any crime. by this will reduce crime.

Edgar S.