Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 12

How would you vote and why?


Unknown said...

I would have to vote Yes on 12 because anything that helps out U.S. veterans is ok in my book, because it takes a lot of courage to go out to war. So anybody who is brave enough to go through that should should be extremely pampered.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would have to vote Yes because veterans has done so much for this country and they deserve what ever they need to make their last years on earth satisfying.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote No on Prop 12, is good proposition but, in this time of crisis I think is not right, because the people is not ready to pay more taxes, I like the idea, but no in this time of crisis.

Jorge G
Period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 12 because this people sacrifice themselves to protect the freedom of this country and i think its time for us to pay them back for all their hard work and dedication.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes because its supposed to their golden years they had the courage to go to war to protect our rights and to defend the country they love and they should atlest get paid, and don't forget some of them were injured severly enough to not be able to do daily activities much less work

Miguel F.
P. 5