Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 2

Explain how you would vote on this and why. The more detail/thought the better!

Prop 2


Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on Prop 2 becaues it is inhumane to treat animals this way. Some argue "well the animals are just going to die anyway". Although that is true, they shouldn't have to be tortured before they die.
-Julian J.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "yes" on Prop 2 because I believe that it is wrong for the animals to be mistreated as if they do not mean anything. Voting "yes" on Prop 2 well also give us safe food and it prevents the animal cruelty. The animals need there spaace as well as us humans do.

Alexandra Cosials

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on Prop. 2 because I feel we need to stop crule and inhumain treatment of animals. this proposition will give animals bigger cages and give them more space to move around. I also want them to have a healthy invironment for so when they do end up as our food, we dont get diseases from them.

jamie F.
p 5/7

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 2 because although animals are being bred to be slaughtered, if they are being forced to survive in horrible living conditions, then that could cause disease which would in turn affect the humans who later consume the animals. voting yes on prop 2 might raise prices on eggs and meats purchased, but i think that is a fair price to pay for healthy animals and good living conditions.
-Andrew M.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 2 because I've seen a video on how KFC treats there chickens and it isnt right. I cant imagine how other animals are being treated. I dont want to be eating meat that was treated horribly while the animal was alive and who knows what kind of diseases that the animal was exposed to catching.
Skyye Otero
period 5

Anonymous said...

i say yes because animals are being bred to be slaughtered,they are to survive in horrible living conditions that cause disease which would in turn affect the humans who later eat the animals.
jaime c. per2

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 2 because we shouldnt use animals to our advantage just because they are animals.
Darin D.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 2 because i love animals and if we are going to eat them then at least we should give them the right to be able to have space. It is very unfair for the animals to be in crowded places and get sick! Besides we eat them so it's gross to eat sick animals!!

Addie M. per2

Unknown said...

I would vote NO on prop 2 because I wouldn't want egg prices to go up to like $5 an egg. If this prop passes then this means that all farmers would have to spend a bunch of money to expand their facilities and thats just unnecessary. Farmers probably have a hard enough time as it is. Eggs and meat are just fine the way they are now, so why should we change the process now? Doesn't the FDA check the food first anyway?

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 2 because it is wrong to keep an animal all couped up. I also do not want to eat animals that poop on themselves. Nobody likes being in a cage that they can't move around in.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i would vote No because i think its silly and we are going to eat the animals either way. I do not want higher prices on food.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i would vote yes on this proposition because animals have just as much right to be comfortable as we do. it is inhumane to keep these helpless animals in their last moments confined to a minimal amount of space. after seeing the videos mr waldram showed us about the factory farming i would not mind parying a little extra for food if these animals can be better accomodated.

elizabeth c
period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 2 because animals should be in a comfortable place that wont cause them any disease because we're the ones that are going to eat them later on.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Im undecided because i really don't care that much about animals, for mre it is all the same they are all going to end up in my dinner plate even if they were treated fairly, some of u might think that thats inhumane but hey we are above the food chain so sucks for them

Miguel F.