Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 10

How would you vote and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 10


Unknown said...

I would vote YES on 10 because gas emission is bad for the environment. And over time the situation will get worse. Gas prices are really high and pretty soon the world will run out of gasoline so if we don't have a back up plan now the world will have no ways of transportation. So before time runs out the world needs to start using more environmentally friendly cars.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote Yes on Prop 10, maybe is a little expensive the solution to the gas emission, but is best try to save our world before be late, we are in time to save it

Jorge G
Period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 10 because its time to use less emissions cars in order to save our planet becaue the more pollution we send to the atmosphere the more chance is for us to have a global warming. its better to act now then later before its too late.

Edgar S.