Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 4

How would you vote and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 4


Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 4 because it is a private matter and should not need parent notification for the first time. Also, the parents might be abusive. Scared pregnant teens might think about suicide or get an ilegal, unsafe abortion just to avoid telling their parents.
-Julian J.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "no" on Prop 4 beacuse if the minor would want to have their parents know about the pregnancy then she would go ahead and tell them. Some minors wouldn't want their parents too know because their parents might be abusive and wouldn't want to deal with her anymore. The minor shouls tell whomever she feels comfortable telling and someone that will help her out. Its the minors decision.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "no" because not every teen has perants who understand what they are going through, and those perants may be violent which will cause that teen to go through harder times then she is already going through with the pregnacy. Also it gives the teen the privacy everyone diserves.
Noemi S.

Anonymous said...

I would definitly vote no on prop 4. Although i am going to be 18 soon, i still feel as minor that we should recieve some sort of privacy. My parents have axcess to everything in my life.

My dad has the power to go through my school work and grades. He can look through the things in my room, like a diary trash, drawers anything. He even has the power to print out what my text messages say. This one important thing like pregancy is one decision i would want to keep private from my dad. Its my body my choice and whether my dad agrees with it or not, or whether i choose to talk to him about it is my decision.

jordan t
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 4 because I think everyone deserves to have there own decisions and choose what they want to do to there body. I think this prop has more to do with girls in abusive households.
Skyye O.
period 5

Anonymous said...

i say no. it is the mothers choice if she whats to notify any one.
jaime c. per2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop4 because even though everyone does have a right to choose their own decisions, it is very wrong for young girls to get abortions. They did what they did to get pregnant and felt old enough to do it then they should feel old enough to take responsibility for their actions. In the other hand if they got raped they should have it and give it out for adoption. Everyone deserves a chance to live!
Addie M. per.2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on this prop. because parents should be notified of what is going on with their girls and I know there is some people that say it's their body and they can do whatever they want with it, that's right it's their body and they can do whatever they want with it but not with the baby that is inside of their womb.
Andrea P

Unknown said...

I would vote NO on prop 4 because the decision should be up to the "mother" of the unborn child. In some cases teens cannot go to their parents about a situation like this because they might get beaten. So to avoid getting beaten by parents, teens might consider suicide as a way out.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote NO on prop 4 because it is unfair for those who have messed up parents with a long history of violence and abuse. I believe every child has the right to do what they want to their own body even if it means to save their future. We are the future so lets keep the decisions to the children not the parents.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 4 because the girls parents should be notified about whats going on with their daughters. before the girls abortion, parents should know about that before those girls do something stupid like just doesnt seem right.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

i would vote yes because when a girl accepts to have sex with a man she is taking the risk of getting pregnant, the parents must be notified in case the procidure goes wrong and the womans life is in danger even if their parents are stict that was one of the riskes she took when she agreed to have sex
Miguel Flores