Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 7

How would you vote and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 7


Anonymous said...

I would vote "yes" on Prop 7 beacuse it provides us with a cleaner environment by having the Solar and Clean Energy Act. It will help reduce our dangers in global warming, wildfires, water shortages, endangered species, and illness from heat induced pollution. By voting "yes" this proposition will also create over 370,000 high wage jobs which is now needed beacuse of our bad economy.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I think i would vote no. Not only because my dad says to vote no on anything that raises taxes, but becuase i feel that this prop wouldnt really help much. Yes its nice to think about how eco friendly we can be but when it comes down to it, no one will trade there big SUV for a smart car. I definitly wouldnt want to pay more taxes for something that i dont feel is going to slove our enviormental problems.

jordan t.
period 2

corpus said...

i say vote yes on prop 7 because is provides a another useful source of energy to run our machines.
jaime c.
period 2

Unknown said...

I would vote YES on 7 because it could in a way help our fight against global warming. Who knows if it will solve all of our environmental problems but its worth a shot. Solar energy would be a great alternative for power plants and their harmful gases. And if this prop passes then it would open up a bunch of new jobs to run all the new facilities, that would be great for the economy.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote YEs on 7 because it can help our environment and it provides another great useful source of energy besides using natural resources.

Ravid Y.
Per. 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 7 because it will provide us with clean energy that doesnt require anything that will damage our planet which is great because we're lowering the risks of global warming by driving hybrid or other types of car and also for great for the environment.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

i would note yes because it can provide thousands with jobs and on the process clean and renewable energy and i know that it is going to cost but every good thing is not cheap

Miguel F.
P. 5