Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 5

How would you vote and why? The more the better!

Prop 5


Anonymous said...

I would vote No on Prop 5 because drug criminals should not receive tax payer money just so they could get off easier and get out of jail earlier.
-Julian J.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "no" on Prop 5 because I don't think its right that drug dealers or addicts would get out of jail in a shorter amount of time and get money out of our taxes. Voting "no" will also minimize our percentage in crimes.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 5 because being a drug abuser is still a crime. people claim that drug addicts are not criminals, but instead are sick. taking drugs is as much of a crime as selling and distributing drugs, so i think that our tax money should not go towards helping a drug abuser get out of jail and into an easier program.
-Andrew M.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 5 because it would reduce prison over crouding and keep prisoners that commited horrible crimes behind bars rather then drug offenders and offer them rehab instead of prison time.
Skyye O.
period 5

Unknown said...

I would vote YES because prisons are getting too packed with people who are addicted to drugs. Which is more of a health concern than a crime. Addicts should just be sent to rehab because they cannot control their addiction, if they could then they'd take a look at their lives and stop using. But once you start it messes with your mind and then there's no turing back without help. So to prevent over crowded prisons addicts should just be sent to rehab.
druggies are people too =)... haha, just different

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I say No because criminals are criminals and do not need any more help. Once a criminal always a criminal. This is a waste of tax payers money.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 5 because criminal and drug abusers should still be kept behind bars, they dont deserve another chance and also they shouldnt come out early from jail. one more thing we dont want our taxes raised.

Edgar S.