Monday, November 3, 2008

Prop 3

How would you vote on it and why? The more detail the better!

Prop 3


Anonymous said...

I would vote Yes on Prop 3 because tax payer money would be going to a good cause. The children's hospital is also in desperate need of it and the taxes would not go up much.
-Julian J.

Anonymous said...

I would vote "yes" on Prop 3 beacuse it helps the children in the hospital that are fighting for their lives. For the tax payers thatare complaining about these taxes, it is not that much money because it will be like paying $100 a year and that really isn't anything and it wouldd be going to a good cause.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 3 because the childrens hospitals already have more than safficiant funding and would be putting it to no use. i think we could use that to help other peaces of our country.

jamie f.
p 5/7

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop 3 because it is worth the money. the probably $1000 of taxes per person over the next 30 years is well worth greater child health care and reseach for children's diseases. the medical facilities need the money and it would be worth it because you never know if your child might be diagnosed with a disease or not.
-Andrew M.
period 2

Anonymous said...

I would vote no on prop 3 because the childrens hospitals already have a bunch of fundings and it would just cost tax payers more money.
Skyye O.
period 5

Anonymous said...

i vote yes because helping the chidren is helping our population grow.
jaime c. per2

Anonymous said...

I would vote yes on prop.3 because I think it is nice to help those who are in need spetially if the ones who need the help are the children.
Andrea P

Unknown said...

I would vote YES on prop 3 because children are the people of the future. Plus if somebody is in the hospital then obviously their life is most likely harder than yours, so to make the experience not as bad they should remodel all children's hospitals.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

i would vote yes on this proposition because i believe these sick kids need all they CAN get to hopefully get better. if there is no hope for them to do that at least with the funds this proposition will bring the life they have left can be better with treatment.

skyline330 said...

i would vote yes on prop 3 because there are a lot of hospitals that have children that are sick and its for theeir benefits for them and the hospitals.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

I would vote No on 3 because we can see that their intencions are good but the lack of information is what affects me they say to help childrens hospitals but they never said wich ones also this subject was brough up not too long ago and it was aprooved it recived money and to the information they still have funding left, so that mean they are using a good name just so they can get more money
Miguel flores