1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
German mogul kills self over financial meltdown
This took place in Berlin. A German billionaire Adolf Merckle committed suicide after his business empire fell due to the financial crisis. The 74 year-old's body was found Monday night laying on some railway tracks in southwestern Germany. They described the death as a "railway accident. His family reported Merckle missing when he didn't return home. They said he took his own life and left a suicide note.
I can't believe what people would do to escape reality. Actually I can, many people commit suicide, but it just leads to even more problem for their family and friends. Those who commit suicide are just weak minded and maybe they deserve what they did to themselves and I'm not trying to sound like an a**hole.
I would interview a few of his higher employees to see what has been going on during the time he found out his business failed.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Health Buzz: Bird Flu Kills in China and Other Health News
A young 19-year-old woman from The northern part of China died from a bird flu virus called H5N1. Young Huang Yanqing handled ducks at a Hebei province market close to Beijing. On December 29 she purchased nine ducks. She cleaned the ducks before giving them away. There were no further cases of the bird flu.
I give my praises to her family and I'm glad that there wasn't more than one death. This virus is a pretty big deal and there is no way of getting rid of it. Birds are everywhere. I also believe that they should have shut down the market she bought the ducks from and investigate for the safety of others.
I would like to interview the owner of the market and the doctors to see if they might be able to find a cure for future incidents.
Joshua Carraza
Per. 5
Ghana president takes office after tense election
Ghana's new president, John Atta Mills, took office today following a very tense, but peaceful election that helped secure the country's status as one of the continents very few stable democracies. Atta Mills served as vice president under Jerry Rawlings. Thousands of people crowed Independence Square for the inauguration. Atta Mills won the runoff election with 50.23% of the vote. It was said to be the closest election in West African History.
I'm glad that they have a new president and are continuing to keep a stable gov. If they can do it and we can do it, that means any country can do it.
I would like to interview Mr. Mills himself and congratulate him on his victory. I would like to interview a few people to see what they think about having him as their new president.
Joshua Carranza
Per. 5
Obama announces 'chief performance officer'
Barack Obama. president-elect, who is going to face trillion dollar deficits named on Wednesday a former Trasury official as the first U.S. "chief performance officer" to oversee the budget and spending reform. The person to feel the slot is going to be Nancy Killefer, A director at McKinsey & Co. She was also a former assistant Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration. Now she will work with economic officials to increase efficiencies and eliminate waste in the government spending.
Lets all hope that this will bring us back up in the next couple of years or we're just gonna end up with an epic failure. I hope that Obama made the right decision and we can all hope that most of his decisions are the right ones.
I would like to interview Mr. Obama to see if he thinks this is the best thing for America. I believe it is probably the best thing for us right now. I would also like to interview Nancy K. to hear her input on all this mess we are in right now.
Joshua Carranza
City Council Meeting
January 6, 2009
In this meeting they were talking about the current budget problem that is occurring in California. Also that Tustin has a bailout that is about 29% and that we are going to be alright if California files bankruptcy. Also they plan to make a highway or metro link form Irvine to Riverside making the 5 freeway a lot less congested. They also talked about how proud they are of the Tustin schools and how they did in sports. Most important one was Tustin making it to the C.I.F. finals in football. Also that Tustin is one of the best schools that has the most professional players in the NFL. Tustin is one of the best in the State of California. They also talked about the parking on Red Hill Ave. and Newport, but they were going to talk about it in the next meeting. That is what occurred in the City Council Meeting the next one is on Monday January 10.
Luis R.
Current Event #16
If a women is expecting a baby (mother-to-be)and is scheduled for a c-section it is most likley her baby will have serious respiratory problems and other complications if born before the 39th week. Researchers tracked more thatn 24,000 women who had repeated c-sections performed at 37 weeks or later at 19 medical centers in the United states between 1999 and 2002. Of those 24,000 when who had c-section performed only 13,258 women had healthy babies. The procedure was scheduled as a matter of convenience for the mother or the docter. A normal pregnancy can last from 37 weeks to 42 weeks, but the average is 40 weeks. However, ressearchers recommend waiting until the 39th week of gestation for an elective C-section because the baby's lungs should be fully developed by then. Babies born by C-section are at greater risk for respiratory problems, compared with those born vaginally, even at full term. Still, many babies are scheduled to be delivered as early as 37 weeks.
This article is very interesting i did not know that having a baby by c-section before your 40 weeks are complete can risk your baby. I guess us girls/women should keep this in mind if in the future we are planning to have kids.
If i were to interview someone i would want to interview a doctor who schedules the c-sections before the 40 weeks and ask him if he knew that this was dangerous or if he knew that he was exposing the baby to have resporitory problems by not having his lungs fully developed.
Jessy V.
Current Event #16
About 54 percent of adolescents who use the social networking website MySpace often discuss sexual behavior, violence and substance abuse on the Myspace site. Some of the researchers from a children's Research Institute they were determined to find out what exactly a teen does or chats about in the website Myspace. In one of the studies, the researchers looked at 500 randomly selected MySpace profiles of 18-year-old teens (that is the age they put themselves or it is likely made up as well) to determine how much they discussed high-risk behaviors and if those behaviors were influenced by their interests, activities, or other factors. 41 percent of the profiles referenced substance abuse, 24 percent discussed sexual behavior, and 14 percent talked about teen violence.Males were more likely than females to include information about violence in their profiles, and teenagers who listed a sexual orientation other than "straight" were more likely to refer to sexual behaviors on their pages.In the second study, researchers randomly picked MySpace profiles of people who listed their ages as 18 to 20 and who had high-risk behaviors included on their profiles. Half of those people were sent an E-mail from a physician, suggesting that they alter their profiles. About 14 percent of the E-mail recipients deleted sexual behavior references from their pages, compared with 5 percent of those who didn't get E-mails, HealthDay reports: "Does your child use social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook? Learn how to keep your kids safe online and read 3 ways teens can avoid bogus health info online. Also, here is what to do if your child is bullied online and how Facebook can help you stick to your diet regimen."
This article was extremely interesting. I do believe that Myspace is really not a safe website. In reality Myspace is a website that has activities and ways to communicate with YOUR FRIENDS not STRANGERS. Instead, teens have indeed changed it they do use inappropriate language, images etc. I am pretty sure that about 75% members in Myspace do not use it the way it really should be used.
If i were to interview someone i would want to interview Tom (or the creator of Myspace) and ask him if he is ok with all these "things" on
Myspace. If he has the power he should delete the accounts of inappropriate profiles, but instead, he should make it more safe and more "G" rated.
Jessy V.
Obama seeks support for nearly
$1 trillion recovery plan
Reporting from Washington -- President-elect Barack Obama, pledging to "set a new course" for an ailing economy, will deliver a public appeal for his nearly $1-trillion recovery plan today -- the start of a campaign asking Americans to accept the massive spending as a "reinvestment" in the nation.
With the stimulus plan, he believes, the nation should be able to generate 3 million jobs over the next few years. Without it, the unemployment rate could climb into the double digits.
Our new president wants to put in a trillion dollars into the economy to make sure that we stay up. He belives that with this that the economy would slowly start to heal itself back up and that in the years to come we should see some changes.
I think that Obama is in a tight spot and has to work his way out of a deep hole that the previous president has left him. It seems that drastic times calls for drastic measures.
If i were to ask someone it will probably be Bill McDonough Federal Reserve Bank of New York(New York Fed presidency is one of the most powerful positions in government, rating behind only the Treasury secretary) I would ask if this is the wises decision that the president should make at a time like this, and if not would be a better choice.
Antonio Q.
Per: 2
This article is about a 35 year old lady named Renee Pernice. Shes a mother of three. She has now been missing for a week and was last seen by her husband, Shon Pernice of 37 years old. He claims to not remember where she said she was going and does not want to cooperate at all. He only talks through his attorney.
I chose this story because its interesting and it brings different thoughts to my mind. For one he says he doesnt remember where she was going, does he really not remember or did he have something to do with it. How can he forget, its kind of odd. But then I guess he maybe doesnt want to talk about it because its his wife and might be sad and he is a suspect. Its confusing.
If I could interview anybody I would interview the kids. I would ask them if the parents got along fine and if they think it was the dad who made her disappear.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Joshua C.-Its really sad what people are coming to but nobody deserves that! And yeah there will always be stronger than others but thats why the stonger ones should help support the weak minded ones!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Jessy V.- I dont understand if doctors know that it is a danger to the baby before those weeks why they would still perform c-section.
Veronica D.
Period 2
The Bush administration has ruled that immigrants facing deportation do not have an automatic right to an effective lawyer. Which outraged immigrant advocates who say the government aims to weaken immigrants' right to a fair hearing. In a 33 page decision General Mukasey said that the constitution does not entitle someone facing deportation to have a case reopened.
I think that this article is funny. The Bush administration is about to end and they are still passing out issues they havent resolve for the past 8 years. They should just get over it and be busy making a good bye speech.
I would interview The future president. How is now his problem not the bush administration.
-Stephanie B. per2
This article is about passengers from the Southwest Airlines accusing the Captain Pilot of being drunk while fling the airplane. The pilot was not arrested because there were not enough proofs. The only things against him were the testimonies of the passengers who said he smelled and looked drunk. This happened in Columbus, Ohio.
I think that that was real unprofessional from his part to his job. He could drink any time he wants but not while he has lives depending on him.
If I were to ask someone it would be a relative of one of the passengers. I would like to know what they think of the situation their relatives were going through and if they think its true.
Noemi S.
Veronica D- I think that maybe if he doesn’t want to cooperate its because maybe they were in a fight, and she left and he is still resented. At least that’s what I think.
Noemi S.
LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7817106.stm
this article is about how The Mexican government has unveiled emergency measures to protect its economy from the global financial crisis and US recession. Felipe Calderon is having an extremely hard time bringing up the unemployment rate in Mexico so he promised $150 million to struggling industries in a bid to save jobs. Calderon says that within this year Mexico will be facing times of difficulity in terms of their economic growth as well as employment rates in their country. Calderon is also hoping that 250,000 jobs will be created by the bringing forward of several planned infrastructure projects such as road repairs and restoration of historic sites.
ANALYSIS: i thought this article was very significant because the US' economy is taking a huge toll on every single thing out there. This recession is taking full effect on the international community as well as the national, its so sad to see the decline.
INTERVIEW: i would love to interview Calderon because i want to know more about the plans that he has to help Mexico and their unemployment rates, and i just want to know what needs to be done to save Mexico.
Nina Tran Per. 2
that's pretty scary how the bird flu is affecting so many lives. This most definitely a job for the United Nations as well as the countries that are strongly affected by this influenza.
it is so frustrating to see how myspace has become the new way for people to hook up and just lay their personal lives out there. If you want to know anything about anyone its all on myspace, there is absolutely no privacy.
Firefighters gain ground on wildfire near Denver
BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Thousands of evacuated residents, including former FEMA chief Michael D. Brown, were allowed to return to their homes Thursday after firefighters partially contained a wildfire near Denver that destroyed two houses and several outbuildings. Brown told The Associated Press that his house was spared, but he watched firefighters battle the blaze about a half-mile from his home. The fire blackened mostly grassland north and west of the city of Boulder, an area of scattered subdivisions, farms and ranches along the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. At least 1,300 homes were evacuated and two were destroyed, county Sheriff's Cmdr. Phil West said. The evacuation order was lifted Thursday for all but 100 of those homes. West estimated that within the 3,700-acre fire zone, about 1,400 acres had actually burned. Two firefighters and a police officer sustained minor injuries.
I think that the firefighter really did a good job in helping to stop the fire. The fact that no one was killed or seriously injured though they lost few houses. And everyone should do the same thing for each other.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview one of the firefighters, because they could share more about the hardship they had to endure to stopped the fire.
Neslee O.
Period 2
California's plan to close gap becomes more drastic:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California's school year could be shortened by a week under increasingly Draconian proposals being considered by state lawmakers seeking to close a projected $42 billion budget shortfall by the middle of next year. Arnold Schwarzenegger met with state legislative leaders Thursday to discuss how to close the gap before California runs out of cash in as little as a month. On Tuesday, he vetoed the latest proposal sent to him: an $18-billion package of cuts and taxes put forth by Democrats, who dominate the California legislature.
I think that California is in some real financial trouble, just like the rest of the country. but the reason is not just because of the downfalling economy. the tension in the california political offices between Democrats and Republicans has proved to hurt the decision making process. Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot pass a bill or accept a bill because either he doesnt like it, or another group vetoes it. Nothing will ever get done the way our california government is running.
if i were to interview anyone i would interview a Democrat and Republican in office to find out why they cant come up with a solution to save california.
Andrew M.
period 2
The article is about of an earthquake that happens today, around 2 hours in the San Bernardino County. The earthquake was of a magnitude of 4.5.
This magnitude is not a big, is like a really light, and for that only in some places of San Bernardino and some parts of LA the people could felt it.
This article is important because California is a state whit a lot of earthquakes, and this happens really often, in my first week here in California I felt one, and that means that the state may be prepared for more
I don’t want to interview to nobody, because y felt an earthquake, and I know how feels.
Jorge G
Period 2
the united states surprised us by not voting from a U.N. Security Council vote Thursday night urging an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, saying it wanted to see the results of Egyptian-mediated talks with Hamas and Israel before calling for a halt to military action. Israel and Hamas were not parties to the vote and it will now be up to them to stop the fighting
Ivon Garcia
per. 2
On Wednesday, barrack Obama met with the last four presidents and maybe it was for advise now that he is going to take over on the white house.
Obama met with Jimmy Carter, Bush father, Clinton, and George W. Bush. Obama had some kind of counseling from these last four, and probably he will need it because of the economy and the jobless people at this time sin this country. It was funny how one of them thanked the president for joining the experiments at a lunch. It was kind of interesting because I had never seen this kind of thing before.
If I had the chance to interview someone, that would have to ba mr. Obama and ask him what he’s got on mind after having a talk with them.
Andrea P
WOONSOCKET, R.I. – Two Woonsocket High School boys did the right thing by trying to get to school on time. It was the way they got there that police had a problem with. Police told The Call of Woonsocket the boys ages 15 and 16 stole a car Tuesday morning in order to make it to school on time.
Police received a call about a stolen vehicle at about 7:44 a.m.
John Raymond, an officer assigned to the school, found the vehicle in the parking lot.
After questioning some students, he identified two boys he thinks arrived in the car. One was located in class, and the other was in the in-house suspension room with the stolen car's keys in his pocket.
The boys, whose names were not released because they are juveniles, are charged with motor vehicle theft.
I think this article is pretty funny because I wouldn't expect students stealing a car to go to school, I would expect them to go somewhere else. Haha
If I were to interview anyone it would be the two kids and ask them why they would steal a car to get to school if they could just walk or get a ride from someone else.
Randy O.
Per. 2
Summary: This article is about 3 men who had raped and sexually assaulted an unconscious woman. On July 2008, three men and an 18 year old women went to the Key Inn on El Camino Real in Tustin. The woman's relation with the three men was that she knew them through her boyfriend. The woman passed out and was raped by the three men and it was all videotaped. They had sexually assaulted her various of times and even urinated on her. Someone who knew the 3 men had found it and turned it into authorities. All three men are being held on $100,000 bail.
Analysis: I thought the article was very shocking and disgusting. I can't believe something like that happened in Tustin and it was close to Tustin High. Not only was it in our home town, but the three men who are being held in prison are Tustin High School graduates!
Interview: If I could interview someone I would interview the woman who was raped. I would ask her why she went to a hotel with three of her boyfriend's friends. It's obviously not safe and she made a big mistake.
Leslie M.
Current Event #16
Best Buy narrows '09 forecast after weak December sales
This article talks about how the economy is really affecting the electronic store, Best Buy. Being one of the top selling electronic department stores, Best Buy is now facing low sales and no gain. December was supposed to be a top selling month for the store but sales dropped by 6.5%. People are only buying what is necessary and not trusting big brand names, but going for what is affordable to their budget.Sales are predict to get back up, now that economy is seeing the light of hope and maybe then will best buy get back up to its usual sells.
I would probably interview customers to see why they are not buying as much as years past.also why they are not buy big brand name items and simply sticking to the affordable.Interview with workers of the company would be great too, to find out if this is harming their work hours and salary.
Genesis Hernandez P.2
Comment to Jessy V. on current event #16:
Its amazing how being pregnant has so many difficulties.Women should take better care of themselves so their pregnancy isnt so risky. Having C-section seems risky especially if the body isnt very strong or if the women loses too much blood. But more then that the C section is very risky for babies and that is very sad. It really sucks that this women is up to week 39 and could possibly lose baby simply cause its born one week early.
Genesis Hernandez P.2
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gu22dgMw-kF4FTAcds-ae_cWEn8AD95JN7C002 this article is about the plan that barak Obama has for the financial crisis that the U.S.is in. The economic team is broadening the mission of the $700 billion bailout for the financialsection for the state. Although the Obama team is not offering any specifics, the mere fact that it is setting goals for the money won support from the head of a congressional panel that is charged with watching how the money is being spent.
THe plan that Barak Obama has for the economic regression hopefully may worck out for the best. I think theres still hpoe to piick up the nation and set it back in the right track. This bail out may help out and save the banks and stocks from crashing like it did in the great depression.If i were to interview someone from the article it would be the Obama team. The reason why is because i would like to know what do they plan to do get the money back from the bailout. How do they plan to pick up the econimic crisis.
yash m
Comment to: Jessy V. on current event 16 about myspace.
I think its wrong people share their intimacy with strangers thru the internet. Not only is not safe but, your talking to someone that could be a possible child molester or perver.Adolecents should keep intimacy and sexual information to themselves or with only friends, not strangers.
Comment at top was done by:
Genesis Hernandez P.2
I attended the Tustin City coucil meeting this past Tuesday. They talked bout the things that need to get done this month in the city of Tustin. They talked about things like were we are going with the money in the future. We are going to be alright if California goes bankrupt because we have a 29% bail out. Sot tht's a good thing. They also talked about making a new highway all the way to Riverside so the 5 freeway won't be as full during peak hours. They talked aobut other subject like Tustin sports and parking on Redhill, but they're going to discuss that in more detail next meeting.
I thought the meeting was kinda interesting because it talks bout the city that we live in and the issues that the city faces. It was also boring in the begginging. The issues were interesting to hear though, beacuse it gets you informed.
Juan E
Period 2
antonio q. comment current event 16
The recovery plan is an idea that i think give the nation a chance to improve a little in the economic situation. This plan can help save the nation from a second great depression. Our new present Barak Obama seems positive an we hope he does a good job as the new president and keep all of his promises.In my opinion this plan will help the nation.
Joshua Carranza i totally agree with you by ythat billionare taking away his own life he does leave bigger problems for his family and i honestly feel that he was weak minded as well, im pretty sure in a way he was being self and only thinking about himself and not the other memebers in his family!
Diane Segura
per 5
jessy v. comment current event 16
The myspace web site as other websites are a place to meet new people. But Now in days there are people who are looking for their next victim such as in violence or other things. And some teenagers are not careful and get involved in situations that place them in danger. In my opinion any one specially young people have to be careful with what they do in this type of websites and be careful with what they do.
yash m.
Current Event #7
Jobless rate jumps to 7.2 percent in December
America ever since the economy fall has faced many challenges and the biggest has become: unemplyment!!!! It has reached to its highest point in 16 yearsrising a 7.2%. This has left thousands of people with families and responsablities jobless and without any help at all.Out of all this it is said President Barrack Obama has lots of work to do to get that back up.Aside from many losing jobs, other that are still fortunate to have one, are finding themselves with cut hours forcing many to have 2 jobs to help support family.
I would interview Obama to see what his plan is to get peoples jobs again. It really is dissapointing to know how bad the situation is in the united states.
Genesis Hernandez P.2
Joshua Carraza they should have closed down that market and investigate more on the bird flu because if those people keep seelin whos to say that one of there customer will be there new victim
Diane Segura Per 5
Antonio Q.comment current event 16
think that this plan that Obama approves gives the nation the chance to get out of the economic crisis.T his is away that our new president is trying to save the nation from falling far more into the whole that the old president has done. In my opinion I think that this is a good idea that may save the nation or if not at least help out.
yash m
Jessy V. i think you had a great article this has alot to do with us women in the future its good to be informed on what the risks are of having a baby before the 40 week margin. either way having a baby natural or c-section, they all come with complications but im sure everything will be okay
Diane Segrua
per. 5
Jorge g. comment current event 16
In my opinion this earthquake was a sign of more to come. according to scientist the earth is facing the possibility of a major global earth quake that will change the planet so massive and powerful that may end up breaking nations apart. I think all of us have to ready for this because you never know what is going to happen the day of tomorrow.
yash m
Jessy V. i agree myspace should be more g rated. people dont see that they make themselved look bad when they put inapropriate things on there page. also i doubt that "Tom" will delete all those people only because there are always people who start and delete there myspace page, and i honestly dont think that he can have control over what everyone does on myspace even if he does say if you put inapropriate things up you will be deleted people still do it to be so called "REBELS!!!"
Diane Segura
Per 5
Current Event #6:
Immigrant advocates decry new rules on courts, DNA
Immigrants rights have dropped once again. It is now law that deported immigrants cases are not allowed to be reopend, which means for immigrants that their chance to fight for permission to stay here and earn money is oveR. The deparment of justice says also that when an immgrant is deported a sample of their DNA will be taken. Attornies are saying that this new rule of not opening cases for immigrants simply because they have poor legal representation is a threat for a fair hearing. And with the new rule of DNA, Justice officials have estimated the DNA rule would put 1.2 million DNA samples into the federal DNA database each year.
I would interview someone who was trying to get their case reopen and now they are left hopless. I dont believe its fair how immigrants have limited amount of rights, i mean their human too and the only reason they want to be here in america is to have a better life and earn money to support families.Its not like there robbing or killing. Officials need to see the good in their dreams, not the bad.
Genesis Hernandez P.2
Veronica D. i would be very suspicious on the husband if he does not want to cooperater and only talks through his attorney that would make me think more and investigate him more, he might be the cause of her gone missing
but now you cant trust anyone
Diane Segura
per. 5
Randy O. i think that the article is preetyy funny they were only trying to get on time to school but you also gotta see if that was the honest truth of the intentions in stealing the car
diane segrua
4.5 earthquake strikes San Bernardino
A moderate earthquake struck Thursday night in San Bernardino, with shaking felt from Los Angeles 55 miles to the west and south to Orange County. No immediate reports of damage or injuries were reported.
A preliminary reading by the U.S. Geological Survey shows a 4.5-magnitude quake struck at 7:49 p.m. about one mile south of San Bernardino, a city of about 200,000 people. The USGS initially reported it at 4.9, then 5.0.
this is an article on lat night earthequake it was started in san bernardino and felt all the way till orange county
if i could interview anyone i would interview a scientis and ask him if "the big one" is coming soon, or if theese small earth quake tells us it will be comming soon and how we can prepare as people!
Diane segura per5
Current Event #5
Quakes shake loose fears about Yellowstone volcano
At yellow stone park there have been hundreds of small earthquakes which have been minor, but a bit terrifying. Its believed that these little ones will lead to an actual big one, causing california to relieve another scary moment as in the past one.Also yellostone is a very old b=national park and its 40,000 years pastdue with its major irruption. Its scary to know a big one is ganna come along.'
I would interview yellostone workers to see if there scared or worried.
Genesis Hernandez P2
Leslie M.- I read this article and i was suprise to find out that the guy i use to sit next and talk to in geometry in 2007 would do such a thing. It really creeps me out to know he did such a thing. He seem like a nice guy.
-Stephanie B per2
Andrew M- I agree with you. It mostly the dispute between the democrats and republicans that is hurting the economy. The government keeps rejecting the democrats plan.
-Stephanie B. per2
Veronica D.- Your Article is pretty confusing. But I think the Husband should just tell whatever he knows, if he knows something at all about this issue. To help find her wife as soon as possible. Or maybe he did something insane to her. Who knows.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Veronica D.- Your Article is pretty confusing. But I think the Husband should just tell whatever he knows, if he knows something at all about this issue. To help find her wife as soon as possible. Or maybe he did something insane to her. Who knows.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Diane S: I agree with u about the fact that u would ask the scientist when the big one was going to hit, because i would like to know. Plus it could save lifes.
Luis R.
Andrew M. I agree with u a whole lot. That the government should work a little harder to help out california's problem. If they don't do anything soon we will be in deep.
Luis R.
yosh m.
I think your article is very interesting. I feel that you are right and that it is smart to talk to the Obama team. 700 billion dollars is alot of money and i think it would be a good idea.
Dillon S.
Period 2
Joshua C.
I think that it is crazy that we do not have a cure for bird flu yet. The police should have shut down the market to investigate were she got the birds and from who.
Dillon S.
Period 2
-Joshua C-
I can't believe that someone would kill themselves just because their business empire fell. He should have tried to make the best of it and gone to live with a relative. Money isn't everything.
Leslie M.
Noemi S.
The pilot that was flying the plane while drunk, should have his license taken away. Being drunk while flying an airplane is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. He made a stupid choice, he could have killed those people.
Leslie M.
Israeli aircraft and troops continued their assault on Gaza on Sunday, despite an Israeli official's assessment that the two-week-old military operation might be in its final days.Israel has said the air and ground operation is aimed at stopping rocket fire from Gaza, but militants have continued to launch rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel. At least 20 rockets struck Israel on Sunday, including a kindergarten in the southern city of Ashdod, causing some damage but no casualties, according to an Israeli military statement.
this article is really sad what the people in Israel are going through out everyday troops and aircraft shooting inoccent people in the city of Gaza without having a reason on why they're doing this someone has to put a stop to this assault in Gaza.
I would interview the president about why is the troops and aircrafts shooting down in Gaza and killing innocent people.
Edgar S.
Genesis H- it is true what your artcicle said about unemployment percentage rising dramatically due to the economic crisis, i hope the new president will find a new solution about this unemployment issue before its too late parents need to feed their families.
Edgar S.
Andrea P.- i read that in the internet about Obama having a reunion with other 3 presidents in the white house which seems weird, maybe your rigth they probably gathered together so they can give advice to Obama before he takes over the white house.
Edgar S.
In Long Beach California, an elderly couple was attacked by a Heerman Gull while eating ice cream. It was on New Years Eve when the couple was eating ice cream then along came a flock of seagulls that attacked them. One of the birds hit the man’s wife on the head. The husband was “defecated”, which I think means that he got dookied on. It turns out that Heerman’s gulls are pretty dangerous.
I thought this story was pretty funny! But mainly cause of the fact that it attacked the couple cause of their ice cream. But it kinda scares me cause whenever I go to the beach…I always get some ice cream haha
I would have interviewed the husband of the couple, and ask him how it felt to be “defecated” on.
Panda H.
Per. 5
This talks a little bit about the money in politics and the video Obama made. This is a video that Barrack Obama did with the j=help from his people in order to be at a better position before the election day.
Well, the video is narrated by Obama and it is about half an hour long, it is interesting that he collected a lot of money, even more than Mc Cain. Money don’t ensures wining an election but it helps a lot specially when the final day is coming. Although Mc Cain didn’t raised as much money as his opponent he’s also trying really hard to come out specially in Florida.
If I had the chance to interview someone would be independent voters to see if they’ve changed their minds or not.
Anrea P 5
October 30, 2008 11:05 PM
This talks a little bit about the money in politics and the video Obama made. This is a video that Barrack Obama did with the j=help from his people in order to be at a better position before the election day.
Well, the video is narrated by Obama and it is about half an hour long, it is interesting that he collected a lot of money, even more than Mc Cain. Money don’t ensures wining an election but it helps a lot specially when the final day is coming. Although Mc Cain didn’t raised as much money as his opponent he’s also trying really hard to come out specially in Florida.
If I had the chance to interview someone would be independent voters to see if they’ve changed their minds or not.
Anrea P 5
October 30, 2008 11:05 PM
Current event #8
This talks a little bit about the money in politics and the video Obama made. This is a video that Barrack Obama did with the j=help from his people in order to be at a better position before the election day.
Well, the video is narrated by Obama and it is about half an hour long, it is interesting that he collected a lot of money, even more than Mc Cain. Money don’t ensures wining an election but it helps a lot specially when the final day is coming. Although Mc Cain didn’t raised as much money as his opponent he’s also trying really hard to come out specially in Florida.
If I had the chance to interview someone would be independent voters to see if they’ve changed their minds or not.
Anrea P 5
October 30, 2008 11:05 PM
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