Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
This article is about how the number of deaths of officers has lowered in the past five decades. Showing that ‘08 has been the safest year for the law enforcement. Some say that this is all thanks to better training, equipment, and more officers in bullet-resistant vests Officials also cite a downturn in violent crime in general in the streets.
I think this is a good thing because the police officers need to be safe and feel safe as they are going to work or are at work.
I would ask the family of the officers that are today at work and what they think about this article.
Noemi S.
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a men (James Joseph Cialella) was arrested and accused of attempt of murder. It all started when James went to a theater, where another men and this son were watching a movie and talking too. James got annoyed at them both threw popcorn at the son then shot the dad in the left arm. I think this happens to every when they go to the theater or some place else and there’s someone or something that bothers you but I don’t think you have to shot at it.
I would ask a person ,in the theater who was there when this happen, If the dad and the son were really that loud and distracting?
Noemi S.
Noemi S. I thought your articles were interesting. I think it is good that less police officers died and i think they should continue what they are doing because it is obviously working. I also cant belive that the guy shot the dad for being noisy. I think that guy tookk it to the exreme and you dont shoot someone for being loud and why did that guy have a gun in the first place?
-Zachary P.
Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/31/inauguration.lawsuit/index.html
summary: this article was about Barack Obama's inauguration speech and how within his speech there should be no mentioning of God because it is unfair to those who are atheist. Michael Newdow he is a California doctor and lawyer and he feels that when he is either watching inaugurations on t.v. or in person, the mentioning of God make him and others feel excluded and stigmatized.
Analysis: i thought this article was pretty interesting in the sense that religion has always played a major role in politics and it will continue to be that way. I see Michael Newdow's perspective on this, and i agree with him because being a country we must do what is best for all, and if the atheist group feels excluded then it should be removed.
Interview: if i could interview anyone i would interview Michael Newdow because i would want to know more about his perspective and see deeper emotions into what he is feeling.
Nina Tran
P. 2
Link: http://www.ktla.com/landing_topstories/?Missing-Diver-May-Have-Faked-Death-to-Es=1&blockID=173394&feedID=1198
Summary: so this article was about John Sung Park who was a driver that was reported missing on sept. 11. Now police are saying that John Sung Park could have faked his death to get away from legal issues. the police spent about 50 thousand dollars to search for his missing body, but recently the police have stated that John Sung Park could be living in some cave in Laguna Beach.
Analysis: i thought this article was interesting because people are so stupid with the decisions they make. for example John Sung Park has committed many crimes, and now he doesn't want to face the consequences, well he should have thought before he took action. Well i think there's a lot of things that go on without explanation, and there are so many cases out there that are similar to this one, and it's so annoying.
interview: if i was to interview someone, i would interview John Sung Park because i want to know what was his reasoning for this escape, and the reasons behind it. i would be scared though because he sounds like a maniac.
Nina Tran
P. 2
current Event #15
In Bangkok, Thailand there was a nightclub called the Santika. On New Years Eve it was filled by all types people (tourists) from Australia, Belgium, Britain, France, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the United States. On this night there happened to be a deadly fire nearly killing over 6o victims. There were about 35 foreigners who were injured. Victims died from burns, smoke inhalation, injuries during the stampede. The fire spread in about ten minutes. Many still don't know how the fire started, but many say that some brought in fireworks, and also many survivors said that it was coming from the band and from in the upper floor.
It was very tragic what had happened, especially on the night of New Years Eve. Some of these didnt even get to a new year. It must be really hard for the families that lost a someone in this fire. Maybe the fire was proved or maybe it was an accident.
If I were to interview someone I would want to interview the owner of the nightclub, and ask him if he had any idea who might have done or maybe if someone was mad at him for wanting to move his nightclub somewhere else.
Jessy V.
current Event #15
In Bangkok, Thailand there was a nightclub called the Santika. On New Years Eve it was filled by all types people (tourists) from Australia, Belgium, Britain, France, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the United States. On this night there happened to be a deadly fire nearly killing over 6o victims. There were about 35 foreigners who were injured. Victims died from burns, smoke inhalation, injuries during the stampede. The fire spread in about ten minutes. Many still don't know how the fire started, but many say that some brought in fireworks, and also many survivors said that it was coming from the band and from in the upper floor.
It was very tragic what had happened, especially on the night of New Years Eve. Some of these didnt even get to a new year. It must be really hard for the families that lost a someone in this fire. Maybe the fire was proved or maybe it was an accident.
If I were to interview someone I would want to interview the owner of the nightclub, and ask him if he had any idea who might have done or maybe if someone was mad at him for wanting to move his nightclub somewhere else.
Jessy V.
This event is about the money that people from California is going to have to pay later on.
California has requested a federal loan in order to pay the unemployment checks. Is is a great idea for people that has no job or has been laid off, but for many others it can be one more tax. Instead of asking for money, we should find a way to invest money and open jobs in order to make more.
If I could have the chance to interview someone I would have to ask Californians what they think about this.
Andrea P
Vt. man wins big after pulling ticket from trash
A man in Vermont is reported to have cashed in a lottery ticket that he threw away and won $650,000.
The man's mother had given him the ticket that she won from a Tri-State Megabucks drawing. He threw away
the gift bag that the ticket was in not knowing that it was inside. Later his wife told him that the lottery's
only winning ticket was at the drawing that his mom won, he went through his trash and found the ticket.
I think that this is a pretty cool article. Usually you'd never expect people to find winning lottery tickets out of the trash.
But I guess this is a different story. Also I suppose it wasn't just a random ticket, it was won in a drawing, so it must've
had some value. I guess some people have all the luck.
I would interview the man's mom, and ask her, "How do you feel now that you've learned that your son threw away the gift bag
that you gave to him for Christmas?", and also " If you won the ticket in a drawing why not cash it in yourself?"
Panda H.
Per. 5
Noemi S.
I think that thats pretty good news for cops this year. Crime decreasing, better equipment, less deaths. Looks like the government is putting SOME good use to their money.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Jessy V.
So yeahhh, this is pretty strange. But I think its just plain bad luck for those foreigners. They were probably thinking, "Hey lets go have some fun at this club!" Only to end up getting killed in a fire. How disappointing, and also quite ironic. Oh yeah, its kinda sad too.
Just shows how people need to take extra precautions, and also not to do idiotic things such as bringing fireworks into a crowded area like a nightclub...
Im surprised this didn't happen somewhere in America. Why Asiaa? Whyyyy? Then again maybe it was those European tourists? I don't know, just a guess..
Panda H.
Per. 5
Authorities Tuesday recovered the body of an eighth missing snowmobiler buried in avalanches in southern British Columbia, a spokesman for the the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.Sgt. Tim Shields said the body was recovered around 11:38 a.m.The seven other bodies were recovered Monday.Their identities were not immediately released. David Wilks, mayor of Sparwood, the small town where the snowmobilers lived, said all were men in their 20s.The eight men, and three others who escaped, faced two avalanches Sunday about 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of Fernie, a town in the Canadian Rockies about 300 kilometers (190 miles) southwest of Calgary, Alberta. The three survivors suffered minor injuries, and one was hospitalized overnight.The men had been in an area called Harvey Pass, which police called "a popular backcountry snowmobile destination." Police said an avalanche buried part of the group and, as others came to help them, a second avalanche buried them.
I think that it is crazy that people got buried in an avalanche. I hope that never happens to me. If I could interview anyone it would be the last person they found because he was there the longest. I am sorry for all the people who got caught in it.
Dillon s.
period 2
The Israel Antiquities Authority reported a find Sunday. The discovery of 264 ancient gold coins in Jerusalem National Park, the coins were minted around the early 7th century. This is one of the largest finds in Jerusalem. The researchers found these coins on the start of Hanukkah and one of the customs of the holiday is to give gelt or coins to children. So the archaeologists are calling the coins Hanukkah money. The 1,400 year old coins were found in the Giv'ati car park in the City of David. They have found other things at this site like a gold earring with pearls and precious stones. They were in a collapsed building that dates back to the 7th century. The coin looks like Heraclius who was the Byzantine emperor from 610 to 641. Since there was no pottery by the coins it is thought to believe that the coins were hidden in a secret compartment in the wall.
I think that this is a big find in Israel. It is almost a gift on the first night of Hanukkah. I wonder why the coins were hidden in the wall. If I could interview anyone it would be the person who used to own the house. I would ask him why he hid the coins and how the building collapsed before he could get his money. This was a great find and it is cool that they can tell were the coins were in the house.
Dillon S.
Period 2
Jessy V. I also think this event was very tragic especially because it happened during new years. But I think it was an accident that made this fire happen.
Noemi S.
Andrea P. I think that it’s a great idea for the government to give loans to those who are unemployed right now and I don’t think its really that bad if others get taxed on for a while.
Noemi S.
2 dead in fiery plane crash at Illinois airport
JOLIET, Illinois (AP) — Federal investigators are trying to figure out what caused a fiery plane crash that killed two people in Illinois. Deputy Police Chief Patrick Kerr says the small plane was landing at Joliet Regional Airport just before 9 p.m. Thursday when it burst into flames. The crash happened near the end of a runway. The office of Will County Coroner Patrick O'Neil said the victims have been tentatively identified as 52-year-old Deborah Loiselle and 50-year-old Stuart Seffern of Madison. Airport manager Jennifer McFarland says the plane took off from Buffalo Niagara International Airport in New York. Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory says the plane was a Lancair. Such planes are typically purchased as kits and home-built.
I chose this article because I think its kind of interesting to know what went wrong to the plane to crashed. Did the pilot or the maintenance checked it before they decided to let it go in the mid-air. Or did the pilot do some thing wrong in the landing? Poor People they died on the day of the New Year.
If I were to interview someone else, I would like to interview the owner of the small plane. What happened? Where did he bought the freaking plane, was it brand new or used?
Neslee O.
Period 2
Noemi S. - You’re article is interesting. The guy could had just yelled back to tell them ‘SHUT UP’ or something, but I don’t think its necessary to shot them or do something stupid. Like what you’ve said “ were the dad and the son really that loud and distracting? And how come the guy have a gun in there?
Neslee O.
Period 2
Jessy V. - I agree with you. I feel sorry for the families who lost someone in the fire on the day of New Year’s eve. I thought fireworks were supposed to be banned in the U.S during New Year‘s? People who brought those fireworks were freaking insane.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Ooops! Typos: it should be 'YOUR' not .you're.
A man in Massachusetts is one of the first to get arrested under the new marijuana law that was set in Massachusetts January 1st. Marijuana lost it's criminal status when voters approved "a decriminalization referendum" of marijuana in November. He is one of the first to get arrested because there was believed to be 0.2 grams of marijuana, 119 crack cocaine rocks and 45 bags of heroin on him. He is being held on $50,000 bail.
I think that the new law is better because it sucks to be arrested if you only have less than an ounce on you when you are arrested.
If I were to interview someone, I would interview the man who got arrested because it would be interesting to know if he was going to use all of the drugs found in his car.
Brianna H.
Period 2
Panda H.
That is cool that the guy found his ticket but why did he even throw it away. You should never throw away a lottery ticket.
Dillon S.
Noemi S.
Crime decreasing is always good. cops having better equipment is good because nobody likes it when somebody dies.
Dillon S.
Here's the vacation no one wants, courtesy of the recession: Forced time off without pay.Financially struggling universities, factories and even hospitals are requiring employees to take unpaid "furloughs" — temporary layoffs that amount to one-time pay cuts for workers and a cost savings for employers. This year, the number of temporarily laid off workers hit a 17-year high. If they do it once, I think it's easier for them to try to do it again," said Carrie Swartout, who researches traumatic brain injuries at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Maryland is requiring unpaid time off for 67,000 of its 80,000 employees as it struggles with a budget crisis. The state says the furloughs will save an estimated $34 million during the fiscal year.
this article talks about why workers arent getting paid through their vacation cause due to the econimic problems most of their jobs cant afford to pay their share of money and now most of their employees are being left without getting payed.
I would ask the people on what can they do to make this disappear without affecting their lives, because its not fair that this workers are working hard and not getting their loan of money that they should get.
Edgar S.
Noemi S.- your right its a good thing that the death rates of police officers in the past couple of years has lower down its means that police officers are more careful when their going after a criminals and also shows improvement as well.
Edgar S.
Jessy V.- its strange how a firer got started in a night club and my question is were there any guards that were at least watching around inside the club, and its really sad that a lot of people got injure in that fire and there were few deaths, cops should investigate on who got this whole thing started before that person get away.
Edgar S.
This article talks about the remembrance on Martin Luther King Jr and his I Have a Dream Speech. His last and final massive civil rights march that took place in Washington D.C. in 1963. It was said in front of a quarter of a million people. It has been forty six years since we examine the enduring power of what's remembered as the "I Have a Dream" speech. Among many historians it has been said that this speech is one of the greatest orations.
I think that this article is very interesting because Martin Luther King did this civil rights movement to help his people gain freedom and rights to do anything as any regular American does in there everyday normal life. I also think that MLK was a good man trying everything to in his power to have rights. I think that he will always be remembered for his courageous work.
If I were to interview any person it would be someone who was at the Lincoln memorial and heard this I Have a Dream speech. I would ask he/she what they thought about this speech?
Jose C.
Per 5
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