Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trial Jury Days Period 2


Anonymous said...

Today was an relaxed day for the jury we were given a study period while the jury deliberated on the case. i will be anxious to see the final outcome of the case. This will be a good one.

Ryan C.

Anonymous said...

As members of the jury, we first took a vote. More people were voting that Lynn should be able to play on a boy's soccer team, while only one person said that she shouldn't play. I first voted that she should play with the boy's soccer team. I changed my vote to no, when a jury member convinced me. He brought up the fact that Lynn wanted to go to college on a soccer scholarship, but that's not the only scholarship out there. She can apply for other scholarships and then play soccer in college. This made a lot of sense to me. The coach is still violating Article 9, which I believe is unfair to Lynn. She didn't get a chance to try out just because she was a girl. All she wanted was to try out, not to be put on the boy's team immediately. She just wanted a chance to try out. After our discussion, many people have changed their votes and it is currently at 8 people that say that she shouldn't play and 4 that say that she should play. We will continue our discussion on Friday.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

The trial started off with a bang when Andrew Mckraken took center stage and started it off. From the start he showed promise that the trial was going to go in there favor until Chris Ballsinger came up for the cross examination.

From then on out we new what this was. It was a duel between Andrew and Chris everyone else seemed to be there just to fill up the gap. These two went back and force challenging each other to find a weak spot in each others armor. It seem for the most part that Chris was winning he was checking all that he could and what look to working to his favor. Then we came to the closing statement were Andrew blew everyone away with his "raping her rights" statement. It seems that the Battle was over but we still had to wait for the jury's decision which will come down to the wire.

Antonio Q.

Anonymous said...

There was much deliberation in the jury today as they tried to reach a verdict on the case. there were heated arguements and much participation by all involved. Everyone seems to be taking this case personally and i am sure that they will come to a fair decision agreed upon by all.

Julian J.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

A is for the apple i eat everyday
B is for bath i take now and then
C is for the car i will drive someday
D is for dog i will train today
E is for the entertainment i don't get
-To be continue not today

Anonymous said...

The first day of deliberation was very chaotic. Everyone talked about why Lynn Andrews should and should not played in the boy's soccer team. The jury is awaiting for the answer for what will be the outcome of the case. Both sides have strong views and anxious to whom will win this case.
-Stephanie & Mayra

Anonymous said...

My group was very interactive and many brought up many good arguments. We started off with a vote which ended up 8 - 3 with 8 being for her to play and 3 for her not to play. I then decided to have everyone explain their vote and reasons why. We ended up with a dramatic argument between some of the jurors. The second vote became 7 - 4 which was good because it showed we were making process in the judicial system. I liked the fact that everyone participated and gave good points.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

ALright my group started with a vote of 8-4 i think not sure. Its was a good becase we aruged about it for a little bit and everybody had good arguements.8 she she can play and 4 for not to play.After that the vote changed 9 to 3.I notice that we were starting to make good points and making the right decition.
