1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
Teen convicted of killing mother over video game
Today a judge has rejected the defense that a teenage boy, Daniel Petric, opened fire on his family because of his addiction to video games. He was convicted of wounding his clergyman father and killing his mother. Petric was convicted of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder, and various other charges. He faces a maximum possible sentence of life in prison without parole. No sentence has been set yet. Petric used his father's heys to open the lockbox and grabbed the .9mm pistol and the game and went into the kitchen and told his parents to close their eyes because he had a surprise for them. He then opened fire and killed his mother and wounded his father.
This is what our world is coming to. Kids killing thier parents over stupid video games. I don't like video games to begin with and just hearing this I felt that his decision was ridculious. Now he's not going to see the light of day anymore, other then inside the walls of a prison. Nothing is worth that.
I would want to interview Daniel and ask him if it was worth what he did. Now he can't play Halo anymore so it really doesn't make a difference except for the point that his mom is died now. That's freaking brutal.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Father sends his two kids to walk in snowy weather
This article is about a father who sends his kids to walk in the snowy weather alone to their mother's house 10 miles from where his car got stuck in the snow. This guy was taking his children to their mother's house when his car got stuck and it was snowing outside with winds up to 25mph. He sends his kids to walk the remaining 10 miles in that weather. The 11-year-old daughter dies of hypothermia and the 12-year-old son narrowly survived after growing delirious from the bitter cold.
I think this father is insane for leaving his children alone in the cold to walk 10 miles to go to their mother's house. There is no telling what went through this guy's mind, but I'm betting his mind has no knowledge of cold weather or sicknesses that you can get in cold weather.
I would interview that father and ask him what made him think that sending two young children in the freezing cold was a good idea. I would also ask him why he wasn't more prepared with his car to drive in snowy weather.
Daniel S.
Period 5
"Why I hate Black History Month" flier that was sent home with St. Louis-area schoolchildren
This article is about a flier headlined "Why I hate Black History Month" that was sent home with St. Louis-area schoolchildren. The organizers who wrote the flier say that they were "trying to emphasize the importance of learning about black history all year long, not just in February." Three-quarters of the schools 350 students are black. Many people in that area were outraged. The organizers revised the flier to "Why I LOVE Black History Month."
I think this article makes no sense. Why would they put "hate" in any title of any flier, article, or headline of newspapers. Those organizers were stupid enough to print the flier and what really got them in trouble was the fact that they sent it with schoolchildren to bring home to their parents.
I would interview the people who wrote the flier and believed that no one would care. Well, people care about "certain" things and the flier just made those people angry.
Daniel S.
Period 5
Current Event #17
One of South Korea's best-known actresses, Ok So-ri, has been given a suspended prison sentence of eight months for adultery. She admitted the offence and the court suspended the sentence for two years. The trial took place after Ms Ok failed to get the constitutional court to overturn the strict law that makes adultery a criminal offence. South Korea is one of the few remaining non-Muslim countries where adultery remains a criminal offence. A person found guilty of adultery can be jailed for up to two years. More than 1,000 people are charged each year, although, as in this case, very few are actually sent to jail. Ms Ok was sued by her former husband, Park Chul. She admitted having an affair with a well-known pop singer, and blamed it on a loveless marriage to Mr Park.
I thought that this article is very interesting because it shows just how much power the government has over its people in Korea. They don't even let them live their life the way they want it and I think that sucks for the people living there. Ms. Ok tried to overturn the strict law by a petition but she failed. It doesn't just violate her human rights but also the one's of all the people living in that country.
The law has been challenged four times but the judges always say it damages social order. I think it is an invasion of privacy and therefore the law should be removed. I believe that people should be able to have an affair with who ever they want without the government telling you if you can or not.
If I was to interview anybody else I would interview the people who made that law and ask them why they are so concerned with people committing adultery. It's not that much of a big deal plus it's none of their business.
Luis R.
Google is going to closing 3 engineering offices and cut 100 recruiters. They said that they needed "fewer people focused on hiring" They also said that they would close its engineering offices in Austin, Texas, Trondheim, Norway and Lulea, Sweden. This would mean that 70 workers would lose their jobs. ALan Eustace, Google's vice president said that they want to "create a smaller number of more effective engineering sites." Google's shares fell 3.6 percent on Thursday.
I think that this economy is really bad when google has to cut jobs. They said that instead of giving them $1000 as a holiday bonus they gave they them a cell phone worth $400. Also, they have closed some of its free cafeterias which is bad cause there's no free food in google anymore.
If i were to interview someone, I would interview the google president and ask him what his plans are to making more money.
Brianna Hortry
Period 2
Luis R, I agree with you cause i think that the north korean goverenment has too much control over their people. North Korea should get blown up.
Brianna H
period 2
Joshua i think that video games do provoke people to do things that they would otherwise not do. The child's parent should watch what games their children play cause they're child might think its okay to go off and kill people
brianna h
period 2
Bush's final news conference offered a window on why his domestic legacy is looking pretty thin as he reads a farewell address. When asked to reflect on his mistakes, Bush made a rare admission. "I believe that running the Social Security idea right after the '04 elections was a mistake," he said. "I should have should have argued for immigration reform." The retirement funds put into private accounts on Wall Street was reckless while the Bush administration insisted the money would be safe, but it was a big mistake.
This is a funny article about President Bush. He is getting ready to say his good byes and he is still messing up. He messed up in the beginning and even now. He regrets "his" decisions but its to late now.
If i were to interview someone it would be someone in the Bush administration to ask what they think about the social security reform now.
-Stephanie B. per2
There was a man who that posed as a women veterinarian and set up a fake rescue agency and scammed people out of thousands of dollars. Police arrested the guy and charged him with practicing medicine without a license and is being held on 10,000-dollar bail. He said he was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania veterinary school. People say that he solicited donations for his nonprofit organization when it really wasn’t.
I think the guy is gay and likes to dress up in women’s clothing if he took it as far as opening a fake business. I feel sorry for the people that trusted him with their pets and paid him.
I would interview someone that took their pet to him and see what they say about taking their pets to him.
Skyye O.
Period 5
this article was about a new policy that will help fix the problem with illegal immigration. The Napolitano, 51, is a critic of U.S. immigration policy. this isfor the National Guard to help secure the Mexican border and billed the federal government for state services used by illegal immigrants. This means more security for the boarders and warn the businesses that if they are hiring illegal aliens they will pay the consequences.If confirmed by the Senate, Napolitano will be in charge of a five-year-old department with 218,000 employees whose duties include airport and presidential security, aid for storm victims and immigration control. Some of the problems that may happen in managing such a large organization, which was created from 22 agencies, became in the department’s slow response due to Hurricane Katrina, bungled repairs on Coast Guard cutters, and a malfunctioning sensor system to catch illegal immigrants at U.S. borders. If i was to interview some one from this article it would be the new elected president Barak Obama. The reason is because i would like to know how would this proposal help the nation. Just how much money is spend in this policy. And why would they place so much security when the boarder from up north the boarder from canada is not as protected as the south side. Why is there such a difference in strengths on each boarder. And ask him in what way would this new policy would improve the nation and what is the purpose of the policy.
yash m.
Biden, Clinton Say Farewell to Senate Colleagues
The two Democratic senators said all of their goodbyes to all of their colleagues today. They delievered their farewell speeches on the Senate floor as they have prepared to move to their new jobs in the Obama Administration, which is took take place next week. Senator Biden(Delaware), is to be sworn in as V.P. and as for Clinton(New York), as Secretary of State. Biden's resignation is to take effect on Thursday and will be replaced by longtime adviser Ted Kaufman.
This election was history in the making, and being a part of it was pretty cool, I guess. I hope that America made a good choice and hopefully things will get better.
I would like to interview both of them and ask them how they feel about their achievements. I eish them the best and hope they serve a great term.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Federal Court Upholds Wiretap Law
Today(Thursday), a U.S. Foreign Intelligence court released a ruling to uphold the right for the president and Congress to wiretap private calls that are international and are able to intercept e-mails without a court issued warrant. The FISAC released an unclassified version of an August ruling that has seemed to validate President Bush's claim that the govt. can act without warrants in gathering foreign intelligence. The Bush Administration had came under some heated crticism 3 years ago for eavesdropping and congress passed the Protect America Act.
I believe that they shouldn't wiretap our phone calls. That's meesed up and what kind of pres. would do that to their country. I can understand this form of behavior due to terrorists, but in my opinion there is no such thing as terrorists.
I would want to interview Bush and ask him how he feels to listen in on private conversations. (I know he is not listening to it personally, but you know what I mean.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Comment #1
Daniel S- That is a disturbing story, that dad should get put in jail. I would have had the kids wait in the car and wait for somebody to come. I think this guy was mentally challenged because nobody in their right mind would have done something so stupid like that. Now he can't see his daughter again and I highly doubt his son would ever want to see him.
Comment #2
Stephanie B.- Let me tell you, Bush will never stop messing up. That was a funny article because he made so many mistakes that you can't count them on your fingers and toes. I hope that this next four years will be a success.
Comment #3
Daniel S.- I would have to say, that was the funniest most messed up article I ever heard. Why would anybody do somethign like that? I don't know, I just don't know what goes through people's minds when they do something so stupid liek that.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7832191.stm
Summary: A US airliner on a domestic flight with 155 people aboard has ditched into the Hudson River in New York City but with no loss of life, and the pilot stated that a flock of geese hit the both sides of the plane's jet engine. One of the passengers on the plane explained that everyone started saying their prayers, when they knew they were preparing for hard impact, but surprisingly everyone stayed calm and left in an orderly manner. New York Senator Charles Schumer said that it was a "modern day miracle" and he also said that the pilot was truly heroic because he warned his passengers of what was going to happen.
Analysis: this article was interesting because it gave the reader a sense of relief, and it was an overall positive article. This article also shows that not every disaster has a horrible ending, this was one was definitely a blessed case.
Interview: if i was to interview anyone i would interview the passengers because they are the individuals who survived this disaster. I would also like to know how it affected their perspective in life and how their lives have changed because of it. I would also interview the pilot and ask him how he felt when he had to warn his passengers of this danger they were about to face.
Nina Tran
Period: 2
comment 1: i cant believe that the obama administration is almost coming in! that's so exciting!
Comment 2: the article about immigration was really interesting because i do agree we need more border protection, but then again people only immigrate to seek a better life style, so it's a hard decision.
comment 3: wow video games have taken individuals to a very dark place, its so sad how games are affecting to many negative behaviors and i agree he doesnt deserves to have a defense.
comment 4: every where we go there is racism in some interesting way, and why the heck would they put "why i hate black history month" is beyond anyone's knowledge!
This article was about how King county is the first to have a total postal election. It is expected to be a smooth transition since previously 70% of people used absentee ballots anyway. People who insist on voting in person may go to three polling places in Renton, Seattle and Bellevue and use touch-screen machines designed for the disabled.
If I were to choose someone to interview it would be the head of the election office and ask him why not just continue to give people the option like every other year.
Shawn C.
Per 2
US Airways plane, had 155 people on board.Flight 1549 was headed to Charlotte, North Carolina. The pilot began experiencing trouble and called it an emergency.Earlier today about 15people were being treated at hospitals. The airplane flew down into the Hudson River. Air traffic controllers at LaGuardia saw the airplane,clear before gliding into thw water about 3:31 pm. If I were to interview someone it would be the pilot. When the pilot started to plane did he or she not noticed that a button was flicking. Luckily nobody came out hurt.
Mayra Salgado
Period 2
In Venezuela the National Assembly was approved which means that President Hugo Chaves will be allowed to run for another term of presidency. The electoral council will have 30 day to vote for the change of their constitution so Chaves could have his 3rd term or vote against. Not only will it give the president but also the governors and mayors.
I think that if they do vote for it then Chaves will just keep on adding more and more years to his presidency and will become the dictator of Venezuela, but if that what the citizens want then better.
I would ask common people who live there to see if they really want Chaves until 2012.
Noemi S.
Joshua C
I agree with you with not liking the wiretap on our phone calls because that’s going to far.
Noemi S. P5
Brianna H
I think that Google going down because of the economy is going down really proves how bad things are going and about them having no more food that’s even worst for Google and for the people who need that food.
Noemi S. P5
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A US Airways jet with more than 150 people on board came down into the frigid Hudson River off Manhattan after apparently hitting a flock of geese on Thursday and officials said everyone was rescued. The Federal Aviation Administration said "We've confirmed everyone got off." A number of people were injured and taken to New York hospitals on a day that had seen a snow storm in the morning and below freezing temperatures. The FAA said it was investigating reports that the Airbus A320 plane hit a flock of birds after taking off from New York's LaGuardia airport. Witnesses saw it make an emergency landing, kicking up a cloud of spray on the river. US Airways said 150 passengers and five crew were aboard the Airbus A320 when it came down. The pilot radioed flight controllers that he had hit birds a few miles (kilometers) from the airport, law enforcement sources said. A passenger told Reuters that a few minutes after takeoff he heard what sounded like and explosion. Aviation experts said that landing a commercial jet on water without the plane breaking apart was extraordinary.
I chose this article because I think it’s pretty dumb for the pilot and the maintenance for not checking their Airways jet before letting it go in the mid- air. Even though they landed in water and reported safe. But still they shouldn’t take risk.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview the maintenance and the pilot. To ask what went wrong? Did they checked the jet before and after the incident?
Neslee O.
Period 2.
Comment #1 Daniel S. - if I were to interview that guy, I would also like to ask him what made him do that to his children. He could have had the kids wait in the car. He’s probably messed up in the head or something.
Comment #2 Joshua C.- your article is pretty interesting. Stupid kid! He should be in prison forever. Why he had to do that. Video games should have never been invented in the first place. It only serves as a bad influence for young adults. Poor Parents for having a Villainous Son.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Summary: This article is about a 15year old who was caught stealing 2 brownies at his school cafeteria. This had happened in Mason City, Iowa on January 8, to 15 year old Trey. After the teen was caught, the police came and charged him with fifth degree theft. The boy's mother responded " I was very surprised. I think they're being a little extreme. A brownie costs about a dollar. I could see a few days or a week of detention, but charging him like this.. it doesn't seem right." The Mason City Polic Department charged him with such a high crime to prevent this from happening in the future.
Analysis: I believe the Mason City Police Department took it too far. I agree with the boy's mother, they should just give him a week's worth of detention.
Interview: I would interview the boy who was caught stealing the brownies. I would ask him if stealing brownies was really worth this type of consequence. He should have waited to buy them the next day.
Leslie M.
This article is about a pilot, Chelsey B. "Sully" Sullenberger, of 57 years old who is now considered a hero. After takeoff he hit a flock of birds and blew both engines. He called it in and was suppose to try to land it at Teterboro, N.J. He wasnt able to make it but landed it really slowly at the Hudson River. He helped everybody out and made sure there was nobody left behind by walking up and down twice down the plane. Nobody was seriously injured!
I think this pilot is very considerate. He went back and made sure nobody was left behind after knowing that the airplane was going to sink. He was able to save everybody. Just by what he did says a lot about him.
If I could interview anybody it would most likely be him just to ask him how everything happen and how it feels to know that you saved 155 lifes including a baby!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Joshua C.- I completely agree with you it was really ridiculous of him to do that especially because now he has lost his parents forever over something so stupid!!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Skyye O.-This guy is nuts and its really sad that people lost their money to some lame guy.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Daniel S.-Is this father dumb or something why in the world would he send his kids alone.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Stephanie B.-This is a funny articel. Bush is not very bright but we all know he will keep messing up.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Finally, after 8 years of being in charge of this nation George Bush Says Good Bye on Thursday January 15, 2009.
I did really like the part of the speech I heard and Mr. bush was right in one thing, after 9-11 we didn’t have another attack and if I recall we had two attacks under Clinton’s administration. Now we are going to have to trust Obama because he doesn’t really support war. Mr. barrack is more of a talkative person but can you talk with people that hate America like the guy from Iran, I don’t think so. Well if Obama keeps a strong arm on just like bush has, he might be criticized but our borders will be secure. Although bush wasn’t the greatest president he kept us safe.
If I had the chance to interview someone it would have to be all the people from the middle class, and see what they think because they are more in this country.
Andrea P
It was just like a scene from the movie "A Christmas Story". Where a ten year old boy sticks his tongue on a metal light pole. A fourth grader was found with his toungue stuck to a pole. The boy said that his friend had dared him to do it.
By the time an ambulance arrived, the kid already pulled his tongue off. His tongue ending up bleeding while his mom took him home.
I think this is pretty funny, and stupid at the same time. But mostly stupid. I know a lot some people at school who might be stupid enough to do that. Though...I don't know their names..
If I were to interview someone, I would interview the kid who dared the boy to do it. I haven't really thought of what to ask him though...
Panda H.
Per. 5
Josh C.
Woww! That is just rediculouss!
This is why video game ratings are soo rediculous! If i still played video games alot I'd be outraged by this kid's stupidity and how it affects other people in the long run. But I'm not anymore haha. I just wanted to say that.
Panda H.
Per 5
Daniel S.
WHoaaa! What the heck is wrong with people these days?! His daughter died?! I think I'm gonna cry! But seriously what kind of idiot would send their kids out in the SNOW?! He obviously wanted them to die.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This article is about Kellogs product peanut butter sandwich cracker is been contaminated with salmonella, consumers asked to put a stop on the sellings of this brand because it is too dangerous.
what i think is that i like peanut butter and if it was contaminated with salmonella the i would be pissed the crackers i couldn't care less.
Miguel F.
January 15, 2009 10:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This article is about sleeping being the best cure for a common cold, i think that is very true and that everyone that has a cold should stop going to school and stay home sleeping, and by reading this article that is exactly what i am going to do
Miguel F.
January 15, 2009 10:04 AM
Joshua Carranza: I agree with u that a lot of video games today are very vilate. And the kids that play this game think they can do it in real life.
Luis R.
Per. 2
Shawn C: I really didn't like ur article that u posted. To me it makes no sense you need to explain it more.
Luis R.
Joshua C.-
I can't believe he killed his parents
just for a stupid game! That's just ridiculous. I wonder what was going through his mind when he did it.
Leslie M.
Veronica D.
The guy in your article is a real hero. Thanks to him no one was hurt and everyone was okay.
Leslie M.
Daniel S.- Great pick of current event. This is very intresting. Probably one of the best stories that i have read so far. This father is a killer for doing this to his small children. The decision that he made was outrageous. This shows that some people are not ready for the responsability of having childern. This man should be thrown into jail for doing this to his children.
Ryan C.
Hello Kitty was able to help calm mothers down at a maternity hospital in Taiwan. How you ask? Simple! The Japanese children's icon is featured on everything in the hospital including blankets, to wallpaper. Their is even a giant Hello Kitty mascot dressed in a pink nurse outfit that greets visitors.
I think this is a pretty cool idea, especially for that type of hospital. I mean who wouldn't like to see Hello Kitty everywhere? Especially little babies, who open their eyes to see a bunch of Hello Kitty's everywhere. Heyy, they/re alot better than having clowns everywhere...
If I were to interview anyone i would interview the mothers that are in the hospital and ask how they feel when they see Hello Kitty in the hospital.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Andrea P.
Heyy this is great news to hear cause I definitely dislike Bush. He ruined all of our lives. Glad he's finally gone, they should take his health insurance away or something...
Daniel S.
I get what they meant though. We should appreciate black history all year around. Just as we should all types of history of different ethnic groups. But as usual people start getting angry without thinking things through and start complaining. Its stupid but hey I guess everyone is like that. But still some people more than others! You know who you are...
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