Friday, January 16, 2009

Trial Day #2 Period 2


Anonymous said...

Prosecution- Second day of trial started off with a correction from the first trial. Lynn Andrews has been playing soccer for about six years not since she was six years old. During the cross examination Lynn said “give me a chance to try out” that is all she is asking for. She broke her leg, but it was not a soccer injury. The defense saw this opportunity to convey the jury that playing with guys can injure her leg again.
Next to take the stand was Erica James. She was Lynn’s Andrews coach for about two years. She believes Lynn is competitive enough to play with guys and that by not letting her Lynn might loose the skills obtained.
Last witness by prosecution was Robert Andrews, Lynn’s father. He looked dismay by all the questions the defense was asking him. He kept on saying “she really loves soccer and that is her dream” and she needs the scholarship for college.
Closing argument by the Prosecution noted that the school is not following the guidelines. The guidelines state that no student should be discriminated by gender. As the lawyer said the “school is raping her of her civil rights.”
-stephanie b.

Anonymous said...

The second day the trial was completed with both sides giving a good fight. McCracken's dumb speech saying that the "school is raping her civil rights" is an emotional felony. Rape is a harsh word to say in a trial about a girl who wants to play soccer. The school respect her for trying this but we have to follow the guidelines. Though we can not prevent her from playing a sport we does not mean she can play on the boy's soccer team. It is out of her league. P.S. Not physically or mentally. LITERALLY!!!
Jake H. per.2

Anonymous said...

The prosecution and defense got down today. They went through all the witnesses and their closing statements. The defense made the mistake of instead of preparing a well thought closing statement they went off of the prosecutions statement. Andrew and the prosecution really knocked it out. The defense choked early and couldnt bring it back.All in all it was a good day in the class and we got a lot done.
Shawn C.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Day 2

Prosecution (Andrew m*) continues to question Lynn Andrews (genisis*)

Would ask the coaches to at least let her try out.

End of questioning

Defense (chris B) cross examination of Lynn Andrews
States the case that the boys on the team cannot be distracted by girls. Coach might have mistaken her for just one of the boys girlfriends and asked her to leave. Assumes that coach did not know that she wanted to play on the team. Can injure herself playing with boys. Defense argues with prosecution. Prosecution keeps getting upset.
College for Lynn relies on a soccer scholarship
She broke her leg in the past.
Boys play rougher than girls but she thinks she is capable to play with the boys.
Could not remember how long she was actually playing for. It was actually 5 years not since she was 6 years old.

No further questions

Prosecution (Ivon G*) calls Erika James (Briana H*)
Has been coaching for 8 Years
Lynn is better than most girls she’s seen, in her opinion.
Alternate sport given for girls is field hockey.
Lynn doesn’t want to play that, she only wants to play soccer.
As good as the boys. Could play with them.
Her last two years of high school are critical for her career, if she doesn’t play, she might not be able to play in college.

Defense (Nina T*) cross examines Erika James

Lynn could excel in field hockey.
Coach has never coached boys soccer team so she actually has no proof that she can actually play with them.

No more questions.

Prosecution (Yosh M*) calls Robert Andrews (Jordan A*)
If she stopped playing soccer she could not get a scholarship
Soccer brings up her self esteem
Joining the boys team will push her to play better and excel more.
Needs the scholarship for college.
When she was 8 she broke her leg in several places.
Soccer helped her get better and recover her self esteem.
Coached turned her away when she went to try out.

No More questions

Defense (chris b) cross examines Robert andrews
Chance of injury herself again.
Needs the scholarship to get into college.
Dad is willing to risk injury for her daughter as long as she keeps playing soccer.

No Further questions.

No more witnesses for the prosecution.

Defense (Antonio Q*) Calls ramond Hartley (Johnny L)
Coach of the boys teams at Lincoln.
Has been coaching soccer for about 20 years.
Has coached girls in the past.
Believes that lynn would be seen as a weak link on the team.
Other teams would focus attention on her to bring down the team.
Boys would rough her up during games.
Boys team morale would go down.
Boys are stronger and can be cruel and abusing.
Would lower her self esteem.

No further questions.

Prosecution (Ivon G*) cross examines Ramond Hartley
Did not let her try out.
Even though she was a MVP at her last school he would still not give her a chance.

No Further Questions

Defense (chris B) redirects Ramond Hartley
Would not let her try out because she was a girl and that it would be unsafe for her to play on a boys team.

No further questions.

Defense (Chris B) calls Ted Sellers (Jaime C*)
Been playing for 4 years.
Respects lynn.
Morale is good for the team.
Team has a good bond.
Team morale would go down if there was a girl on the team.
Would show less respect for her is she was on their team.

No further questions

Prosecution (Yosh M) cross examines Ted Sellers
She might get hurt.
She Would be a distraction on the team.
They treat her as an athelete but morale still goes down.

No further questions

Defense (nina T*) calls martin wrobel (ryan C)
Superintendent of Springfield school district.
Title 9, no person shall be discriminated by gender.
Also states that lynn cannot be put in a position where she will be discriminated against.
Soccer team for girls was trying to be set up but there was a lack of interest.

Prosecution (Andrew m*) cross examines martin wrobel
Met with lynn, father, and the coach.
Agrees with the coach.
Soccer wasn’t offered to girls when lynn attended that school.

No further questions.

Defense (chris B) redirects martin wrobel.
Lack of interest in a girls soccer team even if lynn was at the school.
Boys would discriminate against her which would be in violation of title 9 so they cannot put her on the team.
Martin trusts the coaches judgment.

No further questions.

Prosecution closing statement. (Andrew M*)

Defense based case on her leg breaking when she was 8, two years before she actually started playing soccer. They did go against title 9, by discriminating against her. He said something about rape of her rights. She shouldn’t be discriminated against because she is a girl.

Defense closing statement. (chris B)

Prosecution would like to make you believe that they are raping her of her civil rights. Not true. A girl placed on a boys team would be unsafe for her. Risk is high for her to hurt herself. They have complied with title 9. she cannot play on a boys team because it is a rougher sport. That is not sexist.

That is what happened on the final day.

Julian J.
period 2

Anonymous said...

Defendant- The defendants and the prosecution meet for the second day in a row. Anxious for what seems to be the trial of the year. Both teams meet in private to discuss the main points that will possible win the trial. Lynn's father Robert was brought up for questioning. All he wants is for his daughter to play soccer and would not like to interfere with her dreams. "She will receive less respect," said Coach Raymond Harley.
Mayra S.

Anonymous said...

The second day of the trial was very exciting and filled with lots of good points from both sides. I acted as the superintendent of springville. I was well prepared and prepped by my lawyers. But the lawyer from the defense tore me up with some well thought questions in which I had no response. They were well prepared for this case. The best lawyer by far is Andrew. The rest of them were poorly prepared. This is shaping up to be great and jam packed trial.

Ryan C.

Anonymous said...

The second day of the trial was intense because of all the good arguments both sides had to offer. I respect what the prosecutors was pointing out and the emotional speech Andrew gave at the end but I am all for the defendant side just because there are more points to agree with.

Ravid Y.
Period 2