Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama's Inaugural Address

Extra Credit For Comments


Anonymous said...

Yesterday was an amazing day for the United States of America as a whole. We have an African American president; Barack obama. I had a chance to watch the inaugural speech in Mr. Waldram's class. I thought it was very festive and inspiring. President Obama's acceptance speech was amazing and well stated. He is an amazing public speaker. I think Obama will help to change this country for the good. I'm very excited to see what he will do for this country and most importantly us the people.

Ryan C.

Anonymous said...

I think that it's great that a african american became president, it was history in the making, and i liked the fact that he was in a serious tone no more hoping no more wanting change because we must change we must take this serious and get our heads in the game, just as he said we cannot depend only on him to change and improve the economy, we are all americans, we must all work together to end this disaster and improve

Miguel f.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a neat experience to be able to watch the president’s inauguration speech, but I thought the woman that wrote and read that poem did a terrible job and president Obama could have picked a lot better poet. The sad part is that the woman supposedly worked really hard on it and I could have pulled something out my butt that is better than that. Well anyways I hope Obama does a great job as president and helps our economy.

-Zachary Peterson

Anonymous said...

watching the inauguration was amazing so many people showed up that it amazed me. this year has been crazy because this is the year where an african american is president of the united states. the poet the obama got was ok i didnt really understand it but i really like the orchestra they were amazing. obama speech for the people was amazing as well he really did tell us that we can do it and make it through as stronger americans

Ivon Garcia

Anonymous said...

i think it is cool that we made history and have a black president...he had to swear oath agian because he messed up on the original... i think he will be a great president because he is trying to make the economy better and make more jobs.....
darin diderich
period 2

Anonymous said...

i honestly believe that this was such a historic day for America. we have been through so much and throught out the years we have had things that have happend that were memorable but i honeslty belive this is a huge new expirence. throught out his speech we see laughters and tears. but im sure to all those that waited for that day that we had an african american president was such an amazing thing to witness and be apart of. im sure barack obama would be an amazing president.

Diane Segura

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, 1-21-2009, was a very historical day or the United States o America. Not only did we swear in a new president, but he was the 1st Atrican American man to ever be elected to be the president ov the United States. during the speech you sould eel the motivation and determination in his voice. I'm sure that president Barack Obama will bring about a great deal o change:)... President Obama seems like he will do good things while running this country.

Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

I think Obama's speech was great because he faced the country with a different type of speech. He did not sugar coat anything. He did not pretend like his presidency is going to be "pretty". He faced the country honestly and spoke about how there is a lot of work to do, but best of all, he spoke of how this work will get done. Personally I am not a big fan of Obama but I appreciate his honesty in his speech.

Anonymous said...

The one above is mine! Look at the times!

Luanny Barquero

Anonymous said...

Its amazing to see how many people there was. This was a historical moment we now have the first African American president and by his speech that was great I'm sure hes going to do a great job! He is a good public speaker and I am very excited to see what he is going to the for this country!
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

The presedintial inauguration was intense. There were MANY! people that attended this year for our 44th president. Most peopl are proud that we have come to have an African American president. Barack Obama's speech was instense unlike the poet he chose. Now people will think thnat anything is posible because Obama has gone through a lot to become president. In his speech he spoke more about how he will change the education techniques by having the schools meet their requirments. There were many important things that our president spoke about and I am glad he is now the President of United States.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

January 20 was a historical day that will go down in history. President Barack Obama is now the president of the United States. The amount of people that showed up for the inauguration was unbelievable! Many people were emotional and had tears in their eyes as Obama swore into office. He gave his speech with 100% honesty and told the United States and the world that he has a lot of work to do to fix our economy. He has a lot of work ahead of him, let us hope he can make all these 'wrongs' and make them 'right' again.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

Im am a little glad to actually be part in witnessing president.
Obama's speech seeing our world going to a better tomorrow the Barrack Obama is leading us and seeing his first in doing so is fantastic. The speech was some peice of work and i can tell that much thought went into making it. Years from now i will be telling people on how i got to witness a historic event in Americas history.

Antonio Q.

Anonymous said...

i thought his speech was very good. it was a good way to start off his presidency. it was kind of funny how he messed up when he was being sworn in, but i can see why because of all the millions of people watching him, he must have been under a lot of pressure. i cannot wait to see what President Obama does for the future of our country.

Julian J.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think Obamas speech was very insightful and thoughtful. I am excited for this new year because it is history in the making. The inauguration was crazy because there was so many people watching the ceremony.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i think that obamas speech was impressive because the way he gave out the speech, using big words. He also made history for being the first African Amercian president. What was good abotut the cermony was that there was so many people, i talking about at least one million.


Anonymous said...

January 20,2008.....
It's a really important and amazing event in the United State of America. He is the first American-African President in the United State.He was very good speaker and He did so well.I thought some people really wanted to go to the inauguration to watch him.His speech very inspirational and we hope Obama can do what did he said he would do.

Firman P.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Comming to think of it the day of The Inaugural Speech was a day in the making of the United states history. for the first time we have an African American for president. now i wonder if its going to be the only time or will we have more presidents in the future of different races. i think that he is going to be a good president and that he can bring change to the ameican people.

Jose Cruz Per 5

Anonymous said...

I got to watch this speech live at school and also again here. It was such an inspiring speech that I think will make history. He really caught the attention of everyone watching who is hoping for change and better life. It's definately going to be different for him to measure up to what he put out to the people. Either way he is a very charismatic person.

Melaney Hays
Per. 2