Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Trial Day #1 Period 2


Andrews v. Springville

Day #1


Anonymous said...

The prosecution got off to an early start calling Lynn Andrews to the stand. They had good questions until a nice objection by the defense from Jake.Not much else was happening.
Shawn C.
the bailiff

Anonymous said...

This article is about Kellogs product peanut butter sandwich cracker is been contaminated with salmonella, consumers asked to put a stop on the sellings of this brand because it is too dangerous.

what i think is that i like peanut butter and if it was contaminated with salmonella the i would be pissed the crackers i couldn't care less.

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...

This article is about sleeping being the best cure for a common cold, i think that is very true and that everyone that has a cold should stop going to school and stay home sleeping, and by reading this article that is exactly what i am going to do

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...

Prosecution- The first day of trial started off in a good direction. The first witness called up was Lynn Andrews. She was question by the laywer Andrew. When asked how she felt when the coach rejected her on try outs she said "I love soccer it is my life and helps me overcome emotions." She had been playing soccer since she was 6 years old. She has also been named MVP and feels confident to play in a guys soccer team.
-Stephanie B

Anonymous said...

Defendent- It seems that every lawyer came prepare. Miss Lin Andrew was called up by her lawyer Andrew. Answering every question; letting everyone know she has good potential. She also received an award as "Most Valuable Player."All she wants is to play soccer.
Mayra S.

Anonymous said...

Case of andrews vs Springfield

Prosecution (Andrew m) (costume) calls lynn Andrews (genisis) (costume)
Started playing soccer at 6 yr old
Special because she got mvp
She thought there would be a girls soccer team at her new school
She had to try out for boys team
Coach wouldn’t let her try out.
Parents decided to talk to coach about this problem.
Parents tried to convince coach to let her try out
Wanted to keep playing on to college but without her playing now she would not be able to keep playing
she thinks shes capable to keep up with the boys.
She thought she could get an athletic scholarship for soccer.

That is what happened for Trial Day #1

Julian J.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Prosecution called up Lynn Andrews to the stand and started asking her questions. She says she's been playing soccer since she was 6 years old and had been named MVP in her other team. After being transferred to Lincoln High School, she found out that there was no girls soccer team. So she decided to try out for the boys soccer team. The coach told her "move on sweetheart, wait for your boyfriend somewhere else". He gave her no chance to try-out, so Lynn's parents tried to talk to him, but it didn't work. She believes she's good enough to play soccer with the boys.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

The first day started with Lynn Andrews called to the stand. McCracken thought he was so cool questioning his witness and then i objected him for asking for Lynn's opinion and it was sustained.

Jake H.

Anonymous said...

Preparing for court…


So I’m sitting here with the prosecution and they are thoughtfully going over their case. They aren’t really talking a lot because they are so focused on this case. I believe that the prosecution is really taking this case to heart and that they are taking this on as a personal level. They are all taking notes that will help them in the trial. Andrew McCracken is heading up the prosecution side of this case. He seems to very confident about this case. He said, “I feel very strong about this case. We are gathering evidence from witness statements and are making a case. We plan to have Lynn Andrews on a soccer team very soon.”


Witnesses are very distraught about the case. They are trying very hard to hide their feelings in order to try to get through it. With such emotions flying, they are trying to get their mind off of it so they are drawing pictures and discussing things which have no meaning.


The defense was very concentrated on their work. They are discussing the facts in order to protect their clients. That’s about all for now. Yeee.

Julian J.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


i did not like the fact that waldram took side with the prosecuters and started asking me a lot of weird questions, also a particular question, if i knew all of my teammates sexual orientation wich was kindof disturbing and i doubt a gay guy will play soccer just to see other guys

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...

The trial got off to a quick start. Whith the defense calling Lynn Andrews tot the stand. The lawyer in which she was questioned was Andrew. He had lots of good points as did Andrews. When asked if she loved soccer she replied yes, and she couldnt live without it. It would be a part of her that was missing if she couldnt play. Then she followed with some strategic crying at the time. This case is off to a great start. Im anxious to see what happens in the end of the case .

Ryan C.

Anonymous said...

This article is about the peanut product recall. There was salmonela in some peanut butter and now there is a recall. Reporters said that there was 31 MILLION pounds of peanut butter that was recalled. The national peanut board said that people who live in America eat about 700 million pounds of peanut butter each year. The company that mad the recalled products was the Peanut Corporation of America, which is not an industry giant, but their peanut paste is used in many other products because other companies buy their peanut paste to use in their treats.

I think that the Peanut Cooperation of America is going to go out of business cause no one is going to want to buy their peanut paste anymore and because of the bad economy. They should also have better health standards for their peanut employees.

If i were to interview something, i would interview a peanut and ask it if it's mad about people being concerned to eat it. I would also ask it "how did the salmonella get into peanuts?"

Brianna H
period 2

Anonymous said...

Prosecution called Lynne Andrews to the stand. The trial as basically about a girl who moved to a new school called Lincoln and they did not have a girls soccer team.She wanted to try out to the boys soccer team but the coach would not let her. She was MVP in her school and she was capable of playing with boys. Also she wanted to go to college with a soccer scholarship.
Addie Molgado