Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
The unemployment rate is going up dramatically. Large companies continue to lay off workers. AT&T Inc. said Thursday it is cutting 12,000 jobs or about 4 % of its work force because of the economic downturn. The Dallas-based telecommunications company said the job cuts will take place this month and throughout 2009. Wilmington, Del.-based DuPont said it will cut 2,500 jobs mostly serving the U.S. and European automotive and construction markets due to lower demand from the steep global decline in homebuilding, auto sales and consumer spending.
It is sad that most of the people are loosing their jobs. The uneployment not only effects the U.S.A but other countries as well.
It is also sad that big companies are laying off most of its workers near christmas season. It is suppose to be a happy monthe for all families but its going to be a devasteding christmas for most people in America.
If i were to interview a person it will be some one who is unemplyed. To see how they are planning to make it through during this holiday and economis disaster.
-stephanie b. per2
Rogue FBI agent breaks silence at sentencing
A former FBI agent was sentenced to 30 years to life for being part of a mob hit. Ex-agent John Connolly was convicted to second degree murder. Connolly, 68, denied having played a role in the 1982 mob hit. He then told the family of John Callahan( victim), " It's heart breaking to hear what happened to your father, and to your husband... My heart is broken when I hear what you say."
I think that it is a good thing he is getting convicted. This goes to show that the people who are sworn to protect our country would go against what they a sworn to do. They go and kill people for the mob.
I would like to interview the agent and ask him why he choose to do something so retarded.
Joshua C.
Per. 5/7
Pakistani militants deny role in Mumbai terror attacks
Who:Pakistani militants
What: They deny involvment terror attacks in Mumbai
When: Early December
Where: Mumbai
Why: That is a million dollar question: What are the terrorists' true intentions?
Pakistani militants trained for 18 months for an operation and they deny their recent attacks?
JH per. 2
Current Event #11
This article is about the man that got trampled to death the day after Thanksgiving. The day know to be “Black Friday,” which is the busiest day of the year for retail stores. The family of the man are trying to sue Wal-Mart for not having a safe work place. This man was only 34 years of age and did not even work there he was just hired to be security.
I picked this article because a person died in a worst way, which was trampled to death. That people did not even care for his safety of others all they wanted was to get low cost goods. I choose this article because it shows how desperate Americans have become due to the economic crises. That for a something like a T.V. or DVD player , that was lowered to be sold a man was killed.
If I could interview any one I would interview one of the shoppers that were there that day. I would ask the person if he/her saw the man getting trampled. Also if he/her was one of the people that step on this man. If so why did they not help the person up or try to stop the trampling.
Luis R.
I think it is very hard for people to get a job right know. Because no one is hiring. It is really sad for people who have big families and they can't afford to buy groceries or important things because they can't find a job.
I would interview an owner of a company who iS having to dismiss people, and see how they feel about doing this and how it affects them.
Addie M. per.2
The article is about of the Elect President Barack Obama. In many of the newspapers and Media, the said that Barack looks like the new Abraham Lincoln, they said that is a combination of Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Many of the ideas of Barack are based on this character in the opinion of the newspapers, he had new ideas for this country and supports the “poor people”, he try to help the people in troubles whit their house and jobs, and try to help the new generations and the young Americans.
In my opinion Barack will be a good President for the United States, he had new ideas for this country in crisis, maybe he don’t resolve all the problems in this country, because four years is a few time for solve a Crisis, but can be a good job helping the next president.
I would interview to the young people, because a lot of them, put their faith in this new President, trying that he can do something for this country and all this young people that we trust in him.
Jorge G
Period 2
This article is about the American penny getting redesigned after 50 year with the same design. The front of the penny will stay the same but the back will have 4 different design. One will have a log cabin; the other will have Lincoln standing in front of Illinois capital, Springfield. Another is Lincoln reading a book after a break from splitting rails; the last is a half-completed U.S capitol dome.
In my opinion I don’t think its really necessary to do that with the penny, but then again I guess its for the history of the country.
If I were to ask someone it would be a teen in school. I would ask them if they think its necessary and if they think this will affect the future.
Noemi S
P 5
Tracy couple, houseguest charged with abusing captive teen
A Tracy husband and wife and a third suspect were charged today with a litany of felonies for allegedly chaining a teenage boy and torturing him for more than a year with belts, knives and baseball bats before he escaped. Their hands shackled at the waist, Michael Luther Schumacher, 34, and his wife, Kelly Layne Lau, 30, made their first appearance this afternoon in a packed Stockton courtroom. A third suspect, Caren Ramirez, 43, is expected to appear in court Monday. She had been described as the boy's aunt, but authorities said today they were not related. Judge Franklin Stephenson of San Joaquin County Superior Court spent several minutes reading the 13-count complaint aloud. Lau, a stay-at-home mother, was referred to the public defender's office. Schumacher, who makes $4,000 a month as a contract cable TV installer, was appointed an attorney. The judge ordered bail set at more than $2 million for each defendant and told the couple to return to court Monday.
What’s wrong with these people, are they out of their minds. why do they have to torture the kid. They deserve to be in prison. What would they feel if it was done to their children. I was glad the boy did escaped.
If I would interview someone else, I would interview some of their neighbors to ask them if they saw any thing that’s not quite right.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Stephanie B- I agree. People kept on losing their jobs. Americans were going broke. Our country is facing such an economic crisis right now. Hope everything will be fine!
Neslee O.
Period 2
Jorge G. - I think you’re was pretty interesting. Because I can tell by reading your article that you are really have faith for Obama being a good president. We’ll wait and see what he can do help our country in the near future.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Kenneth Brnes has been sentenced to 45 years in prision.For commiting bank robbery and using destructive device during a crime of violence.The robbery was on August 28,2003. In Erie, Pennsylvania. I would interview the pizza delivery man and ask him why he decided to wear the bomb. How can he not know the bomb was real?Did he not hear that the bomb was ticking?
Mayra S.
Period 2
To: Stephanie B.
I agree with your article, because those innocent people are exicted and the next day they are told that they have been fired.
To:Noemy S.
I agree, the penny being changed after 50 years. And their point is what exactly. The change of a penny won't really affect the future because other dollar bills have been change and its still worth the same.
This is article as about a man in sacramento who used a 2ft tall plastic candy candy to takedown another man with a knife. The suspect got drunk and started to brandish his knife at people gathered on a lawn on thanksgiving day. He cut serveral peoples clothes until the man with the candy cane decided to fight back. the man with the knife was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, the man who attacked him was not arrested because the police determined it was an act of self defense.
My only reaction to this was...LOL. I think think is one funny news story because you cant help but laugh when you picture someone getting beat up with a plastic candy cane. I'm just wondering why he used a candy cane as his weapon of choice! haha, i guess anything really CAN be used as a weapon. It's good that nobody was hurt and the drunken man was arrested, should be a nice story for that family's next gathering!
If i were to interview someone, or some people, i would interview the people that were with the drunken man on thanksgiving, if he even had any people over. I would ask them why they didn't stop the guy from going to the other house, or even stop him from getting out of the house in the first place.
Jeremy T.
Period 5
current event 11:
Three suspects in the tracy torture case are being charged with multiple felonies because they abused a 16 year old boy who said he was hold captive in a tracy home for 15 months. The 16 year old named kyle said that they would beat him with basically anything.(belt, knife, and baseball bats.) The police had found him barefoot and naked except that he had a pair of oversized boxer shorts and a padlocked chain around his ankle. (he was located at a Tracy fitness center begging for help.) One of the suspects is his guardian named Caren Ramirez, and she was granted custody of the him by his mother before her death. ("his aunt") Two other suspects are Michael Luther Schumacher and his wife kelly Laynen-Lau. All three had abused the 16 year old boy. The Schunacger face 13 felony and Ramirez 11.
Jessy V.
If i were to interview someone it would have to be Kyle. I would want to ask him hadn't he tried to press charges against these criminals because that is what they are criminals. He may have been able to prevent so much abuse for him and would not have to of suffer the way he did with his abusive dad and these other three that did so much harm towards him.
Jessy V.
Practically everyone likes the fun web site called youtube. The company is really hoping to make it less R-rated. The company this week is announcing new rules and it is to put better control sexually suggestive content on its popular video-sharing site. Only users claiming to be adults will be able to view them. Youtube had already barred videos that were sexually explicit. The new rules govern content that contains nudity or is "intended or designed to arouse viewers, " but does not cross into pornography. Restricting such content would be a good thing because they should really focus on the children. Kids go on youtube a lot and soon enough are watching these inappropriate things. From now on users seeking to view sexually suggestive videos will have to log in to the site and users provides them include a birth date when they create an account.
I really dont think that asking when their birth date really is going prevent minors from viewing these inappropriate videos. I personally believe that these videos should not be put up at all but then it comes to every has civil rights and liberties. It would be better if there was some sort of other way to prove that you really are 18 years old and this way kids would not be exposed to watch these types of videos.
If i were interview someone dealing with this i would have to interview the owner or the creator of youtube i would like to ask him if agrees with all the material that is being put online and is being exposed for everyone to view it including minors.
Jessy V.
Researchers suggest that domestication of wild plants that grow in salty conditions could help reduce global food shortages. Only 1% of the Earth's water is freshwater, and around the world agricultural areas are becoming less productive because of the increase of salt levels in water supply. The scientists say we will have to make use of salty environments for agriculture. They also predict that future crops could come from plant species that grow in brackish water, around the mouths of rivers, where salt and freshwater mix. The rising cost of bringing in freshwater to irrigate traditional crops may force producers to turn to salt water agriculture. It will be more profitable if we use brackish water and sea water as a resource. The scientists suggest the best way forward is to domesticate wild plants, crossbreeding them to produce higher yields. Genetic modification experiments have been conducted for more than 30 years to try to make crops such as wheat or rice salt tolerant, but they can't. The researchers also say some species of plants currently growing in salty environments could have a future use as biofuels.
We have limited amount of water and most of it is already used for drinking water. We can't be using our drinking water to water the plants. It'll be better if we would just be able to use saltwater on the plants, but we can't. A scientist from Netherlands says that salinisation is irreversible and that we have to accept the fact that we the world is becoming more saline.
I thinks it would really help if we can grow crops out with salt water. It would help a lot because then we won't have to use our limited fresh drinking water. It would be a huge advance. Scientist have tried reduce salt tolerance but it has proven impossible. Maybe in the future we would find an answer and it would really help our agriculture and maybe the future plants can be used as biofuels.
If I was to interview someone I would interview the scientist and ask them if they ever think that they are going be able to reverse salinisation.
Juan E
Period 2
On June 12, a woman named Fierro De Marin was on her way to pick up her daughter at Hoover Middle school when she accidentally crashed her Ford Bronco into a 12 year old sixth grader while riding her bike home. It was the last day of school when Breanna Slaughter was killed. Fierro De Mairn's attorney entered a not-guilty plea on behalf of his client and agreed to meet in court again on December 30. Her bail was $10,000. In this case it is said that Fierro De Marin made an "unsafe left turn". She does not have a drivers license and her attorney is fighting a police conclusion that his client had no formal driving training.she passed a driver's education course at San Jose's Lincoln High School. Mayfield had also said Fierro De Marin, who is in the country illegally, is in the process of becoming a naturalized citizen with the full consent of immigration officials. Fierro De Marin is charged with misdemeanor rather than a felony.
I personally believe it was an accident, maybe the 12 year old was riding her bike in the wrong way and was maybe not watching what she was really doing or it could be the other way around but only she knows what really happened.
If I were to interview someone i would have to interview the mother of the victum and ask her how she is feeling now that her daughter passed away, as well as ask her what she thinks of the driver. Does she believe her daughter was a responsible bicycle rider or in the end it was probably all an accident but sadly this accident ended up cutting the 12 year old girls life at a really short age.
Jessy Villanueva
Jorge G.
I really think that Barack Obama will be an excellent president i am pretty sure that all the new goals that he has planned to make the untied states a better country will be done successfully!
Jessy V.
Stephanie B.
It is really devastating the fact that a lot of workers are losing their jobs. Also many are getting their hours cut off. I am hoping that EVERYONE losing their job can get through this crisis.
Jessy V.
Luis R.
It is very sad the fact that this innocent victum was murder on "black Friday" The saddest part is that it was the day after thanksgiving. I sure hope that on that day he was able to enjoy one last happy evening with his loved ones. I also hope that justice is done towards his case.
Jessy V.
Summary: This article is about four teens from Corona,Hacienda Heights, Anaheim and Buena Park who are accused of robbing Irvine and Mission Viejo Islamic Centers. They would go into the Islamic Centers and one of the teens would distract an employee by having a conversation, while one of the other teens broke into collection boxes. They were seen in security cameras walking around the center. One of the employees went as far as following the car into the freeway, but then lost them. That same day, the Islamic center was robbed again. They were later arrested by officers surrounding the Key Inn in Tustin, who had found their car there.
Analysis: My impression of the article would be a little appalled. Why would they chose to rob an Islamic Center? Why would they chose to rob at all? They're teens that are able to get jobs. They shouldn't have been lazy and criminals.
Interview: If I could interview someone who wasn't mention in the article, I would interview the people who attend the Islamic Centers and ask them what they would have done if they were the ones who caught the criminals.
Leslie M.
Police have arrested four guys on suspicion of stealing more than two thousand dollars during a string of burglaries at islamic centers. They are all young. Three are seventeen and one is nineteen, Josef Mohammad Mohebi. They didnt find out until an employee reported an unusual conversation and thats when footage was looked over and realize as one was distracting the other was breaking into collection boxes.
I dont understand how people even get the guts to steal especially like that when its so risky. And for them to keep doing it it takes a lot but thats not a good thing because people are actually working to earn that money when the robbers dont deserve it!
I would want to interview the employee. I would ask her what they were talking about that was so unusual.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Stephanie B.
I agree with you 100 percent it is really sad and as you said its suppose to be a happy time. Unfortunately there will be some sad homes..
Veronica D.
Period 2
Neslee O.
That is such a sad and unbelieveable story. I cant people can live with themselves after torturing a kid like that. Those kind of people make me sick!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/12/04/zimbabwe.cholera.emergency/index.html
so basically this article is about how Cholera is starting to become a wide spread disease in Africa. The outbreak of this disease is mainly caused by the water supply and sanitation U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that 565 have been killed because of this water borne disease and 11,000 and becoming ill. At this moment in time there has been nearly 7,000 newly cases that have arose. cholera is in 9 out of the 10 provinces in Zimbabwe.
i think that there are so many different diseases that are killing many lives, and we as Americans are sometimes so ungrateful because we dont have to deal with conditions like this. i also feel that it is necessary for the individuals who are living in America to learn more about this disease because we can make the smallest difference if we all took the time to learn about it. it is selfish of us because we truly dont see what goes on outside of this country sometimes. Many people are dying and suffering because of their horrible living conditions.
i would love to interview the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs because i am interested in seeing how these are working to help cure this disease. i would also like to speak to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs because i would want to see what the developed nations could do to assist in this disease. i would also want as them about the specific water conditions in Africa.
Nina Tran
Per: 2
it's upsetting to see how much the youth is utilizing their brains to commit crimes that are just plain out stupid. In a way i understand because its a sense of survival but gosh... it's just a disappointment.
i think that would be awesome if we can utilize the salt water plants to create and new production in agriculture because that can save those individuals who live in poverty. if this scientific discovery is successful it can save so many lives of those who live in the developing countries.
Title: Clinton's Nomination Popular, But Is It Constitutional?
Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/04/clinton.eligible/index.html
Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly approve of Sen. Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, but will the founding fathers veto this popular addition to Barack Obama's "team of rivals"? Yes, according to one conservative interpretation of the Constitution. Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution says the following: "No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time." Translation: A lawmaker cannot fill a position if the salary for that position has been raised during that lawmaker's term in office. In January, President Bush signed an executive order increasing the salary for the secretary of state and other Cabinet positions by $4,700. Hillary Clinton has been in the Senate since January 2001. Case closed, says the conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch. "There's no getting around the Constitution's ineligibility clause, so Hillary Clinton is prohibited from serving in the Cabinet until at least 2013, when her current term expires," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. One Clinton aide said that both Clinton and Obama were aware of the issue when he announced her as his choice for secretary of state.
I think Hilary Clinton has had some pretty bad luck lately. First she looses and now it's unconstitutional for her to be secretary of state? Well, no matter what, I think the constitution should be followed, especially since both Obama and Clinton were aware of this. I don't think it's right that they are disregarding the Constitution. I also think this is a bad beginnig for Obama. One of his first major moves and its unconstitutional!!!
If I could interview someone I would interview Obama. I would ask him why he made this decision knowing it is unconstitutional.
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
VERO BEACH, Fla. – A Vero Beach man faces a domestic violence charge after authorities said he assaulted his girlfriend with a cheeseburger. An Indian River County Sheriff's Office arrest report said a 22-year-old man and his girlfriend got into an argument as they sat in a car in front of their home.
The report said the man would not let the woman out of the vehicle, so she threw his drink out of the car. In response, the man allegedly grabbed her arm and smashed the cheeseburger into her face. The pair got out of the car, and authorities say the man again took the McDonald's sandwich and put it on her face.
The man was released on $1,000 bond Wednesday.
Hahah i think this is a funny article. The man should just have acted mature instead of smashing a cheeseburger on his girlfriends face.If i were to interview anyone it would be the girlfriend and i would ask her why she didn't get the drink and throw it at him instead of throwing it out the window haha.
Randy O.
Per. 2
Japanese mobile company Willcom has just released its new Kuma Cell Phone, which is a PHS mobile phone inside of a little stuffed teddy bear. Supposedly the phone is made for either children or women who like cute things. The phone comes with a W-SIM card, four speed-dial buttons, a speaker and microphone.
The Kuma phone contains 2 AA batteries that power the phone up to 7 hours. There are no buttons to dial phone numbers, so the user has to pre-program numbers into the bear's paws. They also have to set ring tones and other setting via an online website. To answer phone calls the user must press the bear's stomach and to hang up you move the bear's tail.
Personally I think the phone sounds pretty cool! I think its very creative, though yes it probably is aimed towards children.
I think they should make other types of technology more suitable for children so that they can learn how to operate technology at an earlier age. Not toys like playskool and whatnot but actual functional technology. Also they should make a Panda phone next. I would buy that.
I would definitely inteerview the person, whoever it was that came up with this idea! I would probably ask them, "What gave you you inspiration for creating such a brilliant masterpiece of technology?!" Then I would discuss with him/her future plans for creating the next, "Panda" phone.
Panda H.
Per. 5
This was interesting. It is about Barrack Obama picking Hilary as a secretary of state.
Most of the people knew that he was going to pick Hilary, it was one of the obvious candidates for that job.
Obama, still want to get close to the Clinton doctrine but maybe he needs to know that the Clintons have great power either in congress senate or somewhere else. Obama is thinking that maybe with the new team they might get USA out of this situation and give America a life just like under Clinton, but there’s a little detail. When bush father left the economy was doing good. Most of the news talk about barrack new team and it is kind of scary to know that most of them come from the Clinton administration.
If I could interview someone it definitely would have to be the people that put Obama on the candidate list and ask them if they thought this would ever happen.
Andrea P
-Randy O.
Wowwww! That is pretty hilarious!
Though I think that is pretty stupid! Its not like he swung a bat in her face or something. I don't think he should have gotten arrested for something like that. Its just like seeing someone throw a milkshake in someone's face. Girl's do it to guys all the time, you don't see them getting arrested.
Panda H.
Per. 5
- Jorge G
Wow, people are still concerned about what Obama looks like? I really don't see them resemblance between him and Lincoln or MLK. He looks like himself. I won't say anything about Obama until I see that he's actually done what he said he would do. Though Obama is pretty cool cause he likes waffles.
Everybody likes waffles... Cool people that is
Panda H.
Per. 5
'Democrats are growing impatient with President-elect Barack Obama's refusal to inject himself in the major economic crises confronting the country. Obama has sidestepped some policy questions by saying there is only one president at a time. But the dodge is wearing thin. "He's going to have to be more assertive than he's been," House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., told consumer advocates Thursday.
Frank, who has been dealing with both the bailout of the financial industry and a proposed rescue of Detroit automakers, said Obama needs to play a more significant role on economic issues."
i think the democrats need to relax its not obamas fault that he cant do anything all at one time theres probabaly better issues then this he weill solve the issue when get to it. they just need to be patient.
i would like to interview obama and see what he thinks about this situation and he probably thinks the same way others think.
randy o
about the cheese burger girl and her boy friend i think thats funny but at the same time i think he should have not smakc a cheese burger on her face because thats not bein a gentlemen. he shouldnt be treating a lady like that even though she might be wrong but allhe had to do is walk away huh its funny haha.
noemi s
i think the penny redesign is kind of a stupid thing i guess but ya what can we do about it.
redesignin pennies is like a waste i mean who actually save pennies people throw pennies away the show make more 100 dollar bills cuz we need that huh.this what i think about pennies redesign
joshua c i was reading your blog sounnds really interesting.
i wasnt surprise when he confessed that he was in the mob killing innocent ppl. well who can trust when your in the game rule is "dont trust noone" even if they said they didnt do it still go deep in the case and find out the truth about it.
i feel sad for those ppl. who lost there love ones because of there stupidity.
i would interview the victims family and see how they feel about this situation.
Oh No She Didn't?
Recently president-elect made a call to congress woman Lleana Roslehtinen, and she hung up on him. How disrespectful is that? Being that Mr. Obama who by the way is my homeboy, is a fellow black man like myself she is lucky he didnt catch the first plane to Florida and slap her silly.lol
The congressman however thought it was a crank calll, i guess she didnt feel she is cool enough to receive a call from the president-elect. I quote she said "I thought it was one of the radio stations in South Florida playing an incredible, elaborate, terrific prank on me". so i understand where shes coming from. She also said, "They got Fidel Castro to go along. They've gotten Hugo Chavez and others to fall for their tricks. I said, 'Oh, no, I won't be punked".
The reason obama was callin her was to congratulate her on her recent re-election, and to let her know he was looking forward to working with her in the future.
That lasted for a minute. Then after she hung up Obamas chief of justice called to confirm and she hung up on him to.Once they talked again congress woman apoligized, and obama had no hard feelings because he said they do it in Chicago all the time.
Lesson learned from this, dont dis the president.lol Dont jump to conlusions so quickly, even though it might be to good to be true, you never know if it is or not.
Markeise G.
Panda's current event.
I think its cool japan keeps coming out with new technology, however soon there gona have phones wher people can communicate through thoughts. i dont like it. i think there should be a restriction on how much you can advance in technology, like only 5 new cell phones a year. every time i buy the newest phone, a better one comes out, and i have to wait like at least 2 years to get a new 1.
Markeise G.
J.T. period 5
Your current event is funny. THis dude obviously needs to pick a career change if he gets taken down by a piece of candy. how lame is that. we know the lesson to this story. Dont bring a knife to a Candy cane fight.lol
Markeise G.
Obama stimulus: Campaign hits $745 million haul
During Barack Obamas campgain was able to raise $745 million during the electional period. With this large amount obama was able to raise twice as much as opponet McCain.Thanks to all the support and private donations from organizations and people, Obama has been able to gain more then the imaginable for a campagin. Earning more then George W. Bush and John Kerry whose amounts put together only made a total of $653 million in the 04' elections.So how did Obama do all this? Obama did this with the help of nearly 4 million donors who contributed to his campaign and believe in his plans to make change for this country.
I would interview one of the private parties that gave money to Obamas campgain, and get the feedback as to why they decided to make a large donation to Obama. I would ask them what they see in Obama, and what they believe Obama will do for this country. Intervieing Obama and his whole campgain oragnizers would be great to, to find out how they feel about this great campagin they ran, and recieving so much support from people who have so much faith in them .
Genesis Hernandez
Period 2
markeise g
hi markeise, i think your aricle is funny about the fact that she just hang up on obama was funny i would hang up to because i wouldnt want to keep my hopes up high for an election because it might be a prank. she probably didnt want to be excited and find out it was a prank because people do that you never know til they get some proof that it was obama.
andrea p
2 gunmen kill each other in shootout at Toys R Us in Palm Desert. Police say the shooting was apparently sparked by a dispute between two couples who had 'previous hostility.' Other shoppers hide or flee in panic.
The police says that they belive that the shooting occured between a dispute that had already happened before and that these for poeple must have already had problems before they even shot each other in the store!
many witnesees of this insident have been tromotized. Many say that they will never shop on black friday ever again!!
i honestly think that if the men realy had problems they should have taken care of them out side the store not around a bunch of people on the busyiest shopping daY!
they risked others lifes and yet the ended up dead as well. i belive that this is really wrong i think that black friday at times is such a mess and people should not tak there kids shopping on days like that because that is way to risky not just in the sense of this incident that occured but also because kids could get stloen or even lost!
i would most definetly interview the witnesses that were there that day and just see what they think about the incident and to see if they would ever plan on shopping on black friday ever again!
Diane Segura
period 5
Posted 10/31/2008 8:52 PM | Comments 5 | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print |
By Meg Kinnard, Associated Press Writer
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A lower court should be able to resolve a challenge to President Bush's authority to detain the only suspected enemy combatant held on U.S. soil, the federal government said in a brief filed Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Solicitor General Gregory Garre wrote that a challenge by Ali al-Marri of his enemy combatant designation can be resolved in federal court in South Carolina, where he is detained. Recently, former generals and U.S. Justice Department officials filed briefs on his behalf exhorting the high court to review Bush administration authority to continue holding the Qatar native as an enemy combatant.
Al-Marri, a legal U.S. resident, has been held in solitary confinement at a U.S. Navy brig near Charleston since 2003. He was living in Illinois when he was arrested by the FBI in December 2001 as a material witness to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The government says federal agents found evidence that al-Marri, who was charged with credit card fraud in 2002, had links to al-Qaida terrorists and posed a national security threat. Authorities shifted his case from the criminal system and moved him to the military brig after he was declared an enemy combatant.
Al-Marri's attorneys have asked the high court to review an appeals court decision that the administration can detain anyone suspected of being an al-Qaida member. That request was supported in last week's briefs by former military generals and U.S. Justice Department officials, including former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. The court also ruled that such suspects must have an adequate opportunity to challenge their military detention.
I believe that every person in the us should be allowed a trial and citizen or no citizen we are all equal men protected by the constitution i belive that this guy should be tried we all the right to a fair trial and choose wether he is innocent or guilty
Miguel F.
luis r
i finds that is extreme intense and stupid thatnks to their selfishness now an innocent civilian is gonna have no cristmas and their family holyday ruined all because some people don't care about others , also its kindof messed up because the guy was working for a living to bring food to itstable and presents to their children but all he got was a slow death
Miguel F.
Jon Favreau, future White House director of speechwriting, has so far been at a loss for words over Facebook pictures of him at a recent party.Pictures of Favreau, 27, at a recent party appeared on Facebook Friday. In one of the photos, Favreau, who served as President-elect Barack Obama’s chief speechwriter during the campaign season, was dancing with a life-sized cardboard cut-out of future secretary of state Hillary Clinton. In a second photo, a friend was offering the cutout a bottle of beer while Favreau stood beside the likeness with his hand on the cardboard New York senator’s chest. The picture was reportedly up for a scant two hours or so before Favreau removed it, along with every other picture of himself beyond his profile photo — but there’s no getting the Facebook genie back in the bottle.Favreau wasn’t talking to reporters about the incident, but transition officials said he had offered an apology to Clinton.
this article is very interesting because it talks about a future white house director of speechwriting jon favreau, he was at a party and he took pictures of him with a life sized cardboard hillary clinton, i mean thats good that he took pictures with his friends at their party but why did he post it on his facebook profile, he should of know that anyone has access to see those pictures.
i would interview jon favreau about why did he posted those pictures in his facebook profile knowing that someday he was gonna get in trouble.
Edgar S.
Andrea P.--- its true pretty much everyone knew that Obama was gonna pick hillary for his secretary of state for the white house but before he picked her there was other candidates for that job, i wonder if one of them was better than Hillary.
Edgar S.
Jessy V.--thats a good thing that youtube is building secure viewing ratings because it true what they're saying a lot of little kids are having access to videos that are not rated for them, youtube should make those videos private.
Edgar S.
To: Stephanie B.
I agree with your article, because those innocent people are exicted and the next day they are told that they have been fired.
December 4, 2008 6:44 PM
Anonymous said...
To:Noemy S.
I agree, the penny being changed after 50 years. And their point is what exactly. The change of a penny won't really affect the future because other dollar bills have been change and its still worth the same.
December 4, 2008 6:49 PM
Both of these are my comments
Mayra S.
Period 2
Juan E: I really found ur article really interesticng. The fact that they can use plants that grow in salty water to help food shortage.
Luis R.
Diane Segura: I really liked ur article, the fact that people killed each other something so dumb. That just shows how bad the community is here in the United States.
Luis R. #54
i agree with you. I think it is very sad that this poor man got trampled to death. He was only 34 and he still had a nice life to live. If i were the family i would try to sew Walmart to.
Johnny L.
Period 2
I think this article talking about economic. Obama said the nation's economic has problems, it's getting worse...
and also the U.S showed a highest unemployment rate in 15 years....
indeed, every state absolutely get the same problem such as
I would like to ask about it,he could be solve this problem....
Firman P.
Period 7
To: Panda H.
i agree with you....
we will not know until we see the reality what did Obama said...
does Obama looks like waffles....?
Firman P.
period 7
By 2010, cancer will be the leading killer in the world, surpassing heart disease, causing more deaths than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
Unless new treatments are found, there could be 27 million people with cancer by 2030, and 17 million cancer deaths annually. And, there could be 75 million people living with cancer within five years after diagnosis, according to a new report, 2008 World Cancer Report, released Tuesday by the World Health Organization.
Last year, there were about 12 million new cases of cancer and 7.6 million cancer deaths reported. Of these, 5.6 million were in developing countries with an estimated 4.7 million cancer deaths.
Cancer is becoming more and more common between families and is appearing more often. It is sad to see that more casses of cancer are rolling out do to how people live there lives and what they put into there bodies.
If i was to interview someone it would be the head people of the world cancer report. I would ask them what really wauses cancer and how can how long until we have a cancer breakthough?
Jordan A.
Period 2
Nina T.- i agree with you. Bit i would take it further to see how we the U.S could be of any assistance. We as a great contry need to exstend ourself out to others and aid those in need.
Jordan A.
Period 2
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