Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
Current Event #12
This article is about how California has gone even more in debt in the past few weeks. The deficit was $3.6 billion dollars. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger some what blames the legislatures for failing once again for not having a plan. The governor said that they have been fighting about this for the past couple of days.
I picked this article because it is very important to the community and citizens of California. We need to know how our budget is holding up and see if we are not going to end up bankrupt. Like other big companies have done before. Also that California can loose all its money by February.
If I could interview anyone I would interview a Republican an a Democrat. I would ask them what their plan is to fix the budget and get California out of debt.
current evenr #13
Unemployment Rate Increases Again (Dec. 5): The Labor Department reports that about 533,000 nonfarm jobs were lost in November, the highest number since 1974. The unemployment rate increases two-tenths of a point to 6.7%. In addition, the department revises the number of jobs lost in September and October, saying an additonal 199,000 positions were eliminated.
think this is un fair to the peolpe that got left wityh out jobs. i whould interview one of the farmesrs the got there job eliminated.
current event #11
The murder of 6-year-old Adam Walsh, which raised awareness about missing children and led to television shows like “America’s Most Wanted,” has been solved, authorities said Tuesday
i picked this articel because it was intersting to know how i uncle can kill in own family. i whould interview Ottis Toole and aske him why whoild he do such a ting to such a young person.
jcorpus per 2
current event #10
A special investigative committee of the Illinois House of Representatives convened Tuesday to consider impeachment proceedings against Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) and laid out procedures for reviewing charges against him. The head of the 21-member panel, Illinois House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie (D), described the procedures as akin to a grand jury process. i whould inter view gove. rod to ask him wat he has to say on the chatrges he is being convected are false.
jcorpus per2
current event #8
Long-dated Treasurys extended their gains Tuesday, further crushing yields to historic lows, after the Federal Reserve slashed its target rate to as low as zero and repeated its intent to lower borrowing costs by buying bonds. The sharp drop in Treasury yields Tuesday marked new lows for these securities since a regular trading market emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, according to Federal Reserve data.
i picked the aricle becuse it is importan to know where not in investe my money in stocks. i whould interview one of the stock holders.
jcorpus per2
current event #7
Authorities on Tuesday announced the arrest of a second man in last week's deadly bombing of an Oregon bank, and said the two law-enforcement officers killed in the blast thought the bomb was a hoax and were trying to open it when it detonated.
chooose this aritcle becaues this shows how well traned the ploice are in bombs. i whould interview Joshua Turnidge the person who planted the bomb and ask him how did he make it look like a fake.
jcorpus per 2
current event #6
The Federal Reserve cut the main U.S. interest rate to as low as zero for the first time and shifted its focus to the amount and type of debt it buys, seeking to revive credit and end the longest slump in a quarter- century. this will help the us economey out and will take a step foward in getting out of this hole that the us got them selfs into. i would interview the head of the The Federal Reserve and ask how long do you think this will last.
jcorpus per 2
current event #5
package of dynamite planted in a major department store here at the height of the Christmas shopping season was found by the police Tuesday and removed after a search that threw the streets nearby into confusion.A group calling itself the Afghan Revolutionary Front said it had planted the explosives in the Printemps men's store. In a message to a news agency, it demanded the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan and warned that it would strike again if President Nicolas Sarkozy did not bring the troops home by the end of February. i would interview one of the dapartment store guards and ask them wat have they done to not allow that to happen again.
jcorpus per #5
current event #4
The Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at President George W. Bush was expected to appear before a judge Wednesday in a first step of a complex legal process that could end in a criminal trial, a government official and the reporter's brother said. i thnk bush is not all that great but still come on why whould you throw a shoe at him. i ask the person who throw the shoes at bush wat were his motives.
jcorpus per2
current event #3
Twenty-four people were killed when a bus carrying Russian travel agents plunged into a ravine from a notoriously dangerous road in Israel's Negev desert on Tuesday, rescuers said. this should be a wake up call to the lsraely gov to fix there roads if they dont want more to die.
jcorpus per 2
current event #2 http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSISL41554020081216
he attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai last month have convinced Pakistani leaders of the need for a serious crackdown on the Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), U.S. Sen. John Kerry said Tuesday.
Kerry, expected to take over as chairman of the influential Senate Foreign Relations committee, was visiting Pakistan after a trip to India as part of an effort to reduce tensions between the two rivals. wow it kerry ya i think they should show them who is boss. i whloud interview kerry and ask him wat the hell are you doing over there.
jcorpus per2
current event #1http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5h-QJLe7PH0LnTFUrQKeHkUPanZaQ
An Iraqi doctor was found guilty Tuesday of trying to murder hundreds of people in failed car bombings in London and Glasgow, attacks only foiled by a combination of luck and personal bravery.
British-born Bilal Abdulla, 29, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cause explosions and faces a life sentence. His co-defendant Mohammed Asha, a 28-year-old Jordanian neurologist, was cleared on both counts.
this show that you cant trust no one any more. not even the doctors who are there to cure you not to harm you. i whould interview Bial and tell him if he is happy for wat he tryed to do.
jcorpus per2
This article is about the reporter who purposely threw a shoe at Mr. George bush at a press meeting in Iraq. The Iraqi journalist was wrestled to the floor by security guards after he called Bush a dog and threw the shoe. Bush went to the meeting to sign an agreement between their countries to let US troops leave Iraq in 2011. During this conference, Muntadar al-Zaidi, the journalist who threw the shoe stood up and said " this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog," just before his attempt attack. This significant attack shows that someone is a sign of contempt in Arab Culture. The journalist did not stop after that, he again throws his second shoe which George Bush manage to dodge with his ninja skills.
I think that this is a funny way of attacking George Bush. I can see why the journalist is angry and wanted to throw the shoe at Mr. George W. Bush but he should of have been professional about it and throw ninja stars or use a gun. Why a shoe? I do not know. I was surprised at how fast George Bush dodged the size 10 shoe. I would like to interview the Iranian people and hear what their thoughts on the small attack.
- Ravid Y.
Period 2
corpus I read your current event and I would like to say dang that sucks how 24 Russians died in that bus. RIP man
Ravid Y.
Period 2
jcorpus stop spamming the blog man.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
Derailment sends freight cars into Minnesota river
On Wednesday Two frieght trains collided in the southeast region of Minnesota. The derailment derailed 40 cars in which some of them then fell into the Mississippi River. The were injuries in this event, but it was said that liquid ammonia and propane were leaking from some of the train cars. a nearby veteran's home was then evacuated as a precaution.
This happens a lot and it just really goes to show that you can't be safe in any form of transportation. Nothing we do can make anyhting safe. Cars aren't safe, planes and trains aren't safe, but we can't do anything about it.
I want to ask the engineer what went wrong so it doesn't occur as rapidly in the future.
Joshua Carranza
Per. 5
jcorpus- I was reading your current event #11 and it sucks that the kid died, but it's good to know that the guy who did it is in jail. People are the most dangerous animals and ppl need to realize that.
Joshua Carranza
Per. 5
Ravid- I remember watching that and that was the funniest thing I ever seen. That goes to show that the Iraqis don't want us there and The guy showed it by disrespecting Bush.
Joshua Carranza
Per. 5
Ravid y
i agree with your article. i think the reason why he threw the shoes because its a show of dirtyness and disgrase. he just wanted to let goerge bush know that he is dirt and he dont deserve respect. after all he killed millions of people by his orders.
he deserves this huh funny.
OPEC cuts record 2.2. million barrels a day
ORAN, Algeria – OPEC on Wednesday agreed to slash 2.2 million barrels from its daily production — its single largest cut ever — while bloc outsiders Russia and Azerbaijan announced their own cutbacks of hundreds of thousands of barrels from the market.
"I hope we surprised you," OPEC President Chekib Khelil said when asked whether the size of the cut would shock moribund oil markets into an upward trend. "If you're not surprised we need to so something about it."
And yet markets weren't impressed.
Crude oil sank to $40.20 after the announcement, a level not seen since the summer of 2004 and a clear sign investors are more worried that the world is heading for a long and painful recession in which energy use will continue to erode.
In just five months, crude has given up all of the price gains made over the past four years.
Making matters worse for OPEC, Moscow distanced itself from direct ties with the 13-nation producers' group, further dampening OPEC hopes of coordinated production cuts that might put a floor under crude prices.
OPEC said oil ministers of the 11 nations under the group's quota system agreed to take 4.2 million barrels a day off the market, but that includes two previous announced cuts that totaled 2 million barrels.
i would like to interview OPEC conference and see what they think about this situation.
2.2 million a DAY that is a lot.
j corpus-
i agree with your first article.
this is bad i knew our economy is getting worse and worser every single day i worry about the future and hope there wont be a depression because i dont want the past to happen again this is a new year lets make the best out of it.
A father has been found guilty of causing the deaths of four of his children by dangerous driving.
Nigel Gresham, 37, of Chapel Hill, Lincolnshire, was driving his modified Land Rover when it plunged into the River Witham, in September last year.
Willow, two, Angel, four, Thor, six, and Keavy, eight, died in the river.
Lincoln Crown Court heard Gresham, who denied the charges, had been driving too fast and the vehicle was not roadworthy. He will be sentenced later.
Gresham stood with head bowed and a number of people wept in the public gallery as the jury delivered its verdict.
Judge Michael Heath told the defendant he would adjourn the case until 23 January for reports.
Its sad to know that the children did make it alive. Its a complicated situation becuase theres evidence that shows that this could of being avoided but theres also evidence that its something else.
Who i would interview would be Nigel the driver and asked what reason made him to drive as fast as the day of the crash. Did he think twice before he did it and if he had the chance to save atleast one. For me it seems strange why he couldnt save one.
Jose V per.2
Current Event #13
Scientist in Mexico have found a method of producing synthetic diamonds using tequila, Mexico's favorite alcoholic drink. The amazing discovery was made by physicists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and could have many industrial uses. The only bad thing is that the synthetic diamonds are too small to be worn as jewelry. Mexico produces hundreds of millions of litres of tequila every year. Annual sales to the US alone are worth about $500m. The head of the scientific team, Miguel Apatica explained to the BBC how they came up with their discovery. "First of all we turn the liquid tequila into vapour by using a lot of heat. The gas molecules are then broken up into tiny particles. Then we increase the heat even further - to around 800 degrees celsius." Although they cannot be used for jewellery, there are plenty of practical applications for them. They can be used as an alternative to silicone in computer chips or as ultra fine cutting instruments in medical procedures. One advantage of making diamond film from tequila is that it is extremely cheap. The scientists found that even the cheapest of tequila brands, averaging at $3 a bottle, are good enough to make diamonds.
I think that this article was entertaining. Who would have thought that diamonds could be made out of tequila! I guess it just makes tequila that much better now. I think that’s awesome. Especially because Mexican scientist discovered that.
It sucks that the diamonds can’t be made big enough for it to be worn as jewelry. It’s ok though because they can be used as many other different kinds of things. It’s not the greatest discovery but it’s an interesting fact to know. Maybe some day I’ll make my own diamonds out of tequila but I doubt it.
If I was to interview anybody else I really don’t know who would it be. I would interview other scientist that worked on the experiment. I want to know how they came up with the idea that diamonds could be made out of tequila. Or why they even tried it. I think that they were just curious of what would happen if they heat up tequila or something like that. They were probably drunk I don’t know.
Luis R.
Paula Goodspeed, who is a die hard paula abdul fan died some time in november from a drug over dose in front of paulas abduls los angeles house. she commited suicide because she was un happy with her results after she preformed on american idol . she was laughed at after her performance and simon cowell calls her tone deaf and then commenting her braces he then ask her how could she sing with all that metal in her mouth. goodspeed was was already going through a lot prior to the show . simon then said had he knew she was going through he would have stopped and used the time to help her with her problems.simon also says he will go on being the judge he is because the show is intende to show a little humor.but fox has agreed that they will show less of the really bad singers and ry to foucus on the good ones. fox also says that the people who try out know they will be crticized before they go on the show. i think that it is not foxe's fault or simons fault they are right goodspeed knew she would be crticized and she took that risk . she has to be able to handle it just like evryone else did . if i had to interview another persons about this it would be goodspeeds friends . i would ask them why didnt they help her with what she was going through.
ameer webb
yea im with you all the wayyyy man
yea why couldnt he save on im with you jose
A mixed martial arts fighter and his wife have been found shot to death in their Southern California home, authorities said.The bodies of Justin Levens and Sarah McLean-Levens were found Wednesday afternoon in their Laguna Niguel condominium by the woman's mother, who then called authorities, according to Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department.Authorities said the bodies were found in a bedroom and a gun was also found at the scene.Amormino said homicide investigators are looking into the case as a possible murder-suicide. There were no signs of a struggle, he said.Levens, 28, competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and has a 7-2 mixed martial arts record, according to the UFC Web site.
this case sounds simalir to the wrestler chris benoit story because he killed his wife and sons with a gun due to steroids use and thats what probably made him do that, in this ufc fighter case its almost the same although there hasn't been a report of sterioids use but so far authorities said that it was probably a suicide.
I would interview the cops about if they already did an autopsy on the fighter to see if he has been using amy illegal drugs.
Edgar S.
j corpus-- its true so far california has been in a really serious debt for the past couple of weeks and the governor should act right away because this debt is affecting our schools a lot.
Edgar S.
J Corpus-- how would a Iraqui doctor try to bomb a car, instead of going to prison he should be sentenced to death because he killed a lot of people and a person like that doesnt deserve to live.
Edgar S.
Current Event #13
"Bush shoe-thrower appears before Iraqi judge"
website: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jToWIlVoxMuaI933OWKOvT8x13Hg
The reporter who a few days ago decided to throw his shoes to George W. Bush. Well apparently it was bad thing because the poor man had to appear in court upon a judge because of his actions.Muntazer al-Zaidi, the man brave enough to throw his shoes at Bush, says he did it because he detests Bush and America. The man could be put 7 years in jail after offending Americas head of state.
His lawyer will try to bail hom out, but most likely he will be lightly punished for having commited this action aganist Bush.
I would definetly interview Muntazer al-Zaidi, to find out exactly why he acted the way he did, and ask him how he got the guts to do such a act.Also Bush, to see if he was scared or what he thinks about this whole situation, and if he will try to get the mans punishment bigger.
this article is about how the reporters are really annoying obama. the reaporters are asking daily questions about Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich allegedly trying to sell Obama's Senate seat and the role of certain members of Obama's team.
i agree with obama because i get annoyed when my mom asks me then same question. i bet the reporters get really annoying.
if i interviewed someone it would have to be either obama or a reporter. i would ask obama what is the thing that makes you mad when you are talking to reporters. but if i interviewed a reporter i would ask if they are trying to annoy the people that they talk to and ask questions.
Darin Diderich
this article is about how Obama on Thursday named veteran regulator Mary Schapiro as his choice to head the Securities and Exchange Commission.Obama said. "And if the financial crisis has taught us anything, it's that this failure of oversight and accountability doesn't just harm the individuals involved, it has the potential to devastate our entire economy. That's a failure we cannot afford."
Schapiro is gonna be the first female to chair the SEC.
i think being the first girl to be chair of the SEC is pretty cool. Obama seems to know what he is doing about the economic crisis.
if i was going to interview someone it would have to be Schapiro because she is the first women chair of the SEC.
Darin Diderich
Caroline Kennedy daughter of Former President John F. Kennedy is interested in the vacant seat left by Hilary Clinton in the New York senate. She is one of 12 candidates. This would mean a continuation of a family legacy.
I liked this article because the Kennedy’s is a really interesting family. Some of them are Republicans and others are Democrats. Ted Kennedy has represented Massachusetts since 1963 and her uncle Robert Kennedy served in the New York ’s junior senate from 1965 until he was assassinated in 1968. Robert Kennedy seat was taken by Hilary Clinton and once again a Kennedy wants to claim it.
The Kennedy family has gone through a lot and has always been the American Family. All of them are strong people and they all want to continue the legacy John F. Kennedy never had the chance to finish. Caroline is a talented person who likes to help the people.
If I were to interview someone it would be Hilary Clinton. I would like to know what she thinks about Caroline and if she feels she could fulfill the role.
-Stephanie B. per2
The article is about of the President Obama and the new stimulus package to solve the crisis. The packet would be around of $675 billion and $775 billion but many people think that can be around $850. The money only is for the first two years, to try to solve the crisis.
This stimulus is probable that doesn’t solve the crisis, but can help a lot
I am sure that all this money can’t solve the problem, but I believe that can help a lot to the people whit troubles with their houses and the people with not jobs
I would interview to a specialist in economics, to know what the best solution to this country is.
Jorge G
Period 2
Sidelining the Legislature's minority Republicans, Democratic lawmakers today passed an $18-billion plan to ease the state's financial crisis through higher gas, sales and income taxes and cuts to schools and healthcare.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has not decided whether to sign it, said aides who haggled with Democratic negotiators throughout the morning over whether to loosen labor and environmental rules to help businesses and speed up construction projects.
The proposal would raise $9.3 billion by increasing sales taxes three-fourths of a cent. It would add a surcharge of 2.5% to everyone's 2009 state income tax bill. It would also require businesses to withhold taxes on payments above $600 made to independent contractors, as they are now required to do with salaried employees.
In addition, it would cut $7.3 billion from schools, healthcare and other programs. Their package would nearly halve the state's budget shortfall, projected to reach $41.8 billion in the next 18 months.
Again another tax and money perposal has come up and we the taxpayers are expected to pay the ultimate price by paying it and its advance. All these people seem to know is that to fix a problem we must throw money at it. How many more times do we need to use the technique? it doesnt seem to be working and we continue to do so like we are growing money on trees. Someone needs to fix this and bring out the ultimate plan to fix this and continue to keep us going for a better and brighter future.
If i had to interview someone and ask them a question it would be the a taxpayer and i would ask what his opinion, if he even knew this was going on?
P.S- The last C.E was by JORDAN ABRANKO
Period 2
One of South Korea's best-known actresses, Ok So-ri, has been given a suspended prison sentence of eight months for adultery. She admitted the offence and the court suspended the sentence for two years. The trial took place after Ms Ok failed to get the constitutional court to overturn the strict law that makes adultery a criminal offence. South Korea is one of the few remaining non-Muslim countries where adultery remains a criminal offence. A person found guilty of adultery can be jailed for up to two years. More than 1,000 people are charged each year, although, as in this case, very few are actually sent to jail. Ms Ok was sued by her former husband, Park Chul. She admitted having an affair with a well-known pop singer, and blamed it on a loveless marriage to Mr Park.
I thought that this article is very interesting because it shows just how much power the government has over its people in Korea. They don't even let them live their life the way they want it and I think that sucks for the people living there. Ms. Ok tried to overturn the strict law by a petition but she failed. It doesn't just violate her human rights but also the one's of all the people living in that country.
The law has been challenged four times but the judges always say it damages social order. I think it is an invasion of privacy and therefore the law should be removed. I believe that people should be able to have an affair with who ever they want without the government telling you if you can or not.
If I was to interview anybody else I would interview the people who made that law and ask them why they are so concerned with people committing adultery. It's not that much of a big deal plus it's none of their business.
Juan E.
Period 2
A doctor in Colorado found a surprise when removing what he thought was a benign growth from a newborn's brain. Instead of a microscopic tumor, out popped a tiny foot, partially formed hand, a thigh and another partially formed foot. The Doctor said he could not tell whether the miniature limbs were from a benign stem cell tumor called a teratoma or the remnants of an identical twin that did not split off and survive, a condition called fetus in fetu. The baby, Sam Esquibel, was 3 days old when doctors at Memorial Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs discovered a microscopic tumor in his brain. A hospital representative said Sam is alive and recovering well after his operation, but his family declined to discuss his case further until its interview with ABC's "20/20" in January.
I chose this article because I think its pretty bizarre. It’s certainly impossible and at the same time extremely unique to see a perfectly formed foot popped out of a tumor growing in the baby's brain.
If I would interview someone else, I would like to interview the Doctors, to know what’s really behind of these. What could they do to remove that tumor or would they be able to remove it without harming the baby.
Neslee O.
Jcorpus- I agree with you. How could an uncle can killed his own family. He was just a young kid and Doesn’t know what’s going on around him. I wonder what’s the real motivation of the ‘uncle’ to do such thing. Maybe he’s out of his head.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Ravid Y.- I’ve seen that too ‘in slow motion‘. George W. Bush’s expression was pretty Hilarious, I don’t know if he’s mad or trying hard to control his anger after that incident. Poor Iranian, he should have done it in a more professional way.
Neslee O.
Period 2
In the Memorial Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs, doctors found a microscopic tumor in a new born baby, only 3 days old. To their surprise, after opening the tumor, they found a partially grown foot, hand, thigh, and a second foot. It can either be a teratoma or the remnants of an identical twin that did not split off and survive. This is a condition called fetus in fetu.
Doctors believe that it is a teratoma rather than the fetus in fetu. After the surgery, the baby was found to be recovering quite effectively, but the parents wish not to give out anymore information than that.
I honestly find this story rather interesting, and at the same time disgusting. It could be that I just ate right before I read this article. I have heard of, though, tumors containing body parts and remains of another fetus, but only parts such as bones and teeth.
If I was to interview anybody it would either be the doctor or the baby's parents, and I would ask them about the baby and if the baby will be able to grow up and function normally.
Paulina P.
Period 5
This article is about Arnold Schwarzenegger who has veto an $18 billion package of budget cut and taxes increasing. He said that it was an unfair thing to do to the Californians and that its wasn’t our faults for the economy going bad.
I think that he is right about not making an increased on taxes because if that does happen its like taking money from who don’t have which will cause more drama.
If I were to ask someone it would be the people who propose this idea. To know what is the good part from this propose.
Noemi S.
Jcorpus P2
I agree with you about how Californians need to know whats going on with the economy, no mater if its good or bad. By that way we now how we could get prepared for the worst.
Noemi S.
Paulina P.P 5
I also agree with you about that being interesting and kind of sad because the other baby not making it like the one who did, also because the baby had to have surgery so young.
Noemi S.
Sarah Palin’s home church was damaged by arson. The church damage was estimated at one million dollars. Luckily no one was injured even though there were a bunch of people in there including two children when it happened. Palin apologized if the fire was because of “undeserved negative attention” from her failed campaign. “Authorities didn't know whether Palin's connection to the church was relevant to the fire”, according to Central Mat-Su Fire Chief James Steele.
I think that it is ridiculous that someone would set fire to a church with people still inside, possibly just because someone didn’t like Sarah Palin. I also think it is ridiculous that this isn’t all over the news and it was hard to find out about. If it had been Obama’s church it would be the top story and everyone would know about it. I do not think it is fair how just because it happened to someone conservative it wasn’t a big deal, but if it happened to a liberal it would be considered a hate crime. It is completely double standard and I am sick of seeing stuff like this happen all the time at my young age. If I could interview someone it would obviously be Sarah Palin and see how she feels and what thoughts are going through her mind. I also would want to interview someone that was in the church when this all took place.
Zachary P.
Paulina p.- i thought your article was interesting and weird.I wonder if they ever found out for sure what it was.
Zachary P.
jcorpus- I think your article about the uncle killing his nephew has sad and appalling. I dont understand how someone could do that.
Zachary P.
this article is bout Obama getting annoyed by the similar questions asked byt the reporters everyday..
i picked this article because i know Obama is an important part of the world now. he has alot of power on alot of people.
i would interview Obama becuase he is the one that is getting annoyed by the reporters cause of the questions they ask on a daily basis
period 2
Gus A.
this article is talking bout the best gift a parent can give their kids are fittness bootcamp. the kids go throught bootcamp to loose weight.
i think this is a good way to get kids in shape. but i dont think it will work just like pe doesnt work.
if i interviewed someone it would have to be a kid in the program. i would ask him why he is in it and if he thinks it is even working or is it even worth it!
period 2
Gus A.
Obama has selected California Rep. Hilda Solis to serve as secretary of labor. this is suppossed to make sure this meltdown wont repeat himself.
i dont think this will work cause women cant control their money as good as us guys.
i would interview Mary Schapiro and ask her how she fells being the first women to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. and how it makes her feel.
period 2
Gus A.
This is a story about a twenty year old, Campbell, nursing student who was killed and a sixteen year old who was seriously injured. It was on the 5 freeway near Redhill Avenue while trying to help a disabled driver. A driver who was suspected of being under the influence was unable to stop hitting the back of another car making crash into the two females who were walking on the freeway to help the driver.
Wow this is very sad. These poor girls were trying to help someone out and one of them gets killed and the other hurt for doing something good. These girls did not deserve this. For the one that died its sad cuz she wanted to be a nurse.
If I could interview anybody it would be the boyfriend because he was there and saw how everything happen. I would ask him if he saw the car coming and what was his reaction.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Ravid Y.-thats a funny story but people shouldnt disrespect like that. theres other ways of showing anger that wont hurt others.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Jose V.-i agree this so sad. i can just imagine how the guy feels after killing his own kids and could have been prevented.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Neslee O.-now this story is amazing. its incredible how the baby even made it through.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Stephanie B.-The kennedys are a good family and i dont doubt she could be a good choice.
Veronica D.
Period 2
This article was about Crysler and GM and how these two companys are going into there own financial crisis. Its talking about how the bush administration on how to deal with trying to keep the industry alive and running. It seems that they want to pour in more money in oreder to keep up and running. The two commpanys say that if they go down that will cause a major catastrophe during a time where the economy is already on its side. It seems that more people will out of work and many of there partners will also go down when they fall.
It seems like economy is getting worse and worse as time passes. I wonder if our new president could handle all these tragedys that his
predecessor has so kindly left for him.
If i where to talk to somone about this it would probably be the workers in these factorys and ask them how and if they can manage without having a job any longer.
Antonio Q. Per:2
Summary: This article is about two parents who are upset at a New Jersey supermarket. The supermarket refused to put their 3 year old child's whole name on his birthday cake. The problem isn't that the child's name is too long or anything like it. The problem is the child's name, Adolf Hitler Campbell. All the 3 year-old's parents are asking for is just a little tolerance. They say "They need to accept a name....The kid isn't going to grow up and do what [Hitler] did" says the father. The father says he chose to name his child Adolf Hitler because "no one else in the world would have that name". About the cake problem, the family ended up going to Wal-mart to get their cake decorated.
Analysis: I thought this article was interesting. No one in their right mind would name their child after a man who has killed millions. Apparently the boy's father likes the name and not only that , but they also have German ancestors. As far as the supermarket not wanting to put the boy's name on the cake, that's kind of mean. Even though the little 3 year-old has a dictator's name, it's not his fault.
Interview: If I could interview someone, I would interview the employee who refused to put the child's name on the cake. Although it's not a name you're used to hearing, the child should still get his cake. Fortunately, Wal-mart was nice enough to put the child's whole name on his cake. Like I said before, it's not like he got to chose his name at birth, his parent's chose it.
Leslie M.
There was a genocide massacre in Rwanda not a long time ago. Some of the big countries didn’t wanted to get involved but at the end everything came out good, even though a lot of people died. These were two tribes fighting each other.
The leader of the massacre in Rwanda, was finally punished for what he did. The U.N. A lot of the survivors said that finally justice has reached this guy. It was bad all the killing and the slaughter. Around half a million people died in 100 days and there were some survivors. One of the leader of the armies back then, is now president and we hope next time something happens, we better pay attention.
If I could have the chance to interview someone , I’d interview this guy and just ask him why did he treated his own people that way?
Andrea P
ameer webb: I agree with you all the way. Her friends should of help her out and where waqs her family?
Luis R.
jcorpus: I agree with what you said, we need to worry about our economy a lot. Also we need to pay more attention with what the legislatures our doing.
Current Event #13
"Bush shoe-thrower appears before Iraqi judge"
website: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jToWIlVoxMuaI933OWKOvT8x13Hg
The reporter who a few days ago decided to throw his shoes to George W. Bush. Well apparently it was bad thing because the poor man had to appear in court upon a judge because of his actions.Muntazer al-Zaidi, the man brave enough to throw his shoes at Bush, says he did it because he detests Bush and America. The man could be put 7 years in jail after offending Americas head of state.
His lawyer will try to bail hom out, but most likely he will be lightly punished for having commited this action aganist Bush.
I would definetly interview Muntazer al-Zaidi, to find out exactly why he acted the way he did, and ask him how he got the guts to do such a act.Also Bush, to see if he was scared or what he thinks about this whole situation, and if he will try to get the mans punishment bigger.
Genesis Hernandez
Period 2
Previously posted but i didn't put my name.sorry :]
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