Cultural Exchange:
Our world is increasingly becoming one of shared cultures and values. By looking at the cultural parts and how they fit and influence the whole, we can come to a better understanding of how our nation and the entire world thinks and functions the way we do. On Friday, you will bring in an edible artifact that represents your own personal ancestry and write a ½ page description on the blog of how that ancestral origin has influenced our world. What contributions have been made, what advancements were caused and what impact is felt because of that country. Sign up below with the nation and artifact you plan on bringing in!
My family is from Guadalajara, Jalisco witch is in Mexico. The Mexican culture has influenced the United States in many ways. One of the ways was the food. There is no place in the U.S. that does not have Mexican resturants. Also all the spices and herbs that they put in thier food. Also we have influened americans in ways that they are very happy of. Which is great food.
Luis R.
My family is from San Juan del Rio,Queretaro in Mexico and there we have all kinds of great foods like posole, tamales, champurrado, and many more delicious foods. In America mexican food lives on. Many people from all different parts of the world love mexican food not just mexicans and I can understand why. That is because it is simply just delicious. Everyone loves tacos and burritos because they are delicious. Delicious food makes people happy and I think that mexican foods influence the people to be happy and it also influences people to build more new mexican restaurants.
My family is from San Juan del Rio,Queretaro in Mexico and there we have all kinds of great foods like posole, tamales, champurrado, and many more delicious foods. In America mexican food lives on. Many people from all different parts of the world love mexican food not just mexicans and I can understand why. That is because it is simply just delicious. Everyone loves tacos and burritos because they are delicious. Delicious food makes people happy and I think that mexican foods influence the people to be happy and it also influences people to build more new mexican restaurants.
Juan E.
Period 2
well my family comes from Saigon, Vietnam. It is pretty interesting to see how many different races are taking the time out to get to know our language and to try all of our different foods. In the United States there are so many pho restaurants because the meal has become to so popular among different ethnic groups. That's a very honorary thing because i love seeing my culture prosper a grow. Most of our culture is influenced by out neighbor china and its nice because i am able to see people interest in Chinese new years and all of that. I knew that our culture was spreading when i was at a wedding and all of my uncle's close girl friend who were of different ethnic groups were wearing our traditional vietnamese suit the Ao Dai worn by women to show their class and strength. its also a nice thing to see the vietnamese get involved in the international community through trade and all that because that is one of the main factors in spreading culture and we all learn from different spectrum's of life.
My family is from two different countries:Bolivia and Mexico. Bolivia has contributed to the world through their culture, cocoa bean(chocolate) minerals, and oil. Mexico has contributed through their food. Although they are economically unstable, they still managed to contribute a little bit to the world.
My family is from China and Cambodia. Cambodia has contributed many things such as little Cambodia in Long beach, California. There is a lot of gangsters and drugs in that area because that is how we roll. There are a lot of Cambodian Gang bangers in this area because of the refugee escape during the 80's and 90's during the evil communist take over of Pol Plot. Many has landed here in Long beach and has opened many restaurants and food shops to support their family. My Other family who are Chinese has a lot of positive contribution such as fried rice and Chow Mein. Oh and of course ORANGE CHICKEN. Nothing beats that we win hands down. Another contribution is my dads funny accent. He cannot pronounce Rs and goes Rarara instead of Lalala. I think thats muy comical. Thank You.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
My family is from two different countries:Bolivia and Mexico. Bolivia has contributed to the world through their culture, cocoa bean(chocolate) minerals, and oil. Mexico has contributed through their food. Although they are economically unstable, they still managed to contribute a little bit to the world.
I have many different ethnic backgrounds in my blood. I have decided to write about The Navajo indians. I get the Navajo blood from my dad's side of the family. Between 1863-64 the government had forced more than 8,500 Navajo men, women, and children to march through a harsh winter as part of President Jackson's Indian Removal Act. During this time many Native Americans had gone through a lot and had their land taken away. They then set up many reservations to rebuild their economy. In 2006 Lynda Lovejoy was the first woman to ever make it to the General Elections in Modern Navajo Nation Histoy.
Joshua Carranza
Per. 5
My parents are from two different countries. One of them is from Mexico and the other from Guatemala. Mexico has influence the world. With their varieties of food and spice. Guatuamala has only influence the world with their unique style of music. So I have decided to bring mexican cookies.
-Stephanie B. per2
My families from mexico not exactly sure were but ....... yeah, anyways mexicans have great influence on the U.S like the Nacho chips, but the potato chip was created by the irish, so what happen was that they combined nachos and potato chips together to make the Nacho Cheese Doritos which is a big hit around the world so i am going to bring nacho cheese Doritos for the Cultural Exchange Its part Irish and part Mexican.
-Antonio Q. Per: 2
My Ancestors
My great great great grandfather, Miguel GarcĂa-Granados was the president of Guatemala 1871 to 1873. He led a revolution against his successor General Vincente Cerna who was the. He was known to be a moderate liberal. He was the founder of “the army of 45 men.”
My great uncle is Lucas Garcia who was also the president of Guatemala from 1978 to 1982. He was a military leader and a dictator who was responsible for the infamous Spanish Embassy Fire. He worsened the human rights situation in Guatemala and was exiled and removed from office. He died two years ago on May 27th in Venezuela and was reported on the New York times.
Jake Hotinger per.2
My families are for from Mexico, and I also come from Mexico.My mom said that her grandfather came from Spain to Mexico, and my family of my dad were 100% mexicas. The Mexican culture influence to all the world in many ways, the mayas give to world the calendar, and the use of the zero like a number.Thanks of the mexicas we have now tortillas and many kinds of food based in corn.My country contribute to world in the music.On many countries listen Mariachi Music, we have the most important university in all Latin America (UNAM), and maybe the most important, my contribute to the world given TEQUILA, jejeje.
Jorge G.
Period 2
My Family is from Manila, Philippines. The Philippines is an archipelago abundant in nature, rich in culture, and filled with pleasant discoveries. Experience the Philippines, its 7,107 islands, its natural wonders, colorful history and warm, engaging people. Over a hundred ethnic groups, a mixture of foreign influences and a fusion of culture and arts have enhanced the uniqueness of the Filipino race. It has contributed to the world through their foods. For Example Halo-halo (from Tagalog word halo, "mix") is a popular Filipino dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits, and served cold in a tall glass or bowl. And It’s not the right time/season to serve this dessert. So I’m not bringing it. Second, is through their beautiful tourist spots especially their beaches. So if you guys want to go overseas, go and see it for yourself.
Neslee O.
Period 2
I am 100% Costa Rican. :). Costa Rica is a small country in Central America. On a map, it is the 7th country below the United States. It is bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east and south, the Pacific Ocean to the west and south and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Though small, Costa Rica has had an impact on the world. Costa Rica was the first country in the world to constitutionally abolish its army. Among Latin American countries, Costa Rica ranks 4th in terms of the 2007 Human Development Index. The country is ranked 5th in the world, and 1st among the Americas, in terms of the 2008 Environmental Performance Index. In 2007 the government of Costa Rica stated that they want Costa Rica to be the first country to become carbon neutral by 2021. Our current president, Oscar Arias, has also been a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Costa Rica is also very big on tourism. With a $1.9-billion-a-year tourism industry, Costa Rica stands as the most visited nation in the Central American region, with 1.9 million foreign visitors just in this last year. I know many people have never heard of Costa Rica, but I personally believe it is a place where people should more than hear about it. Everyone should go experience it for themselves! :)
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
My family is from the Philippines. My Dad's side is from the capital, Manila, and my Mom's side is from the province of pampanga. Philippine cuisine has a wide range of influences, from spanish to chinese. Like most people from foreign countries, filipinos have brought their own food to america as well! Probably the one dish popular in the Philippines other than rice is pancit. It is a dish that usually consists of stir-fried noodles, shrimp, hardboiled eggs, green onion, etc. If someone has a filipino friend and goes to a family party with them, then pancit is probably familiar to them already! I would have talked about the steamed rice cake thats called puto, but i think some people would think i'm saying something bad. :)
Jeremy T.
Period 5
My family and I are a mix of a whole bunch of things. I am Irish, Scottish, Danish, Italian, German, French, Russian and a part Indian possibly. I am a lot of things so I don’t really know what I am. I know that I have influenced the food category in so many ways such as: pizza, lasagna, beef stew, and corn beef and cabbage. America has a large variety of foods and my family’s ethnic history helped make it happen.
Zach P.
My family is from Mexico. My mom from Vera Cruz and my dad from Puebla. Mexico has influenced so much especially in the food. Everybody loves mexican food and especially the spices which of course a lot of people from here cant handle, but as mexicans we love them!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Well I am Mexican and we have different types of food. Some food is spicy just like the enchiladas and some are so good such as the arroz con leche which is like a dessert. It can be eaten hot or cold. It is like a Spanish rice pudding and most Mexicans like to eat it hot in really cold days.
Andrea P.
Period 5
I’m from Indonesia. My family is from Indonesia also. Indonesian’s indigenous techniques and ingredients merge with influence from India, middle East, China and Europe.
Rice is Indonesian’s main staple, It is most often eaten as plain rice. However, almost all Indonesian people eat rice or at least have tasted it. Fish, meat and vegetable are condiment to making a good flavor with this staple.
Also many people think that all Indonesian people like spicy food. It is not true. Javanese or Sudanese do not really like spicy foods, they like sweeter foods with more gravy.
But there are also people who like spicy like the Sumatrans. They like spicy and dry just like me. I like spicy, because my mom is a Sumatran and she likes spicy.
The most popular food in Indonesia is called “Rendang”. It’s made from beef with a thick soup. Sometimes you can make it spicy, it’s your choice. There is a wet Rendang which is a thick soup and a dry Rendang. I prefer to eat the dry Rendang because it‘s more delicious. And there is a food that might be rarely found here, because I have not found it yet in the US. It’s called “tempe”. It’s made from soybean which is made by fermantation.
There are so many different kinds of food that Indonesia has.
With a good flavor and taste, Indonesian foods influence people to build restaurants in the US and there are also many Asian markets that sell many ingredients which is imported from Indonesia for cooking Indonesian foods.
Firman P.
Period 5
My family is from the capital of Mexico. It is called Distrito Federal. there are many types of Mexican food is a style of food that originated from Mexico.Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices.they also have many exotic drinks of many flavors from fruits and other things. Mexican food has influenced our world because many people like this type of food.
Jose C
per 5
my family is from guadalajara jalisco. In mexico there are many types of food you can eat. Most of the mexican food can be spicy and some not. And till this day there are many people from all over the world that love to eat mexican food because of the flavor that we put in our food.
stephanie torres
period 5
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