Students will put themselves into groups of three, each of which will write a government version of a well-known holiday song, and then perform it on the Thursday/Friday before the Winter Break. Lyrics to the song will be required to be posted on the blog Wednesday night by midnight. This will be a graded assignment and the more applicable to government content and the more creative the higher the grade. Have fun with it!
Suggestions and Considerations
- The song should include at least three verses (more if the song is short or has a lots of fa-la-la-la-las).
- Try to incorporate material from the course and any other government-related subject matter into your song.
- Props, signs, costumes, masks, musical instruments, and anything else (within reason) that you want to bring in are fine. Dancing is OK, too!
- The goal is to have fun BUT… USE GOOD TASTE.
- If you are unsure about the appropriateness of anything in your performance, be sure to check it out with your teacher 1st.
An Iraqi threw his shoe
Right at Bush's face
He ducked down really quick
It was a big disgrace
If it wasn't for this war
We wouldn't be so poor
Our money flies out the door
To fund this freaken war
Our economy is crap
Will Obama make us pay?
How much fun its gonna be,
Cheap oils on it way, HEY!
you're a mean one, Mr.Bush
You really made our economy really stink. You're as charming as an eel. Mr. Bush.
You're a bad president
with a oily smile.
You're our president, Mr. Bush.
Your head is an emppty hole.
Your brain is full of,goo.
You've got war inyour soul.
Mr. Bush.
I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.
You're an old one, Mr. Bush.
You have gaps in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile.
Mr. Bush.
Given the choice between the two of you I'd take Saddam.
You're a foul one, Mr. Bush.
You're a nasty. wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of Alabama Kush
Your soul is full of smoke.
Mr. Bush.
The three words that best describe you, are and I quote:"slow,vile, slow."
You're a hater, Mr. Bush.
you're the king of fleas.
your head is as dead as a tomato
with moldy purple spots,
Mr. Bush.
Your vice president shoots people in the back Mr. Bush.
You hate me, Mr. Bush.
You're a crooked jerky jockey
and you drive a crooked wife.
Mr. Bush.
Luis R.
Johnny L.
Juan E.
Jingle Bells, Obama tells,
Bush to go to hell.
He says, "No", then Chaney goes,
and shoots his friend named Nel.
Rocking his campaign,
Obama took it all.
McCain had no more words,
and Palin was in pain.
Ho Ho Ho
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Change is on its way.
Obama's here, to fix the USA,
Julian J.
Genesis H.
Zach P.
Period 2
obama was a black man
who ran for president in 08
he beat mc cain
now hes president
so we will get some change
obama , the democrat canidate
became the first black president
all the people loved him
except if you were republican
he fought through all the racial slurs
and how people made fun of his name
but he was still made president
now the people get some change
then one foggy christmas eve
obama came to say
daughter with your eyes so bright
heres a hairless dog for you tonight
ameer webb
m. Glenn
Hilary the ex presidential canidate had a bright red pant suit
and if you ever saw her you would even say it glows.
All of the other canidates used to laugh and call her names. They never let poor Hilary join in any presidential games.
Then one foggy Election day Obama came to say "Hilary with your pant suit so bright, won't you join my cabinet tonight."
Then all the canidates loved her as they shouted out with glee, Hilary the bright red pant suit you'll go down in history.
Period 2
The Twelve Days of Elections
On the first day of the elections, we came to see
candidates running for presidency
On the second day of elections, on the Rep. side McCain won with victory
promising a better nation, but with higher fees
On the third day of elections, we came to see Barrack Obama And Hilary
Both promising change and equality
On the fourth day of elections, Obama winner is,
Poor Hillary, has to get down give support but she still doesn‘t get down from the race.
On the fifth day of elections, Obama thinks he’ll win, ooh but surprise….., there breaking news, what are the news? That Mc Cain, has a woman nominated for the VP
On the sixth day of elections, we have our first debate, but some things happen, Barrack shows he’ll win…. promises healthcare, for all Americans, promises jobs, so the people will give him their vote.
On the seventh day of elections, then now we came to see, Mr. Obama, and Hilary,
Two democrats….. fighting each other, because they want, to obtain, the presidency in Dc.
On the eighth day of elections it starts to narrow down, the big day’s coming, we are getting closer
But we still have, the independent voters….. this is their last, opportunity, to gain a seat, in the white house and become the great boss.
On the ninth day of elections, there are no real news, Obama on top, over Mc Cain, he’s got more chances,
popularity, but we still have, one more debate, this is their last, chance to become, the American’s number one choice…
On the tenth day of elections, we got our last debate, there are some people, still undecided, about their vote, poor of Mc Cain, looks like he’ll loose…. the people choose, what they will do, that maybe Obama, should take the presidency…
On the eleventh day of elections, is time to go out and vote, people goes out, millions have voted, looks like its obvious, we got a winner , maybe Mc Cain, but he is not the one, it is Barrack….. finally a change, is what they said, because he’s democrat and youngest precedent too.
On the twelfth of election, the race has come to an end, we got our winner, Mr. Obama, he’ll get us out, that’s what he says, but then we‘ll see, what will he do, what about the war, or the economy….
We Americans, just want solutions, or proposition, in order to get our houses back
Noemi S.
Andrea P.
Period 5
Little Drummer Boy:
Little Drummer Boy:
Run they told you, Barack Obama
We need change now, Barack Obama
You say we‘ll have a lot of change, so you rock Obama
We need to stop this war, Barack Obama,
you rock Obama, you rock Obama,
They say he‘s a man of his word, Barack Obama,
Lets trust Obama.
He has said many words, like there will be CHANGE
So we‘re expecting that, Barack Obama
We‘re all supporting you, because you rock Obama
So don’t disappoint us, Barack Obama,
you rock obama, you rock Obama,
Its about time for someone new, Barack Obama,
He’s much better than Bush.
You‘ve changed our world, just for being Obama
Your our first black president, Barack Obama
We congradulate you, Barack Obama,
for being elected president, of 2008,
because you rock Obama, you rock Obama
Lets really make a lot of change, Barack Obama,
so that you can be elected again.
Alexandra C.
Last Election...
Last Election We gave you our votes
But the very next day it went away
This year, to save us from tears
We voted for someone special
Once threaten and twice the lie
we trusted Old Bush, But the war still goes on
tell me baby, Do you even care?
well its been too long, It doesn't surprise me
" Barack Obama " Hes the man to go for change,once you go black you'll never go back, I meant it,
Now what the fudge is going on?
But if an iraqi hits us now,I know they'd fool us again.
Last Election We gave you our votes
But the very next day it went away
This year, to save us from tears We voted for someone special, special...!!!!
Ravid Y.
Period 2
Card of the bells
This crisis is bad
We're still at war
We are all broke
Thanks to George Bush
Hopefully Obama saves us,
Hopefully Obama saves us,
This war is a waste
The troops should make haste
Our economy's bad
We are all sad.
Lesile M.
Brianna H.
Jessy V.
On Kennedy on Taylor, on Carter, and Nixon…
On Clinton and Regan and Garfield and Lincoln…
But do you recall the worst president of them all?
George W. Bush
Wish he had a brain or two
But if you wanna be president
A Rich daddy will do
And one sad November day
His Daddy came along to say
It doesn’t matter if your heads not bright
Won’t you run the country tonight (In the Ground)
George W. Bush
Wish he had a brain or two
But now it doesn’t matter
Cuz Obama’s gonna Keep It cool.
Chris B.
Jake H.
Antonio Q.
Mrs. Hopkins :)
The new president Obama was a jolly happy soul,
with a expensive tux and JC penny shoes
President Obama,
we're in crisis,
they said
He was made of politics,
He came to be the first black president
Thumpety, thump, thump, Thumpety thump ,thump
Obama what are you going to do
Thumpety, thump, thump, Thumpety thump ,thump
Don't let the nation down
Bush went and visited the new Irak
Rather then been received with applause
he was welcomed with shoes thrown at him
THo he 's 62 he has the reflexe of a 15 year old
Walram is the best, yeah!
yash m.
jorge g.
jose c.
The new president Obama was a jolly happy soul,
with a expensive tux and JC penny shoes
President Obama,
we're in crisis,
they said
He was made of politics,
He came to be the first black president
Thumpety, thump, thump, Thumpety thump ,thump
Obama what are you going to do
Thumpety, thump, thump, Thumpety thump ,thump
Don't let the nation down
Bush went and visited the new Irak
Rather then been received with applause
he was welcomed with shoes thrown at him
THo he 's 62 he has the reflexe of a 15 year old
Walram is the best, yeah!
yash m.
jorge g.
jose c.
Our country is broke
Our country is broke
Our country is broke
Thanks to our high taxes
I have an empty pocket
I have an empty pocket
I have an empty pocket
Thanks to our high taxes
I need some money, my stomach is hungry
i need some money, I'm getting evicted
I need some money, can you help me
From the bottom of your heart
I need some money, I lost my job at Chrysler
I need some money, we're in a bailout
I need some where to sleep, can you help me
From the bottom of your heart.
Repeat Verses
Joshua C.
Jamie S.
Jose C.
Per. 5.
Santa Baby, slip a lawyer under the tree , for me
I've been an awful good girl
Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
Santa Baby, i sware i didn't do it , its true
I'll claim im innocent
Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
Think of all the good things i've done
Think of all the jury i, have convinced
Next year i could be oh so good
if you just prove im innocent
Boo doo bee doo
So,Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
Have your self a very non-gay little christmas
Have yourself a hetero little christmas
Let your heart be straiiiight
From now on just know that were not here to hate
Have yourself a very non-gay christmas
Keep your child away
For this chistmas, you should stay the prop 8 wayyyyy
Here we are in the modern dayyy
Look at all those gays
of society
Our gay friends who are dear to us
We still look at them with disgust
Through the years we’ll be separate but equal
If the government allows
If we’re to get along I wonder how
And have yourself a merry little christmas now
Jeremy T.
Panda H.
Firman P.
Period 5
Caroline Kennedy daughter of Former President John F. Kennedy is interested in the vacant seat left by Hilary Clinton in the New York senate. She is one of 12 candidates. This would mean a continuation of a family legacy.
I liked this article because the Kennedy’s is a really interesting family. Some of them are Republicans and others are Democrats. Ted Kennedy has represented Massachusetts since 1963 and her uncle Robert Kennedy served in the New York ’s junior senate from 1965 until he was assassinated in 1968. Robert Kennedy seat was taken by Hilary Clinton and once again a Kennedy wants to claim it.
The Kennedy family has gone through a lot and has always been the American Family. All of them are strong people and they all want to continue the legacy John F. Kennedy never had the chance to finish. Caroline is a talented person who likes to help the people.
If I were to interview someone it would be Hilary Clinton. I would like to know what she thinks about Caroline and if she feels she could fulfill the role.
-Stephanie B. per2
Thrashing through the crowd with security on its way, through the states they go, lying all the way, yells from people sting making candidates cry, how great it is to have some bling to show it off tonight.
Oh,jingle bells Obama smells, McCain passed away, Bush got shoe'd, Hilary boo'd when Obama won the game.
A month or two ago, I thought I'd need a ride, but that is when I realized a democrat was at my side. That donkey was fat and rank, misfortune seemed his lot, he lost the really dank and we destroyed his cot.
Oh, Jingle Bells, democracy dwells, the gov't should go away, Chuck Norris rules, McCain drools when Palin lost her fame.
Oh, Jingle Bells, Obama smells, McCain passed away, Bush got shoe'd, Hilary boo'd when Obama won the game.
Daniel S.
Jaime F.
Paulina P.
Period 5
our economy got screwed by BUSH!!
Our economy got screwed by
Bush but on January 6th
Well see if Obama was the right
Choice and maybe
we’ll get us out of this recession
After 9/11 he suggested that we
Send our troops into Iraq to see if
They had any nuclear weapons, but
After catching Saddam, they never came back.
After the years past we soon found out
There were no nuclear weapons In the first place,
Then he started to become much hated
By the citizens of u.s.a.
Our economy got screwed by
Bush but on January 6th
Well see if Obama was the right
Choice and maybe
He’ll get us out of this recession
Bush really screwed us over for eight years,
Now our country is in debt,
Not only are our we the only the ones that hate him
But, the Iraqi reporter that attacked him with his shoes
Diane Segura and Skyye Ottero
this class is a joke
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Santa Baby, slip a lawyer under the tree , for me
I've been an awful good girl
Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
Santa Baby, i sware i didn't do it , its true
I'll claim im innocent
Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
Think of all the good things i've done
Think of all the jury i, have convinced
Next year i could be oh so good
if you just prove im innocent
Boo doo bee doo
So,Santa Baby, and hurry down the courtroom tonight!!
The New Jangle! Remix
Dashing Though the election
In a Campaign
Over the states we go
Nervous all the way
Obama rings the bell
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to cheer and see bush go bye bye!
Jangle Bells
McCain smells
Obama wants some change
Oh what fun its going to be with a new president thats "Black"!
Jangle Bells
McCain smell
Obama wants some change
Oh what fun itsgoing to be with a new president thats "BLACK"!
Jordan A.
Period 2
McCain got ran over by Obama
walking to the white house election eve
you could say there's no such thing as Obama
but as for me and McCain we believe
he'd been to much like W.
and we begged him not to run
but he forgot his a maverick
and said that Shara palin is #1
when we found him Christmas morning
at the scene of the attack
he had change stamped on his forehead
and incriminating marks about barak
McCain got ran over by Obama
walking to the white house election eve
you could say there's no such thing as Obama
but as for me and McCain we believe
now were all so pround of palin
shes been taking this so well
shes in Alaska watching Russia
drinking beer and playing cards with cousin Nel
its not Christmas without McCain all the families dressed in black
and we just cant help but wonder
should we let Hilary in the white house or should we send her back
(send her back)
jordan t.
period 2
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