Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
Jail inmates pitched in to help stranded drivers and socked-in elderly residents Sunday after snow and ice covered Yamhill County.
Sheriff's deputies and inmates used 4x4 vehicles to reach drivers who needed help installing tire chains or clearing snow for blocked vehicles. They also carried firewood to isolated elderly shut-ins and helped residents in any way they could.inmates who were participating in the program aren't dangerous and Sheriff Jack Crabtree said they were anxious to repay their debt to society.
I think it's nice that the inmates wanted to help stranded people. I do question whether it's safe to let them though. and I'm pretty sure old people, who got helped the most, are the ones who would complain about letting criminals help them. I'm glad people got helped though, and out of tight spots.
If I were to interview someone it would be an inmate. I would ask them if they were comfortable, if they feel better about helping them. and if they had any other reasons to helping them.
Alejandro C.
Period 2.
A pig has been voted as CHina's new favorite animal. The reason for this is that that pig survived the huge Sichuan Earthquake. It survived underground for 36 days buried in rubble.
Though all this new attention has turned the pic into a fat, lazy, and ill-tempered animal.
The pig was bought after the incident by a local businessman and named the pig, "Zhu Jiangqiang" or "Strong Pig".
The pig survived all that tme by eating charcoal and drinking rainwater. It has been voted as the # 1 animal that "Moved China". Other top pics were a dog that protected its sick owner,
and a cat that almost died of grief over its dead partner who got run over. The pig "vividly illustrated the spirit of never giving up," the report cited the webmasters who ran the poll as saying.
Now the pig has a new home in a museum. Though all the attention and good hospitality has turned it fat, lazy, and ungrateful! The pig used to go on walks every week, though now it is too fat and lazy.
Soo yeahhh, this article was really long to summarize... Anyways I think its pretty interesting! haha A pig as China's favorite animal! Woww...a pig?! Goshh, why not the Panda? Ughh, people these days!
haha Anyways yeahh it is pretty crazy how the pig survived though.
But I still think that Panda's should be China's favorite animal.
Well, if i could speak in pig toungue then I would interview the pig himself, and ask him.. "How did it feel to have to eat charcoal?" and, "How did it taste?"
Panda H.
Per. 5
Alejandro C.
Hmmm, interesting story!
Though yeah it is pretty questionable to choose inmates...They could have tried to hurt them and escape or something.. If they were stupid
haha but i guess not
Panda H.
Per. 5
My event is about the Tsunami that happened 4 yrs ago and the improvements now a days.
Four years have passed since the devastating tsunami happened. For a long time a lot of people lived
In bad conditions, without a home. Now people has improved their way of living and the live in
best conditions, and UNICEF as also helping them although people still working on all of that area we can see that it took them a few years
to start to recover.
If I had the opportunity to interview someone, those would be the people from that area and ask them
if the conditions have really improved.
Andrea P
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/27/AR2008122700962.this article is about the situation in isreal of barrage of rocket attacks from the Hamas fighters.Israel has been warning for weeks that it would not take regular rocket attacks launched from Hamas-controlled territory in the Gaza Strip, and it has been formulating for a new offensive with the collapse this month of a shaky six-month cease-fire.President Bush has take matters into hands and finding the terrorist causing the disaster that can be caused by this problem.the only probelm is that the U.S. analysts are skeptical the Israeli offensive would succeed in intimidating Hamas.
my opinion in this article is that the US should do more than jst skepting about he offensive powers of israel and try help thyem in any way they can. It is unfair to gain up on the smallest country and they need help in controling this attacks they are getting from the terrorist.If i were to interview some from it would be Barak Obama. I would ask him what is he goin to do as in matters of terrorist attacks that may happen to the US and to our allies.
Yash m.
per 2
Thousands of shoes tie up Miami freeway traffic
MIAMI (AP) — State troopers are looking for a charity to take thousands of shoes that were dumped on a Miami expressway, tying up rush hour traffic. Lt. Pat Santangelo says the Florida Highway Patrol received a call about the shoes Friday morning. Santangelo says he's not sure where the shoes came from. There were no signs of a crash and no one stopped to claim them. He says he hopes someone will take them because he doesn't want to send them to the dump. Workers using a front-end loader and a dump truck were able to quickly clear at least one lane by sweeping all the shoes to shoulder, but delays were expected until they could all be removed.
I think this articles is pretty interesting because who would dump thousands of shoes into the freeway, maybe someone whose out of his mind. He could have donate it to some people who needs shoes as a Christmas presents or give it out to goodwill stores.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview some of the people who would want to have some shoes for Christmas. Though its not brand new or not that pretty at least they can still use it, so that they will have something to wear for this kind of cold weather.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Andrea P. - Its nice that the UNICEF still trying their hardest to help some people out there. To gave out what they needed or asked for & helped improved their community. What about the government of that state? They should try to help and cooperate with their people.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Alejandro C.- I’m glad you chose this article. It’s pretty rare for the inmates to do some good deeds to repay their debt to the society. And at the same time pretty nice of them to help, of course. The people who got stranded should thanked them for sure. Good Start for the New Year.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Few civilians trapped in the crossfire between the Israeli military and Hamas in Gaza dare to venture out of their homes because of the constant threat of violence. Sami Abdel-Shafi, who lives just a few hundred meters from Gaza's seashore, said he hears almost constant bombardment from Israeli ships offshore as well as thundering airstrikes by Israeli jets.With "almost no sleep" in the nine days since Israeli airstrikes against Hamas targets began, Abdel-Shafi said the recent conflict has been very traumatizing."No one really is daring to step out of their houses to buy anything, assuming they can find it in the market and assuming they find a place that is open," he said. Abdel-Shafi said stocks of basic essentials were already short on Gaza shelves because of the Israeli blockade of Gaza's borders.
Its really disturbing and terrorizing what this people in Israel are going through, they cant even eat and mostly all their citizens are trapped inside their home because of the military.
I would interview the military about why are they taking power over the citizens of Israel without having any reasons.
Edgar S.
Neslee O.- your article talks about shoes being left in expressways in miami traffic, i mean who would throw and leave shoes on roads what kind of people would do such a thing like that, i dont think charity should pick them up, criminals should pick them up and also clean the mess.
Edgar S.
Andrea P.- your right tsunamis had striked on many places in the past four years and it looks like things has been improving by building the places back to where it suppossed to be and thats great news and hopefully there wont be no more tsunamis in the near future.
Edgar S.
http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNews/idUSN1445581320090114The link to
New York January 14 stocks tumbled in Wall St. it has been said that in the banking sector investor’s feared loss in credit. J.P Morgan and bank of America fell to about 5% and 3.5 percent respectively. Rich Parker said that the recession is going to be a historically long one. Consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of U.S. economic activity and as such is a key pillar of corporate profits.
3. I think that this is very scary and in a way its interesting because imagine if it were to happen again? What would it be like? How would we live our lives. Many people are going to loose money and their jobs as well as their families. The banks are loosing a lot of money and soon they are going to be taking away from us for those who have bank accounts.
If I were to interview a person it would be the president. I would ask him what he is going to do about the economic crisis? I would also ask him if he has done anything to help the country out as of right now that he is in office.
Jose C Per 5
Andrea P. -
Hey thats good to hear that things are improving for the victims of the tsunami. Its a good thing we in the US have organizations like UNICEF to help out other people in the world.
Panda H.
Per. 5
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