Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
This article is about how many people were killed on the death sentence this year. The Death Penalty Info Center reports 37 executions in 2008. These numbers are down 12% from last year which was 42 people. This number is surprisingly low for the past ten years when in 1998 is was 60% more than now.
I think that this article is irrelevant because knowing how many people were executed in the past few years. No one really cares about people's execution, they just care about the fact that those people are rotting in jail. If people really cared about executions they would show them getting executed on pay per view.
If I were to interview anyone, I would interview the person that wrote the article. I would ask that person why they decided to write about how many people were executed in 2008. No one truly cares.
Daniel S.
Period 5
Barack Obama denies the involvement in selling his seat to Rod Blagojevich. "This Senate seat does not belong to any politician to trade," Obama said. Blagojevich hasn't resigned yet and is still being appointed to take Obama's seat in the house.
From my point of view Obama seems to be all talk in all of his interviews and speeches so you never know if this is really true or not.
I would interview Rod BLagojevich to find out if he really is resigning or not. To the people this situation shouldn't be huge scandal. Stuff like this always happens in D.C. always shady.
JH per.2
According to Obama the new elected president sees a great challenge in the area of energy the fuel economy,the Department of the Interior, which grants permits for oil and gas drilling on federal land; the EPA, which regulates air and water quality; the Department of Commerce, which develops infrastructure to promote economic growth and sustainable development; and of course the Department of Energy. But lawmakers are not to sure in what to do to resolve this issue and whether or not should the government intervene in the and save the falling of the auto industry.
In my opinion this article is informative n some way to let people know that the new president that has been elected by the people faces a great challenge to not only fix the economy but save the nation into falling into a second great depression.
If i were to interview some one it would be Barak Obama because he is the next president. I would ask him what are his plans to make this a better nation. How does he plan to save the economy and not affect the people whose economic situation is not so good.
yash m.
Hillary Clinton's pay check has officially been cut.Congress voted Wednesday night to reduce the Secretary of State's salary back to its pre-2007 level of $186,000 to conform to a clause in the constitution in Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution. Which states that Hillary Clinton is prohibited from serving in the Cabinet until at least 2013, when her current term expires. So congress found out a way to get around the clause by reducing her salary.
I think it is really important for Clinton to serve for Barak Obame. It was a really smart way of Congress to find a way for her to become part of the cabinet. Eventhough it is going to affect her in a way i dont think it will impact her in a bad way.
If I were to interview someone it will be Cliton. I would like to know if its worth getting her future salary cut off to serve in Obamas cabinet.
-Stephanie B. per2
My article was about an elderly man who was involved in a hit in run accident in Lynwood. The man's name was Augustine Joe Martinez and he was sixty one years old. He was driving his motorized wheelchair down the sidewalk when he was hit by the car. When Mr.Martinez was taken to a hospitol he died later from his injuries. The vehicle that hit Mr. Martinez has still not been identified and investigators are still looking for it.
I think that the story is pretty sad because Mr. Martinez was just riding in his wheel chair down the side walk minding his own buisness when he was hit by a car. Its also sad because the vehicle that hit him has not been found.
If I could interview anyone i would interview the person who ran over Mr. Martinez. I would ask him what was going through his mind when he ran over Mr. Martinez and why did'nt he stop and help him after.
Alex Nicholas
Period 5
In Australia an actor narrowly escaped death after slashing his throat on stage with a real knife, instead of a blunt stage-prop blade. Daniel Hoevels slumped to the floor with blood pouring from his neck during a performance at Vienna's Burgtheater. The actor was rushed to the hospital with a deep slice to his throat. The actor's character was suppose to commit suicide and he used a real knife instead of a fake one. If he would have put a little more pressure or cut an artery he would have bleed to death on stage. The police are still investigating weather it was a mistake or an attack from somebody.
I thought that this article was kinda interesting. I wonder if somebody put a real knife there for him on purpose of if was just an accident. The knife was new and it just had been bought because it still had the price tag on it. The actor is stupid too, because he slashed his own throat. How could he not feel that the knife that he was using was real.
The audience even applauded when he cut his throat, because they thought it just a great special effect until they realized it was for reals. I think that someone that doesn't like him just put the knife there on purpose.
If I was to interview someone it would be the actor himself. I would ask him how he did not notice he was using a real knife. I would think that he would know what kind of knife he uses everytime on his performance. I would also interview some of the other actors to try and figure out who switched the knife.
Juan E.
Period 2
Current Event #12
This article is about how California has gone even more in debt in the past few weeks. The deficit was $3.6 billion dollars. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger some what blames the legislatures for failing once again for not having a plan. The governor said that they have been fighting about this for the past couple of days.
I picked this article because it is very important to the community and citizens of California. We need to know how our budget is holding up and see if we are not going to end up bankrupt. Like other big companies have done before. Also that California can loose all its money by February.
If I could interview anyone I would interview a Republican an a Democrat. I would ask them what their plan is to fix the budget and get California out of debt.
Luis R.
By 2010, cancer will be the leading killer in the world, surpassing heart disease, causing more deaths than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
Unless new treatments are found, there could be 27 million people with cancer by 2030, and 17 million cancer deaths annually. And, there could be 75 million people living with cancer within five years after diagnosis, according to a new report, 2008 World Cancer Report, released Tuesday by the World Health Organization.
Last year, there were about 12 million new cases of cancer and 7.6 million cancer deaths reported. Of these, 5.6 million were in developing countries with an estimated 4.7 million cancer deaths.
Cancer is becoming more and more common between families and is appearing more often. It is sad to see that more casses of cancer are rolling out do to how people live there lives and what they put into there bodies.
If i was to interview someone it would be the head people of the world cancer report. I would ask them what really wauses cancer and how can how long until we have a cancer breakthough?
Jordan A.
Period 2
December 9, 2008 1:39 PM
Studies have shown that in Chicago, losing weight is much easier when there are prizes and there is money on the line.
Dr. Kevin Volpp of the Unversity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine was in search for a way for people to treat their own obesity, which has become a nationwide problem in America. People were to be given a goal of how much weight they are to lose and a certain amount of time. If they did not meet their goal by the end of whatever day, then they would lose money based on that. If they did meet their goal, they would be rewarded with either money or valuable prizes.
In my opinion, I find it rather strange to do this to people. Not that it is exactly wrong, but it's like throwing rats on a treadmill and dangling a piece of cheese infront of them. It is good to see that this program is effective toward the people who are in fact obese, but I do not like how they are rewarded for this. It is their fault in the first place for being so big; people who are in shape and healthy constantly are not rewarded for being that way nor are they given money. It seems a little unfair.
If I was to interview anybody it would be Dr. Kevin Volpp. I would ask him what motivated him to turn weight-loss into a sort of prize game.
Paulina P.
Period 5
Law Enforcement investigators and a team of medical examiners were removing the evidence in an area where the skeletal remaind of a 3 year old child. In Orlando, Florida; who had gone missing since June. The six-month-old mystery of a missing toddler, Caylee Anthony was found half-mile from where the girl lived, where a utility worker came up the remains of a small child. Caylee's mother,22 year old Casey Anthony is being held for first degree murder and other charges. She insisted that she had left the girl with a baby-sitter in June but didn't report her missing until July. Also photos have been displayed of Casey partying after her daughter went missing. Friends say she's a habitual liar and a good mother. If I were to interview someone it would probably be the friends. If they say she's a habitual liar and yet a good mother than why would a good mother be a liar. There's proof of her paryting the day after her daughter went missing. Not only that but she didn't report her missing until July. A caring, good mother would have reported her daughter missing right away.
Mayra S.
Period 2
Link: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/12/11/obama-aide-how-clinton-may-have-won/
summary: so this article is talking about how David Plouffe was Obama's campaign manager and they are questioning whether Hilary Clinton would have won if she used him as her campaign manager. so Plouffe is revealing his input on what he thought of the campaign... he was surprised at how Clinton's willingness to concede a string of caucus state to Obama's campaign and in turn that caused him to win a lot of the delegate count, that later demolished Clinton's chances. Plouffe stated at some point every one was shocked because everyone believe that the campaign was going to be a never ending battle, whether it may be delegates being gained from the caucus or the primary it was always a constant battle. so coming to the conclusion of things, Plouffe states that if it was not for the caucus states Obama would have lost, but fortunately he didnt.
Analysis: i thought this article was pretty interesting based on the fact that we don't really see how much work and game is involved in politics but taking the time out to read and see all of this is pretty interesting. I thought that it was pretty interesting that no matter where they were or what they were doing they were constantly in a battle... interestingly enough. I thought Plouffe is a pretty interesting guy in a sense that he is so greatly involved and throughout this article it seemed to me that he was envying himself.. but that's just me.
Interview: if i could interview anyone i would interview Plouffe because i want to know how he think his hard work contributed to Obama's victory and who much of a difference did he make being the campaign manager. i would also like to hear his opinion on Hilary Clinton and how he think she would have done if she won the presidency.
Nina Tran
Per: 2
that's pretty interesting that they are cutting Hilary Clinton's paycheck because they are finding a way around the constitution!
well the economy is still in its fragile state, so i honestly feel that things aren't going to change quickly... so the debt rate in california is getting worse and it makes sense cause the economy is pretty bad.
that's extremely scary that cancer is going to spread so quickly by the year of 2010... thats like 2 years away, well i think we as americans have to be extra exposed to the sun because its either our occupation or the "OC" look...
that's a pretty depressing story how Mr. Hernandez was killed because he was hit by some driver who wasnt being careful. i feel that drivers should pay more attention their surroundings because this innocent man just lost his life to a careless mistake!
Title: Virgin Mary Brain Scan Image For Sale
Link: http://news.aol.com/article/virgin-mary-brain-scan-image-for-sale/272358
A woman suffering from a lot of health problems is selling a brain scan image that she said shows the Virgin Mary. Pamela Latrimore plans to put the auction proceeds toward her medical bills. Latrimore, who admitted that some people have called the auction a blasphemous scam, said her intentions are good and that she hopes to raise awareness for people suffering from medical issues.
I think this lady should drop the BS and just say she's trying to make some money. Everyone knows medical bills are highly expensive so it's understandable. I think the fact she's trying to sell it just because it has the virgin mary on it is kind of iffy but i'm not catholic so I couldn't give a fair opinion about if its blasphemous or what not.
If I could interview someone I would interview the pope. I would ask him what he thinks about all these images of the virgin mary appearing everywhere and if he thinks it is right this woman is using the image of the virgin mary to make money for her medical bills.
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
current event #12
Business: Bank of America is planning to eliminate between 30,000 and 35,000 jobs over the next three years due to its acquisition of Merrill Lynch and Co Inc. and a faltering economy is affecting the level of business activity at the bank.A cut of 35,000 jobs would represent up to 10.5 percent of the combined BofA/Merrill work force. The reductions will come from both companies an will affect all lines of business and staff units.The bank said it will make as many reductions as possible through attrition. Severance and other benefits will be provided to employees who lose their jobs and cannot be offered other positions within the bank. Also the Shareholders approved the Merrill deal, initially calued at 5o billion dollars last week. BofA k to executives said they would seek to cut 7 billion dollars in annual expenses or ten percent of the combined expenses of BofA and Merrill and eliminate overlapping back office and support jobs between the two companies.
If i were to interview someone i would interview one of the bank owners and ask them why are they planning to eliminate so many jobs in the next three years. All this is thanks to The Merrill Lynch and Co Inc. this would not be fair to the ones losing their jobs because they need this job to help provide expenses for their family.
Jessy v.
In Orlando, Florida skeletal remains of a child was found in a wooden lot. Detectives and medical examiners are trying to identify the child hoping to solve the mystery of a toddler that is six-months-old. A girl by the name of Caylee Anthony has been missing since June. On Thursday a utility worker found the remains of a small child not more than half-mile from where Caylee lived. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said the FBI and his investigators will work 24-7 through the weekend to figure it out. "Now the investigation continues," Beary said. "There is a lot of lab work to do. There is a lot of DNA work to do. There is a lot of crime scene work to do." Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, was indicted in October on first-degree murder along with other charges, even without a body. She insisted that she left Caylee with a baby-sitter in June, but she didn’t even report her missing until July. Caylees’s grandmother called authorities to say that she hasn’t seen her for a month and her daughter’s car smelled like death. Police interviewed the mother and found out that everything she told them about her daughter’s whereabouts was false. The baby-sitter was made up and the apartment where she said she lived had been empty for months. Orange County State Attorney found almost 800 pages of documents showing that on her internet searches she looked up “neck breaking” and “household weapons”.
If Caylee’s mother was the person who killed her, which is most likely, then I hope she gets what is coming to her. I don’t get how you can kill your own daughter. I hope they find out for sure who did it and they get punished. I can’t believe that there are people so messed up in this world. I f I had to interview someone it would be the utility worker who found the remains and ask him what he thinks about all of this.
Zachary P.
Juan E.- I cant believe that he cut his own throat and he is so lucky to survive that. I think someone whoc didn't like him is responcible for the accident. I wonder what the audience felt like.
-Zachary P.
An Iraq bomb kills 48 in volatile north. A suicide bomber attacked a restaurant on Thursday where Sunni Arabs and Kurds were meeting to ease friction in the tense northern city of Kirkuk. There were killed in the bombing. The bomb seemed to have aimed at provoking extremists alon widening ethnic fault lines just as American plans to withdraw militarily from Iraq became official.About one-hundred were wounded in the bombing which was the deadliest in Iraq in six months. The incident occurred north of Kirkuk in a huge restaurant packed with as many as 3,000 people to celebrate the end of the religious holiday id al-Adha. Several women and children were reported among the dead. The apparent target was symbolic and incendiary: a meeting of Kurdish officials and jSunni Arab members of the Awakiening, mostly former insurgents now working for the government, trying to reduce tension between Arabs and Kurds, each with claims on the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. Before the bombing occured the citizens there were already fearing as well as expecting the violence in Kirkuk was so high that the city was exempted from nationwide provincial elections. jan.31. The bombing appeared t obe a direct challenge to the government of prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki as the United States prepares to draw down its troops despite questions about whether Iraq's security forces will be able to control the country. The police chief has no clue who is responsible for the attack.
If i were to interview someone it would probably be one of the customers or survivor of the attack and ask them how he or she felt before this incident happened. Also i would ask them if they had a clue of who might have done that. I would also like to know who he or she felt emotionally, like what was he feeling at the moment when this attack occurred.
Jessy V.
Article: This article is about Scott Wagar, a 50-year-old man, who's home would get 'toilet-papered' by teens. He had told authorities about the teenagers disrespecting his home, after a while he got fed up with it.
He took it into his own hands and decided to punish the teens himself. At night, wearing night vision goggles, he watched a big group of teens running towards his home, with a squirt gun. It may sound ridiculous, but the squirt gun was not filled with water, but fox urine! After this incident, he was charged with misdemeanor assault and other charges. He was then released on personal recognizance.
Analysis: Although this article was short, I believe this was ridiculous and funny article. It's not often that you hear about something like this. It was a childish move for the old man to squirt the teens with fox urine. He could have least just sprayed them with the water hose. The teenagers shouldn't have been bothering him in the first place. They're obviously immature and have nothing better to do than bother an old man.
Interview: If I could interview someone who was not in the article, I would interview the teenagers. I would ask them why the waste their time destroying an old man's home. If they have nothing to do, they should get involved in after school activities.
Leslie M.
jordan A.
The risk of getting cancer is very serous, if these rates do go up then their will defiantly be a tremendous amount of families losing a relative. Maybe there is something that we are doing wrong for the cancer rates to go up. (nutrition, atmosphere etc.)
Jessy V.
A Military fighter pilot has crashed his two seat F/A 18D into a residential San Diego Neighborhood, sparking several house fires. Two people have been reported dead. The pilot ejected just seconds before the crash. The plane hit the street and broke into several pieces destroying at least two homes. The plane fell just short of Rose Canyon, open space, and interstate 805.
Unfortunately two people died because of this incident. Another sad thing about this is that the plane was about two houses away from a canyon, that was nothing but free space. If the pilot held the plane up for just a few more seconds, nobody would have been hurt. It's a sad, and rare tragedy. The army hasn't said why the plane crashed yet. but they will most likely say plane error. :-/
If I were to interview someone it would definitely be the pilot. I would ask him what happened that would make the plane fall. then I would ask him if he is going to stay in the army even after an incident like that.
Alejandro C.
Period 2
Man sprays 'toilet-papering' teens with fox urine
WILLMAR, Minn. – A 50-year-old man who told police that he was tired of kids toilet-papering his house. So he decided to defend his property with a water gun filled with fox urine. By doing this it earned the man, Scott Wagar, a day in court. Scott pleaded not guilty on Wednesday in Kandiyohi County District Court to misdemeanor assault and other charges. He was released on personal recognizance. The police said, Scott was at his house on Sept. 16 when he used night vision goggles to see 15-20 people running toward his place. He told police that he told them to leave, swore at them and sprayed them with the fox urine. He also allegedly struggled with one of the teens.
I think this is pretty crazy. I've never heard of putting fox urine in a water gun before. Also, how would you even get enough of that to spray on 20 teens?! I think the man is pretty crazy himself.
Though I do think its better than using a shotgun to scare them off. One reason is because someone could get hurt, the other is that buying a shotgun and ammo is probably much more costly. And Im all about
staying cheap! Most of the time anyways. But yeah those teens deserved it. Also this article was pretty amusing to read. Hahahaah...
If I were to interview anyone it would be both the man, and the teens. I would ask the man, "Why choose fox urine?!" and I would ask the teens, "How did it feel to be covered in fox urine?" and "Will you be "TP-ing" that guy's house ever again?" Annnd..thats all.
Panda H.
Period 5
This article is about a 19 year old man in michigan who was arrested for posting a video of his gang on youtube, using gang signs, and revealing concealed weapons. The gang is called the BV boys, who stated where their "turf" ended and started in the video. After viewing the videos, three search warrants were executed by police officers. They found 3 weapons and the 19 year old is awaiting formal felony weapon charges.
I think think article shows how some people really dont think before they act. The people on youtube arent just teenagers and gangsters, by the way who shouldn't even be on youtube if they are supposedly REAL gangbangers. Cops are getting smarter and people should realize that, and actually THINK before doing smething so stupid.
If i were to interview someone, i would interview the other members of the gang. I would ask why they are on the internet in the first place if they are so hardcore and vicious.
Jeremy T.
Period 5
Alejandro C.
I read this the other day and was very shocked and pretty sad while reading the article. To think that the man had no intention to blame the pilot was really surprising. It just shows that not everyone is evil, and after revenge and stuff like that. I mean, his family was killed! Even his newborn daughter..
It was a very sad article.
Panda H.
Period 5
California Budget Deficit Reaches Record $42 Billion
Dec. 11 California’s budget deficit will reach $41.8 billion over the next 19 months, a record shortfall forcing officials to look for ways to pay bills as they brace for the state to run out of cash.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will use the forecast as he prepares his budget for January, when he will unveil a plan to balance the state’s books for the year beginning in July. Lawmakers are still fighting over how to close a $14.8 billion deficit over the remaining seven months of this fiscal year. A meeting of leaders in the Capitol today dissolved in acrimony. The current-year shortfall is $3.6 billion more than projected last month, Schwarzenegger said yesterday. California, the most-populous U.S. state, will run out of money as soon as February unless lawmakers end an impasse over what sort of spending cuts, tax increases and other steps are needed to replace revenue lost amid the recession. California Treasurer Bill Lockyer said this week that the state’s deteriorating finances may force it to cut off as much as $5 billion in funding for infrastructure projects, a step that could deal a blow to an economy already reeling from the loss of 136,000 construction jobs in the last two years.
I chose this article because I think it’s pretty interesting and disappointing at the same time. Americans were working so hard and yet facing such a big crisis like this. Where did the taxes go? Did somebody corrupted it? Hope they’ll find a solution really soon.
If I could interview someone, I would interview our Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would ask him, What’s the government ‘s plan regarding this issue. How are they going to solve it. Is there any way to solve this. Or they’ll just gonna sit and wait.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Jeremy T.
HAHAHAHA WOWWW! How do you always find these hilarious articles?! I think those gang members are IDIOTS! STUPIIID! STUPIID! Thats all i have to say... and L-O-L
Panda H.
Period 5
Luis R.- Your article was same as mine. As I’ve said, I wonder what happened to the taxes, people had been paying all this time. And how come the government don’t have any plan regarding this issue.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Mayra S.- I agree with you. She should had reported it. If she cares for her daughter at all. How come she could still partying after her daughter went missing. What a heartless Mother.
Neslee O.
Period 2
This article is about how the numbers of executions in the U.S prisons has lowered since the past 14 years. This year the prisoner being sentenced to death are 111 which is the lowest figure since executions in 1976. Only 37 people were put to death in 2008, compared with 98 executions in 1999. Texas carried out nearly half of this year's executions, and Ohio, with two after that there are no executions scheduled for the rest of the year.
I think this is a great thing that less people are getting put to death in prison, because this means that the people aren’t as dangerous as they use to be. But it is still bad that there are still deaths occurring.
If I were to interview some one it would be a cop. I would ask them is the deaths have dropped because the prisoners aren’t as bad or because is their just not being punished as hard as they use to.
Noemi S.
P. 5
This story took place in orlando, Fla. Its about a little girl, Caylee Anthony, who is three years who has been missing for about six months. Less than a half-mile from where the girl lived, a worker stumbled upon some remains of a samll child. They included a skull that had duct tape around the mouth. The mom, Casey Anthony, was indicted of first-degree murder and other charges without the body, but there are a lot of things that point to her.
I think this a very sad story! I understand that as her mother she would do something like that. And if she did do it why wont she just turn in her daughters remains to be bury and let the poor innocent child rest in peace.
If I could interview anybody i would interview the little girls grandma to see what she thinks of her daughter.
Veronica D.
Period 2
taking place in washington a $14 billion emergency bailout for U.S. automakers collapsed in the Senate Thursday night after the United Auto Workers refused to go with republicans swift wage cuts. collapse came after bipartisan talks on the auto rescue broke down GOP demands that the united auto workers union agreed to steep wagecuts by 2009 so they can pay back the japanese carmakers The breakdown left the fate of the auto industry — and the 3 million jobs it touches and other auto industrys say that they might collapse also because of this
ivon garcia
per. 2
the senate armed services committee reported that the CIA and the U.S. army used harsh techniques to torch the so called enemy prisoners the techniques included nudity, painful stress positions, sleep deprivation and until 2003 water boarding a form of simulated drowning this report is a result of a 2 year investigation that connects it to President Bush's policies after the 9/11 terrorist attacks
ivon g
Daniel S.
I disagree with you I think this article is important. I dont think anybody should be executed even though they are the worst person in the world. I thought killing was a crime!
Veronica D.
Period 2
This report talks about the governor from Illinois and a corrupt state supposedly.
The senator from Illinois is about to be impeached because of corruption supposedly. Some people want him to resign because they said he tried to sell Obama’s spot on the senate . Well the problem is that this people are saying that he had some economic problems and that is why he was doing that. This is new because I also heard on the news that thanks to this event, Illinois is right now the number one corrupt state in the nation.
This was an event that was kind of complicated for me to do because Illinois is other state. If I had to interview someone, it’ll have to Barrack Obama for sure.
Andrea P
Stephanie B-it was smart of them to find a way around it and i agree with you it will not affect her in any way!
veronica d.
Period 2
Alex N.-that is such a sad story. how can people leave without no guilt. i cant believe he left without helping him and didnt go back.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Leslie- this is such a funny article. its unbelieveable how the old man would actually have the guts to do that.
Veronica D.
Period 2
The article that I chose was about Bank of America having to cut 35,000 jobs in the next three years. So far this year throughout the U.S. 220,000 jobs have been lost. This shows that our economy is goin to get worse. Even though Bank of America will be doing mays cuts, they are still giving out loans with the bad economy. With our weak economy the business activity is being affected.
This article shows us how bad our economy is, and that there wont be as many jobs out there. I heard on the news that this generation is going to be needing to save up for the year to come because the economy is going to get worse. I hope people are realizing what is going on with this situation.
I would want to interview anyone that just got fired or is not employed, to ask them if they have money saved up to live a healthy lifestlye. Another question would be if they don't have enough money, how do they plan on living, since we all need money to survive.
Alexandra C.
The article that I read was on how toys have helped us in some wars. In the Vietnam war slinkys were used by radio operaters they would let it hang from a tree and it would make a great antenna. during the D-Day invasion soilders used toy chirping crickets so that they could find eachother.for the iraq war families send cans of silly string because of shortages in nightvision goggles. when they enter a suspicious room they spray it to see if there are any trip wires or other traps. And the view-master was used to train WW11 soilders on how to know if it was their ship coming in or someone elses ship.
I thought that the article was interesting because such simple toys helped are soliders out in such a big way. If I could interview anyone it would be one of the soliders that used a slink as an antenna because I want to know how good it works.
Dillon Sommer
Period 2
JOLIET, Ill. – Robbers might think twice about committing a crime when there's snow on the ground. Or at least not head right home. That's the lesson after police followed footprints from where a pizza delivery man was robbed to a house on the same block and arrested four teens late Tuesday.
Police say two teens waited on a porch for the pizza man and the two others, one holding a bat, approached him.
Police Chief Patrick Kerr said the pizza man turned over pizzas, sodas and $200.
Police said an officer followed the tracks to the house and found two pizza bixes, the pizza man's debit card and a baseball bat.
I think this article is very funny because I would never think that two robbers would steal two boxes of pizza and get in trouble by the cops with it.
If i were to interview anyone it would be the robbers and ask them why they stole the boxes of pizzas without knowing that theres snow on the ground which would leave footprints on the ground.
Randy O.
Period 2
Jordan A.
i agree with you r article that cancer is one of many leading causes of death. What this nation has to do is not rise funding for explorations in outer space but rather in science to find cures for diseases that are so dangerous to the point of killing a human.The nation has to focus and the priorities and once they are taken care of then move on to the next challange.
yash m.
This article is really funny, is about of the Biden Family. The will have a new pet, a Germany Dog. This is a gift for own their family. This is the third puppet that the family received, whit this Biden have four dogs in their family.
This article is really funny, because is really estrange that other countries or the family give you a dog.
I would interview the kids of John Biden, to know what they thing about have three dogs
Jorge G
Period 2
Zachary P. - She probably did kill her, although it's hard to believe. All the evidence adds up. I hope she gets what she deserves, either life in jail, or the death penalty.
Alejandro C
Period 2
Daniel S.- They are probably trying to get less death penalties in the country, but forgetting that people getting executed have done something horrible. I'm sure if the person who wrote the article had suffered one of the crimes these people did he would not be writing this article.
Alejandro C
Period 2
Daniel S.- They are probably trying to get less death penalties in the country, but forgetting that people getting executed have done something horrible. I'm sure if the person who wrote the article had suffered one of the crimes these people did he would not be writing this article.
Alejandro C
Period 2
Lazy American, oh please!!!
I recently learned that American students of the forth and eighth grade had better test scores last year then in 2003. These students test scores were compared with many other countries around the world. Our forth graders were compared against 36 other countries, eighth graders compared against 48. Many people believe that American students are lazy and do not get as good an education as someone in Europe might. Seems these tests have helped us get our good reputation back as we were ranked ninth among 36 our fourth grade countries test scores. Also eighth graders were ranked sixth among 48 other countries. Ten percent of American forth graders scored at or above advanced levels in math while the international level was only five percent. It seems that our fat lazy reputation is misleading. I feel this article puts that title to rest. I feel Americans get an equal amount of education as someone in another country; whether they choose to take advantage of it is another story. If this article chooses to interview someone I felt it would be best to ask a high school student about how they felt there education was compared to other countries, regardless of their test scores.
Jordan T.
Period 2.
Does it really matter who fixes your cold, as long as its fixed?
Recent reports claim that more and more people are turning to alternative medicine. About 38 percent of adults use some type of alternative medicine compared to the 36 percent in 2003. Also for the first time the government tracked people under the age of 18 using alternative medicine and found that 12 percent of children use it. The reasons were back pains, cold, anxiety, stress and attention deficit disorder. They have not found any risks for children using alternative medicine yet. Many people feel that these medicines work better then the typical medicine approaches. Alternative medicines being used can be herbal medicines and natural products, chiropractic techniques, acupuncture, mediation and many other things. This article interviewed a doctor’s point of view who was socked at how many use alternative medicine. I felt this article need to interview someone who uses alternative medicine and was successful with it. I use chiropractic techniques for my own chronic back and neck pain and found it very helpful.
Jordan T.
Period 2
Why would any parent kill their child?
In the case of missing Caylee Anthony, her assumed remains were found near her mother’s house after reported missing since June. Caylee’s mother Casey Anthony was later arrested for first degree murder. Casey Anthony did not report or tell her family about her daughter Caylee’s disappearance until a month later. Grandmother Cindy Anthony called Orange County Sheriff and said that Casey would not tell her where Caylee was. When Casey was questioned she said she let her daughter with a baby sitter, but the address was a vacant apartment, also then name given said she didn’t even know Casey or her daughter Caylee. Neighbor claimed that Casey asked to borrow a shovel, also human decomposition was found in the trunk of the car and in the house. Court date was postponed till January 15. I felt this article maybe should have had a statement from the mom. I want to know her side of the story and she feels happened.
Jordan T.
Period 2
Researchers recently found a new drug called Xeloda, patients who take this new pill are less likely to die or have the cancer spread to another part of the body. It has proven useful in woman with breast cancer. Combined with chemotherapy and Xeloda with chances that the disease will return are cut but 43 percent. Some researchers presented evidence that success in preventing the disease is also linked to breast density. Whenever a new type of treatment for cancer is found there are always down sides and some cases where it won’t work at all. I would really like to have heard from someone who was successful with this new drug and someone who was not.
Jordan T.
Period 2
Jordan A.- is right. It's sad that more people are dying of cancer. I heard it in the news that by next year it might become the 1st leading cause of death.
-stephanie b. per2
Mayra S.- For me i think that the mother was involve in the kidnapping or murder of her daughter. Just like you said who wouldn't report there daughter missing?
-stephanie b. per2
Mayra S.- For me i think that the mother was involve in the kidnapping or murder of her daughter. Just like you said who wouldn't report there daughter missing?
-stephanie b. per2
Alejandro C.- It is sad the father is left without his wife and baby. I think he is a strong man because he is not angry with the pilot.
-stephanie b. per2
The article talks about A bomb exploded at a Woodburn, Oregon, bank branch early Friday evening, seriously injuring police investigating a suspicious device.
and also the injuries in this accident not immediately known.
Bob Sznewajs, president and CEO of West Coast Bank, said police were called to investigate a suspicious package Friday afternoon. Police gave the all clear, Sznewajs said, but a bank employee saw something in a bush outside the bank, and police were called back.
Investigators brought the device inside the branch, and it exploded as they were inspecting it shortly before 6 p.m.
Sznewajs said no employees and customers of the bank were present when the device went off.
it sounds so scary for me...
i would ask Bob Sznewajst about this.
How could it happen....?
How couldn't the police realize there was a bomb in suspicious package outside the bank...?
Firman P.
Period 5
this article is talking about global child investigation...
More than 170 people, including at lease 61 in the united state have been arrested in major operation targeting international child pornographers.
Further investigation showed a number of alleged online child porn rings. Some included dangerous offenders who not only traded child pornography, but also sexually abused children.
i think it's very serious problem...
children already abuse about sexuality that they are not suppose to know yet.
who responsible for this problem...?
Firman P
Period 5
Alex Nicholas: I agree with your article that it is sad that a man in his wheelchair was killed. I can't beleive that a man would hit and run on a person that is on a wheelchiar.
Alex Nicholas: I agree with your article that it is sad that a man in his wheelchair was killed. I can't beleive that a man would hit and run on a person that is on a wheelchiar.
Luis R.
Juan E: I read your article and I totally agree with you. The Actor should of payed more attention to his prompt knife.
Luis R.
this article talking about Main who said that he cannot promise to support Palin (sarah Palin) for president.
I think it's because there are more great young governors would be a greater leadership in his party.
i would ask McCain about this.
Firman P.
Period 5
current event #1
a teenage girl named heather d'agoust had threat her adoptive mother with a hammer attack in san diego. she has been going around in school tellings her friend on how bad she wanted to kill her. And that she also added her father on the threat list she had made for them and other people. And yea he killed her mother she had a mental illness
if i were to interveiw her i would ask her what was she thinking they gave her a home by adopting her what did they do wrong
stephanie T per 5
Chrysler LLC announced late Wednesday that it is stopping all vehicle production in the United States for at least a month.All 30 of the carmaker's plants will close after the last shift on Friday, and employees will not be asked to return to work before Jan. 19.Chrysler would not say how many fewer vehicles would be produced because of this shutdown. A total of 46,000 employees will be affected. They will be paid during the time off through a combination of state unemployment benefits and Chrysler contributions, but they will not receive the full amount of their working pay, a Chrysler spokesman said.
this article talks about one of the three automakers in the industry shutting down their business for a whole entire month, the good thing is that chrysler will still pay their employees even though they dont have jobs, chrysler is being fair with the money but not with the jobs.
I would interview the employees of chryler and ask them about what happen to the bail out money.
Edgar S.
Randy O- your article talks about a pizza man robbering a house in a neighborhood where he was delivering, this guy is dumb because he decide to rob a house on a snow day and that dude left his footprint without noticing he should of plan his ideas more clearly before he decided to pull that crime.
Edgar S.
Juan E- how could an actor not use a fake nice for his performance, he supposed to be pro at acting but it looks like that actor wasnt taking things seriously and yeah he's lucky to survive after cutting his own neck by mistake and that actor is a joke.
Edgar S.
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