Country #7 - South America - Due Friday Apr 30th @ Midnight Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriateSIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting
1. Brazil is a federal republic country,Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
2. Official: Negotiate end to Brazil custody battle
the article is pretty much about a young boy who has a stepfather who is brazilian and a u.s Father. and the mother left with the boy to brazil remarried and divirced the U.s man but died last year. And now the U.s man wants his son
3. Well The case is now before a federal court. And i think that they really have to talk about who gets to keep the boy.
4. The best solution i would say that would solve this problem would be that the man in U.S should stay with the boy because he is his real father and should stay with him
5. Like i said the man from U.S should stay with the boy because he is his real father and not the step father.
Philip B.
1. Brazil is a federal republic.
2. The swine flu that is spreading around is giving the pork industry a hard time because it is said that the disease came from pings in Mexico. Brazil's pork industry wants the World Health Organization to stop referring to the deadly flu outbreak from Mexico as "swine flu" due the damaging it is doing on the pork industry. Due to this issue, consumers have started to eat less pork. http://uk.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUKN2836981020090428?sp=true
3. If it is true that scientist have made a mistake that the disease did not come from pigs, then it would be smart to stop calling it "swine flu" because pork would not be distributed through out countries.
4. Find out the real cause of the disease and find a solution to cure the disease as well.
5. Eventually, they will find out the real cause of the disease and hopefully find a cure. Or hopefully find a way to slow down the spreading of the disease.
Carlos Broyld
Per. 5
1.South America (Brazil) Brazil is a federal republic type government which is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests.
2.brazil had a economic crisis it was an outflow.Also it came under pressure when financial market woried also about there neighboring Argentina. the where worried that market-friendly encnomic policies would overturn. So the IMF help Brazil out with a 22.8 billion so that the could shape up there econmoic up in 2002.
3.the problem was that they where in an econmoic crisis and they where worrying about the market and how they where going to do.
4. the help by the IMF giving them money to try to bring them out of the crisis.
5. I think they the should keep working hard to get out of the crisis and use the money that they got to help them but don't use it all.
Stevan Cantero Per.5
1. Colombia has a republic where the executive branch controls the government. The capital is Bogota and their chief of state is president Alvaro Uribe Velez.
2. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/ 04/15/colombia.arrest/index.html
Colombia is known for its drug manufacturing and trafficking. On Wednesday, Colombia's most feared drug trafficking criminal (Daniel Rendon Herrera a.k.a. Don Mario) was arrested. There was a $2.1 million, or 5 billion peso, award for informations leading to his arrest. He was pulled out of the jungle where he had been hiding for two days "like a dog". The U.S. has now issued an extradition order for Don Mario and authorities in Colombia are on toe the next biggest cartel manager "El Cuchillo".
3. Since the Colombian authorities have caught their most wanted drug trafficker, they can only now move on to sniffing out "El Cuchillo". This may prove difficult because he will see that Don Mario got caught so he will go into hiding. The polices forces main option is to sit and wait for some kind of lead or in with El Cuchillo's cartel.
4. I think the best way do help Colombia's drug problem is to definitely catch their main cartel leaders and transporters. They will have to go under cover an rely on outside sources for information on how to find him.
5. I think it will take a very long time to catch the next drug lord, and even if they do Colombia will still have a lot of cleaning up to do.
Kassie Q.
Per 2
1. Colombia has a republic where the executive branch controls the government. The capital is Bogota and their chief of state is president Alvaro Uribe Velez.
2. Billion dollar U.S. aid package to Colombia raises hopes and fears. Bogota, Colombia is the most dangerous place on earth because its murder rate is ten times than the U.S. and one Colombian is murdered every 20 minutes more than 26,000 per year. Colombia has the worlds worst kidnap record. Colombia's violence is deeply involved with the production and manufacture of drugs mainly cocaine and heroin. Colombians multi-billion dollar drug trade is controlled by an estimated 15,000 anti-government guerrillas, who have been at war with the government for 35 yrs. The goal of the U.S. aid is to cut off the flow of drugs into the U.S. Critics both in Colombia and the U.S. have attacked the U.S aid package and many fear that the aid could be the beginning of a growing U.S. involvement in Vietnam during the Vietnam war. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EPF/is_4_100/ai_66034542/?tag=content;col1
3.To solve this problem their motivation is to reduce the 52,000 dead a year in the U.S due to production and manufacture of drugs and to end the anti-government guerrillas from using drug money to buy military equipment.
4.I think the best solution would be to catch all the drug dealers who are involved on killing innocent lives and find where they are hiding and planting their drugs in very smart way where they wont suspect they are being spied on.
5.Regarding the future I think this will take a very long time on finding the hidden drugs and drug dealers. I think that there's no point for the U.S. to help because eventually the drug manufactures will continue on growing and rebelling no matter how hard they try to stop it.
1. Brazil has a federal republic government.
2. Recently the swine flue has been spreading around various places. It first was discovered in New York from people who visited Cancun for probably missionary purposes. It has been said that the disease primarily came from pigs. Because of this swine flu, it has given the pork industry a hard time to be successful with business. The pork industry in Brazil has asked the World Health Organization to not refer to the flu as the "swine flu" because it is effecting their business negatively. Fear of getting this disease has caused many people to stay away from any kind of pork meat. http://uk.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUKN2836981020090428?sp=true
3. If the disease did not primarily come from a pig then the right thing to do would be to stop the rumor. If it is a rumor it is tremendously effecting the pork industry. Researchers are looking into what is causing this disease and to find a cure. Hopefully, they'll discover it soon. Many other countries have slaughtered their pigs because of this swine flu catastrophe.
4. Research on what is causing this disease and ultimately find a cure. Unlike the Mexican government who is just telling their people to stay inside and let the ones who are infected to die out.
5. I believe that like all of the other times we have had epidemic, we will find a cure. I just hope that they will find one soon enough to save as many lives as possible. If they cannot find a cure, at least find a way to prevent it from spreading.
Briana Schaefer
Period 5
It is scary how the swine flu is spreading in various places around the world. We shouldn't allow anyone to come and go from Mexico! Then people are saying it is just like the flu, and pneumonia can be fatal also. So this should be able to be stopped. (:
Gimme my comment points!! haha please (:
Briana Schaefer
Period 5
1.Brazils type of government is Federal Republic. Federal Republic is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted. The president is Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
2.http://uk.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUKN2836981020090428?sp=true The article is basically saying that they want the World Health Organization to stop saying that the "Flu" comes from pork. This is because it's affecting the pork industry within brazil. Also they have no scientific proof to go with their statements.
3. Find a scientific way to prove what they are saying.
4. Try to find the actual cause of this disease.
5. I think its going g to be too late by the time they actually find the right cause.
Bryan Diaz
1. Peru's form of government is a constitutional republic, which is a state where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens.
2. http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/health/news/article
The swine flu that began in Mexico has spread to other countries. Lima,Peru has now reported their first case of the swine flu in that country.It is being investigated since it just got detected in Peru. They are suspending all their flights to and from Mexico over the ongoing flu epidemic.
3.Peru's choices to solve this problem is to have the infected person away from the rest of the population until it is safe, then have the country border strictly checked to avoid infected people from coming in.
4.I think the best solution is for Peru to continue to suspend flights to and from Mexico until the swine flu cure is available.
5. I predict that if Peru continues to suspend flights to and from infected countries, then everything will be alright for them.
claudia c.
1.Ecuador's type of govenment is a Presidential Republic. This means that a representative democracy in which the people elect their president.
2.200 million dollars will be invested to create jobs and decrease unemployment in Quito, Ecuador. 8.6 percent has been unemployed, that is what the authorities said. Rene Ramirez says that the government will give priority to labor-intensive areas like construction to reduce unemployment. The government will seek for external funding to help its economy. The president announced an anti-crisis strategy to keep the existing jobs and create more. One of the plans of the government is to create a tourism and agriculture sector.
3.The choices that Ecuador has to make is to spend all of that money in a plan that may not work.
4.The solution that might solve the problem is to invest in the jobs that already exist and work on making new ones.
5.I do not see a good future to this country because the economic crisis is global.
Nancy C
Period 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
brazil is a federal republic-federation of states with a republic form a goverment or there is not a hereditary head of state.
capital is brasilia
consititution made october 1988
chief of state or persident is Luiz Inacio Lula da silva
cabinet is appointed by president.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
brazil's Bovespa index climbed. The company made its highest monthly gain in four years, after interest rates were cut to recored low and earnings stoked speculation the worst of the global recession over. global do varejo led gains for homebuilders and retailers surging more than 4 % after policymakers cut borrowing costs by one percent point to boost consumer spending. Brazil thinks the worst is over in the u.s. Mexico's Bolsa fell 0.8% while chile's Ispa fell 1.6%. Henrique Meirelles brazil's bank president lowered the selic rate to a record 10.25%. Moves cut of 150 basis pints at last months meeting. basis point equals 0.01% point. Brazil's biggest internet vendor b2w varejp jumped 4.1% making a 59% gain this month while Homebuilder Rossi increased 6% doubling this month.Lojas runner sa rose 7.5% comapines rehired 35,00 workers last month. car sales climbed 17%.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem? they can lower there selic rate more and help their economy more or not and hope that it won't fall again.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?i think if you lower the selic rate your econmy will grow even better and make sure you get out of the reccession
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? The predictions i think will happen is that they won't lower it and keep it the same and the economy won't grow any better just stay the same
Nick C.
per. 5
THis is for current event #6
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A Republic Government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. South Africa is facing a major energy crisis. They have had a lot of blackouts last year and they still are dealing with the problem. The state owned utility eskom provides most of the electricity and have limited it but has not cut it off. There electricity percentage should be in the 17 to 20 percent range, but instead it is only 8 percent. South Africas energy conservation is very poor. This energy crisis is said to be the governments fault because they did not take the iniative to create new power generation plants.
3. The choice they have to help get out of this situation and what they plan to do is that Eskom is planning to spend 343 billion on a five year investment program that will boost power generation and that will prevent upcoming black outs.
4. I actually think that Eskoms solution will help solve this problem because it will create more electricity for them. but the problem is that it is not going to be resolved until the year 2013.
5. Predictions I have regarding the future of this problem is that they will gain more electricity but it is just going to have to take time. Everyone in South Africa has to help out in every possible way they can if they want this problem resolved or else it is not going to go anywhere and they will be stuck with this problem for a long time.
Ashley S
Per 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Ecuador has a Republic type of government. Republic means a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
La Cumbre Volcano in the Galapagos island eupted lava and a cloud of what seems to be sulfur dioxide that went as far as over the Pacific ocean. The sulfur dioxide seems to have move away from the valcanoe but it is off to be a harm in Ecuador. The sulfur dioxide can cause it to be very gloomy, make it hard to breath, and possibly damage very high buildings. The haze makes the sunlight reflect back into outter space which means the sun can get to the earth.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
I dont know if they really have a choice unless geologist or scientist can do something about but if not they'd just have to be really careful.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The best solutions is only for geologist and scientist to try to find a way to solve the problem.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
If this problem isnt fixed a lot of peoeple, animals, plants etc. can be affected and cause a lot of harm.
Vanessa H.
period 2
1. Iv chosen the country Brazil. There forms of government is Federal Republic. Brazil is the fifth largest country by geographical area, occupying nearly half of South America,the fifth most populous country, and the fourth most populous democracy in the world. The president of Brazil is Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva.
2. Brazil has a really important problem that is associated with people, and that is its enivironment. Deforestation in Brazil has destroyed the habitat and endangers a multitude of plants and animal species indigenous to the area. Brazil also been overpopulated over the past years and according to the economic problem, many are loosing jobs and loosing what they currently have. And the most importantly, Brazil is full of pollution whcih are caused by improper mining activities, wetland degradation and many oil spell.
3. Brazil can fix its own problem, if everyone come and work together. The most important thing is that Brazil's government has to be strong, if not, the situation Brazil will continuely face the same problem. Brazil should carry less oil, so it doesnt spell or work on there mine carefully. Also Brazil, can fix there forest or animal is by providing more care and food. And there should be more workers who should look after them.
4. The solution that i think can fix there problem is only by providing more jobs and sort it out to everyone to all types for work field, where they can and will fix and work to take care of those position.
5. Brazil in the future will increase in population but they will find a way to keep it in control and by that everyone will have a position to work and build and keep everything carefully controlled.
Ishtiaq A.
Per. 2
1. Argentina is a federal republic-federation of states with a republic form a goverment or there is not a hereditary head of state.
2.http://www.buenosairesherald.com/the_world/note.jsp?idContent=595812&hideIntro=true. From the news paper, Buenos Aires Herald. General Margaret Chan declared the phase 5 alert after consulting with flu experts from around the world. She urged governments and companies to step up their activities in preparation for a full outbreak, adding that the world was better prepared than ever before to tackle an epidemic.A phase 5 alert means there is sustained transmission among people in at least two countries. Once the virus shows effective transmission in two different regions of the world, a full pandemic outbreak — or phase 6 — would be declared.
3. All countries should immediately now activate their pandemic preparedness plans. Also they should have people reasearching a vacine for this "flu".
4. I think that if you contain the people who have the swine flu, then it cant be spread and you can test the different vacines on them.
5. Honestly I think this is being blown way out of proportion and the swine flu will disappear in a week or two, just like the bird flu and all the other "major" flu pandemics that have occured prior to this.
Ashley S.
Period 2
1. It is a republic based government, and the executive branch dominates government structure.
2. Chiles peso rose within two week to a 6 month increase, for copper and speculation central bank. The central bank will continue to lower interest rates in order to boost the crumbling enconomy. The peso gained 1.3 this week and 0.3 in the month of april.
3. To continue lowering interest rates in order to uprade the slumping economy.
4/5. Wether we like are not, we will continue to be in a slumping economy. All we can do it take it one step at a time. In this case by lower interest rates, etc.
jamisha r.
period 2
1. Brazil has a federal republic.
2.The pork industry is getting a bad rep because of the swine flu epidemic. Brazil's pork industry wants WHo to stop referring it to pigs,or "swine" because it is causing buisness to decline. People are eating less pork nowadays.
3.I think scientist should figure out where the diease is coming form so the pork industry doesn't loose its buisness.
4. They need to find out the real cause of "swine disease"
5. I think they will find a cure eventually and everything will go back to normal.
Amanda Cox
Period 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information?
Chile has a Republic government. Republic - a representative democracy in which the people elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation. Chile’s capital is Santiago. They got their independence on 18 September 1810 (from Spain).
2.Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand?
The problem that Chile is facing at this moment is that they are trying to prevent to get infected with the Swine Flu. People from allover the world are worried to get infected with the flu but Chile is more worry because Brazil has detected a few swine flu cases and Chile is close to Brazil. Right know no one is able to go into or out of Brazil.
3.What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The only choices that Chile has to prevent getting infected with the swine flu is to be conservative on going to places where the virus has been detected and to wear mask if possible and if they know that someone near has the virus to stay as far as possible to prevent itk from spreading even more.
4.What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Another solution is to try to get an injection that will prevent from getting infected right away this injection will work as a cell wall.
5.What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
The predictions that I have are that no matter what we do the flu is still going to go around so I think that the best thing they can do id to try to stay away from people and places that already have it. It will be impossible to predict what is going to happen because if it keeps going the ways is going right now, the flu is going to become a world wide problem.
Lucia Carrera Per: 5
1. Brazil's form of government is a federal republic. They do not have a monarch.
2. http://ezinearticles.com/?Crime-in-Brazil-Is-Not-As-Bad-As-the-Statistics Indicate&id=706155
Brazil's problem is that they have a lot of gang violence, turf wars, and illegal drug activity. The reason for this is because their juvenile system is to lenient on all of the youthful offenders. Ever since their crime rate has gone up. Due to this it has given them a lot of freedom.
3. They have a couple of solutions to solve this problem. one of them being to put in affect the death penalty. Another is to be a lot more strict on the juvenile system.
4. The best solution that they have in my opinion is to put in affect the death penalty. That way the crime can slowly decrease.
5. I don't think that the country will get any better because it takes the people to change first and that wont happen anytime soon.
Tony M.
1.Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information
I chose Brazil for this current event. Brazil form of government is Federal Republic. Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.ral Republic.
2.Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
The biggest issue that Brazil is going through is the swine flu. Since the first case of swine flu was detected in Brazil, all the people are panicking because they are afraid of getting infected with it. The other problem is with their porks because they are one of the main carriers of the swine flu. That infection could occur through contact or consumption of pork meat and caused Russia and China to announce they would stop importing the meat from countries where cases have been confirmed.
3.What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The options that Brazil has aren’t that many the only option that the have is to try to prevent to get infected with the flu.
4.What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The best solution that I will recommend for them will be to try to stay apart from those who already have the flu and to stop eating pork beef until professionals say that it is okay to eat it.
5.What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I don’t really have any predictions for this problem because I wouldn’t be able to tell whether or not the flu is going to stop any time soon. That will be impossible to predict.
Chris Salgado Per: 5
1.Brazil is being run by a Federal Republic. With its president being Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
2.This article was about brazil and its emergence as a power in the oil industry. The article talked about the tests being done within Brazil. The article spoke about the amount that Brazil potentially has, and also had statistics on the amount of natural gas and crude oil they plan to produce (http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090501-705799.html).
3.This country doesnt actually have a problem. They just have a chance to become a strong industrialized country.
4.The best way that I can see Brazil comming out of this on top is, to have them sell there oil cheaper than the anyone else.
5.In the future I can see Brazil becoming an industrialized super power.
During the first decade of the 21st century South American governments have drifted to the left eith socialist leaders being elected in many South American countries. Despite the slight shift South America still participates in free market policies.
Across the border from North to South America government officials are working hard to contain the outbreak of the swine flu which cultivated in Mexico. The flu has already taken the lives of 159 individuals. Many schools and flights in and out of Mexico have been cancelled.
The government of Mexico was granted the power to isolate sick people, enter homes or workplaces and regulate air, sea and land transportation to try to stop further spread of the infection.
Personally I feel our government should be offering antibiotics to foreign nations who don’t have the stable economy and medi care system to provide aid to suffers of the influenza.
5.I predict if America doesn’t step in to help the spreading problem in Mexico then the swine flu will continue to expand and eventually will greatly affect us living here today.
Josh Laprease Per.5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Colombia: republic; executive branch dominates government structure
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
In Cali, Colombia there have been many terrorist threats one was a car bomb. It killed two people and left a lot of people injure. Another was in a police station a guy in a truck crash and then ran away. The truck had a bomb and killed another two persons and left more injure. They shot him and he died later in the hospital. They thought they were in peace with FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forced of Colombia) since they were letting prisoners free for no reason they have been in war with the government since about almost 40 years ago.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Attack the terrorist back, but probably have more problems. They could probably try to make a deal and try to stop the violence.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Try to make a deal with them. Just try to stop the violence. Try to do something about it. To stop the killings.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think it’s only going to get worst. If they don’t do nothing to stop all the violence
Raul Arizmendi
1. Brazil has a Federal Republic.
2. Brazil right now is facing pollution fines and the companies there are finding new insurance policies for protection to avoid this problem at hand. With these pollution fines happening a brazilian insurance company is looking forward to the business that is coming there way.
3. The choices this country has to fix this problem at hand is to go with this brazilian insurance company because it will protect them from these fines. or they should find alternative ways to prevent these pollutions they are causing to the environment.
4. Some solutions that I think that can best resolve this problem is to really think at how they are polluting the environment and fix it. Whether they need to get a new insurance company or find alternative ways to not pollute Brazil.
5. Some predictions i have to the future of this problem is that no matter what they will be polluting the earth because everyone in this world has a way that they pollute it in some way. whether its hair spray to driving around a lot with a non hybrid car that causes less pollution.
Christiana Paulsen
Period 2
1. Brazil has a federal republic government. Which is a form of government made up of a federal state with a constitution and self-governing subunits.
2. http://southwestfarmpress.com/mag/farming_brazil_agriculture_facing/
In this article explains the economic and logistical efficiency will once more be critical factors for Brazilian farmers. The exchange rate should also be cause for concern among farmers. The analyst believes the center-south states due to better logistics and proximity to ports. The improvement of the logistical structure in Brazil is also noted by specialists as a huge challenge for farmers in the near future.
3. There is nothing that these nations can do about this economic problem because when it effects one nation, it effects all the rest. As for the farmers they are facing an economic crises and will probably be struggling just as long as we are.
4. Obama has the answers! He says that he can change this great depression in these moderns days.
5. I think that the future will have a brighter side. I predict that there will be new reforms that will provide new opportunities and new jobs for others that will even all the money and everything out. The future can only get better, the bad times are almost over and hope is on its way!
Rachel Jimenez.
Period. 2
1. Argentina has a Republic government - a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/apr/24/falklands-britain-argentina-dispute-seabed
The problem i read about in my article was about Argentina lodging a hostile claim at the United Nations for 660,000 square miles of the South Atlantic seabed immediately surrounding the Falkland Islands and other British overseas territories. The ambitious Argentinian claim extends as far as the Antarctic. There, the UK has already expressed an interest in the continental shelf up to 350 miles beyond the coast of its South Pole territory.
3. One way they could slove this problem is by maybe spliting the island with two borders so they both can get land. One thing they should avoid in this sitution is getting into more conflict and then starting a war. That would be the wrong choice because war in my opinion never sloves anything but just cause sarrow and pain.
4. Well for one it would be best if Britain maybe just droped the conflict and let Argentina take the island. Britain is a powerful country more powerful then Argentina it wouldnt hurt them if they let Argentina take this small island. Britain is also located in Europe and Argentina in South America so that leaves Argentina closer then Britain.
5. They will have better ways to slove problems like this. Hopefully they can both get some of the land that way they both dont go empty handed.
Octavio C.
period 2
1. A federal republic is a federation of states with a republican form of government. A federation is the central government. The states in a federation also maintain the federation.Their president is Hugo Chavez.
2. Well Hugo Sanchez has met with president Obama and relations have been improving but the U.S. rports that alleges Venezuela fails to cooperate in fighting terrorism and called on obama to end the decades long trade embargo against Cuba.
3. Well they want Venezuela to join the U.S. in fighting terrorism but president chavez rejected the new agression by the U.U. empire.
4.I dont see why they can't join us but i understand if he wants to stay out of it because he cares about his people and he doesn't want to send them out to die in a "war" that doesnt matter to them.
5. I think venezuela will stay out of the war but obama might want to improve us relations with venezuela so that they can be on our side plus they have a lot of oil.
Daniel P.
Period 5
1. Brazil form of government is Federal Republic. Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted.
2. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-04/29/content_11276295.htm The biggest issue that Brazil is going through is the swine flu. The swine flu has already affected eight countries, and might have killed about 150 people in Mexico, but just 20 suspected swine flu cases are reported in Brazil. The Health Ministry reaffirmed that the swine flu virus is not spreading in the country, as no one has contracted the disease in Brazilian soil so far. All the patients being monitored by the Health Ministry have recently been to areas where swine flu cases were registered, such as Mexico and the United States.
3. The options that Brazil has aren’t that many the only option that the have is to try to prevent to get infected with the flu.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The best solution that I will recommend for them will be to try to stay apart from those who already have the flu and to stop eating pork beef until professionals say that it is okay to eat it.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I don’t really have any predictions for this problem because I wouldn’t be able to tell whether or not the flu is going to stop any time soon. That will be impossible to predict.
Monica Vazquez
1. Brazil's type of government is a federal republic. This type of government osmade up of a federal state with a constitution and has self-governing subunits.
2. I received this article from (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/Brazil). In BRazil, like in alot of places all over the world, overpopulation seems to be a problem. Overpopulation in Brazil is leading to deforestation. This is having terrible effects oin the countries plants and animals. Brazil is also hurting its environment by mining, and polluting caused from oil spills, and wetland degradation.
3. It seems Brazil is in a bit of a dilemma like most countries are. Because of its overpopulation, people are looking for jobs. Many of these lie in the categories which hurt the environment. They have to ask themselves what is more important.
4. The only solution i see is for them to try an dcome up with safer, cleaner, and more efficient jobs that will not harm the environment.
5. I do not believe Brazil will change their ways. They are not yet a developed country, so thje education they need to solve their problems might not be there yet. It will be interesting to see how Brazil will change enmvironmentally in the next 10-15 years.
David Escalante
Period 2
1. Venezuela's government is a federal republic which is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and the component parts keep a degree of self government. Voters chose their governmental representatives.
2. Protestors protest in the streets of Venezuela against Hugo Chavez's oil policies. Protestors were out in the streets with pots and pans to make a point against the country's president to say that their people "are hungry and their pans are empty". The people of Venezuela say that they are suffering because oil sale revenues make up half of the countrys national budget and by shutting in down and protesting the protestors hope the Chavez will quit. The protest is also causing a gas shortage and many believe that the strike is worth their own liberty. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EPF/is_18_102/ai_97297013/
3. The government of Venezuela really has no choice against the protestors. With this kind of control that the people of Venezuela have, they can accomplish what they are trying to aim for and possibly cause Chavez to step down and quit. Because of the violence of the protest, it could also end in more violence possibly caused by the government as well. It just shows that violence is not the answer when trying to get your point across.
4. I think that protesting is a great strategy to solve the nations problems. Venezuela is also in a recession so pushing for a better leader of their country will definately make an impact.
5. I think that the protest will continue to grow because so many people are continuing to devote their whole lives to the liberty of their people and themselves. I think that possibly Chavez will eventually quit and a new leader will take his place. You never know though with protests, they can also turn out very badly.
Melaney H.
Per. 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
federal republic- a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand. Iran wants to be with both Brazil and Turkey in order to build ties with some of the world’s most promising emerging economies. The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Brazil on Wednesday. A large 110 member delegation including 65 top company representatives will be accompanying the President. Business meetings with the Brazilians are expected in Sao Paulo. http://www.hindu.com/2009/05/03/stories/2009050355411400.htm
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem? Based on this article there isn’t much of a problem at hand, on the contrary Iran is trying to convince Brazil to join them so they can both better their economies which is much needed at this point in time. It would be so beneficial to both Iran and Brazil, because the economy in most places is down the toilet.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? The best solution is for both Iran and Brazil to come together to make one big economy. That way they help out each other to better their economies, and it wouldn’t hurt them to be unified. It could maybe even help encourage other countries to come together so they can work through their problems.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? I believe that in the end Brazil will join forces with Iran. That way they both will benefit and better their economy. Once this happen this may influence other countries to also join forces in order to improve their economies.
Angelica V.
Period 5
1. Columbia’s form of government is republic. The executive branch dominates the government’s structure. Columbia’s capital is Bogota. Columbia’s President is Alvaro URIBE Velez (since 7 August 2002).
2. Colombia is a key producer to illicit drugs; a large portion of narcotics are invested in Colombia through the black markets. It’s also an important supplier of heroin to the US market.
3. Well with the global recession, Columbia is now more than ever being the key producer to illicit drugs.
4. I don’t think that Columbia will stop manufacturing and selling drugs in the near future.
5. I don’t think that Columbia will stop manufacturing and selling drugs in the near future.
Karla C.
1. Brazil has a federal republic government.
2. Recently the swine flue has been spreading around various places. It has been said that the disease primarily came from pigs. Brazil does not want the flu to be known as swine because it is cutting down business for them. http://uk.reuters.com/article/rbssConsumerGoodsAndRetailNews/idUKN2836981020090428?sp=true
3. I believe that the nation has to help with medication in order to stop the flu from spreading. The flu is not getting stopped because people do not have the money in order to get medicine for their cure.
4. All that people need is medicine and that will help them get cured, but without the money they are not able to be helped.
5. The Swine flu will be stopped. Maybe not soon and there will probably be people dying even more, but it's just a flu and all you need is the medicine to help.
Ivette Z.
1. The Republic of Colombia. Colombian Conservative Party or PC [Efrain Jose CEPEDA Sarabia]; Alternative Democratic Pole or PDA [Carlos GAVIRIA Diaz]; Liberal Party or PL [Cesar GAVIRIA Trujillo]; Radical Change or CR [German VARGAS Lleras]; Social National Unity Party or U Party [Carlos FERRO Solanilla]
note: Colombia has 15 formally recognized political parties, and numerous unofficial parties that did not meet the vote threshold in the March 2006 legislative elections required for recognition
2. http://www.nasdaq.com/aspx/stock-market-news-story.aspx?storyid=200905041201dowjonesdjonline000317&title=colombias-president-uribe-to-seek-third-term--el-espectador.
In the Republic of Colombia the president, Alvero Uribe, is currently seeking approval from the cabinet in order to continue on with a third term in his presidency. 2002 marked the begining of Uribe's presidency. In 2005 he changed the constitution in order to assume a second term. Now in the year of 2009, Uribe is setting a presedence for attempting to assume a 3rd term. Andrade, the Congress' President, explained,"After the Congress vote, the Constitutional Court will have to approve the referendum and this will happen in the second half of the year."
3. The republic of Colombia has two choices, one is to reject the presedent of his wishes and the other is to let him continue on and to remain running his country for a third term.
4. If the president was in office for about 7 years now, and he has done many things to benefit his people, I believe the cabinet should approve to prolong his term to fulfill his needs and duties as a great president. but if there are other candidates with better qualifications then I believe they should have an equal opportunity to run for president, however the article does not inform the reader of possible opponents.
5. Judging by the way the article was written, I believe Uribe will have his wishes fulfilled and will assume his third term of presidency as the president of Colombia.
Sarina El
Per. 2
<3 helped by Austin Richard Bauer!
*im sorry this was late Mr. Waldram, but my internet sucks :/. have a nice day! :D
1. Colombia's form of government is a republic in which the executive branch dominates government structure.
2. In Colombia there have been many terrorist threats and recently killed two people and many people were injured by a car bombing. Terrorists thought they were at peace with Revolutionary Armed Forced of Colombia because they were letting prisoners free for no reason. Terrorists have been at war with Columbia for years and it continues to deal with drug trafficking and violence.
3. The government of Columbia needs to take action in protecting its people. The armed forces should be strengthened in order to securely protect against terrorists.
4. Take action to protect its people. That is the most important thing. To protect your countries people. But because all governments and political figures are obsessed with power and money this might be impossible.
5.I think it’s only going to get worse if the government lets the terrorists have complete control. It could turn into more of a genocide then it already is.
Melaney H.
Per. 2
1. Brazil = federal republic government. That is a form of government made up of a federal state with a constitution and self-governing subunits.
2. This article explains the economic and logistical efficiency will once more be critical factors for Brazilian farmers. The exchange rate should also be cause for concern among farmers. The analyst believes the center-south states due to better logistics and proximity to ports. The improvement of the logistical structure in Brazil is also noted by specialists as a huge challenge for farmers in the near future.
3. There is nothing that these nations can do about this economic problem because when it effects one nation, it effects all the rest. As for the farmers they are facing an economic crises and will probably be struggling just as long as we are.
4. Obama has the answers! He says that he can change this great depression in these modern days.
5. I predict that there will be new reforms that will provide new opportunities and new jobs for others that will even all the money and everything out. The future can only get better.
janelle c.
Per. 2
1. Ecuador = Republic government. That means a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
2. La Cumbre Volcano in the Galapagos island erupted lava and a cloud of what seems to be sulfur dioxide that went as far as over the Pacific ocean. The sulfur dioxide seems to have move away from the valcano but it is off to be a harm in Ecuador. The sulfur dioxide can cause it to be very gloomy, make it hard to breath, and possibly damage very high buildings. The haze makes the sunlight reflect back into outer space which means the sun can get to the earth.
3. I do not know if they really have a choice unless geologist or scientist can do something about but if not they'd just have to be really careful.
4. A solution is only for geologist and scientist to try to find a way to solve the problem.
5. If this problem is not fixed a lot of people, animals, plants etc. can be affected and cause a lot of harm.
janelle c.
per. 2
1. Peru is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its form of government is Presidential Republic. A presidential republic is a system of government where an executive branch exists and presides separately from the legislature, to which it is not accountable and which cannot, in normal circumstances, dismiss it.
2. The article that was posted talked about the revitalization of Peruvian rebels. Peru's cocaine trade, 2nd largest international trafficks, is booming after a 1990s drop-off. The government calls the insurgents who've used it to rearm ideologically bankrupt, but peasants who have coexisted with them don't necessarily agree. Along the road into the Apurimac and Ene valley, women and children dry coca leaves on long canvas beds in front of half-built, brick homes. A pro-coca political party has painted the leaf on wooden shacks in villages so poor that parents must chip in to pay teachers' salaries. Coca production soared in this rugged region just 100 miles from the world-renowned Machu Picchu ruins as migrants more than doubled its population to some 240,000 in little more than a decade. Growing the crop, a mild stimulant widely chewed in the Andes, is legal in Peru, but authorities say nine-tenths of it goes to the illegal manufacture of cocaine. Currently, coca is harvested four times a year in the valley and sells for $3.30 per kilo while coffee and cacao yield one crop a year and $1.25 to $1.50 a kilo. Gen. Moncada says battling Sendero and destroying drug labs aren't enough. "Controlling the trade in cocaine's chemical precursors would be the first true advance against drug trafficking in the region," he said. http://www.boston.com/news/world/latinamerica/articles/2009/05/10/cocaine_trade_revitalizes_peruvian_rebels/?page=full
3. The options they have are very limited. If they legalized this drug trafficking then more people are more likely to lose money from the governments’ profit, so that means the poor who grow these plants stay poorer, never making anything better for themselves.
4. Government should strictly enforce the trafficking and be sure nothings coming in and nothings going out.
5. My advice is for the government to be more aware of the issues of their people and come up with programs to initiate the wealth and health of their fellow citizens.
Chami S.
Period 2
Brazil's type of government is a federal republic. This type of government osmade up of a federal state with a constitution and has self-governing subunits.
2. I received this article from (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/Brazil). In BRazil, like in alot of places all over the world, overpopulation seems to be a problem. Overpopulation in Brazil is leading to deforestation. This is having terrible effects oin the countries plants and animals. Brazil is also hurting its environment by mining, and polluting caused from oil spills, and wetland degradation.
3. It seems Brazil is in a bit of a dilemma like most countries are. Because of its overpopulation, people are looking for jobs. Many of these lie in the categories which hurt the environment. They have to ask themselves what is more important.
4. The only solution i see is for them to try an dcome up with safer, cleaner, and more efficient jobs that will not harm the environment.
5. I do not believe Brazil will change their ways. They are not yet a developed country, so thje education they need to solve their problems might not be there yet. It will be interesting to see how Brazil will change enmvironmentally in the next 10-15 years.
Ashley S
Period 2
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