Thursday, May 7, 2009

Choose Your Own Country!!! Bonus Regional Event

Country #8 BONUS - Choose your own country - Due Friday May 8th @ Midnight Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?


COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriateSIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting


Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organizat Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives. ion/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand General Eric Holder talks about how dangerous the drug cartels are getting. One of them is the Sinaloa Cartel; they have come to the U.S. as far as to Phoenix and Atlanta. They have caught up to 755 in Ca, Minnesota, Mary land and suburbs of Washington. They are telling citizens from the U.S. who go to Mexico to be very careful because they are kidnapping people.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Keep on trying and try to catch them. Try to stop all these people from doing any more harm to other people. Just put all this guys in jail for doing all this bad things.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Fight back and try to catch all this guys. Try to stop them from taking any more innocent lives.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think there is going to be more deaths. It’s going to take time to try to stop all this. The problem its going to get bigger If they don’t stop it.

Raul Arizmendi

Anonymous said...

(USA)-Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition which mean a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts.

People with Swine flu are being reported in the use and people are dieing form it. The said it might of came form a pig form Mexico.There been about 35 people there the US said to have the Flu. NOt all have die just a couple. they said if you have any thought of thinking you have the Swine you most go to the hosital to seek for help. They would give you medicen to help you recover. But you have to stay home for a week.

The problem is a flu that has spread from mexico to the US and the are worried but the have the stuff to help the sick.

The going to help by giving you medacine and help you out.

I think this is all stupid because just blaming a mexico for doing something that they didn't create.


Anonymous said...

1. The United States is Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions

2.In this article, they are talking about how people 'cried swine". There is talk that the swine flu wasn't really an epidemic and people "cried wolf". The swine flu outbreak was mild and the media's constant coverage made people more scared than they should have been. There have only been a reported 46 dead throughout the globe.

3.I think that people shouldn't worry about getting the swine flu but should still be cautious.

4.The media should say that it isn't as bad as everyone has been saying and that its just a mild outbreak.

5.I think the "Swine Flu Epidemic" wil blow over in time and people will not worry so much.
Amanda Cox
Period 2;_ylt=AvmMf.g05u9vrcpksVbqXXis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJuYXV2Y2ZiBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNTA4L3VzX21lZF9zd2luZV9mbHVfaHlwZQRjcG9zAzgEcG9zAzE3BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2ZsdW92ZXJoeXBlZA--

Anonymous said...

1. The United States is Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions
2. One of the problems the us is facing today is the sudden outburst of the swine flu virus.
Schools are being closed down people are starting to panic but it is slowly starting to calm down. It is said that the swine flu came from mexico.It has killed a lot of people in Mexico but here in the us it’s only killed one so far.

3.The only choices we have is to try to stay as clean as possible be careful wash your hands a lot and hope they find a cure soon.its not that bad here compared to Mexico so hopefully it’ll be ok.

4. The solution is to hopefully find a cure for the virus or the same things I said in question 3.

5.Imy predictions are that we will get threw it hopefully find a cure people will be a lot cleaner and wash their hands a lot more.

Carlos Sosa

Anonymous said...

1.Portugal has a parliamentary republic. This means that the system is characterized by no clear-out separation of powers.
2.The United States signed an agreement with to Portugal to install a portable climate observatory on Graciosa Island. The observatory will obtain measurements of clouds and aerosols properties. The purpose is to understand the microscopic processes that occur in low-level marine clouds, this will improve climate models. The observatory is part of U.S. Department of Energy. There are various portable observatories around the globe to collect data. This project is design to contribute to the international climate research community. The observatory was place there because in the Azores experiences relatively clean atmospheric conditions. They will also like to install the mobile facility in Germany Africa and China.
3.In this article I do not see a problem. The only thing that good be an obstacle would be to try to get other countries to participate in this project.
4.If we all contribute to the installation of other observatories, maybe by donating money, The research in marine clouds would be easier.
5.I think that by making an agreement with the United States, Portugal will have an alliance to count with if they ever get in a difficult situation.
Nancy C
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

1. Brazil is a federal republic country,Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

About 270 towns were affected by the flood in Brazil. Communities in 10 states were tremendously flooded by swollen rivers. Most of the deaths occurred in Ceara state, that was about one-third. Many of the people were now left homeless.

3. They do not really have a choice other than to have faith. Rainfall has been predicted to fall for 10 more days, and it has already been 2 weeks.

4. They can begin by clearing out the water and securing their homes from the water.

5. I think that everything will get better once the rainfall stops.

claudia cerda

Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)spain is parliamentary monarchy,chief of state-king juan carlos, civil law system, capital is madrid

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
In spain there are 88 possible swine flue viruse or a/h1n1 flu in the country has shown good response to medical treatment. WHO has not given any contrary indication to the safety of prk. Akso the people who where effected in Hong Kong got health certificates to leave Hong Kong after being isolated.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?They can still doing treatment and find a better cure or they can stop and just use the same cure around the world.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?To keep finding a cure for the swine flu and give it to people all over the world by trying to copy medication from spain and try to make it better.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?there will be problem trying to make a cure that will cure them forever, just not postpone it.

Nick C.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #8 France

1) France has a Republic government. A Republic government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

2) France is confirming one more new case of swine flu, bringing the country's total number of cases to 13. Health authorities say none of the cases in France involve a severe form of the illness that can kill. The institute that oversees health issues in France says all 13 patients had contracted swine flu during recent travels abroad.

3) The illness is not killing a lot of people in France so they have to keep doing what they're doing in order to keep the lives of people out of risk.

4) If people keep taking care of themselves there will be less deaths and France will be a good place for them to live.

5) I believe everything will turn out ok for everyone in France since there are not so many deaths. I know that if they stay healthy and careful they wont get people around them sick and the flu will be gone.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...


1. The country i did is Jamaica.
Jamaica has a constitutional parliamentary democracy and Commonwealth - a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good.
2. I found a article on a drug bust that took place on a Jamaican air plane flight from Philadelphia to Jamaica. They found cocaine wrapped in four packages and weighed about 4.45 pounds, while the ganja also know as marijuana was also wrapped in four packages and weighed a little less than five pounds. US authorities said the cocaine carried a street value of US$40,000 (J$2.8 million) while the ganja was valued at US$4,000 (J$280,000). The drugs were found stashed in a sliding drawer of an unused service cart at the rear of the aircraft. The flight originated in Kingston and stopped in Montego Bay before landing in Philadelphia.
3. Well they did good in sloving the problem they found the drugs before they were relased and sold. This goes to show you that there are good securitys in airports all over the world. The good thing is like i said that the problem was solved before it was to late.
4. Just because they caught this drug bust doesnt mean they dont have to worry about it no more. They got to do all thats possible for drugs not to be transported into other countrys. This is a serious problem and im glad that they found this drug bust before they where soled.
5. I think in the future securitys are still going to be tight in all airports. Its a good thing they are because drugs are very serious and dangerous. Im glad we have to go threw all those saftey measures because its also not drugs it could be guns and ext....
octavio c

Anonymous said...

1. Germany has a federal republic. It is a group of independent states that form a unity. The government is ruled by the people and their elected officials. THere are 16 states and the capital is Berlin. The president is President Horst Koehler.

2. The German ship Victoria was taken by pirates in the Gulf of Aden. This is near Somalia which is known for pirate attacks. 11 Romanian crew members are being held captive. Piracy is the big problem here, and since Somalia hasn't had a proper government since 1991 (and probably wont gain one anytime soon), its up to other national governments to help protect their cargo ships.

3. Germany is going to have to find a way to get those captured crew members back. As for preventing future attacks, they're going to have to up their fire arms on board or get better detecting devices to see when pirates are attacking.

4. The Germans should follow U.S. shipping company Liberty Maritime Corp., and do everything within the laws and their power to keep their ships protected from piracy. They should arm their ship and crew members and find better paths to take that might avoid the dangerous waters.

5. Depending on how much Germany cares or can do, I think the Romanian captives will be returned. For the long run, I hope they realize how much money they'll save in upping their security. They'll save more ships and lives, and wont have to pay ridiculous ransoms.

Kassie Q.
Per 2

Anonymous said...

1. Cuba has acommunist state which means it is a state with a form of government characterized by single-party rule of a Communist party and a professed allegiance to a communist ideology as the guiding principle of the state.Fidel Castro is the leader of Cuba.
2. A top cuban official has rejected the need for cuba to make any important steps to allow for the lifting of a US trade embargo.He said that cuba doesn't have to do anything because they did not do anything to the US, but that we need to do things for them.
3. Well the guy said that they don't have to do anything for the US and that we should actually do things for them because we have guantanamo bay in cuba.
4. I think that if they would just let the US do their it wouldn't be so bad.
5. I think that maybe after Fidel Castro dies that things might change abit in Cuba but who will know if anything will change.
Daniel P.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1. The country i've chosen is Bangladesh. Their form of government is Parliamentary Democracy.

2. Bangladesh people are mostly facing with pollution and various disease thay has there for a long time. there has been more waterborne diseases prevalent in surface water; water pollution, especially more in fishing areas, results from the use of commercial pesticides; ground water contaminated by naturally occurring arsenic; intermittent water shortages because of falling water tables in the northern and central parts of the country; deforestation; and as usuall severe overpopulation.

3. The best way to keep Bangladesh and its environment clean and safe is by not using arsenic water and useing factories in residential areas and also boil water for drinking purpose.

4. Bangladesh has to decrease on its population, which the next biggest problem and the government has to be strict about its environment, or else in the next 5 - 10 years Bangladesh would be in mass population problem along with all environment.

5. My prediction on Bangladesh is that, the country will grow and build perfectly, but it has to decrease its poplution and clean its environment.

Ishitaq A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

so i thought this was a good video on Jamaica

Jrssica B p.2

Anonymous said...

1. The country i've chosen is Bangladesh. Their form of government is Parliamentary Democracy.

2. Bangladesh people are mostly facing with pollution and various disease thay has there for a long time. there has been more waterborne diseases prevalent in surface water; water pollution, especially more in fishing areas, results from the use of commercial pesticides; ground water contaminated by naturally occurring arsenic; intermittent water shortages because of falling water tables in the northern and central parts of the country; deforestation; and as usuall severe overpopulation.

3. The best way to keep Bangladesh and its environment clean and safe is by not using arsenic water and useing factories in residential areas and also boil water for drinking purpose.

4. Bangladesh has to decrease on its population, which the next biggest problem and the government has to be strict about its environment, or else in the next 5 - 10 years Bangladesh would be in mass population problem along with all environment.

5. My prediction on Bangladesh is that, the country will grow and build perfectly, but it has to decrease its poplution and clean its environment.

Chami SanLors
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #8-Bonus

1. The United States is Constitution-based on federal republic; strong democratic tradition.
2. The article talks about California voters who sent a clear message to lawmakers after voting no to all propositions from 1-A through 1-E. About 65% said no
to tax hikes, borrowing, and earmarks for education. The state spend $100-million on each election, to get a zero results back they think it's very irresponsible. Meanwhile Arnold Schwarzenegger says he respects the
will of the people, and the defeat of the election package will mean severe cuts will happen to education, law-enforcement, and health care soon enough.
3. Well in order to not have Schwarzenegger cut all this things his planning to do is to make the people vote yes and make taxes go higher and education.
4. I think if the people would have voted yes then we would have less cuts on jobs and just change the tax price. But apparently not everyone agrees with it so now will have to think of another way
to convince people to vote yes next time.
5. I think if we all would have agreed with Schwarzenegger plan
then we wouldn't be in this situation now. But now I see the future worse and people getting laid-off from their jobs.

Yesenia H.

Anonymous said...

1. Ireland's form of government is a republic, which is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. Glass, chemicals and bacterial contamination were found in food inspections. Government officals had to close 37 food businesses in order to get a hold of the situation.
3. Closing down the problem places was a good start, but they need to keep a closer eye on it.
4. Having stricter rules and regulations should help.
5. It seems like they are getting this under control, so if they just tighten up the regulations they shouldnt have anymore problems with it.

Ashley Sherlin
Period 2

Anonymous said...

The Philippines
1. The Philippines type of government is a Republic. The Philippines declared its independence from Spain June 12, 1898 and then from the USA July 4, 1946.

2. Alec Baldwin has reportedly been banned from entering the Philippines after joking about wanting Filipino mail-order brides. According to reports, the country's Bureau of Immigration placed the Alec Baldwin on the immigration blacklist after he said, "I'm thinking about getting a Filipino mail-order bride at this point... or a Russian one,” during a US television appearance last week. By being on the bureau's blacklist, Baldwin is forbidden from entering the country as he is deemed an undesirable alien.

3. The Philippines can ban Baldwin or make him apologize to the whole country live.

4. I think the Philippines should forgive and forget about the joke.

5. I think the Philippines will come to forgive Alec Baldwin sooner or later because it was just a joke.

Raymond C.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A Republic Government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

2. South Africa is facing a major energy crisis. They have had a lot of blackouts last year and they still are dealing with the problem. The state owned utility eskom provides most of the electricity and have limited it but has not cut it off. There electricity percentage should be in the 17 to 20 percent range, but instead it is only 8 percent. South Africas energy conservation is very poor. This energy crisis is said to be the governments fault because they did not take the iniative to create new power generation plants.

3. The choice they have to help get out of this situation and what they plan to do is that Eskom is planning to spend 343 billion on a five year investment program that will boost power generation and that will prevent upcoming black outs.

4. I think that Eskoms solution will help solve this problem because it will create more electricity for them. but the problem is that it is not going to be resolved until the year 2013.

5. I think that they will gain more electricity but it is just going to have to take time. Everyone in South Africa has to help out in every possible way they can if they want this problem resolved or else it is not going to go anywhere and they will be stuck with this problem for a long time.

Melaney H.
Per. 2