Country #6 - Africa - Due Thursday Apr 23rd @ Midnight Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriateSIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting
Current Event #6 Africa
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. There was a report released on how AIDS/HIV is a big problem that cannot be stopped in Southern Africa. People are not able to get their hands on drugs to not only treat the disease, but also to prevent it. There have been plans to try and help, but none have been succeeded.
3. What the people in South Africa need to do is try to get more plans to work. George Bush tried to help them out by making a plan, but they need to find more than one to make things work.
4. People need to stop having so much intercourse and that way it will help prevent the disease from spreading. They have to find a way to work out more plans and actually get people to do them. Without the help nothing will solve the problem.
5. I do not think that this problem will get solved unless Obama continues to make plans that will help people be able to get medicine or else many people will end up spreading the disease and risking the lives of their partners.
Ivette Z.
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Republic of the Sudan
Government of National Unity (GNU) - the National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) formed a power-sharing government under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA); the NCP, which came to power by military coup in 1989, is the majority partner; the agreement stipulates national elections in 2009
chief of state: President Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR (since 16 October 1993); First Vice President Salva KIIR (since 4 August 2005), Vice President Ali Osman TAHA (since 20 September 2005); note - the president is both the chief of state and head of government
head of government: President Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR (since 16 October 1993); First Vice President Salva KIIR (since 4 August 2005), Vice President Ali Osman TAHA (since 20 September 2005)
cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president; note - the National Congress Party or NCP (formerly the National Islamic Front or NIF) dominates al-BASHIR's cabinet
(World Fact Book: Sudan)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
The website article that I read was entitled, “Fire damages UN headquarters in Darfur”. There was an outbreak of fire on the premises of joint UN headquarters and African Union peacekeeping missions in Darfur, with damages leading up to approximately five million dollars. On the upside, there were no casualties reported, although thousands of Sudanese civilians and workmen live in the area.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
I feel horrible for the loss of part of the headquarters. It’s so unfortunate that a place that promotes peace has been attacked in a region where money and help is scarce to come across. The nation has to, like many other developing nations, turn their bad situation around and use the United Nations as a means to recuperate its fallen citizens.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I believe the UN should help fundraise money to help rebuild headquarters in Darfur, Sudan.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I predict that the Muslim people in Darfur, Sudan will come together, hopefully, one day and quit it with the civil war. It’s useless and pointless to fight against your own people.
period 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
-->South africa has a republic form of government which means it is based on the concept that sovereignty resides in the people, who delegate the power to rule in their behalf to elected representatives and officials.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
-->My current event is about zambezi river in southern africa flooding and destroying crops and made over thousands evacuate from their homes in the Namibia's caprivi region. The River spilt into the Chobe River, the Bukalo Channel, and Lake Liambezi when it flooded. The river normally flooded during rainy season but this time is flooded excessively.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
I dont really think there is a soulution for this problem because they cant really clear out the water, its not that easy. As long as they take care and make sure the people who had to evacuate are okay then thats all they can do.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The only solution is to let the water dry up by itself and provide shelter for the people and only think positive.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think everything will eventually get better. During the rainy season they do flood and the only big problem is that this flood was massive and deadly. It was probably expected so they should be more prepared.
Vanessa H.
Period 2
1. The Republic of South Africa is a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system of government and an independent judiciary, operating under a Westminster-styled parliamentary system. South Africa's government differs greatly from those of other Commonwealth nations. The national, provincial and local levels of government all have legislative and executive authority in their own spheres, and are defined in the South African Constitution as "distinctive, interdependent and interrelated".
Jobs are hard to get in Ghana, so large numbers of young workers turn to employment in small gold mines where unions and regulatory inspections are not performed. Investors are turning to gold to protect their savings. CNN's Christian Purefoy reports on miners in Ghana risking their lives to get it. The people working there aren't thinking of safety they are trying to make a living.
3. the mining industy is a mayor part in the enconomy. At least one tunnel collapses a week killing and trapping people below. The workers want the government to give them land and easy access to mining licenses. They have the option to give licenses to the miners and to work in safer conditions.
4. they should probably try to have safer places to work in the mining industry and not where it's dangerous. they should get the licenses they need to work in better conditions.
5. the reporters tried to talk to the people in charge of the licenses and they refused to be interviewed so this shows that they have no interest in giving them licenses. Hopefully in the future they will get everything they need to work in better conditions.
period 2
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. It consist of three-tier system of government and an independent judiciary, operating under a Westminster-styled parliamentary system. South Africa's government differs greatly from those of other Commonwealth nations.
(wikipedia.org/wiki/Government of South Africa)
2. My event is actually about the education the students are taking in Africa. There are so many kids that are not being teached well and how there are not much teachers to guide them. Some parts of Africa, there are schools that are good and are well tought but others are not.
3. Recently a statistic shows that many parts of Africa are improving on education. For example, the government are provding more benefits for them and more well qualified teachers to guide them and teach them. So, in most case Africa is improving day-by-day by themselfs, bringing more education curriculum and sports and extra help for those that are disabled.
4. The best way they can improve these problems is by bringing more educational programs and best teachers, that can help and teach them.
5. I predict that Africa in the next 5 - 10 yrs well improve so much, that they well be able to learn make and build there own stuff, teach there own people and etc etc. But thats only if the government helps out by bringing more help and programs to train and teach them. And i believe they will all succed.
Ishtiaq A
period 2
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. the only survivor of a pirate attack on a U.S. cargo ship was in court in a federal detention center in New York City. he is 18 years old and his father said he is 16
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. the solution for this problem is to lock him up for good for a long time
5. that the cargo ships from u.s should be more protected when going towards a different country?
Philip B.
1.Botswana is a Parliamentary Republic. This means that is a form of a republic which operates under a system of government.
2.Botswana promise 70 million dollar Harare to boost the countries bad economy and support industries Zimbabwean government said after meeting with the country’s minister. The official said that all is need it is to tie up the agreement. The money would go to steel leather and manufacturing industries. Southern Africa Development Community promise to help Zimbabwe raise 8.5 billion dollars over the next three years to help the bad economy. Western donors said that they will not lend money to Zimbabwe until President Robert Mugabe proves that he is willing to work with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.
3.This nation can make the deal with the western donor, the President only need to get along with The Prime Minister.
4.I think that Africa, specifically talking about Botswana is rich is the manufacturing of diamonds, so they should take advantage of that.
5.Regarding the future of this country, I think that they will do well if they get the donor to lend them money
Nancy C
Period 2
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy where the people elect representatives.
2. In Southern Africa AIDS is a growing problem that cannot be stopped. They aren't able to get their hands on the right drugs for the treatment. They have tried many solutions, but none have succeeded so far.
3. What the people in South Africa need to do is try to get more plans to work. George Bush tried to help them out by making a plan, but they need to find more than one to make things work.
4. Abstinence is one way to help prevent the virus from spreading. They have to keep working on trying to find a cure. AIDS hasn't had a treatment or a cure so far. The best thing they can do is try to find a way to prevent it from spreading even more.
5. I think we need to do more research on how to find a cure. So many people suffer from AIDS, and many lives are at cost because of it. We need to find a way to prevent the virus from spreading anymore.
Briana Schaefer
Per. 5
#6 Africa
1. Kenya’s government is a Republic. A republic is a form of government in which the head of state is not a hereditary Monarch but in which the people (or at least a part of its people) have an impact on its government. Mwai KIBAKI has been president of Kenya since 2002.
2. http://www.peopleandplanet.net/doc.php?id=3541
In this article, it talks about Kenya's Masai Mara wildife being destroyed by the increasing human activity in the area. Poaching of wild animals for their ivory and skin, growing competition for pasture between the domesticated animals of the Maasai people who live within and around the game reserve and the mushrooming of luxury hotels and resorts within the reserve are all impacting the reserve's wildlife and the Mara ecosystem.
3. The government can put an end to the pouching in the wildlife.
4. Move the animals to a safer place where there is no violence…
5. If this continues to go on, many animal species will have gone extinct by the decade.
Raymond C.
Period 5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Africa’s form of government is the African Union, and Democracy.
Union is the forming of all states in Africa, and democracy is the choosing of laws and leaders by the public.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
There’s a movement of democratic change in Zimbabwe. Most people want it, but some do not.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The choices they have are either stay how they are now or become democratic.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think their best bet would to become democratic so the people of the nation could vote on their laws and leaders and not have their country ran for them.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think they will eventually become democratic because they will realize that most countries that are democratic are successful, and they will want to be like them.
Mel G.J.
Ocatvio C.
per. 2
April 22, 2009
Current Event #6
1.My counrty is South Africa.
Its government is a Republic: a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
Nelson Mendela is one of the most well know men in South Africa, he was in prison and after he was free he became the President.
2. http://www.mediaclubsouthafrica.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=97%3A2010_fast_facts&catid=39%3A2010_bg&Itemid=59
Bascially what my article is about is that in 2010 the Fifa world cup will be hosted in South Africa. But the problem there currently facing is time. Everyone is asking is there still enough time left to get everything together? Theres only a couple of stadiums bilt and there are still more to start working on. Fifa or, Fédération Internationale de Football Association are making up a back up plan just in case there isnt enough time. South Africa does not like that plan because It has been estimated that the 2010 World Cup will create some 129 000 jobs, contribute around R21-billion to the country's gross domestic product and another R7.2-billion in government taxes, with the 350 000 visitors spending a some R9.8-billion in the country.
3. They can aviod the world cup being moved if they work hard enough. It can be done the world cup does not start till a year and a couple of months from now. In my opinion they have more then enough time to build the stadiums they have to and focus and security and medical care for the world cup. If they ask for help to it can get things done alot quicker to.
4. I think they could possible ask for help that way things can get down alot quicker then planned. The people of South Africa love there soccer and they deserve this world cup. If they can get the help they need they will be done before the world cup.
5. I think the world cup will be held in South Africa. They have been working hard to keep the project up to date and they deserve the world cup. I wouldn't dout it if its one of the best world cups in its history.
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
no permanent national goverment; transitional, parliamentary federal goverment.-goverment in which executive is constitutionally answerable to the parliament
capital mogadishu,independence july 1 1960. chief of state:transitional federal president sheikh sharif sheikh ahmed.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
This article is about somalia foreign minister wants to set up a coast gurad to fight rampant piracy to stop disruption of shipping in one of the world's busiest waterways. they're going to put coast gurads along the coastlines and sea waters of somalia. In bursselswhere the european union aimed to raise 166 million dollars to help samolias security forces.plan to make stornger govemrent and protection over east african lawless , and stop attack by pirates on shipping.has not been on agenda in long time for somalia.its the most important conference for somalia in the past 10-15 yrs. pirate gangs along somalia 1,900 mile long coastline have becom increasinly audacious over the past two years, hijacking dozens of merchant ships and their crews earn ransom that can reach $1 million. Somalia has been without a functioning govemernment since 1991.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem? They can either strengthen their defense and coastlines and help somalia make better lives for people. Or not strengthen the coastline and let pirates jeep on controling the coastline.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? Strengthen the coastline and killing any pirates that try to take over a ship or try to revolt against them and finally make a goverment in somalia after 18 yrs of being without a goverment
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? the prediction i could see happen would be that somalia and other countries strengthen their coastlines and there would be a war against pirates and coast gurads of somalia
Nick. C
Per. 5
1.no permanent national government; transitional, parliamentary federal government
Federal Gov: a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.
2.handhttp://uk.reuters.com/article/usTopNews/idUKTRE53L73920090422?sp=true The article is about the trying of boosting the security in Somalia to help prevent the pirate attacks thats going on. The U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the African Union say that more than $250 million is needed for next year so that they can improve the security in a state which has functioned without a central government since 1991 and is mired in conflict. They want to have dozens of countries and big international organizations to agree on a 100-day plan to help Somalia build up its security forces and restore stability.
3.They can try agreeing on the 100-day plan to help Somalia and see where it goes from there. Also sending money to help increase the security forces could help as well.
4. I think that if the help increase the security forces that it will help out a lot more because if there were to have another pirate attack, the security forces would be able to help and stop the attack.
5. I think that Somalia will get better and the pirate attacks will stop. But i do believe that it will take a lot of time and effort before we start to see a lot of great change happening there.
Carlos Broyld
Per. 5
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A Republic Government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. South Africa is facing a major energy crisis. They have had a lot of blackouts last year and they still are dealing with the problem. The state owned utility eskom provides most of the electricity and have limited it but has not cut it off. There electricity percentage should be in the 17 to 20 percent range, but instead it is only 8 percent. South Africas energy conservation is very poor. This energy crisis is said to be the governments fault because they did not take the iniative to create new power generation plants.
3. The choice they have to help get out of this situation and what they plan to do is that Eskom is planning to spend 343 billion on a five year investment program that will boost power generation and that will prevent upcoming black outs.
4. I actually think that Eskoms solution will help solve this problem because it will create more electricity for them. but the problem is that it is not going to be resolved until the year 2013.
5. Predictions I have regarding the future of this problem is that they will gain more electricity but it is just going to have to take time. Everyone in South Africa has to help out in every possible way they can if they want this problem resolved or else it is not going to go anywhere and they will be stuck with this problem for a long time...
Christiana Paulsen
Per. 2
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a state or country that is not led by a hereditary monarch, but in which the people (or at least a part of its people) have impact on its government.
2. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/22/world/africa/22sudan.html?ref=africa
Ethnic fighting in southern Sudan over the weekend left more than 100 people dead, United Nations reported this weekend. The women and children of the Lou Nuer tribe were killed and had a relation to the attack in March with their rival ethnic group, the Muel. The attack in March left about 400 dead. They fear that it will keep on going unless they do an extreme intervention. Because of this war it has also brought in large quantities of weapons.
3. The power of stopping this violence is in the United Nations hands. The United Nation’s primary strategy for now would be to support the local government’s security operations.
4. I think that the government security needs to keep a better eye on everyone because how can these attacks be happening? Unless no one is watching and no one cares. Attacks where even over 5 people die is something that should even be able to happen, especially when 400 are being killed.
5. I think that since the wars in Africa are never ending, I don’t think there is much of a future since it has been going on for so long. I hope that since this attack happened, maybe it opened eyes to others and will stop the madness!
Rachel Jimenez
Period 2
1.The nation of Congo is a presidential democratic republic. The constitution has a bicameral legislature consisting of a National Assembly and a senate.
2.Rwanda government official are refusing to release the Congolese rebel Laurent Nkunda. He is wanted for mand heinous crimes such as rape, massacre and recruiting child soldiers. Congolese leaders believe he was captured illegally as the government of Rwanda has pressed no real charges against him. The judge has asked Nkunda to prove to him what charges are brought against him when they have never told him what charges they have against him. Congolese officials asked for the extradition of Nkunda, but it is against the law in Rwanda to extradite someone to a country with the death penalty (as Congo has).
3.The country of Rwanda has the option to extradite him like I said before, but they will not do that because Congo has the death penalty. Congo has put his life in the hands of his lawyer who will try to prove to the judge that his arrest was illegally operated.
4.I think that the best solution for this problem is to keep it in the courts. I believe that if Nkunda’s attorney does his job, he will EASILY get Nkunda out of jail. He will do this easily because the Rwanda government has obviously arrested him with no case to go against him
5.I believe that Nkunda will be held in Rwanda and that the case will not go in favor of Nkunda. His crimes, if proven to be fact, are unacceptable in any nation. His release will never happen and he will remain in jail in Rwanda.
Brianna S.
Current Event #6
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A Republic Government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. This article is about South Africa’s AIDS crisis, currently experiencing one of the most severe AIDS epidemics in the world. Almost 1,000 AIDS death occur every day. With statistics showing that almost one in five adults are infected, HIV is being spread which is not good especially for the new born baby’s. With antiretroviral drug treatment, HIV-positive people can maintain their health and often lead relatively normal lives. The percentage has gone up to ten percent in HIV and deaths are around the age of 15 and 49. Scientists are searching more ways to stop this disease and cure more people from it.
3. The government is trying to provide drugs that could prevent HIV-positive mothers from passing HIV on to their babies, and has been accused of not making enough effort to get these drugs to women that need them.
4. I think it’s best if they give pills to woman to not get pregnant and also if they have been infected doctors should give them a powerful medicine or some can drug that keeps them healthier.
5. I predict that these problems in the future will be fixed but we just need time and patience for this to be solved.
Yesenia H.
1.Madagascar for of government is Republic. A republic is a form of government in which the head of state is not a hereditary Monarch but in which the people (or at least a part of its people) have an impact on its government.
Madagascar is irreplaceable. Split from the African continent over 160 million years ago, this island country developed its own distinct ecosystems and extraordinary wildlife. Approximately 92 percent of Madagascar’s reptiles, 68 percent of its plant life and 98 percent of its land mammals, including lemurs, exist naturally nowhere else on Earth.
2.http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20090418.wxmadagascar18art1503/BNStois ry/International/home. The problem that Madagascar is facing right now is with the Gangs of armed criminals, exploiting a political crisis, are assaulting the fabled forests of Madagascar, one of the world's most sensitive biological zones. Organized by foreign businessmen, hundreds of illegal loggers and animal traders have overwhelmed the weak defences of the country's national parks, stripping the forests of precious rosewood and ebony, smuggling out rare animals and destroying the habitat of endangered wildlife. The criminal gangs have taken advantage of the resulting security vacuum. The chaos has paralyzed the police and military, who have been preoccupied with urban protests and have abandoned the parks, allowing the illegal loggers and poachers to run rampant.
3.The options that Madagascar has are to enforce their security to prevent gangs from coming in to the Island.
4.The best solution will be to place security cameras in the most common places that gangs go too the most.
5.I think that this problem is not going to be solve right away, but if they put more effort to fight gangs they are going to be able to go back to normal.
Chris Salgado Per: 5
1. Kenya is parliamentary federal goverment. Goverment in which executive is constitutionally answerable to the parliament
2. http://www.bdafrica.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14205&Itemid=5812
The issues Kenya is facing at this moment is the gang violence in Central Kenya is threatening the survival of micro enterprises and agribusinesses that support more than 80 per cent of the two million inhabitants and deepen poverty that is being blamed for social upheaval in the region. The violence that has intensified in the past three weeks and peaked with Tuesday’s massacre of 29 people in Nyeri East District has brought business to a near standstill in large parts of Central Province where the Mungiki has been extorting protection money from shopkeepers, farmers and transport operators. The attacks have rekindled fears that the bloodthirsty gang, known to use the most spine-chilling tactics to murder its victims, may be gaining an upper hand in the region.
3. The solution that I think will work the best for Kenya to solve their problem will be to give more vigilance to their citizens and to enforce their arm forces to prevent massacres to innocent people.
4. The best solutions I think there is for Kenya is to be aware of the gang members that appear in random times. They should have more secured where the violence happens the most.
5. My predictions for the future for Kenya are that it is going to take a long time to settle this problem but they need to be patient and accurate.
Lucia Carrera Per: 5
1. Zimbabwe's form of governemnt is a parliamentary democracy in which the legislature selects the government with a prime ministe and cabinet ministers. The government acquires a dual responsibility to the people and to the parliament.
2. Zimbabwe government released the last of the abducted human and civil rights activists who were apart of Amnesty International. The activists were held in a dentention for over four months and were tortured by state agents. They were arrested because state security forcibly took them and they were only recently let out on bail. Zimbabwe government now is trying to stop human rights violations. http://us.oneworld.net/places/africa/-/article/361987-last-abducted-zim-activists-released
3. In order to stop this problem of civil and human rights violations the Zimbabwe government must take complete control over state detention halls and prisons.
4. I think that if the Zimbabwe government were to try to correct this problem they could have more control and rule over the dentention halls and prisons so that inmates and activists in the streets are not treated unfairly.
5. In the future depending on the state of the country at the time, I think that the Zibabwe government will be able to take control the problem and fix it so that human and civil rights activists can have their freedom of speech and not be punished for it.
Melaney H.
Per. 2
1. Kenya has a republic form of government. This means that most of the power is held by the people and their elected representatives. Citizens are allowed to vote at 18 and they elect their leader, who is currently President Mwai Kibaki, instead of having a monarch.
2. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/02/25/ kenya.un.police/index.html?iref=newssearch
A United Nations special reporter visited Kenya and found that the police there were abusing their power. They were reported to have killed people they could've easily arrested, and let their personal feelings get in the way of their judgment. The Kenyan government rejected these statements and said that Philip Alston (special reporter) couldn't have drawn these conclusions from such a short stay (10 days).
3. Kenya would have to really look into their police forces and crackdown on any rogue cops. It's all up to the Kenyan government, so they really have almost all the options in the world. They could look into better training for future officers so that rogue cops become more scarce.
4. I think the best way to handle this is to first separate the straight cops from the crooked ones. This would have to be done with some kind of undercover agency because just separating bad from good isn't all that easy. Hopefully, then, the Kenyan government will be able to eliminate any rogue cops that are causing problems for their country.
5. Unfortunately, I think some people (if not all) in the Kenyan government are trying to cover up for the mass killings. They might be getting a profit from this destruction or they just don't care enough about their people to go through the trouble of creating a better police force. if the Kenyan government actually tries to clean up their act and encourage the people to help push out any bad cops, than they could get started on a road to a new country.
Kassie Q.
Per 2.
1. South Africa has Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation
2. One of the biggest problems Africa is facing today is aid. It is estimated that 1 out of 5 people is infected. This disease can be treated with medicine and drugs but unfortunately most of the people that have it have no access to theses treatments. The average age expectancy is 54 without aids with aids it is estimated to be a lot less. In 2006 it was estimated that 21% of the teachers in South Africa were infected with HIV or aids. Aids is a huge problem through out the world but mainly in Africa.
3.the government can offer more help to there citizens they should help them get treatment I know its hard to cure or treat everyone with the disease but at least same some lives by helping some people. The government needs to step in and try to help.
4. Be more careful about there decisions like said before the government should step in to try to help some of the citizens.
5. I think this problem is just going to continue growing and growing.
Carlos s.
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy in which the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. A decline in support could also fuel bickering among the pro- and anti-Zuma factions in the bitterly divided ANC. The election result could pave the way for greater co-operation among opposition parties trying to whittle away ANC support in the future.In South Africa, presidents are voted in by the majority party in parliament, and as party president, Zuma is certain to become national president in the vote next month.
3. Their choice is he'll take power as the global recession bites into the economic successes South Africa enjoyed in the past few years, mainly due to the commodities boom.
4. They are going to be in demand for incresing housing, jobs, crime, education, and health care.
5. I think that in the future their new plansd will fail since they will be under pressure.
claudia c.
1. Kenya has a republic form of government. This means that most of the power is held by the people and their elected representatives.
2. Anti-aid arguments have become popularized therefore a key reason is that aid has proved to be an extremely ineffective way of getting a return — in this case, development — on serious money flows. Some put total aid to Africa over the past 50 years as high as $1 trillion.
3. They can try agreeing on the 100-day plan to help Kenya and see where it goes from there. Also sending money to help increase the security forces could help as well.
4. That aid removes the link of accountability between politicians and their populace making financing for investment and exports expensive.
5. They are going to suffer a while due the aidless efforts.
angie a.
1. Zimbabwe's form of governemnt is a parliamentary democracy in which the legislature selects the government with a prime ministe and cabinet ministers.
2. Jacob Zuma is the next president of South Africa. It's equally clear that he needs to quickly and clearly demonstrate he is worthy of the trust placed in him by the South Africans. There is a lot of doubt on that score therefore there are issues being put in line.
3. A man of considerable charm, has a story that appeals powerfully to a large majority of South Africans therefore he needs to continue to show the nation that he will be the right fit.
4. But he must rise if he is to confront the daunting challenges before him, including a recession at home after years of steady expansion. He has to prove alot.
5. I think Mr. Zuma will be liked by the people since he grew from being very poor into a successful man.
linda o.
1. Zimbabwe has a parliamentary democracy which is a democracy having a parliament. A parliament is A national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state.
2.Zimbabwe has delt with the problem with aids for a long time. Over the years it has been getting worse and worse. 565 adults and children are becoming infected by aids and hiv everyday. Zimbabwe has been isolated, both economically and politically. The country cannot respond to this problem because they have to deal with a tense political and social climate.
3.Zimbabwe has really no option in dealing with this problem because the number of people is increasing and it is to many people to attend to.
4.I think they should be asking for help to other countries because i dont think they could handle the problem on their own.
5.I think these problem will continue for a long time and i dont think there will be a solution to this.
Kevin Segura
period 2
1. Kenya has a republic government. A republic government is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/545033.stm-One of the main problems in Kenya would have to be AIDS. Part of this problem would be prostitution, and wife inheritance. These are tow of the main things that make these dieses past on to everyone.
3. Seek a better way to deal with prostitution and any wife inheritance.
4. Stop prostitution and any wife inheritance.
5. Its going to continue because it doesn’t look like the government is trying to do anything about it.
Bryan Diaz
Per 5
Country #6 - Africa - Due Thursday Apr 23rd @ Midnight Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Somalia has no permanent national government; transitional, parliamentary federal government
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand The crime of piracy is disrupting international sea transportation in Somalia. The international community has so far applied a knee-jerk reaction to the challenge of piracy through military actions. Somalia believes that piracy will not go away unless the causes are carefully considered and dealt with in a manner that will last.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The choice they have is to send the military to stop the pirates. The military has to somehow get on the pirates ships and overpower them with their weapons so the navy isn’t defeated and that way Somalia doesn’t have to deal with pirates taking ships captive.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? In order to rid Somalia of the crime of piracy, it is absolutely essential to apply comprehensive or holistic measures that respond to the underlying issues which are prevalent in the country as well as the Horn of Africa.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I do believe the problem with piracy will be solved because it’s inconvenient for the government to let it go on any longer. So that is why I believe the military will get involved soon and solve the problem.
Angelica Velazquez
Period 5
1.(Africa) Ethiopia is a Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their goverment.
2.It was talking about how Ethiopia has a poor basic health status. it was say onw out of ten babies born in Ethiopia die at the age of 5 do to diseases such as meningitis, malaria, cholera, measles, and HIV/AIDS. Because they are a poor country they don't have enough money to help with health care of hopsital that the people can aford.
3.The proble is that they don't have equipment to help their own people.
4.I thing they sould look for help with other country and I also think the US sould help them in stead of being in a war.
1.(Africa) Ethiopia is a Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their goverment.
2.It was talking about how Ethiopia has a poor basic health status. it was say onw out of ten babies born in Ethiopia die at the age of 5 do to diseases such as meningitis, malaria, cholera, measles, and HIV/AIDS. Because they are a poor country they don't have enough money to help with health care of hopsital that the people can aford.
3.The proble is that they don't have equipment to help their own people.
4.I thing they sould look for help with other country and I also think the US sould help them in stead of being in a war.
1. South Africa-has a Republic Government. It consist of three-tier system of government and an independent judiciary, operating under a Westminster-styled parliamentary system. South Africa's government differs greatly from those of other Commonwealth nations.
2. South Africa wages intensified war on aids. Abused and orphaned children in Pastor Bonan church are the face of an aids epidemic that is killing nearly 1,000 south Africans 40 million people have the virus the highest total of any country. From 143,000 in March 2006 to 456,000 have been receiving therapy according to government statistics. 40,000 children nationwide are receiving drugs. Health professionals and activists say the biggest test of the government commitment will be what it does to reduce mother to child transmission. when Bonani first took on aids orphans his church congregation vanished but now aids is discussed openly in the community.
3. To resolve this problem they have created the worlds biggest aids treatment program for the people who are infected by it can receive therapy. But a national plan launched a year ago aims to provide care and treatment to 80% by 2011 and halving the # new infections.
4.I think to resolve this problem is people should stop having sexual intercourse and if they do they should use protection both men and women. The best way to stop the spreading is that if you know you are infected with HIV you should let your partner know and get help.
5. Regarding the future I think aids in south Africa will be more open to discuss about this disease and their be lots of help for it and lesser the death rates.
1. South Africa’s form of government is Republic, where not the people vote, but the people's elected deputies or (representatives), vote on legislation. South Africa’s capital is Pretoria.
2. In South Africa thousands of Zimbabweans has been leaving and going to South Africa because of the bad economy and political persecutions. There is also a rise in drugs, mainly cocaine and heroin, where usually it’s being imported from India.
3. Well South Africa has put military at its border, their known as the South African National Defense Force (SANDF).
4. Their solution to put military at their borders is good.
5. Well hopefully their economy will get better someday.
Karla C.
1. Somalia has no traditional form of government. Its government comes closest to a parliamentary federal government. The chief of state is Transitional Federal President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. They also have a Prime Minister who is Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke.
2. Somalian pirates have attempted to hijack a cruise ship. This luxury boat carries passengers from Britain, Australia, and America. The pirates are armed and dangerous. In some cases they take the captain of the cruise ship into there small vessels and hold him hostage. Recently a large Oceania Cruise Shop was attacked as in entered the Gulf of Aden. [http://www.nypost.com/seven/12022008/news/worldnews/pirates_attack_cruise_141797.htm]
3. The nation of Somalia needs to straighten out its government first. It has been in constant turmoil like many other African countries. Its natural resources are ring stripped by foreign countries and the nation’s leaders grow wealthier as its citizens live in mud huts and die of starvation.
4. Somolia needs to have patrols over its waters. It should find way to create jobs so that its citizen will not be driven to pirating in order to put food in the mouths of their families. If citizen are given stable jobs that will pay a reasonable amount they will not have to resort to thieving. The people of Somalia have suffered through war, starvation, and extreme poverty; Somalia should find a way to create jobs for its citizens.
5. I believing that pirates will be a problem for luxury cruise vessels and cargo ships because the Somalian people cannot find another source for income. The citizens of Somalia will continue thieving until they find another way to make a reasonable income.
-Daisy Jacinto
(Period 2)
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
South Africa, on the continent's southern tip, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and by the Indian Ocean on the south and east. Its surrounded by Namibia in the northwest, Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north, and Mozambique and Swaziland in the northeast. They have a republic government. South Africa first democratic president was Nelson Mandela. Currently Jacob Zuma is the president.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
Malaria remains one of the world's great killers. Every thirty seconds, a child under five dies from malaria. That contributes to more than a million deaths a year. Two million people a year suffer from the disease, which hampers economic advancement in affected countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Those who have access to medicine are not affected.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
They could buy medication or anti-malaria pills but If African can’t afford even bed nets, Malaria will countine to spread farther throughout the country.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think that the bed nets would be a great solution but African citizens cannot afford them but we can help there country by donating the nets. Many organizations have already started to help donate the nets.
5.What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think that the goal they have set is a great solution and Malaria will be eliminated within the next five years only if they continue to receive bed nets.
Loraine A period 2
1. Somalia's form of government is parliamentary federal government. Its not a permanent government. It is transitional.
Several ships that are carrying Unite Nation's relief supplies have been hijacked by some pirates. Due to this millions of people could go hungry. They are carrying over 7,000 tons of food and if they don't get it to Somalia more suffering will occur.
3. They could try to wait it out and see if the pirates will give up but they could also go and attack them and get the ships running again.
4. If it is as important as they say this is then they should try to get all of the hostages out as soon as possible. Then go and take out the pirates.
5. I think they take control of the ships again and get the food to the starving people of Somalia.
Tony M.
The type of government that Egypt has is a republic. Where the President of Egypt is the head of state and the head of the government. The president of Egypt at the moment is Hosni Mubarak.
President Barack Obama sent his envoy, George Mitchell, in the middle east to talk to the Palestinians, Israel, and Egypt in hopes of creating peace. George Mitchell spoke with Egypt’s leads in hopes of their cooperation to help bring peace between the Palestinians and Israel. Obama wants Egypt to help bring peace between the two countries and believes that this is the only way to bring peace to the middle east. Egypt’s ministers and U.S. diplomats have already met and there is not word yet on the plan to help bring peace. Egypt’s help is the biggest part to help solve this problem between the two.
Egypt has the option of trying to get together with the United States to talk to both the Palestinians and Israel to help bring peace.
I think that the best solution is for Egypt to try their best to help bring peace between the two and to try to forget about the problems they have had in the past so they can finally be at peace.
Right now, the future of the situation could go anywhere, Egypt has tried to help in the past before and it did not go out so well. Egypt borders Israel and has had some problems with them too before. To have peace between all three countries would be a good thing. The situation in the future could turn out good for all three countries or it can turn out very bad.
Gerardo M.
Period - 5th
1.Zimbabwe has a parliamentary democracy which is a democracy with a parliament.
2. The HIV and aids problem in Zimbabwe is getting worse. Almost 600 adults nad kids get infected everyday.Zimbabwe cannot deal with this crisi because of its poor economy:(
3.There is no way they can deal with this crisis because it is getting worse everyday and no one is trying to help because the economy is horrible.
4.I think other countries should definetly help because it affects everyone of us.
5.I think we need to help as much as we can by going over there and providing medicien and healthcare. We should also donate money.
Amanda Cox
period 2
1. Somalias form of government is a transitional government meaning the it is not permanent.
2.Ships that were headed for India were carrying UN relief supplies was attacked by pirates.Because of the attack,many millions of people will go with food and the basic neccesities unless it is quickly released or is replaced with another ship.
3. They could wait them out and see if they give the ships back or they may have to replace the ships with another one.
4. I think they should just replace the ships and attack the stolen ships and save the supplies.
5.I think they need higher security on the ships so this will not happen again.
Amanda Cox
period 2
1. The Republic of South Africa is a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system of government and an independent judiciary, operating under a Westminster-styled parliamentary system. South Africa's government differs greatly from those of other Commonwealth nations. The national, provincial and local levels of government all have legislative and executive authority in their own spheres, and are defined in the South African Constitution as "distinctive, interdependent and interrelated".
2. There was a report released on how AIDS/HIV is a big problem that cannot be stopped in Southern Africa. People are not able to get their hands on drugs to not only treat the disease, but also to prevent it. There have been plans to try and help, but none have been succeeded.
3. The government is trying to provide drugs that could prevent HIV-positive mothers from passing HIV on to their babies, and has been accused of not making enough effort to get these drugs to women that need them.
4. Abstinence is one way to help prevent the virus from spreading. They have to keep working on trying to find a cure. AIDS hasn't had a treatment or a cure so far. The best thing they can do is try to find a way to prevent it from spreading even more.
5. I think we need to do more research on how to find a cure. So many people suffer from AIDS, and many lives are at cost because of it. We need to find a way to prevent the virus from spreading anymore.
-Habib Ahmed
1.They have a republic government. South Africa first democratic president was Nelson Mandela. Currently Jacob Zuma is the president.
A meeting was held in LOS ANGELES, CA! named the "African First Ladies Health Summit." The purpose was to promote better health and education. Political leaders as well as healthcare experts were in attendance as well in this first and special meeting. This is on of many more to come in the pursuit of a better future for Africa.
3.They must persistently and aggressively fight these important matters in order for it's future status to be more stable. Also the ties they have with many important officials and experst will grow stronger so they must be consistent in order to create stronger bonds.
4.I believe that this is a good patttern and thaat will clearly bring results to this impoverished area. I see this as a stepping stone in the right direction for Africa.
5. Consistency and diligence is all that is neccessary for this to be successful:)
Nuria D Per. 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Republic: where not the people vote, but the people's elected deputies or (representatives), vote on legislation. South Africa’s capital is Pretoria.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
Nikiwe Mkhosana is a girl HIV positive she’s going talking about how you get it what questions they might have. She hands out flyers and posters to people. She answers their question tells them the truth because people sometimes hear rumors that are not true. There is about 5.3 million people infected because they are poor and don’t go to treat themselves. People don’t accept them they get fire, love one live them or people even kill them. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EPF/is_18_104/ai_n9532767/
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Give them help try to give them treatment. Talk about it more so people understand the problem.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Bring them help treat them. Talk to them how to protect themselves. How to prevent it or how to do it.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I thin if they don’t do nothing about it its only going to get worst.
Raul Arizmendi
Africa (Kenya):
1. Kenya has a presidential representative democratic republic; this means that the president is both head of state and head of government, in a multi-party system. The current President is Mwai Kibaki and the Prime Minister is Raila Odinga.
2. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-04/21/content_11227011.htm. This article deals with the recent up rise in gang violence in Central Kenya. In the most recent attacks 24 people were killed and 3 were seriously injured. The Mungikis were avenging killings of suspected sect members in Kirinyaga last week. These two rival gangs have started to become very violent in recent months. They hold no prisoners everyone is a target. The police are trying to control this situation but with no one willing to talk about who started it or who is involved it has been extremely challenging to figure out the source of this problem.
3. To solve this problem I believe that they need to find the people who are fighting and figure out the purpose of their fighting. These gangs will not stop fighting until something between them is resolved.
4. The best solution to this problem is to ask the community for help in stopping these brutal murders of innocent villagers. They have not only killed adults but children also.
5. I think the situation will only be solved if the police really start to crack down on these gangs rather than having them say eventually they will kill each other to the point where it won’t be a problem anymore. People are scared to be out for fear of loosing their life! I feel a plan needs to be devised to end this violence against each other.
tiajay moody
period 5
Current event #6- Africa
1. What form of government do they have? Republic, a political system or form of government in which people elect representatives to exercise power for them.
2. South Africa is a middle income, emerging with an abundant supply of natural resources: well-developed financial, legal, communications, energy, and transport sectors; a stock exchange that is 17th largest in the world. They support an efficient distribution of goods to major urban centers thought the region, but they begun to slow during the 2008 year due to the global financial crisis.
3. They are focusing on controlling inflation, maintaining a budget surplus, and using state-owned enterprises to deliver basic services to low-income areas as a means to increase job growth and household income.
4. I think they need to get a lot of help from the government trying to increase job growth.
5. I think this problem would be resolve but the government all they need is time to resolve this crisis.
Monica Vazquez
Per. 2
1. Kenya has a republic which means there is not a hereditary head of state. In republics, executive power is not the absolute property of any person and therefore cannot be inherited or sold like a royal title.
2. There has been a lot of ethnic and political clashes in Kenya after six weeks of disputed elections. Statistics show that of the 1,000 people killed in the violence, almost half were killed in rift valley and western provinces. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7239554.stm
3. Well the violence has been stopping but I think they just need to give it time.
4. Well they need to try to stop them or at least slow them down and just wait it out I think It will pass over soon.
5. I think that things might get worse but they need to make a lot of changes their because it isn’t working the way their doing things.
Daniel P.
Period 5
1.Somalia has no permanent national government;transitional, parliamentary federal government.
2.The article was about the pirates that have been robbing ships that tried to come into port. The article also spoke about the Spanish government's capture of suspects. It spoke about the last recent weeks about the pirates and there harrassment of ships entering and leaving the ports.(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8021795.stm)
3.The one way they can can do is find some agreement with these group of individuals. Also they can either search and arrest them, or just, once again, reach an agreement or some sort of treaty, to resolve there problem.
4.The government of Somalia can either deal with this problem with throwing money at it, or dealing with it by force.
5.They have tried to react to these pirates by force. Yet, with such a weak government they dont really threaten them.
1. South Africa has a Republic Government. A republic is a representative democracy where the people elect representatives.
2. In Southern Africa AIDS is a growing problem that cannot be stopped. They aren't able to get their hands on the right drugs for the treatment. They have tried many solutions, but none have succeeded so far.
3. What the people in South Africa need to do is try to get more plans to work. George Bush tried to help them out by making a plan, but they need to find more than one to make things work.
4. Abstinence is one way to help prevent the virus from spreading. They have to keep working on trying to find a cure. AIDS hasn't had a treatment or a cure so far. The best thing they can do is try to find a way to prevent it from spreading even more.
5. I believe we need to do more research on how to find a cure. So many people suffer from AIDS, and many lives are at cost because of it. We need to find a way to prevent the virus from spreading anymore.
janelle c.
Per. 2
1. Ethiopia is in east-central Africa, bordered on the west by the Sudan, the east by Somalia and Djibouti, the south by Kenya, and the northeast by Eritrea.It's government type is federal republic, a form of government made up of a federal state with a constitution and self-governing subunits.
2. There was an article released about the concern of the Ethiopian use of the narcotic plant khat. Sweet tea and sodas stood on a circular wooden table between green mounds of the plant, a mild narcotic grown in the Horn of Africa. The use of this plant is legalized in East Africa but illegal in the United States. In the Horn of Africa and parts of the Middle East, khat is a regular part of life, often consumed at social gatherings or in the morning before work and by students studying for exams. Users chew the plant like tobacco or brew it as a tea. It produces feelings of euphoria and alertness that can verge on mania and hyperactivity depending on the variety and freshness of the plant. “http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/03/nation/na-khat3"
3. The best way to solve this problem is get the people to vote and have the government adhere to the health and risks of the overuse.
4. The best advice I would be able to give is for the government to understand that it’s a part of their culture, so by taking it away it’ll probably create some tension on the society.
5. I feel that Ethiopia will be able to overcome this obstacle knowing that the country is not really strict on their issues.
Chami S.
Period 2
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