Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Do the ones you are missing and leave them HERE!!! This will close at the end of Spring Break


Anonymous said...

1)Russia has a Federal Rebublic form of government.Which means that it has a federation of states with a republican form of government.
This article is talking about the ukraine and russia having disagreements between gas. Ukraine and russia had a signed agreement between the prime ministers. Europeans got mad and had thoughts of diversifying there gas. It continues on to say that they have resolved the problem at hand but think it wont be long unitl there back at each others.
3)Ithink the Ukraine needs to stop being stingy and give up more gas.
4)Even though they have already found a solution I think that Russia shoulkd stay strong and try and get what they want with out getting jipped.
5)As the article says i think either ukraine or Russia will come to another disagreement and start fighting.

Tiajay Moody
per. 5

Anonymous said...

1. Mexico is a Federal Republic

2. Mexico’s current leader is Felipe Calderon

3. Drug Violence In Mexico. More than 13 persons, including a police officer, were killed in drug-related violence over the past two days in Mexico's northern Chihuahua State below Texas\ACQRTT200902030448RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0209.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Drug%20Violence%20In%20Mexico%20Claims%2013%20Lives

4. The relationship between Mexico and the U.S. are negative and positive. It's negative due to the drug transportations.To help Mexico combat drug-trafficking, the United States released $197 million last December, the first part of a $400- million anti-crime and anti-drug-trafficking program

5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article include that Over the last two years, Mexico send more than 40,000 troops, along with federal police, to track down their drug gangs.

Philip Bueno

Anonymous said...

1. Mexico has a federal republic based government.
2. President Felipe Calderon
3. During this time in Mexico, the drug war still goes on. Killing innocent victims through it all.
4. Like Mexico, the United States is having problems in the violence area as well. Innocent people dying in the same way as in Mexico.
5. I didn’t really find any similarities, because are drug dealing is not as huge as in Mexico, and like any other leader president Felipe Calderon is trying to find away to stop the drug war.


1. Mexico has a federal republic government.
2. President Felipe Calderon
3. Like any other the country in this time, Mexico is in a financial crisis, so there asking for money from the IMF in order to support the reserve of central banks.
4. Like Mexico, we are in a financial crisis as well. Borrowing money in order to bell out bank, and high marketed industry.
5. I found out, that we are the only ones in a financial despite. Mexico is also looking for ways to bail out, and obtain more money

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy based government.
Canada’s stocks haven’t risen since last month’s gain. The stocks increased a great amount of more than 2.3 percent. The growth was triggered by the U.S. home sales and manufacturing signaled a growth in Canada’s biggest trade market.
3. By sticking to ever their doing now, they could possible take the U.S. out of the financial crisis.
4. Keep the home and manufacturing sales.
5. I feel that we can possibly change the financial crisis, making it into a more better growth in stocks.


1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy based government.
Canada will unwillingly pay the U.S. C$50 million for trade agreement involving softwood lumber exports. They will pay the U.S. instead of surcharge on lumber.
3. Canada can either pay for lumber or charge a surcharge.
4. To pay and there will be no problem.
5. I think will solve the problem by paying.


Australia’s climate negotiator urges them to take order before global warming takes over. Climates are expected to rise after 2012. The climate negotiators asks that we take charge instead of waiting and seeing what happens.
2. The whole world is involved to stop global warming. Australia is a federal parliamentary democracy (a government that is based on the liberal democratic tradition, which includes religious tolerance and freedom of speech and association. Its institutions and practices reflect British and North American models but are uniquely Australian).
3. The world needs to take action before global warming takes over
4. For everyone to GO GREEN!
5. I think we all go green, we can prevent global warming, and the world being able to last after 2012


Antarctica is asking Australia to reduce the number of trips made. Australians are said to have been spreading diseases and destroying the enviorment with huge tourist groups.
2. Antarctica and Australia/ Antarctic Treaty Summary (Antarctic Treaty Summary - the Antarctic Treaty, signed on 1 December 1959 and entered into force on 23 June 1961, establishes the legal framework for the management of Antarctica. Administration is carried out through consultative member meetings - the 23rd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting was in Peru in May 1999. At the end of 1999, there were 44 treaty member nations: 27 consultative and 17 acceding. Consultative (voting) members include the seven nations that claim portions of Antarctica as national territory (some claims overlap) and 20 nonclaimant nations. The US and some other nations that have made no claims have reserved the right to do so. The US does not recognize the claims of others. The year in parentheses indicates when an acceding nation was voted to full consultative (voting) status, while no date indicates the country was an original 1959 treaty signatory. Claimant nations are - Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the UK. Nonclaimant consultative nations are - Belgium, Brazil (1983), Bulgaria (1998) China (1985), Ecuador (1990), Finland (1989), Germany (1981), India (1983), Italy (1987), Japan, South Korea (1989), Netherlands (1990), Peru (1989), Poland (1977), Russia, South Africa, Spain (1988), Sweden (1988), Uruguay (1985), and the US. Acceding (nonvoting) members, with year of accession in parentheses, are - Austria (1987), Canada (1988), Colombia (1988), Cuba (1984), Czech Republic (1993), Denmark (1965), Greece (1987), Guatemala (1991), Hungary (1984), North Korea (1987), Papua New Guinea (1981), Romania (1971), Slovakia (1993), Switzerland (1990), Turkey (1995), Ukraine (1992), and Venezuela (1999). Article 1 - area to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited, but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose; Article 2 - freedom of scientific investigation and cooperation shall continue; Article 3 - free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the UN and other international agencies; Article 4 - does not recognize, dispute, or establish territorial claims and no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force; Article 5 - prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes; Article 6 - includes under the treaty all land and ice shelves south of 60 degrees 00 minutes south; Article 7 - treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given; Article 8 - allows for jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states; Article 9 - frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations; Article 10 - treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty; Article 11 - disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the ICJ; Articles 12, 13, 14 - deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations. Other agreements - some 200 recommendations adopted at treaty consultative meetings and ratified by governments include - Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora (1964); Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (1972); Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (1980); a mineral resources agreement was signed in 1988 but was subsequently rejected; the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was signed 4 October 1991 and entered into force 14 January 1998; this agreement provides for the protection of the Antarctic environment through five specific annexes on marine pollution, fauna, and flora, environmental impact assessments, waste management, and protected areas; it prohibits all activities relating to mineral resources except scientific research).
3. They need to reduce the number of tourist.
4. To stop tourist for a little, and let the environment rotate back in motion
5. If the tourist reduce then there shouldn’t be anymore problems.

Anonymous said...

sorry mr.waldram i forgot to put my name and period at the end.

-jamisha r.
period 2

Anonymous said...

1.Canada’s type of government is federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.
A report suggests that Canada's border agency allowed some strategic nuclear and military equipment to leave the country without checking if rogue countries or terrorists are the buyers. Exporters of strategic equipment that's subject to strict controls too often file their own paperwork; they continue to have a choice of submitting their export declaration in paper format. The United States and the European Union call for an end to paper work, and require all export declarations to be made electronically in advance of shipping. Investigators found that some truck drivers cheat by using the same photocopied paper form for different export shipments.
3) The agency says it will produce a study by October on how to eliminate paper forms and tighten security. To prevents potential terrorist threats from entering the United States from Canada.
4) The best thing to do is to tighten up security to prevent risk of other terrorist attacks.
5)If what was promised I would say that everything will work out well, in the long run.

1.Canada’s type of government is federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.
2.Women are under represented in the top jobs. According to a study women hold fewer than 17 percent of executive positions, even though the number of female executives grew up by a two percent over the last two years. Forty percent of women earn the majority of University degrees, but still men are the ones who own the jobs in top companies. The study shows that there has not been an increase in number of women holding a top job, but there has been an increment in the private companies.
3.Companies in Canada can start looking at the studies that show that women are as well or better prepared to take an important job.
4.I think this problem could be solved by hiring more women in any type of company whether it’s a very important one or not.
5.I think that men will always be seen as better and it might not change soon, but I would like that in sometime in the future women will have the same opportunities as men.
1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy.
2. Amsterdam officials are not giving up on hope of having a North-South metro line. The commission of the parliament is still debating how to continue with construction of the metro line.
3. The major setback is that the construction will greatly affect and destroy many homes along a center street. Also funding has been an issue. Some Democrats have asked that the construction project shouldn’t be taking the government’s funding.
4. There should be a countrywide poll to decide whether to continue construction or not.
5. The government will use tax dollars to proceed with the installment of the metro line.

1. Italy has a republic type of government which means the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Italy’s chief of state is Giorgio Napolitano, and has a Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
It seems the recession has been hitting Italy as well as the U.S. This article was about a shareholder of Alitalia, which is an airline of Italy’s, suing the premier Silvio Berlusconi. The whole argument was that Air France KLM was going to buy out Alitalia before it went bankrupt, but then Berlusconi said the offer was unacceptable. He then later changed his views and allowed the stock to be liquidated and bought out for around 1.052 billion euros still leaving them in 2 billion dollars in debt.
3. There really is no solution to this problem. It seems a little scandalous what Berlusconi did and there is little to do after the fact
4. The only solution I see to Berlusconi’s problems is for him to come open about his actions and explain them.
5. To me, this whole dilemma seems very sketchy. The fact that it is the Prime Minister who is caught up in all this scandal makes it even worse. I don’t foresee a happy ending for Berlusconi.
1. Russia has a Federal Republic.
2.Russia’s capital hopes that the political situation in the Czech Republic won’t affect the planned Russia European union.The Czech Republic holds the presidency of the EU, but his government lost a vote of no confidence. Russia hopes that the situation won’t affect the intensity of the political dialogue between Russia and the EU, and won’t disturb the events planned during the Czech presidency. President Vaclav Klaus notified the Russians that he will represent the European Union. The plan was to station an U.S. radar in Prague, Czech Republic. Moscow sees no problem deploying the missile defense system of the country.
3.I think the solution has already been made, because President Vaclav Klaus has already taken responsibility for the EU presidency.
4.I think the best thing to do is to pick a good representative for the EU.
5.My prediction for this problem is that they will eventually deploy the defense system of the country.

1. Russia has a Federal Republic.
2. High-level Russian and American policymakers, including U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s right-hand man, Sergei Ivanov, have been meeting in Moscow to discuss the grand scope of U.S.-Russian relations.
3. Both Russia and the United States are attempting to rewire the security paradigms of key regions
4. The two countries are having discussions so I think they will soon enough find a solution.
5. I think that the United States and Russia are getting along and that they will both be able to end or do what they must to end the war in Iraq.

Briana Schaefer
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1.Canada’s government type is constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
2. Women are under represented in the top jobs. According to a study women hold fewer than 17 percent of executive positions, even though the number of female executives grew up by a two percent over the last two years. Forty percent of women earn the majority of University degrees, but still men are the ones who own the jobs in top companies. The study shows that there has not been an increase in number of women holding a top job, but there has been an increment in the private companies.
3.Companies in Canada can start looking at the studies that show that women are as well or better prepared to take an important job.
4. I think this problem could be solved by hiring more women in any type of company whether it’s a very important one or not.
5. I think that men will always be seen as better and it might not change soon, but I would like that in sometime in the future women will have the same opportunities as men.

1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy.
2. Amsterdam officials are not giving up on hope of having a North-South metro line. The commission of the parliament is still debating how to continue with construction of the metro line.
3. The major setback is that the construction will greatly affect and destroy many homes along a center street. Also funding has been an issue. Some Democrats have asked that the construction project shouldn’t be taking the government’s funding.
4. There should be a countrywide poll to decide whether to continue construction or not.
5. The government will use tax dollars to proceed with the installment of the metro line.

1. Italy has a republic type of government which means the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Italy’s chief of state is Giorgio Napolitano, and has a Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
it seems the recession has been hitting Italy as well as the U.S. This article was about a shareholder of Alitalia, which is an airline of Italy’s, suing the premier Silvio Berlusconi. The whole argument was that Air France KLM was going to buy out Alitalia before it went bankrupt, but then Berlusconi said the offer was unacceptable. He then later changed his views and allowed the stock to be liquidated and bought out for around 1.052 billion euros still leaving them in 2 billion dollars in debt.
3. There really is no solution to this problem. It seems a little scandalous what Berlusconi did and there is little to do after the fact
4. The only solution I see to Berlusconi’s problems is for him to come open about his actions and explain them.
5. To me, this whole dilemma seems very sketchy. The fact that it is the Prime Minister who is caught up in all this scandal makes it even worse. I don’t foresee a happy ending for Berlusconi.

1. Russia has a Federal Republic.
2.Russia’s capital hopes that the political situation in the Czech Republic won’t affect the planned Russia European union. The Czech Republic holds the presidency of the EU, but his government lost a vote of no confidence. Russia hopes that the situation won’t affect the intensity of the political dialogue between Russia and the EU, and won’t disturb the events planned during the Czech presidency. President Vaclav Klaus notified the Russians that he will represent the European Union. The plan was to station U.S. radar in Prague, Czech Republic. Moscow sees no problem deploying the missile defense system of the country.
3. I think the solution has already been made, because President Vaclav Klaus has already taken responsibility for the EU presidency.
4. I think the best thing to do is to pick a good representative for the EU.
5. My prediction for this problem is that they will eventually deploy the defense system of the country.

Chami SanLors <3
Period 2

Anonymous said...

1.The article was about Coca Cola and its advertisements within Australia. The article was all about how Coca Cola was told to correct its advertising faults within Australian newspapers. The reason why is because Coca Cola claimed that its soda does not contribute to obesity and tooth decay.
2.Australia is a Federal Democracy, but this article has no real global threat unless you are counting obesity as one.
3.The main thing that Australia did was tell Coca Cola to fix what they had placed within Australian newspapers.
4.The best solution is to have a health expert prove that Coca Cola does in fact help lead to obesity and tooth decay.
5.What I predict is that they will change what they have said and will continue to make millions of dollars.


Anonymous said...

1.Canada has a Federal Parliamentary Democracy and a Constitutional Monarchy as its form of government.
2.The article talked about how Canada is trying to stop trucks from delivering there goods through the city of La Canada Flintridge. The reason why was because of a deadly semi-truck collision that killed two and injured several others (
3.The choice they have it to make a ban on allowing delivery trucks to deliver there goods through the city.
4.The best solution would be to have an on duty police officer or create an alternative rural route so that pedestrians will not get injured.
5.The future that I can see this country in would be fewer goods because of this but a more safer area for citizens.


Anonymous said...

1.Canada is a two part government, Federal Parliamentary Democracy, and a Constitutional Monarchy.
2.The article is about the shortage of parts in Canada. In the article it says that two Chrysler companies will close due to a dispute between manufactures leading to a shortage of parts. It also said that this shortage of parts in Canada can also spread to the United States (
3.The choice that this country has is to have better relations with its supplier of goods.
4.The best solution would to settle the dispute between both manufactures, and come to an agreement so that they can continue to produce vehicles.
5.I believe that the Chrysler failure will leak into the U.S. and deplete our economy even more.


Anonymous said...

1.Germany has a Federal Republic as its form of government.
2.This article was about an accused Nazi Guard. The article stated that they will hold a trial of an accused Nazi Guard. This article also showed Germany’s form of trial. Also, the accused guard is living in Ohio and will be deported later on (
3.The choice that this government has is to try this man accused. They will accuse him of murdering Jews while being a guard at a concentration camp.
4.The best solution is to try him and see what he receives, or see what he deserves.
5.The future I see about this man is he will be sent to prison for life, if not he should be executed.


Anonymous said...

1.Scotland has a Parliamentary Democracy leading as its government today.
2.The article was about a deadly helicopter crash. The article stated that a total of sixteen people were killed in the horrible helicopter crash. Also it stated that only eight of the sixteen bodies have been found (
3.The government could try its best to help the victims and there families through the tough times that they must now endure.
4.The number one best solution that I believe will help this country in its crisis would have to be for them to find all the bodies and allow the families of the victims to pay there respects honorably to the dead.
5.The future I see for this country is that they will overcome this horrible accident and help the families, financially, through these tough times.


Anonymous said...

1.Russia has a Federal Republic as its government.
2.This article was about Russia possibly alllowing the United States, access to Afghan. The article talked about how Russia and its Prime Minister spoke to the president of the United States, trying to create a deal with the U.S (
3.The thing that Russia could do is allow the United States access to Afghan.
4.The United States will infact create a deal with Russia, that will allow them access.
5.I feel that in the future Russia and the United States will become allies and Russia will allow the United States access to Afgahn.


Anonymous said...

1. The government that is ruling Russia today is a form of government called Federal Republic.
2. This article was about Russia and its expansion into space. The article explained some of Russia's insight on launching a new space craft into outer space. The article also talked about how Russia will launch this new space craft in the next decade or so (
3. This is not neccisarily a crisis but Russia could actually gain knowlegde of outer space, and knowledge of the Earth, while in outer space.
4. Russia will no longer be a non industrialized country any longer.
5. In the future I see Russia as a leading country in Outer Space exploration. Also, I see Russia as becoming a comepletey industrialized country.


Anonymous said...

1. constitutional monarchy- also parliamentary democracy that means that they don’t have as much rights as the US has like they don’t have the right to vote, the government makes the decisions.
2.article talks about how a man that was named as Frank sells marijuanato younger people right across the border and how he made millions of canadian money. my opinion i would say to just legalize it because ether way people tempt to grow it and sell it fix the problem the country should inforece the ;aw or legalize it prediction id ether way laws will be broken as in the u.s where peolpe still sell and grow marijuana

1.constitutional monarchy- also parliamentary democracy that means that they don’t have as much rights as the US has like they don’t have the right to vote, the government makes the decisions. this article it talks about how the prime minister wants to stop gang actions because they have increased so he has a meeting with his police and concerned advocates. solve a problem as this i would say to keep a sharp look out because it happen here in the u.s and the police sometimes don't even realize it. stop this i would say that the police should be on the streets on where these actions happn
5.i think that in the future it could get better if there is a unit that stays a potrols the more common place that couse more problems

Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica
This article was talking about how the nation of Australia’s defense members might buy several helicopters that are flown by remote control. They are buying them incase something happens to put them in to wartime. The problems they face are accidental civilian casualties.
2) The nations involved are anyone against Australia and of course Australia itself. Their government is Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. This is a democracy that is also a monarchy.
3) Australia can either not buy these helicopters or make sure they are being safe about the way they handle things.
4) I think the best solution would be to not buy them and train their helicopter pilots better. I think risking innocent people’s lives is unnecessary.
5) I think they will wind up buying them, but no one wages war on Australia so I’m not too worried about people getting hurt

1.this articles talked about how humans are affecting apes by buying cell phones. the products and you think it is a lump of plastic and metal but in terms of each cell phone within the transistor has a small mineral called coltan. wich can be found in the gorilla habitat region
2. other nations that would be involved in this also would be africa because the gorilla is from Africa be a representative in Australia talks to defend the gorrilas
3. well the colton tha is found in the gorrillas habitat is not just used in cell phones but it affects the gorillas
4. the solution i would say would be that the police should protect the gorillas habiatas more better and make cell phones with other kinds of material
5. to change material to produce more cell phones and increease technology by not harming orther animals

1. Mexico has a federal republic government
2. President Felipe Calderon
3. in the article mexico is faceing withe houseing. because their houses are made up of week material
4. i say that the u.s and mexico are both kinda the same situation. and i would say that theyre both positively, negatively
5. population growth in mexico makes it hard to travel and harder to find a place to live. because of population farm areas will have to become houses and that will mean that tere will be less food.

1. Mexico is a Federal Republic
2. Mexico’s current leader is Felipe Calderon
3. Drug Violence In Mexico. More than 13 persons, including a police officer, were killed in drug-related violence over the past two days in Mexico's northern Chihuahua State below Texas\ACQRTT200902030448RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0209.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Drug%20Violence%20In%20Mexico%20Claims%2013%20Lives
4. The relationship between Mexico and the U.S. are negative and positive. It's negative due to the drug transportations.To help Mexico combat drug-trafficking, the United States released $197 million last December, the first part of a $400- million anti-crime and anti-drug-trafficking program
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article include that Over the last two years, Mexico send more than 40,000 troops, along with federal police, to track down their drug gangs.

Philip Bueno

Anonymous said...

1. The article is talking about relationship that Australia and Indonesia are forming through sports. Although in 2002 the Bali bombings killed 88 Australians including some young sportsmen which marked the start of a new era of cooperation. The cooperation between the two countries is going very well, and their relationship through sports is helping maintain a relaxed and friendly relationship.;_ylt=ArL1XMQYk_sU6bZl17UYuKwHcggF

2. Australia- federal parliamentary democracy- Australia’s system of government is founded in the liberal democratic tradition.
Indonesia- Republic- a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

3. To continue building their relationship through sports, because that will help both countries maintain peace, and they should also continue helping out each other’s countries.

4. they should do the tournament because it going make money throught that.

5. I believe the situation between the two countries will only get better if they continue forming sports tournaments.

stevan cantero Per5

Anonymous said...

1. Some scientist have found a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica. They believe this is happening due to global warming. This is very crucial to Earth and all of the life on earth. Another problem is that due to global warming the ice in the arctic is melting faster than it has ever happened before.

2. Antarctica is one of the nations involved and its form of government.

3. the major choices that they have is to stoop burning fossil fuels. i.t would help a lot if they do this

4. I think the best thing to help this problem is to stop using gas for cars.

5. i think that people think only about them self and not what going around them so this is still going to happen.

Stevan Cantero Per5

Anonymous said...

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

2. A issue that canada is facing is that to much immigration come to canada from california to europe peopel coming to the country. But in 2006 the immmigrants have decress it because the high securtay. canada is helping by letting them stay and givin them jobs.

3.there problem was the immigrantion but canada is trying to do there best but if the do immigrant to their country the help them by supplying them with jobs.

4. i would do the same give them job because it going to help them with the econamy because the more people working the more money moving around canada.

5. they sould just let every immiagrate in canada.

stevan cantero Per 5

Anonymous said...

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

2.Obama visted to join together to talk about helping each other throught this hard times that the country are heading because the economic is not good at all. The also talk about how they are going to make a program to that they could help with global warming with the two countries. Well canada talk a little about the afganistan issuse and obama didn't as much.

3. There was not really any problem but therw was the economic problem between the both countries other.

4. There going to help each other through the struggle and work together from the stimulus package.

5. i think it a great idea that they are helping with global warming which it going to creat more job.

stevan cantero Per 5

Anonymous said...

a. Current Event #1 – Mexico
i. Find a current event in which the government of Mexico is the topic of discussion and identify the following:
1. What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)?federal republic its like federalism
2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)?President Felipe Calderon
3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)?One of the issues they are facing Is poverty.
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?
The relationship between the United States and Mexico is becoming stronger. Both Mexico and the United States deal with immigration. Many drugs are sneaked into the United States from Mexico and that influences the United States greatly. Mexico and the United States have many different relationships with each other, but the crime influences us in a negative way. There are many violent deaths in both the United States and Mexico because of drug gangs smuggling drugs into the United States and smuggling weapons into Mexico from the United States.
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)? Some of the similarities between the US and Mexico has to do with the life expectancy which are both around 76. Our governments are fairly similar, as we both are independent nations. The economies are also similar as they are both free market trade. The main differences have to do with the corruption of government, and the state fear its citizens live in due to the drug cartel.

Diana A.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1.Russia is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces)

2.Russia gave a warning to the US about helping gorgia rebuild there military.This would not be good idea because it would lead to conflict with US and Russia.

3.US helping out a country when they should worry about their own issue and not start conflict with others.

4.US shouldn't but in and help other for the time being.

5.i thing if Russia see any more help from the US to Georgia the might have big problem in hand.


Anonymous said...

Current Event #2

1. Science today thinks that by the end of this century lakes and streams on one-fourth of the african continent could be drying up because of the rising temperatures. Since the ice sheets are melting so fast it is causing the sea level to rise 0.4 millimeters a year. The ice sheets are are getting ahead of schedule than they had predicted. They predict that the ice sheets melting is not going to stop in the next couple of years.

2. The nations involved in my current event is south africa and antarctica. There form of government is the Antarctic Treaty, establishes the legal framework for the management of Antarctica.

3. The choices they have to make to solve this problem is to decrease carbon monoxide emissions.

4. In order to fix this problem more people should get together and try to think of a plan to decrease carbon monoxide.

5. I think that it will all melt and all the animals that need the ice will become extinct. =(

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #2

1.Australia has a surprisingly good economy. The Australian dollar has become weaker because of the carry trade. The federal parliamentary democracy government plans to slow the growth in 2009.
2.Austrailia has a Democracy- The federal government is based on a popularly elected Parliament with two chambers. The government is mostly based on religion.
3.I believe that the government should keep things as planned and continue to see how things will turn out.
4.because of th weak point Austrailia had there are some doubts that the plan for 2009 will be working.
5.If there is no change in the plan for 2009 and everything turns out right than people will feel good about things rather than they do now.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #3

1. It has a federation with a constitutional monarchy.
A single monarch as over-all head of the federation, but retaining different monarchs, or a non-monarchical system of government, in the various states joined to the federation
The Atlantic cod was a very popular fish for fifty years off the atlantic coast of canada. now scientist believe that this heavily fished cod will be extinct within 20 years.
3. i think there should be a way to help the cod fish since it's been around for a while.
4. maybe there should be a change in water or the enviornment around the fish to try and make it feel a little better for it to be around.
5.If people do not care for the fish it will go extinct. It all depends on how far the people will go out of their way to help.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #3

Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
Canada’s government is temporarily on a time-out. Anything from spin to downright lies are coming out of every media outlet and politician in Canada right now.
3. The Conservatives and the Coalition both will claim to stand for Canada and democracy.
4. They should just both come to their sences and get along. There should not be a war started.
5. If the war does start then things will get worse than they were to begin with. As long as they compromise things will get better.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #4

1.The government of France is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic, in which the nation declares itself to be "an indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic".
Various journalists describe immigrants as disenfranchised and systematically rejected by French society. Many articles note that “guest workers” are maltreated in all developing nations. There are many fearful suggestions to tighten borders, restrict immigrants, and curtail benefits to the poor. These “solutions” are really just more ways to punish the poor for being poor.It is an issue of treating all people with dignity. America, as well as France, needs to address these inequalities of opportunity if we are to truly claim to be “free” societies.
3. This is a problem that is affecting the U.S. as well and it has been a problem for a long time. I don't think that the problem will get solved soon.
4. It's kind of hard to pick sides because when you hear reasons you seem to be ably to agree with both sides.
5. Later on I feel there will be a solution that will make both sides happy and will have them understand each other rather than having them try and get rid of each other.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #4

1.Portugal's government is a republic; parliamentary democracy. In this their head of government is the prime minister the premier, they are not led by a monarch. The people have a say in their government.


Portugal's leading cause of death is strokes. The reason for this is salt consumption. Most of the meals eaten contain bread and the bread has a big amount of salt.
3.According to the Portuguese society if they reduce one gram of salt a day it could save 2650 people. The Socialist Party submitted a bill that calls for salt content to be cut to 14 grams per kg.
4. Cutting down on so much bread will help people be saved. They do not have to give it up completely they just have to ease up on their meals.
5. I think they are going to pass the bill and cut down on the salt. It will make a big difference and most people in portugal will be saved.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #1

1. Mexico is a federal republic.

2. The president of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.

3. Mexico is facing issues dealing with drug cartels. Because of this many people's lives are put at risk.

4. Both Mexico and the U.S. are trying to fix the problem. They are trying to get the drugs to stop being passed around and putting a stop to those who have lives at risk.

5. Some other information I found in this article is that there had been a few home invasions in Tuscon, Arizona. The invasions are occurring because of the drug cartels.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #1

1. Mexico is a Federal Republic

2.The president is Felipe Calderon

3.US and Mexico have teamed up to fight againt breast cancer. Mostly in Mexico is where the numbers of woman who have breast cancer are rising.

4. Both First Ladies from the U.S. and Mexico are trying to work together to try and find a way to stop the disease from rising.

5. I learned from this article that there is no boundaries when it comes to this topic. I think Mexico and the U.S. should really work together and maybe form a group for planning to see if they can stop the lives from being at risk.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

The Trade Minister of Canada, Stockwell Day, is on a week long trip to visit China to discuss the topic of Trade between Canada and China. Stockwell Day is visiting China to discuss the topic of trade between the two countries and is also making foreign relationships between China and Canada much stronger. Stockwell Day met with some of the most important leaders in China and now is making trade with China and Canada stronger than ever. The Trade Minister also suggested putting Canada on their list of approved travel destinations. Canada exports to China were about $10.4 billion in total in 2008 and they plan to improve those numbers by this and next year. They discussed the topics of aerospace, agriculture, educations, construction, oil, gas, communications and pharmaceuticals.

Both Canada and China have the option of openly trading between the two countries more and making traveling easier between both of the countries.

The solution to the problem is to allow both countries to import and export to each other freely. Also if China allowed its citizens to freely travel to Canada and if Canadians were allowed to travel to China more frequently.

I believe that the situation of trade between the two countries will improve and maybe people from China will be able to travel to Canada. Both the economies of China and Canada will improve from this event in the future.

Gerardo M.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

Canada will provide about four billion Canadian dollars in aid to the automotive industry, which is about $3.3 billion U.S. dollars. Canada promised to aid the automotive industry for about a fraction of what the United States gave to them. Many of the people who live in Canada rely on their jobs in the automotive industry for their source of income. The Canadian government wants to protect their economy from a recession and to protect their citizens from losing their jobs. Canada hopes for this bailout to come out very well and if this does not work, then they are prepared to loan out more money in aid.

The only choice that Canada has in hopes of protecting their economy and their citizens from losing their job is to aid the automotive industry. They can also help make programs for people who lost their jobs in the automotive industry.

I believe that this is the only solution to helping their citizens from losing their jobs at the automotive industry and to protect their economy.

My prediction on the situation is that it might turn out well or it might not, it all depends how the automotive industries in the United States use the bailout money they are given to help protect jobs.

Gerardo M.
Period 5

Anonymous said...


1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. It gives parlam the right to vote.

2. They found a new way to find HGH. Instead of using blood test they found this new way with urine. Before it would take forever to find HGH in urine but now they came up with this new way. It’s cheaper and easier.

3. Their options are to continue to fund this project and hope it comes out for the best.

4. I think that the best solution for this is to continue with the research and if it works to fund it and start using it as soon as possible.

5. I predict that this will work because of all of the technology. It’s easier now and it will work.
1) Canada has a Parliamentary system meaning there’s no clear-cut separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, leading to a different set of checks and balances compared to those found in presidential systems.
this article is about how Canada has sent in troops to Afghanistan, and they are unsure of their reasons for being there. Some say they are there to train the Afghan army so they can fight for themselves, and others say they are there to take down the Taliban.
3) I think if they are in there to help Afghanistan, they can in fact do great things. But if they have alternative motives, I think they should leave instead of cause more fighting.
4) I think the best solution would be to each the Afghan army how to fend for themselves and then leave.
5) The future is unclear to me with this situation. I’m not sure if they’re there for the right reasons.
1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is run by a single power with accordance to the rules of a written document. It constitution was adopted in 1815 and was last amended in 2002. The Chief of State is Queen Beatrix and the Head of Government is Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Its capital is Amsterdam
2. /03/12/Analysis_Dutch_Obama_in_Rotterdam/UPI-58581236886633/
A Muslim immigrant became mayor of Rotterdam, a major European city. This shows how minorities are making big progress in their integration in the Netherland's. Mayor Ahmed aboutaleb's coming to office is compared to that of President Barack Obama's election.
3. This progress in the nation's diversity isn't really considered a problem so there is no way to rectify it.
4. The best way to continue this progress is to keep recognizing minorities and allowing them to make good lives for themselves.
5. This is probably the tip of the ice burg in the racial intermixing of the Netherlands. Minorities have more and more opportunities to become heads of office and the future of the Netherlands may be colorful.
1.The government that france has is a republic which is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

2. In the artical France is going to issue gold and siliver euro coins. The coins are going to be saled in 1,000 post office throught the country.

3.there is really not a problem but i think they might have a problem making to much coins. like have over inflashion.

4. i think they should thing about it or make sure the people spend money so it could move.

1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is run by a single power with accordance to the rules of a written document. It constitution was adopted in 1815 and was last amended in 2002. The Chief of State is Queen Beatrix and the Head of Government is Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Its capital is Amsterdam
2. /03/12/Analysis_Dutch_Obama_in_Rotterdam/UPI-58581236886633/
A Muslim immigrant became mayor of Rotterdam, a major European city. This shows how minorities are making big progress in their integration in the Netherland's. Mayor Ahmed aboutaleb's coming to office is compared to that of President Barack Obama's election.
3. This progress in the nation's diversity isn't really considered a problem so there is no way to rectify it.
4. The best way to continue this progress is to keep recognizing minorities and allowing them to make good lives for themselves.
5. This is probably the tip of the ice burg in the racial intermixing of the Netherlands. Minorities have more and more opportunities to become heads of office and the future of the Netherlands may be colorful.
1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
Religions: Russian Orthodox 15%–20%, other Christian 2%, Islam 10%–15% (2006 est.; includes practicing worshippers only)President: Dmitry Medvedev.
Prime Minister: Vladimir Putin


On Sept. 1–3, dozens of heavily armed guerrillas seized a school in Beslan, near Chechnya, and held about 1,100 young schoolchildren, teachers, and parents hostage. Hundreds of hostages were killed, including about 156 children. Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility. In the aftermath of the horrific attack, Putin announced that he would radically restructure the government to fight terrorism more effectively. The world community expressed deep concern that Putin's plans would consolidate his power and roll back democracy in Russia.

3.The choices they have is to enforce their arm forces to fight agains terrorism. And stop waisting money in things that they dont need.

4 The best solution I think they should do is to protect schools and other places where terrorist atack the most.

5. I think that Russia is going to have a hard time trying to fight against terrorist, but I think that if they protect their nation and enforce their military they can make things better.

Bryan diaz

Anonymous said...

1. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph, making sure to focus on the problem at hand.
This article talksabout how Researchers have found out that for the past 50 years Antartica has actually been getting warm. Researchers have also figured out that West Antarctica and east antarctica are very diffrent from eachother. west antarctica is about 4,000 feet lower than the east. they believed the continent was cooling because of the hole in the ozone layer but the continent is actually getting a lot warmer. they say the hole in the ozone layer can be fixed sometime this century so the whole continent can warm at the same time along with the rest.

2. What nation(s) are involved in your current event and what form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?

Antarctica is involved in my current event and it has a treaty form of government. Treaty government is when they make treaties every so often. Its not any one specific government.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?

This continent has to come up with a plan to help antarctica from being affected dramaticaly by global warming.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?

I dont know if there is any one solution but the can do something to help it and maybe stop is from warming too much.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?

I think the continent will continue warming but they can do something to prevent the ice caps from melting.


1. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph, making sure to focus on the problem at hand
The article talks about how even after everything that goes on in australia they still celebrate and have a good time. They have a variety of food and some of the best wine. They bring everything together from agriculture to entertainment and havea big festival.

2. What nation(s) are involved in your current event and what form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?

Australia is involved in my current event and it has a Constitutional Monarchy formof government. A monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?

I dont think this is a problem it something positive.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
They should have more festivals to bring the continent together.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think australia can come together and put all the problems aside and just celebrate.

Vanessa H.
period 2

Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?
Canda has a constitutional monarchy/ parliamentary democracy and a federation as well. constitutional monarchy is a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution where his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.
parliamentary democracy is a political system in which the legislature selects a prime minister. federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided, each region retains some management of its internal affairs.

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand.
This article talks about how canada has proven that a health care system for everyone works. they are now facing problems with population increasing way to high and it may not work for everyone. They have long waiting list at hospitals now and their affraid their whole health care system may not work anymore.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
They may have to change their whole health care system which may not make citizens happy.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
They could change the system is some kind of way that wont affect anyone dramatically but that can still help the people and make everything some what easier.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think things may get worse and the system will not work for everyone


1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?

Canda has a constitutional monarchy/ parliamentary democracy and a federation as well. constitutional monarchy is a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution where his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.
parliamentary democracy is a political system in which the legislature selects a prime minister. federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided, each region retains some management of its internal affairs.

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand.

This article talks about how canadas borders arent being patrolled how they should being and their border patrols arent armed. The security crisis has
gone up a lot. last year it was 1600 and it has gone up to 3000 by underground railroads and etc.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
They have to arm their patrols and have better security.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The only solutions they have is to arm more of their patrols and have better security and make an agreements with the U.S.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think there wouldnt be a problem anymore if they did the right thing

Vanessa H.
peiod 2

Anonymous said...


Australia will push for international sanctions against Fiji's military government, but will ensure earnings from tourism are not affected to spare its people hardship.
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully described Fiji as a military dictatorship, with Wellington considering trade sanctions after three foreign journalists were expelled from the country.

2. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy government, meaning powers are distributed between a national government (the Commonwealth) and the six States (three Territories - the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, and Norfolk Island have self-government arrangements).
Fiji’s type of government is a republic, a republic is a state or country that is not led by a hereditary monarch but in which the people have an impact on its government.

3. The United Nations and the Commonwealth can have a special meeting to discuss about Fiji’s sanctions.

4. I think that they should discuss about the problem at hand.

5. I predict some feud will happen between Australia and Fiji.


1. Canada’s government is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
Constitutional monarchy is a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.
Parliamentary democracy is a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers - according to party strength as expressed in elections; by this system, the government acquires a dual responsibility: to the people as well as to the parliament.
Federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.

A group of Canadian beef exporters raised concerns over a Korean beef law passed last year in Korea, saying it is the major cause of the trade dispute between the two countries. Seoul has banned imports of Canadian beef since May 21, 2003, following a confirmed case of mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Canada has filed complaints with the World Trade Organization on Korea’s continued ban of its beef imports, citing violation of international trade rules.

3. See if the beef from Korea is the cause of the disease before pointing fingers.

4. Have a conference on the beef crisis.

5. There will be less oversea trades with Canada and Korea.


1. Germany has a federal republic government.
Federal republic is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.

In Germany a family-run Opel car dealership there has closed after 80 years. After the local SinnLeffers department store shut down, the grocery store in the basement put beer and pasta displays in the store windows where the mannequins once stood. The unemployment rate is shooting up as industrial jobs vanish.

3. Get more jobs out there for the people.

4. More employment will help people get their hope back.

5. Unemployment will hurt Germany’s economy.


1. Russia’s type of government is a federation. Federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.

Israel has lobbied Russia to pull away from selling a strategic air-defense system to Iran but has received only vague assurances, Israeli defense sources said on Monday. Last week Israel agreed to supply surveillance drones worth $50 million to Russia.
3. Israel and Russia have to come to an decision.
4. A truce between the two can solve problems?
5. Nuclear weapons are going to be lost and gone.

Raymond C.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

current event # 2

"Shifting winds"

1. Carbon dioxide has been shifting from the southern ocean and could have amplified global warming causing the end of the last ice age. Many of the scientists think that northern part of the planet was warm because the earths orbit changed.
2. Antarctica doesn't have a government. It is part of the Antarctic Treaty which means that the environment is fully protected,and where scientific research has priority.
3. This nation doesn't really have an option because it is nature.
4. I think that the best thing is to get more people involved the global warming situation.
5. I believe that the last ice age will be coming soon and there will be no way of stopping it.

"$950million Jobs and Training Package Announced"

1. The Australian government has announced that they will great 950million jobs and training package to secure and support jobs. The new package will support local projects that will create jobs.
2. Australia has a parliamentary democracy type of government. It is based on the liberal democratic tradition. It includes religious tolerance, freedom of speech and association. It also has a prime minister.
3. It is not really a problem. It is more like a solution to a problem they had already had.
4.What they are doing is pretty much what would i have done.
5. I think that this could actually work to take them out of the depression they are in. It is pretty much what the united states is doing.

Kevin Segura
period 2

Anonymous said...

current event # 3

1. Canada's government is part constitutional monarchy(A monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.) and also parliamentary democracy.
2. There was a flood that they new was going yo happen and people were asked to evacuate early. many of the people did no listen to the orders. Intergovernmental affairs Minister Steve Ashton is taking charge on the whole incident.
3. An option that they have is to make the next notice mandatory and have consequences if disobeyed.
4. Damage was already done so you cant really solve anything.
5. I think that on the next event like this happens people would actually respond to the notice that the government gives because now they have an example of what could happen.

1. Canada's government is constitutional monarchy(A monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.)
2.Unemployment rate for Canada jumped the highest level in seven years. Toronto lost 61,300 jobs in March. This loss brought Canada's official unemployment rate to 8 percent.
3. At this point Canada doesn't really have any options than to do plans for job programs.
4. I think that the best solution would be to do what the United states is trying to do.
5. I think that every country that is having economic should do the same.

Anonymous said...

forgot my name
Kevin Segura
period 2

Anonymous said...

first current event for ½ credit
!. Mexico’s government is a federal republic.
A form of government made up of a federal state with a constitution and self-governing subunits

2.Currently the prez is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa

3.Mexico has and is infamous for it’s drug trafficking problems and it’s undeniable corruption within it’s government. It is currently one of the US main supplier of substances like marijuana which is illegal! The high drug activity rate also is causing a high crime and violence rate in Mexico.

4.Mexico and the US are obviously connected. Immigration is at it’s highest and with the drug ties with these two countries the possibility of drug trafficking is undeniable. Mexico again is one of the main suppliers of marijuana and also of methamphetamine to the United States of America.

5. The US and Mexico share some similarities as well as differences. Both are free market trade economies and are independent nations. The US economy is more stable than Mexico and is not as noticeably corrupt as that of Mexico. Mexico is dealing with high tension within the economy due to the drug cartel and the corruption within it’s government.

second current even for ½ credit
1. Mexico’s government is a federal republic.
2. Currently, the prez is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.

3. This article deals with the fight Mexico is having with organized crime such as drug trafficking and the violent kidnappings. Fernando Gomez the new Interior Minister of Mexico is pushing for judicial reforms in attempt to aid the desperate situation. The police have recently broken up kidnapping gangs and are fighting the war against this organized crime aggressively in hopes of curing the plague of violence this country is in the midst of.

4.An obvious tie with the two counties is immigration. Immigration rates are high and are under major radar by the United States at the moment. The is no main negative tie between these two countries besides the narcotic supply from Mexico.

I discovered the severity of corruption within Mexico. It is not as evident here in the States and is a sad example of a weak government. Mexico is however a strong and crucial country as is the U.S. I also learned that with the aggressiveness that Mexico is dealing with it’s current problems the economy should be strengthened over some time.


Anonymous said...


first current event
1. In Australia they are mourning the many deaths of the terrible bushfires and attempting to create an early warning plan to avoid further disasters such as the one in the state of Victoria. The fires have caused a death toll that is quickly passing 200 and has left almost 2,000 homeless.(
2. Australia’s form of government is a Constitutional Monarchy. This is a monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.
3. 3.Sadly, the government had delayed possible early warning plans and is now adamant that they will put one in motion after this unfortunate event.
4. I believe that the obvious solution would be to create a solid early warning plan to prevent further tragedy in this country. I also believe that the government should take this as a strong warning of their lack of initiative and their procrastination and it’s devastating consequences.
5. I predict that Australia will shape up after such a traumatic experience and will quickly but carefully put a plan in motion to not only prevent future occurrences but to soothe public grief and anxiety.

second current event
1. A major glacier in Antarctica has vanished and many others have. This is significant because the shift from these could pose as a problem to the society. (
2. Antarctica is closely watched by the U.S. due to it’s role in atmospheric temperature. Antarctica’s form of government is shown in the Antarctic Treaty, which shows the way it is to be governed.
3. Due to it’s interesting climate many countries are researching ways to aid the situation before problems arise. The United States is closely following the status of Antarctica and will more than likely have a possible solution to its problem.
4. I think much research has to be done before a possible solution can be put in motion. This will take the work of many researchers and some time.
5. I believe that because of it’s unique conditions it may take a significant amount of time.

Nuria Dub,Period 2

Anonymous said...


first current event
1. Canada’s form of government is a constitutional monarchy and also a parliamentary democracy. They don’t have as many rights as the US has: they don’t have the right to vote, the government makes the majority of the decisions
2. In Canada it is evident that smoking marijuana is much more common than here in America. In British Columbia there are many harvests of marijuana and there is suspicion that it may be one of the largest of the industry.(
3. Canada’s government is not in the dark about this matter and may be wise in choosing to legalize the substance and gain some money by taxing it.
4. My opinion the matter of marijuana is a tricky one. The legalization of the substance may just solve all problem and relieve all the crime and drug trafficking brought about by it being illegal.
5. My prediction is that until the government is more firm and places a set of plans to help solve this nothing will change. People will continue to grow and sell the greens.

second current event

1. Canada’s form of government is a constitutional monarchy and also a parliamentary democracy. They don’t have as many rights as the US has: they don’t have the right to vote, the government makes the majority of the decisions
2. This article serves as a warning to the people of Canada to avoid travel to Mexico due to the drug cartel.
3. The choice the nation has to make is to do everything in their power to avoid their citizens from traveling to this place.
4. The humor in the article is that drug trafficking is very much real in Canada as you can see from the previous article. The best solution would be to continue to aggressively advise the citizens of the serious dangers they may encounter.
5. I believe that the individual citizen will ultimately decide if they will risk their safety. There is only so much the government can do.

Nuria, Dub Period 2

Anonymous said...


first current event
1. Scotland's government is a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a form of constitutional government, where either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state.
2. The main concern in this article is the economies sad effect on job cuts. The technology firm NRC will be cutting a significant amount of jobs and blames it on the failed economy.(
3. They plan to enforce a stimulus package which will boost the economy. Realistically this is a risky plan and does not guarantee results.
4. I believe that a wise solution would be to create jobs rather than throw money into the economy. Creating jobs would not only better the economy but encourage the economy in tough times.
5. My prediction is that things may slightly improve but other ways of improvement must be found in order to guarantee steady and stable improvement in the economy.

Nuria, Dub Period 2

Anonymous said...


second current event
1. Spain’s form of government is a parliamentary monarchy.
2. Spain is ready to tear down its very last statue of General Franco a past dictator. The statue will be stored and moved to a military museum. Due to a law made in 2007 the statue and any symbol of representation of the dictator. Loyal supporters are angered from this and are attempting to regain such valuable monuments.(
3. Spain has made a choice to remove the statue and it is understandable. It is now a law and should be dealt with as a legal matter.
4. I fully agree with the decision Spain has made and have taken into account the view of the supporters of Franco.
5. My prediction is that the matter is simple. You either see Franco as a positive representation of Spain or as a negative dictator. However, a law has already been passed therefore it is a done deal.

Nuria, Dub Period 2

Anonymous said...


first current event
1. Russia's form of government is Constitutional federation. This form of government means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
2.”Gazprom goes global with the opening of the first liquefied natural gas plant” This opening is a positive thing for Russia as it will make them a global supplier of natural resources.(
3.This nation is making a wise choice to globalize their produce and I see only a positive effect from it.
4. Russia will be making a substantial profit from this decision.
5. Natural gas is quickly becoming popular around the world so they are fortunate to have made this decision at such a crucial time. My prediction is that they will surely benefit from the globalization.


Anonymous said...

1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.
2. This article is about how the Australian Government wants sanctions against Fiji’s military government. The reason for this being that the current President repealed the constitution and reinstated the military chief as the Prime Minister. This has turned Fiji back into a dictatorship, which in turn will impact the people of Fiji, which what Australia is trying to prevent. There was a meeting between the Prime Minister of Australia and the Foreign Minister of New Zealand where they determined Fiji is under a military dictatorship.
3. To solve this problem one of the larger countries such as Australia needs to step in and help Fiji build a government once and for all. A government, which will last, thought he years and allow the people of Fiji to feel safe in their countries.
4. I think the best solution for this problem would be for Australia to come up with a plan and present it to the Fijian government whatever piece of it still exists and make sure the military doesn’t get a grasp on the country anymore then they already have.
5. I think this situation can be solved if handle correctly otherwise it could turn into a serious problem between the people who are in that region.

Tiajay Moody
per. 5

Anonymous said...

1. Italy has a Parliamentary Republic, which, is a form of government that has no true definition between the legislative and executive branch. However, there is a difference between the head of state and the head of government. The current president of Italy is Giorgio Napolitano and the Prime Minster is Silvio Berlusconi.
2. This article was about the 6.3 magnitude earthquake, which hit Italy on Monday. The country is still in a state of shock even thought the Prime Minister has said the state of emergency is over. Easter Sunday was a solemn day as more than 10,000 people in tents were camped out. They were fed a traditional Italian meal. With the death toll rising to 294 and counting the country has to come together. This is the worst earthquake Italy has seen in over 30 years.
3. To solve this problem of all the homeless they need to start the clean up in the cities which were damaged so that the people who reside their can start to get back to a normal life after this tragedy.
4. I think the best solution to this problem is to get everyone together and clean and rebuild. It is going to take some time to get everything back to normal if that is even a possibility but when a nation comes together anything is possible.
5. I think this situation will resolve itself. The people will move back into their homes and life will seem to be back to normal until another natural disaster hits when they will have to start all over again.

Tiajay Moody
per. 5

Anonymous said...

# 1
1. Mexico has a federal republic based government.
 President Felipe Calderon

3. Right now to this day Mexico, Still is having a drug war. Many Mexican people are getting Innocently killed.
4. The United States is having simmeilar problems. Because we do share a border. Innocent people dying in the same way as in Mexico.

5. similarities, because are drug dealing is not as huge as in Mexico.\ACQRTT200902030448RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0209.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Drug%20Violence%20In%20Mexico%20Claims%2013%20Lives

1. Mexico’s government is a federal republic.

2. Currently, the prez is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.

3. This article deals with the fight Mexico is having with organized crime such as drug trafficking and the violent kidnappings.

4. An obvious tie with the two counties is immigration.
I discovered the harshness of corruption within Mexico. Has not made it here in the us.


1. In Australia they are mourning the many deaths of the terrible bushfires and attempting to create an early warning plan to avoid further disasters such as the one in the state of Victoria. The fires have caused a death toll that is quickly passing 200 and has left almost 2,000 homeless.
2. Australia’s form of government is a Constitutional Monarchy. 

3. The government had delayed possible early warning plans and is now that they will put one in motion after this unfortunate event.

4. I think they just need to creat there words into actions.
5. . I predict that Australia will shape up after such a traumatic experience because there not going to whate things out. #4
1.Scotland has a Parliamentary Democracy leading as its government today.

2.The article was about a deadly helicopter crash. (

3.The government could try to help.
4.The best solution they cant have is just simply to respect and honor to the dead.

5. Scotland will get things done.
1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy.
3. The major setback is that the construction will greatly affect and destroy many homes along a center street.
4. they should let the people decied if they want it or not.
5. The government will use tax dollars just like here to install the pull.

#6 1.Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
2. There is way to much immigration from california to europe peopel coming into Canada. jobs.

3.there problem was the immigrantion

4 find a way so the immigrats can find away to help the gov.

5. They do have open borders so they could think of closing them.
#7 1.Italy has a republic type of government
1. Italy’s chief of state is Giorgio Napolitano, and has a Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
3. There really is no solution to this problem. It seems a little scandalous what Berlusconi did and there is little to do after the fact

4. The only solution I see to Berlusconi’s problems is for him to come open about his actions and explain them.

5. Because the Prime Minister who is caught up in all this scandal makes it even worse.This thing is sketchy. I don’t foresee a happy ending for Berlusconi #8 1. The Australian government has announced that they will great 950million jobs and training package to secure and support jobs. The new package will support local projects that will create jobs.

2. Australia’s form of government is a Constitutional Monarchy. 

3. This is not a problem, It is a solution to a problem they had already had.

4.What they are doing the only right thing
5. I think that this could actually work to take them out of the depression they are in.
Jessica B Period 2.

Anonymous said...

1.its federal republic.

2. Felipe Calderon is president of Mexico.

3. Mexico is dealing with drug cartels.Their are now many deaths to law enforcement officers, civilians facing this issue.

4. The relationship between the united states and mexicois that both of them want stop this issue andbecome better.

5. The drug cartel are now invading many homes. They are looking for more money.

byron s.

Anonymous said...

Current Event # 5 RUSSIA PART B
second current event
1. Russia has a Federation Government. A Federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
2. Russia is being blamed for a sever pipeline blast. Russia is denying the accusation and claim that is not even adequate evidence to support their accusation. Turkmenistan and Russia are dealing with a lot of tesnsion due to the unfortunate event. The incident has affected supplies and the pipline is now currently under construction.
3. In order to resolve this issue Turkmenistan and Russia must thoroughly investigate the situation and determine who is truly at fault. Only then will they be able to move forward and make amends.
4.Russia will need to take the initiatvie and make amends as quickly as possible to avoid further problems with Turkmenistan.
5.My prediction is that eventually the one that is at fault will be revealed and they will make amends and the construction of the pipeline will be the last we will hear of this matter.


Anonymous said...

1. Antarctica doesn’t have a system of government. It is considered an unofficial government because there are no laws, jails, police, congress or elections. They make decisions through the Antarctica Treaty which has regularly schedule meetings.

2. This article has to do with the tourism through Antarctica being cut down in an effort to preserve wild life. This is in turn because of the effect global warming is having on the fragile region. Senator Hilary Clinton has purposed that due to the recent crash of two oil freight ships, tourism should be controlled. She purposed that for a time being a banned should be placed on the region limiting the large cruise ships from entering the territory. A decision will be met at the next Antarctica Treaty meeting.

3. To solve this problem I believe it would be a good idea to limit the size of boats so less pollution will be brought in and it will also help save the wildlife. I think if this happens it will also cut down on the accidents caused in that region between other boats.

4. The best solution to this problem is to monitor the boats and passengers which are entering Antarctica and help preserve its delicate wild life.

5. I think the situation will only be solved only if people like Senator Clinton take a stand against this situation otherwise this situation will worsen and the wildlife will not preserved.


1. Mexico is under a Federal Presidential Republic, this type of government is representative, republican, and democratic in a presidential system. The current President is Felipe Calderon.

2. The poverty rates in Mexico are rising. It is said that this is the worse recession Mexico has seen since the mid-1990. Between 4 and 5 million people in Mexico and living in poverty. The jobs are no longer there it is forcing the people of Mexico to cut back on their food budget and eat mostly rice and beans because meat is too expensive to buy. The government has asked for a $47 billion dollar advance to help its economy but it has yet to be approved. Since America is Mexico’s number one exporter with 80% the recession in America has not helped their situation.

3. To solve this problem they need to come up with some sort of plan in order to help the people of Mexico be able to survive until the recession is over.

4. The best solution would to have had a backup plan so that this wouldn’t have happened in the first place and to also have not relayed so much on one country for your income.

5. I think this situation will be resolved when the rest of the world comes back from the slumps and the economy rests itself.


1. Mexico is under a Federal Presidential Republic, this type of government is representative, republican, and democratic in a presidential system. The current President is Felipe Calderon.

2. This article is about the recently scheduled trip of President Barack Obama to Mexico City. He plans on meeting with the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon to discuss Mexico’s economic situation, the illegal traffic of narcotics into the U.S., and illegal immigration. It is also stated that there may be some new trade agreements made between the U.S. and Mexico.

3. To solve this problem it will take the U.S. and Mexico government working together to catch the drug traffickers, illegal immigrants, and to control the economic situation between them.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to make plan that both countries could agree upon and would actually work to solve the problem.

5. This situation will not be resolved until the United States and Mexico come to an agreement and both parties follow through.


1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.

2. This article is talking about Australia’s largest airline carrier Qantas cutting back 1,750 jobs which will be their second job cut in the last six months. This company is based in Sydney and has lost $187 million dollars in revue in 2009. They are also looking at selling fifteen 787 jets to Boeing which is an $800 million dollar venture which will help Qantas keep from bankruptcy. With this job cut it will make a total of almost 5,000 jobs which Australians used to be employed at being cut. They have been trying to use two for one fare to increase sales but with the slump of the current economy it hasn’t helped.

3. To solve this problem Qantas would need to figure out a way to keep the 1,750 jobs available for the people.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to work with another company who isn’t doing as bad as Qantas and allow the people to have a different option when looking for a job so that they aren’t just unemployed which will impact Australia’s economy even more.

5. This situation will be resolve when the World’s Economy is stabilized and then the jobs lost will start to be opened up again and will in turn help the people of Australia.


1. Russia has a Federal Republic form of government. This means that it has a federation of states with a republican form of government.

2. Russia might have to borrow money from aboard sources due to the financial crisis they are experiencing at the moment. The last time Russia had to ask for money was in 2000 but with the countries reserves plummeting it looks like it is Russia’s only option. They have Euro bonds they can sell but with the World’s Global Economic Crisis and falling oil prices it is hard to say that Russia even having cut its budget 8% this year will be able to make ends meet in 2009.

3. To solve this problem Russia needs to set up an Economic Plan which they can follow in order to not get themselves into too much debt so when the economy does turn around they won’t be super in debt.

4. The best solution to this problem is to not take out a large loan which will take a long time to repay but rather to take a loan only for what they desperately need to function.

5. This situation will be resolved as with all the others when the World’s Global Economic Problem is resolved.


1. Canada has a federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, this means it is made up of the Crown, an elected House of Commons, and an appointed Senate. The Monarch is HM Queen Elizabeth II; the Governor Central is Michaelle Jean, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

2. The Economist has said that the 50% drop in mortgage rates is over for Canada. It is said that there were will be no further fall in housing prices due to the economic crisis. The fixed rate APR went down this month from 5% to 4.15% by the Bank of Montreal. It is said that the prices will stay this way until more jobs become available which in turn will allow more people to be approved for loans in Canada.

3. To solve this problem, there is really nothing that can be done at the moment except wait it out.

4. A solution to this problem would be to approve more people for the fixed rate which would allow more buyers into the market which could boost sales.

5. This situation will be resolved when the economy is better because more people will buy houses and it will help the real estate market.

Tiajay Moody
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

1. The President in Mexico is Calderon there is a lot of conflict with drugs at the moment. Mexico's military and law enforcement went in to battle.
2.Mexico is a federal republic.
3.they invested in to border security investment climate and trade resolve the problem they use Bush's admininstrationou and got 1.5 billion in counter drug.
5.I think its not going to get better but just worst.
Linda O.

Anonymous said...

1.This article is about Mexico looking more every day like New Orleans flooded fo rain.This is Federal.
2.The military saved 40,000 people who was stranded.
3.15 people were missing after going in to several homes.
4.the government couldnt say much
5.i think to resolve the problem is to save as many people lives and try to recover.


Anonymous said...
1. Australia is federal that means there powers are seperated.
2. This article is talking about Australia’s largest airline carrier Qantas cutting back 1,750 jobs.This company is based in Sydney and has lost $187 million dollars in revue in 2009. . With this job cut it will make a total of almost 5,000 jobs which Australians used to be employed.
3.They have been trying to use two for one fare to increase sales but with the slump of the current economy it hasn’t helped.
5.This needs to resolved so people do not loose thiere jobs.


linda O

Anonymous said...

1. Russia has a Federal Republic form of government.
2. Russia might have to borrow money from aboard sources due to the financial crisis they are experiencing at the moment.
3. To solve this problem Russia needs to come up with a plan which they can follow in order to not get themselves into debt so when the economy does turn around they won’t be in a really big debt.

4. The best solution to this problem is to not take out a large loan but to take a small loan t pay off what you need.

5. This situation will be resolved when evrything is resolved

Linda O

Anonymous said...

1. In Australia they are many deaths of the terrible bushfires and attempting to create an early warning plan to avoid further disasters.In the state of Victoria. The fires have caused a death toll that is quickly passing 200 and has left almost 2,000
2. Australia’s form of government is a Constitutional Monarchy. 

3. The government has made early warning plans and is now that they will put one in motion after this event.

4. I think they just need to creat there words into actions.
5.i think that Australia will get better ffrom there experience.

Linda O

Anonymous said...

1.Russia has a Federal Rebublic form of government.
2.This article is talking about the ukraine and russia having disagreements between gas. Ukraine and russia had a signed agreement between the prime ministers. Te Europeans were upset.
3)Ithink the Ukrainenee to share more with there gas.
4)Even though they have already found a solution I think that Russia should stay strong and stable to get wht they wantand not to give in.
5)i think either ukraine or Russia will go in to battle.


Anonymous said...

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy but also a federal parliamentary democracy. It follows a documented set of rules but is ruled by a single person or figure head. it is also a group of states united under a central government (parliament) with voting ability.

2. /03/05/canada.bus.beheading/index.html#cnnSTCText
After a man was beheaded on a bus last year, canadian court found the suspect "not criminally responsible because he is mentally ill". The family of the victim is very upset over this violent death, where the man (Vince Li) stabbed the victim (Tim McLean) several times before cutting off his head. Mr. Li is going to a psychiatric ward where he can be kept under surveillance.

3. This isn't a national problem, but it shows how the court system works in Canada. Just like here in the U.S. you can plead mental illness to escape a sentence. However, you are locked away in a psych ward.

4. I think it would be best to lock up Mr. Li in a real jail cell. The article says he suffers from schizophrenia, but I don;t think he should get special treatment. They can put him in his own cell.

5. In the future, I think the court system in Canada should make their rulings a little closer to the date the crime happened. That way no one has time to make up possible stories.

Ashley S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Current event # 1-Mexico

1. what form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)? federal republic

2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)? president Felipe Calderon

3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)? One of the issues they are facing Is poverty.

4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both? The relationship between the United States and Mexico is becoming stronger. Both Mexico and the United States deal with immigration. Many drugs are sneaked into the United States from Mexico and that influences the United States greatly. Mexico and the United States have many different relationships with each other, but the crime influences us in a negative way. There are many violent deaths in both the United States and Mexico because of drug gangs smuggling drugs into the United States and smuggling weapons into Mexico from the United States.

5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)? Some of the similarities between the US and Mexico has to do with the life expectancy which are both around 76. Our governments are fairly similar, as we both are independent nations. The economies are also similar as they are both free market trade. The main differences have to do with the corruption of government, and the state fear its citizens live in due to the drug cartel.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #1-Mexico

1. Mexico is under a Federal Presidential Republic, this type of government is representative, republican, and democratic in a presidential system. The current President is Felipe Calderon.

2. This article is about the recently scheduled trip of President Barack Obama to Mexico City. He plans on meeting with the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon to discuss Mexico’s economic situation, the illegal traffic of narcotics into the U.S., and illegal immigration. It is also stated that there may be some new trade agreements made between the U.S. and Mexico.

3. To solve this problem it will take the U.S. and Mexico government working together to catch the drug traffickers, illegal immigrants, and to control the economic situation between them.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to make plan that both countries could agree upon and would actually work to solve the problem.

5. This situation will not be resolved until the United States and Mexico come to an agreement and both parties follow through.

Monica Vazquez =)
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current event #2- Australia

1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.

2. This article is about how the Australian Government wants sanctions against Fiji’s military government. The reason for this being that the current President repealed the constitution and reinstated the military chief as the Prime Minister. This has turned Fiji back into a dictatorship, which in turn will impact the people of Fiji, which what Australia is trying to prevent. There was a meeting between the Prime Minister of Australia and the Foreign Minister of New Zealand where they determined Fiji is under a military dictatorship.

3. To solve this problem one of the larger countries such as Australia needs to step in and help Fiji build a government once and for all. A government, which will last, thought he years and allow the people of Fiji to feel safe in their countries.

4. I think the best solution for this problem would be for Australia to come up with a plan and present it to the Fijian government whatever piece of it still exists and make sure the military doesn’t get a grasp on the country anymore then they already have.

5. I think this situation can be solved if handle correctly otherwise it could turn into a serious problem between the people who are in that region.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #2- Australia

1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.

2. This article is talking about Australia’s largest airline carrier Qantas cutting back 1,750 jobs which will be their second job cut in the last six months. This company is based in Sydney and has lost $187 million dollars in revue in 2009. They are also looking at selling fifteen 787 jets to Boeing which is an $800 million dollar venture which will help Qantas keep from bankruptcy. With this job cut it will make a total of almost 5,000 jobs which Australians used to be employed at being cut. They have been trying to use two for one fare to increase sales but with the slump of the current economy it hasn’t helped.

3. To solve this problem Qantas would need to figure out a way to keep the 1,750 jobs available for the people.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to work with another company who isn’t doing as bad as Qantas and allow the people to have a different option when looking for a job so that they aren’t just unemployed which will impact Australia’s economy even more.

5. This situation will be resolve when the World’s Economy is stabilized and then the jobs lost will start to be opened up again and will in turn help the people of Australia.

Monica Vazquez =)
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current event #3- Canada

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

2. A issue that canada is facing is that to much immigration come to canada from california to europe peopel coming to the country. But in 2006 the immmigrants have decress it because the high securtay. canada is helping by letting them stay and givin them jobs.

3.there problem was the immigrantion but canada is trying to do there best but if the do immigrant to their country the help them by supplying them with jobs.

4. i would do the same give them job because it going to help them with the econamy because the more people working the more money moving around canada.

5. they sould just let every immiagrate in Canada.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #3- Canada

1.Canada’s type of government is federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.

A report suggests that Canada's border agency allowed some strategic nuclear and military equipment to leave the country without checking if rogue countries or terrorists are the buyers. Exporters of strategic equipment that's subject to strict controls too often file their own paperwork; they continue to have a choice of submitting their export declaration in paper format. The United States and the European Union call for an end to paper work, and require all export declarations to be made electronically in advance of shipping. Investigators found that some truck drivers cheat by using the same photocopied paper form for different export shipments.

3) The agency says it will produce a study by October on how to eliminate paper forms and tighten security. To prevents potential terrorist threats from entering the United States from Canada.

4) The best thing to do is to tighten up security to prevent risk of other terrorist attacks.

5)If what was promised I would say that everything will work out well, in the long run.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current event #4- Europe

1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is run by a single power with accordance to the rules of a written document. It constitution was adopted in 1815 and was last amended in 2002. The Chief of State is Queen Beatrix and the Head of Government is Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Its capital is Amsterdam

2. /03/12/Analysis_Dutch_Obama_in_Rotterdam/UPI-58581236886633/
A Muslim immigrant became mayor of Rotterdam, a major European city. This shows how minorities are making big progress in their integration in the Netherland's. Mayor Ahmed aboutaleb's coming to office is compared to that of President Barack Obama's election.

3. This progress in the nation's diversity isn't really considered a problem so there is no way to rectify it.

4. The best way to continue this progress is to keep recognizing minorities and allowing them to make good lives for themselves.

5. This is probably the tip of the ice burg in the racial intermixing of the Netherlands. Minorities have more and more opportunities to become heads of office and the future of the Netherlands may be colorful.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event #4- Europe

1.The government that france has is a republic which is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

2. In the artical France is going to issue gold and siliver euro coins. The coins are going to be saled in 1,000 post office throught the country.

3.there is really not a problem but i think they might have a problem making to much coins. like have over inflashion.

4. i think they should thing about it or make sure the people spend money so it could move.


Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current event #5- Russia

1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.

Russia's economy will contract by 4.5% in gross domestic product terms in 2009 amid a further massive retreat of capital, the World Bank said Monday in its semi-annual report. The bank also said Russia's unemployment rate may exceed 12% and that the government needs to boost its social spending to aid the unemployed and the poor to prevent any social unrest.

3. The nation needs to undergo specific movements to prevent the economy to cause unemployment.

4.I think the best solution is to find another source of income that will help them bring in more money.

5.In regards to the future i thnk that Russia does not turn back and hopefully in a year or two everything would go back to normal because their not the only ones suffering from economic crisis.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event #5- Russia

1.Russia's form of government is Constitutional Federation.

this article talks about how with the opening of the first liquefied natural gas ot lng plant on Sakhalin Island in russias far east, and is signaling a shift toward conquering key asian markets. The loading of a huge lng tanker is capable of transporting the super cooled gas around the world, overseen by a bullish president dimitry medyedev together with Japanese prime minister as well.

3.What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?theres really no problem here since this is going to be benefit them but in my opinion I think it’s a very good idea since it will be natural gas they will be making that way there wont be to much pollution.
4.Russia will be making a lot og money with the natural liquefied gas and it will probably work our for them as well.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?i predict that in the future this will benefit a lot since its gonna be very helpful to have natural gas around so the air wont ge too contaminated.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #2
1. U.S. researchers have found that for the past 50 years most of Antarctica has been getting warmer. Scientists have been studying the climate change and have notice that it has become a large part in Antarctica, the East Antarctica Ice Sheet, has been getting cooler while the rest of the world is getting warmer. West Antarctica is very different to the East Antarctica; they are both separated from the Transantarctic Mountains. If the climate keeps getting warmer the ice will melt and make all the animals extinct and flood other continents.
2. Antarctica is one of the nations involved and its form of government is the Antarctic Treaty, which is the legal framework for the management of Antarctica.
3. Researchers are hoping that the climate will keep getting cooler so that the ice won’t melt and destroy what’s left of Antarctica.
4. I think people should get more involve on saving the planet and scientists should also research more on global warming and find ways to stop it from getting worse.
5. I predict that this will not end until people go green and get involve with the environment because if not then this will get worse and animals will become extinct.

Yesenia H.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #3
1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. Which means gives the people the right to vote.
This article talks about how obesity is causing problems in Canada’s workplaces. Obesity has affected job performance for many Canadians. Many are now obesity, the agency says, the rate of obesity has rise from 12.5 to 15.7 per cent. Most are at age of 55 to 64, many workers are finding it hard to get their jobs done, some need to cut on their activities, some need to take days off from work and others get injured. Obese workers sometimes can’t fit into their equipment or just don’t want to wear it which causes accidents. They feel ignored and received low social support from colleagues and supervisors at work. Obesity isn't just causing problems with their work; their work might actually be causing their obesity too.
3. Study’s say they should reduce or prevent obesity in the workplace. Also will include better health and well being of workers, as well as the potential for higher productivity and better job performance.
4. I think the best solution would be to sponsor health promotions initiatives in the workplace and have a weight maintenance program at work.
5. I believe that if they have a weight maintenance program and have them exercise then they will have a better job performance and healthier workers.

Yesenia H.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event # 4
1. Italy is a republic based government which means a representative democracy in which the body of citizens elected people to represent them.
2. This article talks about the earthquake in L’Aquila exposes a problem in Italy. That some of the ancient buildings that bring millions of tourists to Italy every year are in risk of collapsing the next time a major earthquake hits. They been thinking about rebuilding some of the ancient statues and buildings but that it will cost 1.7 billion to upgrade it make it more safety. The problem is that so many ancient structures are still being used and won’t be the same thing if they rebuild it. So they don’t if it will be done or not but some the votes are saying to just leave it and see what happens in the future.
3. Well the nation is wants to get the buildings redone, but the problem is they need a lot of money for that and right now more than 10,000 structures were damaged or destroyed, so they will either have to destroy the ancient buildings for it to be less money or remodel it and just pay the whole 1.7 billion.
4. I think they should just leave the ancient structures and buildings alone because once their redone it won’t be a historical piece with a long story to it just something that has be fixed.
5. To me the buildings won’t be redone because the tourists and the people will stop them from doing it and ending a historical piece in Italy.

Yesenia H.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy,it gives the people a right to vote!

2.Canadian scientist have found a new and faster way to find HGH. Instead of using blood, they found a new way to test for HGH with urine that is faster and less expensive.

3. Canada want to continue its HGH studies.

4. I believe that Canada should keep testing for HGH with urine and fund money.

5. I predict that this will work because it's easier nad costs less.

Amanda Cox

Anonymous said...

Current event #3- Canada

1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.

2. A issue that canada is facing is that to much immigration come to canada from california to europe peopel coming to the country. But in 2006 the immmigrants have decress it because the high securtay. canada is helping by letting them stay and givin them jobs.

3.there problem was the immigrantion but canada is trying to do there best but if the do immigrant to their country the help them by supplying them with jobs.

4. i would do the same give them job because it going to help them with the econamy because the more people working the more money moving around canada.

5. they sould just let every immiagrate in Canada.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #3- Canada

1.Canada’s type of government is federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.

A report suggests that Canada's border agency allowed some strategic nuclear and military equipment to leave the country without checking if rogue countries or terrorists are the buyers. Exporters of strategic equipment that's subject to strict controls too often file their own paperwork; they continue to have a choice of submitting their export declaration in paper format. The United States and the European Union call for an end to paper work, and require all export declarations to be made electronically in advance of shipping. Investigators found that some truck drivers cheat by using the same photocopied paper form for different export shipments.

3) The agency says it will produce a study by October on how to eliminate paper forms and tighten security. To prevents potential terrorist threats from entering the United States from Canada.

4) The best thing to do is to tighten up security to prevent risk of other terrorist attacks.

5)If what was promised I would say that everything will work out well, in the long run.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event #4- Europe

1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is run by a single power with accordance to the rules of a written document. It constitution was adopted in 1815 and was last amended in 2002. The Chief of State is Queen Beatrix and the Head of Government is Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Its capital is Amsterdam

2. /03/12/Analysis_Dutch_Obama_in_Rotterdam/UPI-58581236886633/
A Muslim immigrant became mayor of Rotterdam, a major European city. This shows how minorities are making big progress in their integration in the Netherland's. Mayor Ahmed aboutaleb's coming to office is compared to that of President Barack Obama's election.

3. This progress in the nation's diversity isn't really considered a problem so there is no way to rectify it.

4. The best way to continue this progress is to keep recognizing minorities and allowing them to make good lives for themselves.

5. This is probably the tip of the ice burg in the racial intermixing of the Netherlands. Minorities have more and more opportunities to become heads of office and the future of the Netherlands may be colorful.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event #4- Europe

1.The government that france has is a republic which is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

2. In the artical France is going to issue gold and siliver euro coins. The coins are going to be saled in 1,000 post office throught the country.

3.there is really not a problem but i think they might have a problem making to much coins. like have over inflashion.

4. i think they should thing about it or make sure the people spend money so it could move.


Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event # 1-Mexico

1. what form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)? federal republic

2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)? president Felipe Calderon

3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)? One of the issues they are facing Is poverty.

4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both? The relationship between the United States and Mexico is becoming stronger. Both Mexico and the United States deal with immigration. Many drugs are sneaked into the United States from Mexico and that influences the United States greatly. Mexico and the United States have many different relationships with each other, but the crime influences us in a negative way. There are many violent deaths in both the United States and Mexico because of drug gangs smuggling drugs into the United States and smuggling weapons into Mexico from the United States.

5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)? Some of the similarities between the US and Mexico has to do with the life expectancy which are both around 76. Our governments are fairly similar, as we both are independent nations. The economies are also similar as they are both free market trade. The main differences have to do with the corruption of government, and the state fear its citizens live in due to the drug cartel.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #1-Mexico

1. Mexico is under a Federal Presidential Republic, this type of government is representative, republican, and democratic in a presidential system. The current President is Felipe Calderon.

2. This article is about the recently scheduled trip of President Barack Obama to Mexico City. He plans on meeting with the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon to discuss Mexico’s economic situation, the illegal traffic of narcotics into the U.S., and illegal immigration. It is also stated that there may be some new trade agreements made between the U.S. and Mexico.

3. To solve this problem it will take the U.S. and Mexico government working together to catch the drug traffickers, illegal immigrants, and to control the economic situation between them.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to make plan that both countries could agree upon and would actually work to solve the problem.

5. This situation will not be resolved until the United States and Mexico come to an agreement and both parties follow through.

Monica Vazquez =)
Per. 2

Current event #2- Australia

1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.

2. This article is about how the Australian Government wants sanctions against Fiji’s military government. The reason for this being that the current President repealed the constitution and reinstated the military chief as the Prime Minister. This has turned Fiji back into a dictatorship, which in turn will impact the people of Fiji, which what Australia is trying to prevent. There was a meeting between the Prime Minister of Australia and the Foreign Minister of New Zealand where they determined Fiji is under a military dictatorship.

3. To solve this problem one of the larger countries such as Australia needs to step in and help Fiji build a government once and for all. A government, which will last, thought he years and allow the people of Fiji to feel safe in their countries.

4. I think the best solution for this problem would be for Australia to come up with a plan and present it to the Fijian government whatever piece of it still exists and make sure the military doesn’t get a grasp on the country anymore then they already have.

5. I think this situation can be solved if handle correctly otherwise it could turn into a serious problem between the people who are in that region.

Monica Vazquez

Current event #2- Australia

1. Australia has a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means that they are under federalism and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government.

2. This article is talking about Australia’s largest airline carrier Qantas cutting back 1,750 jobs which will be their second job cut in the last six months. This company is based in Sydney and has lost $187 million dollars in revue in 2009. They are also looking at selling fifteen 787 jets to Boeing which is an $800 million dollar venture which will help Qantas keep from bankruptcy. With this job cut it will make a total of almost 5,000 jobs which Australians used to be employed at being cut. They have been trying to use two for one fare to increase sales but with the slump of the current economy it hasn’t helped.

3. To solve this problem Qantas would need to figure out a way to keep the 1,750 jobs available for the people.

4. The best solution to this problem would be to work with another company who isn’t doing as bad as Qantas and allow the people to have a different option when looking for a job so that they aren’t just unemployed which will impact Australia’s economy even more.

5. This situation will be resolve when the World’s Economy is stabilized and then the jobs lost will start to be opened up again and will in turn help the people of Australia.

Monica Vazquez =)
Per. 2

Current event #5- Russia

1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.

Russia's economy will contract by 4.5% in gross domestic product terms in 2009 amid a further massive retreat of capital, the World Bank said Monday in its semi-annual report. The bank also said Russia's unemployment rate may exceed 12% and that the government needs to boost its social spending to aid the unemployed and the poor to prevent any social unrest.

3. The nation needs to undergo specific movements to prevent the economy to cause unemployment.

4.I think the best solution is to find another source of income that will help them bring in more money.

5.In regards to the future i thnk that Russia does not turn back and hopefully in a year or two everything would go back to normal because their not the only ones suffering from economic crisis.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2

Current event #5- Russia

1.Russia's form of government is Constitutional Federation.

this article talks about how with the opening of the first liquefied natural gas ot lng plant on Sakhalin Island in russias far east, and is signaling a shift toward conquering key asian markets. The loading of a huge lng tanker is capable of transporting the super cooled gas around the world, overseen by a bullish president dimitry medyedev together with Japanese prime minister as well.

3.What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?theres really no problem here since this is going to be benefit them but in my opinion I think it’s a very good idea since it will be natural gas they will be making that way there wont be to much pollution.
4.Russia will be making a lot og money with the natural liquefied gas and it will probably work our for them as well.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?i predict that in the future this will benefit a lot since its gonna be very helpful to have natural gas around so the air wont ge too contaminated.

Monica Vazquez
Per. 2