Thursday, April 2, 2009

Political Interest Media Projects

Here are a bunch of links for student videos and presentations that we have seen so far! Comment on them if you wish to give positive feedback to your classmates!

Legalizing MJ (period 7)

Suicide Prevention (period 7)


Anonymous said...

the suicide one didn't load on my computer but the legalizing MJ on was good
its interesting that all of these people who have an impact on our social life have or do smoke marijuana, and yet it hasn't been legalized. I haven;t even really seen and campaigns or bills for legalizing it. Since legalizing marijuana is such an issue with some people, why hasn't someone drawn up a bill for it?
The video just shows that you can smoke weed and still become really successful and not have a bad life, like the "above the influence" commercials imply.

Kassie Q
Per 2

Anonymous said...

well i think that legalizing MJ is never going to happen. but, yet in school when a teacher gives students free range they they jump on that topic. BUT ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! so i think its a dum topic.too add something nice, the video was put together very well.

but you need to put up my groups video and this is the URL

Jessica B per 2

Anonymous said...

i dont really think its that could very well happen i mean medical marijuana is already legal and theres no real reason for it to be illegal except everyone thinks its such a horrible drug and only hear the worst part of the statistics.
and of course we jump on it
its important to a lot of people and we have reasons and ideas why it should be legalized.

Kassie Q.