Country #5 - Russia - Due Sunday Mar 29th @ Midnight Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriateSIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting
Current Event #5- Russia
1) Russia has a Federation Government. A Federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
2) “Clinton Seeks to Reassure Poland on Missile Shield”
Poland would like a new missile defense base, and would like to improve ties with Russia, but the president does not think it would be a good idea. Russia believes that there should not be a department for missiles. They believe it is unnecessary. Moscow has even threatened to throw missiles towards a place bordering Poland if the U.S, agrees with a new base.
3) In order for Poland not to have a problem with Russia they have to not make the base and stop the deal between the other countries. In order for them to get what they want and be happy they have to get Russia to sign with them which would not happen because Russia does not want to have something unnecessary put up to block something they need to have.
4) If Poland wants to keep a good place to live for everyone they should not keep this deal going because if so Moscow will threaten and start shooting missiles witch will create a new war with people and make everybody’s life would be at risk.
5) I believe if Poland gets the deal done many people’s lives will be taken from them and Poland will become a bad place and maybe there will not even be Poland after Moscow gets a hold of the missiles. I don’t think the deal will pass because I do not think the president will let anything happen to the lives of their people.
Ivette Z.
1.Russia has a Federal Republic. This means that it has a federation of states with a republican form of government. http://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn
2.The capitol of Russia hopes that the political situation in the Czech Republic will not affect the planned Russia-EU(European union).The Czech Republic holds the presidency of the EU, but his government lost a vote of no confidence. Russia hopes that the situation will not affect the intensity of the political dialogue between Russia and the EU, and will not disturb the events planned during the Czech presidency. President Vaclav Klaus notified the Russians that he will represent the European Union. The plan was to station a U.S. radar in Prague, Czech Republic. Moscow sees no problem deploying the missile defense system of the country.
3.I think the solution has already been made, because President Vaclav Klaus has already taken responsibility for the EU presidency.
4.I think the best thing to do is to pick a good representative for the EU.
5.My prediction for this problem is that they will eventually deploy the defense system of the country.
Nancy C. Per.2
. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:) Federation: a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iITzCjXScfEVVTZt0G2r_8CevqswD976G2E80
It talks about Russia trying to get the Arctic to be part of them. They said that 25 percent of oil is over there. They have send submarines under to look for minerals and even put the Russian flag under. They expect to make the Arctic as part of them by the year 2020.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem? Make it a part of them and star to search of it. Giving up and letting another country take it.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Every one sharing it and using it foe a better purpose
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think probably Russia is going to get it. I think they are going to find resources. Make better economy.
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Russia has a Federal Republic
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
high-level Russian and American policymakers, including U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s right-hand man, Sergei Ivanov, have been meeting in Moscow to discuss the grand scope of U.S.-Russian relations
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Both Russia and the United States are attempting to rewire the security paradigms of key regions
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Well the two countrys are having their discosions and talking and meeting so they will pretty much get their solution.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think that the United States and Russia are getting along and that they will both be able to end or do what they must to end the war in Iraq
Philip B.
1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
Religions: Russian Orthodox 15%–20%, other Christian 2%, Islam 10%–15% (2006 est.; includes practicing worshippers only)President: Dmitry Medvedev.
Prime Minister: Vladimir Putin
On Sept. 1–3, dozens of heavily armed guerrillas seized a school in Beslan, near Chechnya, and held about 1,100 young schoolchildren, teachers, and parents hostage. Hundreds of hostages were killed, including about 156 children. Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility. In the aftermath of the horrific attack, Putin announced that he would radically restructure the government to fight terrorism more effectively. The world community expressed deep concern that Putin's plans would consolidate his power and roll back democracy in Russia.
3.The choices they have is to enforce their arm forces to fight agains terrorism. And stop waisting money in things that they dont need.
4 The best solution I think they should do is to protect schools and other places where terrorist atack the most.
5. I think that Russia is going to have a hard time trying to fight against terrorist, but I think that if they protect their nation and enforce their military they can make things better.
Chris Salgado. Per: 5
1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
Moscow is a major economic centre and is home to the largest number of billionaires in the world;[1] in 2008 Moscow was named the world's most expensive city for foreign employees for the third year in a row.
Moscow and Saint Petersburg have often served as the capital for auto theft in Russia, this crime in particular dramatically increased during the early 1990’s. It is estimated fifty cars were stolen per day, with the yearly total ranging from 100,000 and 150,000 vehicles stolen.
Organized crime in Moscow and Russia in general, have often been involved with drug trafficking, cyber crime, prostitution, and financial crimes. Robbers in the city tend to pose as taxi drivers, or police officers, it is recommended to not travel alone and to use caution outside of Metro stations.[84] Moscow has historically had a high murder rate per capital.
3.The options that Moscow has is to organized more with the police to have control of the city. they should enforce their streets with mero cameras and sucurity.
4. The solutions they have is to spent less money trying to make the city bigger and put more money into sucurity for the citizens.
5. the predictions I have is that Moscow is going to have to spend a lot of money, and it is going to take a long time to fight this problem. but I think that they are going to solve it.
Lucia Carrera Per: 5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
federation-union comprising a number of partiially self-governing statesor regions united by a central goverment
cheif of state/president-Dmitriy Anatolyecivh Medvedev
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
Russia's banks are facing a rise in ninperforming loans and can count on futher state help such as subordinated loans or flexible acounts. Russia had over 1,200 naks that have taken a hard hit by credit crunch and collapse of stock market and russia is in it's first recession in a decade. Goverment wans banks to give out anti-crisis funds to make sure the money gets to the people. Goverment wont need to buy all of the banks bad assests. Bad loans had risen to 2.1 percent of its credit from 1.7 from january. Asset values are low or failing. Still two bank lenders from russia are still doin ok Sberbank and VTB and should pay dividends.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?They can keep helping the banks and try to get the money directly to the people or they can not help the banks out and let their econmy go into a even worst recession.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? The solution i think would be the best is give more money to the so called "real economy" so the people can survive and the econmy can retrive and make sure not to make them pay it back.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? The problems is it'll put russia into debt and i think if they give more money to the real economy their economy will get better.
Nick. C
Russia is a federation and formally is a semi-presidential republic where the president is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government.
Russia has announced its plans to help out the situation in Afghanistan where the United States are leading battles to bring down the Taliban for control of the country. President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia wants to help fix Afghanistan’s falling economy and wants to help secure peace and progress in the country. Some of the key challenges in Afghanistan are the fights against terrorism, drug trafficking, and transnational crimes. The article also mentions how other countries like China are providing financial aid o Afghanistan for over the next five years. Russia will attend the next U.N. international conference on Afghanistan. Russia will try to plan out their next steps to help the United States and other countries help stabilize the Afghanistan government and economy.
Russia has about two options so far to help Afghanistan government and economy. Russia can help out by sending in their own troops to aid the Americans. Russia can also help out the economy like China is doing with financial aid.
I Believe that both options will work out and do very well. Russia can help out the Afghanistan economy with their own financial aid to the country and they can send troops in to help aid the Americans who are leading the assault against the Taliban.
I think that right now the situation in Afghanistan is really bad, but many countries like Russia are doing their best to make the country stable. In time I believe the situation of the problem will become better than it is right now and now that Russia is helping out, America can now better help take out the Taliban and make the Afghanistan economy stable.
Gerardo M.
Period - 5
1. Russia’s form of government is federate. Russia is also approximately 1.8 times the size of the U.S.
2. The global crisis has affected Russia’s banking system, which made them face liquidity problems. Their currency in the central bank caused increased capital flights and froze domestic credit markets, that resulted in unemployment, wage arrears, and severe drops in production.
3. Initiating a rescue plan of over $200 billion to increase liquidity in the financial sector, to help firms refinance foreign debt and supporting the stock market.
4. I think that this solution is a good solution to best resolve their current situation.
5. I think that it will eventually get better.
Karla Castrejon
1. Russia’s government is a federation. A federation is an organization formed by merging several groups or parties. It has an executive branch and has a chief of state who is President Dmitriy Medvedev. It has three branches of government: Executive, judicial, and legislative.\
2. I received my article from http://www.newsweek.com/id/191490. This article is basically about the possible directions that Russia may take. They are apparently confusing everyone by their contradicting actions. It is about Barack Obama’s meeting with president Dmitriy on the subject of U.S. –Russia relations. They both hope they can come to an agreement in terms of their nuclear firepower, so they can both be at ease, which is what they need in the tough economic position everyone is currently in.
3. I believe that this meeting on April 1st can go in many different directions. I believe it would be easiest to come to an agreement which makes both sides happy.
4. The best solution would be to come to an agreement which both sides will most likely appreciate in these tough economic times.
5. I believe the countries will set aside their differences and will make a mature decision which will help both countries. I am very optimistic of this.
David E.
Period 2
1. Federation Government that means its powers are divided.
2. http://www.mnweekly.ru/news/20090219/55368105.html
this article talks about how with the opening of the first liquefied natural gas ot lng plant on Sakhalin Island in russias far east, and is signaling a shift toward conquering key asian markets. The loading of a huge lng tanker is capable of transporting the super cooled gas around the world, overseen by a bullish president dimitry medyedev together with Japanese prime minister as well.
3.What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?theres really no problem here since this is going to be benefit them but in my opinion I think it’s a very good idea since it will be natural gas they will be making that way there wont be to much pollution.
4.Russia will be making a lot og money with the natural liquefied gas and it will probably work our for them as well.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?i predict that in the future this will benefit a lot since its gonna be very helpful to have natural gas around so the air wont ge too contaminated.
Diana A.
Period 5
1.Russia's form of government is Constitutional federation. This form of government means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
2. This article talks about Russia's rage rises over collapsing economy and government turmoil.In recent months 148 million people have been struck by a serious of economic crisis that have made them feeling angry. There has been out of control inflation which have hurt most people with fixed incomes. Non existent paychecks which the government and many businesses don't have enough money to pay all their employees. In many places workers are being paid in goods instead of money. The economic crisis has produced a crisis in economic government.President Clinton and other world leaders fear that unless Russia solves its economic problems quickly, the worlds largest country in land area may turn once again to "the bad old days,"of communism.http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EPF/is_n3_v98/ai_21250258
3. To solve this problem the Russian government hopes that Clinton would bring promises of U.S. economic aid but the U.S. president offered Russia little more than pep talk. Clinton told Russian leaders to continue on the road toward a market economy and warned the government not to revert "to the failed policies of the past".
4. I think that could best resolve the problem would be listen to what Clinton has to say he is right for Russia not to turn back the clock to the days when Russia was in the grips of a communist dictatorship.
5. I think the prediction I have regarding the future would be hopefully Russia does not turn back and hopefully in a year or two everything would go back to normal because their not the only ones suffering from economic crisis so is the U.S. and many more. hopefully we can see a change to this pretty soon.
1.Russia's form of government is Constitutional Federation.
2. In this article, Russia wants the Aric to become part of Russia in the year 2020 because 25% of Russia's oil comes from the Arctic and Russian Submarines have theri flag on it.
3. Russian has the chance to own the Arctic. I think that they need to tal it out.
4. I think they should both equally agree on what happens to the country.
5. I think that eventually Russia will take over the Arctic because the Arctic does have valuable resources that Russia needs.
Amanda Cox
1. Russia's form of government is a federation. A federation is a group of states ruled by a central government with individual powers within their states. Russia has 46 oblasts (regions) and 21 republics.
2. http://bbjonline.hu/?id=47823
Russia's government is dropping the price of oil export duty. The price of light and heavy petroleum products will drop from 2 to 4 dollars. Russia's previous plans for bimonthly adjustments of export duties fell through and they are now using a monthly plan that is more flexible to the changes in the world's oil prices. Most of Russia's revenue comes from oil exports. The global financial crisis is causing them to lose a lot of money.
3. Since their problems are due mostly to the global crisis, there aren't really many choices Russia has to pull up their revenue. They would need to find another source of income for their country, which would take a lot of resources and time to stabilize.
4. All Russia can do for now is try to keep their country going on whatever revenue they have coming in and wait for the global financial crisis to end.
5. Right now the world is in a major slump money wise, but eventually we will pull ourselves out of the rut and back into business. Russia will have a better economy when the world's economy does better. When more people are able to buy and use oil then Russia will get more money.
Kassie Quackenbush
Per. 5
1.Russia's form of government is a federation. A federation is a group of states ruled by a central government with individual powers within their states
Healthcare Organization claims that in the UK the number of people, who have been treated from illnesses caused by alcohol consumption, has doubled during the last 10 years.Last year healthcare institutions registered 280,000 people treating from alcohol related illnesses. This included not only liver and kidney diseases, which are most common among alcohol consuming people, but also injuries received due to excessive alcohol consumption.
3. This is a problem all over the world because many young people think that drinking a lot of alcohol at least once a week is absolutely normal, there is no real solution since this is a problem that is hard to stop.
4. they should probably put a higher age limit to drink alcohol and the problem wouldn't be so severe. at the age of 16 (Beer/Wine/Cider in Pub/Restaurant if served with a meal and an adult orders it) but the legal drinking age is 18.
5.i belive that probably in the future when things gwt worse they will probably raise the legal drinking age since mostly the young people are the one's with alcohol abuse.
Monica B.
Period 2
1Russia's form of government is Constitutional Federation.
2, Russia is planning on cutting there oil export duty from $115 to $110 per ton. Due to the global financial crisis Russia is being forced to drop there oil prices. In the summer of 2008 Russia was at its peak with its prices reaching as high as 147 dollars a barrel to a tremendace drop to 40 dollars now it is at 50 dollars a barrel.
3,There isn’t much Russia can do because it is a global crisis one of the things they can do is try to find another source of income. And hope that the crisis comes to an end soon
4. I think the best solution is to find another source of income that will help them bring in more money.
5. I think Russia will pull threw and there oil prices will eventually go back to normal and make them as much money as before.
Carlos S.
federal-a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy.
Russia issued a war warning to NATO. The reason for that was because NATO was thing to take action to take over Adkhazia which would mean to Russia a declaration of war to them. London newspaper said "Tensions between Russia and the West were ratcheted even higher today after Moscow warned that the American naval build-up in the Black Sea could be seen as a 'declaration of war'." So their point fingers the US. There saying that they might have a world war three but it not yet sure of it.
There fighting over a something not worth it and it just land. But everyone wants power to control other and feel more powerful. Everyone does it even if they say they don’t.
If I was them I would drop the issue and focuses on bigger thing like people dying in the world because they don’t have clean water or people that are dying because of stupid war that they are push to fight for, instead of starting another one.
Stevan Cantero
1. Russia's Form of government is a Federation. Their sovereign powers are divided constitutionally.
Russia is trying to deploy its troops at the Artic Circle. They are saying that their troops can and will provide security. They will be deployed through Russia's border zone. They will try to work with foreign countries to preserve the Artic as a zone of peace.
3.Their choice is to deploy their troops just in case there is need of protection up there.
4. One solution i think they have is that by gaining trust with other countries they can be successful up in the Artic.
5. I predict that they will eventually have their troops up there and the Artic will be clear from danger.
Tony M.
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Russia has a federation which is a union comprising a number of partially self-governing states.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
Basically it talks about the bad economic times and how it is even affecting the rich people, and people aren’t buying much luxury items in as large quantities. They have been starting to close down retail stores because there hasn’t been many people buying luxury products
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
They have started to close down retail stores they have depended on their oil to bring income into the government.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think that they are doing the right things to get back on track to get things back to normal.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think that they are taking the right steps to getting back on track because the world is suffering and we all need to get back on the same track all we all need to take those little steps to get back to normal.
Daniel P
Period 5
1. Russia's form of goverment is Constitutional federation. This form of goverment means a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided.
Russia's economy will contract by 4.5% in gross domestic product terms in 2009 amid a further massive retreat of capital, the World Bank said Monday in its semi-annual report.The bank also said Russia's unemployment rate may exceed 12% and that the government needs to boost its social spending to aid the unemployed and the poor to prevent any social unrest.
3.The nation needs to undergo specific movements to prevent the economy to cause unemployment.
4.4. I think the best solution is to find another source of income that will help them bring in more money.
5.In regards to the future i thnk that Russia does not turn back and hopefully in a year or two everything would go back to normal because their not the only ones suffering from economic crisis.
claudia c. <333
Country #5 - Russia
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information :)
Federation (a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
The current economic crisis will be a lot harder than the financial collapse of 1998 in Russia. Recently WB experts said that Russia will have to deal with severe problems as a result of the crisis. The economic growth in the country will decline considerably and the recovery will take a much longer time in comparison with the critical period of 1998, when Russia declared default. The World Bank recently said in its Russian Economic Report that as the crisis continues to spread to the real economy around the world, initial expectations that Russia and other countries will recover fast are no longer likely.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The only choice that Russia has is to make the best of the crisis that they can, and simply hope for the best. Hopefully in a couple years the economy will better, and the Russian society will recover from the hardships in the hard times.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The best solution is to spend whatever money they have wisely, because Russia doesn’t know when the economy will recover.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I believe that Russia will recover from the economic crisis that it is going through, it may take a couple years, but I really do believe the situation will better for Russia.
Angelica Velazquez Period 5
1. Russia has a federation government. A federation is an organization formed by merging several groups or parties. It also has an executive branch and a chief of state, President Dmitriy Medvedev.
2. http://social.eyeforpharma.com/blogs/kate-eversole/what%E2%80%99s-happening-russia This article is about the pharmaceutical industry’s main markets. The Russian pharmaceutical market is exploding drastically. While North America, European and Japanese market face single digit growth and markets are falling.
3. Well, recruiting sales reps is a huge problem at the moment, they just don’t have the supply. So, if some how someone and help them out by getting an organization together to help supply with the things they need, will definitely help.
4. Like I said in number 4, I think that help from around they area or even in other countries to help supply them with the things they need will resolve this problem.
5. I think that countries will set aside their differences and try and help this problem, because when other countries are in need of help, people will go out and do what they need to do!
Rachel J.
Per. 2
1. Russia has a Federal Republic. This means that it has a federation of states with a republican form of government.
2. The World Bank released a grim report on Russia on Monday, projecting a 4.5 percent contraction in the economy in 2009 and warning that the financial crisis would push 5.8 million Russians into poverty unless the government shifted more spending to poor families.
3. The choices the nation has to make to solve this problem is that the government should put out more money to poor families so they wouldnt have this problem.
4. The best solution to this problem is that they should increase there taxes so they can gain more money.
5. Predictions i have regarding the future of this problem is that in a few years it will all be solved.
Christiana Paulsen
Period 2
1. Federation Government that means the powers are divided.
2. The opening of the first liquefied natural gas plant on Sakhalin Island in Russia's far east, and is signaling a shift toward conquering key Asian markets. The loading of a huge tanker is capable of transporting the super cooled gas around the world. This project is being overseen by bullish President Dimitry Medyedev together with the Japanese prime minister.
3. While this is a cheap alternative to oil, natural gas is still a fossil fuel. Russia and Japan should seek alternatives for energy. Japan could do what Great Britain did and develop technology that allows them to harness ocean currents and tidal waves for energy. Great Britain is currently deriving 30% of its energy production from this technology. Russia could use geothermal energy which pollutes as much as a coal plant but puts out an exponential amount of energy compared to a coal power plant.
4. Russia and Japan could be a model for other surrounding countries on safe and clean energy practices. I believe that these countries would benefit more from finding innovative alternatives.
5. In the future, these countries should benefit through government contracts and projects with other countries if they begin researching and producing efficient and clean power sources.
Janelle C.
1. Russia is a federation.
2.http://www.mosnews.com/politics/2009/04/23/ossetiapayments/They want to double the amount to be paid to Russian soldiers who fought in the 5-day war in Ossetia last August. The budget funds for the payments have doubled from an amount of 2.4 billion rubles to 4.7 billion rubles. The money that they will receive will be paid as traveling expenses to the military staff who were in South Ossetia and Abkhazia durig the conflict.
3. It was reported that the men that took part in the military conflict between Russia and Georgia had experienced trouble receiving money. I believe they should pay the money they owe so they don't have any conflict amongst each other.
4. Pay the money they owe. But I don't believe that they should double the payment if it causes an issue.
5. I think that they'll agree to doubling the payment.
Carlos Broyld
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