Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Proposition 8? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

i think this video is good because it shows that everyone is created equal and plus no one can tell others what to do and not to do. still if this proposition pass there will still be the same gender marriage. i am not against it. because if they are happy with who they love they should stay with them because its true love but the law is from the government. and the government is not here for them, there love ones are here for them though.
i think they should NOT pass proposition 8. i mean what can we do about it there will be always a same gender marriage. there is nothing u and i can do about it. thats just life and deal with it.
i would others feel if there was law saying you cant marry different gender from now on. how would you feel if you and your boyfriend HAVE TO brake up because of some stupid law. I KNOW NO ONE WOULD WANT TO LEAVE OR NOT MARRY THERE LOVE ONE BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID LAW. SO LEAVE THEM ALONE N LET THEM DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. HEY YOU KNOW WHAT THEY."ITS A FREE WORLD". LOL. SAY NO ON PROPOSITION 8.


Anonymous said...

I think that the videos on proposition 8 shows both sides of voting "yes" or "no". I believe that people should be able to love whoever they want but then on the other hand we should have the traditional marriage continue. Either way if proposition 8 passes or not the gay people won't stop loving their partner of the same gender and they would still be able to adopt kids but it just won't be legal. The thing is that if propostion 8 is not passed then the schools will start teaching children about the same gender marriage. There is this commercial about a litte girl that came back from school and telling her mom that she can marry a princess since this is what they are teaching them about same gender marriage. They will think that its cool to marry a girl if your a girl or a boy if your a boy and then we might have less traditional marriages.

Alexandra C.

Anonymous said...

i really like the 2nd video and i strongly agree with it. the way i was raised was knowing that marriage is between a man and a women not same sex partners and there is no doubt in my mind but my children are goin to be raised the same way i was. it is true a child should be allowed to have a mother and father as parents. if it was a gay marriage it would honestly be tough to raise the child. heres why. if the child was a girl and the partners were men they wouldnt necesairly understand what the daughter would be going thru later in the futre because they are men and there are things a daughter wouldnt tell her father; never the less there maybe things a father wouldnt want to hear about his daughter! and visversa if there were two women partners that had a boy they wouldnt completly understand what the son will be facing as he gets older. not only this but having a same sex parents would confuse the child because they might see that other children at there schools might have a mom and dad and they might be to young to really understand why its is there parents are girl and girl or boy and boy!and as a parent would you want your child to go through alot of teasing and such? i wouldnt want my child to go through that personally!

diane segura!
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