Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
Anonymous said...
China has successfully launched there third manned mission to outer space. The event was broadcast on state television. The ship called Shenzou 7. At the televised event the Chinese President Hu Jintao went to visit the three astronauts at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This being China’s third mission ever to space is a pretty big deal. Liu Guoning, a researcher with China's manned space engineering office, says this third mission is the riskiest yet for China. Liu says the Shenzhou 7 mission is a way for China to explore and make peaceful use of outer space for all humanity.
I think the article is pretty interesting because its about China and space. I didn’t know this is just their third time travelling to outer space. Unlike America where they make trips to space all the time, in China its still a huge event I’m guessing. They say that they are trying to make peaceful use of space for humanity. So I’m all for it.
I would interview the three astronauts whose names were not mentioned. I would ask them about how they felt about going into space, their fears, what they’re looking forward to. Also I would like to know why their names weren’t mentioned, it just sparked my curiosity a little.
Panda H.
Period 7
October 1, 2008 9:44 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Randy O. - I think that its doesn't really make a difference whether or not T-Mobile lies about their new phone or not. All the phone companies and all big name brand companies lie about their products to make people buy them. Just like how presidents lie about their campaign.
Panda H.
period 5
October 1, 2008 10:36 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Luis R. - I definitely agree that the officer went to far by charging the man with assault just because of that. Though there will always be accounts such as this when people in power take advantage of those who are not. The only ones who can change this are the people who are in charge of the people like that.
October 1, 2008 10:38 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Luis r i think your article is sort wrong and right in a way there is wrong and right in every situation ok every phone company has its own policy but there policy doesnt fit with the way we all wanted some i mean that they charge you in different ways and plus all phone company have very bad service i never had a phone that works good on service i just had t mobile i canceled because they charged me 700 last month which was really wierd t mobile sucks a lot though. the good thing is that they love to lie about how good there company is.
October 1, 2008 11:46 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Current Event #4
Palin vs. Biden is the debate to watch
52.4 million expected to tune in
By CLAUDIA FELDMAN and CORILYN SHROPSHIRE Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
Oct. 1, 2008, 5:44PM
So bascially this is about the next big debate between the running to be vice president: Biden and Palin. More then 53 million are expected to watch this, since its going to be what people espected to happen between clinton and hilary.People who are voting these elections are so involved that instead of watching the traditional football games it has become the tradtional debate nights.This night has become important because both VP candidates have their ups and downs, also the inexperience in such a high position.
More people are excited to see how Palin goes through the debate without anyone holding her hand and by simply memorizing a couple of mini speeches. It really has become a very exciting election and theres more to come into these elections as November 4 approches.
This article is interesting because it informs us about the two Vp candidates and what will be going down thursday night in the debate. For this article i would have considered interviewing both president candidates to see what they believe will happen in this vp debate and how they believe it will benifit their campgain. Sarah Palin has becaome so famous from one day to another so interviewing her to see what she thinks and what she knows would be something many would want to see since shes the only women left alive in these elections.I definetly plan to not miss this debate.
Genesis Hernandez
Period 2
October 1, 2008 5:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
current event #4
This article was about the restoration of the economy and president bush position in this issue. The president6 supports the $700 billion rescue of mayor companies an prevent a collapse in the economy if the united states. He is not only worried about the big industries but as well as the small to vanish. Since the disaster from katrina to ike have impacted the u.s. and has come to be another problem to restore the places where these hurricanes have caused mayor damage to the states.
if i were to interview one person it would be first president bush and ask him why in the first place did the nation got to this point to be in such big dept. What caused this was it the war with Iraq or gas prices or just that he didn't know how to manage the nation and resulted with more dept.
yash m.
October 2, 2008 10:00 AM
President Bush received a bill that consists of a two year plan program to clean up pollution and contaminated areas around the Great Lakes from the Congress. The voting results from the house was a 411-9 in favoring the measure which will approve the $54 million a year. The last five-year bill that passed in 2003 was said to expire this year. The cleanup program will continue keeping the environment safe and clean.
I deeply agree with Congress to create such plan to cleanup the Great Lakes because society needs to care more about our environment. Careless people will always pollute and throw trash in a inhabitant area where many animals live. With the new bill being passed it will make the environment safe. It will also bring more tourists to the Lake.
I also think that the article should include interviews from the residents of the Great Lakes and see what they think of this new great plan.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
After Heath Ledger death there was an issue of who will inherit his fortune, because he signed a will before his daughter was born leaving all everything to his parents and three sisters. Heath Ledger’s two year old daughter Matilda Rose will inherit all of Ledgers estate said the father and mother.
Personally I think most of his money should go to his daughter and now even Ledger’s old attorney is suing for 10 million dollars over a life insurance policy he claims Ledger has gone unpaid since his death. Everyone is trying to get some of the money but I am glad that daughter is inheriting all of her father’s estate. I think the family made the right choice and that proves that they have some morals.
If I had to interview anyone it would be Heath’s daughter to see what she thinks about all even though she is only two years old. I would want to interview his parents to hear about all that went down and what it had to take to give the money to the daughter.
-Zachary P.
Ravid Y.- I completly agree with you because we need to clean up all this pollution and it is a good thing that they are finally doing something about it.
-Zach P.
Period 2
Panda H.- I think that your article is interesing because i never knew that this is going to be chinas third time in space. I thought they went a lot more times than that.
-Zach p.
The stock markets are going down once more as it did back in 1929. Dow jones has gone down 348 points and declining. The whole system is going crazy and not only did dow jones suffer but also every other stock has suffer also. Jobless claims remained at their highest level in seven years, the Labor Department reported Thursday, as people in the hurricane-hit states of Louisiana and Texas filed for benefits. For the week ended Sept. 27, seasonally adjusted first-time claims for unemployment benefits rose 1,000, to 497,000 -- the highest level since late September 2001. The only thing that can help is if the senate passes the bailout plan.
If this keeps up and the bailout plan does not plan we could wind up with the next great depression.
I would interview president Bush. Ill ask why isnt he trying harder to convince that were running out of time and out of options that we need a solution now.
Antonio Q.
Per. 2
Yash M.-I think u choose probably a great topic for this weeks current event. The 700$ million bailout plan is the smartest way to go and i also started to blame most of our problems on the war in Iraq.
-Antonio Q.
Per. 2
Panda H.- Thats cool how China has had there third manned mission to space, but there a littile slow on that if u ask me. They should of been faster one getting up there.
P.S. I thought that this was supposed to be current event in America not in China.
-Antonio Q.
Per. 2
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7647986.stm
This article is basically talking about the vice-presidential debate that i going to be happening soon. This article is expressing concerns for both Sarah Palin and and John Biden because Sarah Palin is perceived by others as an inexperienced candidate, while John Biden's harsh tone my swag his votes because the women whom are voting will feel alienated. As of right now 51% of voters favor Palin, while 57% is looking to vote for Biden. One-third of voters say that they are less likely to vote for Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, as a result of inexperienced Sarah Palin.
I find it extremely interesting that the vice-presidential candidates are affecting the votes of the presidential candidates so much. In a way i believe that the it is a good thing that voters are looking at both sides of the spectrum when they vote; both the vice-presidential candidate and presidential candidate should be able to function as one. Once again the media plays a huge role in the decisions that the Americans are going to make this year for the polls, these votes will either break or make the candidates.
If i could interview anyone i would interview the voters. I would interview the voters because i want to see the impact that both Palin and Biden have on their lives, and what they are expecting from these two individuals. I would also interview the voters because i want to see the impact of media on these individuals and how it is assisting them in the voting process.
Nina Tran
Per. 2
for Genesis' current event #4, it is pretty interesting that the vice-presidential candidates are going to affect the presidential candidate in such a large way. The vice-presidential candidates can either be a benefit or a dead weight on their backs. It also shows that voters are easily swayed.
Zach's article is pretty interesting because Heath Ledger has passed on, but he is not resting in peace because of people's greed for money. I also find it appalling that when someone's dead their importance because more defined because of the inheritance...
Florida Teen Charged With Gruesome Slaying
Police: 'I've Never Seen Anything Like This Before'
(Tuesday) Sept. 30, 2008
This article is about a troubled Florida teenager who allegedly bragged to his friends about nearly decapitating a neighbor appeared in court today as police investigated whether he might have killed before.
16-year-old admits to police that he stabbed a woman to death during a robbery.
This is sad...if he is so cold hearted that he would kill for $6 worth of beer and then brag about it he will do it again if given the chance. Sometimes people have a strange desire to kill and you can't make that go away...he obviously has that desire. We all know he won't get the death penalty but he doesn’t need to be out on the streets again to kill anyone else. It is so sad that there are so many disturbed people in the world who continue to live within society so secretly until they finally are caught. His "friends" did the right thing and probably save another human from a killing spree. It is such a shame that such a wonderful lady had to die.
I would want to interview another friend of him, because they could share more about the character of their friend and whether or not they thought if he has something going on. Or a mental disorder maybe.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Current Event #4
US Senate to Vote on Financial Rescue Plan
This article is about the Financial Rescue Plan which our president Bush is trying to pass. Bush states that it is very important that we pass the bill because the country really needs. He told the lawmakers to take this “very seriously.” So it got rejected by the House of Representatives the first time so he is revising it all over. So on Wednesday The Senate will hear this proposal and will vote on it.
After reading this article it really opened up my eyes on how bad our economy is. It needs a 700 billion bail out plan to keep the economy going. I really like this article because it tells us what is going to happen with our economy and our government. Also on how its going to help out all the individual business in the country.
If I would interview anyone I would interview the presidential candidates. I would ask them what they think of the plan and if they are for it or against it. Also ask them what there plan is to help the economy once they become presidents. But I have seen them ask the same question to the candidates and none of them answered the question they just had suggestions.
Luis R.
Link: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/parking-council-street-2159078-permit-city
Summary: This article was about the meeting held on Monday night at the city council chambers. It involved the topic of requiring a permit for cars parked on the streets of Tustin. The meeting included a presentation involving photos by Community Development Director Elizabeth Binsack which demonstrated how parking has become a problem in our city. There was also commentary from those who attended the meeting; some people argued against it, some argued for it. Although there was evident division in this topic reason for why they stood on either side were personal. after a nearly three-hour meeting, the council requested that city staff write an ordinance based on all that was commented and return to the council in October, where a decision will be reached.
Analysis: I believe requiring a permit to park on the street will only make this problem all the more difficult. Parking as we have all experienced is about a keen eye and the faster driver, it is in a sense first come first serve. If someone is having trouble finding a parking spot they should try to solve this problem on their own because it is their problem not an entire communities’. Not only that but there are far too many car to keep a track of and therefore this plan would not function as intended.
Interview: I could interview another person to serve as a source for this article I would probably interview a community member of Tustin who owns more than two cars. Most households, condominiums, or apartment complexes guarantee their renters, or buys two parking spaces if not one, so how would this affect a family with over two cars. Or someone with an unexpected guest. There is much to take into consideration.
Elizabeth C.
Period 2
Crash site investigators found human remains amid the wreckage of Steve Fossett's small plane on a remote California mountain, the chief of the National Transportation Safety Board said on Thursday.
Parts of the small plane lost more than a year ago were scattered over a large debris field at around 10,000 feet on a mountain near the Nevada border, and search crews found a "very small" amount of human remains.
Fossett, 63, vanished after taking off in a single-engine Bellanca Citabria Super Decathlon on September 3, 2007, from the airstrip of hotel magnate Barron Hilton's ranch in Nevada, sparking a long but fruitless search.
My article is about what resently has been found out about Steve Fossett. Thursday A very small amount of human remains was found around Steve Fossett's crash site. The site was 10,000 feet atop a mountain near the Nevada border. It is not proven that the remains are in fact Steve Fossett's.
Steve was 63 years old and vanished after taking off of a airstrip in Nevada. He flew in a single-engine Bellanca Citabria Super Decathlon on September 3, 2007. Further investigations are taking place.
If I where to ask someone a question it would be one of the investigators at Steve's crash site. I would ask,"Why hasn't it been proven yet that the human remains are Steve Fossett's remains?"
Jordan A.
Period 2
this article talks about a first grade teacher that melested a twelve year old girl at a walmart. they say that as he passed her he grabbed her buttocks.this guy is being jailed under the charge of child molestation and also people are afraid that he might have done this to other people as well. he tried to flee but got caught.
i honestly think that yes maybe this really did happen and the the teache might have touch her. but she was a 12 year old she should have known better to walk away from a guy that looks suspicious.i hpnestly belive that at time young girl wear inapropritae things that might lead guys to think wrong things and they react in a bad way!!
if i could interview anyone i would interview three people i would try and ask the guy what it was he was thinking and what was going thru his mind at this time to actualy do that to a young girl. also i would interview the aunt that was wiht the girl and ask her where she was during all this and why she didnt defend her and lastly i would aksi interview the victim
diane s
per 5
Luis R.-i most strongly agree with you i do belive that by asking the candidates and interviewing them will help us have a glimpse at the future and also see at what they will bring in as ideas to see how we can get out of the debt that we have.
Heather Locklear got arrested for driving under the influence. What makes her arrested suspicious is that one the CHP officer called to the scene was taking pictures of her with his own personal cell phone. The CHP officer claims that he was taking pictures for evidence and partly to protect the officers in the case. The officials say the video and photos are being turned over to the D.A.'s office as evidence. Other Santa Barbara CHP officers said that the officers shouldn't be using their personal cell phones especially when celebrities are the suspects.
I think that the CHP officers are lying about the way they used their cell phones. Everyone knows that officers are not supposed to take pictures with their own personal cell phones. Either the officers on the scene are lying about the use of their cell phones or the other officers just want to get publicity.
If I were to interview someone I would interview the Chief in Command. He knows what is right and wrong.
Stephanie B. Per.2
A US soldier has been jailed for eight months after admitting playing a part in the killings of four Iraqi men in April 2007. Specialist Steven Ribordy, 25, admitted standing watch as fellow soldiers shot the four Iraqi prisoners, then threw their bodies in a canal. He pleaded guilty to being an accessory to murder, in a deal that will see him testify against members of his unit. Three soldiers have been charged with murder in connection with the case. A total of seven men have been accused of involvement in the killings. The unidentified Iraqis were captured by a US patrol after a shoot-out with insurgents near Baghdad. Ribordy told the military court that he stood guard as the men were shot, then later helped push one of the bodies into the canal. He said he was sorry for his actions and the reason he didn’t say anything before was because of loyalty to his comrades. US troops in Iraq have faced several accusations of unlawfully killing civilians and abusing detainees, prompting inquiries into their conduct.
I believe that US troops in Iraq are there to try to help out and make the world a better place. Yes of course there’s going to be some blood shed because that’s just part of war. But there innocent civilians shouldn’t get hurt in the process. Not that those Iraqis were innocent because they were involved in a shoot-out. After they capture other soldiers from a different place, they should try to avoid killing them. They should just hold them and keep them for as long as they can without killing them. When they start hurting and killing people for almost no good reason it makes the US look bad. That’s probably why Americans aren’t liked very much in those parts of the world.
Last month an other soldier was jailed for seven months under a similar plea. In another larger case, eight marines were originally charged in connection with the death of 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Heditha on November 2005. These acts should stop occurring and the leaders of their troops should take control of the situation.
If I was to interview someone else I would interview the rest of the members of Ribordy’s unit. I want to know how they felt after killing the Iraqis. I wonder if it made them feel better afterwards or if they atone for their actions. I want to know what made them kill the Iraqis. I think they were just really mad because they were shooting at them so because of that they decided to shoot them but I don’t know. I just want to hear their point of view and how they feel about the situation.
Juan E.
Period 2
Jordan A- i really do like your atricle i actually saw this on the news just yesturday and i find it very wierd how the pilots wallets and ID and other personal info was found and not destryoed
diane s per 5
Stephanie B-i really do like your article i strongly think that police should not be using there personal cell phone to take pictures or even record celebrites but i dont think that this should just apply to famous people but as in to everyone as well no matter how famous or unfamous you are; not that they would really care about an un famous person driving under the influence
diane s per.5
Neslee O- wow i really cant belive that a 16 year old killed a 58 year old women then stole 6 dollars from her to buy beer this is very coldhearted it really does make you think there are people out there that would do anything for alchol or drugs. but even after being arrested at the age of 12 you could have already seen that he was going down the wrong path in life.
Juan E.- your article surely does have me thinking. i belive that its one thing for our solidiers to be fighting for a purpose and something great in mind not just to be over in iraq and kill innocent people its one thing to be doing your job and its another thing just to simply get carried away with what he was there to do and think that he was goin to get away with it just a simple as that
daine s per 5
A man is charged with videotaping a co-worker using a breast pump at work. Court documents say Gregory Mannino videotaped the woman while she used a breast pump in a private office at a Steelcase facility, he also kept a copy in his office. Mannino is facing charges of "capturing or distributing an image of an unclothed person," which is a felony with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.
My first reaction to seeing this story was...LOL. It's not like the woman was playing with herself or something like that. He got caught videotaping someone using a breastpump. I dont know what turns this guy on but i guess its seeing women extracting milk from their breasts, haha. The second thought that popped into my head was, why was she using a breastpump at work anyway?!?! Shouldn't women do that in the privacy of their own home? that is, UNLESS they want to be seen!
If i were to interview someone, it would be the mother that was videotaped. I would ask her why she doesn't do this at home! If you pull out your WOMAN PARTS in public, someone is bound to look! its your fault for doing it in public in the first place! And if she were to argue that it was a private room. My A** it was a private room. How could Mannino see her then?! DUN DUN DUN. the end =D
Jeremy T.
Period 5
this article is all about the vice presidential candidates and their debate. they talked about nearly everything and always had something to say. i actually watched part of it and they just point fingers most of the time saying McCain believes this Obama believes that. they were just trying to demean the other side instead of really trying to boost their own sides policies.
politicians are always arguing and changing their positions on things to better suit their audience. if you ever watch a debate you'll realize they don't get through much unless you give them a bunch of time. this particular debate had a lot ofaccusing the presidential candidates of voting for different things like raising taxes or the iraq situation. the presidential candidates weren't even a part of the debate and yet they were the most talked about. i personally believe it was ridiculous.
I f i had the chance to interview someone it would definitely have tob the kids of these candidates because within the debates they talked about how their kids are in the national guard. i would ask these guys what they think about how their parents talk about matters like iraq and if they agree or not and why. it would be interesting to see if they would think much the same.
shawn c.
per. 2
The FDA rejected pediatricians’ plead for a ban on over the counter cough and cold medicines for kids because they might harm the children then make them better. They are saying that the cough medicine that was intended to heal is actually doing more harm than good. Pediatricians are saying that over the counter cough medicines for children younger than 6 was never proven to be useful against a child’s cough. The FDA said that they did not see the inherit danger in letting children take cough medicine.
I think that the FDA should either do more test to see if children’s cough medicine is effective. They said that they determined the dosage for children about 20 years ago and that it was never tested on kids, only adults. I think they should test it on children to see if children need to take cough medicine or just let it go away by itself. Pediatricians said that the risks outnumber the benefits. I agree with the pediatricians choice in trying to ban over the counter cough medicine because some people are stupid and they will give their child a lot of medicine and they might overdose on it.
If I were to interview someone, I would interview my doctor because he is a pediatrician and I think he would know a lot about this. He would probably provide a lot of information about how cough medicine is either good or bad for young children.
Brianna H.
Period 2
Panda H.- I thought that your article was really interesting because of how China finally got a space ship into space.
-Brianna H. per 2
Diane S- I agree with you because the girl probably wanted it or otherwise she wouldn't be dressing like a whore or she would have avoided the guy as much as she could have.
-Brianna H. per 2
Vice presidential candidates went all out on tonight’s debate. Sarah Palin and Joe Biden debated on our tough topics in the U.S. such as; taxes, foreign policy, energy, and our financial crisis. Both had many different view points, but some similarities. Our war, and our countries budget problem were the “hot topics” They both took very interesting stands. This debate took place on Thursday October, 2nd 2008 at 6:00PM. This debate is said to be won by the vast majority of voters who were watching.
When I was watching this on TV the first thing I looked for was the responses that the Vice presidential candidates had to say about the questions they were given. When I saw the presidential debate I noticed that many questions were left unanswered. Watching the vice presidential debate, I had hoped it would be different. The first question went off, and to nobody’s surprise, both candidates were avoiding the question! When both candidates finished the person giving the questions took my words right out of my mouth. “I see you both failed to answer the question.” The debate was boring and it was basically just two people attacking each other and attacking their superiors in a roundabout sort of way.
If I were to interview someone it would be Sarah Palin. I would like to ask her about her son who is supposed to go to war, she never mentioned him, it seemed like a good way to put herself out there. I would also like to ask her why she verbally attacks other candidates and makes them look worse than her instead of talking about what is important and how she will make a difference in our country. It seems that politics is all about making the other candidate look worse, instead of making our country better as a whole.
Alex C.
Period 2
Jeremy T. - Your article really caught my attention. I agree with you that the woman could have done this at home. Yet, that man invaded her privacy. I understand if she did it where he could have seen, but that doesn’t justify him videotaping her! What’s wrong with him. He could have jus walked away and consulted her about it later.
Emelyn S.
Period 7
Government: Current Event #1
URL: http://sciencedude.freedomblogging.com/2008/09/17/former-uci-chancellor-says-evidence-is-mounting-for-human-driven-global-warming/4203%20#comments
This article talked about the research of Ralph Cicerone, former UCI chancellor who has been a climate researcher. Essentially, he found some strong evidence that indicates that global warming is occurring and is definitely caused by humans. Unfortunately, even if “mature market economies” (US, Canada, etc.) make huge reductions in their CO2 emissions, the growing economies (China, India) are expected to make enormous increases in emissions. The article made several long-term potential goals to help reduce carbon emissions by 20 billion tons per year, but unless more countries besides developed countries pitch into the effort, we’re going to have a tough time saving our planet.
I find this article to be interesting! I wonder what the implications of this new research will have on the opinions of our presidential candidates. More importantly, I’m slightly appalled when I am reminded of the fact that people ACTUALLY tried to blame global warming on the “rising temperature of the sun” instead of recognizing that it’s obviously the pollution caused by humans (driving fuel-inefficient cars, being extremely consumerist, not being green, etc.). I wonder if our candidates would actually act on their “goals” instead of saying “we will do such and such…”
I would interview the presidential candidates regarding this topic and try to get them to lay out a real action plan instead of lofty goals. Also, I would ask what they would do to raise awareness of the problem – in other words, how would they “bust the myth” that global warming is not existent or that it’s not caused by humans.
Annie Jalota
Period 5/7
By Susan Kinzie
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 3, 2008; Page B01
A highly contagious norovirus was responsible for sickening more than 170 Georgetown University students in recent days, said officials who were working hard yesterday to contain the bug and limit its spread.
The norovirus left students nauseated, vomiting and dehydrated. Almost all of them were treated at hospitals and released, but one student was admitted for observation. The virus can cause stomach cramping, fever, headaches and diarrhea, but the quick-onset illness typically lasts only a day or two, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The virus is self-limiting, said Pierre Vigilance, director of the D.C. Department of Health. "For most people, this is not a major problem." That is especially true for healthy, college-age students; it would be of much greater concern among a population of elderly, very young or immune-compromised people, he said.
But the virus -- actually a group of viruses -- spreads easily and swiftly through direct contact with an infected person or with contaminated food, drink or objects. In recent years, there have been outbreaks on cruise ships and in hotels.
On campus, many students were left on edge with so many of their friends brought down in recent days.
People were getting ill by spreding the Norovirus and other infections by touch, drinking from the same cup, etc. They would get sick or get diarrhea. it happened at a university. People were sent to the hospital but they said it was ok and it wasnt bad. The only thing that was concerning them was if children or elderly people would get this virus.
I would interview a doctor to ask if there is a way to cure this. Also to ask if theres a way to avoid this for years to come. And ask if they have a plan if elderly poeple get this.
Jose V
Luis R- I liked your article a lot. I think it’s a very controversial topic. First of all, I want to say that their phrase to protect and serve is a freaking joke! They simply have nothing better to do and go around busting people for stupid things when there are bigger criminals out there. I wasn’t surprised to read about this because I would expect something as ignorant and ridiculous like this from five-oh. HOW CAN YOU RESPECT THE BADGE,WHEN IT DOES NOT RESPECT YOU?!!?
Emelyn S.
Period 7
Jeremy T - You article is especially interesting, because it reminds me a lot about Google and their style. Google is the kind of company that goes after quality, not quantity. For example, they set up a company in India, but they pay the Indian workers AMERICAN wages, instead of an adjusted wage as most companies do. Same deal here, this company thinks outside of the box by offering rooms for breast feeding. Obviously, the guy was retarded for filming that, and the woman was doing it in a private office, so I don't think it's fair to say that she was doing it in public. However, it is certainly a valid point that she could have done it at home...except that it may not work with the natural cycle. Women start to lactate a little bit around the baby's normal feeding time.
Our high popluation on illegal immigration has stopped. Every year, since 1990, there would be a higher amount of illegal immigrants that would increase the nation's population. The Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C. found that the number of arriving illegal immigrants doesn't outnumber the number of arriving legal immigrants. The outnumbering of illegal immigrants to legal immigrants had lasted from 1998 to 2004. The studies of the Pew Hispanic Center weren'tt able to say if the change is more the result of he increasing numbers of people deciding to go back to their home country, or fewer people deciding to illegally immigrate to the U.S. The other reason why the population growth has stopped is because there is more aggressive enforcement on the immigration laws ad borders.
I think that the main reason why there are less illagel immigrants is because the economy here in the United States is bad. Since there are more immigrants in California because of the Mexico border we have most of the illegal immirgants and I think that they, the immigrants, are figuring out that here in California its a hard working place to live in and they wouldn't have any rest, and they would actually have a more peaceful life in there home country.
I would wan to interview one of the officers in charge of the borders and see what they think is the reason for this change in the halt of illegal immmigrants. I would also want to find out what are the new enforcements that ma have caused this population change with the illegal immigrants.
Alexandra C.
Our high popluation on illegal immigration has stopped. Every year, since 1990, there would be a higher amount of illegal immigrants that would increase the nation's population. The Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D.C. found that the number of arriving illegal immigrants doesn't outnumber the number of arriving legal immigrants. The outnumbering of illegal immigrants to legal immigrants had lasted from 1998 to 2004. The studies of the Pew Hispanic Center weren'tt able to say if the change is more the result of he increasing numbers of people deciding to go back to their home country, or fewer people deciding to illegally immigrate to the U.S. The other reason why the population growth has stopped is because there is more aggressive enforcement on the immigration laws ad borders.
I think that the main reason why there are less illagel immigrants is because the economy here in the United States is bad. Since there are more immigrants in California because of the Mexico border we have most of the illegal immirgants and I think that they, the immigrants, are figuring out that here in California its a hard working place to live in and they wouldn't have any rest, and they would actually have a more peaceful life in there home country.
I would want to interview one of the officers in charge of the borders and see what they think is the reason for this change in the halt of illegal immmigrants. I would also want to find out what are the new enforcements that ma have caused this population change with the illegal immigrants.
Alexandra C.
This article is about the decrease in illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. illegally. Recent studies have shown that immigration has dropped from 800,000 people a year to an average of 500,000. It has dropped lower than legal immigration, which is about 650,000 people a year. Researchers have come to believe that the reason being for this decreased flow on immigrants is because of "the U.S. economic slowdown and federal enforcement measures". For example, mass workplace raids. Another reason for this slow down is because of the lack of jobs.
I thought this article was very rare and interesting. You would usually hear the government complaining about protecting the borderlines and keeping immigrants out of the country because they are taking advantage of our country's benefits. For once, some of them have taken note of the economic state we are in and decided that they are better off in their own country rather than risking their lives to get over to the U.S.. I believe the decrease of illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. is a good thing and should continue to decrease.
If i could interview someone, I would interview a government official and ask him/her if this sudden decrease on illegal immigration would effect the U.S. in any way.
Leslie M.
This article is about a suicide attack that killed at least 20 people in Baghdad on Thursday. The bombs went off as worshipers left the mosques to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of a month of fasting. A suicide car bomber carried out the first attack in the Zafaraniya neighborhood in southeastern Baghdad. The attack killed eight people and wounded 10. Among the victims were four Iraqi soldiers who were part of an army patrol providing security for worshipers.
In the second attack, in eastern Baghdad's New Baghdad district, 12 people were killed and 25 were wounded when a teenage boy detonated his explosives-laden vest at a security checkpoint outside the mosque.
This is a very sad article because innocent people were killed just for completing a month of fasting, the suicide bombers are so stupid, especially that teenage kid, what was he thinking? Unless he was forced to do it, if his life was on the line.. but still, that's pretty dumb. I don't get why there so desperate to go to hell.
If i were to interview anyone it would be that teenage kid, but i couldn't because he's dead... but if he was alive i would ask him what was he thinking?
Randy O.
Per. 2
This article is about a 16 year old in Rancho Santa Margarita. He was found dead in a lake on a Wednesday night. He might have been under the influence of drugs. He had taken off his clothes before entering and people saw him go in but never come back out. It took divers four hours to find his body. He was a really popular kid and good.
I think its really sad that such a young guy would die like that. I doubt it was because he wanted to commit suicide because he was well known and liked by many. Drugs can lead someone to bad paths and I'm sure this was one of those situations because one of his friends that he had been with earlier admitted to his mom that they had been doing drugs.
If I could interview anybody I would interview his mom to ask her whether she knew if he was having any problems. Or if there was anything that could have caused him to do this so I can find out whether it was because of the drugs or not.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Neslee O. - It is such a shame to read about something like this. I feel pity towards the teenager who killed the old lady because he is so young and already, he has thrown this life away. I’d be interested to know more about this young man and what type of person he was when his needs for alcohol weren’t taking control of his actions.
Emelyn S.
Period 7
Alexandra C. - I agree that the reason why the number of illegal immigrants has declined is because of United State’s economy. Immigrants used to come to the U.S. in hopes of having a better life. Now, with the economy this screwed up I don’t think any of them want to come anymore.
Emelyn S.
Period 7
This happened Thursday October 2 of 2008 at Washington university in St. Louis
It was fun how they argued about different themes but one of the best one was, the war in Iraq. Palin remarked that Biden wanted to practically retreat with a white flag, surrendering to people that hate America. A lot of barrack’s beliefs are kind of like talking to dictators that hate America and try to work things out, that can’t happen.
They did also talked about the Israel problem with the guy from Iran because he wants to wipe out Israel off the face of the earth. When they talked about some money for the troops, Palin asked Biden that if he is in favor and his son is in the army, how come Obama voted no to those founds. Well it was a pretty good debate.
If I had the chance to interview some one it would have to be the vice presidential nominees.
It would be great to know more deeply how they could act for more time. It would be grreat to ask them questions from people on the street.
Andrea P
The article talk about of the debat of the candidates of the Vice-presidents Sara Pelin and Joe Biden. The news talk about of the impotance of these, becouse the words of the Vice Presidents can affect the way of the Presidents candidates. if the Vice president said something different of the President, that can chance the mind of the people and affect the desition.
They analize the difference between Sara and Joe, the look who is more strong in the diferet question. The said's to that Joe is more direct whit the commnentaries abot Mcain, and is more dramatic about the commnetaries. About Sara, they said that Sara is more pacefull, and intelliegent at the moment to responde the questions.
Many people said that Sara is not prepare to be Vice president, tha she need's more preparation, and she need to knows more about polity.
I think this is a very important article, becouse this debate can decide the future of the President. If the Vice president change the idea of somenthing, the Candidate of the President can be affected. I think if only on eword is chance, this are going to be bad for teh candidates. Another think is that the people need the kind of ideas of candidates for the Vice president, becouse the vice president can help at the president to the decition, and we need to know what can of ideas of the best friend of the President.
I really like interview the people, to know what that they think about of this debate. The voice of the people is the most important, becouse we decide the future of our country, is important that we know all the differents points of every candidate.
Jorge G.
Period 2
This article talks about a man who shot himself in the arm after being denied SEX. Apparently, he tried to get intimate with his girlfriend, but she just wanted to sleep. So, she went to a spare bedroom and a couple minutes later heard the gunshots.
I think this is such a funny article and that man is freaking ridiculous! I wonder if he was on drugs or something. Or maybe he was bi-polar. I guess this man doesn’t know how to handle a rejection. lol.
If I had the chance to interview somebody it would be him. And I would want to ask him what the hell was he thinking and if it was even worth shooting homself over a rejection. HAHA=]
Emelyn S.
Period 7
The article that I read is very interesting I didn’t even know that numerology existed. I tested my whole family and most of the things that it said where true. Personally I am a 4 which means that I’m sensible, traditional, and serious. This is true in every way except I don’t consider myself a serious person I consider myself more of a humorous person.
If I could interview one person it would be the person who made up numerology. I would ask how and why he came up with this system. It amazes me what you can find out from just someone’s name.
-Dillon S.
Period 2
oops forgot
Emelyn S
Period 7
The article that iam writing about is on how a santa ana 1st grade teacher was caught molesting a 12 yr old girl at walmart. The molestation occured around 9p.m. THe witnesses saw the 36 year old christopher Brazelton walking down the school supplies aile when he leaned over and grabed his buttlocks. The girl was very frightened but not injured. luckly they cuaght the guy cause who knows since hes a 1st grade teachers if there isnt other victims besides the little girl. HE is held at the Santa Ana police station and till now the investigation is in process. Well i think that ths article was intresting because why wouldan old guy choose to moleste children and well especially who know what he has done to other kids since hes a 1st grade teacher and this occured around our area. And i would like to interview the man and ask him why would he moleste children and i think its important to learn what they think and maybe some how fix it. Steph T. per 5
PLAYBOY is seeking current and former employees of the financial world that work for Wall Street to pose for their upcoming magazine of February. They came up with the idea after the onset of the global financial crisis. Playboy has already run specials on “Girls of Olive Garden” and “Women of Enron.”
I think it will be interesting to see how many attractive women apply. There must be thousands who work at Wall Street and the affiliated companies. I think the reason why the women will do this is not because of the money but because they want the attention, opportunity, and the experience of doing it. I think it would be fun.
If I could interview someone I would interview a couple of women from different age ranges who work for Wall Street. I would like to know what each of their opinions are toward Playboy’s feature “Women on Wall Street.”
Emelyn S.
Period 7
This article talks about how the number of U.S immigrants may be shifting. The number of illegal immigrants falling behind the number of those coming in legally. This was according to the independent report that was released on Thursday. This was the population that was growing very fast for the last 15 years and it has come to a stop in 2008. These illegal immigrants made about 4% in the united states as of march. Immigration has not been a major issue in the campaign. All this was talked about at the Pew Hispanic Center in Washington.
What I thought about this article was that I was surprised on how the illegal immigrants made 4% of the U.S population. I also thought that it was a good thing that it had come to a stop on people coming in illegally. And this had been going on for fifteen years and it came to a stop this year. The reason why they come is to look for a better opportunity and a better life and a stable job.
If I were to interview a person it would be an illegal. Ask him/her why they are coming to our country. I would also ask them if they think what they are doing is right. And are they just doing this to start a new life or running away from the bad things they have done where they came from.
Jose C
Per 5
A national poll of people who watched the vice presidential debate Thursday night suggests that Democratic Sen. Joe Biden won, but also says Republican Gov. Sarah Palin exceeded expectations and both candidates exceeded expectations -- 84 percent of the people polled said Palin did a better job than they expected, while 64 percent said Biden also exceeded expectations.
this article talks about vice presidenttial candidates on their debate and the questions they were asked to answer.
i would ask the people about what they think about the vice presidential candidates answers towards the questions and also what they think about this.
Edgar S.
Sarah Palin LIes! LIES LIES!!!
I watched the debate yesterday and something that realy made me think was, when sarah palin said that she has no idea of how they do things in washington. how are you going 2 run for vice president if you dont even know what youre doing?
she really messed up and then tried to civer it up with lies. i dont know exactly what she sai but watch the video and you can see for yourself.
this debate is what really is meaningful because you can tell who knows whatg tghere doing and who doesnt.
Markeise G
per. 5
This article is about a husband of a female soldier was stabbed to death. Sgt. Richard Smith, 26 was charged with first degree murder. Police officer Mathew Kvapil, 18 was also charged the same. Chance one of the officer said that he was hired to kill the wife. Neighbors had witness screaming and saw Cristina in a pool with blood, but no one knows why he did it, crime scene investigations are still searching for a weapons. Although she did survive thanks to her husband and to her sister, in Mount Orab, Ohio. They are scheduling a initial hearing on Monday for both soldiers.
In my opinion about this article is that I understand what happen but I am still confused on why he did it. It really doesn’t explain on what was going on with the wife and her husband. I think it is really dumb and he should be executed.
If I had a chance to interview someone it would be the wife sister that helped through everything and witness on what was going on. I would like to know how she felt when she went to the hospital. I would like also to interview the neighbors who witness screaming and saw Cristina in the pool and the husband chasing. I would like to know who made the call and how they felt after.
Jessica A.
well this is hilarious people think that usher is disrespecting his wife but what they dont know is that there is other singers or rappers act in a video but dont forget they are making a video im pretty sure that usher wouldnt do something stupid like that his a lover.I mean i think he wouldnt cheat or do something stupid because he is expecting a second child.All i have to say the video is hot and sexy lol. Well this my opinion blog me if ya want.
Neslee O. I think it is really sad that a teenager can be so mean. seriously who would kill someone for $6? I never thought someone can kill for such little money.
-stephanie B. per2
Jordan A. it's weird how recently they found items belonging to Steve Fossett. it makes it more mysterious that almost a year later they find evidence of the crash.
-stephanie B. per2
Edgar S.- i did not see the vice-president debate but of what i have heard pretty much people think the same. Palin exceed expectations by looking at the camera but avoided most of the question. while Biden answered most of the questions and while being attack by Palin's lies he just smile. Which was really great of him.
-Stephanie B. per2
neslee o. I think your article is preety good. i mean i had never heard of a stupid teenager would kill someone for only 6 dollars. i mean we all know there is people in this world who try so hard to fit in with there friends but thats not the way to make friends. be yourself for reals people in this days are stupid they would feel stupid if there is noone hanging out with them. this is a serious situation and they are taking as a joke i would give him prison for life he took a life. how does it feels when someone comes a kill your mom for just six dollars. i would be mad and upset for the fact he took away a loved one. i feel bad for the womens family she died in a bad way. a stupid way.
Emelyn S.-Your article about the mnan shooting himself over a rejection is crazy! Its really funny though. I agree with you he is RIDICULOUS!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Ravid Y.-I agree with you its about time they start doing things right and using money for something useful that will benefit all of us.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Neslee O.-It is really sad how this kid could do that but he is young and probably still really immature. Us as kids don't really think before we act!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Stephanie B.-Once again the police are breaking the rules. I don't think it was right of them to do that. You know for a fact they are lying!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Stephanie B.-Once again the police are breaking the rules. I don't think it was right of them to do that. You know for a fact they are lying!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Juan E.- I agree with you dude killing is a part of war but when you take it down to civilian casualties it's just not right. the united states isn't liked very much around the world already so things like killing innocent people just make us live up to our bad reputations.
Shawn c.
per. 2
Neslee o.- your article was pretty interesting because you dont get a lot of young people that are intense crazy like that. that kid has got some major problems but i think he might have gotten some of them at home he could have a lot of issues with parents or maybe his parents are messed up in the head as well.
Shawn C.
per. 2
Emelyn S.- your article was pretty funny if i was the person ho found this idiot after he just shot himself i would probably laugh. i dont think being denied one night of the week is really bad enough to shoot yourself, that guy is just lame.
shawn c.
Veronica D.- that is really sad what happened to that kid. just another story of why drugs are bad for you and in the long run something big is going to happen.
shawn c.
Jose C.- Yuor article about the number of illegals coming into our country was pretty interesting. this might actually be a good thing because now there are not so many people free-loading off of our economy and that should help america a little bit in our financial crisis.
shawn c.
Emelyn S.- I agree with you that it was dumb of him to kill himself just because his girlfriend didnt want to have intercourse with him. No one should ever do that wether its for a rejection of sex or any type of rejection. I think that it's sad that he did that, but it's funny for that reason.
Alexandra C.
Diane S: I really liked ur a article a lot. Yes it is true that young girls today do wear very reavling clothes at a very young age. I would also interview the same people but I would ask the aunt or the mother why she lets her daughter wear those clothes.
Luis R.
Juan E: I agree with what u said our soldiers are there to keep the peace and make their lives and our lives easier. But some soldiers loose their heads because of the fact of being in a different counrty and far away from home. Also the fact of there fellow soldiers getting killed or shot. So Juan I do agree on what u said.
Stephanie B.- I completely agree with you because who would kill someone for $6? Maybe He was out of his mind.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Dianne S. - Your article was pretty interesting. How in the world could a 1st grade teacher molested a 12 year old girl. And did it in public. What a shame! He deserved to be in jail. Or maybe the girl also wanted it to happened.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Jeremy T- Your Article really got my Attention. It is such a shame to read about something like this. I can't not believe that some man would "watch" a woman pump and get a kick out of it.
Neslee O.
Period 2
markeise g.- i watched some of the vice presidential debate and it seems your right because when sarah palin was talking in front of the camera it looks like she wasnt answering the questions yet which she had to but she didnt't.
Edgar S.
Randy O.- your article has things that has to do with baghdad, which grab my attention because in baghdad there's always something happening overthere and i think that the police should start taking care of the cities and people to make sure no one gets killed around there its really dangerous over at baghdad.
Edgar S.
Emelyn S.- I agree that it is rediculous that a man would shoot himself in the arm for being denied SEX. When I saw your article I could believe someone would put themself through so much pain for something so little.
Jordan A.
Period 2
Neslee O.- It is very sickining to hear that a 16 year old would kill and brag of doing it again. I know under troubled times people do have that feeling to kill but I hope those people have the strength too overcome that urdge. But killing someone and then going out and bragging that your going to do it again is pretty messed up and they deffinatly need help.
Jordan A.
Period 2
Markeise G- I would have to agree with you on that. How are you going to run for vice-president if you don't even know what you are doing. I know that I wouldn't vote for somebody running for a high office if that don't know what they are doing. That's what is going to bring our country down.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
Emelyn S.- I agree with you. It would be interesting to see how many woman would apply for it. I have a feeling that they all will just to be in the PLAYBOY.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
-Zack P.
I think that you are right. It does show that Heath Ledger's family has some morals. Even though his daughter is only 2 it is only right to give her the money.
-Dillon S.
Shawn C.- I agree with you because neither of the presidential canidates can ever make up their mind. It would also be iteresting to interview the kids and see thier point of view on the situations.
Dillon S.
Per 2
Iolanda. Eli - I don’t think he disrespected his wife in any way. Usher’s music is very sexual and that has ALWAYS been his style. He is a sex icon and his wife knew that before she even met him. She knew what she had gotten himself into. So now, she has to deal with it. That is his job anyway.
Emelyn S.
Period 7
Veronica D.
i too think it is sad that such a well liked boy would die like that. I am also quite sure that his life was not going as well as people thought it was and that might be the reason for the untimly departure.
jamie Frey.
preiod 5/7
Antonio Q. i aggree that if we dont do something quickly than our country will be in a lot of trouble. i dont think a second great depression is in our future... but it might be the first mediocre depression.
jamie frey
yash m. i think ur right..... i would talk to bush too. we need to help the people that have been hurt and start to change the country for the better.
Ravid Y. i aggree that the great lakes are a very imporntant part of our world.... but i also think we need to find a cheeper way to clean them, and than make sure to maintain them so that we dont have to do it again in the next 50 years.
Jamie Frey
Zachary P.
i aggree completly.... his daughter should get at the very least a portion of what he had. not just for money perpouses, but for knowing who her dad was when she grows up. that is an imporntant thing for someone to have.
Markeise G
i dissagree completly!!!!
none of them know what they are doing. none of them have been president before. they all lie so that we (the people)hear what we want to hear. if they told the truth they would never make it into office. they are pollaticiouns and will always be pollaticiouns.
pollitic: polli:lattin meaning many
tic:blood sucking leaches
Nina Tran.
they say that palin is in experinced.... what about obama... he doesnt actually know anything that is really going on. he has never had to run anything. so the real question is.... do we want a president that is old and might give the office to someone who doesnt know much, or do we out right give the seat to a newbee. that is the question we should really be asking our selfs.
Neslee O. i agree completly.... he sould not be let out back on the streets.... if he does than he will just kill or hurt more people. that is something none of us want. he should at the very least be put into a psycatric home where he can get help.
jamie frey
Dillon S.
dumerology is interesting. i do not personly beleave that it works, but it is a fun game to play with ur friends.
jamie frey
Edgar S.
i do think that palin has exceddid expectatins, i also think she won that debate. she works hard and knows what shes talking about... most of the time. i think she would make a good vice president
jamie Frey
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