1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
Qantas flyers injured in sudden altitude plunge
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — Australia's air safety bureau is investigating the sudden altitude plunge of a Qantas airplane that left as many as 40 people injured, 20 of them seriously, during a flight from Singapore to the Western Australian city of Perth.
The A330-300, carrying 303 passengers and 10 crew, was forced to make an emergency landing Tuesday in Learmonth, Western Australia.
Two Air Transport Safety Bureau investigators were in Learmonth and five more were expected to arrive later Wednesday, the ATSB said. The investigators have quarantined the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder and will interview crew and passengers.
The bureau was expected to give more details in a news conference later Wednesday.
Western Australia police said at least 20 passengers and crew were seriously injured — some with spinal trauma and others with broken bones and lacerations. Up to 20 others were treated for minor injuries.
Passenger Ben Cave, of Perth, said he had not been wearing a seat belt and had slammed into the cabin roof when the plane plummeted.
"We had a major fall and another fall shortly after," Cave said. "I hit the ceiling but I was OK, I only got a few bruises and strains."
Jim Ford, also of Perth, said he thought he was about to die as he watched people being flung around the cabin.
"It was horrendous, absolutely gruesome, terrible, the worst experience of my life," he said.
Qantas said in a statement Tuesday that it had no details as to what caused the altitude change. Calls to Qantas on Wednesday morning were unanswered.
The incident is the latest in a string of issues to plague the Australian airline since one of its flights was forced to make an emergency landing in the Philippines in July after an oxygen tank exploded on board, ripping a gaping hole in the fuselage.
This artical is about an australian airplane that had an unexpected plunge and injured 40 some od people.
I beleave that Quantas is holding back answers about what happened to thair planes. I also think that Quantas has made defective planes and wont take the blame for it.
Jamie Frey,
sorry.... first timmer. this is the link
jamie Frey.
Current Event #5
Priest got busted for selling cocaine to his student from his rectory office. It took place in Illinois and the Priest is awaiting court hearing.
I think it is kind of funny because the Priest is a hypocrite since he is teaching his religious beliefs even though he does not follow what he preaches. I think he should go to jail even though he is a Priest. In our society it should not matter what your job or status is when the law comes to catch you.
This is such a random story because the last person I would expect to by coke from would be my Priest. It is sad, but true that there are a lot of crack snorting clergy in our world. Too bad. The judicial branch is the one enforcing these laws via the police and the judges.
I would interview another employee at the church, like a nun, because they could share more about the character of the Priest and whether or not they though something was not right about the priest.
Luis R.
Per. 2
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7661117.stm
This article is talking about David Kernell who was accused of hacking Sarah Palin's email account. In this whole situation David Kernell was pleaded not guilty, regarding the unauthorised access to Palin's Yahoo account. But in this whole mess David Kernell did post some of her emails and passwords online. Once David Kernell heard about the charges he immediately turned himself in, and he will face a minimum of 5 years in prison if he is convicted along with a $250,000 (£145,000) fine. David Kernell was released without bail, but there will be limits set on him for his usage of any computer.
i thought this article was pretty interesting, it had made me come to realize even further that politics is one ugly game. This shows that in this world power plays a big part in lives and i guess the pleasure of feeling power is what motivates individuals to do thing like this. I think it is pathetic because all her personal emails and passwords should not affect anyone... it was not in David Kernell's position to go and do something like this to Sarah Palin. Greed is all that i see in this article.
If i could interview anyone i would interview David Kernell because i am curious as to why he would do something like that. I would also ask him what purpose does it serve to him, and what impact is it going to have on his life with all the information he has received from her personal email account.
Nina Tran
Period: 2
Friend confirms identity of girls found in freezer
(Thursday. Oct 9, 2008)
ROCKVILLE, Md. — Police in southern Maryland say a family friend has confirmed that two girls found encased in ice in a basement freezer are the adopted daughters of a woman suspected of killing them. Montgomery County police say they have tentatively identified the girls as Jasmine Nicole Bowman, who would be 9, and Minnet Cecila Bowman, who would be 11. Police last month found the bodies in Renee Bowman's freezer. They believe the children probably had been dead since at least last fall. Bowman is a suspect but has not been charged in the girls' deaths. She is charged with abusing a third adopted daughter who was found alive. The identification was made by a family friend and is considered tentative. But police say they don't expect autopsies to show anything different.
This is Sad. What’s up with the Bowman’s. Is that the way they punished their Children? Then I wouldn’t wish them to be my Parents. I might also end up dead. It isn’t right to adopt someone and mistreat them. Then they shouldn’t have adopted them at the first place. I think they’re insane or something. Poor Little Kids. They don’t deserved to be locked up in the freezer.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview some of their neighborhoods, They could share some of their observations in the past months or days if there’s something not quite right. Or if the Bowman’s really mistreats their ‘Adopted’ Children.
Neslee O.
Period 2
The article talk about of the President Bush, and how the last decision of the President don't change the problems whit the Crisis. The article talk about to about of that the President is ready lo leave his position. Another thing is that the president visited a the suburb of Washington Chantilly, to speak whit the little proprietaries of small-business. The proprietaries stayed sit listen how the President try to restart the flow of credit.
Next tha t the president finish to speak, a man explain that in his business was in troubles, and how this Crisis affect everybody.
The President said to that the move of $700 billion to save Wall Street was the best move.
At the end of the President said this:"I wish I could snap my fingers and make what happened stop but that's not the way it works," he told his audience.
I think that the plan of the $700 billion can help to this crisis, but this cant fix all the problems in the country, the most important now are the President election, because Bush doesn't had much time, but the new President have four years to save the country.
I really like to interview the experts in economics, to know which are the solution in this big problems, and how long are going to be this crisis
Jorge G
period 2
After the second debate between Barack Obama and John McCain the criticisms for both began. But not only for what they said but for how they acted through out body language, there were good and bad comments for both of the candidates. The most interesting one was mad by the magazine Britains Telegraph who wrote about how the candidates were able to show their body language better with out the podium. Thanks to that many saw things that told them a lot about the candidates. A thing noted was that Obama seemed
calm and confident meanwhile McCain seemed uncertain, tired and tetchy. A comparison to that was to the debate from the 1960 between John F Kennedy v s. Richard Nixon were Kennedy seemed with energy and Nixon seemed tired.
I think that the magazine Telegraph is right about the comment. Because McCain did seem tired and Obama seemed really confident. And that was a real good comparison.
If I were to interview a person it would be common people to see if they do think this is true about body language and if it did occur to them in the debate.
Noemi S.
P 5
Wow i was a little surprised when I read this article all about bands and songwriters who publicly state they do not want Senator McCain using their songs at his rallies. Some of these include Van Halen, the Foo Fighters, Jackson Brown and Heart. they say that when they wrotew the songs it was not for the same reasons that McCain was using them for.
I feel bad for Senator McCain because it's tough to run for something or try to get people to see things your way when so many people tell you or publicly claim that you are wrong or that you are heading in the wrong direction. It's tough to be the losing and keep on fighting hard for something when all you see is your opponent gaining more and more influence. These songs they are using at the political rallies are most likely seen in ways different than when the performer thought them up, but the real reason these artists say McCain is ruining their songs is because they are Barack Obama supporters. I don't see why they shouldn't just come out and say it.
If I could I would interview one of the artists that wrote one of the songs. I'd ask them to state their exact reasons for doing it. Not the lies they feed to the media.It's weak how some people of today don't have the backbone to just state the real reasons they do or say things.
Shawn C.
Per. 2
Title: Massachusetts: Contraceptives at School
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/10/us/10brfs-CONTRACEPTIV_BRF.html?ref=us
The governing board for the school district in Gloucester, Massachusetts voted unanimously to allow birth control pills and condoms to be made available at the town’s high school, which had at least 18 pregnant students in the last school year. The pregnancies were very popular after Time magazine reported that about half the girls had made a pact to become pregnant and raise their children together. Parents will be able to say whether their children can get the contraceptives or not. The program will begin as soon as a parental consent form is created.
This article made me say "WWHHOOAA!" I could never see anything like that happening at our own school. (The contraceptives being available, not the 18 pregnant girls.) At our school you just hear about everyone's trips to Planned Parenthood. We don't even have Sexual Education at our school. I think this situation will please a lot of students who don't want to be parents anytime soon, but what I am very curious to see is what the parents will say.
If I could interview someone I would definitely either interview a student at the school, and/or a parent of a student at the school. I would love to see the different responses. I would also interview someone on the governing board for the school to see what were the factors that made them make such a decision.
Luanny Barquero
Period 5/7
It was the debate on Tuesday night between Mc Cain and Obama. This was the second presidential debate.
Barrack Obama did a better job this time. Mc Cain did little mistake. Mc Cain a good debater but what happened to him? Some say that Obama answered more directly and basically, yes he did. Independent voter that were not sure who they were going to vote for, well most of them said that Obama won the debate.
Mc Cain gave some broad answers but what could we do abut it. The debate was to persuade the independent voters. Obama at least did it.
If I was to interview some one I would interview the independent voters to hear their opinions.
Andrea p
andrea p-i aggree i personally do feel that obama did a better job on the debate. even though at times they both went off topic and never answered the questions they we being asked.
i think youre right mcain didnt persuade voters but obama did!
diane segura
p 5
luanny- DANG!! haha well this is a shocker but yet at the same time people are always taught to be safe, i mean who know what those 18girls were thinking. well i honestly do agree with you our school doesnt have any sexual education classes and im pretty sure it would be good to have them.
diane segura
Current Event #5
My current event was about in New York on Wall Street this Friday had major losses. The Dow Jones industrial is down nearly 700 points in the opening minutes of trade, but recovered to 100 before lowering again. Frozen credit markets had caused the Dow to drop 21% in just 10 days. The Blue Chip Index tumbled 678 points this last Thursday. It was the biggest drop since it had been created 112 years ago. "Fear has been running rampant all over the Street. Fear and greed, that's what rules the Street. I think the carcass has been stripped to the bone," said Dave Henderson, a floor trader on the New York Stock Exchange for Raven Securities Corp. While the declines were vast on Friday some of the selling pressures eased up after the steep drop at open. At the star of Friday the total losses for the year rose to an astonishing 8.3 trillion dollars.
I am just amazed at how much money we are losing and I wonder what is causing all of this. A lot of people are wondering if the stock market is going to crash with all of these losses. If I had to interview someone I would interview President Bush to see what kind of solution he has for this crisis.
Zachary P.
Period 2
Luany- I think your article is interesting and i cant belive half the girls made a pact to get pregnat together. i definitely cant see this happening in our school.
-Zachary P.
Period 2
Shawn- I agree with you and i think the artists should just state the real reasons why they dont want McCain to use their songs.
-Zachary P.
Period 2
Shawn C: I don't really agree on what you said. Artist have the right to refuse to however plays there song. They wrote it so they should have the right to tell anyone that they can't play there song.
Luis R
Jorge G: I agree with what you said that it is a good plan to help out with the economic criss that we are having. But it is not good enough to fix all of them. That we need a better plan that can fix all the problems all together.
Luis R.
Andrea P. I agree with you guys. Though they both really didn’t gave any direct answer regards the topic.
I think Obama did a good job by sharing some of his future plans and stuff than McCain but I am not saying that I am one of Pro-Obama. Ok.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Shawn C.- I wonder why they don’t want McCain to use their songs in his Campaign and Stuff. Maybe they were Pro-Obama Supporters. Who knows. I hope one day they'll have the guts to say their real reasons about the issue. They're making a big deal out of it. they're so Picky.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Luis R.- I gotta agree the last person i would expect to sell coke or any other illegal substances would be a priest. they are supposed to encourage you to do the right things not the opposite
Shawn C.
per. 2
Jorge G.- your right about how the financial solution might help fix some of the problems but definitely not fix all of them. hopefully whoever is the next preident can come up with the solutions to our countries other issues.
Shawn C.
Luis R.-I agree on what you are saying. That is why, in my opinion, we don't need to go to church to believe in god. They are all hypocrites. This is just another reason to prove my opinion. People go to Church to hear from a man who is a speaker for God, but he is selling Coke from the Church. I think that he should serve some jail time for being an idiot.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
Neslee O- This is a pretty sad story, those little girls had a lot to learn, they were so young. I can't believe somebody who was given the opprotunity to take in kids to give them a better life would pull a stunt like this. I think the Bowman's had something to do with it. How could you not know that the two children you are suppose to look after are missing and are in your freezer, That's obsured? I don't want to sound out of hand, but I hope they burn in HELL for doing something so cruel like that.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
Shawn C.- As being a musician, I would have to agree. In my opinion, I would let anyone use one of my songs as long as they give me the proper recognition for me writing it. If I don't agree with what they are using it for then, yeah, I will say no and state why. In this situation, I know they are not letting Sen McCain from using there songs because they do side with Obama, but I don't think they should be dicks about it. Musician's these days don't want their music being played unless they are getting paid for it. It's all bout the money these days and that's why the music is so terrible today. I just had to throw that in, even though it has nothing to do w/ the article.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
I think the article about the songs and McCain is dumb. Yea, they have their right to deny usage of their songs, but their reasoning is BS. I mean come on? Is everyone who listens to their songs going to use them in the way they wrote them for? NO! Everyone has different opinions and interpretations. It is only common sense not everyone is going to interpret or do whatever with their songs exactly the way they'd like it. I think they should stop being _ _ _holes...!
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
I am tired of hearing all these horrible stories about priests. If I were a priest I'd quit because a lot of them are messing up and giving the rest of them a bad reputation. Personally and honestly, I wouldn't trust one if my life depended on it!
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
Bill and Hillary Clinton joined Sen. Joe Biden on Sunday for a rally in his Pennsylvania hometown, pushing Barack Obama as the right choice for the middle class. John McCain, meanwhile, vowed to beat Obama in their final debate. "After I whip his you-know-what in this debate, we're going to be going out 24/7" in swing states, McCain told campaign workers.
when i read this made me think that its great that clinton and his wife are supporting obama but
what mcCain said to campaign workers wasnt right because i mean think about its not even november four yet for the elections, we dont know whos going to win, i think McCain should take back what he said.
i would ask the campaign workers about what they think about what McCain said, its really interesting to hear what they think about.
Edgar S.
shawn C. your article talks about senator McCain using songs for his rallies, well its a good idea but the question is what point is he trying to make by playing that.
Edgar S.
Luanny B.- your article got my attention because talks about a local high school allowing birth control pills and condoms to students, i mean what in the world is that high school thinking about, doing those things will affect the school system big time. i think the the school administration should do something about that before its too late.
Edgar S.
Zachary P- i agree with you that its a bust how we are loosing money very fast. yea everybody wants to know y this is happening and i hope the market doesnt crash.
Nina T- i thought ur article was interisting because its a good thing that they put him in jail nd charged him. people chouldnt go through other peoples email acoounts.
the last comment was mine too!
Jose C
per 5
edgar.s. i agree on the fact that mc cain think that he is going to win the election but i guess his getting over excited of not being a president what. what he said to obama sounded like he is getting cocky. and yeah i think his going to die anyways and plus he is always thinking about war but peace i mean if we going to have him has presidents everything is going to be disaster. I think more money is going to go on war but stuff that we need badly.
"A Christian music store owner was shot to death in Mosul, Iraqi police said Monday — the latest in a series of killings that has caused thousands of members of the religious minority to flee the northern city.Tens of thousands of christians flee to other countries.
but concerns are rising about the deaths this month in Mosul.
The u.s. military did not respond to a request for comment.
But the fighting reflected rising tensions amid U.S.-Iraqi negotiations over a security deal that would extend the presence of American forces in Iraq beyond the end of the year.
i would ask the prime minister what they think about the killings base on certains religions i mean everyone should have the free to choose which religion they want go for i mean were only worshiping one god and one god only. god looks at us equally. and i think these is getting rediculous.
luis- What is up with all these priest doing bad things, just a bunch of hypocrites they should just quit if they cant do their job right, they just make other people fall
Jaime Sosa
Iolanda eli- peopla have the right to beleive in whatever they want, why do people care so much in who you beleive, All i know is that i beleive in one God and i Worship one God. I have that right
Jaime Sosa
T-Mobile Preorders 1.5 Million G1s
By Michele Masterson, ChannelWeb
11:05 AM EDT Mon. Oct. 13, 2008 Watch out, Apple (NSDQ:AAPL). T-Mobile has already taken 1.5 million preorders of Google (NSDQ:GOOG)'s G1 Android phone, according to reports.
The staggering number of presales comes just 10 days before the T-Mobile-powered Android's official launch date Oct. 22. Neither T-Mobile, Google or handset manufacturer HTC has confirmed the reports that first appeared on Motley Fool. According to the Web site, Apple originally thought it would sell 10 million second-generation iPhones Apple this year. The G1 preorders are three times the original amount of phones T-Mobile ordered from Taiwan-based HTC, which rapidly sold out.
Current T-Mobile subscribers have first dibs on preorders.
"Because of overwhelming demand, we're setting aside even more T-Mobile G1 phones as a special thanks to you, our loyal T-Mobile customers," reads a statement on T-Mobile's Web site. "Supplies are limited, so this is your chance to order yours today before it hits the streets and guarantee you don't go without."
Pricing for the G1 starts at $179.99 for T-Mobile customers, plus taxes and fees; pricing is subject to upgrade eligibility criteria—a two-year agreement is required. Orders taken prior to Oct. 21 will be delivered around Nov. 10, the company said.
T-Mobile will provide 3G services in 16 mass markets, the company said on its Web site, eventually expanding to 22 markets by Oct. 22. By mid-November, that number is expected to increase to 27 markets.
Preinstalled Google features on the G1 include Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk and and YouTube.
An application storefront—the Android Market—features apps in addition to mashups of existing and new services from developers.
Some of the bells and whistles on the G1 include a touch screen, Web browsing capabilities, 3-megapixel camera, customizable home screen, QWERTY keyboard, IM/text/e-mail, music player, video playback, and
This article talks about the new T-mobile phone called the G1
they preordered 1.5 million of these phones the next i-phone
its pretty cool
Jaime Sosa
jaime sosa i never stated a comment saying you have to worship this or that religion never did ok. what i stated is that everyone has one god and only one god to worship. so i dont know where you got facts from or if you know how to read clearly. so yeah i know what i stated and what i stated is how i feel.
Gas Prices
As the global economy falters, demand for oil has dropped. And since the price of oil makes up about half of the cost of a gallon of gas, analysts see more relief ahead at the pump.
"We ought to see prices drop pretty quickly," said American Automobile Association spokesman Geoff Sundstrom. "We're well on our way to $3 gas within the next week or two."
The national average price for a gallon of regular, unleaded gasoline fell 2.4 cents to $3.480 from $3.504, according to a daily survey released Tuesday by AAA. That's down 18% from an all-time high of $4.114 a gallon hit on July 17.
Gas prices rebounded last month when hurricanes Ike and Gustav passed through the Gulf Coast where the bulk of the nation's oil refineries are located.
While the damage was not as extensive as some had expected, the storms caused a short-lived spike in oil and gas prices.
On Sept. 17, after Hurricane Ike passed through the Gulf region, the national average gas price was a full 35 cents higher than Monday's price.
"But now that refineries are back online and more product is available, prices have no where to go but down," Sundstrom said.
"Demand seems to be drying up week by week," he added. And given the challenging economic environment and the strains on household budgets, Sundstrom expects American drivers to remain conservative.
Crude tumbled more than $6 on Monday to close at an 8-month low of $87.81 a barrel. That's down 40% from its July peak of $147.27 a barrel.
"Since crude makes up about 50% of the price of gas, gas prices should go down," said Ray Carbone, president of New York commodities trading firm Paramount Options.
Carbone added that gas prices have not fallen as dramatically as crude prices because refinery utilization has been low due to last month's hurricanes.
Still, hurricane season does not end until November and oil prices are notoriously volatile, notes AAA spokesman Troy Green. He cautioned that gas prices will continue to fall "only if conditions continue to improve in refinery capacity and oil continues to retreat."
Palin to play ball with Big Oil
Time to bet on an oil crunch
Thats good that gas prices are going down because everyone is dependent on oil and theres a lot of talk of renewable energy but nobody seems to be doing anything
Miguel F.
Shawn C.- I think that is harsh for the bands to be writing lyrics talking bad about senator McCain. I agree with you in that it makes it harder for McCain to continue with fighting to become president. It puts more pressure on him and makes him look bad. But I am still more for Obama. =]
Alexandra C.
Luanny Barquero- Your article about the school district of Gloucester, Massachusetts allowing birth control pills and condoms to be made available at the town’s high school was interesting. I think that it's good that they will be having a sexual program for the students to be aware and more prepared tohave children. I think that would be a good program to have at our school.
Alexandra C.
Zachary P- Your current event about what occured in New York on Wall Street this Friday has serious impact on the U.S. losing a lot of money fast. I agree with you that its bad that we are loosing money as if it isn't anything. I hope that the stock market does't crash, because our economy is bad.
Alexandra C.
Andrea P.-Your currnet event about the second presidential debate between McCain and Obama on Tuesday night was true, that Obama did a better job in the debate. What happened with McCain being the better debater as most people would say.I agree with you that Obama did a better job and he was more direct.
Alexandra C.
Luanny- I think that it's a good idea for that school to have birth control pills and condoms available for students. At my other school condoms were available for the students at the nurse's office.
Emelyn S
Period 7
Luis R. It’s funny how some religious people tried to do some unbelievable things. Like selling cocaine to his student. He should teach some religious stuff instead.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Iolanda E. - I agree with you. People should have the rights to choose which religion they want. And don’t mind those people who says things out of it.
Neslee O.
Period 2
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