Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example:,
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
Current Event #6
California polls shock gay marriage supporters
This article is about the gay marriage in California. Also about “prompt 8” and what California senators are planning on doing about this issue. The gay activists were shocked when they saw the polls of the voters for prompt 8. 47% was for prompt 8 and 42% was against it and that the group that is against it have more money. They are more well funded then the other group.
I choose this article because they have still not voted on this prompt yet. Also because it is important that we get both views of the public eye. Also Brad Pitt and Steven Spielberg have donated money for “no on prompt 8.” I found that very interesting that even famous people are worried about there community instead of making millions.
If I could interview anyone about this article I would interview Brad Pitt. I would ask him what he thinks of this prompt and why he has donated money to that campaign. Also why does he support this certain campaign and what he has done to help them.
Luis R.
luis- iam against gay marriage because its not right, their are young children who will grow up without a mom or a dad, its not fair for all of them. so there for iam against gay marriage.
Jaime Sosa
Kabul Afghanistan - An Afghan policeman opened fire and tossed a hand grenade on a U.S. military patrol in eastern Afghanistan, killing an American soldier, the U.S. military said Thursday.
It was the second time in less than a month that an Afghan officer has killed a U.S. soldier, raising concerns that militants may have infiltrated the Afghan police force.
Meanwhile, an airstrike by foreign troops in southern Helmand province killed several women and children, a police chief said.
In the latest attack on U.S. soldiers, the policeman standing on a tower attacked the American foot patrol in Bermel district of the eastern Paktika province, the military said. The troops returned fire on the tower, killing the policemen.
The military said it was investigating the attack.
Last month, an Afghan policeman opened fire on U.S. troops at a police station in Paktia province in eastern Afghanistan, killing an American soldier and wounding three other troops. U.S. forces then killed the policeman.
The shooting took place after American troops and Afghan police brought suspected militants to the station.
In Helmand, an airstrike killed several women and children, said Assadullah Sherzad, the provincial police chief.
Angry villagers brought 18 dead bodies — including badly mangled bodies of women and children — outside the governors house in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, said Haji Adnan Khan, a tribal leader in the city, who had seen the bodies.
Sherzad could not say how many people had died in the airstrike, which he said was launched by foreign troops.
NATO-led troops said they were investigating the claim.
The issue of civilian casualties at the hands of foreign troops has caused major friction between President Hamid Karzai and his U.S. and other Western backers.
i got this article at if i had to interview someone i would interview the policemen because i would want to know whats the motive for killing the u.s. troop. I would for troops to come back home. its time to end this
Jaime Sosa
current event 6
The economy was the dominant issue of the debate and acording to devate watchers obama won the devate. In the devate mccain attacked obamas prop in his position in taxes and acusing him of increasing taxes would only "spread wealth around". although polled said Obama was the stronger leader during the debate. By 48 points, they said Obama was more likeable. I think that it is up to the people to deside who is better and who ever is elected has to clean up bushes mess. but in my opinion both have promised too much and it is most likely that only 40% of what they are saying will be done. The economic system is falling apart and it will take a miracle to get us off problem. Who ever is elected makes no difference both are just trying tpo get the vote of the people by talking whtat the people want to hear and donmt speakj the truth because they know if they do they will not get the vote and only cause panic all around the US
I watched the devate and yes macain attacked obama when ever he could and he is not focusing in the question was and is loosing his people.While obama is taking advantage of that and by showing his nice face is winning the vote.He is making mccain look like a bitter old man.
if i was to interview one person it would be mccain and ask him why is he getting off topic and not focusing in what the real question is .
yash m
per 2
Prop 8:Facts vs. Fiction
Prop 8 would eliminate the right for same sex couples to get married. The Gay community opposes this proposition. they feel that since they pay taxes and and have loved ones and work and do everything else like other couples,they should have the right to marry. Many reasons why people are for Prop 8 is because Churches can lose their Taz exemptions, gay marriage can be taught in schools.
here are sum videos that may change your decision you be the judge
My opinion i think we should let gay people have the option of getting married. if thats there decision than thats there decision. we should not withold the right of marriage from anyone.
Black white gay lesbian. although many people have different moral values that dont necessarily agree with gay marriage we should let them live with the same freedom as we do.
If i was to interview someone else, o would interview A Gay couple and Lesbian couple. also a Democratic gay couple and a republican gay couple. Then interview political leaders. oh and that one gay gay that got caught playing footsies in the airport
Markeise Glenn
This article is about a formal assistant basketball coach from Beckman who had an unlawful sexaul relationship with a 15-year-old student. His name is Jonathon James Marsh, 19, and is being charged with unlawful sexual penetration of a minoe and one count of unlawful oral copulation of a minor. He is being convicted of 2 felony counts and can serve up to three years and eight months in state prison.
It happened in his apartment which means the girl wanted to because if she really didnt want to she wouldnt have showed up. I think situations like this are really pathetic. First of all because they both wanted to do it so its kind of unfair to the guy and second of all, why in the world would the guy get with her if the consequences are obvious.
If i was to interview anybody it would be both of them. the guy because i would like to see what was running through his head put his job on the line and getting with a little girl who might not be mature yet! the girl i would ask her whether she knew what she was doing.
Veronica D.
Period 2
LUIS R.-I am completely for gay marriage. I believe anybody should be able to marry their significant other. Theres nothing wrong with that. If your in love anybody should be able to marry whoever they want!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Residents file back in as LA fire fears diminish
(Wednesday, October 15, 2008)
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Residents of the San Fernando Valley breathed air free of smoke and ash for the first time in four days Wednesday under brilliant blue skies. Gone were the convulsive winds that at times reached gale force. Nowhere could Los Angeles police be found using bullhorns to order residents out of homes and away from deadly fires that have blackened more than 34 square miles and destroyed more than 50 homes.
The last evacuation orders for two big fire areas at opposite ends of the valley were lifted, though some locations were open just to residents. Some of those who returned found only rubble.
I thought this article was pretty interesting, because there’s hundreds of people who lost their homes because of the LA fire, this is sad, some says they cannot leave their houses because they didn’t know when they will be able to afford another one. They dwell in their homes for like couple of years and because of the Fire, they have to leave it just like that.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview some of their fellow people who had to evacuate from their homes to the evacuation center, and to live in a open crowded homes w/ people they don’t know. And to ask them what they need, or maybe I can help or donate some old clothes and things to them.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Veronica D. I agree with you. Maybe they really love each other and no one could ever gonna stop that. For a guy to sacrifice his job just to be with the 15 yr. old student, though he knew from the very start that he could be jailed/punished/fired because of that.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Luis R. - I’m not against Gay Marriage, as veronica said; ‘If your in love, anybody should be able to marry whoever they want!’ even if it is a dog. Go for it! We are living in a free country. No one could ever dictate us who to love and marry because we are the ones who’ll going to live with that person or animal, not them (those people who are against it).
Neslee O.
Period 2 staff and news service reports
updated 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
DETROIT - A retaliation shooting outside of a Detroit high school Thursday left one student dead and three others injured, police said.
Three boys and a girl, who was only 5 or 6 years old, were shot while walking home near Henry Ford High School on the city's northwest side, police said.
Detroit Police Chief James Barren told WDIV, an NBC News affiliate in Detroit, that the shooting was in retaliation to an incident that happened earlier in the day.
Barren said a gunman, using a high-powered rifle, drove by as the students were walking and fired shots.
A witness told WDIV that he heard at least 12 or 13 gunshots and then he saw one boy was shot in the eye. The injured boy ran up onto his front porch, the witness told the NBC affiliate.
"To see your friends getting their heads shot off like that … it's horrible," said Tierra McKelley, a student.
All of the children were transported to a local hospital, where their conditions were unknown.
well the stiry continus.Just knowing about the shooting just makes me realize how this person could sleep with that for the rest of their lives. Knowing that he killed and injured others. Whats crazy though is how do do all the highschool students get all theur weapons in the shool and the staff cant see it?? i mean this high powered riffle is big enough for people to see it.
Who i want to interview is the shooter himself.Talk about his reasons and what was the cause. Also ask him if he could live knowing he killed someone. HOw he got the weapon and why would they buy him one.
Jose V.
Per 2
After the third and final presidential debate the first thing that happened afterward were the comments and who they thought won the debate. But beside the comments, what’s interesting is hearing about who you think won and what others though won. On who doing the best job in the debate? 58% of the watcher said Obama and 31% said McCain. On who would do a better job in helping the economy? 59% said Obama and 41% said McCain. On who would do a better job on taxes? 56% said Obama 41% said McCain.
On who would do a better job on health care? 62% said Obama and 31% said McCain.
I agree with the reports of CNN because when I saw the debate I thought exactly the same as what the article says. McCain spent most of the time just attacking Obama.
If I were to interview some one outside the story it would be a common person that’s a republican to see what they thought about McCain.
Noemi S.
P. 5
This article was about a music teacher from an elementary school who had underwent gender reassignment surgery during the summer break. The parents of the students complained because they thought they had the right to know about the teachers surgery. The way they found out about it was from the students themselves. Twenty-three students have been transferred out of the teachers class.
I don’t think that it was any of the parents business about the whole surgery. If they had a problem with the teachers sex change then they should just take their kid out of the class like some parents did. He shouldn’t have to announce his business to the whole wide world.
I would have interviewed the teacher to see what he thought of the whole situation.
Skyye O.
Period 5
Markeise G.
I agree with you. People should marry whoever they want to marry. It shouldnt matter what anyone else says.
Skyye O.
Period 5
Veronica D.
I agree. They are both dumb because im pretty sure they both know the consequences.
Skyye O.
Period 5
summary: This article is about a man who was tasered off a building and passed away. His name was Iman Morales. This accident happened in Brooklyn on Wednesday, September 24.The police recieved a call about a man who was emotionally disturbed. He tried to flee by going out the windows, and going up to the next floor but could not. instead he went down until he jumped down onto the security gate which was still 10 feet from the sidewalk. The police officer that was on the sidewalk then use the taser and the man fell landing on his head and died. The police officer violated departmental guidelines.
analysis: this story is schocking especially the manner in which the man died. there is also the manner of the officer not knowing the department guidelines. that in itself is a scandel. how can the police department place a community under watch by someone who doesnt know how to play they game yet. that is plain ingnorance and negligence. if only this officer would have read and known the rules, this poor man's death would have been prevented.
interview: If I could interview anyone it would have to be the police officer. I would want to know what was running through his head when he did that. And whether he read all the rules or even made an effort to learn them.
elizabeth c
period 2,2933,438442,00.html
The article that I chose was about a transgender elementary school teacher that grabbed the attention of parents. She was a music teacher at Foxford elementary school in Vacaville, California. The parents heard this from second-hand information and were shocked. The parents complained that they weren't notified about the teachers gender reassignment surgery and they had the right to know that the teacher had her sex change. They had complained to the Travis Unified School District of not having them being notified about the teacher, but the school board had said that would violate privacy rules under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
I think that the parents should have just been notified because to most people a sex change is something that people think is shocking. On the other hand I also agree with the school board that its the privacy of the teacher in whether or not she wanted the parents to know that she is now a man.
I would want to interview the music teacher and ask her, now a he, that if he wouldn't mind on having the parents be notified about the sex change, rather than having it been heard like second-hand information.
Alexandra C.
Grandma With Five Dead Husbands Freed
A Georgia grandmother who came under suspicion because all five of her husbands had died was released Thursday from a North Carolina jail where she had been held on charges in one of their deaths. Betty Neumar, 76, posted $300,000 bond. She was being held on a muruder-solicitation charge.
Betty Neumar, 76, posted $300,000 bond late Thursday morning at the Stanly County jail, where she's been held since her arrest in May. Neumar is charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder in the 1986 death of husband No. 4, Harold Gentry. Prosecutors allege Neumar tried to hire three people to kill Gentry in the six weeks before his bullet-riddled body was found in his rural North Carolina home. Since her arrest, police in Florida and Ohio have begun to re-examine the deaths of her first child -- Gary Flynn -- and three of her other husbands, though she faces no charges in those cases. Georgia police recently closed their re-examination of the death of her fifth husband, John Neumar, saying they have no evidence she was involved. A message seeking comment was left Thursday with Neumar's attorney, Charles Parnell. He has said in the past that prosecutors have been using the other deaths to unfairly paint his client as a black widow. Sheriff Lt. Scott Williams, the lead investigator in the case, said he is surprised by Neumar's release. "We don't know where she came up with the money," he said, referring to Neumar's 2000 bankruptcy filing. Records show she and her late husband John Neumar owed $206,300 on 43 credit cards, and the bankruptcy filing allowed the couple to wipe away the debts. John Neumar's son, John K. Neumar, has said the money troubles surprised him because his father had no debt before he entered an almost 14-year marriage with Betty Neumar. Burr Bail Bonds, which Neumar used to post bail, did not return messages left at its Albemarle office
I think it is obvious something shady is going on with this lady. I think the police shouldn't even have given her the bail opportunity without more evidence that she had nothing to do with the deaths of her husbands. Even her son is dead! There is obviously something suspicious about this women, especially considering not one soul has an idea how and where she got the money to post bail since she is so much into debt. Simply, I just think this lady should still be locked up.
If I could interview someone I would interview her attorney. I would like to ask him what her side of the story is and of course where she got all of that money to post bail.
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
The article talk about that in a elementary school called Foxboro Elementary School in Vacaville, California,a music teacher change his sex. The problem whit this is that the parents are angry because nobody tells something about this. The change of sex of the teacher was made in the summer. The school district said that they're protecting the teacher, because is the law that the employer protect the employees. Many of the parents still angry because they thing that is must necessary know what kind of teachers teach to their children. At the moment 15 students were change of the music class.
This is a very hard theme, because the parents must what kind of teachers teach to their child, but the school must protect the teachers. This case is very card to analyze, because the two sides are right, but i really thing that the school is right, because, the law said, that the employer must protect their employees, but in this case, the personal opinion is the most important.
I want to talk whit the teacher of other school, to know what they thing about this, because they;re teachers to, and that happens to their, what are going to be the reaction.
Jorge G
Period 2
On Thursday October 16th a former legend in the Sumo world was accused of paying to win sumo bouts. On Thursday a former sumo wrestler accused former legend Kitanoumi of paying to win his matches. Titanium a former star in the sumo world, was revered as a great sumo. He reached the title of Yokozuna, and even served as head of the Japan Sumo Association. Former wrestler Keisuke Itai was reported saying that he took part in several of these fixed matches against Kitanoumi. A weekly magazine said that current Grand Champion Asashoyru was also accused of participating in fixed matches. The reputation of the ancient tradition of sumo wrestling has been ruined by this news.
I think that this article is a pretty controversial issue in the world of Japanese culture. Many Japanese citizens, and other people wishing to learn about Japan, know about the sport of Sumo Wrestling in Japan. They know that Sumo wrestling is one of the things people talk about when they talk about Japan. I’m guessing it’s a pretty big deal to people everywhere, and knowing that it is one of Japan’s oldest ongoing tradition makes this article pretty big news. At least to the people of Japan. But it took just this one article to ruin everyone’s perspective on how Sumo Wrestling, and Sumo wrestlers in Japan. I myself thought that Sumo wrestling was one of the oldest ongoing traditions in Japan that hasn’t been changed since ancient times. Though now my opinion of it has changed dramatically. Sumo’s are no longer cool.
If I were to interview someone who wasn’t there, I would interview Kitanoumi’s manager and ask him why he wanted Kitanoumi to pay to win. I think that having a reputation as a liar is worse than having a reputation as a loser. Because you can always win if you try, but once you cheat then you’ll always have that reputation associated with you.
Panda H
Period 5
elizabeth c
Umm I think that it probably wasn't the policeman's fault because the man was pretty much insane already. IN a crisis such as that anything could have happened. There was probably no time to call for help and the officer was probably trying to knock him out with the taser to put him under control.
Panda H
Period 5
This article is about CSU increasing applications and their inability to accept all applicants. This informs students that if they wish to apply to a CSU, they should hurry and turn in their application. Applicants have risen twenty percent since last year. Not only does this affect new freshman, but also graduate and transfer students as well. This can kind of be blamed on the current condition of the economy and the state budget crisis.
I thought this article informative, not only for me, but for many other students planning on applying to a CSU or UC. Thanks to governor Schwarzenegger and the failing government, getting into a CSU or UC, will be a little harder for students. I plan to apply to a CSU and reading this article motivated me to apply now, rather than wait until the last minute, like many students.
If I would to interview someone, I would interview the governor and ask him why he decided to take money away from the school's budgets. That is no fair for all the students in California. These students attending, or trying to apply to college, are the future. We should be helping all students to get into college, but with the budget cut, CSUs and UCs can only let in a limited amount of students.
Leslie M.
Luis R
I think that Brad Pitt and Steven Spielberg are idiots that just want to protect their own money, buy supporting their rich gay Hollywood buddies. Either that or maybe they are just secretly gay themselves? I'm going to be straight up with this, I just think they want to help out their gay rich friends so that they'll have their back later on when the U.S economy goes down even more. But, thats just what I think.
Panda H
period 5
This article is about why the Environmental Protection Agency cut the lead limit in the air by 90 percent. It went from 1.5 micrograms per cubic meter in 1978 to 0.15 micrograms. This article goes on to say that the level was more strict than what was recommended in May. It also said that the Bush administration “did not follow its own staff’s advice” when they set a new standard for smog and soot and they were less strict. They will start regulating in 2011 and try to find ways to reduce lead emissions. They said that “based on the air quality data collected from 2004-2005 as many as 14 counties in the U.S. could be in violation.”
I think that this will be good for us because its reducing the lead emissions in the air. We are lucky that we don’t live in a place like China, where their air quality is very bad. I think that this shouldn’t be hard because we do not use leaded gasoline to drive our cars anymore.
If I were to interview someone I would interview someone who is anti-environmentalist because I would want to hear their argument about how they do not want cleaner air.
Brianna H. Period 2,0,3188211.column
i saw this artle as i was goin thought he LA times page. it came to my attention as i was reading that this wasnt only another article on prop 8 but more of an article on what part of marriage grown ups should be worried for there kids example:
"students need marriage-ed. They need it because we're being taught to associate marriage not with permanent commitment but with social status, diamond rings, gifts, throwing a big party and, for women, wearing a dress that doesn't necessarily fit through the door. As a result, many teens of all sexual orientations (and many adults too) not only confuse sex with love, they confuse the long-term implications of marriage with the short-term gratification of wedding and honeymoon planning."
i agree 100% and even more with what this person said here! why? well its ovious that people are to busy being worried about gay peopl getting married that they dont stop and realize that what children should be taught at school is more of how life is when married because alot of times now-a-days people do look at marriange as a temporary thing marriage is a commitment and you shoulld never give up the first time somethigns goes wrong!
if i could interview any one it would most definetly be the person that wrote this article!
not only them but id also want to know what its is the candidates for the presidential elections think about this topic!!
diane segura
per 5
This is about the last presidential debate, the final round for undecided voter to make up their minds on this election
Well the debate was more exiting than the last one because Mc Cain attacked his opponent Sen. Obama. Sen. Mc Cain also said that Obama voted pro on taxing people that earned around $42,000. Although Obama said that fox said that it is a false statement, well remember he did voted. The TV media is not a good resource to get your information from. Obama said that he was going to keep same reforms as Precedent Bush and I like Mc Cain’s answers when he told him that if he wanted to run again bush he should have done that 4 years ago.
If I was to interview someone, these time would be the independent voters because they are the swing voters right now.
Andrea P
What this article talks about is the UN’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Activist around the world are organizing marches, rallies, and concerts for the event. The UN says that nearly half of the world’s population lives on less than 2$ a day. The UN is trying to address the situation by working towards the anti-poverty Millennium Development Goals. 43 million people participated in the anti-poverty day in support of the goals last year. Leaders of Brazil and India have warned that poor people should not be punished for the mismanagement of the rich. The credit crisis is bound to impact on the poor world as well. Vital wage remittances to the poor South American countries from Latinos working in the US are being adversely affected. One of the events for marking of anti-poverty day is to march through the Chilean capital, Santiago, and a concert in Singapore.
I think that what the UN is trying is great because it’s trying to help the people in need. I agree with what the two leaders of Brazil and India said. Poor people should not be punished for the mismanagement of the rich. I also think that money should be distributed more evenly. It’s not fair that the rich get richer and poor get poorer. That’s just not right.
I also think that more people should participate on the marches, rallies, and concerts. I thought that what the UN said about half of the people living on less than two dollars a day is kinda sad. More money should be given to them by their government. Even though anti-poverty day fell on the middle of a global financial crisis, people should still try and help out the poor.
If I was to interview anybody else, I would definitely interview some of the people that are living through the struggle. I would interview some of those people because I want to know what they think about the situation. Even though I know that they’re not very happy about it. I would also want to interview some of their leaders and ask them what they are doing to try and get rid of poverty. I also want to ask them how they feel about the situation.
Juan E.
Period 2
Two men posing as police officers kidnapped a 6-year-old boy in a drug dispute after entering his family's home and tying up his mother and her boyfriend, police said Thursday. An Amber Alert was expanded nationwide as police searched for Cole Puffinburger, who was taken wednesday, police said.
i think that when the real cops find out who this two men are. i think they should put them in prison for many year as punishment. poor little boy had to go through all of this. hes innocent and how in the world did these two men posed as police officers it seems impossible.
i would interview the people about what they think about the two men that kidnapped this little 6 year old boy.
Two men posing as police officers kidnapped a 6-year-old boy in a drug dispute after entering his family's home and tying up his mother and her boyfriend, police said Thursday. An Amber Alert was expanded nationwide as police searched for Cole Puffinburger, who was taken wednesday, police said.
i think that when the real cops find out who this two men are. i think they should put them in prison for many year as punishment. poor little boy had to go through all of this. hes innocent and how in the world did these two men posed as police officers it seems impossible.
i would interview the people about what they think about the two men that kidnapped this little 6 year old boy.
Edgar S.
this article talks about how Opec calls emergency meeting as oil prices go down. Oil prices dropped to about 70$ a barrel for the first time in 14 months. This happened Thursday. They established this meeting to establish some stability in prices that have plummeted recently after going up in price. They have gone down to about 40$ a barrel in just three weeks. A barrel in July was being traded at 145$. This happened because consumers have only paid less to fill up their tanks.
I think that it’s a good thing that oil prices have gone down because then our economy can be doing much better that what it is now. Because a barrel went down by a lot. This can help our economy
if I were to interview a person it would be someone who lived in the U.S. I would ask them what they think about the oil prices and if this is a good thing.
Jose C
Per 5
Juan E.- I think that it is nice that people are getting together and coming forward on helping out the poor. Usually its small organizations trying to get people to donate money for the poor, but it good to know that the UN made it a world wide issue.
-Stephanie B. per.2
Markeise G- I sort of agree with you. I support every gay couple who loves each other and wants to get marry only by law though. I dont agree with the couples who would like to get marry under god because to god marrige is about a man and a women.
-Stephanie B. Per2
Noemi S. - I agree that Obama won the debate because he is not like McCain whos strategy is to say the negative things about Obama. Obamas at least address the topics.
-Stephanie B. Per2
Diane S: I agree with your article. That we should worry more about the youth and the way they see marriage. Instead of worring more about gay marriage. Witch is also important.
Luis R.
Juan E: I really liked your article about the UN trying to help the poor people. We need something like that because some of our plans have not worked.
Luis R.
Andrea P
the devate was intense and up to today all i hear from both sen. is void promises that maybey if they are electyed as pres of the US 40% of what they have said will actualy be done. WHo ever runs this country after Bush has a lot of work to do and has to come up with a plan on saving the american economy. It will take a miracle to get the US off this mess that BUsh with his bad decisions has nearly destroyed the economic system and the lives of families which sons and daughters fighting in war.
jose c - i agree with you. it's a good thing that the oil prices are going down.
brianna h. per 2
skkye o
i agree with you because teachers don't have to tell everyone everything about them
brianna h per 2
jorge G.--- your article talks about an elementary school teacher that change his sex which is incorrect because most of the children that he teaches will think bad stuff about him and i cant believe the school supports that person instead the whole school board should make him change or fire him out of the school. that person will make their school look bad.
Edgar S.
luis R.--- your article talks about gay marrige and this thing has been going around for many years already and i think this should stop because gay marriage doesnt look good for many people. there always will be people that are against and for gay marrige.
Edgar S.
Luis R.- I think that everybody has a right in this country or some sort of right. I think if two guys want to go get married, let them. Who are we to say they can't get married. It does have to be tough for a child who has two fathers or two mothers, but if they grow up with that, then it grows on them. I'm not against gay marriage, but it shouldn't be taught in schools.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
yash m- I have to agree on what you are saying. Both of the candidates are promising too much. They will never do 100% of what they say. They are just saying what the people want to hear. I believe whoever becomes president, they need to get America's act together and fix what Bush did.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
Skyye O.- I have to agree with you on that. It shouldn't matter if the teacher underwent a sex change, it's the teacher's personal life. It's not like it is cutting into the learning of the students. People need to stop being assholes and mind their own buisness and transfer their child out of the class. I don't think it is fair that they put him on the spot like that.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
Jose C- It is a good thing that the price of gas is going down. With our economy all screwed up right now, it's hard to pay for anything. Everything has gone up, Food, Supplies, Gas. We need something more reasonable.
Joshua C.
Luis R.
-I am for gay marriage because
every straight couple marries because they're in love, why not gay couples? There's nothing wrong with gay marriage. I believe they should have as much right as any other straight couple.
Leslie M.
Current Event #6
This article is about who is lying in the proposition 8 campaign. Lately a television ad has been appearing, showing the fact that gay marriage will be taught in public schools if the people do not support proposition 8. Strong christian believers and others who oppose the idea of having gay marriages in California has spent millions of dollars to have this advertisement aired. The commercial is about a kid showing a book called " king and king." The book is about a prince who marries another prince and includes an illustration of the two men kissing. The No on 8 campaign has purchased $1.25 million dollar to run an ad in response to that commercial to persuade voters that it is a lie and it will not affect teaching in schools which is another lie. After the ad was aired it became ironic because a first grade public school in San Francisco was taken on a field trip to a lesbian wedding at City Hall. School officials was quoted "they wished to provide their five and six year old students a "teachable moment." If proposition 8 does not pass, this means school will be allowed to teach diversity in marriages.
I think that the desperateness of the gay supporters of No on proposition 8 made this lie to raise money for their campaign because they know they are losing in the poll. They are aware that if people realize that gay marriages will be taught in school they will vote for prop. 8 which is bad in their case. It is also unfair for the straight voters that are against prop. 8 who are just supporting gay marriages to suffer from the fact that their kids will have the knowledge of being able to marry the same sex. I would interview a seven year old on gay marriage and see what they would have to say on this.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
Luis R- well i dont really care if they get married or not but wat i think is stupid is if prop 8 does pass that they are going to start teaching this to kids at schools. i think this law shouldnt pass.
Jose C
Per 5
George G- i think that the teacher should have at least told somebody wat he did and not live a lie. if i were a parent i would also be mad.
JOse C
Per 5
neslee o.- i think its really sad that people have to evacuate their house like that especially because the economy is so bad.
Veronica D.
Period 2
edgar s.- how can people have the guts to do that. i agree with you they deserve a real punishment for that. poor little boy!
i really don't care it dosent affect my life or any in my family and it really dosent botherc ne in any way BUT 2 GIRLS KISSING IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!
Miguel F.
per. 5
ok. so apairently Obama is going and visiting his very sick grandmuther (Madelyn Dunham) in HAWAII and is very concerned.
I have reason to beleave that he is lying about this. I decided to surch her name on I found some very interesting results. first of all.... i found a picture of Obama with a very proper white woman who is as pail as the sand on the island it self. then i forund something even more interesting. i found a different picture of him and his grandma in Africa. in this picture she appears to be a rather large black lady. coincedence,,, I DONT THINK SO.
web pages with the pics.
ps..... that was Jamie Per.5/7
Ravid Y.
I think the way the christians are going about this is wrong. I think that we should rewrite the prop. so that it wont get any special rights. normal marrage doesnt get special rights, so gay marrage shouldnt get special rights eather.
Jamie Frey
Markets Glenn. - I agree with you. Gay Marriage should be legalized. I mean gay people should have an option who to marry. Right? they're paying taxes and stuff and should have some rights.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Markets Glenn. - I agree with you. Gay Marriage should be legalized. I mean gay people should have an option who to marry. Right? they're paying taxes and stuff and should be given some rights.
Neslee O.
Period 2
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