Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
Skylar Deleon was found guilty and has been charge for three counts of first degree murderers. In 2004 Tom and Jackie Hawks were tied to an anchor and thrown from their yacht. Deleon befriended the Hawks into telling them he was interested in buying the yacht. His third victim was his accomplice who he later killed in Mexico after he gave Deleon $50,000. On Wednesday Deleon faces the same jury who convicted him to see if he will get the death penalty.
It is sad to know there are people who are mean and have no heart. The Hawks seem to be nice people and led Deleon and his family into the ship for dinner. Deleon saw this opportunity to rob them and even had the gut to kill them both even after they open them to their yacht as friends.
I cannot imagine what the Hawks went through in their last minutes stuck to an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. No one deserves to die in such an inhumane way. For the same reason I don’t think that Deleon deserves the death penalty and should pay for his acts until he dies in jail.
I would interview his wife because she was part of this act too. How could she have the courage to go along with her husband knowing what he was about to do. She has a family just like the Hawks did too.
Stephanie B. Per2
who is grandma toot?
obama campaign announced monday that he is taking a few days off to go visit is ailing grandmother. madelyn dunham,in hawaii. she is 85.she practically raised obama while obamas mother studied abroad.
he would win the democratic nomination for president. obama said that night was for her.
obama told his fans that his grandma made him for who he is today. which is nice fo him. i mean i know grand parents are always the one who will treat you right and would do anything in the world to make us proud.
i would love to interview obamas grandma she sound like a cool grandma and would be nice to meet her and ask her about obamas life.
iolanda e
stephanie b i agree the fact that the wife went along with that. i mean what kind of wife she is i mean they dont have no feelings for does nice people who just let them in there yacht. i mean they should think maybe the hawks family have people who loved them like their parents,kids, and friends. i mean who would do such a harm crime. i feel bad for the hawks family nobody deserves to die like this. they must have suffer down at deep ocean trying to get some airs. this is a bad death i mean this situations we should never allow strangers or someone who we dont know in our property. i think the killer should get alife sentenced to death he doesnt deserve life. he took lives of other people.
i would interview the men who killed the hawks and would make him feel quilty for what he had done.
iolanda e
current event 7http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2008/09/the-election-an.html
This article was about the crisis of the stock market and what is Mccains point of view on this issue. it shows sattistics from the past on the Dow Jones industrial average that has posted average annual gains of 19.5%, according to the Stock Trader’s Almanac, which tracks stock market trends and tendencies. That compares with an average annual gain of 8.7% for the entire 1949-2007 period. the only problem iss that it looks like that is not going to happen this year.
in my opinion The stock market is at its worse at this time t6he market has gone through ups and downs and up to this day it keeps getting worse. And who ever is elected as the new president of the US has a ot of work to do an try to save the american economy. if i were to interview some one it would be McCain and ask him what are ghis plans to rise the economy. How is he going to manage to save the stock market to crash once agian like it did over 30 years ago. Is he going to rise taxes if elected as president will he keep his promises that he has been repeating over and over again.
yash m
Current Event #7
This article is about what John McCain’s plans are for healthcare. McCain states that it will be more affordable, more choices and, more security for the people with the healthcare. He wants to give the patients the control over healthcare and not to the company. He is also going to lower the taxes so more people can have affordable healthcare. He also wants for the people that have healthcare should follow them from job to job.
I liked this article because it shows the goals that our future president has for Healthcare. Which is very important to the whole country. I liked the fact that he wants to help the people that can’t afford it by lowering taxes and giving money back to them. Also how he is trying to improve the walk-in clinics and give it more medicine and have more doctors.
If I could interview I would interview I would ask a person that can hardly afford health insurance. I would ask them how they felt about McCain’s new Healthcare plan. Also if they believe it will work and if they think that this plan will help them pay their health insurance.
Luis R.
This article is about scotch tape’s ability to emit X-Rays. It was a surprising discovery. They said that if you peel the tape in a vacuum chamber, it will emit X-rays. About 50 years ago, a Russian scientist noticed that there was evidence of X-rays when you peeled the tape off of glass. Because of the new research, they found out that you can get a lot more X-rays than what the Russian scientist had. A physicists named Juan Escobar said that you can get a lot of power just from peeling the tape. Escobar goes on to say that this discovery can lead to a cheaper way of making X-ray machines where the electricity is expensive or hard to get. He says that you can create a machine similar to peeling tape but powered with human power. They say that you can only get the X-rays in a vacuum chamber because there are no X-rays in the presence of air.
I think this article is interesting because this discovery can lead to a more inexpensive way of making X-rays by using scotch tape. I also found it interesting that scotch tape emitted X-rays. I found it funny that if you peel tape in a vacuum chamber, you’ll have X-rays and that when there’s air around, nothing will happen to you.
If I were to interview someone, I would interview want to interview one of the physicist that made this discovery because they would provide a more in depth explanation of how and why ordinary scotch tape emits X-rays.
Brianna H. Period2
My current event was on what Barack Obama thinks on the education issue. He believes that he can do a much better job on truelly stating the "no child left behind" reamrk by providing high-quality teachers for the students. One of the ways he will help people have a higher education is by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that will give the first $4,000 of a college educationon completley free. The credit will also cover two-thirds the cost of tuition a the public college or university and therefore make community college tuition free for most students. Obama supports bilingual students and so for the english language learners he will have schools accountable for make sure these students complete school.
I would want to interview senetor Barak Obama to ask him more about the education issue.
I think that Obama knows what he is doing in this presidential election. He is prepared in most of the ways to help people have a higher education.
Alexandra C.
http:// news.aol.com/article/lonely-bachelor-gorilla-seeks-mate/222471
Lonely gorilla seeks mate:
The 36 year old silverback gorilla, Polo, is still single after an eight year search for a mate. I picked this article because I found it a little funny, but sad as well. They have tried everything to find a mate for him. " we have written letters to all major zoos in the world. We have tried everything." said Vinjay Ranjah Singh, the director of Mysore Zoo. Polo was sent to Mysore from Dublin Zoo in 1995, and he has been lonely since 2000, since his mate, 46 year old Sumanthi, died.
The zoo does not want to send him abroad because he is the only gorilla in India. Him being alone could cause a lot of psychological and emotional harm that they can't provide. i believe that they should send him to another zoo where there is a female gorilla. I know that he is India's only gorilla, but keeping him there alone is really selfish. They must want him to be lonely.
I would interview the gorilla to hear his intake on what he feels to be lonely. I would also interview the director of the zoo.
Joshua C.
Per. 5
This article is about a 17-year-old boy, Milad Mouyali, who is facing one felony count of murder and one misdemeanor count of driving without a license. In the city of Tustin, he was driving one of his friends, 16-year-old Mackenzie Frazee, home from a party at more than 100 miles per hour. He had an alcohol level at .11. When he was driving he lost control of the car and slammed into a light pole splitting the car in half! Mackenzie died and he walked away with cuts and bruises. If convicted he could spent the rest of his life behind bars.
I think this is a really sad story especially because they were so young. Only if us teenagers could make better choices. Its sad to know that just because he wanted to have a little fun he lost one of his friends.
If i could interview anybody it would have to be her mom to see where she was at at that time and if she knew her daughter was at a party.
Veronica D.
Period 2
This article is about the amount of job losses around the country. They say that about 478,000 people claimed unemployment checks this week and that it will rise if the government doesn't do something about the falling economy. "Chrysler LLC said it would cut 1,825 jobs and Xerox Corp. said it plans to eliminate 3,000 positions, or about 5% of its work force." That is a lot of people getting fired because of the economy. This article is related to American Gov't because of how the government is dealing with this issue.
I think that the government isn't doing anything on the matter because they want to see how each of the presidential candidates can solve this problem. The government doesn't want to take responsibility for their actions. They could have voted against George W. Bush. They didn't because at the time the senate was full of republicans that liked Bush.
If I could interview anyone, I would interview someone who is on the senate. I would ask why did they allow Bush to keep soldiers in Iraq. Obviously it's a bad idea to keep killing soldiers that fight for this country, especially if we want to keep a strong military. No one will want to join the military if they keep sending troops to Iraq.
Daniel S.
Per. 5
Yosh M.- I agree with you. The stock market hasn't been this low since the 1930s. If this keeps up and McCain can't deliver what he promised, then this country, possibly the world, will go in a deep state of panic that will take a long time to recover and that is what we don't want.
Daniel S.
Period 5
Josh C.- I agree, India must be selfish to keep Polo alone. They should just him to a zoo with a female gorilla. At least he wouldn't be lonely, and he could reproduce with a female gorilla, so that his species doesn't die with him.
Daniel S.
Period 5
The school is charged with the responsibility of educating the child, and must have the resources and management authority to deliver on that responsibility. They must also report to the parents and the public on their progress.
The deplorable status of preparation for our children, particularly in comparison with the rest of the industrialized world, does not allow us the luxury of eliminating options in our educational repertoire. John McCain will fight for the ability of all students to have access to all schools of demonstrated excellence, including their own homes.
No Child Left Behind has focused our attention on the realities of how students perform against a common standard.
My article is about John McCain's plan on education. According to McCain knowledge the school is held responsible for the childs safty and the responsibility of educating that child. The school is also held accountable for giving the parents and public reports on how the school and children are doing.
John McCains plan fights for No Child Left Behind. Meaning that children will be chanllenged and that he will no longer accept low standards from our schools.
If I were to interview someone it would be Palin. I would ask her what her opinion is and see how hers relates to John McCain's and also see how it differs.
Jordan A.
Period 2
A suspected US missile strike has killed at least eight students at a religious school in north-western Pakistan. The school, in North Waziristan, is close to the residence of a fugitive Taleban leader Jalaluddin Haqqani. Early on Thursday at least two missiles hit the school by pilotless US drones. The Pakistani army is investigating the incident,but the US has made no comment. The attack comes hours after the Pakistani parliament unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the government to defend its sovereignty and expel foreign fighters from the region. Local people have said that most of the injured were local students at the seminary. Taleban and al-Qaeda fighters use North Waziristan and other tribal areas to launch attacks in Afghanistan. 80 people have been killed in a number of suspected US missile strikes in South and North Waziristan region over the past month. The United States rarely confirms or denies such attacks. Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has said he will not tolerate violations of his country's territory.
I believe that wherever the misseles came from, weathere it was the US's or not, it shouldn't happen. Maybe they didn't try to hit the inocent civilans, but they did and that should not be tolerated. If the US is going to try and target Talebans and al-Qaeda members they should make sure that they hit the right people. Innocent religious childrean at a school should not pay for someone else's mistake.
They can't just bomb a school and say it was an accident. They can say sorry, but that's not going to change anything. It won't bring back the innocent from the dead. I just shouldn't happen at all. Over 80 dead in the area over the last month by US missile air strikes is nothing to be proud of. The innocent should not be bombed on. Especially religious kids at school. That's just not right.
At the site there's a video of how it looks after the incident, everything is destroyed and dead bodies are present. If I was to interview someone else, I would interview the person that called for the attack. I would tell him that he's an idiot. I would ask him why he would do such a thing. I would also tell him to be more accurate with who he targets. This ain't a game.
Juan E.
Period 2
Stphanie B.- Reading your article gave me the shivers. It is horrifieing to know that someone would do such a thing to rob someone of their Yacht. He could have just taken the damn thing and been off with it but he had the nerve to tie both the Hawks, husband and wife to an anker and toss them overboard. I agree with you and deffinatly agree that the death penalty is putting it way to nice and that he should die the same inhumanly death that he put the Hawks though.
Jordan A.
Veronica D.- It is sad on how much we are warned not to drive under the influence of alcohal and still people take advantage of it. It's not so much as for driving without a lisciens but for this boys mistake on driving drunk that his life is now ruined he will have to live the rest of his life knowing he killed someone for his bad desition.
Jordan A.
Period 2
Woman, 3 children killed in Mich. house fire.
HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. (AP) — Fire killed a woman and three children in a home without electricity or gas service early Wednesday and spread to four other houses, three of them vacant, fire and city officials said. A space heater is believed to have caused the blaze, Highland Park firefighter Ryan Clark said. The temperature around the time of the fire were in the upper 30s. The fire is being treated as accidental, Clark said. The officials confirmed the deaths but would not identify the victims. Family members identified them as Josephine Dale, 51, great-aunt of Orlando Glover, 10; Zeryha Dale, 8; and Melvin Turner, 5. They were among eight people living in the house. The children, all students at Robert E. Barber School of the Gifted & Talented in Highland Park, were asleep in an upstairs bedroom when the fire broke out at about 3:30 a.m. Investigators blame a space heater the family was using to keep warm.
It's one of the poorest communities in the state. It's very, very sad, i believe this was a horrible story and i bless all them who died ..and there now in a better place. I know God had his arms around them.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview some of their neighbors. How come they didn’t heard the victims, asking for help.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Veronica D- I agree with you. We, young drivers should know how to obey rules and shouldn’t drive with alcohol because we don’t know where & what can alcohol would lead us into.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Recently Venezuelans president, Hugo Chavez, told the television on late Monday that he will not be attending this upcoming UN meeting. For the reason of him having a busy agenda in Venezuela. Instead Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro will go in his place.
I think that’s not true about him having a busy agenda. I think that he just doesn’t want to attend the meeting, maybe because he wants to feel superior then the other presidents. Or maybe he wants the other presidents to wonder about him and about his plans.
If I were to ask someone about what they think about this I would ask another president who is attending this meeting. If they think he really is busy or just doesn’t want to go.
Noemi S.
Stephanie B - This is sad...if he is so cold hearted that he would rob & kill them after the Hawks led him into their yacht for dinner . Sometimes people have a strange desire to kill and you can't make that go away.
Neslee O.
Period 2
The article is short, but very funny, is about the John McCain brother, Joe McCain. Joe called to 911, to said that is a machine blocking the street, but when the operator asked about the nature of the accident, Joe hang up, next the operator send a voice mail to Joe phone, explain that the 911 is only for emergencies, not for jokes
This is funny, because is the brother of John, and only little thing that the John make bad, can affected the campaign of he. Is important that in this moment the family don't do things bad, or jokes like this
I want to interview John, to know what he thing about his brother and know which was the reaction of he
Jorge G
Period 2
HealthDay News) -- People who eat quickly and until they're full are three times more likely to be overweight than others, a Japanese study says.
For the research, 1,122 men and 2,165 women, ages 30 to 69, filled out a diet history questionnaire about their eating habits, which revealed that 50.9 percent of men and 58.4 percent of women said they ate until they were full, while 45.6 percent of men and 36 percent of women said they ate quickly.Those who said they ate quickly and until they were full had a higher body mass index (BMI) and total energy intake, and were three times more likely to be overweight than those who didn't eat until they were full and didn't eat quickly.
I think that people should eat their food slowly and chew well before swallowing, and also watch what their eating too. If they do that then they won't have any problem of having a high BMI. If i were to interview anyone, it would be the people who filled out the questionnaire and ask them why they eat so fast.
Randy O.
Period 2
McCain, and Obama both target President Bush!!
McCain and Obama both fianlly found something that they could both talk about and it was never the less our president George Bush! they both atacked him and on how the econonmy has become and what it has become!each candidate attempted to link the other to the economic policies of the unpopular president.
"Barack Obama's only answer is to double-down on the Bush administration's legacy of out-of-control spending, raise taxes on small businesses, impose mandates on employers and raise trade barriers -- a time-proven recipe for turning tough economic times into terrible economic circumstances," McCain said in a written statement.
i honestly feel that its pretty interesting on how both presedential candidates can talk about our president!but yet again i stoop and realize that one of them would become that in the future! well at least there is something that they can both talk about and have some what of the same ideas against president bush!
if i could interview anyone it would be the presedenatial candidates and try and figure out what else they feel about george bush!
-Diane Segrua!
This story is about a 43 year old Japanese woman who committed a "virtual" murder. This woman plays a game called "MapleStory." If you dont already know what maplestory is, it's a worldwide multiplayer game where you can talk to your friends and fight against monsters and such. "I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. that made me so angry," was the official quote from the woman. She was jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data. The woman signed on to the mans account then killed his avatar(the character in the game)
She has not been formally charged, but if convicted she would face a prison term of up to five years or a $5,000 fine.
From all of the funny articles i try to find, this one takes the cake. Taking a game to a personal level is just plain stupid in my opinion. It's not like this woman actually loved the guy who she was married to in the game...because well, ITS JUST A GAME!
Another reason why i find this funny is because of the age of the woman who was arrested. This lady is 43 years old and shes playing videogames. And i thought 40 year old virgin was just a movie. I think these people should get off the computer and get a life!
if i were to interview someone, i would interview the guy who divorced the woman. If he is the same age as the woman, then i would ask him why hes playing this game and tell him the same thing about getting a life. If he is some teenager that was pretending to be an older guy, then i wouldn't be surprised! Its the internet and people shouldn't take anything they see on the internet personal!
Jeremy T.
Period 5
Title:Woman says attack linked to McCain bumper sticker
A Pennsylvania woman told police she was attacked at an ATM in Pittsburgh by a robber who became angry when he saw a John McCain bumper sticker on her car. Public Information Officer Diane Richard said police cannot substantiate her story. Richard said the 20-year-old told investigators a man approached her Wednesday night at an ATM in the city's East End, put a blade to her neck and demanded money. She gave him $60 and stepped away from him. But the woman said the man "became very angry" when he noticed her car had a bumper sticker supporting McCain. The woman said he punched her in the back of the head, knocked her to the ground and "continued to punch and kick her while threatening her. "Before he left, the woman said, he carved the letter "B" into her face with a knife. Yet, what the "B" indicates is unknown. The attacker fled on foot. The woman, who is not from Pittsburgh, refused medical attention, although she told the investigating officer she would see a doctor Thursday. There is no update on her condition. The woman described her attacker as a dark-skinned African-American, 6 feet 4 inches tall, with a medium build and short dark hair, wearing dark clothing and shiny shoes. McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker told CNN that McCain and running mate Sarah Palin "spoke to the victim and her family after learning about the incident earlier this afternoon. The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama responded to the report with a statement saying, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."
If what this woman says is true, I think this is a very sad situation. I think it is unnecessary to turn to violence to express an opinion. I think if this man's further actions from the robbery were a consequence of anger from a McCain bumper sticker, than I think he is giving Obama supporters a negative connotation. I am very curious to discover what the "B" carved in her face stands for. Is it for Barack? Who knows...I also wonder if it is true that both representatives' spokespeople contacted the victim. For some reason I highly doubt they would take the time to listen to what happened to this girl, much less ask someone who works for them to take the time to contact her. Overall, I am just curious how much any of this is true!
If I could interview someone I would want to interview Senator Barack Obama. I would like to know what he would say to this apparent supporter of his if this violent attack truly is backed by a bumper sticker of his opponent.
Luanny Barquero
Period 7
This article is made up of many other I recourses from different websites but all of them talk something about Iraq or Afghanistan. It talks about oil and war and a bunch of stuff like that. It is interesting that mc Cain is more interested in loosing an election instead of the war.
John Mc Cain wants to restore or help the Iraqis because is not that they can’t by themselves but it is because there still terrorism not only in Iraq there is also terrorism in other countries. Even though a lot of people thinks we are in Iraq or other middle eastern countries is for oil not our top five providers are Canada, Sudiarabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria. He is not really o n favor of war in Afghanistan but he wants to keep an eye in both of those countries I think because they are really close to Iran and since Iran doesn’t really like the USA well you have to make the point.
If I had the chance to interview someone would be the soldiers at Iraq and ask them if THEY think it worth it.
Andrea P 5
This article was about Simpler and Fair Taxes.
John McCain wants to keep tax rates low and thinks that entrepreneurs should not be taxed into submission, because they are at the heart of American innovation, prosperity and growth. Entrepreneurs are the ones that create ultimate job security which is a new, better opportunity if someone’s job goes away. John McCain will maintain the 15 percent rates on dividends and capital gains, and phase out the Alternative Minimum Tax, while keeping the top tax rate at 35 percent. Raising taxes on small businesses hurts every worker.
John McCain wants to cut corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%, because a lower tax rate is essential to keeping good jobs in the U.S. Before, America was a low tax business environment, but trade partners lower their rates and America failed to keep up. America now has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, which makes other companies not want to do business with us. John McCain believes that American workers deserve the chance to make great products here and sell them around the world.
John McCain if elected president will allow first-year deduction, or “Expensing”, of equipment and technology investments. For American workers to compete they need the best and finest technologies. Expensing of technology and equipment will benefit capital expenditures and reward investments in cutting-edge technologies.
John McCain will establish permanent tax credit equal to 10% of wages spent on R&D. This new reform will reward activity in the U.S., simplify the tax code, and make us more competitive with other countries. When companies need to be more competitive, we need to provide a permanent incentive to innovate, and remove the uncertainty. A permanent credit will provide an incentive to innovate and will remove uncertainty that is now hanging over businesses as they make R&D investment decisions.
John McCain wants to ban internet taxes because he believes Americans must make a robust, farsighted and fervent commitment to innovation and new technologies to keep up with our global competitiveness. We will also achieve less costly and more effective health care, meet our national security challenges, reduce dangerous dependence on foreign oil, and raise the quality of education in the U.S. McCain has done a great job in being a leader in keeping the Internet free of taxes. If elected president, he will seek a permanent ban on taxes that threaten internet. John McCain will also ban any new cellular telephone taxes.
Senator Barack Obama stated in his speech in Wisconsin, “In the end, this economic agenda won't just require new money. It will require a new spirit of cooperation and innovation on behalf of the American people. We will have to learn more, and study more, and work harder. We'll be called upon to take part in shared sacrifice and shared prosperity.” Sounds great but is it really? When Senator Barak Obama said new money he is talking about your hard earned money. Barak Obama has proposed a couple of hundred billion dollars in new government spending and also with tax increases. Obama also sponsored the “Global Poverty Act.” This bill will make the U.S. commit to the U.N. declared goal that industrial countries should spend 0.7% a year of their gross domestic product on foreign aid. So, over the next ten years that would work out to about $850 billion. Obama doesn’t only want to raise taxes on people making over $250,000 a year and terminate the $102,000 wage cap on Social Security taxes; he wants to add on another trillion dollars in taxes to pay for dramatically increased foreign aid.
On the other hand Senator John McCain believes taxes should be low, simple, and fair and he has a track record of keeping up with these principles. McCain believes that hard-working American families need lower taxes and he will permanently repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax. This is a tax that will be paid by 25 million class families. By John McCain repealing this tax it will save middle class families nearly $600 billion in a single year. Under Mccain, a Middle class family with children on average will save over $2,700.
Zachary P.
Period 2
http://www.johnmccain.com/splash32615.htm http://www.johnmccain.com/Issues/JobsforAmerica/taxes.htm
Luanny B.- I think it is horible and stupid of that person to go to such drastic mesures over a bumper sticker and i fell bad for that poor lady. Stuff like that brings a bad name to Obama supporters.
-Zach P.
Per. 2
This article talks about how Unemployment is rising faster than unexpected, and telling economists that on Thursday is the worst is yet to come. The Labor department announced that Goldman Sachs, Chrysler and Xerox all announced that they were cutting workers by the thousands. The government said new applications for unemployment insurance rose 15,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 478,000, above analysts' estimates of 470,000. Jobless claims above 400,000 are considered a sign of recession.
I think that this is a really bad thing that is going on right now in the United States. Many people are loosing jobs due to the economy and something must be done to help these people out. It would be a scary thing to enter a recession. The government should do something to stop this crisis and to help get people there jobs back.
If I were to interview a person it would be someone from the white house. I would ask them if they knew the president was doing something to help the people and make our economy better.
Jose C
Per 5
Jeremy T- I think you article was hilarious and can't believe that these people get so into a video game and I can't belive she might be charged 5,000 dollars or 5 yrs. in prision.
-Zachary P.
This article is about the consequence lying ahead of a 23 year old, Yandire Garcia, who is charged of manslaughter of her 14 year old brother. Her young brother was tagging with two other boys, when they jumped into the back of his sisters truck. The 14 year old boy died after falling off the back of the moving truck and hit his head. After this incident, Garcia fled from the scene, making this also a hit and run charge. She called others who were still at the scene to get information on her brother's condition. She is still being held held in the Anaheim police station.
I believe this would have never happened if the boy and his friends weren't tagging to start with. They shouldn't have even been sitting in the back of the truck. Although it is sad, it sadly happened.
I would interview the parents and ask them if the knew what their children were up to. The boy's sister shouldn't had been their in the first place. In a way she was encouraging his tagging. The parents should be checking on their kids and asking where they are and what they are doing, instead of just letting their kids go off and do whatever they want.
Leslie M.
Alexandra C- i think you are right about Obama caring about education. Education is the future for everyone and even the country.
-stephanie B. per2
Zachary P- well i think that is good that senator McCain wants to lower taxes, but what about the money who we are going to pay later for the war in Iraq? no matter what we still going to pay the federal government with lower taxes or not!
-stephanie B. per2
Juan E.: I agree with you Juan that something like that should not happen. Over a liilte mistake form the army from any country lives were lost.
Luis R.
Diane Segrua: I really liked your article. I liked the fact that both of our presidental canidates are trying to prevent the error that Bush did. That is what I really liked about ur article.
Luis R.
A mccain volunteer faked her report to the police of being attack by a black man because he saw the republican bumper sticker on her car, after lying she was charged for lying to the cops and send to prison.
i cant believe how far people are willing to go damn this is insane a women lied about being attack by a black man to the cops just so she can make the other candidate look bad. but hey after all her little plan didnt work at all.
i would ask that woman what in the world were you thinking when you did this,but first i heard that she told the cops she had mental problems in the past in which i dont believe because she didnt look like one. then i would ask her family about what they'll think about her.
Edgar S.
Zachary p--- your article talks about both candidates. on one part in obamas policy about health care, he talks about making health care more affordable for all kinds of people and also if you like your current health insurance, nothing changes except your costs will go down by as much as 2500 dollars a year.
Edgar S.
Randy O.--- your article talks about people eating a lot of food like over three times a day which its dangerous because theses kind of people that do this could die because they are all pushing their stomach limits if i was them i wouldnt even bother to eat that much i dont know why they would do this to themselves knowing that this is risky for them but hey its their body and health.
Edgar S.
joshua c.
i agree with you because it's sad that the gorilla is lonely. they should at least bring another gorilla to keep him company or send him to another zoo.
Brianna h.
period 2
Edgar S- your article is funny because people would actually do crazy stuff if they really believe in what they are doing. i think the woman did it because she saw a black man and obama is half black so it might have been psychological.
Brianna H.
Period 2
Stephanie B.- I agree with you thats really sad. I dont know how people could do that. People do not deserve to die like that!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Neslee O.-I think its really sad how that happened especially in such a poor country.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Jorge G.-I think thats funny but im sure that he just did it to get attention!!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Jeremy T.-I agree with you this is stupid and funny at the same time.i cant believe she took it to that level!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Edgar S.-I dont understand why someone would do that. thats so stupid. why would someone want to hurt themselves. Its most likely that she did it for attention.
Veronica D.
Period 2
luis R- its a good thing that If mcCain wins he is going to make healthcare more affordable and people will have more benifits.And also because he wants to lower taxes.
Jose C
Per 5
Jordan A- i agree with Mccain on the education plan. its a good thing that McCain is fighting for education so thAT KIDS WILL HAVE A GOOD ONE.
Neslee O.
I agree.
Jamie F.
Stephanie B.
i agree completly. they didn't disurve that. he on the other hand desurves everything that will be comming to him in jail.
jamie f.
Juan E. - You’re article was pretty sad. Bomb a school and said it was just an accident. Unbelievable! They should be punished to death.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Edgar S. - How mean! how could that lady Lied to the cops and thinking that they will going to believe her. She deserves to be in prison or in mental institute maybe.
Neslee O.
Period 2
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