Monday, October 27, 2008

Current Event #8

Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:

1. The link to the article (example:,
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)

NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit


Anonymous said...

ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — Smoking will be permitted again in the city’s 11 casinos for at least the next year, as the City Council voted Monday night to overturn a temporary smoking ban that took effect 12 days ago.

Mayor Scott K. Evans signed the measure minutes after the vote. It will take effect Nov. 16, when the casinos will revert to a previous arrangement permitting smoking on no more than 25 percent of a casino floor.

Casino workers were divided over the smoking ban. Some at Monday’s meeting chanted, “Save our lives!” while others shouted, “Save our jobs!”

The Council acted after casinos cited the worsening economy and revenue that had already been declining because of stiff competition from slot machine parlors in neighboring states.

I think that the casinos should only allow smoking in a tiny portion of the casino. The people that dont mind smoking can serve in that portion, while the non-smokers can serve in a different section.

jamie f.

Anonymous said...

The United States' consumer confidence fell drastically in October as the financial crisis weighed on American household budgets. Last month's decline brings the index to its lowest level since its inception in 1967. Even though gas prices have come down significantly in recent weeks, putting more cash in consumers' pockets, Americans now appear more focused on the deteriorating job market. So far this year, the economy has lost 760,000 jobs!!! Because everybody is holding onto their money.

I think that the US should jus print up a bunch of money so we wont be in debt anymore. Or the US should just make everything free, then the world probably would be easier to live in and it would solve a lot of problems.

If I could interview someone I would interview George Bush, Adnd I would ask him what was going on. I'd ask what the people could to to fix this crisis because a lot of people are losing jobs because theres not enough money moving around in the economy.
Gus A.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

who - Obama and McCain
what - Trying to win Pennsylvania
when - They are there now campaigning
where - Pennsylvania
why - If McCain doesn't win the electoral votes for Pennsylvania, he will probably loose the entire election
relevance - It is important because the President is very important for the state

In Indonesia it is different because we vote for president as opposed to the US where the electoral college choose the president based on the votes. I like my countries voting system better.

I would want to interview my host father because he understands about this.

Firman P.

Anonymous said...

John McCain and Sarah Palin urge Ted Stevens fellow Republican Ted Stevens to resign on Tuesday after the veteran Alaska senator was convicted of corruption.

I Strongly agree with John and Sarah. Ted should be forced to resign.

Jamie F.

Anonymous said...

An embattled Massachusetts state senator appeared in a federal courtroom today charged with taking $23,500 in bribes, including cash that she stuffed into her bra during a meeting at a tony Boston restaurant that was secretly videotaped by an undercover FBI agent, federal prosecutors said.

This still image made from video, which was included in an affidavit filed by the FBI in federal...
This still image made from video, which was included in an affidavit filed by the FBI in federal court and released by the U.S. attorney's office, allegedly shows Massachusetts state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, D-Boston, stuffing bribe money under her sweater June 18, 2007, at the bar at No. 9 Park restaurant in Boston. Wilkerson was arrested Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008, by the FBI on public corruption charges.
(U.S. Attorney's Office/AP Photo)Democratic state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson faces 40 years in prison after federal prosecutors outlined accusations that she accepted the bribes over an 18-month period in a money-for-legislative influence sting operation, prosecutors said. She had $6,000 in cash in her purse when she was arrested at her Roxbury home by nearly two dozen law enforcement officials, prosecutors said.

this is a very sad thing. these people make our decisions for us. they represent us, and the worst part is they do what about 85.5% of the US would do in there position. we need to start looking at who we are voting for and really think about the repercussions that our votes will bring.

Jamie F.

Anonymous said...

NORTH MIAMI BEACH (CBS4) ― Police have busted a North Miami Beach store clerk for selling drugs to local teenagers. She was caught selling marijuana to a high school student after police say they received a tip from a student.

Police arrested 24-year-old Sheena Malvoisin Monday. Though they were told she was selling various drugs, a sweep of the store only found marijuana. After the tip, police staked out the store, where they watched Malvoisin sell marijuana to a 15-year-old boy. Both were arrested.

"The sad part here is you have an adult who's obviously corrupting the youth who's in the area and know hey, this is a spot where we can go," said North Miami Beach Police Detective Armando Sotero.

CBS4's Natalia Zea spoke with some area teenagers who say they come to the store every day, and are surprised by the news. "She seemed like a nice lady. I mean, like, she'll play video games, "Angel Guerrero said. "She seemed suspicious about stuff but I would never think she was doing that."

Elizabeth Sanchez goes to high school in the area and lives across the street from the store. She never suspected her friendly corner store clerk was dealing drugs. "It came as a surprise to me, like when I found out, I was in shock," Sanchez admitted. "I'm glad they caught her because it's something that can be prevented for the future."

Zea also spoke with Malvoisin, who admitted she sold drugs from the store. Malvoisin claimed the police are exaggerating, saying she never meant to sell to a minor, and that the student she was caught selling to looked much older.

Malvoisin told police she had free rein at the store; apparently the owner abandoned the place a while back and allowed her to work and make money as she saw fit.

"I come here a lot and usually around this time it's always open, but it's closed now," said customer Shiva Sundal.

i know that it is wrong to sell drugs but wat kid would rat out his contact also if ur gonna sell drigs do it somewere less public not in a store
Miguel F.
p. 5

Anonymous said...

DARLINGTON COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - Deputies say a 14-year-old boy has been arrested for the murder of his pregnant mother and her unborn child. Darlington county deputies say the juvenile shot his mother multiple times and that he also shot his younger sister, but she survived and is expected to be ok.

The 14- year old boy faces two murder charges. One for the death of his mother, the other for the death of her unborn child. He is also charged with assault and battery with intent to kill after shooting his little sister.

It's something family members say is senseless and it has them at a loss for words. "I just don't understand how anything like this can happen."

Family members of Sherryle Terry have many questions unanswered as they try to figure out why her 14-year-old son would kill her and her unborn child.

Terry was eight months pregnant and family says she and her husband Casey were so excited for the November 4 due date. "She was gonna be special. Last time I saw them at Wal-Mart. She was just smiling and rubbing her belly. She couldn't wait."

Deputies say Terry was shot multiple times inside their family home. The boy also shot his 12- year old sister, but she was able to get away and run for help.

Family members who've tried to find answer as to why, have turned to the only victim who survived. "His sister said before it happened he had asked his Momma if she was to get shot would the baby still live and next thing they know, took off to the room, running, came out shooting."

"The whole situation is unexplainable. Can't really tell you how I feel because you're hurt. You miss them. Hurt is was done by your nephew but tooo really explain what you feel is hard."

It's a loss for words felt by those here because this family says they've lost a great woman, and a little life that never was lived. "It's going to be a hard void to fill."

The solicitor's office says its working right now to try this juvenile as an adult. It says the paper work has already been filed.

This is a sad article but i find the reason why he did this untrue, he was 14 he knows better than to know that shooting someone is a serious crime and even shooting his own mom, i believe the kid had mental issues he problaly was the outcast of the family and his loneliness converted to hatred thes what i believe
Miguel F.
P. 5

Anonymous said...

Current Event #8
Republican VP nominee Palin eyeing 2012: report
This article is about Sara Palin and what is she going to do after the election
If she does not win. She said that if they don’t win that she is not going to give up because that what most people do. Also talks about all the political shots that they have taken. She also believes that they are going to win the election on Tuesday.
I thought this article was very good because it talks about what Sara Palin is going to do after the election. Also what her plans our for or government and that she will not step down because of people talking smack about her. That is why I chose this article.
If I could interview anyone I would interview John McCain to see what he is going to after the election if he does not win. Also if he is still going to work in the government or if he is going to retire after this because he is pretty old. Also if he going to do anything of importance when he becomes president.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

The US military sent troops into Syria, to the village of Sukkiraya, to take action which they hope will help shut down al-Qaeda's secret pipeline into Iraq for men, weapons and money. The mission was to capture or kill, Abu Ghadiya, an Iraqi-born al-Qaeda cell leader the US says has helped to bring thousands of jihadist fighters across the border. BBC went to the place where the raid is said to have happened and the wall was filled with lots of bullet holes. A villager said that two hellicopters had hovered overhead firing at the building and another two landed, allowing soldiers to dismount. The Americans searched the place, then left, the villager said. It was all over in minutes. The local people said that all the men that had been killed were all civilians. There was no mention of the intended target Abu Ghadiya. Secret policemen and government officials all gave the same version of events. They said that Al-Qaeda was never there, and that there was no gun battle. They say that it was an American war crime. Five of the men that were killed were of the same family and now 20 grandchildren are fatherless. In the nearby town of Albu-Kamel, an anti-American protest was going on. Several thousand people had gathered, waving pictures of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and burning US flags.

I think that what the US did was not right. I don't know if al-Qaeda members where actually present at the place where the raid had happened. Apparently there were no members according to the local people. The wife of one of the men that were shot and killed was also shot. She ran out to get her son and the Americans killed her. I don't believe that was right. I think that the soldiers should watch more carefully who they shoot. They should be more cautious about what they are doing and not put the life of innocent civilians in danger.
The soldiers killed seven Syrian men and five of those men where of the same family. Now there is 20 grandchildren without a father. Who's going to take care of all those children now and how are they going to be able to survive. I really don't know, but what I know is that their lives are going to be harder that what they already where. Local people say that all of the men killed were all civilians and builders who had just laid the foundations for a new house. What they did is not right and it shouldn't happen.

If I was to interview anybody I would interview some of the soldiers to see their insight of what happened and why they did it. I would want to know if they regret doing anything that they have done. I wonder how they feel about killing innocent people.

Juan E.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Democrat Barack Obama is winning more electoral votes in Ohio, Colorado, Nevada and Virgina. All of these states were won by president bush during his election. (2004) Due to this Senator McCain is trying his best to win over Florida.

jessy V.
period 2

Anonymous said...

U.S. space scientists on Wednesday revealed new information about Mercury, the solar system's smallest and hottest planet. The data were collected by the U.S. space agency's messenger space probe that, for the second time this year, Mercury zipped past the heavily cratered planet closest to the Sun. The battered surface of Mercury came into clearer focus for scientists after they analyzed the 1,200 images taken on October 6, during the second flyby of MESSENGER, which stands for Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging. Astronomers say the new region of Mercury they viewed at close range is bigger than the land area of South America, revealing 30 percent of the tiny planet never before seen. Space scientists say it appears that most of the craters were caused by volcanic activity rather than impacts by space debris. Scientist will put the space probe into permanent orbit around Mercury in 2011.

jessy V.
period 2

Anonymous said...,0,4510644.story

Turning your clock back one hour on Sunday for the end of daylight saving time could do your own ticker some good.Researchers have found a 5% drop in heart attack deaths and hospitalizations the day after clocks are reset each year to standard time, according to a study to be published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine.the Swedish researchers also found that the onset of daylight saving time in the spring appears to increase the risk of heart attacks.The risk also rises on holidays and anniversaries. The answer to all this is sleep, we need rest so that our body does not have bad reactions during the day.The researchers counted the number of heart attacks on the seven days after clocks were changed from 1987 to 2006. They also looked up the number of heart attacks a few weeks before and after each of those days. Researchers later found the typical number of heart attack: 2,140, after daylight: 2,038. In the spring the number of heart attacks spiked increased from six percent to ten percent. Another things to prevent heart attacks is by not smoking and overeating. Maybe the changing to the clock is the problem or maybe its not.

jessy v.
period 2

Anonymous said...

jamie f.

I personally agree that in casinos their should be a section for smoking and non smoking. If it were like that then everyone would enjoy their time there. Smokers would be able to smoke without having to hear complaints and non smokers will have to get "infected" with their smell and as well as enjoy a good time.

jessy v.

Anonymous said...

Miguel f.

The fourteen year old boy must have had a real good reason to shoot his own mother. Maybe this boy was involved in drugs or had a bad influence. When some of these cases come to trail the judge and witnesses must try to figure out why a young boy would kill his mother. This is a very strong case and i feel sorry for the boy he committed the biggest mistake of his life because now he ruined the begining of his teenage hood and the years the would have awaited him. Instead now, he is going to be locked up in jail.

jessy v.

Anonymous said...

Luis R.

It is a good thing that Sara is not planning to back down, she should keep her up and not give up, if Sara wants to continue stepping up she can the harder she tries she will eventually get somewhere maybe somewhere better. I wonder what president will lose and what he is planning on doing next.

jessy v.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #8

"More executives sold on Obama"

It has been reported that more and more important republicans are starting to give full support to Obama. Now Dan Cooper, a proud member of the National Rifle Association, has backed Republicans for most of his life, but recently has been giving donations to the Obama camgain and supporting him throughout his campgain.Its said that Coopers chyange is due to: Cooper changed sides, he said, "probably because of the war. And also because the Republican Party has moved so far right in recent years".Along with him many other republicans and celebreties are giving full support to obama because they like his message, the changes, and the bright plans for the future.If i were to interview any person i would interview Cooper to go more in depth with his change in this political campgain as well as Barack Obamas view of how he is recieving many support from ex-republicans and celebrities.And who wouldn't support Barrack Obama, he is more then qualified to become our future president.
Genesis Hernanadez
Period 2

Anonymous said...
Who-Philadelphia Phillies baseball team
What-beat the Tampa Bay Devils Rays and won the world series.
When-Last night.
Where-In Philadelphia.
Why-they won best out of seven with the series record 4-1.
Relevance- Phillies won their second championship since 1980.

Even though Tampa Bay put up a good fight to survive the Phillies came out on top and take this victory as a redemption to their
2o year losing streak.

Jake H. Per.2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #8

This article caught my attention. It is about these two woman named Jessica Kalish and Carol Burger. Burger ended up stabbing and killing Kalish with a screw driver and murdered her. They found Kalish in the backseat of a BMW full of blood. Burger ended up taking her own life shortly after. To me that is a coward. I don’t know how someone can just kill someone cam just kill me someone in the fist place but then to kill yourself and not take the consequences. To me that is a coward.

I chose this article because there are many murderers in this world. I find it very interesting how people can just kill someone and not be able to take the consequences. To take someone’s life for a dumb reason is just horrible. Especially to kill yourself after that. This Carol Burger to me is a COWARD!!!

If I was going to interview someone on this article, it would be head of a police department. I would ask how he feels about all the different killers and crooks ion this country. I would also ask what he does to try and stop all these crazy lunatics. It would be very hard to stop it completely but I think we should be able to stop it.
Johnny L.

Anonymous said...
William Walsh’s wife was missing and he was pleading to people to help police find his wife. Wednesday afternoon he confessed to killing her. She was a special education teacher named Leah Walsh. He also confessed in dumping her body in a wooden area on the North Hills Country Club. He was arraigned on second degree murder charges and held without bail. Earlier this week he was publicly pleading after her abandoned Ford Focus was found along a local highway. A witness told police that they saw someone hunched over the front passenger tire and ran back to a yellow car. They said that Walsh drives a yellow mustang. Walsh had told investigators that they had gotten into an argument Sunday after returning from a trip. The arguments lead to physical violence and then he just ended up into him killing her sometime on Sunday. He left her dead body in the house while he ran errands. On that Monday morning he had left her car there on the side of the road to make it look like a robbery. The car was found later that day by her father, he called Walsh then he called 911.
I think that what he did was pretty bad. He could have prevented killing her by just getting up and walking away. I don’t think I would ever be able to live with myself knowing I killed someone.
I would want to interview William Walsh and hear his side of the story why he had killed his wife.
Skyye O.
Period 5

Anonymous said...
THis article was about the event that has shocked everone and that is the amount of people that voted. His means that hte race for president is close and this places tensions in both parties republicans and democrats. Those who place their vote early haver the advantage of beign count first unlike those who di dnot such states like pennsylvania that did not get an early vote. Now the only tyhiogn that people hope is that the system is prepared for the management of the votes. In my opinion i dont think the system is ready for such count. Now i think there will be a fraud in the vote count. THis a very delicate issue and now in days peolpe will do anything to get what they want no matter what it takes. The race for president is at this point important to all of the nation for the reason of economy situation and who is the best to run this country after G. bush. If i were to interview some one i would interview the head of the system of votes. I would ask him or her did he/she espect so many peo-le to vote and if they are prepared for this.
yash m.

Anonymous said...

16 Years After Murder, Halloween Returns

This takes place in Oil City, PA. It has been 16 years since this small town had Halloween. The reason for this was that an 11 year old girl,Shauna Howe, was abducted off the street and murdered. This murder remained unsolved until 4 years ago a witness came forward and two brothers were arrested and convicted for murder and sexual assualt and a third man pleaded guilty for murder. Now hoping to move Halloween back to night hours, a fifth grader by the name of Elizabeth Roess and her family have gathered 175 signatures and Halloween has soon returned to its original plan and will be celebrated after 16 years.

I believe they never should have banned it. It doesn't matter what holiday it is a kid could get abducted. I know it happened on Halloween and god rest her soul, but that's not fair for the rest of the people who love to dress up and celebrate it.

I would like to interview Elizabeth to see why she was so determined to make Halloween come back. I would also like to interview the three men just to see what they were thinking when they did it and ask them if it was worth it.

Joshua C.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

No fire damage reported at Getty Center

Today's early morning brush fire in the Sepulveda Pass came within approximately two miles of the Getty Center in Brentwood, but the museum is reporting no damage to grounds, buildings or the collection after firefighters extinguished the blaze. The museum said in an e-mail message sent this morning: "We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the crew of Battalion 5 (Getty Center Building Protection Group) who were on site at the Getty Center immediately after the fire began, and to the L.A. City and County firefighters who fought the fire." More than 400 firefighters worked for nearly eight hours to extinguish the blaze, which spread to 100 acres in the hills near the 405 Freeway and Getty Center Drive. The fire was first reported shortly after 12 a.m. today. The Getty Center will remain closed today to visitors and most staff, but will reopen Friday at 10 a.m. for business as usual, the museum said. The Getty Villa near Malibu is unaffected by the fire.

I think that the firefighter really did a good job in helping to stop the fire. And everyone should do the same thing to save the wonderful French museum. Thank god, the fire didn’t damaged anything, coz I’m planning to visit it for my upcoming French project.

If I could interview someone else, I would interview one of the firefighters, because they could share more about the hardship they had to endure to saved the museum.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Gus A.- I agree with you. United States should print out more Money and we could be rich then. No crisis no more. And should make everything be less expensive, but of course People should still be working though.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Skyye O. - You’re article was pretty interesting. I wondered what was the real reason why he had killed his wife. Did his wife cheated on him or something, they argued to things that end up making him mad? That’s sad!

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Miguel F. - Who would in the world would do such thing like shooting/Killing their Mothers. It is really sad how this kid could do that but he is young and probably still really immature. Us as kids don't really think before we act!

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Jamie Frey. - I think Casinos should have a certain portion for smokers, and should be reconsidering the health of the other non-smoker people.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...
This article was about the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Baghdad against the U.S. It was about how the numbers of deaths of the U.S troops in those three places have decreased. In this month of October, no U.S troops have died in Baghdad, 13 in Iraq, and 15 in Afghanistan. It not only said that but also that more marines and army troops will be sent to those three places.
I think that its great that the numbers have had decrease so much, but still it would be better if there was actually no deaths. Also I don’t think they should bring back as many people as they are sending over there.
If I were to interview somebody to what they think about this. It would be mothers who have the sons or daughters over there. Also to those mothers who have had sons and daughters lost in that war.
Noemi S.
Per: 5th

Anonymous said...

A principle at a local school has always had a hard time with his school trying. he does his best to encourage kids to get their grades up and to make their school better on their state standards. He proposed a deal, that if all the kids got their grades up then he would sleep on the roof of the school for 5 days. The school, to the principles surprise, got all their grades up and did exceptionally well on their state scores.

When I first heard about this I thought here stands a principle lying to his students. and when he climbed on the roof and set a tent up my first reaction was "LOL" he's actually sleeping there and Friday, Octorber 31st is his last day living on the roof. I can't believe he actually came through with his word. I mean.. I wouldn't.

If I were to interview someone it would definitely be the principle. I would first ask him if he regrets making that promise. I will then ask him how hard his job has been during the 5 days he has been up there, since he still has to do his duties as a principle. I would then proceed to ask him how it is to live on the roof of a school, and laugh at him.

Alejandro C.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.
I agree with you about those people never banding Halloween from that town. It is bad about what happened to that 11 year old girl 16 years ago, but things like that will unfortunately always happen. In those cases the best thing is to be careful and move on.
Noemi S.
Per: 5

Anonymous said...

Skyye O.
I agree with you that William Walsh did a pretty bad thing on killing his wife, and I also think that I would never live good knowing that I killed someone. But we are humans and our instincts sometimes are more stronger than our common sense thoughts.
Noemi S
P 5

Anonymous said...

This talks a little bit about the money in politics and the video Obama made. This is a video that Barrack Obama did with the j=help from his people in order to be at a better position before the election day.

Well, the video is narrated by Obama and it is about half an hour long, it is interesting that he collected a lot of money, even more than Mc Cain. Money don’t ensures wining an election but it helps a lot specially when the final day is coming. Although Mc Cain didn’t raised as much money as his opponent he’s also trying really hard to come out specially in Florida.

If I had the chance to interview someone would be independent voters to see if they’ve changed their minds or not.

Anrea P 5

Anonymous said...

The Article talk about that the ex-President Bill Clinton, is supporting the ideas of Barac Obama, comparing the propositions of Obama and McCain. He said that the ideas of Obama are stronger and don’ put in risk the economy of the country. He said that the idea of health care is very convenient and bring to the country safe. He speaks to about his wife and that she can be elected candidate for the Presidents the next election

In my opinion the words that Bill Clinton is saying can chance the mind of many people of the country, because when Clinton was President the economy of the country was excellent, and if Clinton said that the plan of Obama are going to work, is very possible that be truth/

I like to interview to McCain, to know what he think about that now Obama have the support of Bill Clinton, and what is next move of McCain.

Jorge G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Summary: This article was about a university student and another man hanging a life-sized dummy from a tree in the Kentucky University.
These two men arrested were held in a detention center. They were charged with burglary, for stealing the items used to make the Obama effigy from a fraternity and for hanging the effigy in the first place. Witnesses who saw the Obama effigy said it had a Halloween mask, a suit jacket, and sweat pants. This also happened on George Fox University, where they had punished four students who hung an Obama dummy from a tree. In Redondo Beach, California, a women removed a halloween effigy of Obama. In West Hollywood, California, a man took down a Sarah Palin dummy, after several complaints. These were few of many other cases that were reported on the news. No charges have been made on these people, they just got many complaints from their neighbors.

Analysis: I thought this article was somewhat racist and rude. If you don't like a certain candidate you don't need to hang a likeliness of that person. I believe if you don't like a candidate you shouldn't disrespect them, especially in a form of hanging a dummy version of them.

Interview: If I were to interview someone that wasn't mentioned in the article, I would interview the candidates and ask how they feel about their simulated "hangings".

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

-Jorge G

I agree with you, I believe that Clinton supporting Obama, will change people's minds and vote for Obama.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.- I agree with Joshua, Shauna Howe is doing a good job of trying to bring back Halloween.It is sad that the little girl got killed on Halloween, but it doesn't mean they have to ban Halloween for ever.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...

Randall Hofland of 55 years of age held 11 5th graders hostage at a school Friday but was tackled down. He walked into a class and about 20 minutes later was arrested. He was taken to jail and about 80 pupils were taken to be questioned. The school was closed that day for the students safety.

I think is really how some people are just out of their minds. I cant believe was able to do something like that especially to little kids who dont even know whats going on. I dont know what he was trying to get out of it but i do know whos going to get a lot of jail which he will regret for the rest of his life.

If i could interview anybody it will be him. I would ask him why he did it and what was he trying to get out of it. And of course i would ask him what the hell he was thinking!
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Juan E: I agree with what u said. The American soldiers have no right killing innocent people that were not even terriost. The U.S. should punish them so they can be made an example of.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Johnny L: I really agree with your article that people who take peoples lives are very stupid. Also the fact that they kill them selves after is even stupider. They should have the man hood to stand up for what they did.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Miguel F.- this is a sad article. i agree with you that maybe the attention was taken away from him or he saw it in a video game and wanted to shot. anyhow how can a 14 year old boy have a gun?
-stephanie b. per2

Anonymous said...

Alejandro C.- that is a funny article but the principal did a good thing by trying to encourage his students. he is an example of motivation and self-determination.
-stephanie b. per2

Anonymous said...

Jorge G- i agree with you. a lot of people see bill clinton as a good person who they can trust. so if he says he trustes obama so will his people.
-stephanie b. per2

Anonymous said...

Comment #1
Noemi S.- It's good to hear that the troops dying are going down. It would be nice if there wasn't any deaths, but that really just a part of being in the armed forces, putting your life on the line to fight to save fear. They are dying with honor and rest in peace for those who have died fighting for our country.

Comment #2
Leslie M.- I hear what you are saying. I don't think those ppl would have saw a dummy of them being hung like that. I know I would be pretty ticked off, but we have a freedom of speech in this country so to say, so even if they did try to fine them of some sort it would go against their rights.

Comment #3
Jorge G- I have to agree with you on that one. When Clinton was pres. we never had to worry about a financial downfall, but he's just agreeing with Obama because he's a democrat and so is Obama. If McCain was a democrat he would say the same thing he said about Obama.

Joshua C.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

What-The reasons for voting obama
When-For the Election on Tuesday
Why-Why You should vote for obama:

I think it's because...

-He is a transformational figure
-He is a new generation coming onto the world and American stage.
-He would be a good representative for The USA

I don't know who i would ask, because everybody will have different opinions...

i will ask Mr.Waldram to ask this question.

Firman P
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.
It's sad how people can just abduct, and rape a girl. but Halloween should not have been banned, I mean.. it could have happened on New Years Eve, would they have banned that? It's not fair for the rest of the community.

Alejandro C.
per. 2

Anonymous said...

Miguel F.
This kid had mental issues! I mean.. he is definitely old enough to know that killing his mother is not the right thing to be doing. He deserves to be in jail for a very long time.

Alejandro C.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Skyye O- ur article caught my attention because i think what the guy did was messed up. he should be put to death or something because it was really messed up.

Jose C
per 5

skyline330 said...

A new national poll suggests that Sarah Palin may be hurting John McCain more than she's helping him.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Sunday indicates that McCain's running mate is growing less popular among voters and may be costing the Republican presidential nominee a few crucial percentage points in the race for the White House.Fifty-seven percent of likely voters questioned in the poll say that Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have. That's up eight points since September. Fifty-three percent say that she does not agree with them on important issues. That's also higher than in September.

i been hearing that a lot that sarah palin may not be ready to be a president and thats not all i also been hearing those same comments from actors as well. people thats only surveys that has been saying those kind of things. and also that sarah palin may be causing john mcain to lose votes, well i dont really know that much about that topic because its only surveys that people been taken.

i would ask the people that took those surveys because all they get is answers that may be true or false, its like they're fooling themselves over surveys.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Jaime F- i agree with you on how they should have a small portion in the casino for smokers only because sometimes people take there kids when they are in vacation.

Jose C

skyline330 said...

Andrea P.--- i also saw the video that obama talk over half an hour which by the way he paid for with his campaign money and thats a really good technique because im pretty sure that it change some people's mind at the last minute just few days before the elections.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Alejandro C.--- your article is pretty funny becaue talks about a school principle that slept on the roof just to encourage their students to bring their grades up. i mean its lame because im sure there were other ways that he could of encourage their students to bring their grades up dont you think.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Gus A.
i can see what you are thinking...everything would be so much easier if it were all free. but that is actually a horrible idea. if you think about it, if everything is free, then no one would see the point in working anymore, so then nothing would be made and therefore nothing would be able to be given away for free.
so im sorry, but that would never work.
Andrew McCracken
per. 2

Anonymous said...

Luis R.
i can see why you would choose this article. i too can admire someone who can stand up and fight against those who are talking crap. and i like that she has a plan for the future, whether she wins or does not.
Andrew McCracken
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Juan E.
I agree with your opinion of this article. Those american soldiers had no right to go in there and kill those men. it seems like there has been alot of mis information going between our government and its soldiers. its a mistake that should not have happened.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

Skyye O.
i agree, it was a horrible thing for william walsh to do. i also think that it was preventable. i dont think any arguement is worth taking the life of someone else.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

yash m.
i can see your concern for the ability to take in a large amout of votes. i think there will be a problem with that too. in earlier elections there have been problems with vote counting too and with the increase of voters this year for this election, i think we can expect another crisis on our hands onto of the failing economy.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

Noemi S.
i agree with your vview on this article. i believe that one life lost in a war is too many. and the sad thing is that this war has been going on for over 8 years and there are still us troops being killed.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

Alejandro C.
i liked the article that you chose!
i think it was really cool that the principle promised something to the kids in return for better grades and harder work, and i thought it was really cool that he actually stuck to his word. but i think there might be a consequence to this, i think that the kids at his school will always be looking for something else in return for their good grades. and he'll have to think of the next best thing every year.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

Leslie M.
i disagree with your opinion on this article. i feel that those men were wrongly arrested for something that shouldnt have even been seen as wrong. halloween is a holiday during the year where people can hang or put up pretty much anything on their homes. it is very common for people to be hanging fake bloody corpses from their roof and be admired for i think the people that were offended by fake maniquins looking like candidates that were hanging from homes need to grow some and stop complaining!
Andrew McCracken
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Edgar S.
i like your article and i agree with it. i can see that palin was not a good running mate for mccain. and if he loses, it will partly be her fault. she does not seem fit for even vice president and doesnt seem to have the qualifications.
Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

Voter preparation should help avoid many of the problems that could prevent them from casting their ballots.
Voters can avoid many hassles by checking online at their local government's Web site to determine where they should go to vote, when the polls will open and close, and what they may need to bring.
Voters can often learn of the location of their proper polling place for their precinct by entering their home address., a Web site run by the League of Women Voters, can also provide voters with their correct polling location.
Voters can often check their voter registration information online. Unfortunately, the opportunity to correct the voter registration records has passed in most states.

This document is for my fellow students that can vote, but haven't voted yet. There are several preporational procedures to take before just running in to vote. Make sure you do your research on who and what your voting for. Also the most important is to make sure you know your information and to be eirly to vote because there will be a long, I mean very long line to wait in if your late.

If I had any questions I would research them by asking my elders and using my resorces.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Skyy O.- I can't believe that a man would kill his wife over an argument, it's just so outragious. Im happy that he is booked without bail and hope the rest of his life is misurable because killing other human beings is not a natrual thing to do.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Gus A.- Money is just not on our side right now. People are scarred to spend and bussineses are desparate to sell. I agree with your solution and i wish we could just print out money and hand it out to everyone. But our money is weighed in how much gold the US actually has so compared to money I think we are not doing so well.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Miguel F.

i agree with you completly. it probably wasnt a kid that did drugs, but maby a kid that saw what was happening.

jamie F.

Anonymous said...

Johnny L.

i think ur right on this one. this lady is a coured. but then again, she was a coured for killing the person in the first place.

Anonymous said...

This article is about Mccain and Obama at their fight through battleground states on final day. Mccain called on Pennsylvania to help him eliminate his deficit in the polls and try to score over Sen. Barrack obama. McCain is desperately trying to win voters in Pennsylvania by giving a final speech and pounding his fist on the podium at the Moon Township event. His plea for voters to vote for him is a critical move to try to get ahead of the game. Obama leads McCain by 8 percentage in Pennsylvania according to CNN's average of state polls.

I think this article is kind of predicting who is going to win in the final round of election. Sen. Obama is winning and it is clearly showing that Obama is going to win this election. McCain is trying his hardest to try and pull in more votes which shows the lack of support in voters for McCain. I would interview Sarah Palin because shes so h... interesting.

-Ravid Y. Period 2

Anonymous said...

luis r.
I think that sara palin is a person with goals and has fer own way of doing things her way. Now that a new president has been elected Barak Obama is has been a hard hit for her and her hopes to become that vice president arenow lost. I think that just the fact that both mc cain and sarah is enough and should give her props for trying.
yash m.
per 2

Anonymous said...

miguel f.
well as kids at this age of 14 years old we are awere of our actions the right from the wrong. THis kid in my opinion should not be tried as an adult because he is not and no one knws whether or not ht e kid was verbaly or physically abused in some way by his mom. Whta he needs is to be counseled and ty to find out the real reason why he commited this terrible crime.
yash m.