Thursday, May 14, 2009

bonus current event - up to two due friday the 22nd


Anonymous said...

1) Japan has a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. They have three branches the Executive, Legislative, Judicial. In the Executive, the Chief of State is and has been Emperor Akihito since 1989. Japan has several political parties such as the Democratic Party of Japan, Japan Communist Party, Liberal Democratic Party and The Social Democratic Party. The Capital is Tokyo.

2) Currently in Japan they have had an outbreak of the Swine Flu where they were forced to close down over 4,000 schools at the government’s request. Due to the infection banks, railway, and offices have closed to stop the spread of the virus. So far no fatalities have been reported in the country.

3) The Japanese government has the option to supply there citizens with hygiene products such as surface Disinfectants, Hand Sanitizers and Air Cleaner . They can close down schools and public places to stop the spread. Also wear protective face masks.

4) I think that they should close public places and try to stay with clean hygiene as best as possible. That the citizens should act independent and not wait till the government helps them.

5) I think that they are going to create some sort of swine flu vaccine to prevent the spread of the Swine Flu for the future.

Loraine Armenta per.2

Anonymous said...

1. Jamaica is a constitutional democracy, which is a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution. The leader is Bruce Goldings, He's the Prime Minister.

2. Health Minister Ruddy Spencer is putting Jamaica on high alert on the swine flu dieses. In the article he gives a phone number to the public for any questions they might have on the spreading of this dieses.

3. Practice their hygiene.

4. Control the immigration from Mexico to Jamaica and encourage people to be cleaner.

5. I think it will not spread at all.

Bryan Diaz
Per 5
May 20, 2009

Anonymous said...

1.Greece has a Parliamentary republic. This means that is a republic that operates under a system that has no clear- cut separation between the executive and legislative branches.
2.The government of Greece stressed that there have been no cases of swine flu detected in Greece. The Cypriot commissioner of health matters said that suspected cases of the flu were being investigated in some European countries. Six people that had just visit Mexico went to the hospital just to check if they did not have the virus, they were just suffering from the common cold. The minister said that special heat sensors had been installed in airports to detect people’s high body temperature. Hospitals have been supplied with the necessary things in case of a person infected with swine flu.
3.The installation of sensors in the airport is a very good idea. I don’t think there is a solution right now in any country, but once they find a vaccine the problem can be solved.
4.I think if people wash their hands constantly and cover their mouths when they cough the probability of spreading the virus will be less.
5.My prediction to this global problem is that some country will soon find a vaccine to combat the virus.
Nancy C
Period 2

Anonymous said...

1. Japan lives in a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy.

2. The swine flew has reached Japan finally. It's a major problem because Japan is an area where most people either walk, take a train, or ride buses to get to their destination. The government has reported that on Tuesday that the number of H1N1 cases in Japan has reached 191. This was indicated more than in any other country except the United States, Mexico and Canada, according to the World Health Organization.

3. It is said that Japan has dispatched masked health inspectors with fever-sensing guns to walk among the passengers.

4. They could try finding a vaccine so they could cure the disease and they could also distribute masks to the citizens so that the disease is not easily spread.

5. I think Japan will find a vaccine for the flu and that everyone that has it will be cured.

Carlos Broyld per. 5

Anonymous said...

a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy
modeled after German civil law system with English-American influence; judicial review of legislative acts in the Supreme Court; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations
chief of state: Emperor AKIHITO (since 7 January 1989)
head of government: Prime Minister Taro ASO (since 24 September 2008)
cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the prime minister


the article basically says that the leading technological advancers, TOSHIBA, will be closing down shop in Japan. Due to the recent downward slump the country has experienced, Toshiba will stop production in japan and resume in china. their earnings have decreased by half and shares of toshiba fell 1.9% on Wednesday to close at 355 yen.


Japan really has no control over what Toshiba wants to do, but its pretty sad. their economy is suffering just like ours and major corporatiosn are shutting down.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?

i believe Toshiba is doing the right thing by outsourcing and paying less for their product. i believe every other country is already doing that and its by far the smartest idea. :]


i think in the next few years, the economy will go back to being steady and Toshiba will resume its production at the home base factory.

Sarina El
Period 2

Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)

Islamic Republic of Pakistan
federal republic
based on English common law with provisions to accommodate Pakistan's status as an Islamic state; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations
chief of state: President Asif Ali ZARDARI

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand,0,7940294.story?track=rss

Pakistani forces killed 80 militants and drove the Taliban from a major urban stronghold Wednesday, the army said, as U.S. military planes brought aid for civilians fleeing fierce fighting in the northwest.
The army says it has killed more than 1,000 militants and won back territory in Swat,a pretty piece of land.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?

there isnt a problem here, rather, its a solution. Pakistan says there have been a major decrease in the number of taliban members.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?

i believe the taliban regime should be ignored because they havent been very active lately. if we stop paying attention to their issues, we wouldnt have to deal with it anymore.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?

i believe the peace will progress to happiness for everyone :)

period 2

Anonymous said...

1. Brazil is a federal republic country,Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva


Brazil's unemployment has dropped dramatically over the past months. This has been at its highest levels in close to two years.Government has lowered its economic growth estimate and have predicted that their GDP will not grow over 0.5 this year.

3. They do not really have many options other than trying to improve their economical resources for more employment.

4. Solutions that could resolve their problem would be to concentrate more on their economical reconstruction.

5. I think that if they focus on improving their economical situation, then their economical growth will rise.

claudia cerda <333
period 5

Anonymous said...

1. Peru's form of government is a constitutional republic, which is a state where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens.


Peru's effort to raising the quality of their medicine has been recognized by the country's National Center for Quality Control. Their goal is to join the scientific nonprofit organization that develops and disseminates standards for the identity, quality, purity, strength and consistency of medicines as well as dietary supplements and food ingredients.

3. Their choices are to help ensure that the quality of the medicines are safe for the doctor's to use on their patients.

4. To get rid of people who are not willing to help and continue with their hard work and diligence.

5. I think they will eventually improve.

claudia cerda <333
period 5

Anonymous said...

Current event #7-South America

1. Argentina has a Republic Government. The term means a representative democracy in which people elected deputies, they themselves vote on legislation.
2. My article reports that Argentina government won't
allow people to travel into and from Mexico in Argentina. Since the H1N1 flu virus was discovered it has made many people worried and cautious. Now the flights are being suspended to enter Mexico, the flights have been closed
since April 28. The passengers that arrive from Mexico will
continue to be checked on their health. Argentina is hoping
that the virus won't get to them, they are doing their best
to prevent this problem from coming.
3. Well in order to not get this virus in Argentina they plan
to suspended all flights into and from Mexico. They also will
keep a close look on the people that get sick.
4. I think they should not let people from Mexico come into Argentina until the virus has been solved.
5. I predict that this situation will be solved and the people
can start traveling again. The virus is not a huge deal no
more so maybe things are getting better already.

Yesenia H.

Anonymous said...

1.Japan lives in a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy

2. its said that it took at a vollyball game when the swime flew started at a high school.more than 4,800 schools have been closed in the region, medical services are swamped, and testing laboratories are working around the clock.

3. I say that Japan just has to have the cure for it and wear the mask that Mexico is doing the same thing.

4. lean to the United States for help. Flew shots

5. IM sure that its will get better in japan as long as peopl take care of them selfs and get the medication.

1. republican parliamentary democracy

2.Its about terroris and how two seperate suicide attacks and a car bomb attack in Baghdad and Kirkuk of Iraq. Up to 65 people killed and some 145 others injured.


3. I would say that The millitary or police in this government should be more on their tose because of all the terrorism.

4. Better protection and solutions to theres attacks

5. Terrorist attacks can happen at any time at any place so i would say to just be care full your not somewhere where there are alot of people around out, becase it might be the places that are the most busiest to happen in.

Philip Bueno

Anonymous said...

1. France government is aconventional long form: French Republic .
2. The article i researched about talks about all but six french universities have voted to reopen classes and schedule exams after four months of demonstrations over government public sector reforms that paralyzed the higher education system. Many students fear their exams will be cancelled and their diploma will not be given any credit in france or elsewhere. Some university authorities fear that the repeated disruption in recent years will scare off foreign applicants, depriving france of quality students, international prestige and fees.
3. For this nation to solve this problem some other universities remain paralysed with more radical protesters barring teachers, students and staff from accessing the premises – six universities in Nancy, Toulouse, Aix, Marseilles, Amiens and Reims remain closed, despite the approaching exam period The protests have primarily affected universities specialised in humanities, while business and science faculties remained largely untouched.
4. I think to best resolve this problem would be to just open up all the universities that way students can attend classes, study, and be prepared for their exams. their shouldn't be any protest of disruptions to keep anyone from learning.
5. Some predictions that i have regarding the future is hopefully this doesn't continue and wont scare any foreign applicants away thinking that they wont receive a diploma and that it will just be useless to apply at a university in france. The government should take action on how to improve schools.


Anonymous said...

1. Japan government is a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy.
2. this article talks about Japanese brazilian workers who have lost their manufacturing jobs in the recession are now being offered government money to return to their home countries. Workers lined up to hear officials at a town hall meeting in Hamamatory. Japan. The government is willing to pay thousand of dollars to fly back immigrants back to their home but in doing so they have to agree on never to return to japan again. one immigrant had said we worked hard, we tried to fit in, and yet their so quick to kick us out. At the town hall meeting immigrants voiced disbelief that they would be barred from returning. angry members of the audience converged on officials others walked out of the meeting
3. For this nation to solve this problem Japan’s offer, extended to hundreds of thousands of blue-collar Latin American immigrants, is part of a new drive to encourage them to leave this recession-racked country. So far, at least 100 workers and their families have agreed to leave, Japanese officials said. Some immigrants agreed there no point in staying here any longer.
4. I think to best resolve this problem they might be in a recession now, but it’s clear it doesn’t have a future without workers from overseas.
5 in the future It could also hurt Japan in the long run. The aging country faces an impending labor shortage. The population has been falling since 2005, and its working-age population could fall by a third by 2050. Though manufacturers have been laying off workers, sectors like farming and care for the elderly still face shortages.


Anonymous said...

1.Russia-(Federation) - a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs.

2.Russia is getting mad because the US is trying to build a missle building in Europe. Russia doesn't like that so they are warning US not to builded it.

3. there not way to fix this issue but Russia is going to aim bullistic rockets to the US if the missile defenses gets builit.

4. I thinK the US should talk to Russia and see what is going on and why they geting mad.

5. The US shouldn't be looking for more power and should do something better than wast money on building something we might not need. They should look at why people in the US are getting laid off.

Anonymous said...

1. The form of goverment that Mexico has Is Republican. THe president of Mexico is Jesua Felipe Calderon HInojosa.

2.Mexico's economy shrank 5.9% in the first quarter from the fourth quarter of last year -- showing the economy in its steepest decline since the depths of the country's 1995 peso crisis. Mexico during the past 15 years has depended in large part on demand for goods from a supercharged U.S. economy. About a fifth of Mexico's economy depends on manufacturing exports to its neighbor, and the dramatic drop in demand has hit Mexico hard.

3. THe options that Mexico has era too lower its prises so people could buy their products and try to find the cure to the big problem they have with the swine flu.

4. The best solutions to solve the problem will be to find the cure for the swine flu so that mexico can star exporting products to one of the main custumers wich is USA. Mexico can also start to offer their products to other countries so it can help their bad economy.

5. the predictions I have is that the economy is not going to go back up if mexico does not find any acurate cure for the flu. otherwise people era going to continue to be afraid to travel into mexico.

Chris Salgado Per: 5

Anonymous said...

1.) Mexico has a Federal Republic form of government. This means it is a federation of states with a republican form of government. Mexico has 31 states and one Federal District. The current president of Mexico is Felipe Calderón.

One of the issues Mexico has is the education level in schools are not improving. President Felipe Calderón thinks that a way to improve education is to have decent schools. He wants to improve the quality of education. One of the commitments the government has is to invest in school infastracture.

3.) The way that President Felipe Calderón wants to help with this education conflict is by adding new schools and or improving current schools.

4.) I think that the solutions the government has planned are the good to increase the schools education level.

5.) I believe that Mexico well have this conflict under control with the plans they have already made.

Juan Zapien

Anonymous said...

1. Mexico lives in afederal republic

2. About 12 hours ago, it was reported that the swine flu has ended in Mexico City. They decided to alert the level from yellow to green on Thursday. They also said that it was safe for everyone to stop wearing the blue masks because everything was now under control. It is safe to come back to the city without any risk. They are seeing a 96.1 percent drop in cases. Mexico City has spent $334 million to buy medicine and antibacterial gel. The city is now safe again from the swine flu.

3. They should be prepared next time an outbreak happens so that when another outbreak happens, they will have a cure for it.

4. Find more vaccines for different cures so that incase of another serious outbreak, we will be able to cure what ever is around.

5. I believe that we will find more vaccines for different cures but I know that it will take some time.

Ivan Yanez per.5

Anonymous said...

1This year the people voted to change their nation from a monarchy, which was ruled by a king to a republic that was headed by a president.
2Italy is an important country regarding the trafficking of drugs. Spain has become a top base for the Naples underworld, the Camorra, in the past decade. Spanish police have arrested half a dozen Neapolitan crime figures this year alone.The capture of Amato, 44,is a major victory for Italian anti-mafia investigators a key player in a number of underworld sit-downs in Spain, which is the smuggling gateway for Latin American cocaine into Europe
3,4The only option that Italian forces has is to continue going on the same rode and contine to capture these criminals.
5i feel that if italy continues to capture key players such as Raffaele Amato they will solve their problem or at least reduce it.
Lucia C
Per 5

Anonymous said...

1.The type of government that Colombia has is democratic.

2.Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, guerrillas blew up two electricity transmission towers Wednesday in Arauca, causing a blackout in three cities and oil facilities in the eastern province.

3.they can enforce their military and security on all borders so no intruses can come in.

4.the solutions that colombia has is to try and protect the people.

5.the predictions I have for colombia is that if they keep fighting against the other guerrilleros they might be able to control

Chris Salgado Per: 5

Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)Germany has a federal Republic-
capital is Berlin
president Horst Koehler
chancellor Angela Merkel
Constitution as basic law May 23, 1949
Unity day-Oct. 3

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
This article is about Germany and the u.s. trying to sell opel to who ever would buy it. The are four bidders first one is Fiat, Magna, Rhj International, Beijing auto. The german goverment has to make a decision before next Wednesday's deadline. Fiat said it would cut up to 18,00 jobs in Germany when opel employs 25,00. Most German politicians are backing Magna because it unlike fiat will close n German Opel plant while fiat will close one plant. Magna offer was the best offer to Roland Koch and had substainable plan among all four.Us Gm is wanting to sell opel before June 1 to avoid bankruptcy and restructure its finances.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?The choices they have are to sell opel to Magna, Fiat, RHJ International or Beijing Auto

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think the best solution to this problem is to sell it to Magna because they aren't going to get rid of any German Plants, so less lay offs.

Nick C.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? The prediction i have is that they will sell opel to Magna and it will be a good choice and opel and magna will flourish along with Germany's economy.

Anonymous said...

1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
The u.s. has a constitution-based federal republic and strong democratic tradition- a federation of states with a republican form of government.State or federation of states does not have a monarchy
President- Barack Obama
Independence day-July,4,1776
Constitution sept, 17, 1787
Vice President-Joseph Biden
Cabinet-appointed by president with senate's approval.

2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand

This article is about GMAC which is owned by General motors and it failed the government's stress test and the treasury ordered it to raise $11.5 billion dollars, but the company failed to raise the money and this is the second time the government had to help out GMAC. The government gave a $6 billion bail out in December. It would be good if both car companies went into bankruptcy, because it would make for better loans over competitors. Detroit-based lender became a bank holding company called ally bank and federal reserve has waived rules and permitting GMAC's bank more scope to provide loans.

3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem? The choices are to let GMAC's company to go into bankruptcy and have it start over and be more appealing to car buyers, because of low loans.

4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think the best solution would be to let the company go into bankruptcy and start over and have lower loans.

5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? The prediction i have is that the government will end up letting GMAC go into bankruptcy and it will help GMAC in the long run and they will get more business because of low loans.

Nick C.

Anonymous said...

1. Cambodia has a multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy.
Multi-party system is a system in which three or more political parties have the capacity to gain control of government separately or in coalition.
Constitutional monarchy is a monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation.

2. The US envoy for war crimes issues praised developments at Cambodia's Khmer Rouge tribunal. The UN has withheld funds to Cambodian operations at the court, and its talks with senior government officials to stop the alleged corruption have ended without agreement.

3. The UN can stop the corruption.

4. They can help the people in the area.

5. I predict their will be future problems on this subject.

Raymond C.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

The Philippines
1. The Philippines type of government is a Republic.
A republic is a state or country that is not led by a hereditary monarch, in which the people (or at least a part of its people) have an impact on its government
The Philippines declared its independence from Spain June 12, 1898 and then from the USA July 4, 1946.

2. Alec Baldwin has reportedly been banned from entering the Philippines after joking about wanting Filipino mail-order brides. According to reports, the country's Bureau of Immigration placed the Alec Baldwin on the immigration blacklist after he said, "I'm thinking about getting a Filipino mail-order bride at this point... or a Russian one,” during a US television appearance last week. By being on the bureau's blacklist, Baldwin is forbidden from entering the country as he is deemed an undesirable alien.

3. The Philippines can ban Baldwin or make him apologize to the whole country live.

4. I think the Philippines should forgive and forget about the joke.

5. I think the Philippines will come to forgive Alec Baldwin sooner or later because it was just a joke.

Raymond C.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1. Jamaica has a constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. This means that their citizens are allowed to vote and are eligible for positions in government and that their rules are based off a set of guidelines fit for parliament. They have 14 parishess and their capital is Kingston. Their chief of state is Queen Elizabeth II but they also have a head of government who is Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

2. /04/20/
A mentallt challenged 20 year old attempted to hi-jacked a Canadian plane in Jamaica. He robbed the passengers and held a few people hostage. Jamaican troops intervened and got everyone off the plane safely. The hi-jacker demanded that the plane be flown to Cuba instead of Canada. Jamaica asked the United States' FBI to help handle the situation.

3. The immediate problem was solved because the hi-jacker was removed from the plane. After closing and re opening the airport, a plane was arranged to take passengers on to Cuba or back to Canada.

4. Jamaica has a problem with security in their airports, but that can be fixed pretty easily. They just have to be put on lockdown like U.S. airports. This may or may not be the best solution because its such a pain but it will help regulate who flies and what they take with them.

5. Jamaica might up their security, but they don't seem to think this was too big of an incident because no real harm was done. If they do increase security, they wont have many more problems with people taking over their airplanes.

kassie q.
per 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event- Brazil

1) Brazil has a Federal Republic. Which means a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government.

2) The Brazilian government can extradite a fugitive rabbi to Israel where he is accused of burning and cutting toddlers as part of a purification ritual. Elior Noam Hen and several followers allegedly used knives, hammers and other instruments to abuse children 3 and 4 years old. He faces charges of child abuse, violence against minors and conspiracy.

3) They need to stop this rabbi from abusing kids. It might be a part of religion, but even God himself would not want this to happen.

4) People need to stop this. They need to talk some sense into firing the rabbi. They need someone to fulfill his place. Someone that is able to put a stop
to the violence.

5) If they do not get rid of this rabbi more children will get hurt and rabbi's will even get ahold of newborns. As soon as they get rid of him every child will be safe.

Ivette Z.

Anonymous said...

Current Event- Iraq


2) A Missouri Army National Guard soldier from Joplin has died of wounds he suffered in Iraq. Sgt. Paul Faris Brooks was injured May 21 when his unit was attacked near Baghdad, Iraq.

3) There really isn't much for soldiers to do. They are already working as much as they can. They are fighting as hard as they can.

4) They need to come back home. The war needs to stop. There really is nothing to fight for. All the terrorist want to do is play around.

5) There will be a day when everything will be over. Our soldiers will be back home safe and happy with their families.

Ivette Z.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Sorry, answer for number 1.

1) Parliamentary Democracy. A political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers - according to party strength as expressed in elections.

Anonymous said...

1. Iraq has a parliamentary democracy wwhich means it is a system of government wherein the ministers of the executive branch are drawn from the legislature, and are accountable to that body, such that the executive and legislative branches are intertwined. In such a system, the head of government is both de facto chief executive and chief legislator.
2. Iraq wants a seven billion dollar loan from the IMF to cover its budget deficit for this year and next year. Alos that in march, the Iraq parliament passed a 58.9 billion dollar budget for 2009.
3. I'm not so sure on what there options are but i dont know how many people have the money to cover that.
4. Well i think that getting the money from the imf is the best way to resolve the problem.
5. They are one of the countries that have the most oil so i think they might do fine for now but in the future when people decide to use an alternative to fuel they might be in trouble.
Daniel P
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1. North Korea has a communist state one man ditatiorship which means it is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator, without hereditary ascension.
2. North Korea’s claim to have conducted the second nuclear detonation in its history was a setback for President Barack Obama's goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and may well force him to make dealing with the stubborn regime in Pyongyang a top foreign policy priority in the months to come.
3. I think that it is more of a problem for us then it is for them because they have something that can destroy countries.
4. I think that we need to be harsh with them or try to make peace with them so that they dont go and attack other countries or us.
5. I think we might find a way so that north korea doesn't use their wmd's on anybody and i think we will i dont see them using it on anybody.
Daniel P
Period 5

Anonymous said...

1. Canada’s form of government is a parliamentary democracy, a federation, and a Commonwealth realm. A commonwealth realm is where a nation, state or any other political entity founded on law is united by a compact of the people for the common good. Canada’s capital is Ottawa.
2. Canada is facing the political challenges of meeting their public demands for quality improvements in health care and education services. Canada also is aiming to develop its diverse energy resources while maintaining its commitment to the environment.
3. With Canada being a big foreign supplier to the U.S. with its natural resources they have enjoyed a solid economic growth.
4. Canada is doing well.
5. I think Canada will only get better in the years.
1. Philippines government type is republic, where not the people vote but their elected deputies or representatives. Philippines capital is Manila.
2. The Philippines Government faces threats from three terrorist groups on the US Government's Foreign Terrorist Organization list.
3. The Philippines captured and killed some of the key wanted terrorists in 2006 and 2007.
4. Some parts in the Philippines have led to a peace accord with one group and on-again/off-again peace talks with another.
5. I think the Philippines will be just fine.
Karla Castrejon

Anonymous said...

1. Somalia doesn't have a permanent national government. It's run by whoever takes control, probably the military and/or dictators. The capital is Mogadishu. The current chief of state is Transitional Federal President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

2. /23/somalia.fighting/index.html
Problems between Somalian government and rebels al-Shabab militia has lead to the wounding and death of about 200 people. Not only have both sides lost out in this destruction, but about 40 civilians have been killed as well. Al-Shabab has been noted as a terrorist group affiliated with al Quaeda.

3. The most obvious problem is that the government isn't strong enough to squash out any sign of terrorist groups, probably because of corruption within the government. Solving this national problem is nearly impossible because it would require all of the citizens to stand up against the terrorists - which would lead to their death.

4. The best way to solve this problem is to track the people who are supplying these militant forces with weapons and money, and eliminate them. The government can keep fighting these terrorists all they want but if their own people are fighting against them too, then they wont get very far.

5. This fighting will probably continue until the end of the world. There's not much of a chance that Somalia will be rid of terrorists or corrupted government officials because it would take a strong power to force them out.

Kassie Q.
Per 2

Anonymous said...

Bryan Diaz
Per. 5
Mr. Waldram

Board Education Meeting
When I went to the school board meeting I made sure to arrive early first. I arrived at six, but it actually starts t seven or seven thirty. So I ended up being the only student their for like about an our. I sat next to Mr. Smith and Mr. Blackmore, so that was weird. Later on more people started arriving and then the meeting began. First it started by kids from different schools receiving awards fro things they achieved in. this took most of the time. The last hour they started discussing the issue on removing the music programs from the schools. Many parents went up there to speak most of them where crying because their kids life was based on that program. They also had students go up and talk about the experience they have with this program. I had a strong feeling on this topic because I love music and for them to remove it from the schools is very bad. They will loose many students and money. There was also some owners from music store that offered help on the topic. I enjoyed this meeting a lot and hope to go to another one.

Anonymous said...

1. Argentina has a Republic form of government. A representative democracy in which people elected deputies and they vote on legislation.

2. Argentinian government will not
allow people to travel into and from Mexico in Argentina. Since the H1N1 flu virus AKA swine flue was discovered it has made many people worried and cautious for their lives. Argentina is hoping
that the virus will not spread to their country and are doing their best to prevent it. Flights are being suspended to enter Mexico, the flights have been closed. The passengers that arrive from Mexico will continue to be checked on their health.

3. In order to not recieve this virus in Argentina the government plans to suspended all flights into and from Mexico. They also will keep a close look on the people that get sick, checking if their sickness has signs of the flu.

4. I think the monitoring of people going in and out of the country is a good idea but also to tell the people of Argentina to take their own personal precautions as well.

5. I think that the swine flu is just like any other flu and will pass. People can take precautions and watch out for their health. But countries such as Argentina, going to extremes like border patrol is a little overboard.

Melaney H.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

1. Jamaica has a constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. This means that their citizens are allowed to vote and are eligible for positions in government and that their rules are based off a set of guidelines fit for parliament.

2. A mentally challenged 20 year old man attempted to hi-jack a Canadian plane in Jamaica. He held some people hostage and robbed a few of the passengers. Jamaican troops got involved and got everyone off the plane safely. The hi-jacker demanded that the plane be flown to Cuba instead of Canada. Jamaica asked the United States' FBI to help handle the situation. /04/20/

3. After closing and re opening the airport, a plane was arranged to take passengers on to Cuba or back to Canada. The immediate problem was solved because the hi-jacker was removed from the plane.

4. The Jamaican government has to put their airports on lockdown just like U.S. airports. Even though this proceeder is difficult and time consuming, it will help regulate who flies and make the airport a safer pass for its passenger and the people living in the country.

5. Jamaica doesn't think that this was a huge problem because no real harm was done but i don't think that they realize that this is just the beginning of crime like this. Without further precautionss people on board may be injured and a serious hi-jacking can take place. If they do increase security, they will not have problems like this as frequently.

Melaney H.
Per. 2