Thursday, May 14, 2009

2nd period court blog!


Anonymous said...

People v. Kelmer
Member of the defense are Daisy Jacinto, David Escalante, Tony Mendoza and Brianna Shives whose case are productively highlighting and working hard. They have found many weakness and possible mistake in the prosecution case. Jessica and Dhawani which are in their group but were working separately but was working seriously. Jessica Brink and Dhawani Bhatt are discussing about their trial on People v. Kelmar trying to find a way to defend their case, which was reported by Yesenia Hernandez and Monica Vasquez. Jessica and Dhawani are going over their line and witness’s statement to find the right person that is guilty. They have also wrote down some questions to ask the prosecution team, that may help them to defend the case and as well as winning it. As far as the case is concern, they are trying all they have to defend it and are taking the case extremely serious.

Reporters: Monica Vasquez, Yesenia Hernandez
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per: 2 / May 14, 2009

People v. Kelmer

Members of the prosecution are Vanessa Hernandez, Kevin Sequra, Amanda Cox, Chami Sanlors and Kassandra Quakenbush who are also working hard on their case and also found many faults that could lead the defendant loosing their case. They have also gathered few question to prevent themselves of loosing the case. They are each reading their lines and pulling out statements that can they can prove that the defendant are guilty. But overall they are being productive and are taking their case seriously.

Reporters: Gustavo
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per: 2 / May 14, 2009

People v. Martin
Members of the group are Joey, Nauria, Rachel, Schyler, Matt, and Jocelyn are also working hard on their case and also found many faults that could lead the defendant loosing their case. They also got few question to ask to ask the defendant to protect their case. Overall they are planning and working hard on their case and are taking it seriously.

Reporter: Travis Farley
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per: 2 / May 14, 2009

People v. Martin
Members of the group are Monica, Ivette, and Danny who are taking serious about the case and trying everything they can to protect it a girl named Becky Martin, who the prosecution group thinks that the girl Becky murdered someone and that the body was found. But the defendant group has proof that she is not guilty and is finding solution to save her from being guilty.

Reporters: Karla Castrjon and Octavio Ceja
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per: 2/ May 14, 2009

Anonymous said...


People v. Kelmer (Defense)

The group is discussing on what part they will take during the trial. According to case they will be doing a power point to show their evidence but has not planned it. Dhawani and Daisy are helping David on his line to speak during the trail. Their also discussing on how the man got shot and if they can defend him, but not sure if they can. The defense group says that one of the witnesses saw the whole incident. The witness saw that a lot of bullets hit the man (Cory) but according to the evidence, they found only three bullets. This explains that the witness didn’t see the whole incident. So know the group is trying to figure out how the scene might have actually been. What they know is that Cory didn’t die just like that, but the witness has something to do with it.

Reporters: Yesenia H. and Monica Vasquez
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per 2/May 18, 2009

People v Kelmer (Prosecution)

The group members of the Prosecution are Chami, Ashley, Amanda, Kevin, Vanessa and Sarina. According to their case, most of them are not being productive for example Amanda is not on task because she is busy clearing her folder and find it more important than the case. In other word Kevin is really focused on the case and working really hard to win this case.

Reporters: Loraine Armenta and Gustavo Dela Rosa
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per 2/May 18, 2009

People v. Martin (Defense)

Members in this case are working and are discussing the question that needs to be addressed during the court case, are going through all the evidence. Dr. Sage (Ivette) just stated that Becky is not guilty. Group member Danny was absent on the day of discussion and was thrown out of the group. Member Tasia and Bryon were present on the discussion but were outside most of the time trying to find who Cody is. And Jamisha, Monica, Melanie and Ivette are going through what they are going to present on the of the trail.

Reporters: Karla Castrejon and Octavio Ceja
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per 2/May 18, 2009

People v. Martin (Prosecution)

In their case a girl was hit on the head by a rock. According to their evidence it is said that a girl named Becky did this. But the prosecution is trying to find a way to win their trail and make her guilty. According to the group member, they say that the case is long and tough but is sticking to it and getting the case solved.

Reporter: Travis Farley
Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed
Per 2/May 18, 2009

Anonymous said...

by sarina el

[day two]
“Order in the court!” Judge Waldram exclaimed as the jury went into an uproar. The court day started off with prosecution witnesses Dean Taylor Okita, Dr. Aidan Hobbes, Officer Loren Kripke, and Cody Ward. All for the prosecution, these witnesses served great purpose in allowing the audience to believe that Anne was murdered by Beck Martin. However, Dr. Sage Gracian shocked us all with her examination of the body. With specialization in forensic pathology, she enclosed a statement that introduces the idea that Anne was not murdered. With experience in rock climbing and background as a pathologist, she concluded that there were no so called “ligature” marks; they could have easily been rope marks from a slip up. It is difficult to say whether Anne Marcus died by malicious murder or a fatal accident. However, as this case unpeels, we will experience the fruitful success of justice and its juicy goodness.

Anonymous said...

Mock Trial: Day 1

People v. Martin

The trial has begun on May 27, 2009, where the prosecution has started their opening statement. The opening statement was made by prosecution Lawyer Matt, who wants to prove that Becky Martin is guilty for murder. Jamisha a defendant Lawyer who said that Becky Martin is innocent and will be proven innocent.
The case is usually about a couple of students in a high school starting with a girl named Becky Martin. Becky and Cody got caught by Anna cheating on a big test. Anna told them to turn themselves in for cheating and if they don’t, Ana would tell on them. Later on, Anna went on a mountain climbing couple days after Becky and Cody got caught testing. They found that Ana was dead, when she went to mountain climbing. Here the prosecution sides are saying that Becky Martin has something to do with it, as she is going to be turned in by Anna for cheating on the test and for that reason Becky has murdered her.
On the first day Matt (Prosecution Lawyer) interviewed the first witness Officer Christiana who was an officer for 5 yrs. She was asked if she knew Anna, but she said yes and that she received a call that there was a dead body. Later on Jocelyn (Prosecution Lawyer) also asked what happened that day and if she know anything. Also Joey (Prosecution Lawyer) who asked the officer about the witness knowledge about the victim’s death.
On the other side Jamisha (Defendant Lawyer) who was cross examining the witness. Also Melanie (Defendant Lawyer) who was questioning the officer about the injuries on the body and how it did not match what exactly happened on the scene. Also the doctor has examined the body and said that, the reason of the death was because of drowning and that the red marks on her hand wrist was made by the rope, while she was climbing and had a prove by showing a diagram about the body, which something else had happened and that Becky Martin has nothing to do with it.

Reporters: Travis Farley, Danny Artiga, Octavio Ceja, Gustavo De La Rosa, Karla Castrejon, Loraine, Yesenia Hernandez, Monica Vasquez and Melissa D.

Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (Chief Editor)
Period 2/May 28, 2009

Anonymous said...

Mock Trial: Day 1

People v. Martin

The trial has begun on May 27, 2009, where the prosecution has started their opening statement. The opening statement was made by prosecution Lawyer Matt, who wants to prove that Becky Martin is guilty for murder. Jamisha a defendant Lawyer who said that Becky Martin is innocent and will be proven innocent.
The case is usually about a couple of students in a high school starting with a girl named Becky Martin. Becky and Cody got caught by Anna cheating on a big test. Anna told them to turn themselves in for cheating and if they don’t, Ana would tell on them. Later on, Anna went on a mountain climbing couple days after Becky and Cody got caught testing. They found that Ana was dead, when she went to mountain climbing. Here the prosecution sides are saying that Becky Martin has something to do with it, as she is going to be turned in by Anna for cheating on the test and for that reason Becky has murdered her.
On the first day Matt (Prosecution Lawyer) interviewed the first witness Officer Christiana who was an officer for 5 yrs. She was asked if she knew Anna, but she said yes and that she received a call that there was a dead body. Later on Jocelyn (Prosecution Lawyer) also asked what happened that day and if she know anything. Also Joey (Prosecution Lawyer) who asked the officer about the witness knowledge about the victim’s death.
On the other side Jamisha (Defendant Lawyer) who was cross examining the witness. Also Melanie (Defendant Lawyer) who was questioning the officer about the injuries on the body and how it did not match what exactly happened on the scene. Also the doctor has examined the body and said that, the reason of the death was because of drowning and that the red marks on her hand wrist was made by the rope, while she was climbing and had a prove by showing a diagram about the body, which something else had happened and that Becky Martin has nothing to do with it.

Reporters: Travis Farley, Danny Artiga, Octavio Ceja, Gustavo De La Rosa, Karla Castrejon, Loraine, Yesenia Hernandez, Monica Vasquez and Melissa D.

Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (Chief Editor)
Period 2/May 28, 2009

Anonymous said...

Mock Trial: Day 1

People v. Martin

The trial has begun on May 27, 2009, where the prosecution has started their opening statement. The opening statement was made by prosecution Lawyer Matt, who wants to prove that Becky Martin is guilty for murder. Jamisha a defendant Lawyer who said that Becky Martin is innocent and will be proven innocent.
The case is usually about a couple of students in a high school starting with a girl named Becky Martin. Becky and Cody got caught by Anna cheating on a big test. Anna told them to turn themselves in for cheating and if they don’t, Ana would tell on them. Later on, Anna went on a mountain climbing couple days after Becky and Cody got caught testing. They found that Ana was dead, when she went to mountain climbing. Here the prosecution sides are saying that Becky Martin has something to do with it, as she is going to be turned in by Anna for cheating on the test and for that reason Becky has murdered her.
On the first day Matt (Prosecution Lawyer) interviewed the first witness Officer Christiana who was an officer for 5 yrs. She was asked if she knew Anna, but she said yes and that she received a call that there was a dead body. Later on Jocelyn (Prosecution Lawyer) also asked what happened that day and if she know anything. Also Joey (Prosecution Lawyer) who asked the officer about the witness knowledge about the victim’s death.
On the other side Jamisha (Defendant Lawyer) who was cross examining the witness. Also Melanie (Defendant Lawyer) who was questioning the officer about the injuries on the body and how it did not match what exactly happened on the scene. Also the doctor has examined the body and said that, the reason of the death was because of drowning and that the red marks on her hand wrist was made by the rope, while she was climbing and had a prove by showing a diagram about the body, which something else had happened and that Becky Martin has nothing to do with it.
Reporters: Travis Farley, Danny Artiga, Octavio Ceja, Gustavo De La Rosa, Karla Castrejon, Loraine, Yesenia Hernandez, Monica Vasquez and Melissa D.

Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (Chief Editor)
Period 2/May 28, 2009

Anonymous said...

Mock Trail: Day 2

People v. Martin

The second day has begun with all the defense and prosecution lawyers ready for their trial. The trail begins with Prosecution Lawyer Matt who was interviewing Taylor. Dean Taylor who said that Cody like to get into a lot of fights. Cody has been going to Dean Taylor’s office for a many times and it wasn’t surprising that to Dean Taylor that she caught them cheating on the test. Becky was worried and scared when she saw Ms. Kite.
Cody was also got caught in a project from a website. Becky was thinking to turn herself in but quickly turned away. Next Dr. Aiden Hobbes who was also been asked about the murder. Dr. Aiden Hobbes who had a degree on Chemistry in Middle State University, she was also the examiner of the body of Ann (victim). She has examined that her death was by her own fault and that the marks in her hand was by the rope. Doctor also found that her lungs were filled with salt water, which shows she was drowned and thought that she got hit in the head by her own stuff.
Then comes the Prosecution Lawyer (Joey) who was interviewing Cody. Cody graduated from Driftwood High School. He got caught twice for cheating, the second was involving Becky Martin. Doctor found a blood stain on Becky’s wrist the next morning. Cody saw Ann for the last time at 7:50 pm, which is the day before she died.
Defense side started to question their side of the witness. First was Dale Piotnik who was a park ranger the place where the murder took place. He walked around that place and saw 2 cars parked there. It was around 8:40 pm; Dale thought that the girls were staying overnight. At the end Becky’s car was the only one there. Next came Dr. Sage Gracian, who had a degree on Biology and a certified coroner. She got an evidence show the body of Ann Marcus and saw that the wound on her head was 5 cm long, which it seems like an object. Doctor showed that Ann fell from the cliff and died.
The defense has showed all the evidence and showed that Ann death was due to her own fault and that Becky Martin is innocent for her being accused for murdering Ann. The case is closed and the defense has won the trial.

Reporters: Travis Farley, Danny Artiga, Octavio Ceja, Gustavo De La Rosa, Karla Castrejon, Loraine, Yesenia Hernandez, Monica Vasquez and Melissa D.

Posted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (Chief Editor)

Period 2/June 2, 2009

Anonymous said...

Octavio Ceja
Period 2

Court Case

We finally finished our both court cases today in class and it was a wonderful experience. I was a part of the media so my job was to write articles about what when on in that day of court. Throught the case there was alot of interesting things said and there was good points made. Well Devon Klemar is being accused of killing Corey. Both the prosacution and the defendents made great arguments to Judge Waldram. A great part of this case was the lawyer Daisy. Daisy, in my opinnion, is the main reason why Devon was innocent in this case. She put up a great fight in defending Devon, everytime she would call out "objections your honor" she would get it right and would quit up the prosecutioners. I could tell that Daisy was very well prepared. Well the jury hasnt come up with a answer for the judge and us the media, but by the way things are looking I have a feeling that Devon Klemar is innocent.
Our first court case we had was Becky Martin vs The People. In this court case Becky Martin is being accused of killing Anne Marcus. Becky, Anne, and Cody where great friends all throughout high school. Anne saw Cody and Becky steeling answers for a important test they were going to take soon to graduate. Anne gave them the weekend to turn themself in or she would turn them in to the principal. Becky would like to go rocky claming so over the weekend Becky and Cody meet her there and thats where they got into a argument. Anne was found died on Monday morning and all Becky had to say "it's such a shame that she fell" when in fact she didnt know how Anne had past away . Threw a long court case they finally came with a answer for the jury, it was not guilty. They had good points made in both sides but in my opinnion I think Cody was guilty he should have been the one on trail and not Becky, so now there another criminal on the streets.