Country #3 - Canada - Due Friday Feb 27th @ Midnight
Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.
COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriate
SIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?constituional monarchy also parliamentary democracy and a federation. Parlam has the righ to vote not the people.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
This current event is about how canda's banks and how they're cutting interest rates by a half a point. Making interest a recored low .5 percent. This should be the last rate change in 2009. Bank knocked down borrowing rate by 350 basis points. bad news for canada currency it is now worth 80 cents to a us dollar. being so low people view it as a positivie because more people will buy from them and help the economy back on track. They believe it will still only get worse.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?If they should end the cycle of lowering interest rate or just keep lowering inerest rates.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? the best solution would be lowering interest rates the value of their currency would go down,but more countries would want to trade with them because of low cost of goods and will put economy back on track.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? I think they will lower interest rates and make them seem the best to do trade with and than help put their economy back on track.
Nick C.
Period 5
1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. it gives parlam the right to vote.
2. They found a new way to find HGH. Instead of using blood test they found this new way with urine. Before it would take forever to find HGH in urine but now they came up with this new way. Its cheaper and easier.
3. Their options are to continue to fund this project and hope it comes out for the best.
4. I think that the best solution for this is to continue with the research and if it works to fund it and start using it as soon as possible.
5. I predict that this will work because of all of the technology. Its easier now and it will work.
Tony M.
1. Constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
2. http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2009/02/20/56655_entertainment.html
3. In the article, it doesn’t really mention a problem, it just talks about how the actor, who played Captain Kirk in Star Trek wants to be the next Prime Minister of Canada. All this started when one of his fans sent him a letter supporting him, and telling him that he should be the Governor General, but he doesn’t want that position because it belongs to Queen Elizabeth the second, and that the Governor General position is more ceremonial than anything else. Even though he has a busy schedule he has said that he would rather be the prime minister of Canada and he has the support of his fans behind him.
4. The choice that the Canadians and all the fans of the Star Trek actor, William Shatner, is decide whether he is the right guy for the position of Prime Minister or to choose to leave things the way they are right now in Canada.
5. Well, I believe he may actually be chosen as the prime minister because he has the support of his fans that are behind him all the way.
Angelica V.
Period 5
1)Canada is a democracy but is slightly different to that of America. Canada has a parliamentary democracy: government by a body of cabinet ministers who are chosen from and responsible to the legislature and act as advisers to a nominal chief of state.
A new report suggests that Canada's border agency allowed some strategic nuclear and military equipment to leave the country without checking whether rogue countries or terrorists are the buyers. Exporters of strategic equipment that's subject to strict controls too often file their own paperwork; they continue to have a choice of submitting their export declaration in paper format. The United States and the European Union call for an end to paper work, and require all export declarations to be made electronically in advance of shipping. Investigators found that some truck drivers cheat by using the same photocopied paper form for different export shipments.
3) The agency says it will produce a study by October on how to eliminate paper forms and tighten security. To prevents potential terrorist threats from entering the United States from Canada.
4) The best thing to do is to tighten up security to prevent risk of other terrorist attacks.
5)If what was promised I would say that everything will work out well, in the long run.
Lucia C.
Per 5
1. The form of goverment that Canada has is nConstitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. This means that it gives people the right to vote.
The issue that Canada is facing right now is that they are having their biggest drop in the past three months, and there economy shrank the most since 1991. Canada’s gross domestic product contracted at a 3.4 percent annualized rate between October and December. Canada’s biggest insurance company, fell C$1.38 to C$11.52. Manulife may offer cash and shares for American International’s largest Asian insurance unit, people familiar with the matter said last week. The second-largest oil-sands producer was cut to “market perform” from “outperform” at Raymond James.Canada’s biggest energy company by market value, dropped 7.5 percent to C$46.42.
3,4. The options that Canada has to solve their problem will probably be to stay on resetion, until they can recover from their bad economy issues. I Think that this will be the best way to do something about the problem because there is not such a thing that Canada can do to make it better. They have to wait an d see how everything works.
5. I think that is they stay calm and do the things right. eventually everything will go back to normal. They should fallow some of the United States steps.
Chris Salgado. Per: 5
1) Canada has a Parliamentary system meaning there’s no clear-cut separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, leading to a different set of checks and balances compared to those found in presidential systems.
2) http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/03/02/afghanistan-harper.html
This article is about how Canada has sent in troops to Afghanistan, and they are unsure of their reasons for being there. Some say they are there to train the Afghan army so they can fight for themselves, and others say they are there to take down the Taliban.
3) I think if they are in there to help Afghanistan, they can in fact do great things. But if they have alternative motives, I think they should leave instead of cause more fighting.
4) I think the best solution would be to each the Afghan army how to fend for themselves and then leave.
5) The future is unclear to me with this situation. I’m not sure if they’re there for the right reasons.
Melquan Gomez-Jones
Per 5
-Canada is a federation with a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy comprising of ten provinces and three territories.
-The latest headline coming out of Canada’s Olympic City; Vancouver is rooted directly with gang violence. The mayor commented Wednesday saying anti gang movements as far as now is a “losing battle”. Within Tuesday night and Wednesday morning there were three occasions that left two people dead and three others injured.
-The nation can invest in programs to battle the gang violence and help to rectify the problem.
-Invest into the police force; provide adequate protection for the society. Hire new and well trained officers and also clean up the current department of any crooked cops.
There is violence everywhere u go, gangs populate in most cities. Everyone knows these gangs are ran by drug profiting. DEA efforts on drugs is nothing short of a failure. The feds pour millions and millions of more American tax dollars into stopping the drug movement but the truth is drug profits are only continuing to expand and grow. There for any efforts in combating and exterminating gang violence and activity is a near impossible and monumentous task.
Joshua Laprease per.5
1.Canada’s type of government is federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.
2.Women are under represented in the top jobs. According to a study women hold fewer than 17 percent of executive positions, even though the number of female executives grew up by a two percent over the last two years. Forty percent of women earn the majority of University degrees, but still men are the ones who own the jobs in top companies. The study shows that there has not been an increase in number of women holding a top job, but there has been an increment in the private companies. http://working.canada.com/resource/story.html?id=902f34c9
3.Companies in Canada can start looking at the studies that show that women are as well or better prepared to take an important job.
4.I think this problem could be solved by hiring more women in any type of company whether it’s a very important one or not.
5.I think that men will always be seen as better and it might not change soon, but I would like that in sometime in the future women will have the same opportunities as men.
Nancy C
1. It has a federation with a constitutional monarchy.
A single monarch as over-all head of the federation, but retaining different monarchs, or a non-monarchical system of government, in the various states joined to the federation
The Atlantic cod was a very popular fish for fifty years off the atlantic coast of canada. now scientist believe that this heavily fished cod will be extinct within 20 years.
3.i believe they need to take action and try to preserve this fish so that it does not go extinct. people have to take action so this does not happen.
4. i think that they should start to reproduce the cod to slow down or try to stop the extinction.
5.i think it all depends on the action people take. if people don't pay attention to the situation the cod will be extinct, but if they choose to do something about it ... the process will stop or at least slow down the extinction.
Monica B.
period 2
1. Constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. which means it gives the people the right to vote.
2. this article talks about the government of Canada issues two directives to Canada post. the first directive requires Canada Post to develop an operational plan to restore and maintain mail delivery to rural roadside mailboxes within 18 months. The second directs the corporation to continue funding the publications assistance program. Minister Cannon expects that the Canada Post will take in consideration the health and safety of their employees. The government of Canada ensure to continue on the mail service on monitoring the situation closely Canada post strives to ensure that rural residents are provided with safe, efficient and quality rural mail service. the government also recognizes the importance of the Canadian publishing industry to our culture.http://www.tc.gc.ca/mediaroom/releases/nat/2006/06-h178e.htm
3. i think in order for them too solve the problem is ensuring that both employees and residents are getting as much safety in this rural areas.
4.to resolve this problem the government should work on fixing the rural areas so mail can be delivered safety.
5.i think that in the future this problem would get fixed if the government works fast on fixing the roads and working closely with the post.
Jasmene Garcia
period. 5
1.Canadas form of government is constitutional monarchy and also parliamentary democracy that means that they don’t have as much rights as the US has like they don’t have the right to vote, the government makes the decisions.
2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4620272.stm (CANADAS MARIJUANA GROWING PROBLEM)
-Canada's government says people like Frank are a menace to society,by putting drugs on the streets ,but Canadians admit smoking weed atleast once… Over four years, Frank - not his real name - tended a patch of marijuana plants in a forest clearing about 45 minutes' walk from where his cabin now stands. He regularly pooled his harvests with those of several other growers in the small British Columbia (BC) town in which he lives, to sell wholesale to young men from just across the border in the US state of Idaho. Frank says he made hundreds of thousands of Canadian dollars before hurriedly leaving the business when his American buyers were arrested. But tens of thousands of illegal "grow-ops" remain in Canada. Estimates suggest marijuana may generate up to C$7bn (£3.5bn; US$6.1bn) a year in BC, the sunny province thought to be at the heart of the industry.
3.In my opinion I think the state should just legalize weed since many are most likely doing it still I think there is no defference into not legalizing it.
4.Same hing klike I said in answer 3 , they should just legalize it.
5.Some predictions I have is that people are still going tobe breaking the rules when it comes to either selling or buying weed that is why in my opinion I think its better of if they just legalize marijuana.
Diana A.
Period 5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means?
They have a constitutional monarchy, where in either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state,but is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
There is a lot of organized gangs that are threats against the people of Canada. There has been a lot of shooting in Vancouver and these are all gang related. The prime minister met with a group of anti gang officials and told them that they had to do something to protect the people of Canada against these gangs.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
They presented parliament with an act that will put in new laws against organized crimes which means that they will be more strict with these gangs from Canada.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think that they are taking the right step to making Canada a better place by putting away these gangsters for life and keeping the streets safe for people to live.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think that the future might be better than today because of the actions they are taking against organized crime and they are really getting serious about cracking down on them.
Daniel P.
Period 5
Constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. Which means it gives the people the right to vote.
One of the big problems Canada is facing today deals with one of the world’s most valuable cash crop marijuana. It is said that marijuana brings in about 7 billion dollars a year. It talks about a man named Frank which a marijuana grower the government is saying he is a menace to society the government is trying to come down hard on people that grow and use marijuana.
They should just legalize it. Its like alcohol it changes your state of mind but I believe its up to the individual if they choose to use it. They should just legalize it will help make the economy stronger it brings in a lot of money when its illegal it will bring even more when it’s legal.
I think the best solution is to just legalize it .Its up to you if you want to use it or not. It’s the same as cigarettes and alcohol.
I don’t think marijuana will ever be legalized but people will continue to use no matter what. There won’t be a solution to the problem because people are still going to smoke even if it’s illegal or not. There fighting a never ending war.
Carlos Sosa
Periode 2
1. Canada's government is a federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.
2.Women are under represented in the top jobs. According to a study women have fewer than 17 percent of executive positions, even though the number of female executives increased by a two percent over the last two years. Forty percent of women received the majority of University degrees, but men are still the ones who have the top jobs in companies. The study shows that there hasn't been an increase in number of women holding a top job, but there has been an increment in the private companies. http://working.canada.com/resource/story.html?id=902f34c9
3. Companies in Canada can look at the studies and see that women are also prepared for the important jobs provided.
4. This can be solved by hiring more women no matter what kind of company it may be.
5. Men are still seen in certain eyes that they are more efficient for the more important occupations. We are living in a new generation. We already have had an african american and a female run for president. Women are going to be viewed differently based on their skills rather than their gender soon enough.
Briana Schaefer
Period 5
1. Canada's form of governtment is a constitutional monarchy.
2. Canada's branch of General Motors froze wages and pensions, and like the U.S. the falling of GM will put a major dent in Canada's economy. (http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/006200903090951.htm)
3. canada has decided to fallow suit with the U.S. and provide a bailout package for the big 3 auto makers.
4. the bail out plan is really the only thing they can do as of right now, but for the future, the big 3 automakers need to produce cars that people will actually buy
5. its hard to tell what will happen right now, but the companies seem to be steadying
Jacob Morales
Period. 5
1. Canada's government is a consitutional monarchy in which the powers and structure of the federal government are set out in the Constitution of Canada, which includes the written part, the decisions of courts, and unwritten conventions developed over time.
2. Canada is devising a plan to deal with the global economic recession, to protect the jobs of their citizens, savings and retirement. They are planning to reduce the tax burden on Canadian individuals, families and businesses, and help Canadians who are hardest hit by the recession. Also to engage in smart stimulus spending that creates jobs and strengthens the financial system.
3. In order to completely take action in the crisis, the canadian governemt must have a solid plan in order to swad the people into following through with the new changes. Just like the U.S. now with President Obamas stimulus package. Canada is also following that lead as well.
4. The recessive is a problem that we all face in our everyday lives at work and at home. We are effected by it. In order for the plan to go through, Canadians must follow the plan that the government is laying before them. If they don't, it will not work.
5. It's hard to say what i predict will happen with this economic "clean up" plan. I'm hoping that it was help the economy and better the people. But right now it seems like everyone around the world is suffering from this recession.
Melaney Hays
Per. 2
1. they have a parliamentary monarchy:A constitutional monarchy, or a limited monarchy, is a form of constitutional government, wherein either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state, unlike in an absolute monarchy, wherein the king or the queen is the sole source of political power
a spanish politition was shot and killed. The victim was Froilan Elespe, 54, a deputy mayor and member of the Socialist Party, the Basque regional Interior Ministry said. Elespe was shot at least twice as he stood in a bar, police said in Lasarte, an industrial town about six miles south of San Sebastian.
3. maybe have polititions have bodyguards. its not right for a man who gets shot comming out of a bar.
4. I think have a bodyguard. Like i said this problem could have been prevevted.
5. Maybe the will have better security for the political leaders. because if they dont take better care of them they could have a massacare in there hands.
Octavio C.
period 2
1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation.
2. http://theedger.org/2008/12/04/whats-happening-in-canada/
Canada’s government is temporarily on a time-out. Anything from spin to downright lies are coming out of every media outlet and politician in Canada right now.
3. This article doesn’t really say anything about what they are going to do, until January 26 Canada will be under a PR war between the Conservatives and the Coalition. Both will claim to stand for Canada and democracy.
4. I think that the only really solution to this problem is world peace. Everyone needs to get along and stop hiding things, but I don’t think that will happen.
5. I think that this is going to be a long process, but everything will clear up in the end.
Rachel J.
Per. 2
1. Constitutional Monarchy.
A single monarch as over-all head of the federation, but retaining different monarchs, or a non-monarchical system of government, in the various states joined to the federation.
2.This article states that Canada is advising there people not to travel to mexico because of the drug cartels and what is going on there.
3. The choices the nation has to make to solve this problem is to just advertise as much as they can to not get there citizens to go to mexico.
4. The solution i think that can best resolve this problem is that people should just be smart and not travel to tourists spots in mexico as there vacation and go somewhere else such as hawaii.
5.Predictions i have regarding the future of this situation is to just listen to others and not go to mexico until the whole drug war situation is completely cleared up.
Christiana Paulsen
Period 2
1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy but also a federal parliamentary democracy. It follows a documented set of rules but is ruled by a single person or figure head. it is also a group of states united under a central government (parliament) with voting ability.
2. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas /03/05/canada.bus.beheading/index.html#cnnSTCText
After a man was beheaded on a bus last year, canadian court found the suspect "not criminally responsible because he is mentally ill". The family of the victim is very upset over this violent death, where the man (Vince Li) stabbed the victim (Tim McLean) several times before cutting off his head. Mr. Li is going to a psychiatric ward where he can be kept under surveillance.
3. This isn't a national problem, but it shows how the court system works in Canada. Just like here in the U.S. you can plead mental illness to escape a sentence. However, you are locked away in a psych ward.
4. I think it would be best to lock up Mr. Li in a real jail cell. The article says he suffers from schizophrenia, but I don;t think he should get special treatment. They can put him in his own cell.
5. In the future, I think the court system in Canada should make their rulings a little closer to the date the crime happened. That way no one has time to make up possible stories.
Kassie Q.
Per. 2
1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy and a federal parliamentary democracy. There is a set ruler or figure head who must follow the rules set out by the constitution and parliament. Citizens have the right to vote.
2. http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/science/03/17/ tiny.dino/index.html#cnnSTCText
Canadian scientists have found the smallest known North American dinosaur. It is about the size of a house cat and lived around 75 million years ago. It was a carnivore because of its two legs and razor like teeth. It could only eat small things though. This is a huge discovery for scientists.
3. This is just an interesting article about something newly found in Canada. There isn't a problem to be resolved.
4. The best thing they can do is keep looking for more fossils and try to discover more about this creature.
5. I think they'll find more bones and claws that will tell us more about this dinosaur.
Kassie Q.
Per 2
1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy based government.
2. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601082&sid=am4z9q_Oj0bo
Canada’s stocks haven’t risen since last month’s gain. The stocks increased a great amount of more than 2.3 percent. The growth was triggered by the U.S. home sales and manufacturing signaled a growth in Canada’s biggest trade market.
3. By sticking to ever their doing now, they could possible take the U.S. out of the financial crisis.
4. Keep the home and manufacturing sales.
5. I feel that we can possibly change the financial crisis, making it into a more better growth in stocks.
1. Canada is a constitutional monarchy based government.
2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090401/wl_canada_nm/canada_us_usa_lumber_1
Canada will unwillingly pay the U.S. C$50 million for trade agreement involving softwood lumber exports. They will pay the U.S. instead of surcharge on lumber.
3. Canada can either pay for lumber or charge a surcharge.
4. To pay and there will be no problem.
5. I think will solve the problem by paying.
1. Canada's government is a federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Which means it gives the people the right to vote.
2. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35850
Canada prepares to enforce Islamic law. Canadian judges soon will be enforcing Islamic law, or Sharia, in disputes between Muslims, possibly paving the way to one day administering criminal sentences, such as stoning women caught in adultery. Muslims are required to submit to Sharia in Muslim societies but are excused in nations where they live as a minority under a non-Muslim government.
3. One of the obstacles to establishing the system has been the Muslim communities' lack of unity and organizational strength. There really is no way around this unless it stops. It says in this article that the people are looking forward to these laws. They will probably be feeling much more face knowing that they are enforced.
4. These problems will be solved once these laws are enforced. So, this is the only way of solving the problems.
5. I think that the future to this community is looking at a brighter side once these laws are enforced. Putting all the criminals in their places is that they need to do and will make Canada a better place!
Rachel Jimenez
Period 2
Current Event #3
1. Canada has a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. Which means gives the people the right to vote.
2. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090220/obesity_job_090220?s_name=&no_ads=
This article talks about how obesity is causing problems in Canada’s workplaces. Obesity has affected job performance for many Canadians. Many are now obesity, the agency says, the rate of obesity has rise from 12.5 to 15.7 per cent. Most are at age of 55 to 64, many workers are finding it hard to get their jobs done, some need to cut on their activities, some need to take days off from work and others get injured. Obese workers sometimes can’t fit into their equipment or just don’t want to wear it which causes accidents. They feel ignored and received low social support from colleagues and supervisors at work. Obesity isn't just causing problems with their work; their work might actually be causing their obesity too.
3. Study’s say they should reduce or prevent obesity in the workplace. Also will include better health and well being of workers, as well as the potential for higher productivity and better job performance.
4. I think the best solution would be to sponsor health promotions initiatives in the workplace and have a weight maintenance program at work.
5. I believe that if they have a weight maintenance program and have them exercise then they will have a better job performance and healthier workers.
Yesenia H.
Per. 2
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