- Current Event #1 – Mexico
i. Find a current event in which the government of Mexico is the topic of discussion and identify the following:
1. What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)?
2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)?
3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)?
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)?
(You may have to use www.cia.gov and click on world fact book to find the nation's information)
Mr. W
Period 2
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic.
2. The President (Chief of State) is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon, took part in a roundtable decision with other world leaders, to discuss the topic of climate change and the effect of greenhouse gases. This meeting took place during the World Economic Forum, this distinct group of leaders hope to find a suitable way to reduce greenhouse gases in half by the year 2050. The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention was pleased, as Mexico continues through with its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emission in half.
Article: (http://www.mexicopremiere.com/?p=925 )
4. Mexico is striving to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it produces, this might be because the United States is one of the world’s leaders in the move to becoming more “ozone friendly”. Mexico’s plan to raise awareness of the importance that natural resources have, is also very similar to the situation America is faced with, seeing as how we continue to cut down trees to make way for urban development.
5. I fully agree with Felipe Calderon and other foreign leaders that attended the conference, we do need to raise awareness, and educate everyone on the subject of greenhouse gas emissions and the destruction of the world’s natural resources.
-Daisy Jacinto
(Period 2)
1. Mexico’s form of government is a Federal Republic.
2. Mexico’s current leader is Felipe Calderon.
3. Currently, Mexico is facing major issues when it comes to violence over drug wars that are going on between cartels that are fighting for power. The article directly talks about the war between the drug cartels from Juarez and Sinaloa. Thirteen people were recently killed, including an officer, during the violent fights over the drug war near the northern Chihuahua State that borders Texas. Six of the thirteen people were killed in Ciudad Juarez, and two were killed in a race track in Namiquipa, and there were five other people who were killed in three other towns in Chihuahua. Since 2007, Mexico has sent more than forty-thousand troops with federal police to try to end the drug war, but their attempt has been unsuccessful because more than 4, 500 people were killed in 2008, many of them were killed in Ciudad Juarez.
4. The United States is actually helping Mexico with money to fight the drug war, In December, 2008, the United States gave Mexico 197 million dollars which was only the first part of the 400 million that the U.S. is going to give to Mexico which is all part of the anti-drug-trafficking program. This money is all part of the Merida initiative that was approved in June 2007 by the United States congress and was announced in October 2007. Condoleezza Rice gave a priority to the national security of the United States and to an initiative of 1.6 billion dollars in aid over three years that will be used to train and equip security forces. In the end it will help strengthen the justice system so it can deal with all the organized crime that is currently happening in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean nations. The relationship between Mexico and the United States is positive because if the U.S. helps Mexico protect their side of the border when it comes to drug wars, there won’t be so many drugs smuggled into the United States.
5. I learned from the article that Mexico is in major problems with the drug wars that are going on, because innocent people die almost every week from the violence between the cartels and their men. Some of the differences in the government is that in Mexico the government is corrupt because the cartels buy the cops silence with any good sum of money, and in the United States cops are more decent and don’t sell themselves for money. When it comes to life in Mexico, it’s difficult for all the people which is why many Mexicans come to the United States in order to better their life. Although in the United States life is pretty good, because even though the economy is declining gradually, people overcome the struggles, because there are many opportunities in the United States to live well with a decent paying job.
Angelica Velazquez
(Period 5)
The form of government that Mexico has is a Federal Republic.
The leader of the government is a president who is voted in. The current President of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.
There is a major crime threat involving both the United States and Mexico, along the border cities, an example would be El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. The article deals with Mexican drug traffickers posing one of the biggest organized crime threats to the United States. The article also says that President Obama is going to support a multi-million dollar aid package to help Mexico better deal with illegal drugs and the gangs who traffic it. President Obama also wants to help Mexico catch people who smuggle weapons like guns and rifles from the United States to Mexico. Obama wants to also help improve trade between the United States and Mexico. “The more secure Mexico is, the more secure the US will be,” said President Obama. Obama also wants to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement that is between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Immigration is also a issue that both counties face, Obama wants to create a better way for illegal immigrants to gain legal status in the United States.
The relationship between the United States and Mexico is becoming stronger. Both Mexico and the United States deal with immigration. Many drugs are sneaked into the United States from Mexico and that influences the United States greatly. Mexico and the United States have many different relationships with each other, but the crime influences us in a negative way. There are many violent deaths in both the United States and Mexico because of drug gangs smuggling drugs into the United States and smuggling weapons into Mexico from the United States.
I did not know that President Obama met with President Calderon and that they discussed the issues that are bothering both countries. I always knew that people smuggled drugs into the United States from Mexico, but I never knew that people smuggled guns into Mexico from the United States. The other information about crime and immigration I already knew was a problem because I have visited Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas many times throughout my whole life. I lived in El Paso, Texas for a year during my sophomore year of high school and witnessed many of the problems spoken of in the article. The similarities that both countries have is that people are allowed to vote for their leaders and their leaders do their best to resolve the problems in their countries with what they have. Both countries also deal with drugs and crime and also a rough economy. The only differences I see is that there is more corruption and crime in Mexico and some laws in Mexico could be way different than the ones here in the United States
Gerardo Mena
Period - 5
1. federal republic
2. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa
3.The United States need to enhance their efforts in fighting drug transportation through Mexico and the United States
4. The relationship between Mexico and the U.S. are negative and positive. It's negative due to the drug transportations
5. The Cartels are the ones who are the main people who have the drugs transfered to the U.S.
Carlos B. Per. 5
1. What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)? They have federal republic
2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)?cheif of state and head goverment. President felipe de jesus calderon hinojosa
3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)? to many poor guatemalans who corssed the mexico border who is lookn for work causing strained water supply. also major drug producing
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)?
they have a president but he controls everything. their water supply being polluted and to much deforestation and security cops corrupted.
Nick Carrasco
1. Mexico’s government is a federal republic.
2. The current president of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico is currently in a terrible state of corruption and drug problems. There is a lot of fear put into the local citizens by drug cartels, and murders occur daily. Corruption is a big problem as Mexico is said to be a significant money laundering center. Mexico is a large drug producing nation, and is the US largest supplier of marijuana and methamphetamines since 2007. It is also a major supplier of heroin.
4. Mexico is involved in a many ways. One which appears to be most obvious has to do with immigration, and the current problem we have. But a more serious connection has to do with the drugs that Mexico supplies the Us with. They are the largest supplier of marijuana and methamphetamine, and 90% of all US bound cocaine stops in Mexico.
5. Some of the similarities between the US and Mexico has to do with the life expectancy which are both around 76. Our governments are fairly similar, as we both are independent nations. The economies are also similar as they are both free market trade. The main differences have to do with the corruption of government, and the state fear its citizens live in due to the drug cartel.
David Escalante P.2
1. Mexico’s government is a federal republic.
2. The current president of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico is currently in a terrible state of corruption and drug problems. There is a lot of fear put into the local citizens by drug cartels, and murders occur daily. Corruption is a big problem as Mexico is said to be a significant money laundering center. Mexico is a large drug producing nation, and is the US largest supplier of marijuana and methamphetamines since 2007. It is also a major supplier of heroin.
4. Mexico is involved in a many ways. One which appears to be most obvious has to do with immigration, and the current problem we have. But a more serious connection has to do with the drugs that Mexico supplies the Us with. They are the largest supplier of marijuana and methamphetamine, and 90% of all US bound cocaine stops in Mexico.
5. Some of the similarities between the US and Mexico has to do with the life expectancy which are both around 76. Our governments are fairly similar, as we both are independent nations. The economies are also similar as they are both free market trade. The main differences have to do with the corruption of government, and the state fear its citizens live in due to the drug cartel.
David Escalante P.2
1.Mexico government is a federal government.
2.Mexico current leader is Felipe Calderon.
3. This article talks about how illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico.The Mexican consulate office in Dallas has seen an increasing number of immigrants going home. It's almost 100% more immigrants returning than it was the past two years.The illegal immigrant population in the U.S.has dropped 11% since august of last year.Researchers show 1.3 million illegal immigrants have return to their home countries due to fewer jobs,causing many laborers to seek work else where in the U.S. President Felipe Calderon plans to help returning nationals. But reports are already out in Mexico that the large number of nationals returning home could drive down wages and put pressure on social services.
4. In the U.S. with our economy being so bad right now Americans have the same concerns with illegal living and working in the U.S. The U.S. dealt with a growth population of illegal immigrants working here and providing for their needs. But now that our economy is not in a well condition many illegal immigrants are returning to Mexico to find jobs over there due to the money crisis we are facing today in the U.S.
5. I learned that usually the main reason why illegal immigrants come to the U.S. because they believe in making lots of money and having a stable job to support families because Mexico was so much poorer back then. Many illegals were happy in living in the U.S. But once people began to lose jobs and was hard to find jobs many illegals thought it would be a good idea to return home to work and support their families in their own country where Mexico is doing quite so well right now.
Current Event #1
1. Mexico’s government is a Federal Republic Government.
2. The president of Mexico is President Felipe Calderon.
3. Some problems that concerns Mexico are: The Drug War, water problems and environmental issues.
4. Some of these problems involve water. If Mexico is having water problems soon the United States will have them too unless the U.S. find ways to fix the problems before hand. The water problems help influence the U.S. by knowing that people should clean up the ocean and avoid littering. If the U.S. takes care of the country then the people will not have to worry about water problems. However, the Americans should think more about conserving water. As for the Drug War that is happening in Mexico, I do not think the United States have to worry about it unless the drugs are getting into the country.
5. Mexico has a different military system than the United States. Even though Mexico does have Air Force, Navy and Army. Mexico has two different Navy systems. One is the Secretaria de Marina, and the other is Armada de Mexico. The difference might be that one is for Mexico and the other is for a city or something.
- Janelle C.
Period 2
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic
2.The president is Felipe Calderon
3.US and Mexico have teamed up to fight againt breast cancer. Mexico, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths and the numbers are going up.
4. First lady Laura Bush met with Mexico’s first lady, Margarita Zavala, in the work to join forces against the disease in Mexico. The partnership will work towards promoting early detection and will offer medical resources from the M.D.
5. I learned from this article that there is no boundaries when it comes to this topic. I think Mexico really needs the help since medical advancements are higher in the US than Mexico so this will be a great opportunity with those women suffering with this disease.
Monica Becerra
1. Mexico's form of goverment is federal republic.
2. Mexico just got a new president named Felipe Calderon
3.Mexico is currently facing political problems. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador run for president but failed in his trial. He then reappeared 2 years after leading a protest chargingpresidency had been stolen from him.know Manuel Lopez Obrador is a mexico city mayor who creates the biggest rallies that creates high economic populism.www.mexicotodayblog.com
4. U.S and mexico are currently facing the same strugges which is the Economy.
5.This article gave me a litle more information about the different types gov't rule.learned that economic like U.S. is within the worst position on the economy, and that mexico even though it has nothng to do with the situation we are in they too face the same problem but with less force.
Yesenia Hernandez
1. Their type of government is federal republic.
2. The President is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Mexico’s President attended a working meeting discussing,with other world leaders,the topic of climate change and the effect of greenhouse gases.The distinct group of leaders hope to find a suitable way to reduce greenhouse gases in half by the year 2050. The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change was pleased, as Mexico continues with its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emission in half.
4. Mexico is starting to reduce more green house gases than it produces.This might be because the U.S. is one of the worlds main country to becoming less polluted.This is similar to the situation America is facing with the continuation of cutting down trees to make way for urban development.
5. I fully agree with Felipe Calderon. We do need to educate and let every one know on the subject of greenhouse gas and the destruction of the world’s natural resources.
-Bryan Diaz
1. Mexico’s type of government is Federal Republic.
2. Felipe Calderon is their current leader.
3. Mexico currently has 166 federal nature reserves. The secretary of conservation of Natural Protected Areas, Environment and Natural Resource, Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, declared that the decree establishing eight new Nature Reserves, covering an area of 1,109,639 hectare, has enabled Federal Government to meet 37% of its goal for this administration. He said that Mexico currently has 166 federal nature reserves, accounting for over 23.1 million hectare, placing Mexico at the ahead of Latin America in the care and promotion of nature reserves. (http://www.mexicopremiere.com/?p=873)
4. Compared to the U.S., Mexico is a poor country. And if the U.S. national park budget is tight, Mexico's is non-existent. You will not find the same level of facilities or information that you would at a U.S. national park. Trails probably won't be marked, and maps can be hard to find. Similarly, other than beach resorts and the like, Mexico does not have a large outdoor recreation industry. Neither does Mexico have the same breadth of hiking clubs, paddling groups, guidebooks, and interpretation societies. In order to explore wilder Mexico, let go of your North American efficiency mindset. Learn some Spanish and be prepared to spend some time in local villages, getting to know the people and from there hiring a knowledgeable, trustworthy guide.
5. It is stressed that President Felipe Calderon’s government is not only committed to increasing the number of Nature Reserves in the country but also to ensuring that all of them have a management plan and sufficient resources for their optimal operation, since there is no point in establishing these areas and then abandoning them due to lack of resources, as happens in Central America and Asia and even in the state of California in the U.S. He explained that mechanisms are being promoted in Mexico that will help maintain these areas, such as payment for environmental services, which in addition to ensuring conservation, constitutes a source of income that will improve the living standards of those resident in these areas.
Chami S:] <333
Period 2
1.Federal Republic
2.Felipe Calderon
3.The issues that Mexico Faces in the article is the power that organized crime has within there country. The arcticle talked about how Felipe Calderon, along with his committee, plan to take action on the recent crime and kidnappings that have happened(http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2008-11/2008-11-12-voa1.cfm?CFID=113643770&CFTOKEN=32127913&jsessionid=663061121d5d3cc086e0e382f4de56c529d5).
4.The culteral ties that Mexico has with the United States is that most of all there emmingrants migrate to the United States. The relationship that Mexico shares with the United States is that of nutrality. They have no negativity towards the United States, but not much of a Positive militeristic trust towards us either.
5.I discovered the corruption and power that the Mexican people face. The power of the organized crime that goes on has very strong ties with the Mexican government along with a very strong religious core.
Justice Tausaga
Period 5
1.Mexico’s government type is a federal republic.
2.The government of Mexico is lead by President Felipe Calderon.
3.Mexico is facing issues with dangerous waste disposal facilities, natural water resources, raw sewages, and industrial places polluting rivers. Basically Mexico is facing environmental issues. The Mexican government considers the clean water and deforestation as serious issues.
4.This issue affects the United States because many of their industrial places are polluting the air around the border of US and Mexico; the waste disposals and industrial facilities are also affecting the water that borders us. Obviously this affects us in a negative way, because it’s also harming our environment.
5.A similarity I noticed between United States and Mexico was that they both have the branch system. The three branches include Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. So the similarity the countries have is that we run our governments similarly.
Dhwani Bhatt
(Period 2)
1.Mexico’s government type is a federal republic.
2.The government of Mexico is lead by President Felipe Calderon.
3.Mexico is facing issues with dangerous waste disposal facilities, natural water resources, raw sewages, and industrial places polluting rivers. Basically Mexico is facing environmental issues. The Mexican government considers the clean water and deforestation as serious issues.
4.This issue affects the United States because many of their industrial places are polluting the air around the border of US and Mexico; the waste disposals and industrial facilities are also affecting the water that borders us. Obviously this affects us in a negative way, because it’s also harming our environment.
5.A similarity I noticed between United States and Mexico was that they both have the branch system. The three branches include Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. So the similarity the countries have is that we run our governments similarly.
Dhwani Bhatt
(Period 2)
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic.
2. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Mexico's drug war has claimed 11 more victims Saturday and Sunday. (http://www.nasdaq.com/aspxcontent/NewsStory.aspx?cpath=20090208%5cACQDJON200902082029DOWJONESDJONLINE000406.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Mexican%20Drug%20Violence%20Kills%20Another%2011)
4. According to official figures, 5,300 people died throughout Mexico in 2008, as rival cartels vied for control of routes to supply drugs to the U.S.
Ashley S.
Period 2
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic
2. Mexico has a President, his name is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico is going through an economic crisis. It has only 2 levels of people, poor and rich. There is no middle class per say. Much of the people still are not educated, corruption is abundant in all political areas.
4. All of the above. A bit of both. As a bordering country it affects us.
5. The president of Mexico is trying to move his country forward by imposing regulations that are “green” while dealing with the problems of drugs.
Rachel Jimenez
Per 2
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic
2. The president of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico's drug war is escalating, and it is too much for the government to handle at the moment. As described in the article, an attack was aimed at Mexico City's Police Headquarters, but fortunately, the bomb exploded before it reached its destination. The man carrying the bomb was severely injured. In the past, attacks like these were often in retaliation caused by the government making huge busts, locking away members of said drug cartels. (http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1714490,00.html)
4. The White House pledged 1.4 billion dollars to aid Mexico with their escalating problems with drug cartels. The help plan includes many different types of assistance and equipment, for example: training for troops, surveillance planes, helicopters, and X-ray machines. Although, the aid will not include the help of U.S. troops. The main reason the U.S. is helping Mexico with this problem is because Americans are also affected by the drug violence. It is currently unsafe to travel to places like Tijuana, even as an American citizen, due to the risk that you may be kidnapped and killed. The corruption is appalling. (http://www.ask.com/bar?q=US+involvement+in+Mexican+Drug+war&page=1&qsrc=0&zoom=Reasons+for+%3CKW%3EUS+Involvement+in%3C%2FKW%3E+WWI%7C&ab=4&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2F2007-10-22-mexico_N.htm)
5. In this article I learned that Mexico is facing a problem similar to that of Israel, although not of the same magnitude. Israel is on the brink of war with Hamas; the attacks that Hamas and Mexican drug lords are committing are similar in nature. If both of these types of attacks continue, extreme measures will be taken by the superior power (i.e. war).
-Schuyler Lennartson
(Period 2)
1.Mexico is a Federal Republic
2.Felipe de Jesus Calderon is the President of Mexico
3.Felipe Calderon discussed the climate change and the effect of greenhouse gases. Felipe Calderon and a group of world leaders want to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases by half by the year 2050.
4.I think that Mexico may be trying to reduce greenhouse gases because America is trying to as well. America is also the world top leader.
5.I think every country should try to be more aware of the horrible greenhouse gases. I didn’t know that Mexico was trying to help.
-Amanda Cox
1. México is a Federal Republic.
2. Their Country is run by a president just like U.S.A. and his name is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Just like any other country Mexico has to deal with drugs, but their problem is getting worse. They a big drug cartel that is getting out of hand. The Mexican Army and even the united States of America is helping to crack down on these cartels to stop all the drug trafficking and slaughter that is going on in México. The Drug dealers are putting hits on their enemies but due to this there has been a lot of collateral damage and a lot of innocent people are being killed left and right. A lot of these people are being beheaded and cut to pieces for drugs and crime.
4. The relationships that México has with the U.S.A. are friendship and diplomatic relations. They have these just because of the Neighboring situation both countries are in. the are border countries. This doesn't affect them as much as it does here or so the people say that live here. They say that its affecting their jobs and that they don't pay taxes but that's just an opinion because there is not that many people here that will do the jobs that Mexican people are doing.
5. Mexico is not a rich country so they do have a lot of poverty and corruption. Unlike the USA where people don't really have to worry about it because they have a good paying job and the economy is just right. But we all have the same taste in music and allow each others agriculture in our countries.
Tony Mendoza
1. Mexico has a federal republic government.
2. They have an elected president who is Felipe Calderon
3. They are facing problems with criminal organizations and president Calderon said they will never negotiate with them and fight them unreservedly.
4. They have political issues with all the Mexican immigrants over here in the United States and all the ones that they send back to Mexico, and I think there is no good or bad that comes of this but some would disagree.
5. There really aren’t any similarities between us because a lot of people from Mexico want to come over here so that they can have a better life because even when we are in an economic crisis they are still better off over here in the United States. http://www.mexicopremiere.com/?p=857
1. Mexico has a federal republic government.
2. They have an elected president who is Felipe Calderon
3. They are facing problems with criminal organizations and president Calderon said they will never negotiate with them and fight them unreservedly.
4. They have political issues with all the Mexican immigrants over here in the United States and all the ones that they send back to Mexico, and I think there is no good or bad that comes of this but some would disagree.
5. There really aren’t any similarities between us because a lot of people from Mexico want to come over here so that they can have a better life because even when we are in an economic crisis they are still better off over here in the United States. http://www.mexicopremiere.com/?p=857
1. Mexico has a federal republic as government
2. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa is the president and he is also both the chief of state and head of government.
3. The Mexican government is facing a huge problem. It’s all got to do with violence, drugs. The Cartels in Mexico are fighting over power. Cartels in Mexico just like The Gulf Cartel, are openly recruiting by posting help-wanted signs and hanging a large banner across a major thoroughfare.
4. It has a negative affect because the United States is spending money that it doesn’t have to help Mexico. Washington, alarmed at the growing power of the cartels, is backing President Felipe Calderon's government. They are spending multibillion dollars to aid Mexico in the war against drugs.
5. I also learn that the cartels are now gaining power in the United States. They are buying there way in our society.
Gustavo De La Rosa
Mr. Waldram
Period 2
1. The Mexican Government is a Federal Republic that also called a federation similar to our government Mexico has a constitution they have 31 states.
2. There government has the same three branches as ours an Executive, Legislative and Judicial. They have 500 members of representatives and 128 members of the Senate. Currently the Mexican president is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico is facing higher Kidnappings more than ever. They have three types of Kidnappings children, Express and Ransom. Most anyone can be kidnapped but the children are the first target. Second are the middle or upper class and tourist. The third is wealthy businessmen. www.solutionsabroad.com/en/security/security-category/kidnapping-in-mexico.html
4. Mexico and the USA have a bittersweet relationship when it comes to Immigration. Illegal immigration to the US is a great economic profit for employers and the U.S government. Mexico benefits as well. Mexicans are the largest source of illegal immigrants into the US. http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/illegal_immigration_mexico.html
5. Mexico has poverty but it is not a poor nation because it is the wealthiest nation in Latin America. Mexico has many natural resources. Currently 40% of the Mexican population is below the poverty line.
Loraine Armenta
Per. 2
1. Mexico has a federal republic as government
2. Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa is the president and he is also both the chief of state and head of government.
3. The Mexican government is facing a huge problem. It’s all got to do with violence, drugs. The Cartels in Mexico are fighting over power. Cartels in Mexico just like The Gulf Cartel, are openly recruiting by posting help-wanted signs and hanging a large banner across a major thoroughfare.
4. It has a negative affect because the United States is spending money that it doesn’t have to help Mexico. Washington, alarmed at the growing power of the cartels, is backing President Felipe Calderon's government. They are spending multibillion dollars to aid Mexico in the war against drugs.
5. I also learn that the cartels are now gaining power in the United States. They are buying there way in our society.
Gustavo De La Rosa
Mr. Waldram
Period 2
1.federal republic
2.PRESIDENT: felipe Calderon
3. the government considers the lack of clean water and deforestation national security issues
5. Per capital income is one-fourth that of the US; income distribution remains highly unequal. Trade with the US and Canada has nearly tripled since the implementation of NAFTA in 1994.
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic.
2. The President is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3Mexico has a really big problem with pollution in many parts of the country. The one part that has the worst pollution is their capital Mexico City with over 20 million residents it is one of the largest cities in the world. The problem with pollution has been brought up before but it wasn’t until recently people began to pay more attention to it.
4. Mexico has some relations with the United States. One of them which happen to be the drug trade. With the U.S as a big consumer of drugs which come from south America but have to make there way threw the Mexican united states border .Mexico blames the U.S for a lot of the drug problems because if there wasn’t such a high demand for drugs in the U.S there wouldn’t be so many drug cartels in Mexico.
5. I discovered that the U.S and Mexico are very different. Mexico has a lot more poverty than the us. There is a lot more pollution there than there is her.Mexicos government is really corrupt the police as well. The way of life here is a lot better than it is in Mexico. Mexico has a lot of culture to it and is very proud of it.
Carlos Sosa Per.2
1. Mexico is a Federal Republic.
2. The President: Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Felipe Calderon discussed the topic of globule worming and greenhouse gases. The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention was happy to see Mexico has a concern for this, and wants to help find solutions.
4. Mexico is striving to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it produces, this might be because the United States is one of the world’s leaders in the move to becoming more “ozone friendly”. Mexico is going to cut down on urban development. 5. I think the conference was a good idea; I applaud the leaders that were in attendance at the conference, now they need too educate everyone on the subject of greenhouse gas emissions. Jessica B Period 2
1. Mexico is a federal republic
2. The chief of state is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. Mexico’s foreign travelers have been faced with silent assault and are being victimized by citizens outside of airports. After a series of 18 robberies the cases seem to be similar, foreign travelers are being robbed after the exchange of foreign currency. As a result the Mexican police force has issued an additional 100 officers to patrol the airport.
4. The United States and Mexico have always been in direct relationship with each other due to their close proximity. Mexico’s recent enforced airport security is directly parallel to the U.S. actions when 9-11 took place. The courses of action that Mexico is taking can influence the U.S. by tightening their security concerning foreign travelers.
5. The police enforcement in Mexico isn’t as direct and on-point as America’s. In result to the recent outbreak in criminal activity, Mexico assigned 100 additional police officers to patrol the airport. If the same action had taken place in the U.S., airports may have been shut down, or much more severe measures would have been taken.
-Sarina El
Per. 2
1. Mexico's government is a Federal Republic.
2. Felipe Caledron is Mexico's current president.
3. Benjamin Arellano Felix, the head of the most poweral drug cartel in Mexico, was arrested. He was associated with the trafficking of cocaine and heroin in Tijuana. His cartal supplied about half of the cocaine in the United States. The cartel between Mexico and the U.S. was completely shut down by the Mexican Government but they are worried that this won't keep the drug gangs from rising again. Governmnet involvement in the drug trade in Mexico is still being found among police and other officials. There is still a continuous war between the Mexican Government and the drug gangs. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1867842.stm)
4. This issue directly effects the United States because the drug cartel that was runned by Benjamin Arellano Felix is directly connected the the U.S., who is also the largest customer for drugs. The Mexican Government, on a more positive note, is getting recognized for trying to get rid of the drug trade that has gone for many years. This could influence the United States positively by lowering the amount of drugs entering the market throughout the country but it could also effect us negatively because with a lesser supply of the drug, there becomes a greater demand. Competition could arise between drug gangs causing an increase in violence in the U.S. and also in Mexico.
5. From the article I learned that the Mexican Government is really trying to eliminate drug trafficking from it's country to build a better reputation for it's country and people. With the fight against drug smuggling, many Mexicans flee the country to the United States for a better life. Now that the Mexican Government is giving a greater effort to improving this situation, their country may grow and improve, even beyond this issues.
Melaney Hays
Period 2
1. What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)?
Mexico has a federal republic government.
2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)?
The President is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)?
In this article Mexico is talking about its environment and what climate changes they are facing in there country. In the article Mexico’s President is trying to come up wit ways to help the environment.
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?
I think Mexico and the U.S relationship Is good because we are in the same situation as them with polluting the environment, and we are both trying to change our ways to make place that there a better place.
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)?
Some of the similarities that we both have are, we are both polluting the earth and we are both trying to stop. And we both have the same kind of government.
Travis F.
Per 2
1. Mexico's government is a Federal Repulic.
2. Felipe Calderon is currently the president (chief of state) of Mexico.
3. Mexico continues to be the entry point for most of the narcotics that are consumed in the U.S. It is the leading transit country for cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and now methamphetamine. If Mexico is to reduce this production of illegal drugs, the government will need to consider the problem more seriously at a higher priority.
4. This relates to the U.S. negatively, because they are increasing the amount of people who are illegally using drugs in the U.S.
5.If their government is dealing with illegal substances getting into the U.S. then our government is worrying about it too. Both governments are worrying about how to prevent or reduce the amount of narcotics are being brought into the U.S. illegally.
Briana Schaefer
Period 5
1. Mexico is a Federal Rupublic
2. The President is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa
3. General Tello, along with his bodyguard and a driver, were kidnapped in Cancun last Tuesday, and murdered in a hidden location of the jungle. Military leaders vowed not the let their deaths go unpunished. This killing is believed to be a challenge/ threat against the government of Mexico.
4.'An official at the US embassy in Mexico City described the attack as an attempt by organised crime to cow another city into submission. "That's why it was done," the official said. "He was going in to take back the streets."'
5. The military is running highly visible patrols and roadblocks around the Yucatan resort capital. The Mexican government is fighting a war agnaist a law enforcemant organisation that is backed up with corruption and incompetence, from local cops and high levels of wealth.
Chris Salgado Per 5
1. Mexico has a Federal Republic
2. The President is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa.
3.Mexican government pledged an all-out effort against drug trafficking organizations.The federal government of Mexico deployed military and police forces to maintain order in highly impacted cities.
4.Mexico continues to be the source or entry point for the vast majority of the narcotics that are consumed in the US, as well as cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine.
5.Arrellano Felix Organization, have been damaged, but other traffickers have expanded operations.Mexican authorities captured Consolidated Priority Organization Targets Otto Roberto Herrera, Jaime Herrera Herrera, as well as Jose Aureliano Felix and Efrain Perez, two prominent members of the Arellano Felix drug trafficking organization wanted in the US.
Lucia C. Per 5
1. What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)? - Federal republic
2. Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)? - President (Felipe de Jesus Calderon)
3. What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)? - Immigration, drug producing, and lack of clean water.
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both? - They have the FAFTA; North American Free Trade
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)? - I discovered that its independence day is on September 16.
1.Federal republic
2.Felipe Calderon
3.They are facing issues with drug trafficking, which brings weapons, and from the weapons come the murders. http://www.nasdaq.com/aspxcontent/NewsStory.aspx?cpath=20090203\ACQRTT200902030448RTTRADERUSEQUITY_0209.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Drug%20Violence%20In%20Mexico%20Claims%2013%20Lives)
4.The united states is helping out with mexicox drug war.they want to get rid of all the drugs and make it a safe place.
ivan yanez per 5
1.) What form of government do they have (Democracy, Communist Dictatorship, Confederation, Socialist, etc.)?
-The United Mexican States are a federal presidential representative democratic republic whose government is based on a congressional system.
2.) Who leads their government (President, King, Senate, Dictator, etc)?
-Their government is lead by a president whose name is Felipe Calderon
3.) What issues are they facing (as discussed in the article)?
-Mexico suffered one of its worst days of drug violence this year TuesdayAgence France-Presse reports that at least 35 people were killed in 24 hours of drug-related violence in Mexico, "one of the bloodiest days so far this year." 21 men were killed Tuesday in a shootout between Mexico's army and suspected drug gang members in the town of Villa Ahumada, Mexico. The incident highlighted the growing drug violence in Mexico.
4.) What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?
-The growing violence in Mexico is directly affecting the U.S. since were geographically connected therefore the problem is spilling over into the U.S. In addition the drugs are being transported in to our societies creating more problems with our drug issues.
5.) What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article (include similarities and differences between our government and way and life with theirs)?
-More than 5000 people were killed last year in drug-related violence throughout Mexico according to MSNBC. There is no question that the drug traffickers are winning the fight against the Mexican government.
-Josh Laprease Per.5
1. What form of government do they have?: Democracy
2. Who leads their government?: Una presidente
3. What issues are they facing?: Drogas y immigraciones.
4. What relationships do they have with the United States (economic, political, cultural, etc.), and how do those relationships influence us and them either positively, negatively, or a bit of both?: They are in a free trade relationship, and these problems do affect the US negatively because of drugs and polution that srpreads from mexico to america.
5. What other information did you discover about this country from reading the article?: I learned that Mexico is suffering from polution. I did not know that before.
Mel Gomez-Jones per. 5
1. Mexico is a federal republic.
2. The president of Mexico is Felipe Calderon.
3. Mexico is facing issues dealing with drug cartels. Which is causing many deaths to law enforcement officers, civilians, and soldiers.
4. The relationship between the united states and mexico is becoming worse because of drug trafficking and it is causing a lot of problems. The relationship between the united states and mexico has a positive and negative influence. The positive influence is that both countries are trying to work together to stop this horrific problem. The negative side of this is that it is causing more and more deaths as we speak.
5. Some other information I found in this article is that there had been a few home invasions in Tuscon, Arizona. These invasions are coming from the drug cartels and they are coming for their money.
Christiana Paulsen
Period 2
1. Mexico has Federal Republic form of government.
2. President Felipe de Jesus
3. Drug cartels spreading violence through the country. http://wcbstv.com/national/mexico.drug.cartel.2.933129.html
4. They are importing drugs across U.S. borders and selling them for American money. They're taking money from our country to support theirs. Its a negative influence on the U.S. economic and political interests. They are also smuggling U.S. guns to Mexico to continue these drug wars.
5. They have more of a military controlled country where we have more of a law controlled country. A lot of their politicians and law enforcers are corrupt, so stopping drugs trafficking and violence will be nearly impossible to stop.
Kassie Q.
Per. 2
1. Federal Republic
2. President Felipe de Jesus
3. Immigration to the U.S. and being exported back to Mexico.
4. A lot of their citizens are crossing the border illegally to the U.S.A. They are getting money from under-the-table jobs and taking it back to Mexico, without paying taxes. This has a huge effect on our economy because money is "disappearing" and we aren't getting revenue for it.
5. President Obama plans to have stronger ties with Mexico, in hopes that we can solve our problems (with money, safety, drugs, etc.). The war in Mexico is dangerously close to our borders and President Obama sees now that we need to pay close attention to helping Mexico so that we don't have a bigger war to fight later.
Kassie Q.
Per. 2
1. Mexico has a federal republic based government.
2. President Felipe Calderon
3. During this time in Mexico, the drug war still goes on. Killing innocent victims through it all.
4. Like Mexico, the United States is having problems in the violence area as well. Innocent people dying in the same way as in Mexico.
5. I didn’t really find any similarities, because are drug dealing is not as huge as in Mexico, and like any other leader president Felipe Calderon is trying to find away to stop the drug war.
1. Mexico has a federal republic government.
2. President Felipe Calderon
3. Like any other the country in this time, Mexico is in a financial crisis, so there asking for money from the IMF in order to support the reserve of central banks.
4. Like Mexico, we are in a financial crisis as well. Borrowing money in order to bell out bank, and high marketed industry.
5. I found out, that we are the only ones in a financial despite. Mexico is also looking for ways to bail out, and obtain more money
jamisha r.
1.Mexico is a Federal presidential republic. This means that is a federation of states with a republican form of government.
2.The president is Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa
3.Janet Napolitano will visit Laredo on a three day-trip to reinforce the Obama’s administration to protect the border and fight against Mexico’s drug cartels. Napolitano and Holder will meet with Mexican officials in Cuernavaca outside of Mexico. 1000 National Guard troops will join the trip with Napolitano to combat violence. Lieberman and Collins proposed something that would give a law that would investigate the borders.
4.The relation ship between Mexico and US is very Important They are the third largest trading partner.
5.One of the differences of the countries is their type of government. Mexico is different in culture and many other things.
Nancy C
1. Mexico form of goverment is republican.This means that is a federation of states with a republican form of government.
mexicos president name is Felipe Calderon.
2.Mexico's economy shrank 5.9% in the first quarter from the fourth quarter of last year -- showing the economy in its steepest decline since the depths of the country's 1995 peso crisis. Mexico during the past 15 years has depended in large part on demand for goods from a supercharged U.S. economy. About a fifth of Mexico's economy depends on manufacturing exports to its neighbor, and the dramatic drop in demand has hit Mexico hard.
3.The options that mexico has is to try to export products to other countries other than United States. or lower its prises so that other buyers can get interested.
4. the other solution that Mexico has is to try to cure the swine flu so that people can visit mexico and get money out of that and im pretty sure that if mexico finds a cure soon enough, Usa will go back to the importing and exporting of products.
5. the predictions that I have for mexicos future is that ones the swine flu settles its economy will grow to its normal rate.
Chris SAlgado per: 5
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