Choose a news article about an issue the country above is facing and answer the following questions:
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
COMMENTS - Comments will count towards your classroom participation score. Remember not to repeat stories already featured by other students.
COMMENTS - will be moderated and reviewed so do not use inappropriate
SIGNING: remember to leave your first name, last initial and period at the end of the posting
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
1) Scotland's government is a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a form of constitutional government, where in either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state.
Hundreds of jobs were lost at the Scottish technology firm, NCR. The employee cuts were due to lack of activity with the business.
3) The choices they have are either send out stimulus packages like Bush did recently so people could go out and spend it on things like electronics and keep businesses like NCR in business, or they can let the business fail.
4) I think the best solution would be to some how let the workers keep their jobs by either cutting their pay or making their products less expensive.
5) The only outcome I really can see is more and more people losing their jobs and losing a lot more than just their income, but their home, car, and valuables.
Mel G.J. Period 5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have?
-The Netherlands holds a constitutional monarchy as their government with 12 provinces and their capital is Amsterdam.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
-Amsterdam officials are not giving up on their hopes of having a North-South metro line. The commission of the parliament is still debating how to continue with construction of the metro line.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
-Well the major setback is that the construction will greatly affect and destroy many homes along a center street. In addition funding has also created an issue. Some Democrats have asked that the project should not take government funding to proceed with construction.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
-There should be a countrywide poll to decide whether to continue construction or not.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
-The government will use tax dollars to proceed with the installment of the metro line.
-Josh Laprease Per.5
1. The Netherlands has a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is run by a single power with accordance to the rules of a written document. It constitution was adopted in 1815 and was last amended in 2002. The Chief of State is Queen Beatrix and the Head of Government is Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Its capital is Amsterdam
2. http://www.upi.com/Emerging_Threats/2009 /03/12/Analysis_Dutch_Obama_in_Rotterdam/UPI-58581236886633/
A Muslim immigrant became mayor of Rotterdam, a major European city. This shows how minorities are making big progress in their integration in the Netherland's. Mayor Ahmed aboutaleb's coming to office is compared to that of President Barack Obama's election.
3. This progress in the nation's diversity isn't really considered a problem so there is no way to rectify it.
4. The best way to continue this progress is to keep recognizing minorities and allowing them to make good lives for themselves.
5. This is probably the tip of the ice burg in the racial intermixing of the Netherlands. Minorities have more and more opportunities to become heads of office and the future of the Netherlands may be colorful.
Kassie Q. Per 2
This is for Current Event #2
1. There were wild fires in southern Australia which burned down at least 1,834 houses and killed 189 people. http://current.com/items/89818779/death_toll_from_australian_bushfires_reaches_189.htm
2. federal parliamentary democracy
3. Use fire fighters to control the fires.
Ashley S
Per 2
- Spain has a parliamentary monarchy. Spain’s capital is Madrid. The president of government of Spain is Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
- Spain is currently facing pollution of the Mediterranean Sea due to raw sewage and offshore production of oil and gas.
- To solve this issue they have environment international agreements with Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, ozone Layer Protection and many others.
- I think that their pollution issue will not stop unless everyone starts to make a change in the way they live.
Karla C. Per.2
1.The government of France is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic, in which the nation declares itself to be "an indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic".
Various journalists describe immigrants as disenfranchised and systematically rejected by French society. Many articles note that “guest workers” are maltreated in all developing nations. There are many fearful suggestions to tighten borders, restrict immigrants, and curtail benefits to the poor. These “solutions” are really just more ways to punish the poor for being poor.It is an issue of treating all people with dignity. America, as well as France, needs to address these inequalities of opportunity if we are to truly claim to be “free” societies.
3. This is a problem that is affecting the U.S. as well and it has been a problem for a long time.the government in the U.S. has not been able to find a solution and i think they kind of put it aside because its such a world wide issue that its hard to solve.
4.its a hard thing because im kind of neutral when it comes to picking sides. society can't just kick all the immigrants out because they do a lot for the countries, but then again its the over growth of population.
5.hopefully there is a solution in the future where it benefits both sides of the problem. For immigrants to be able to get food for their families and be able to succeed and also for the nation to help solve this immigrant problem.
monica b.
1.The government that france has is a republic which is a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
2. In the artical France is going to issue gold and siliver euro coins. The coins are going to be saled in 1,000 post office throught the country.
3.there is really not a problem but i think they might have a problem making to much coins. like have over inflashion.
4. i think they should thing about it or make sure the people spend money so it could move.
5. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90865/6489961.html
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:) federal republic-federation of states with a republican form of goverment. federation is central goverment
chief of state-president Horst Koehler
5th largest economy in the world
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
This article is about Opel a gremany-based division of General Motors is running out money and Opel bosses went to Berlin to ask for a $4.25 billion in state aid. If they did this Opel would cut costs and loosen company ties with the parent company in detroit. opel would become an autonomus legal entity half of which would end up on the hands of private investors. Zu Guttenberg Germany's new Economic Minister believs insolvency would be better solution than a state bailout. He also has to decide if he can Trust gm. cutting cost has terrified opel's 26,000 workers who has been hearing rumors of mass layofss and plant closures. Unions leaders want bailout. but the goverment wants a guarantees that no cash flows back to gms u.s. operations or down the drain if they bust.Germany is in a worst recession since ww2.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
The choices this nations have to chose is whether to bail opel out or don't bail out opel.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem? I think the best solution is to bail out opel because 26,000 people will lose their jobs and they'll need to monitor the company well . with their money making sure they aren't giving any to the u.s gms
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem? My predicition is that they will bail them out and that opel will end up giving the u.s. gms money and there will be conflict between them and the goverment.
Nick. C
1. Italy has a republic type of government which means the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Italy’s chief of state is Giorgio Napolitano, and has a Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
2. http://www.lifeinitaly.com/node/4446- It seems the recession has been hitting Italy as well as the U.S. This article was about a shareholder of Alitalia, which is an airline of Italy’s, suing the premier Silvio Berlusconi. The whole argument was that Air France KLM was going to buy out Alitalia before it went bankrupt, but then Berlusconi said the offer was unacceptable. He then later changed his views and allowed the stock to be liquidated and bought out for around 1.052 billion euros still leaving them in 2 billion dollars in debt.
3. There really is no solution to this problem. It seems a little scandalous what Berlusconi did and there is little to do after the fact
4. The only solution I see to Berlusconi’s problems is for him to come open about his actions and explain them.
5. To me, this whole dilemma seems very sketchy. The fact that it is the Prime Minister who is caught up in all this scandal makes it even worse. I don’t foresee a happy ending for Berlusconi.
David E.
Period 2
1. Frances government is a presidential republic. Its based on the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. Its contains a executive, legistrative, and judicial branch.
2. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/world/6311905.html
France has decided to put a stop to youth alcohol sales. The legal age of drinking in Europe is 16 and older, and they plan to abolish it. Law makers in the National Assembly took on thought of an amendment to ban underage drinking and charge vendors a fine of $9,400, they also have decided to forbid over night sales at gas stations, because its one of the leading sales of booze for the youth. The bill is still requiring approval from the by the Assembly and the upper house of parliament, the Senate.
3. The choices they have is to either raise the age of drinking, or just banned all underage drinking all together.
4. I feel they should make the legal age for drinking 21 like in the U.S., that would solve a lot, and also take away the selling of liquor at gas stations of over night like I mention in question 3.
5. I think the amendment will be based in order to help the safety of other citizens, which is a good thing.
sorry i forgot to out my name and period..
jamisha r.
period 2
1. Frances government is a presidential republic. Its based on the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. Its contains a executive, legistrative, and judicial branch.
2. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/world/6311905.html
France has decided to put a stop to youth alcohol sales. The legal age of drinking in Europe is 16 and older, and they plan to abolish it. Law makers in the National Assembly took on thought of an amendment to ban underage drinking and charge vendors a fine of $9,400, they also have decided to forbid over night sales at gas stations, because its one of the leading sales of booze for the youth. The bill is still requiring approval from the by the Assembly and the upper house of parliament, the Senate.
3. The choices they have is to either raise the age of drinking, or just banned all underage drinking all together.
4. I feel they should make the legal age for drinking 21 like in the U.S., that would solve a lot, and also take away the selling of liquor at gas stations of over night like I mention in question 3.
5. I think the amendment will be based in order to help the safety of other citizens, which is a good thing.
1. France has a semi-presidental system where the people declares themselves to be an invisible, secular, democratic, and social republic.
2. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art37260.asp
reports are saying that even though riots are slowing down they still continue throughout france today.
3. I don't think there is a great solution when it comes to riots and fights like these. Everyone has always had their differences, it will go on for a long time.
4. Everyone has to get along for there to be a solution to this problem.
5. I predict that everything will subside. Only time will tell.
Rachel J.
Per. 2
France is having severe economic problems brought about by a robust social/welfare system with declining tax revenues. They have an immigration problem that is leading to a large number of lower-paid workers who are still drawing from that system without paying in as many taxes as higher-paid workers.These immigrants are not assimilating into French culture and are setting up areas within France that are 'no-go' for the French Government. This leads to hundreds of cars being burned every night in France and even more during riots, which are frequent.
1. The people voted to change their nation from a monarchy, which was ruled by a king to a republic that was headed by a president. Their constitution was passed in 1947 and took effect on January 1, 1948. The president of Italy is elected to a seven year term. The president must be at least 50 years old which is 15 years more then the president of the United States.
2. The Italian government will begin to monitor banks at a local level by the end of March. The government kicked off a program to lend up to EUR12 billion to struggling banks because the government wants banks to keep credit flowing despite the global financial crisis. Italy's Government To Start Monitoring Bank Loans By End Of March http://www.easybourse.com/bourse-actualite/marches/italy-s-government-to-start-monitoring-bank-loans-by-end-632102
3. Italy has the same choices as any other nation about how to deal with the “resection”.
4. The best solution is always going to be government aid.
5. Italy is going about it in a similar form as the United States so I hope that every thing will come out well.
Lucia C.
Per 5
2. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/world/6311905.html
France has decided to put a stop to youth alcohol sales. The legal age of drinking in Europe is 16 and older. Law makers in the National Assembly took on thought of an amendment to ban underage drinking and charge vendors a fine of $9,400, they also have decided to forbid over night sales at gas stations, because its one of the leading sales of booze for the youth.
3. the choice thy would have to make is stop selling the alcohol to anybody with out an id or to younger people.
4. I feel they should make the legal age for drinking 21. that would solve a lot, and with the overnite selling alcohol should just be stopped
5. i'm sure that if they want their young to succed and not look like at country that sells alcohol to young they will stop this
Philip Bueno
1. Spain's form of government is parliamentary monarchy. It means a monarchy having a parliament.
Spain is set to tear down its last statue of general Franco. One of Spain's North African enclaves, said "the bronze statue of General Franco would be removed within the period of 15 days". Spain does not want any more statues of the dictator witch ruled Spain between the end of the Spanish civil war in 1939 and his death in November, 1975 in public streets. The last statue would be held in a storage then transferred to a military museum.
3. Spain is doing the right choice by removing the statue of their old dictator.
4.I agree with what Spain is doing.
5. I believe that people that believed in the dictator would start to get angry and start to protest against it. Not all people may see him as a bad dictator but as a symbol of Spain.
Kevin S.
Per. 2
1. Spain has a Parliamentary monarchy lead by Prime Minister: José Luis RodrÃguez Zapatero. The King is the Head of State and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Armed Forces. The king also arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the state institutions. The Monarch's power is mainly symbolic, because most royal acts must be countersigned by either the Prime Minister of Spain. A Parliamentary Monarchy is monarchy having a parliament.
2. Thousands of Spanish police officers marched through Madrid on Saturday to call for higher wages, which the government said it would struggle to pay in times of crisis. The Interior Ministry said it did not have the means to provide what the police were asking for. Spain slipped into recession in the second half of last year and the government has announced spending plans totaling 70 billion Euros to put the economy back on track. Spanish police march for more pay, http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009%5C03%5C15%5Cstory_15-3-2009_pg4_7
3. The nation has no choices because there is no form to pay a higher wages, even though they are willing to.
4. The best thing to do is to promise some form of payment for the farther future, in hopes of a return to peace.
5. I predict that the police officers will settle for less then they are asking for since they are not the only ones suffering.
Chris S.
The government of Scotland is a constitutional monarchy. It’s a form of constitutional government where either you are an elected head of state or you are given power by hereditary means.
Technology firm, NCR, is ending manufacturing work such as engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and support staff in Dundee. Around 250 jobs have been gone and only 450 people will be continuing to work for NCR in the city. Most of the people still working for the firm will focus more on researching and development and new product introduction.
With union and employee representative groups, a 90-day consultation on the anticipated restructuring is set to begin.
I would form a strong and steady union to ensure that the highly skilled and proficient workers jobs are safe. Some may have to take pay cuts to ensure that the company doesn’t collapse.
With the recession the way it is today and has been in the past, I believe that more and more people will lose their jobs. Although I believe that in the end the company will work its way back to where it was but it will just take some time.
Brianna S.
1. Frances government is a presidential republic. It’s based on the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. Its contains an executive, legistrative, and judicial branch.
2. French wine is taking a beating. The global credit crunch have brought sales down they practically stopped. France’s Health Minister Roselyn Bachelot and her proposed law that would ban free tastings, open bars and wine ads on the Internet. On one hand wine is Frances biggest exports but if the law passes it will have the same restrictions as porn and cigarrets.Wine writers would have to change the current warning label which is (drink with moderation)to (the consumption of alcohol is detrimental to your health.”)
3. They should compromise o what to do so both sides can be happy. They should tax wine sellers and consumers a little bit more not change the whole way of things all at once.
4. I think the best solution is to just tax wine a little more not a lot just a little bit.
5. I think that the law isn’t going to pass because wine is one of Frances greatest things some people will support bachelot but most wont.
Carlos S,
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
The Republic of Hungary is a part of the European Union and its form of government is a parliamentary democracy. A parliamentary democracy means that the political power is held by an elected parliament representing the people.
chief of state: President Laszlo SOLYOM (since 5 August 2005)
head of government: Prime Minister Ferenc GYURCSANY (since 29 September 2004)
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
The nation of Hungary is dealing with numerous protests led by its citizens to stop the government. In the article, there seems to be an outbreak in violence from both citizens and police officials. The protests began on a national holiday and civilians were beaten; thirty five were detained. The people are growing restless because of the economic situation in the country. They’re economy is expected to shrink by at least four percent in 2009 and they’ve even gone thru a 25 billion dollar bail out. Because our country is going thru economic hardships, I believe our people may begin to do protest and riot as well.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
I believe they really can’t do anything about the economic stance. If they’ve already gotten a bail out and are still struggling, they have to figure something else out- like binding nations and growing as a whole nation with the aid of another European nation. As for the protesters- they should all be allowed to speak their mind, but not get aggressive.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
Jail time is the best solution.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I believe it will remain a problem until all citizens are happy with the government. And that will be never. =]
1.The nations for of government is parliamentary democracy
2.Horrible wild fires in Australia ruined thousands of acres of land and so many homes.
3. Australia should get every fire authority to help and should make sure that whoever started the fires will be punished to the highest extent.
4. They need to punish the man that did this to the fullest.
5.Hopefully there will be no more incidents like this but, if this happens again, the fire stations should be more prepared.
Amanda C.
1. Sweden's form of government is a Constitutional monarchy and Parliamentary democracy which is a mix of having a king and queen but with also a ruling party with a parliamentary system.
2. The Swedish government is planning to lift nuclear power out of its 30 year old ban to start building new reactors or plants. The leaders of this new plan say that this will help with the fight against climate change and preserve the nations energy supply. If parliament passes this plan, Sweden will join a growing list of nations reconsidering their stance on nuclear power.
3. Starting again with nuclear power could be a very important step towards the future of global energy production and even though it is not the safest way to produce energy, it is the cleanest. I think that if parliament took this step with other countries in Europe, it could lead to a huge change all over the world, beginning with nuclear energy plants to preserve the planet.
4. I believe that nuclear is a good option for the near future and that investment in other forms of renewable energy are vital to our future. Hopefully we can get to a place where nuclear power can really be phased out without threatening to disrupt the nation's energy supply.
5. I think that in the future, following this plan,
Sweden and many of the countries in Europe will lead alot of the world with and "greener" way of living. With the advances that we have, we should take advantage of them in a way that will benefit not only ourselves but the earth.
Melaney H.
Per. 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information :)
-Germany takes place in a framework of a federal parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the federal Chancellor is the head of government, and of a plurality multi-party system.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
-The article I found was about Germany’s Merkel calls for a stricter gun controls. The reason they are making this a big deal because of the deadly German school shooting which killed 15 people. They already had tight gun laws from after the school shooting in 2002 but it didn’t work.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
-They are now going to have all kinds of laws to have guns. And have bigger Punishments if the laws are broken.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
- I think people shouldn’t have guns.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
- Have security and metal detectors everywhere you go.
Travis F.
Per 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information :)
Germany’s has a federal republic which is a federation of states with a republican form of government.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
There was a shooting in a school in Germany when a 17 year old boy killed 15 people with his dads 9mm berretta.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Angela Merkal says she favors further restrictions, such as unannounced visits by state authorities to ensure owners have their weapons locked away.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
I think that they need to make sure younger people don’t get their hands on weapons (hand guns) and parents need to keep their weapons away from their kids.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I don’t think that they will have a lot of problems like these because that kid was depressed that nobody liked him and not many young people have access to a hand gun.
Daniel P.
Period 5
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information :)
• France’s form of government is Republic (a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation).
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
• http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090315/bs_nm/us_financial_aig_counterparties_1
• The bailout that AIG received is going to help many other banks including the Deutsche Bank and France's Societe Generale, which were among the biggest beneficiaries of the taxpayer bailout of the insurer. More than 90 billion dollars has been paid to various banks, which includes Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, since AIG almost went bankrupt. The European banks that received funds from AIG since its bailout include Royal Bank of Scotland, Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, Banco Santander, Danske, Rabobank, alyon, and part of Credit Agricole. The U.S. government spent up to $180 billion on the AIG rescue.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
• The banks from France and the European banks that received money from the AIG bailout money need to spend their money wisely. Because it is important that they invest the money wisely, and use it the best they can to pay off any debts they may have.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
• I believe the best solution is for France’s banks and all the European banks that received money from the AIG bailout to think things thoroughly before doing any spending with the money. Because it is vital for France’s Bank and the European banks to spend their money wisely, especially with how bad the economy is at this point.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
• I believe in the near future, the economy in France will better, it will just take time to decide what is best, but I’m pretty sure they will make it thought the difficult economic times that are going on right now.
Angelica V
Period 5
1. Russia is located in Eastern Europe. Russia has a federation government where they have branches such as Executive-president, prime minister, Legislative-federal Assembly, and Judicial-Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration, Office of Procurator General. They declared independence on August 24, 1991 and Constitution on December 12, 1993. The two Federal cities are Moscow and St. Petersburg. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3183.htm
2. On March 15 the Washington Times Reported that Russia is cutting back on their oil output. Russia is the world's second largest producer of crude. Within the last month prices have risen from $35 to $48.14. The OPEC oil ministers has been searching for ways to bolster prices by cutting supply without further hurting the global economy.
3. Since September the plan had been to remove 4.2 million barrels off the market.
4. I think that no matter what oil prices will continue to rise and prices will not be slashed lower than they are already. Either way, world wide it will teach us to be less dependent on oil and to use other resources. Not only in Russia but also globally in the economy is no doing well so nothing is going to change.
5. I think that in the future Russia will raise the price of barrels and will continue to reduce their output of oil.
Loraine A period 2
1.Portugal's government is a republic; parliamentary democracy. In this their head of government is the prime minister the premier, they are not led by a monarch. The people have a say in their government.
Portugal's leading cause of death is stokes. The reason for this is salt consumption. The bread consumed in Portugal has large amounts of salt. A lot of Portuguese consume bread with every meal.
3.According to the Portuguese society if they reduce one gram of salt a day it could save 2650 people. The Socialist Party submitted a bill that calls for salt content to be cut to 14 grams per kg.
4. One solution I think that can help them would be just to cut down on the salt and eat healthier.
5. I think they are going to pass the bill and cut down on the salt it would save a lot of salt.
Tony M.
1.parliamentary democracy a democracy having a parliament
2.This article talks about the European Union countries Tuesday stepped up their opposition to Muslim attempts to shield Islam from criticism and attack Israel through a U.N. conference on racism. EU members were outspoken in appearances before the U.N. Human Rights Council said they were worried about preparations for a global racism conference. Islamic countries are still angry over cartoons and films attacking Muslims of religion faith with a violation of human rights. On April 20-25 a meeting is designed to review progress in fighting racism. The European Union also refused to accept demands by Arab states to criticize Israel for its racist practices. It urged government to take steps to fight discrimination and recognized the plight of the Palestinian people and the need for Israel to have security.
3.i think the options to solve this problem is what ever takes place on the up coming meeting in April talked about this issue to stop racial discrimination.
4.I think to best resolve this problem is that yes their should be an end to this of discrimination i don't think its right to interfere with other people rights.i think they should put a stop to this and stop making people feel bad.
5.regarding the future i don't think there will be a stop to this because everywhere you go or walk theirs always gonna be judgmental people discriminating no matter what theirs just some people out their who are cruel.
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
Germany - federal republic – “A federal republic is a federation of states with a republican form of government. A federation is the central government. The states in a federation also maintain all political sovereignty that they do not yield to the federation. Usage of the term republic is inconsistent but, as a minimum, it means a state or federation of states that does not have a monarch as head of state.” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_republic. this means that there area bunch of states, like our state, with more independence than our states have and their federal government is weaker than ours.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
World Jewish congress President Ronald Lauder tells Germany government to bring back from the U.S.A Demjanjuk. He is accused of helping out of the killings of 29,000 Jews during WW2. He has already been denied twice his citizen ship in the U.S. for getting caught lying about been a Nazi soldier. He wants justice for the family who suffered no matter how old he is.. http://www.juedische.at/TCgi/_v2/TCgi.cgi?target=home&Param_Kat=3&Param_RB=9&Param_Red=11396
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
Try to bring back Demjanjuk so he could pay for all the bad things he did.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
The US gives Germany the man they want, so Germany knows they have done justice to the people. He should pay for all the harm he has caused.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think Germany might get Demjanjuk to pay for what he has done. I think the persons who were hurt will be happy for having justice.
-Raul A
1. Russia is located in Eastern Europe. Russia has a federation government where they have branches such as Executive-president, prime minister, Legislative-federal Assembly, and Judicial-Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration, Office of Procurator General.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized their support to stabilize Afghanistan. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, and Western-backed Afghan fighters forced the Soviets from the country two decades ago.
3.Russia has the choice to support their stability to better their situation.
4. Their best solution would be to give them a hand and pick them up after their fall.
5.I think that in the future Afghanistan is going to pick up Aghanistan and help them.
claudia c.<3
Spain is a Constitutional Monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament
Health Minister Bernat Soria has announced plans for the next academic school year in Spain. The Ministry for Health in Spain wants to reduce the amount of salt in people’s diet and give out free fruits to schools in Spain in a fight to stop child obesity. Bernat Soria presented this plan to help reduce obesity in the schools in Spain. Almost 19% of the children from ages 2 and 16 are now overweight and this plan will try to reduce those numbers by giving out free fruits in school. This is only one part of a plan for the Ministry’s plan to reduce obesity, they also plan to input more physical activity and start healthy nutrition for the prevention of obesity. This plan will be inputted for schools in Spain for the 2009-2010 academic school year in Spain, this is also a part of the European School Fruit Scheme.
The choices and options that Spain has to solve their problem of obesity is to input healthy nutrition and to introduce more physical activities in their schools. They will give out free fruit to students so they can help reduce obesity in schools.
I believe that both the implications of free fruit and healthy exercise are the only and best solution to solve the problem of obesity of young children in Spain.
My predictions are that this plan could work because many children will take the free fruit. If there was free fruit available at my own schools, I would take them without question. The situation of obesity is a difficult problem to solve in many countries, but this could reduce the number of children who are obese in school.
Gerardo M.
Period - 5
for my recent current event on Scotland, I forgot to put the link where I found it. So here it is :]
Brianna S.
1. Russia has a federation government and is located in Eastern Europe. A federation is the central government.
2. Developing a new rocket in Russia, the Russian space agency is building a future rocket that will be able to hold 3 times more than their first space ship and will include twice the number of crew and will use environmentally friendly propellants. Officials don’t have a name for it but will come out with it in the year 2018 and will return astronauts to the Moon by 2020 under the Constellation program.
3. Russia will have to have everything ready to go by the year 2020 and will hope for a successful trip since they will be eco-friendly about it.
4. Russia is using environmentally friendly propellants that will help keep the air clean and will not pollute. They are going green.
5. I hope that this will become a success because they are trying to go green and not pollute the air. Plus they aren’t doing anything wrong but going to the moon so all the power to them.
Brianna S.
Philip B. I agree with you that drinking age limit should be raised to 21yrs old. Drinking at such a yound age is not the best thing for France teenagers or any teenager.
Loraine A
per. 2
Scotland is a constitutional monarchy. It’s a form of constitutional government where either you are an elected head of state or you are given power by hereditary means.
Technology firm, NCR, is ending manufacturing work such as engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and support staff in Dundee. Around 250 jobs have been gone and only 450 people will be continuing to work for NCR in the city. Most of the people still working for the firm will focus more on researching and development and new product introduction.
With union and employee representative groups, a 90-day consultation on the anticipated restructuring is set to begin.
I would form a strong and steady union to ensure that the highly skilled and proficient workers jobs are safe. Some may have to take pay cuts to ensure that the company doesn’t collapse.
With the recession the way it is today and has been in the past, I believe that more and more people will lose their jobs. Although I believe that in the end the company will work its way back to where it was but it will just take some time.
Ashley S
Period 2
This is in response to Philip B:
No, the drinking age should be lower. Because it is so high here in USA is why we loose so many teens from drinking. In France, when you grow up u can have a drink at dinner when your 8 so you learn how to control your self. Other then the young adults here who the first night they get their chance, they become so intoxicated people get hurt.
Jessica B per.2
1. Italy is a republic based government.
2. A march dedicated to those lost in a drug war was just this Saturday. Over a 100,000 people were at the march. Most of families who lost loved ones in mafia related situations. Italian police have caught one of the biggest “boss of bosses”, Bernardo Provenzano, but there are still some of the biggest mafias effecting Italy’s economy.
3. To just keep working to the best of there abilities to take down the mafia. Crime is everywhere, and it will take time to get rid of all together
4. I think if more witness came out, there would not be anymore mafia problems.
5. I think most of the mafia war will stop, not fully but enough where Italy citizens are able walk down the street without stressing for their lives.
Jamisha r.
Period 2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information:)
1) Scotland's government is a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a form of constitutional government, where in either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
3) If there smart they will not, send out stimulus packages like Bush because that really didn’t help. They could send out a coupon that the people could go out and spend it on things like electronics and keep businesses like NCR in business.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
4) I think the best solution would be to some how let the workers keep their jobs but cut pay
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
5) The only outcome I really can see is it getting as bad as it has here.
Jessica B p.2
1. Introduce the nation's form of government: What form of government do they have (Democracy, Theocracy, Federal Republic, Socialist, Communist, etc) and define what that term/form of government means? Any additional information on the country/organization/leaders of the country will count as additional information :)
-The government of France is based on the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. The nation declares itself as an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic in the French Constitution of the fifth Republic.
2. Site and summarize your article in a paragraph making sure to focus on the problem at hand
-The article I chosen was Runaway kangaroos on the loose in France. Some vandals in France set loose 15 kangaroos from a theme park setting off a major search operation. But there are still three on the loose and this not the first incident they had with kangaroos. Last October a pack of hunting dogs attacked and killed forty four kangaroos.
3. What choice/options do these nations have to make to solve the problem?
-They need to have better cages to have the kangaroos in so nobody could get in.
4. What solutions do you think could best resolve the problem?
- Have 24/7 security so they can have a eye out on everything
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
- I think that they will solve the problem with some high tech thing will end the problem.
Travis F.
Per 2
1. Australia's form of government is Constitutional Monarchy and is an independent self-governing member of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
2. Qantas airlines are cutting 90 senior management positions and are expecting to save $24 million a year by doing so. The australian airline wants to ensure that they are prepared to respond to any commerial challenges during todays economic crisis. Qantas was planning to cut 1500 jobs last year but went with a separate exercise and cut 90 senior executive jobs on the side.
4. Instead of trying to cut costs and cutting jobs Qantas should try to improve their service because with the cut of high executive jobs they order of company will go down causing a decrese of customers who choose to fly with the airline. They should try to maintain some sort of balance.
5. I think that cutting jobs could help the companys problems but if they do not improve their service because the lose of important positions they will start to lose money from the loss of customers not satisfied with their service.
Melaney H.
Per. 2
1. Australia's form of government is Constitutional Monarchy and is an independent self-governing member of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
Various journalists describe immigrants as disenfranchised and systematically rejected by French society. Many articles note that “guest workers” are maltreated in all developing nations. There are many fearful suggestions to tighten borders, restrict immigrants, and curtail benefits to the poor. These “solutions” are really just more ways to punish the poor for being poor.It is an issue of treating all people with dignity. America, as well as France, needs to address these inequalities of opportunity if we are to truly claim to be “free” societies.
3) If there smart they will not, send out stimulus packages like Bush because that really didn’t help. They could send out a coupon that the people could go out and spend it on things like electronics and keep businesses like NCR in business.
I would form a strong and steady union to ensure that the highly skilled and proficient workers jobs are safe. Some may have to take pay cuts to ensure that the company doesn’t collapse.
5. What predictions do you have regarding the future of the situation/problem?
I think Germany might get Demjanjuk to pay for what he has done. I think the persons who were hurt will be happy for having justice.
angie a.
1. The government of France is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic.
2.After decades of rejecting ties between its nuclear weapons tests and health problems among personnel carrying them out, France said Tuesday that it would “be true to its conscience” and pay compensation to those suffering illnesses linked to radiation.
3. The choice they have to make to solve the problem is to pay the people who were effected by the nuclear radiation so that they will not complain. or they should stop doing the nuclear testing.
4.The best solution to solve this problem is to have them get treated.
5. Predictions i have on this problem is that they will end up solving it by either paying them money or getting them treated.
Christiana Paulsen
Period 2
Current Event#4
1. Italy is a republic based government which means a representative democracy in which the body of citizens elected people to represent them.
2.http://www.usatoday.com This article talks about the earthquake in L’Aquila exposes a problem in Italy. That some of the ancient buildings that bring millions of tourists to Italy every year are in risk of collapsing the next time a major earthquake hits. They been thinking about rebuilding some of the ancient statues and buildings but that it will cost 1.7 billion to upgrade it make it more safety. The problem is that so many ancient structures are still being used and won’t be the same thing if they rebuild it. So they don’t if it will be done or not but some the votes are saying to just leave it and see what happens in the future.
3. Well the nation is wants to get the buildings redone, but the problem is they need a lot of money for that and right now more than 10,000 structures were damaged or destroyed, so they will either have to destroy the ancient buildings for it to be less money or remodel it and just pay the whole 1.7 billion.
4. I think they should just leave the ancient structures and buildings alone because once their redone it won’t be a historical piece with a long story to it just something that has be fixed.
5. To me the buildings won’t be redone because the tourists and the people will stop them from doing it and ending a historical piece in Italy.
Yesenia H.
Per. 2
1U.s. Russian relations begin with a renewed commitment to shorten nuclear weapons, because of hillarys contribution of wanting to work together
2 .http://www.usembassy.org.uk/europe.html
Rusia nd the usa are trying to come up with better theorys of how to make things better for them
3. They can work together and come up with better solutions, ask there society for advice and opinion to see what there options are in
4. A good solution is To stop trying to create new ideas that are hazardous, and to stop inventing weapons that just destroys our world.
Predictions of mine, is that we will soon hit world war 3 …if we haven’t already all the bomb that keep coming around, or being createdhttp://www.usembassy.org.uk/europe.html
linda o.
period 5
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