Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Current Event #3

Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:

1. The link to the article (example:,
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)

NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit


Anonymous said...

Current Event:3,2933,427365,00.html
West Virginia Man Charged with Assaulting an Officer

This article is about a man named Jose Cruz who gets charged for assaulting an officer by passing gas at him. He was first charged for driving under the influence and they arrested him and took to the department. That is when he leaned next to an officer and he passed gas on him. The officer said that there was a very strong odor when the man moved next to him.

I choose this article because it really grabbed my attention. I can’t believe that an officer would press charges for something like that. It just makes me very angry that some officers just take advantage of the person under arrest. They are supposed to protect, and serve, and have honor but I really don’t see it. We should protect ourselves form them because they might try to take advantage of any person.

If I could interview anyone I would interview a lawyer and ask him if something like that could be possible. If an officer of the law can press charges for something so stupid like that. If the lawsuit can stand in the court of law, because I really doubt that it would. Also can the man that committed this crime can get jail time for doing something like that.

Luis R.

Anonymous said...


This week a woman admitted that she helped her 14-year-old son build up an arsenal of weapons. What the woman, Michele Cossey, did not know, was that her son was planning an attack last year on Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, in which some of his childhood bullies had attended. Michele Cossey had pleaded guilty to one count of child endangerment, but stated that she knew nothing about her son’s plan to attack the high school. Dillon Cossey had been bullied about his weight and eventually had to be home-schooled to escape the torment of his “fellow” classmates. Overtime Dillon Cossey’s anger evolved into an extreme hatred toward the people who had made fun of him throughout the years. Michele Cossey is looking at a maximum 3 ½ to 7 years in prison for aiding her son in his stockpiling of weapons. As for Dillon Cossey, he is spending his time in a juvenile treatment facility until his twenty-first birthday.

I think the right sentence was given to Michele Cossey because she was contributing to her son’s plans for attacking the school. Whether she knew what he was doing it for or not, she should have known better than to start giving her 14-year-old son potentially dangerous weapons. She showed that she was not just irresponsible, but that she was also incapable of reasonably helping her son Dillon Cossey cope with his feelings. Seems to me instead of helping him deal with Dillon’s feeling directly, she chose the easy way out and gave into her son demands. Instead of her trying to make Dillon happy by giving him guns and bomb equipment, should have instead taken him for therapy or some sort of doctor trained to help people with deep emotional issues.

Even though Dillon Cossey was mentioned a few times, the main focus of this article was his mom Michele Cossey. So I would want to hear more of Dillon’s side of the story and interview him. I think if anyone who reads this article knew what was really going in Dillon Cossey’s head, it would be more understandable why he had the plans of attack the high school in mind. The article is written as if he was just bullied a little bit and he became a maniac whose only desire was to kill innocent kids at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, but I'm thinking that there’s more to Dillon’s story.

Kendra H
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

current event #3
this article was about the speach of mccain to clinton and his intensions on joinignt he debate in washington about the finacial crisis that America is going through."I cannot carry on a campaign as though this dangerous situation had not occurred, or as though a solution were at hand, which it clearly is not," McCain said. "With so much on the line, for America and the world, the debate that matters most right now is taking place in the United States Capitol -- and I intend to join it. Senator Obama is doing the same. America should be proud of the bipartisanship we are seeing." He was spaeking the truth but in a pesimistic way and did a good job i think in addressing the nation in the situation that we are in. THen along wit clinton aruged the issue of global warming and how we can inprove our invironment.
I think that although maccain is is trying to bring hope to the people in a posoitive yet hard to understand way he is doing a good job in adressing the nation of important issues that we the people have to take care of such as global warming and the high risk economy drop that has been going on for the past couple of years.
if were to interview one person it would be maccain beacuse i would like to know what are his plans for the futere if he is elected as president and what are his prioroties politics or the community. How would he deal with our war in iraq and his plans to bring the economy up since bush hasnt done a good job he only brought us twice on defecit dept before he was elected.
Yash m.
per 2

Anonymous said...

The Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sign a new bill to prohibit the driver use the cell phone when they drive. Whit this the Gov. try to reduce the accidents in the streets. All this is because in the last days are going to many accidents for the people who were text messaging when they drive. The bill is going to be for $20 the first time, and the second are goings to be for $50.

I think that this is a very important, because in the last days is going to many accidents in the street for the text messaging. This is going to make the streets more safety.

I like to interview all the people in the California State to kwon what they think, and kwon how they fell with this new rule.

Jorge G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This article is about a man who got tasered off a building and died. His name was Iman Morales. This accident happened in Brooklyn
on Wednesday, September 24.The police got a call about a man who was emotionally disturbed. He tried to flee by going out the windows, he tried going up to the next floor but couldnt so instead went down until he jumped down onto the security gate which was still 10 feet from the sidewalk. The police officer that was on the sidewalk then use the taser and the man fell landing on his head and died. The police officer violated departmental guidelines.

I think this is a crazy story. Theres a naked man trying to get away from the police but yet the police who is suppose to help their community dont even know the rules. How are we suppose to be sure that we are safe when they are around if they cant do things right. I'm not saying all of them are like that, but you can't be to sure anymore. I think we should be able to trust and feel safe around the police, but there are so many bad cops out there which is not going to get us anywhere good.
Only if this officer would have read and known the rules, this poor man's death would have been prevented.

If I could interview anyone it would have to be the police officer. I would want to know what was running through his head when he did that. And whether he read all the rules or even made an effort to learn them.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This article is about the financial crisis facing America today. There was a huge meeting at the White House including George W. Bush, John McCain, and Barack Obama. The meeting was held today because America is facing a $700 billion debt. This obviously relates to american gov't because it has to do with politics. This bailout plan is suppose to stave off a national economic disaster. "Key members of Congress said they had struck a deal earlier in the day, but its future was unclear."

I think the article is informative on what the government is planning on doing about our debt. There are biased opinions on how clear each person is on how America is planning on getting rid of the oversized debt. If the government didn't want to be in debt they shouldn't have sent troops to Iraq in the first place and we wouldn't have any debt to pay. The article said that congress would give the Bush Administrative a fraction of the debt to pay off China. In my opinion congress should keep the money until they reach the right amount and then pay off the debt.

If I could interview anyone, I would interview Bill Clinton because when he was president he actually got America extra money to spare on whatever we needed at the time. I believe that if Bill Clinton was president today that he would've found a way to pay off our debts to other countries and save some extra money for the country.
Daniel S.
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Texting banned while driving (Wednesday, September 24, 2008)
This article talks about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has started to sign bills now that the budget standoff is over. The big one today is a bill that -- gasp! -- makes it illegal to text-message while driving in the Golden State. The two laws that banned holding a cellphone to your ear and driving overlooked text messaging because the cellphone part was hard enough to get through a Legislature that has fattened itself on campaign donations from cellphone providers over the years. The public reaction to that lapse helped spur this bill, which some folk may suggest is pure common sense. State Sen. Joe Simitian, who also authored the cellphone ban, wrote the bill. First offense is $76. Schwarzenegger's comment, via press release: "Banning electronic text messaging while driving will keep drivers' hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road, making our roadways a safer place for all Californians."

I think this article is interesting because of the fact that Texting banned while driving can help reduce accidents in California roads. That is why Bluetooth is now popular. It could help people connect to others without taking the risks while driving.

If I were to interview anyone else, I would interview some Californians who could not afford to buy the new technology (Bluetooth) instead of using their cellphones. And those people who opposed this law to know their feelings toward this issue.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...
This article is about a bill that was passed that has outlawed texting while driving. This bill was passed because there has already been a baned for talking on a cell phone while driving and the only logical thing to do was to get rid of texting too. This was put into effect on july 1st and the the fine will be $25 for the first offence and the second will be $50.
I think the fact that they had to even make a separate bill to put this into effect is stupid. I thought that the last bill got rid of all cell phone use and not just talking. I am wondering how are the police going to find the people texting while driving.
If I had to interview someone it would have to be the person who wrote the original bill and ask them why he didn’t include texting.

Anonymous said...

The European Union has announced a total ban on imports of any baby food products from China that contain traces of milk, in response to the widening health scare over tainted Chinese dairy products.
EU headquarters also called Thursday for tighter checks on other Chinese food products, despite a report from food safety experts that found only a limited risk to consumers in Europe.
Tests will be carried out on all imported goods from China containing more than 15 percent of milk powder and random testing will be done on such products already on the EU market, Papadoulaki told reporters.
The measures are due to come into force Friday.

My article states that all baby food with traces of milk have been banned of notice from the European Union. This was a safty call after a dairy scare in china. Tighter food inspections will be started to prevent further problems even after a clear report from expert food inspectors. All imported goods containing 15% or more milk powder will be tested and such tests will be performed on products already in the EU market. By Friday these measures are expected to come to force.

If I had a moment to interview one person it would be one of the expert food inspectors. I would ask them how this could have happend in the first place and where do we need to make improvements so this wouldn't happen again.

Jordan A.
Period 2

Anonymous said...


The Arctic Sea ice has decline to its second lowest level on record. The ice helps regulate and temper the climate in most parts of the world. The changes are alarming mostly to the researchers and oceanographers. Polar bears are starving, drowning and even eating each other, cannibalism. The bears can not get to their usual access to their food resources. Scientist stimulate that the Arctic may be ice-free in the summer in five years.

It is sad that neither the president nor congress care about global warming. They blame others about the happening. They don’t care about the ice, polar bears, and destruction of the earth. They are more worried about a war who know one cares anymore and how to get the wealthy people richer.

I feel bad that the polar bears are the first ones to suffer the consequences. It is sad that animals also depend on people to keep the earth safe and well maintain. Most people are not taking it seriously and people need to know the cause and effect. Global warming could all have been avoided and even though we people are seeing the destruction we can still prevent future consequences.
If I were to interview a person it would be the candidates running for office. What their view is on global warming and the poor bears that may come endangered species.
Stephanie B. Per. 2

Anonymous said...


Summary: this article about California outlawing text messaging by drivers involves political leaders Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and another of the Bill and legislation that limits the use of cell phones by drivers in California to hands free devices (in effect July 1) Joe Simitian.Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a bill Wednesday that will prohibit California drivers from text messaging beginning Jan 1. It states that it will ban the use of an el electric wireless communication device to write, send or read a text-based communication while operating a motor vehicle. Upon violation the first offense will be a $20 fine and a $50 fine for each subsequent offense. Gov. Schwarzenegger says, “I am happy to sign this bill because it further encourages safe and responsible driving…making roadways a safer place for all Californians.”

Analysis: I believe this article is a little convenient because this bill was introduced about two weeks after the fatal railroad crash which is believed to have been caused by the operator’s text messaging. Why try to prevent a problem after it has already happened, I would consider that to be a cover up. I believe these actions should be taken as a precaution before the chance of such an event happens, whether is be on a boat, car, or train. I agree with Gov. Schwarzenegger’s bill because a driver should only be focused on the road for many lives hang in the balance.

Interview: an interview I would have liked to be included in this article is of a licensed Californian driver. I would be beneficial because that is who it will affect.

Elizabeth C.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This article is about a mother who is being charged for driving her son and his fellow gang members to a fight with a rival gang which lead to a 13 year old's death. Eva Daley, the mother who is being charged, said that she just got caught up in the middle of everything and didnt know that any of the teens were carrying a weapon. The teens who stabbed the 13 year old were known as the "Los Marijuana Smokers" and the 13 year old was supposedly associated with the "Latino Thugs." There was an outbreak in front of Daley's home where the Latino Thugs threw road flares at the house. That lead to Daley picking up her son's friends and driving to a skatepark where 13 year old Jose Cano was stabbed to death.

First of all, i think these kids are just wannabes trying to act gangster. The names "Los Marijuana Smokers" and "Latino Thugs" are amazingly stupid and its no surprise that none of them were over 18. The Mother driving the supposed gang members isn't so smart herself. It's people like her and that same mentality that our world is, to say the least, F***ed. These kids are 13-17 years old and they are already on the verge of being convicted murderers, amazing parenting right?

If i were to interview someone, i would interview the mom. I just want to know what is going through that insane mind of hers. Driving your kid to go stab some 13 year old? What does that prove? It only gives grief and pain to the family of that other kid. I just dont get it.

Jeremy T.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

This article was about a mascot shooting heavily duct taped hot dogs from a launcher of some sort at a ballpark. Mistakenly, somebody had left three of the wrapped dogs out of the park, where security began to grow suspicians on them possibly being bombs. The stadium was immediately evacuated only to find out that they weren't bombs at all.

I must say, this is a rather silly topic. Of course with all that has gone on these past years, I cannot blame the security to worry about bomb threats and such. After all, they are just simply doing their job and thinking about the safety of others.

If I were to interview somebody, it would probably be a local who was at the game just to hear their thoughts and feelings on the situation. Maybe even ask if they felt there was a threat in this.

Paulina P.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

This article is about the riots in Taj Mahal, due to the flood waters. The officials in eastern India are struggling to provide aid to thousands of flood victims. The riots broke out on Wednesday as the flood waters lapped the Taj Mahal compound. Thousands were still stranded on embankments and on highways after large gates of a dam on the Mahanadi river, there were heavy rains last week. Officials were trying there best to feed them so that they wouldn't die of starvation, but soon food riots had broken out in many areas. Many villagers complained that they were not getting relief supplies. More than two hundred people have died in the past five days in India. The rivers in Nothern Uttar Pradesh an Bihar in the east are rising and are forcing villagers out of there homes. Many farmlands are being destroyed. There is also no danger torwards the emperor Shah Jahan. Luckly the emperor is on high grounds, so the over flooding of the rivers will not damage anything around him.
I certainly believe and feel that these victims are going through something very tragic. Many families are being separated. Many others are losing there homes and farmland. Thousands of Indians are scared and don't know how to react to this many use violence but violence is not the answer. I hope that these victims can get through this rough time that they are going through.

Jessy V.

Anonymous said...

My current event was about how in the past two years more than a million people have lost their homes because of foreclosure. Many of these people are still registered to vote at the address from the home that was foreclosed. The problem is that they might not be able to vote when November rolls around. Elections officials and voting rights groups are trying to prevent this from happening.

I personally think that these people still should be allowed to vote and just because they lost their home doesn’t mean they should lose their right. Some of the people said that they were not being properly informed on how to update their address. I know if I was in that position I would be really mad and I would do everything I could to be able to vote, because it is really important to some people.

-Zachary P.

Anonymous said...

This article was about a Nebraska law, which allows parents to drop off their children, as young as babies to teens, at any hospital, without any serious consequences from the state. This law was signed by Governor Dave Heineman on July this year. After seeing as much as 16 children, ages 1 to 17, abandoned former supporters want to change the law. This law was originally made to protect abandoned infants who were unwanted and to provide a safe haven for them. The director of the state division of Children and Family Services, Todd Landry, states that every parent who has committed this act, could not take care of the child, they were overwhelmed and did not want to be parents anymore. Some of the children were put into foster homes temporarily and others were taken to an emergency shelter.
I think that parents shouldn't abandoned their child because if they didn't want to be a parent, they shouldn't have had the child. It's not the child's fault, they just have lazy, irresponsible parents. They should ban this law, or for the most lower the age and just make this law for infants and young children.
If I could interview someone who wasn't spoken to in this article, I would interview the parents who drop off their children. I would ask them why they had children in the first place and what was their reasoning for abandoning them. They should really think twice before committing this act of cruelty towards their child because once they're left abandoned, it will be really hard to get the custody of their child back.
Leslie M.

Anonymous said... My article is on how they abducted Moscow toddler. THe police are serching for this 2 year old little girl when she was playing in a residental courtyard under her nannys supervision.And well in this case they are suspecting that the little girls french father has to do sonethng with the abduction. And if the child was taking by her own father then he will have to face prosecution the officer said. well i think that the father dose have something to do with the abduction because he dosent show up on any report that the police filed in my case he disapperd to. Interview:In this article i would interview the nanny because i dont know what she was thinking. Wasnt she suppoe to be watching over the girl thats why shes called a nanny and well i think she has something to do with the abduction two. stephanie T.
per 5.

Anonymous said...,0,614943.story
JPMorgan Chase buys Washington Mutual

This article is all about how Washington Mutual, which has become the countries largest savings and loans, had to be seized by federal regulators. Immediately after the seizure it was then sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Washington Mutual crashed late today becoming the largest bank to fail in American history.It had assets worth $307 billion and deposits up to $188 billion. But the good news is WAMU customerss will not lose their money according to the FDIC.
I think its horrible that hardworking people almost got totally robbed of their money just because the bank failed. Lucky for them this is America and we have precautions for this kind of situation. So major props to the Federal Deposit Insurance Co. for really stepping it up and covering people whether their money was insured or not. "that's why we're in America Greatest country on the planet." -Will Ferrell AKA Ricky Bobby -Talladega Nights.
If i had to interview someone it would definitely be a customer of the bank who was almost lost his/her money but got lucky.
Shawn C.
Per 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #3
Sarah Palin gave her first interview since she became the vice president candidate. She was asked a few questions one of which was that if she agreed with president Bush on having the U.S troops on Iraq and Afghanistan. Palin responded that she did in fact agreed with bush, she said that it was better to have the troops on their soil and prevent feature attacks hear in the U.S. By that way they the U.S has less possibilities of being attack.
I do agree this time with Sarah Palin, it is better to make sure things turn out good then just to sit around and wait for something unexpected. Yes of course its wrong that there are sending troops over there and separating them from their families and disturbing the lives of innocent citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan. But then again this is probably the only way that things might turn out well for the three countries and maybe also for others.
If I had to interview someone about this same topic and about how Palin answer the question, it would be John MaCain. I would ask him to see if they both think the same or differently about the topic.
Noemi S.
P. 5

Anonymous said...

T-Mobile is backpedaling on the limit it placed on the so-called unlimited data plan that will accompany its Android phone, but the operator isn't saying exactly what the new terms will be.

When T-Mobile introduced the G1, the first phone based on Google's Android mobile platform, on Tuesday, it said that subscribers would be able to sign up for a US$35-per-month unlimited data plan. But the fine print on the Web site for the phone said that users would actually be limited to 1G byte of data usage per month, after which their connection would slow to a 50K bps or less rate.

I think that T-mobile should just stick with the phones capabilities and not lie to their customers. If i could talk to anyone that wasn't in the news, i would talk to the main owner of T-mobile and tell him to change the plans to the truth. :)
Randy O.
period 2

Anonymous said...

In this event, North Korea is thinking of restarting another Nuclear Program. They have banned any U.N. inspectors from coming on to their main plutonium reprocessing plant. N. K. has announced that they are going to reactivate the facility for the materials required for the atomic test blasts. This move has sent some fear about a resurgent nuclear N. K., but some think of it as a motive of a negotation strategy.

Analysis: I think that if North Korea is planning on re-opening a nuclear facility, it is going to cause a lot of problems in the world. I think that it will just lead to another world war between a whole bunch of different countries. The United States, North Korea, Iran, and etc. North Korea is just planning on trying to become a world power, but they will probably destroy the world before that happens, thanks to their philosophies.

if I were to interview somebody else, it would be the president of North Korea, Kim Jong II. I would ask him why he is doing this and what is he trying to prove by this move he is pulling.

Joshua C.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

The comments that Sarah Palin did about the foreign policy and Alaska . She said that Russia is our next door neighbor and you can that you can see Russia from one of Alaska’s island. Although many people made fun of her, well they should if they don’t know anything at all. It is proved that you can see Miami from Cuba and vise versa even though it’s about 70 or 80 miles away. Well I is funny because St. Lawrence island is about 50 miles away from Russia. Even if it was a mistake how come you hear that all over the news but what happened to Joe Biden comments about F.D.R. talking to the nation after the stock market crashed on 1929. Hoover was the president not Biden and there weren’t that many televisions sets.

In my opinion, media should be fair with all and study a little bit of geography.
Sarah Palin could be wrong, well who is always right?

If I had the chance to interview someone, the people on the streets to see how much they do know about what they are about to encounter in this coming elections.

Andrea P


Anonymous said...

This article is about the new law that comes into affect on january 1st that makes it illegal to text message while driving. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill earlier this week that disallows the use of a phone or any communitacting device to write, send, or read a text-based communication while driving a motor vehicle. The new law states that a first offender will be fined 20 dollars and any time after that, they will be fined 50 dollars.

I agree with this new bill that Governor Schwarzenegger passed and signed on wednesday because it will lower accidents considerably come January 1st. Texting while driving is comparable to driving drunk because it is hard to control a car when you are not paying attention to the road and texting instead. I support this new bill because, in addition to the hands-free bill passed earlier this year, it will make our california roads much safer.

If i were to interview anyone to add to this article, i would interview the parents of someone who was a victim in a texting-caused accident. It would add more support for the Bill to have an example of what the bill is trying to prevent.

-Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

In Aurora, Colorado a fifth grader gets suspended for wearing an anti-Obama t-shirt to school. 11 year old Daxx Dalton says that he had every right to wear his t-shift to school. The t-shirt read, “Obama is a terrorist’s best friend.” He says that under the first Amendment he’s able to wear that shirt to school. He says that his right to free of speech was trampled on when school officials at Aurora Frontier school suspended him. Studens where asked to wear red, white, and blue to show their patriotism but Daxx showed up with that shirt. His dad says that the school made a terrible by suspending his son and is threatening legal action against the school district. The school gave him a chance to turn his shirt inside out or get suspended and he chose to get suspended. His father encourages his son to stand up for what he believe in. The school district claims that the boy was not suspended for wearing the shirt but for willful disobedience and defiance.

I don’t believe that a child of eleven years should even be wearing a shirt like that. Why would his parents let him wear that kind of clothing. I believe that a shirt like that disrupts the school and he should not be able to wear that kind of stuff on campus. His right weren’t really violated. The school has a dress code policy and the students should obey it and I don’t think they should be allowed to wear those kind of shirts.

His parents or dad probably were the ones that encouraged him to wear the shirt. Probably because they deeply oppose Obama. If I was a father I would not let my son wear that kind of shirt. Especially on a day when you’re suppose to wear red, white, and blued to show your patriotism. They gave him a chance to take the shirt off or wear it inside out or get suspended and the kid chose suspension. That’s not very smart of him.

If I was to interview someone else I would interview the school official to see what they think about the problem. I would also interview the principal just to see what she thinks.

Juan E.
Period 2

Anonymous said...
Gymnast blames slip of tongue for age discrepancy. During a 2007 interview Chinese gymnasts, Yang Yun, told the press she was 14 years old. To be a part of the gymnastics team a gymnasts has to be 16 years of age to compete I the Olympics. “Everyone has misspoken before. On television shows, there are always slips of the tongue,” Yang told the Associated Press. I don’t believe that she could have mistakenly given the wrong age. She knows what she said and I believe that if she is lying she should tell the truth. If I was to interview anyone I would interview another gymnasts and ask what advantages could a person two years younger than every one else have in this sport.
Mayra S.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Juan E: I liked your article abouth the fifth grader getting suspended. But his right's were violated becuase of his shirt and we have the freedom of speech and of government. Yes he did violate the dress code but, he did wear the shirt that they asked them to wear. So this is a very confusing article but I really liked it.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Shawn C: I agree with ur article that America is a very safe country and that are money is some what safe. Yes I do agree that it must be a horrible feeling to know that you might loose the money you worked so hard for. So I believe that our government should do something better to prevent something of this magnitude to occurr.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Juan E.-I believe anybody could speak their mind as long as it doesnt offend other people. In this case the little boy was doing that and i'm sure it offended others. They did give him a warning, but its a difficult story because he should also have the right to stand up for what he believes.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Luis R.-I can't believe they are charging this man for assult for something so ridiculous!!! Like I said in my article, we should be able to feel safe when the police is around. That is just going to far. They take advantage of the power they have and soon none will be trusted.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i find the article about a west virginia man being charged with assaulting an officer by passing gas is absolutly absured. i can't believe an officer would stoop down so low to charge a man so as to get his way. if anything the officer should have stuck to the intitial charge which was driving under the influence. i agree with luis officers like this are what give the police force a bad name.

i believe the mom who aided her son in creating arsenal weapons is very ignorant. how could a mother do such a thing, she is supposed to keep her child out of harms way and help him/her to not harm others. i believe the nother's punishment is just because although she might not have known the extent of her sons plans she had full knowledge that she was creating harmful weapons and that cannot be denied.

elizabeth c
period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the bill to prohibit texting while driving is, of course, very conveniant, but I think it is kind of funny that they are barely imposing it now, instead of since July 1 of this year where talking on the phone was prohibited. At least you had your eyes more on the road with just talking on the phone versus texting when you don't at all

Anonymous said...

The NON-OBAMA shirt incident story made me laugh. I think the school wanted to have a little patriotic day and he showed his own type of patriotism. I think he did have the right to wear the shirt. Just like I have the right to at this instant say "GEORGE BUSH SUCKS!" and no one can come arrest me for it.

Anonymous said...

the two comments above these are mine...I swear mr. waldram!

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...

I believe that the article of the Leslie M.-Nebraska law allowing parents to drop off their children as young as babies to teens, at any hospital is a good law. It is better to drop of the children at a hospital where they can be safe other than just leaving them on the streets or abondoning them. If the child was left at the hospital there wouldn't be and consequences from the state.
Alexandra C.
Per. 2

Anonymous said...

The article of a bill being passed that outlawed texting while driving was good, but there is no name of who wrote it, and I am talking about the one from, not the summary by Neslee. I think that this bill is a good thing because texting is a distraction, especially if you are driving. To those drivers that text while drivig, they should not really care about their surrounding if they are not paying attention to the road.

Anonymous said...

the comment above is mine...Alexandra C. from Per.2

Anonymous said...;_ylt=An6iK3lz0j6CAUEWG6sqLvKs0NUE

President Bush received a bill that consists of a two year plan program to clean up pollution and contaminated areas around the Great Lakes from the Congress. The voting results from the house was a 411-9 in favoring the measure which will approve the $54 million a year. The last five-year bill that passed in 2003 was said to expire this year. The cleanup program will continue keeping the environment safe and clean.

I deeply agree with Congress to create such plan to cleanup the Great Lakes because society needs to care more about our environment. Careless people will always pollute and throw trash in a inhabitant area where many animals live. With the new bill being passed it will make the environment safe. It will also bring more tourists to the Lake.
I also think that the article should include interviews from the residents of the Great Lakes and see what they think of this new great plan.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Shawn C.

I think that your artcle is very intresting. I am glad that all of those people didnt lose their money. Because I know that if I lost all of my money I wouldnt be very happy. Nice quote from Talladega Nights.

-Dillon S.

Anonymous said...

Luis R: I think the charges against the man who farted on the officer are ridiculous. I think if the charges are passed to trial, it would be a complete waste of time. Also, how could it have been assault, when really the man did actually "touch" the officer? I think its the officers fault for standing so close to the stinky man. haha.

Paulina P: This article was really interesting. It kind of makes you think about how much people think about dangerous situations these days. Instead of enjoying one's self, people are almost constantly thinking of the negative "what if's". Even though, it better to be safe than sorry, i think we have to draw the line somewhere.

Kendra H.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

Luis R.

That is funny that someone would pass gas on a police officer. But it is stupid that the officer is able to press charges because it didnt hurt him in any way. Only a cop can charge someone for passing gas next to them. Next time someone passes gas in the locker room Im going to charge them with assault.

-Dillon S.

Anonymous said...

Period 2

Anonymous said...

jorge g-
Your article on the law on prohibiting cell phone use while driving is a good idea because of all the accidens happening due to lack of attention of the driver, they focus more on their phones instead of the road. There was an accident with the train crashing because the conductor was texting, more of these accidents can be prevented with this law.
I would also like to interview people to see what they think of this law.
Stephanie T.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Paulina p
I agree with you this article is very exagerrated in they way they handled the situation. I know that secruity was doing their jobs but couldn't they made sure that they werent bombs before evacuated the stadium. Then again with all the terrorist acts in the past they were just loking out for the safety of the people.
I would also like to interview some of the people at the game and see how the felt if i were there id be terrified thinking that there was bombing attempts happening.
Stephanie T
Period 5

Anonymous said...

the article of the officer getting farted on was pretty funny and stupid why would you press charges for a smelly fart hahaha i liked it though it really got my attention

Jaime sosa
per. 5

M00kIeman21 said...

Ruio aka Luis R. period 2.
I think it is stupid 2 arrest someone for farting. ho is that assault. I didnt experience it but maybe the guys fart stunk realy bad and made the officer mad. I know if i was taking someone to the county jail i wouldnt want it to stink in the cop car. this is halarious. if this guy does time for this i will laugh my but off.

Markeise Glenn

Anonymous said...

Luis R.- I think that your article was pretty funny. I didn't know that you could get arrested for something that stupid. I think that the officer is in the wrong and he should be arrested for being an idiot.

Josh C.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

Daniel S.- I agree with you on this one. George Bush messed up our government. Bill Clinton did a better job in office with our economy.

Josh C.
Per. 5

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.- I agree that if North Korea is planning on opening a nuclear power plant that the world will be in a state of chaos because if they are trying to become a world power they are doing a very bad job going on about it.
Daniel S.
Period 7

M00kIeman21 said...

After reading the current event by Kendra H. period 5 on the teenage boy who had help from his mom collect bombs and stuff.
THis is realy crazy because if someones parent is letting them build bombs and stuff, and help them plot to kill th whole school. what will happen one day when i go to school one day?
this kid needs some counciling and seriously needs to lose weight. just because your fat you dont have to blow up a school.

Markeise Glenn
per. 5

Anonymous said...

Paulina P.- I agree with the fact that this country is in a heightened state of paranoia because it was only wrapped hotdogs how could you think it was a bomb. I mean seriously who would want to bring a bomb into a ball park and threaten everyone.
Daniel S.
Period 7

skyline330 said...

andrew mccracken-- i agree with the article about that the governor of california signed a new law that banned the use of electronics device while driving, im sure that if everyone follows this new law then it will decrease the risk of car accidents.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree with the bill that prohibits the use of texting while driving because when u start driving and texting you do not only put your life at risk but the lives of others and as experince driver i know that u can be easly distracted

Miguel F.

Anonymous said...

Luis R - while i was going through the current events i thought yours really got my attention. because it was pretty funny. and i agree on wat u say about the cops that just because they are the law they want to take advantage of other people.

Jessica A.
Per 5

Anonymous said...

Kendra- Your article got my attention because i thought it was pretty wierd how a mom would help her son buy guns. its pretty dumb that she would do that because its obvious hes gonna try to do some killing or other bad things. it shows how there can be irrisponsible parents out there

Jessica A
Per 5

Anonymous said...

Jorge G.- Your article got my attention because it is true that because of the cellphone use while driving causes accidents. people are always distracted when they use the phone driving. its a good thing that the governer signed the bill cuz there will be less accidents.

Jose C
Per 5

Anonymous said...

Luis R- ha ur article is funny. Because when i saw my name i was like what but then i kept reading and i knew it wasnt about me. Nd i think that its wrong that an officer thinks that just because he is the law he can do whatever he wants.

Jose C.
Per 5

skyline330 said...
A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher and her attorney, James Martin Davis, said he hoped those charges will be dropped, but Dawson County Attorney Elizabeth Waterman said she will proceed with a state case.

i think the judge should give her more years in prison because of what she did to this 13 yr. old boy, i mean this lady fled to mexico with this boy just so she could have sex with him, if was in this boy's shoes i would tell the cops right away.

I would want to interview the teacher because i need to know what in the world was going on her head to do such a thing then i would interviw the 13 yr. old boy about how come he didnt turn in her to the cops to arrest her.

Edgar S.

September 29, 2008 6:58 PM

skyline330 said...

A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher and her attorney, James Martin Davis, said he hoped those charges will be dropped, but Dawson County Attorney Elizabeth Waterman said she will proceed with a state case.

i think the judge should give her more years in prison because of what she did to this 13 yr. old boy, i mean this lady fled to mexico with this boy just so she could have sex with him, if was in this boy's shoes i would tell the cops right away.

I would want to interview the teacher because i need to know what in the world was going on her head to do such a thing then i would interviw the 13 yr. old boy about how come he didnt turn in her to the cops to arrest her.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Edgar S I totally agree by what had comment about the teacher i think she should be charged has a raper and i wonder what she was thinking raping a 13 year old i mean thats discusting 26 doing a 13yr. old little boy eeewww..

Anonymous said...
N.Y. oil price was $100 a barrel on tuesday market hopes congress resurrect fail U.S. bailout plan.
On monday the second largest drop after the house $700 billion.
oil cant stay at one spot
On Tuesday, the euro bought $1.4059 compared with $1.4472 late Monday in New York.
the maine heating oil is going way down.
the natural is gas is totally .
the weekly gasoline falls to 9 cents. preety good but still need to work on more oil coming in.

period 5

Anonymous said...

China has successfully launched there third manned mission to outer space. The event was broadcast on state television. The ship called Shenzou 7. At the televised event the Chinese President Hu Jintao went to visit the three astronauts at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This being China’s third mission ever to space is a pretty big deal. Liu Guoning, a researcher with China's manned space engineering office, says this third mission is the riskiest yet for China. Liu says the Shenzhou 7 mission is a way for China to explore and make peaceful use of outer space for all humanity.

I think the article is pretty interesting because its about China and space. I didn’t know this is just their third time travelling to outer space. Unlike America where they make trips to space all the time, in China its still a huge event I’m guessing. They say that they are trying to make peaceful use of space for humanity. So I’m all for it.

I would interview the three astronauts whose names were not mentioned. I would ask them about how they felt about going into space, their fears, what they’re looking forward to. Also I would like to know why their names weren’t mentioned, it just sparked my curiosity a little.

Panda H.
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Randy O. - I think that its doesn't really make a difference whether or not T-Mobile lies about their new phone or not. All the phone companies and all big name brand companies lie about their products to make people buy them. Just like how presidents lie about their campaign.

Panda H.
period 5

Anonymous said...

Luis R. - I definitely agree that the officer went to far by charging the man with assault just because of that. Though there will always be accounts such as this when people in power take advantage of those who are not. The only ones who can change this are the people who are in charge of the people like that.

Anonymous said...

Luis r i think your article is sort wrong and right in a way there is wrong and right in every situation ok every phone company has its own policy but there policy doesnt fit with the way we all wanted some i mean that they charge you in different ways and plus all phone company have very bad service i never had a phone that works good on service i just had t mobile i canceled because they charged me 700 last month which was really wierd t mobile sucks a lot though. the good thing is that they love to lie about how good there company is.

Anonymous said...

Current Event #4
Palin vs. Biden is the debate to watch
52.4 million expected to tune in
By CLAUDIA FELDMAN and CORILYN SHROPSHIRE Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
Oct. 1, 2008, 5:44PM

So bascially this is about the next big debate between the running to be vice president: Biden and Palin. More then 53 million are expected to watch this, since its going to be what people espected to happen between clinton and hilary.People who are voting these elections are so involved that instead of watching the traditional football games it has become the tradtional debate nights.This night has become important because both VP candidates have their ups and downs, also the inexperience in such a high position.
More people are excited to see how Palin goes through the debate without anyone holding her hand and by simply memorizing a couple of mini speeches. It really has become a very exciting election and theres more to come into these elections as November 4 approches.
This article is interesting because it informs us about the two Vp candidates and what will be going down thursday night in the debate. For this article i would have considered interviewing both president candidates to see what they believe will happen in this vp debate and how they believe it will benifit their campgain. Sarah Palin has becaome so famous from one day to another so interviewing her to see what she thinks and what she knows would be something many would want to see since shes the only women left alive in these elections.I definetly plan to not miss this debate.

Genesis Hernandez
Period 2

Anonymous said...

current event #4
This article was about the restoration of the economy and president bush position in this issue. The president6 supports the $700 billion rescue of mayor companies an prevent a collapse in the economy if the united states. He is not only worried about the big industries but as well as the small to vanish. Since the disaster from katrina to ike have impacted the u.s. and has come to be another problem to restore the places where these hurricanes have caused mayor damage to the states.
if i were to interview one person it would be first president bush and ask him why in the first place did the nation got to this point to be in such big dept. What caused this was it the war with Iraq or gas prices or just that he didn't know how to manage the nation and resulted with more dept.
yash m.

Anonymous said...

Luis R- I liked your article a lot. I think it’s a very controversial topic. First of all, I want to say that their phrase to protect and serve is a freaking joke! We should be protected fom them. They simply have nothing better to do and go around busting people for stupid things when there are bigger criminals out there. I wasn’t surprised to read about this because I would expect something scandalous like this from five-oh. HOW CAN YOU RESPECT THE BADGE,WHEN IT DOES NOT RESPECT YOU?!!?

Anonymous said...

Jeremy T- Your Article got my Attention. It is so sad how could a mother let this happened. She is leading her child in a wrong way. What a bad example for the youths of today.

Neslee O.
Period 2

skyline330 said...

Luis R- your article its interesting because how in the word could a person get arrested just for farting, that doesnt make sense at all i think its the first time that happen this kind of things in the whole entire world. and i think that guy shouldnt be charge for anything.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

shawn c.- your article is about washington mutual, this bank went broke and crashed and i think its the only bank that went through that, but good thing it was bought or else people would of lose their money.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Veronica D. - Sometimes Police do crazy things too. They don’t even read the rules before doing something. Most of time, they’re aren’t right too.

Neslee O.
Period 2