Post your current events through the class blog by the time class starts. Remember to include the following:
1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
NOTE: these should be about 3/4 - 1 page in length for full credit
This article talks about Senator Barack Obama's use of "lipstick on a pig", when he was giving a speech in Norfolk, Virginia. Republican's thought his line "lipstick on a pig" was being directed to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She had recently started her previous speech with: "You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.". When Republican's heard of Obama's remark, they thought it was directed at Palin, when he really was talking about politics. The only part of their speeches they had in common was the animal and lipstick, other than that, Obama never intended it to as an insult to Palin.
I thought the article, showed that the Republicans misunderstood Obama when he said "lipstick on a pig", when he was really talking about politics and how politicians try to take something bad and make it look a little better by putting some "lipstick" on it. I also believe that Obama does not owe Palin an apology, as most Republicans wanted. His speech was about politics, he was not trying to make fun of her line.
If I was to interview someone else, I would interview Sarah Palin. I would like to know what she thought when she heard about Obama's speech. I would like to know if it affected her at all and if it really bothered her as much as it bothered the Republicans.
Leslie M.
This section talks about what happened when McCain and Obama showed on thursday night at the columbia university in New York that they have more in common ground than differences when it comes to making national service a priority in their presidential administration and both also see the problems in afghanistan growing larger, and theres is a part where McCain fielded a question about his running mate gov. Sarah Palins dismissive comments about sen. Obama community service in Illinois.
This article tells things that are gonna happen around presintial elections and after. Both have their plans set on and also on how they're planning to make a difference in this country and put things back together where it belongs.
If i were to interview someone else i would interview
Sarah Palins because i would really like to know what she thinks towards Obama's campaign.
Edgar S.
Priest got busted for selling cocaine to his student from his rectory office. It took place in Illinois and the Priest is awaiting court hearing.
I think it is kind of funny because the Priest is a hypocrite since he is teaching his religious beliefs even though he does not follow what he preaches. I think he should go to jail even though he is a Priest. In our society it should not matter what your job or status is when the law comes to catch you.
This is such a random story because the last person I would expect to by coke from would be my Priest. It is sad, but true that there are a lot of crack snorting clergy in our world. Too bad. The judicial branch is the one enforcing these laws via the police and the judges. Way to go guys!
I would interview another employee at the church, like a nun, because they could share more about the character of the Priest and whether or not they though something was fishy with him all along.
Ameer W
Period 7
The link to the article http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/09/12/teen.arrest.fire.ap/
An 18 year-old man is being charged with four counts of murder (mother, and three daughters) with special circumstances. The murder occurred on Friday, September 12, 2008 at Lancaster, Los Angeles. The murder had no motive for doing horrible crime. His bail is being set for $1 million. It’s a terrible situation to explain. I would interview couple of family friends and see what their answer is. And if they notice some signs that lead to this tragic.
Mayra S.
Period 2
This article talks about how the candidates to the presidency John McCain and Barack
Obama will be meeting this Thursday. They will not speak together but both of them will be there.
I think that it is a good idea that they both meet on this day. It is important to show that Americans are together even in hard times and they have to leave their differences aside. I do think that is a good idea that they will be forgetting about all that and they will be going to New York and show that Americans are together on hard times like I already mentioned.
If I had to interview some I would interview a person that attended to New York and I would ask them what happened. Also I would ask them what they did and things like that.
Andrea P
Period 7
The Article talk about that Bush launch the third phase of the plan called "to strike at Osama bin Laden and top Al Qaeda ledership".
The President said that the CIA are going to try to destroy Al Qaeda before the november elections. In Los Angeles Times reported that today the United States was deploying Predetor aircraft equipped whit soophisticated new surveillance systems as a part its escalating offensive against extremist targets in Pakistan.
This article was very interesting for me, becouse talk about of one of the most important themes in this days: Al Qaeda. I think that the idea of the President Bush is good, but I found one big problem, the try to destroy Al Qaeda, what are going to be diferent this time.
Another point is that Al Qaeda is very strong and powerful, the President must to plain this for much time ago, of that are going to be hard for him. I think that the intention is good, but is going to be realy hard
I liked interview to the 2 Canditas to the president, to kwon what they thing about Al Qaeda, becouse may in the government of they can happen somenthig similar at the 9/11
Jorge G
period 2
This article talks about the Rescuers in Galveston, Texas, were going door-to-door Saturday to check on 20,000 people who failed to flee from Hurricane Ike -- which has slowed to tropical storm status.
Park benches are strewn about in downtown Houston Saturday during Hurricane Ike. President Bush declared 29 Texas counties a major disaster area, making federal funds available for recovery from the storm. Ike was downgraded Saturday to a tropical storm 11 hours after it crashed ashore as a Texas-sized hurricane that walloped southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. The storm's sustained winds dropped to 60 mph as it moved north across Texas, expending its power along the way. In the coastal city of Galveston, CNN affiliate KPRC showed workers checking homes where people who had ignored warnings to evacuate had subsequently begged 911 operators for help. Three deaths in Texas have been attributed to the storm.
"The hotel we were in was rocking and windows blowing out," Mark Sudduth, of hurricanetrack.com, told CNN.
"There was enormous wave action, the wind, the power outages, fires in the distance. It was everything that a Hollywood epic disaster movie would be made of, but for real," he said.
If I were to Interview someone else, I would interview another residents in Galveston, Texas because they could share more about how they prepared their things for the Hurricane Ike, to keep & maintain their family's safety.
Neslee O.
Period 2
The Justice Department is making rules that would let the FBI agents use new techniques to bolster the agency’s intelligence. US officials said Friday. This was because the FBI agency had been limited to overt intelligence-gathering techniques such as only letting agents to identify themselves in interviews.
I think that in a way it’s a good idea because they would be able to track the bad guys faster. But on the other it’s a bad thing because they are able to gather information on U.S residents. And they would be allowed to track them based on their race and ethnicity. This is what I think about these rules.
If I were to interview another person it would be a local resident. I would interview him/her to ask if this is a good idea what the Justice Department is doing.
Jose C
Per. 5
This article talks about the violence that is occurring in Santa Ana. It also shows all the different places in Santa Ana that there has been gang violence; where in result there have been people shot and killed; the innocent or gang members as well. In this article it specifically talks about a 13-year-old boy who was waiting for his sister in front of Santa Ana high school when he got shot. It has come to my attention while reading this article that there are a lot of young people that are starting to get involved with gangs at a very young age; in result those people lose there lives or have people around them killed because they are mistaken by someone else or another gang.
I personally think that gang violence in Santa Ana is growing, this frightens me because it has me thinking how many innocent lives are going to have to be taken before someone actually stands up and tries to do something about this issue. Or even if it will be someone I know. While reading the article another thing that came to my attention was that the S.A.P.D. doesn’t do as much as they can because it is there job to stop the violence in the moment it occurs but if there was no violence at all in Santa Ana the police officers wouldn’t have a job at all. But there comes a time in your life where you should think of others before yourself. They don’t stop to realize what if those children or teenagers being killed were their kids; if that were so they would do anything in there power to do all they could to change this issue or have it taken care of but they don’t. Why? Maybe because something like this hasn’t occurred to someone close to him or her or in his or her family.
If I could interview anyone I would interview a few people. First I would interview the head of the S.A.P.D. I would want to know from this person what he or she is doing to improve the gang violence that is occurring in Santa Ana. Secondly I would interview a cop, I would like to see this person perspective and what he or she sees more of on the streets and to see what they think would be better ideas to better the city and the violence within it. And lastly I would like to get the chance to interview a family member of the victim. Why? Well because its very easy to hear or try and see what someone goes thru but its much different to go thru it yourself and along with your family.
Diane S
Per. 5
A hospital worker at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Censter is accused of stealing $234,000 from the cafeteria. Employee Bridget Ganier stole from $50 - $100 weekly since September 2003. She was responsible for making the bank deposits for the hospital.
I think that the woman was being greedy. She said that she took the money because she couldn’t pay her bills. The only reason she had so many bills though is because she wanted to live a luxurious life. She said that she was only making $2,200 a month but her bills were more than $5,700. She also said that she took all the money from two of the three register. Other people worked hard to put that money in the register and she just takes it for her own need. I found it funny when she went on vacation and her substitute deposited $1032.33 and $1,065.78, while on average she would deposit around $300 - $500 a day. She could have gotten away with it if she didn’t take a vacation.
If I were to interview someone else, I would interview Bridget Gainer because she is the main person of the article. She was the person who stole all the money. I would ask her if she would still steal if she gets the opportunity to. I would also ask if she had gotten the promotion that she wanted, then would she not steal at all.
Brianna H.
Period 2
This article is about two trains that crashed head on. It happened on Friday, September 12th. It left 135 injured and 25 dead. It is said that maybe one of the signals to stop one of the trains wasnt working, but some were tryin to blame the engineer failing to heed the red signal. The train went byh 4 signals that if were workin correctly would had turned yellow or red to warn the engineer to stop.
If I could interview someone else I would interview the engineer just to see what was really going through his head and whether he saw the signals or not. That would give us the answer to whether it was his fault or not. I think either way they should check little things like that more often.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Leslie M. - Your article was very interesting to me. I really think you are flat out wrong though. Barrack Obama was taking a jab at Sarah Palin when he said "lipstick on a pig." You probably want to not remember that in the past he has said things insulting candidates and tried to weasel his way out of it. I think that Obama is a jerk and should apologize for the comment.
Mr. W.
Period 2
The road to equality
All men are created equal
The "Laws of nature"
Forbidden his governers
Their Legislative powers
We are the civil power
We follow the law of nature
All men are created equal
We dont want more oppersions
Form our government
Spending our own Legislature
Trail by jury
For the public good
Our former form of government
Constrained our fellow cizitens
By imposing us taxes
We then found enimies in war peace in friends
Which relinquished our rights
And men where created equal
Jordan T.
Shawn C.
George G.
period 2
This article is about the rising gas prices after the hit from the hurricane. President Bush announced that many will face a "pinch" due to the disruption of energy production from Hurricane Ike. A solution President Bush has came up with having the federal government working with state leaders to monitor unfairly high prices. Bush also advises locals to send in their complaints to federal government if they think price gouging is happening. Texas is one of the main holders of the refineries. The pipelines are up and running but production is not at its maximum speed. Thus, causing the spike in gas prices.
I really think this article does a good job of explaining why many locals will have to put out a couple more pennies to fuel their tank. The disaster of Hurricane Ike is deffinately going to put the prices climbing. I believe George Bushs concern for the people's frustrations will somewhat show that he is doing "something" about this problem. But I really think it will not do much for everyone if people just sends in their complaint of gas prices to the federal government. I would have interviewed locals at gas stations to see their resposne to George Bushs take on the problem.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
Ameer W.- Your article extreamly funny. Its not every day you read about a priest selling crack to his students, thats some funny stuff and I agree with you about how the law should be forced upon him too. Kids look up to people like him and when they hear news that there priest is selling crack, they might take after it and everything would get messy. In my opinion I would say he needed to serve some jail time no matter his placing.
Jordan A.
Period 2
Jordan A. - Change there in 3rd sentence to their for ownership. :0
Some Kid
State Of Emergency
In the fighting between of an opposition group and pro-government demonstrators dozens are injured and one person is killed. Thousands of protestors called the People’s Alliance for Democracy also know as PAD have set up a sit- in outside the government buildings in Bangkok for more than a week now. They are doing this on behalf of calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej. On September 2 Samak declares a state of emergency. The next day the police and military do not enforce the state of emergency. Army commander Gen. Anupong Paochinda declared neutrality in the conflict, "We are not taking sides, if the nation is the people, we are the army of the people." Samak was forced from office when Thailand's Constitutional Court rules that he violated the constitution by being paid to appear on the cooking show "Tasting and Complaining."
I think that it is ridicules that dozens of people were injured and a person was killed over this. It should not have come down to this. I think Samak Sundaravej should have been interviewed so we can get what he thinks about the situation and not just Anupong Paochinda opinion.
-Zachary P.
Ravid Y.- I liked reading your article because it explained why gas prices are rising so high and how people just sending complaints instead of ideas is pointless. I also think it would be a good idea to interview a local and get some insight from them.
-Zachary P.
Veronica D.- I think what happened was very tragic and feel bad for the 25 families that are affected from this. They really need to find out what went down though because it could have been a malfunction or something worse.
-Zachary P.
Jose C. your article is very interesting because is about FBI agents using new techniques to catch bad guys or even people that were running from the law for many years and i dont think they'll use those techniques to gather information about other residents that live near i doubt it because they're using this to catch criminals only.
Edgar S.
Diane S. your article got my attention because its actually true about whats going on around santa ana streets innocent people getting shot or even getting mistaken by other gang members and its true about what you said that the police departments are not trying to stop violence, and they should do something about it soon as possible because if they dont then this gang violence is gonna keep rising.
Edgar S.
This article talks about President Bush made a fundraising trip on Thursday to the country that his administration was working and he was going to calm all the commotion in the financial markets. Bush was supposed to go to Alabama and Florida to raise money for the republicans and talk about the energy policy. But instead he stayed and focused on the financial meltdown ever since the Great depression.
I think that bush is doing a good thing focusing on the financial meltdown. Because if he shows that he doesn’t care about this it would make him look bad. Just like president Hoover who didn’t care about the Great Depression.
If I were to interview another person it would be a U.S resident and ask if what bush is doing is good. Ask them what are their thoughts on our Economy and if they think there could be another Depression.
Jose C
Per 5
Dianne S.- I think your Article was pretty interesting and I agree that Police should take actions for this killing, to Stop. The Gangs are taking innocent lives with them. This Violence should come to an end. Poor Innocent People. ("R.I.P" I know They're in good Hands now.)
Neslee O.
Period 2
Current Event #1
Hurricane Ike is headed for the coast of Texas and a lot of people are scared. Nearly One Million people are evacuating their homes and moving inland to avoid the potential disaster. The hurricane is supposed to hit Texas Friday evening or Saturday morning. According to Yahoo news, the storm is head directly for Houston, which is one of the major cities in Texas, full of tall buildings and also the Johnson Space Center. This is supposed to be a category 3 storm with winds up to 130 mph. Traffic going out of Texas is at a high and fuel is running low. NASA has, for now, moved their headquarters out of harms way. The oil and refinery companies are watching this storm with great worry because this is one of the Nation’s biggest oil suppliers. In the article that I was reading, I noticed that they did not interview President Bush on this matter. With people saying that he did not do enough for the Katrina victims, I would think that he would want to show how much he cared to make up for it. Also, I think they should have interviewed the presidential candidates on this matter because this is a topic of interest to the country.
Julian J.
Period 2
Amber W.-Your Article was Funny and interesting too. The priest should not sell cocaine to his Students. He was not a good Example for the young Kids. He should resign from being a Priest. In addition, He should be put in jail to learn his lessons. Shame on Him! Or maybe He needs money. That’s Why He did that.
Neslee O.
Period 2
After money market fund pioneer The Reserve shook the market on Tuesday when it cut the net asset value of its flagship Primary Fund
RFIXX, , ) to 97 cents a share, many firms with money market funds have stressed they do not have holdings in troubled companies Lehman Brothers Holdings (LEH:Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc
LEH 0.05, +0.05, 0.0%) , American International Group Inc. (AIG:American International Group, Inc
AIG 2.69, +0.64, +31.2%) and Washington Mutual Inc.
WM 2.99, +0.98, +48.8%) .
The Reserve's move came in a week that has seen the Dow Jones Industrial Average drop by more than 7% to its level since November 2005.
But in the wake of Primary Fund breaking the buck, investors have pulled cash out of corporate debt funds. Data from money market fund research company iMoneyNet shows that on Monday and Tuesday almost $100 billion was redeemed from prime institutional funds -- $40 billion of which was from The Reserve's Primary Fund -- while about $35 billion was poured into government institutional funds.
In my Article market fund pioneer, "The Reserve" cut the asset value of its flagship primary fund(RFIXX) to 97 cents a share on Tuesday. What I got from all this is that when you keep spending large amounts of money, eventualy you will run out. People fail to pay back money that wasn't theirs in the first place. When you take a loan out from the bank that is not your money, you will have to pay it back. The big picture is that when everyone makes the same mistake of not paying back that money the banks and insurance companies and our big corps. take the big hit. What made matters worse was that after the drop in funds people started to pull money out. It was like people were jumping out of a building that wasn't on fire!
If I was to interview someone on the topic it would be one of the people who pulled their money out and fleed for no reason. I would like to know why they would stress themselves further by making matters worse. Thats my opinion on the story.
Jordan A.
Period 2
Link: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-09-18-train_N.htm
Summary: This article presents the issue of September 12, 2008 fatal railroad crash in Los Angeles and possible suspicion of cause being the operator’s cell phone use. The article also includes the points of view of The California Public Utilities Commission whish was to effective immediately pass an order banning the use of cell phones and similar electronic devices by engineers operating trains. The California Public Utilities Commission made their move after revelations that the operator of the Metrolink commuter train had allegedly been texting which drew his attention away from the stop signal. As well as The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and their stand on that such rules are unnecessary because employers are already prohibited the use of such devices. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) only recommends safety improvements and urged a more strict enforcement of cell phone rules after the fatal head-oh crash in Texas in 2002.
Analysis: I do not find this article to be valid at all based on the evidence used to support it. In the second paragraph it reads that the cause for the crash was indeed that the engineer had been text messaging previous to the crash, but in paragraphs six it declares NTSB has not yet determined whether the it was the text messaging that cause the fatal accident. Paragraph nine also states that investigators will study the timing of the text messaging to determine whether they could have drawn the engineer’s attention from the stop signal. Sees that their evidence is not yet confirmed this article should not state that the reason for this crash was the engineer’s text messaging.
I also believe it is incredulous that it takes a fatal crash for such rules to be more strictly enforced, precautions should be made before hand to ensure the safety of others for they trust that that is what is being done. Blame can also be placed on the operators in general because it is also hard to believe that they would disregard these rules so easily when they have been endowed with the responsibility of the lives of many people.
Extra Interview: the article did provide various organizations to prove, or should I say disprove their point which was very informative; however I would have liked to see and interview of a train operator. The interview of a train operator would be very valuable because they can provide us with evidence on whether text messaging does happen while on the job as the article states.
Elizabeth C.
Period 2
After the moments Obama made on Wednesday, Palin responds. Well, there is no doubt that Barrack wants change in this country but he just talks. Palin may not be the smartest one, but at least she is thinking in a way to try to get us out of this situation. She also thinks that just cuz she is governor from a rich energy state she’s got a lot of experience but in the other hand maybe we can try new thing in our country to start that change. No matter who is right as long as one of them can come up with a solution.
If I had the chance to interview someone , I would interview someone from the radio or something because the television media is always on one side. As we can see now they are in love with obama and that’s the only point of view most of the people get.
Andrea P
This article is about a former New York jets baseball player, Joseph Petcka, who allegedly beat his ex-girlfriend's cat to death. Petcka supposedly beat the cat to death because he was jealous that his ex-girlfriend cared more about the cat than him, and it didn’t help that he was drunk. Petra is being charged with aggravated animal cruelty, and if convicted, he can spend up to two years in prison.
I think that this article is just plain stupid. Call me a messed up person but it’s just a cat! I think two years in prison for killing a cat is very outrageous and unreasonable. I wouldn’t know what it’s like to have a pet so maybe that’s one reason why I don’t care about the cat. Still, two years in prison is way too long for killing something that’s not a human being. I don’t even know why this was a top story in the crime section in the first place; I chose this article because I think it’s funny and shows what the world has come to, haha.
I would interview the judge to hear what he REALLY thinks about this case. Unless he’s a PETA member or something, I’m pretty sure he would think this case is a waste of his time.
Jeremy T.
Period 5
Linked Article: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-mexarrests19-2008sep19,0,4111747.story
MEXICO CITY -- Three men were being held as possible suspects in the fatal grenade attack this week on an Independence Day celebration in the western state of Michoacan, authorities said Thursday.
Two were detained in northern Zacatecas state late Wednesday after being hospitalized with injuries from a car crash. The third, who had been in the same crash but was released from the hospital, was arrested Thursday afternoon in Zacatecas.
Authorities said they were investigating whether a Michoacan-based drug gang known as La Familia was involved in the twin grenade attacks Monday in Morelia, the Michoacan state capital. Seven people died and more than 100 were hurt. Officials previously blamed organized crime but they did not specify a group.
A spokeswoman in the attorney general's office confirmed that investigators were looking into whether La Familia was behind the attack. A text message purportedly sent out by the group a day earlier denied involvement.
The message steered blame toward the Zetas, a brutal gang that got its start as the armed wing of the so-called Gulf cartel. La Familia and the Zetas were considered allies; the message, if authentic, might suggest a split.
The attackers' motives remained unclear. Some analysts believe the violence against civilians may have been an attempt to pressure President Felipe Calderon, a native of Morelia, into abandoning his nearly 2-year-old crackdown on organized crime. The president is from Michoacan.
I thought this article was interesting but sad. i didnt know that theres a mafia called "La Familia". Whats got me interesting is the fact that they still havent found a clue why they did it. BUt I think its clear so that calderon could resign the 2 year old crackdown organized crime.
Someone that i would interview would be someone from "la Familia". I dont know if they would accept me interview but the point is i would ask why they did it. Who are they working for. And whaths so important that they would kill seven poeple and injured 100 more.
Jose v.
Authorities investigating why a commuter train engineer ran through a red signal and into an oncoming freight train have confirmed that he was text-messaging sometime before the fatal crash.
The revelation came just before California regulators issued a temporary order Thursday banning train operators from using cell phones while on duty. The state Public Utilities Commission unanimously passed an emergency order to ban the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices while operating a train.
Southern California's Metrolink train service prohibits rail workers from using cell phones on the job, but there is no current federal or state regulation regarding the use of cell phones by railroad employees.
when i read this article, i agree that california regulators issued a temporary order banning train operator from using cell phones while on duty.
the people that i would interview would be the people from california regulators because its a good thing they banned the use of cell phones to the train operators but why does it have to be temporary i mean this kind of things could happen again in the future dont you think.
Edgar S.
On Sept. 17, The secertary of Defense, Robert Gates has stated his regrets about what has happened with the airstrikes that have killed many Afghan civilians. He then stated that they will use more accurate targeting in the future. Mr. Gates then held a meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai telling them how sorry he was for what has happened and said, " it's a very high priority for us." He then soon agreed to establish a investigative group for any involvement of any civilian casulities.
In my opinion, I think it is a bunch of B.S. No matter what he says, they are still gonna do more airstrikes, because from what I read, there are not enough foot soldiers. No matter how hard they try not to hit civilians, they still will end up hitting them anyways. I'm pretty sure they don't have missiles that now who is a soldier or who's a civilian. I think that they should stay there for the purpose of trying to keep balance, but we really shouldn't be the problem.
If I were to interview anybody who wasn't in this article, it would be Pres. Bush. I would ask him what he thinks about what going on in Afghanistan. I would interview him because it would be interesting to see what he thinks and hear him come up with something to say.
Josh C.
Per. 5
Edgar S.- Your article has a really good point. I think that if you are engineering heavy machinery, you shouldn't even have your phones on. You should be paying attention to what they should be doing. They have really heavy responsibility and a lot of peoples lives in their hands. They should be focusing on text messaging and should concentrate on what they're doing
Josh C.
Per. 5
Ameer W- I think that article is funny. Here's a priest that is speaking the word of God and here he is selling coke. That is very hypocritical. It's like me telling somebody don't play the drums, yet, I play the drums. I wouldn't expect to go buy coke from a priest. That's just unrealistic.
Josh C.
Per. 5
this article talks abotu the option of voting off the govener arnold schwarzennegger. in my oppinion i think thta they should becase allthat he is trying ot do.
and as the article states that th egovener has truely done nothin for the state but to make the economy of california worse than what it all ready is.and as is now we have part of the union working on signatures the get him out of the goverment. the only thing that he has don eis just posing he did it before as a bodybuilder and now the only difference is thta he is doin it as a governer.
yash m.
per 2
The Bush administration outlined the cost of taxpayers and it is bad billions of dollar and other debts.
And it shot up to 400 points.
This world is gettin worse and worser.
This idea can lead us into a second fepression and it might be worse then before because the population is growing but never decreased we had gain billion people from the first depresion.
The stock will go down way down.
The federal reserve said there helping and support for $2 trillion.
Most bank are in debt for like $90 billion.
Congress need to work harder to stop this issue.
Period 7
ilonda eli--- your article got my attention because its had to do about the stock market and how is dropping and affecting us in many ways from debts in banks to losing money in what these people invest in and they're all losing their money, and your right because congress need to start working harder to stop this problem because or else this might lead us to another depression and we all know that we dont want this.
Edgar S.
Amber W.- article is funny and interesting because it had to do with a priest selling cocaine to his students which is illegal and breaking the law, i mean dude your a priest why would you be doing that to the kids. i think he should be punished by sending him to jail so he could recognize his mistakes and pay the prize.
Edgar S.
i think edgar is righy about the priest thing its not right for sombody who people trust with their beliefs he needs to practicw what he preaches
ameer w. p.5
i think what jose said about the fbi being able to track prople is right because the FBI will use it to profile people by thats their ethnicity and thats wrong
ameer w. p.5
i think what jose said about the fbi being able to track prople is right because the FBI will use it to profile people by thats their ethnicity and thats wrong
ameer w. p.5
the article was about Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus want off the show hannah montana at the disney studio because they feel that there is more money in just singing so to get kicked off the show they have been showing up late to the set and the cast is furious
i think miley and her father are selfish and are not thinking of how they got that famous in the first place i hope they do go out and just sing and loose all their fans and go broke
ameer w. p.5
i totally agree that a priest selling cocaine is pretty funny because no one would expect it from a priest. A lot of older people and young people look up to priest or anyone that seems like a holy person. its definetly not the right thing to do especially from a priest
Jaime S P.5
Edgar S.- i think that it was a good thing that they banned the engineers to use cell phones while on the job. it is exactly the same thing that they did wit drivers and cell phones because it can cause crashes.
Jose C
Per 5
Iolanda.Eli- i think that ur article is so true. the united states might get into another ressesion. we are loosing so much money right now and it can happen again. lets just hope it doesnt.
Jose C.
Per 5
Jose.c - Thanks for letting me know what your thinking this economy is going in debt and what i think is the rich people are goin to be middle class middle class going to be lower class lower class is going to be in debt.What i think we should pay more taxes just to not through debt and depression.
Period 5
In this article it says that the Democrat Barrack Obama said that he will try to travel to Oxford, Miss to go to a debate scheduled for Friday night. Obama called on the Republican McCain. But McCain wanted wants a delay on the debate. The reason why Obama is doing this was because he wanted to inform the American people how him and McCain will intend to lead this country. Obama said that there is no time to put the campaign on hold or to ignore the full range of issues that the next president will face.
What I think about this article is that Obama is being to pushy but then again if u want to run for president u have to show the people that u are ready for anything. Also McCain kinda sounded like he wasn’t ready for the debate because he wanted to postpone it. It made him look bad.
If I were to interview a person it would be a resident living in Mississippi and ask him/her of what he thought McCain did was right. And ask if Obama was being hard on McCain?.
Jose C
Per 5
The firing of a Taser stun gun that led an emotionally disturbed man to fall from a Brooklyn building ledge to his death on Wednesday appeared to have violated departmental guidelines, the police said on Thursday.
The guidelines tell officers that when possible, the Taser, which fires barbs that deliver thousands of volts of electrical current, should not be used in situations when a person could fall from an elevated surface.
A law enforcement official identified the lieutenant who gave the order to use the Taser as Michael Pigott, a 21-year veteran of the force. He was placed on modified assignment without his gun and badge, and the officer who fired the weapon was put on administrative duty amid an investigation by the Police Department and the Brooklyn district attorney. The police declined to identify the officer.
Officers at the scene of the confrontation had called by radio for an inflatable bag as the events unfolded, but it had not yet arrived when the man, Iman Morales, 35, was struck with the device and fell, according to a statement by the department’s chief spokesman, Paul J. Browne.
“None of the E.S.U. officers on the scene were positioned to break his fall, nor did they devise a plan in advance to do so,” the statement said, referring to the elite police Emergency Service Unit.
The department’s response to Mr. Morales’s death took less than a day, in a quick attempt to address the elements of the case that have tested the department in the past.
Fleeing the officers up the fire escape, he tried to enter an apartment on the fourth floor by pushing in an air-conditioner, the police said. Unsuccessful, he then descended to the second-floor fire escape and from there jumped down to the security-gate housing for a ground-floor storefront, which was about 10 feet from the sidewalk.
As an officer was securing himself on the second-floor fire escape, Mr. Morales jabbed at him with an eight-foot-long fluorescent light tube, the police said.
Under orders from a lieutenant, the officer on the sidewalk, who is 37 and has been in the department for 10 years, used the Taser on Mr. Morales, according to the police, and he fell to the sidewalk, hitting his head. That was at 2:27, the Police Department said, about 22 minutes after the Emergency Service officers arrived at the scene. The police said an officer at the scene had radioed for an inflatable bag, and it was not clear why the bag had not arrived when Mr. Morales fell, or why the officers had not waited for it before using the Taser on Mr. Morales.
Mr. Morales was taken to Kings County Hospital Center with serious head trauma and was later pronounced dead. The cause of death has not yet been determined.
What i think about this story is that there should of biegn some other way to handlethe problem beside tasing the guy. Also i couldnt believe that the cops didnt do anything to help the guy out when they know hes going to fall. If they could do it in movies then then could of done it to this man too.
Who i would interview is the guy that tased the other guy.why simple, to ask if there could of beign other ways to solve this. i wloud also interview the guy that died but hes dead =(.
Jose V
This article talks about Republican rebellion stalled government efforts Thursday to avoid economic meltdown, a chaotic turnaround that disrupted the choreography of an extraordinary White House meeting meant to show joint resolve from the president, the political parties and the presidential candidates.
this article talks about the economic crisis that the U.S are going through and also on how the republicans and the president are trying to make an effort on fixing this problem.
i would interview obama and mccain because one of them will become president and its really good idea to know what their economic plans are and what would they do if this kind of problem happens when their in the white house.
Edgar S.
iolanda eli- your article got my attention because it had to do about the stock market and hows dropping down badly, and i agree with you congress needs to work more harder to stop this problem because most banks are in a big debt and im hoping this doesnt lead us to another depression.
Edgar S.
Ravid y- your artcile got my attentin because talks about the hurricane Ike and its true it will affects us all specially in gas prices hopefully it wont rise up too high or else everyone will complain, and other hurricanes been affecting us too in the past.
Edgar S.
URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080929/ap_on_el_pr/mccain;_ylt=Aux.EV2vQIuQm9ActR7aXA.s0NUE
Basically, this article is about political drama. McCain attacked Obama for his economic policies, claiming that Obama’s plans would raise taxes and “deepen [the] recession.” He also claimed that Obama’s policies “did not put the nation first” (specifically, military men and women). Strangely enough, he voted against funding for equipment needed by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan – contradictory or what? McCain skews all his “facts”; he claims that Obama supported increased taxes on middle class families twice this year (this is out of context, see below). McCain further insulted Obama by telling the country that they need a president who will tell the truth. There were a few other things McCain did to make Obama look inexperienced and weak.
My criticism is this: McCain should not bother criticizing Obama for his policies on withdrawal – his voting records shows he votes against measures that did contain withdrawal timetables, whereas Obama voted against measures that didn’t have it because he feels it is essential. Also, an excerpt from FactCheck.org: “A TV spot claims Obama once voted for a tax increase "on people making just $42,000 a year." That's true for a single taxpayer, who would have seen a tax increase of $15 for the year – if the measure had been enacted. But the ad shows a woman with two children, and as a single mother, she would not have been affected unless she made more than $62,150. The increase that Obama once supported as part of a Democratic budget bill is not part of his current tax plan anyway.” So all I have to say is GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! Sheesh, all they want is your vote – they’ll tell you any load of lies to achieve that. At your expense, too….
If I had to interview someone, I’d interview Obama and McCain – of course, it would need to be recorded/video-taped. And then it would go up on FactCheck.org and I would be a happy camper. Plus I’d get to compare who told more of the truth (as Obama must also undoubtedly tweak the truth to suit his campaign).
Annie J.
Period 5
Here's my 2 comments:
On Ameer's article on the priest: Most amusing! It's one of those stories that goes against the ideal of "practice what you preach" (pun intended). I'm keen to see why the priest would bother to sell cocaine in the first place. It's more amusing that he's a hypocrite. I'd say more, but my liberal self would be shot down, so I'll hold my tongue - er, fingers.
On Edgar's article on the texting train driver: I think it's interesting to see how damaging the cell phone is to privacy and the concept of "independence/personal space." By having a cell phone, most people assume you are always available and willing to talk. There's no barrier of "I'm at work, let's talk later." Also, I think it's funny that we are told that the driver was texting - bet that was a great move for the company's PR...XD
Ameer W. - I really liked your article. Although, I wasn’t surprised to find out that a priest would be selling yayo to one of his students. In the past years there has been a lot of controversy over priests and their immoral and hypocritical acts. I agree with the fact that the priest should get the same charges that any other person would have.
Emelyn S.
Period- 7
Mayra S. – I enjoyed reading your article, but I would have liked to have read more about the man and his murders. Things like the murderer’s background and how he killed his family help better understand him. I’m not saying what he did was right, but most of the time there is something behind the wrong doing. Maybe he was sick or was a very troubled man. In which case, he may not be prosecuted as a criminal, but rather a victim.
Emelyn S.
Period 7
i think it is outrageous that i priest would sell any form of substance to those in his congregation or anyone for that matter. i agree with ameer that he should be going to jail for he is not exempt to anything because he has the title of a priest. however i do not agree with his statement about hypocrisy. the way it is expressed it seems that only those involved with religon are hypocrits, and i just want to state that no one is exempt to hypocrisy.
the article about the growing violence in santa ana is a little discouraging. from expiriance santa ana is nothing compared to violence occuring in other place. i not not however saying that the violence ocurring in santan ana should be of no value just that it should have been expressed in an article involving more information [i.e. other places where violence is occuring]. i do agree with the comment made by diane that it is very sad that the age in which these kids come into the gang life is becoming younger and younger.
elizabeth c
period 2
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