Wednesday, September 17, 2008


These are the current events due by Thursday the 18th at midnight! Follow the format as found on the calendar. Comment on 2 by the weekend... enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Current Event #2

Clinton avoids Palin, focuses criticism on McCain:

This article as the title says is about how Hilary Clinton doesn't want to be involved in any drama with vice-president candiate for the 2008 election. Clinton simply want to avoid this to not cause more problems in the campaign or bring in more controversy for the democratic party.In my opinion I think Hilary Clinton is behaving like a natural first lady by being respectful to the democratic oarty and to Barrack Obama, the president candidate for 2008 elections.However a public face off with these two ladies would be very interesting, because its the first time two ladies want to be the head of the united states.People who are really into politics would love to see this because it would be like seeing Barrack and McCain, but in this situation Palin and Clinton.but for the good of all, this is something Hilary is going to try and stay away from.Also its good that instead of dealing with those sorts of things Hilary is instead focusing in helping Barrack in his campgain, because im sure he owuld be doing the same thing.

My analysis on the article is that i believe its great Hilary Clinton is focusing on helping the whole democratic party instaed of causing more drama with the republicans. Having a faceoff with Palin would not only be bad for her image but also for Barracks campgain.Hilary is being respectful in this who;e situation because i mean shes out of the camgain, and her causing more controversy will make her look like a sore loser who just wants attentiion.Obama has Hilary's full support and that is what really matter.Its not that they need her to win the campgain but Hilary is leading so many women that will eventuly be led Barrack Obama if he wins the 2008 elections for president of the united states.
If i were to interview anyone else for this article i would put more of Obama and McCain because they are the real pwerful ones here. There opinion in this whole sitution about Clinton and Palin's faceoff is very important and it would affect either of their campgains.I would definitly interview them both to get a better look at their opinions and suggestions for these two ladies.

Genesis H. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Current Event #2

Sympathy in muni market for Calif. budget veto

In this article the Gov. of California is trying to veto lawmakers plan on fixing the budget. The Municipal debt market like the idea. They like it because California is the most populous state in the U.S. The govern says that it is not a finically responsible budget. The lawmakers told him to get ready for an override vote on his veto. The California Lawmakers want to pass this bill but the govern is be an idiot.

I really liked this article it shows how bad our budget is here in California. Also how the lawmakers here want to help out and pass bills but the govern wants to veto them even though he knows about the crises. I think that this article will really open up the eyes of most of the people and of any government officials on how bad the budget is in California and how we need to do something about. Before it gets out of hand and we the federal government for help.

If I could interview anyone else I would interview one of the candidates for presidency. I would interview them and ask what would they do to help out California and their budget problem. I would also ask them what why do so this would not occur again. That is what I would ask the person or person’s I would interview.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

The government is considering the proposal to sell genetically engineered animals as food. They are thinking about making chickens, fish, and cattle that can resist mad cow disease. The FDA are focusing on the animals that can be used as food. They were thinking about making animals that can grow faster and healthier. Genetically altering the animals proposes moral questions. Some people were up for it and other people didn’t like it. Genetic engineering is already used in agricultural products.

I think this article is interesting because of the fact that people can make animals grow faster and make them more resistant to disease. I think passing the law that makes this legal is good because it will provide more food to the people.

If I were to interview someone, I would interview a farmer who is against this ideal. It would be useful because it would provide information on why this is bad. I think that it would be useful to interview someone who is in favor for this ideal because then we would see both sides and come up with our own idea of weather this is right or wrong.

Brianna H.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

U.S Republican McCain softened his opinion on the governments $85-billion on Tuesday overnight bail out of AIG (American International Group).
McCain rejected the idea of a tax-payer-bailout for AIG.
The government had no choice, treating it as a necessary needed to help
Americans. "The focus of any such action should be to protect the
Millions o Americans.”
His Democratic rival for the U.S. presidency, Barack Obama, has dismissed the need for a commission to study the country's failed economic policies which, he says, McCain helped to create.
I thought it was stupid because we alreasy owe money to the government and McCain still goes off and is trying to spend more. We are eventually gonna go broke because of McCain. Gas prices can go up again, even food, and our country will be in debt!!!!!
And also I don’t think McCain had the right to agree on that I think he should asked more than one person in charge what they thought about it. And to think before acting it out. Not just wha his belief is. He should’ve gotten a quote from the federal reserve.
Deisy V. Per.2

Anonymous said...

This article immediately grabbed my attention because it happened here in the city of Tustin on Monday, September 15. It was on Mitchell Ave that Christopher Rolle, 21, killed his 24 year old stepmother, Tabia Kenney. Rolle stabbed her with a 4-inch blade dozens of times as she asked him not to kill her. After he stabbed her he ran out the back door covered in blood. He left a trail so they found him 15 minutes later. He was taken to the hospital to treat his cut and hes getting charges of homicide. Kenney was found dead at the scene.

I found this article interesting not just because it happened here in Tustin, but also because I don't know how people have the guts to kill other people. Especially when you see them suffering and hear them screaming.

If I could interview someone it would have to be the dad/husband. I would like to see his point of view and maybe there was a reason of why he killed her. He would be the one that would be able to answer any questions.

Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

In this article it talks about Belmor Ramos a United States soldier who is in jail for killing four Iraqis. He is going to be sentenced to seven months in jail for the killing of the Iraqis. Ramos did not kill the people him self but he stood watch while other men killed the Iraqis. Because Ramos did not commit the murders himself he will only go to jail for seven months then be demoted to private and be dishonorably discharged from the army.

I found this article intresting because i thought that soldiers from the United States would not go to that level of killing innocent people. Even though we are at war American soldiers should carry themselves with more honor than to kill the innocent.

If i could interview anyone i would interview the soldiers that committed the murders and ask them why they commited such violent acts.

Alex Nicholas Period 5

Anonymous said...

HOUSTON (Tuesday, September 16, 2008)— An army of line crews from 31 states has converged on eastern Texas to help deal with the largest power failure in this large state’s history.In the wake of Hurricane Ike, officials fear it could take weeks to restore power in some places, like Galveston and the towns near the Louisiana border, because major transmission lines have been knocked out, substations have been swamped and trees have fallen on neighborhood lines. About two million customers remained without power across eastern Texas as of Tuesday afternoon, three days after the hurricane hit. Hundreds of thousands of students were still out of school, mail delivery was suspended, most businesses had yet to open, hundreds of intersections lacked traffic signals and government agencies were struggling to provide services. Some hospitals, including the main hospital in Galveston, operated on generators. Entergy, the utility that serves the area east of Houston, has restored power to about 40,000 of its 395,000 customers. Center Point, which serves Houston and Galveston, had made more progress, but still had 1.5 million customers in the dark.

I think that that it’s a rare event when you will see physical damage to most of the grid, Hurricane Ike, with our power company, was that kind of event. And for me Life is very hard enough, It’s much harder without power. You don’t know where you are going to step. You can’t see where your food’s at. You don’t know where your water is at. You can’t see nothing.

If I were to interview anyone else, I would interview Mayor Bill White of Houston. What is he doing to help his Fellow People prepare for this kind of Disaster and keep their safety.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Unknown said...

Link of the article:

So basically this article is talking about how Chuck Hagel is expressing his doubts regarding Sarah Palin's qualification of vice-presidency. Hagel also feels that Palin does not know much about Foreign policy because she does not have any foreign policy credentials. Hagel was also criticizing McCain's campaign because they are saying that the relation between Alaska and Russia is giving Palin foreign policy experience. Due to Hagel's opinion of Sarah Palin this could take a strong toll on the independent voters for this years campaign.

politics is a nasty game because opinions are expressed and it takes on such a strong effect. For me it was interesting because Hagel's opinion of Palin is going to affect those independent voters, and so it can jeopardize a victory for Palin. I thought the article was interesting because this again brings on the idea of media, because now that Hagel's opinion are publicized it can/ will take a toll on Palin's vice-presidency. This article also shows that the opinions of others, can truly influence people; anywhere and anytime.

If i could interview anyone i would interview Sarah Palin so that i can learn more about her stance on foreign policy, and to see how much she is involved in it. I believe it is important to receive facts directly from the source, and not base my vote on someone else opinion.

Nina Tran
Period: 2

Anonymous said...

Veronica D. - I think what happened was very tragic and at the same time very interesting. I wonder why he killed his Stepmother. However, Maybe his Step-mom did not treat him well or he has a mental disorder that needs to be cure.

Neslee O.
Period 2

Anonymous said...,0,2043045.story

The article talk about the Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the Friday Veto. Looks that the Gov. are going to sing the dial, to pay the Californians' paychecks. Whit the new budget is possible that the California State can have more chance to wait for the Federal budget.

I dont know much about the economics and the American Government, but i understand that the State of California dont have the money to pay the bills. I imagine that put in problems the california State and all the people who lives here. I dont know much about the budgets, but I think that the purpose of the budgets are fix the economic problem of the states.

I would interview a special guy in economics and governmen, this guy can help to all the people who dont understand o dont know much about the government.

Jorge G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Currently our economy is doing very badly and many people are suffering from it. In Reno, Nevada there are people living in "tent cities". This reminds me of Hoovervilles that were made during the Great Depression. Could our economy fall into another depression like the one before? Homeless shelters across America have been seeing rises in homelessness since the economy has been suffering. Officials do not know how to handle the situation because there is no where else for these people to go. All the homeless shelters have been filled up. People everywhere are losing their jobs and homes. In the article i read on yahoo, there was no interview of the President or the presidential elects. They should have interviewed the elects especially to find out what, if elected, plan on doing with the nation's economy.

julian J.
period 2

Anonymous said...
This article is talking about how young people in California mostly college student are sending a petition around saying that they want the drinking age to be lowered to the age of 18. California is one of the few states that set its drinking age higher than others.
Well I honestly thought that this law or drinking license would not be passed. First of all in a way it is good that California sets a high drinking age. Why? Well because a lot of time young people that are 18 are still growing up they think only because they are 18 they can do what ever they desire but it doesn’t necessarily mean “Freedom”. A lot of times when you are 18 you think that you can do what you wish but you can this only mean that now whatever actions you make will be brought upon you and not your parents. Also 18 is still a young age young adults are still maturing although they think they are already mature they are not this is mostly around the times where they still make wrong decision not that you can make a wrong decision at any other age. Its just that things seem much easier at this age; and we do think of consequences but not as much as we should really take it into consideration.
If I could interview anyone I would like to interview our president I would like to see what his perspective is on this. And I would like to know what concerns he would have about this/ I would also like to know what the parents of young. Why? Well because their kids would be the ones allowed and not just that but it’s harder to see the danger at a young age yet parents would surely have concerns about this. Lastly I would like to interview our governor Arnold and see what he thinks because he is the head of our state, and also what concerns he would have of passing this law.

Diane S.
per 5

Anonymous said...

After the tragic train collision last week on Sep.12, California's rail safety regulators have temporarily banned cellphones for on-duty Metrolink engineers. Robert Sanchez, a Metrolink engineer, was said to be texting while operating the train, which had passed a red stop signal and crashed into another train. The collision was the worst train accident in 15 years. Investigators believe that texting couldn't have been the fault, just a "contributing factor". It was decided ,by the National Transportation Safety Board, to temporarily ban cellphone use while on duty, to prevent any other accidents.

I believe that banning cellphones and any other electronic device for engineers on duty would be the smart way to go. There is no point in paying attention to text message, when you should really be conducting the train. Sanchez really messed up and texting cost him his life, if that was the fault of the crash.

Leslie M.

Anonymous said...
This article is about how cell phone use has effected train conductors and there ability to safely transport civilians from one place to another. This topic has been around since 2002 when two trains had a head on collision because one of the conductors was on his cell phone. The FRA (Federal Railroad Association) has a policy regarding cell phone use that says that it should be restricted, but now people are asking that cell phone use be prohibited. The reason why this has become such a big deal is because of the recent commuter train crash that killed 25 people, and the reason seems to be that the conductor was texting.
My first time reading through this article; I thought that completely prohibiting cell phones (from the conductors) seemed unnecessary. Then I began to think of how we don’t let another public transportation system use cell phones while there on duty, so why should the conductor of a train be any different. They are in charge of the safe-keeping of thousands of people a day and if they were doing anything to endanger them then it should be prohibited.
If I had to interview someone then it would have to be a conductor. That way we could see what might have been going through the mind of the one who was in control of the train. (He died) 
-Chris B. Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that now that it has been proven that the train driver (or whatever he is) was texting at the time of the accident, it makes me very self-conscious of my own texting habits. It makes me wonder if one day texting will get me into serious trouble.

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...


2) Sergeant Rafael Peralta died covering a grenade with his body saving his members according to witness in Iraq. He was honored by President Bush for his sacrifice and was to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Recent reports have surface that he was wounded in the head and upper body and that could have been the cause of his fatal death. Congress has denied giving him the medal instead he was awarded the Navy Cross. His family is considering denying the Navy Cross and is willing to fight congress.

3) I think Sergeant Peralta should be given the medal he deserves which is the Medal of Honor. There were several key witnesses that according to them he gave his life to save the others. Even if he did not die throwing himself on top of a grenade he still gave his life for this country. He is seen as a hero and Congress should not question his death. How are so many people who barely knew him lie about his death?
Even if he had wounds he still could have had the ability to throw himself. At least we know because of witness that he preferred to save his comrades than for all of them to get killed.

4. I would interview President Bush. He honored him on Memorial Day and believed the witnesses. I would like to know his opinion about the situation the Peralta family is going through with the Congress. Also, ask him if he truly believes that a sergeant can give his life to save the others.

5. Stephanie B. Per.2

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that people want the drinking age lowered is kind of ridiculous. So many young kids have died because of alcohol yet they want to attain it at an even younger age? I think it is too late to become like some countries in Europe, where there is no drinking age, but if we would have done that from the get-go we would have less drinking problems associated with young people, because I think it is the fact that we can't have it that is causing all the problems. Young people always want things they can't have, so when they do get it, its always a disaster.

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...;_ylt=ApyGoXxFgJC26qGoGMV0guVvzwcF

"Some Ike victims may not be allowed to rebuild"

This article was writing by Michael Gracyk and Cain Burdeau (associated press writers)on thursday,Sep.18th at 6:46pm.
It took place in Galveston,Texas. Hundreds of peoples beach front homes where destroyed by hurricane Ike, the winds
where 110mph and 26ft waves.Their is a possibility that they might not be able to rebuild their houses,because of the
Texas law, known as the Texas Open Beaches Act writing in 1959. Its been said that it could take over a 1 year before the state tells the homeowners what they could do or not and when. Therefore the state is in charge of all
private propertys and will not permit people to rebuild .Schartz sais and thinks that it is not worth rebuilding ,because
storms would just wash them away within 1 or 2 yrs. Also with the posibility of the state condeming the properties.
Before their was a fund that agecies use to offer people $50,000 in order to evacuate the place, but may no longer exist.The Texas law sais that where the average high tide and the lower tide is considered private propery where
its illegal to build anything.
I think that the state is bein g unfair with the people that lost their homes.They should get the help needed to rebuild their houses,mean while they should be able to provide shelter and food. I think the people worked
hard enough to be able to earn their belongings, so the state could come like nothing and take over their property ,They should at least be a little consideret for those who lost everything.They should put them selfs in their position so they could see how it feels to lose everything.
If i was to inteview someone it would be a family member whom lost their home. I would like to know where are they planning to go or if their planning to move with a relative or to another state or city.Would they be willing to stay in that area and start all over again with the risk of the state taking over their properties. How
are they planning to reconstruct everything they lost. I would also like to know the experince they lived during the hurricane.

Jeaneth B.
period 5

Anonymous said...


Title: Tustin Moving to Tighten Street-Parking Rules

This article was about the meeting held on Monday night at the city council chambers. It involved this very debated topic on requiring a permit for cars parked on the streets of Tustin. The meeting included a presentation by Community Development Director Elizabeth Binsack demonstrating through photos how parking has become a problem in our city. Throuhg out the meeting, there was also a lot of commentary coming from the croud. Some people argued against it, some argued for it, but everyone seemed to have their own very personal reasonings. In the end, after a nearly three-hour meeting, the council requested that city staff write an ordinance based on all that was commented and return to the council in October, where hopefully a decision will be reached.

I think that requiring a permit to park on the streets is going to highly complicate a lot of people's lives. I agree that most of the problems are vehicles doing something illegal, and therefore the Tustin Police Department should do their job instead of putting this burden on all the residents of Tustin. There are just too many cars and unfortunately parking is first come, first serve. I believe if someone has problems finding parking in their community, they should move instead of making the entire city follow through with an unnecessary requirement. Getting permits is going to be too much of a hastle. Especially when it comes to situations like having unexpected guests. Mostly I think it is just snobby and delicated residents of Tustin that are worried too much with the aesthetics of the city. Worrying about appearance should never be a priority.

If I could interview someone I would interview the owner of my apartment complex. I would ask him or her how this would affect their residents since our community does not have enough space to accomodate the residents with 3 or more cars and much less their guests.

Luanny Barquero
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Current Event #2

Summary: This article presents the issue of September 12, 2008 fatal railroad crash in Los Angeles and possible suspicion of cause being the operator’s cell phone use. The article also includes the points of view of The California Public Utilities Commission whish was to effective immediately pass an order banning the use of cell phones and similar electronic devices by engineers operating trains. The California Public Utilities Commission made their move after revelations that the operator of the Metrolink commuter train had allegedly been texting which drew his attention away from the stop signal. As well as The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and their stand on that such rules are unnecessary because employers are already prohibited the use of such devices. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) only recommends safety improvements and urged a more strict enforcement of cell phone rules after the fatal head-oh crash in Texas in 2002.

Analysis: I do not find this article to be valid at all based on the evidence used to support it. In the second paragraph it reads that the cause for the crash was indeed that the engineer had been text messaging previous to the crash, but in paragraphs six it declares NTSB has not yet determined whether the it was the text messaging that cause the fatal accident. Paragraph nine also states that investigators will study the timing of the text messaging to determine whether they could have drawn the engineer’s attention from the stop signal. Sees that their evidence is not yet confirmed this article should not state that the reason for this crash was the engineer’s text messaging.
I also believe it is incredulous that it takes a fatal crash for such rules to be more strictly enforced, precautions should be made before hand to ensure the safety of others for they trust that that is what is being done. Blame can also be placed on the operators in general because it is also hard to believe that they would disregard these rules so easily when they have been endowed with the responsibility of the lives of many people.

Extra Interview: the article did provide various organizations to prove, or should I say disprove their point which was very informative; however I would have liked to see and interview of a train operator. The interview of a train operator would be very valuable because they can provide us with evidence on whether text messaging does happen while on the job as the article states.

Elizabeth C.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

In one of Barack Obama speeches he accused John McCain of steeling his lines.
Obama stated that since he began his campaign he has been talking about Change from beginning to end. And that John McCain had always talked about how much experience he had and how he would use that experience to run the country, but apparently now McCain wrote in one of his adds that he is the change we need. Obama responded to those adds by saying that he didn’t know that imitation was the best way of flattery, and that he didn’t want McCain steeling his lines but he would be ok he took something from his ideas. Also that to him “Change” wasn’t just a word but a way to move the country forward.
I think that Obama is right on calling out McCain because when a person starts something he/she has to stick with it from beginning to end.
If I had the chance to hear this story from another person it would be from Coline Powell because she would just invent an absolutely different story.
Noemi S.
Period 5 9-18-08

Anonymous said...

Studies have shown that keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic. 32 men’s sperm samples were taken and brought to a lab. Each men’s sperm was taken and divided into two part: a test group and a control group. The control group was unexposed to cell phone emissions, but kept as the same conditions and temperature as the test group. Researchers say that 850 MHz is the most commonly used frequency, so they tested the semen in the test group and they placed it 2.5 centimeters from an 850 MHz cell phone talk mode for 1 hour. "On average, there was an 85 percent increase in the amount of free radicals for all the subjects in the study. Free radicals have been linked to a variety of diseases in humans including cancer," said Agarwal. Free radicals have been linked to decreased sperm quality in previous studies. In a previous study, Agarwal and his team found that men who used their cell phones more than four hours a day had significantly lower sperm quality than those who used their cell phones for less time. Those findings were based on self-reported data from 361 subjects. Agarwal says "Our study has not provided proof that you should stop putting cell phones in your pocket. There are many things that need to be proven before we get to that stage,"

Randy O.
period 2

Anonymous said...

In Bergholz, Ohio Amish parents filed a federal lawsuit on the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department. They claim that their civil rights were violated when armed deputies got involved in child custody dispute in September of last year. Deputies had gone to the school to pick up the children of a teacher and return them to the custody of their father. Parents of every child in the school filed a federal civil rights complaint saying that the deputies violated their right to peaceful enjoyment in their community and posed a danger to the safety and welfare of the plaintiffs. Abdalla, a deputy, said that he and his deputies had never put the children in any danger. He also said that a leader of the Amish community had threatened his life of his deputies. The plaintiffs in the case are seeking $10million in compensatory and $25 million in punitive damages.
I believe that the sheriff and the deputies should never had gone to the school and taken the kid. They didn’t have to be there. That’s none of their business and it doesn’t really concern them. Even though the deputies didn’t put the children in danger they should not have taken him in the first place.
I also think that the plaintiffs are asking for way too much money out of it. Abdalla said if it wasn’t for all the allegations and threats being made they would have handled the situation differently. Nobody should have made any threats and everything would have gone much better. But that’s not what happened. They closed the school because everyone got terrified by the sheriffs’. I don’t think that’s a good reason to close the school down.
If I was to interview someone else I would interview the teachers and maybe even some of the children. Maybe the children will tell what really happened. I believe the children will tell the truth. Not all of them but most of them.

Juan E. Period 2

Anonymous said...

My current event was about the tropical storm Hanna striking Haiti. It killed 500 people and left many more injured and people were also left missing in the port city of Gonaives. This tragedy hit on September 5 and left the city flooded and starving. I feel so bad for they love ones of the people who were killed and I hope that the people who were left missing or injured are found, safe and treated immediately. I think that someone should send aid or help to them.

If I had to interview someone it would obviously be someone who survived the storm. I would want to hear exactly what they went through and ask them what we can do to help. I would want to hear how they survived and what was going through their mind. I also would like to interview a person who knew someone who was affected by the storm, because I would want to know the different ways they were affected by the storm too.

-Zachary P.

Anonymous said...

When I was thinking of an article to write on I decided there is nothing better to write about than the war going on between the candidates for presidency. There are so many topics to be discussed it was difficult to pick but I decided to summarize and comment on Barack Obama passing of an article on teaching kindergartners through twelfth grade sex education.
The article, SB 99 Illinois which I found information on the website, regarding Obama’s reasons for wanting to pass the teaching “appropriate” sex education to five year olds. The bill was passed in 2007 allowing the school systems in Illinois to teach five to eighteen year olds sex education. Obama states, that teaching sex education at a ripe age of five will help prevent the “transmission sexual transmitted disease” and “HIV.” The question is how do to teach a child who can barley read let alone about the “transmission of sexual transmitted disease” or “HIV?” Obama seems to think that it will help the understanding of sex and the prevention of sex as well. I don’t know if I completely agree with his reasons why sex education should be taught in young children. I believe that parents should be able to teach and enlighten their children on the different topics of sex education. In the end Obama’s great speaking skills and persuasion won over the legislature and the people of Illinois in the passing of sex education to kindergartners. In the end, after reading all the information my personal opinion on the topic is shocking. I could not believe that such an article was passed and actively being processed through the Illinois school’s systems. I just do not know if Obama was right in the situation but I really hope for the best.
I believe the article is very insightful to the situation. The article from CBN News also had a link where the reader can watch Obama’s interview on the subject sex education. In his interview Obama makes a clear statement that; “it’s the right thing to do” regarding the teachings of sex education. When looking up Obama and sex education a lot of different types websites come up and this was the most unbiased website I could find. So I thought the website was extremely helpful in the since I received the best information with the least amount of basis.
If I were to interview anyone on the topic, I would question John McCain. The reason I would interview John McCain is because he is running against Obama in the president election and it would be nice to see what he has so say. Deciding on the president in which someone will vote is extremely important to know all their view, opinions, morals, and many other aspects in their lives.

Jordan T.
period 2

Joshy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... texting-in-us-train-crash/

On September 12, 2008 Robert Sanchez was eligibly texting when he was supposed to be driving a train. The train crashed head on in to a freight train and killed fifteen people including him. 130 other people were injured in this accident. Just a week earlier California regulations issued a temporary order banning train operators from using mobile phones while on duty. If he was not using his phone then he would have seen the red light and prevented the accident all together. If I could interview anyone I would interview Robert Sanchez. I would ask him if he was texting or if he just wanted to crash the train. This article is very interesting because California issued an order banning cell phones just a week before the accident.

Dillon S.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

My article is about how bailing out AIG, one of the largest insurance company, upsets the Republican lawmakers. President Bush's administration is being pointed out as the blame for the financial crisis. The outrageous move to bail out AIG has cause the Fed to put the taxpayers on the billions of dollars loan. The greed the company has used of their good name has cause many risky bets that did not turn out the way they wanted it to. This major bail out to a private company means the government might have to use taxpayers dollars to pay off this debt.

I strongly agree with the republicans about the last minute plan the Bush administration pulled off. This was not thought thoroughly and talked among the Republicans. I believe that the American tax dollars should not have to be the main source of paying off this horrible debt and that the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve should think of another more effective plan to bail the private company out.

I would interview Obama on this situation and what he has to say because McCain was able to give a solution to the problem.

Ravid Y.
Period 2

Anonymous said...
The article that iam writing about is on how the hurricane Gustav is affecting the republican national convention. it about on how its heading toward the new orleans and that it was devasted by hurricanne katrina.And there talking about how president bush sends a viedo to MCcain on how hes the person to become president and to live in this dangerous world.And that our country needs a man who understands the lessons of sept 11 and that will portect america. He is john McCain the president that we need Mr. bush says. they also confrim on how sarah palin annonces that her 17th year old daughter bristol is 5 mnths pergnant.this article is mixed on what going on today in our country. Sarah palin says that in her adress the republican national convetion which was praised wen they were upbringing experience before she became govener.

Anonymous said...
The article that iam writing about is on how the hurricane Gustav is affecting the republican national convention. it about on how its heading toward the new orleans and that it was devasted by hurricanne katrina.And there talking about how president bush sends a viedo to MCcain on how hes the person to become president and to live in this dangerous world.And that our country needs a man who understands the lessons of sept 11 and that will portect america. He is john McCain the president that we need Mr. bush says. they also confrim on how sarah palin annonces that her 17th year old daughter bristol is 5 mnths pergnant.this article is mixed on what going on today in our country. Sarah palin says that in her adress the republican national convetion which was praised wen they were upbringing experience before she became govener.

steph T.
per 5

Anonymous said...

Chirs B I agree. I don't think texting and driving is the best thing to do. Especially when you cause a train accident and people get killed and injured.

Juan E. Period 2

Anonymous said...

In this article, a journalist wrote about our California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The main focus of this article is telling the reader that arnold is losing more of his support from senate members and members from the house of representatives. More importantly, he is losing support of members from his same political party. The conflict that most politicians now have with Arnold, is that a few weeks ago, he was trying to open up the idea of a tax increase in california to try to balance the $15 billion buget decifit, but since conservative Republicans won in forcing Democrats to pass a no-tax-increase version of his budget plan, he has suddenly changed his mind. As the journalist says, "Arnold has lost his mind."

This article is significant because it shows that politicians are turning against california's governor, which has affected him because he no longer has any more support to pass the bills that he wants. This stood out to me because it represents some of the flaws in our government. We, the people, vote for representation in government to solve problems for us, but if our politicians are not capable of making an agreement within our own government, it is impossible to do with other countries.

If i were to interview anyone that was not interviewed for this article, i would interview Arnold Schwarzenegger to get his views and ideas of why he is being attacked by other politicians.
-Andrew McCracken
period 2

Anonymous said...

1. California’s rail safety regulators temporally banned cell phone use of train operators while on duty. This is due to the train collision that happened on September 12th. Investigators aren’t saying that the cause of the collision was due to the train operator texting but the cause is yet to be confirmed. Investigators have determined that the train went through a red stop signal and hit the other freight train head on killing 35 people and injured 135 other people. It has been the worst train collision in the US for years. They have also reported the cause of other related collision could be caused by cell phone usage but they’re still not 100 percent sure. It was reported that the train operator didn’t brake after passing the red stop signal going 40 mph only giving him and the other train operator 4 to 5 seconds before hitting each other head on. Ten days before the fatal train collision the operator was also involved in another collision involving a pedestrian. The crash is also the thought of new federal laws stating that all major rail road tracks to install technology designed to prevent collisions. Federal investigators said that if such technology was used then the collision could have been prevented.

I think that texting probably was a cause of the collision because I know that it can be very distracting. Its just so sad that people lost their lives due to a man using his cell phone when he knew he shouldn’t be. It would be good if those laws did go into effect because then less people would get hurt or what not.

They should have got one of the passengers that was injured during this collision to give a statement on how they felt on the whole issue of cell phone use while conducting a train. They would have been there and known exactly what happened on the train that day from where they were sitting. It would be nice to see what they think.

Skyye O.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alex Nicholas. A soldier is suppose to be looked at as a role model of security for the people. It's most important when the soldiers are in another country fighting against the enemies who are not the civilians.
Stephanie B. Per.2

Anonymous said...

Diane S.
I agree that most parents are careless and dont pay attention to their kids action. I do not think that the drinking age should not be lowered because alcohol damages the body. I think that is one of the few things California has done for most teenages.
-Stephanie B. Per.2

Anonymous said...

After the moments Obama made on Wednesday, Palin responds. Well, there is no doubt that Barrack wants change in this country but he just talks. Palin may not be the smartest one, but at least she is thinking in a way to try to get us out of this situation. She also thinks that just cuz she is governor from a rich energy state she’s got a lot of experience but in the other hand maybe we can try new thing in our country to start that change. No matter who is right as long as one of them can come up with a solution.

If I had the chance to interview someone , I would interview someone from the radio or something because the television media is always on one side. As we can see now they are in love with obama and that’s the only point of view most of the people get.

Andrea P


September 18, 2008 9:28 PM

Anonymous said...

Diane S.-I definetly agree with what you said. I dont think they should lower the drinking age. Everybody does think once they are 18 they could do whatever they want. People die of alcohol all the time. Especially young kids who have not matured and make bad decisions.
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Chris B.-Whether he was or wasnt texting that has always been an issue for all kinds of people because it makes them loose focus. If everybody can just follow the rules Im sure accidents like this can be prevented!
Veronica D.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

nina t. the disaster from ike was one of the worst thing that could happen specialy at this time where the goverments economy is folling appart. but not only those from houston suffer physicaly as well as mentaly. The loss of loved ones surpasses any other pain a human can experience. As to Mayor Bill White of Houston he needs help and people should rise a fund to help houston area of disaster.
yash m.

Anonymous said...

Luis R. i think that no matter what the goverment does the economy is going to fall apart and its going to get worse. No matter what they do but as the elections are getting closer lets just hope that who ever is elected president saves the countries economi collapse. And does not make the same fatal mistakes that george bush has done bringing us more dept and war.

Anonymous said...

Juan E. I agree that the plaintiffs are asking to much for something so small. Also if they inteviewd the children and teachers the case would by some what different. But some people just make a big deal out of the smallest thing.

Luis R.

Anonymous said...

Dillon S. I agree that the train driver shouldn't have been texting while driving. Do to his stupidity 15 people lost their lives and hunders hurt. Even though a week before they banned the use of telephones while driving the train. I think that this should more strictly enforced a whloe lot more.
Luis R.

Anonymous said...

DIANE S. I agree with you 100 percent. People die all the time due to alcohol related deaths which mean they probably dont know how to handle themselves while drinking, but no matter what there is alwasy gonna be people drinking illegaly so it would be pointless to lower or make the drinking age higher. i love you diane!!!
skyye o.
per 5

Anonymous said...

Brianna H.- i agree that genetically altering animals so that they can be resistant to disease is a good idea because it will create more food for people, but, think about it this way, if we are eating meat from animals with altered genetics, what is that going to do for our digestive system and our body? we already pack our body with artificial everything, so i dont think artificial animals will help.
-Andrew M.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Nina T.- I liked the article you chose, not only because we are in the middle of a political race, but it was about what we talked about in class during the first week of school. we talked about how the political race is just a battle of words and promises and how people are perceived, and i liked how your article was about how Palin's campaign will be affected by Chuck Hagel's view and opinion on her.
-Andrew M.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

dillon s
i think what happen was a tragedy,but i really dont think that the train conductor wanted to crash the train on purpose. The law saying that using phones while driving is illegal and maybe he had forgotten this rule, nobody wll really know.I agree with you because I would also like to interview him to ask all these question maybe he was texting something important and that's why he was busy texting.I really dont think he wanted to kill those people on purpose imagine if Robert had survived he would have the guilt of killing all those people.

Stephanie Torres
period 5

Anonymous said...

Alex N.
I agree with this article becasuse i also beliueve that the american soldiers did a unbareable thing with killing those innocent people. I agree with his punishment because even if he didnt kill the people himself he still watched them die and that makes him involved. Therefore id like to interview him as well to see what was going through his mind while those Iraqis died.

stephanie torres
period 5

skyline330 said...

A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher and her attorney, James Martin Davis, said he hoped those charges will be dropped, but Dawson County Attorney Elizabeth Waterman said she will proceed with a state case.

i think the judge should give her more years in prison because of what she did to this 13 yr. old boy, i mean this lady fled to mexico with this boy just so she could have sex with him, if was in this boy's shoes i would tell the cops right away.

I would want to interview the teacher because i need to know what in the world was going on her head to do such a thing then i would interviw the 13 yr. old boy about how come he didnt turn in her to the cops to arrest her.

Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher and her attorney, James Martin Davis, said he hoped those charges will be dropped, but Dawson County Attorney Elizabeth Waterman said she will proceed with a state case.

i think the judge should give her more years in prison because of what she did to this 13 yr. old boy, i mean this lady fled to mexico with this boy just so she could have sex with him, if was in this boy's shoes i would tell the cops right away.

I would want to interview the teacher because i need to know what in the world was going on her head to do such a thing then i would interviw the 13 yr. old boy about how come he didnt turn in her to the cops to arrest her.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

i agree with veronica it is shocking that such a horrible crime has been commited in our very neighborhood. i mean we hear things like these on the news or newspaper or the radio but when it our home it is hard to believe. i also find it hard to process that someone can posess the mentaility to literally take someone's life away without remorse, but then again people are crazy.

i agree with leslie on the article of banning cell phone use to train operators. first of all because as we recently expirianced it killed many people and second becuase i wrote an article about it and it was my stand as well.

skyline330 said...

Diane S- i think that the age for alcohol shouldnt be lower down because due to the accidents that every teen has, and alcohol could sometimes end their i agree teens should not be drinking alcohol becaue it damages their lives.
Edgar S.

skyline330 said...

Randy O.- your article its weird because how could a cell phone decrease your sperm level just by keeping it in your pocket on talk mode. even thought studies shown that i think scientist should do more research about that.

Edgar S.

Anonymous said...

Andrea P.- Most radio stations are always focusing on one side only. And reporting something without even bothering to get the other side of the person involved.

Neslee O.
Period 2