1. The link to the article (example: http://waldramgov.blogspot.com),
2. Paragraph summary (paragraph detailing who, what, when, where, why, relevance)
3. Your analysis of the article (what do think about the article, 1-2 paragraphs)
4. If you were to interview anyone else who is not included, who would you interview and why? (1 paragraph)
5. Sign it with your first name, last initial and period.
6. Comment on 2 other blog postings that you read (remember to site which ones they are, and focus on debate/discussion of what your classmate wrote)
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»My current event is about a six year old boy, in Virginia, who missed his bus to school so he took his parents 2005 Ford Taurus while his mother was sleeping and drove six miles to school before crashing it. He made at least two 90 degree turns, passed several cars and he ran off the road several times before he hit an embankment which was only a half mile from his school. The boy then got out of the car and tried continued to school before getting stopped by police. He only had minor injuries and he wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt. “He was very intent on getting to school,” said Sheriff Chuck Wilkins. He didn’t want to miss breakfast or P.E. He told the police he learned to drive from playing video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam. His parents Jacqulyn Deana Waltman and David Eugene Dodson are each charged with child endangerment. The boy and his brother were placed in protective custody. "This really is a story of miracles," Wilkins said. "The Lord was with him, along with everybody else on the highway."
When I read this story I couldn’t believe what I had just read so I had to read it again. I couldn’t believe a six year old boy drove his parents’ car six miles before crashing. He must be a natural and he learned from just playing video games. I think charging his parents of child endangerment and putting the boy and his brother in protective custody is a little harsh because it’s not like they knew the boy was going to take the car. The only thing I think they did wrong was letting him play Grand Theft Auto when he is only six years old. I agree with the sheriff when he said it was a story of miracles because nobody got hurt except for the boy but it was only minor injuries. If I could interview anyone it would obviously be the boy and I would ask him why he didn’t just tell his mom he missed the bus instead of taking the car. I would also ask him what was going through his head when he was driving and ask him if he knows how lucky he is that he didn’t get killed.
Zachary P.
President Bush in his final day in office calling world leaders to say his goodbyes. Bush also said his final goodbyes to his staff members as Barack Obama makes his way into the white house as the next president of the U.S. Secretary Dana Perino said that most of Bush and his family's belongings were already moved to Texas. Moving will be complete by the time the Obama family returns from the Inaugural parade.
I would interview George Bush to talk about his days in office as president. All of his retarded speeches and his parties' mistakes over the last eight years. I would call him the most hated and the funniest president because of how dumb he is.
Jake H. per.2
In Long Beach California, an elderly couple was attacked by a Heerman Gull while eating ice cream. It was on New Years Eve when the couple was eating ice cream then along came a flock of seagulls that attacked them. One of the birds hit the man’s wife on the head. The husband was “defecated”, which I think means that he got dookied on. It turns out that Heerman’s gulls are pretty dangerous.
I thought this story was pretty funny! But mainly cause of the fact that it attacked the couple cause of their ice cream. But it kinda scares me cause whenever I go to the beach…I always get some ice cream haha
I would have interviewed the husband of the couple, and ask him how it felt to be “defecated” on.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Zachary P.
Hey this is a pretty crazy story! I can't believe a kid would do that. Then again kids these days are pretty stupid. And I know for sure that they know better. Kids these days are taught way more things than they were in the past. So the excuse "but they don't know any better" no longer applies.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Jake H.
Mannnn, this was the most boring, uninteresting, unentertaining article i've ever read. And I know that all those words probably mean the same thing. ANyways, I'm glad Bush is finally moving out of the whitehouse.
Panda H.
Per. 5
Summary: This article is about an Obama look-a-like in Indonesia. Anas looks very similar to our president-elect Barack Obama. Anas' colleagues told Anas that if president Obama won, he would have to dress up in a suit,tie, and take pictures with his friends posing as Obama. The pictures were all over the internet, which drew attention from TV stations and advertising agencies.
Analysis: I thought this article was funny and interesting. I never thought there would be someone else in the world who would resemble our president-elect, Obama. Makes you wonder if there's anyone else in the world that looks like you.
Interview: If I could interview anyone I would interview Barack Obama. I would ask him how he feels knowing there's someone else that looks like him.
Leslie M.
Panda H.- I thought you article was pretty funny but sad at the same time. That poor old couple weren’t doing anything besides eating ice cream and enjoying each others’ company and a flock of birds had to ruin their time. I have to say that this is a pretty random article.
-Zachary P.
Leslie M.- I thought your article was different and interesting. That guy that looks like Obama could do crazy things and people would think it’s our president. He could also imitate him very easily and make a comedy or something. That must be weird being president and knowing that someone else looks like you. It also must be weird to look like the president, like when you going to the store or something and people are all staring at you to see if it’s Obama.
-Zachary P.
Zachary P.
that is crazy story about the six year old kid driving his moms car, but i really do think that its the parents fault for leaving there things out there so its in reach of the kids and also letting play those games there is a reason why those games are for older people duh. because of parents like that little kids learn to be bad
Ivon Garcia
Current Event #16
Researchers suggest that domestication of wild plants that grow in salty conditions could help reduce global food shortages. Only 1% of the Earth's water is freshwater, and around the world agricultural areas are becoming less productive because of the increase of salt levels in water supply. The scientists say we will have to make use of salty environments for agriculture. They also predict that future crops could come from plant species that grow in brackish water, around the mouths of rivers, where salt and freshwater mix. The rising cost of bringing in freshwater to irrigate traditional crops may force producers to turn to salt water agriculture. It will be more profitable if we use brackish water and sea water as a resource. The scientists suggest the best way forward is to domesticate wild plants, crossbreeding them to produce higher yields. Genetic modification experiments have been conducted for more than 30 years to try to make crops such as wheat or rice salt tolerant, but they can't. The researchers also say some species of plants currently growing in salty environments could have a future use as biofuels.
We have limited amount of water and most of it is already used for drinking water. We can't be using our drinking water to water the plants. It'll be better if we would just be able to use saltwater on the plants, but we can't. A scientist from Netherlands says that salinisation is irreversible and that we have to accept the fact that we the world is becoming more saline.
I thinks it would really help if we can grow crops out with salt water. It would help a lot because then we won't have to use our limited fresh drinking water. It would be a huge advance. Scientist have tried reduce salt tolerance but it has proven impossible. Maybe in the future we would find an answer and it would really help our agriculture and maybe the future plants can be used as biofuels.
If I was to interview someone I would interview the scientist and ask them if they ever think that they are going be able to reverse salinisation.
Luis R.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama began overhauling U.S. treatment of terror suspects Thursday, signing orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, shut down secret overseas CIA prisons, review military war crimes trials and ban the harshest interrogation methods.
With his action, Obama started changing how the United States prosecutes and questions al-Qaida, Taliban or other foreign fighters who pose a threat to Americans — and overhauling America's image abroad, battered by accusations of the use of torture and the indefinite detention of suspects at the Guantanamo prison in Cuba.
"The message that we are sending the world is that the United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so vigilantly and we are going to do so effectively and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals," the president said.
this article talks about closing guantanamo bay in a year. there still remains questions on what is goin to be done with those that have been detained gfor years and who are awaiting trial. they are debaiting in whether back in their home countries or at other federal detention centers — and how to prosecute some of them for war crimes.
if i could interview anyone i would interview obama and ask what klead him to this conclusion in closing the contivorsial prision.
diane segura
per 5
obama had to swear oath again cause chief justice's mistake in the original inauguration.. it was a peice of history that we were alive to witness. i think having a black president will cause alot of problems with ppl that are racist but it will also show that black ppl is equal to everyone else..
if i interviewed anyone i would interview obama and ask him wat he was thinking when the chief justice messed up?
i liked how when we went to class we got to watch the inaguration on the perjector..
Darin D.
Period 2
comment:its funny how the 6 year old kid drove his moms car, but i really do think that its the parents fault for leaving there things out there so its in reach of the kids and also letting play those games there is a reason why those games are for older people duh. because of parents like that little kids learn to be bad..
comment:its funny how the 6 year old kid drove his moms car, but i really do think that its the parents fault for leaving there things out there so its in reach of the kids and also letting play those games there is a reason why those games are for older people duh. because of parents like that little kids learn to be bad..
Darin D
period 2
Obama gets to keep BlackBerry
After president Obama's everlasting battle, he finally gets to keep his Blackberry at is side. There were questions over the security of his messages were brought up. Obama was then worried that without his Blackberry he would become trapped within the White house's "BUBBLE" and will lose touch with his friends that are outside of Washington. Luckily for Obama there has been a super encryption package created just for the president. This added security will allow Obama to keep his Blackberry for the duration of his presidency.
I chose this article because I thought it was pretty funny, but I understand where he is coming from. I would want to keep my phone, too, but that is what you have to deal with when you are president. All of the security to keep you safe and out of harms way.
I would like to interview President Obama to ask him how happy he is to be able to keep his phone and do I have to be president to get a package like that?
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Jake H.- Finally he is out of office. I am gonna miss his stupid speeches though. Those were so funny. He needs to start writing speeches and not winging them. Lets hope Obama is better and that's really all we can do is HOPE.
Darin D.- I would have to agree 100% with you that. It is going to cause a lot of contreversy with those racist people like the KKK for instance. So lets hope it doesn't get ugly. Also it does help us realize that Blacks are equal and he fulfilled MLK's dream.
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
Obama orders review in al-qaida sleeper case.
an al-qaida sleeper agent was accused of sleeping. obama oficials will decide what to do with him.
obama ordered a case review of qatar ali al marri on thursday.
he is currently held on u.s. soil.
the government said that he is a sleeping agent who has met osama and spent time at a training camp.
he was involved with the 911 terorr attack.
he was charge with credit fraud.
i think he should be in prison for a long time because he was involve with the terorr attack and he was a sleeping agent at his post i would like to interview al marri but there is no excuse of taking other peoples life.
zachary p i think your article is pretty funny. why. because i cant believe that kid drove his moms car. and now his parents have to pay for his stupidity. i think its the parents fault because they left there keys everywhere and yeah cant belive how a game can teach a 6 year old to drive interesting. first time driving too. thats really cool.
joshua carranza
i think your article is pretty cool because i understand that he is the president and thats why the agents wants to check if nobody is tracking his phone because he is president and i know terorrism would love to track him down but yeah he just have to know that he is president and we dont want nothing bad happening to him.
Antarctica is getting warmer rather than cooling as widely believed, according to a study that fits the icy continent into a trend of global warming.
A review by U.S. scientists of satellite and weather records for Antarctica, which contains 90 percent of the world's ice and would raise world sea levels if it thaws, showed that freezing temperatures had risen by about 0.5 Celsius (0.8 Fahrenheit) since the 1950s.
Cooling at places such as the South Pole and an expansion of winter sea ice around Antarctica had masked the overall warming over a continent bigger than the United States where average year-round temperatures are about -50 Celsius (-58.00F).
Its mainly from burning fossil fuels.The Nature study compared temperatures measured by satellites in the past 25 years with 50-year records from 42 Antarctic weather stations, mostly on the coast. Scientists then deduced temperatures back 50 years.
i would like to interview the scientist because sometimes there studys are not accurate and if they think that then they better have 100% proof of this happening
iraq forced to cut spending as oil price falls.
Iraq's government will have dramatically less money to spend this year than expected because of plunging oil prices — a dire economic situation that's already forced the country to slash rebuilding plans by 40 percent, The Associated Press has learned. As the U.S. seeks a timetable for withdrawal, cutbacks on spending and jobs could trigger heightened violence.
U.S. commanders have repeatedly warned that without speedy economic development and reconstruction, the sharp improvements in security since the U.S. troop surge of 2007 could be at risk in a country where about 38 percent of the work force is estimated to have no job or just part-time employment.
But rebuilding requires money. And with oil prices plummeting, the government has been forced to cut planned spending — by one-third overall and 40 percent for rebuilding, Iraqi officials told the AP — and to consider even deeper reductions.Last summer, the U.S. Government Accountability Office — Congress' watchdog arm _estimated that soaring oil prices and the laggard pace of Iraqi government spending could leave Iraq with a cumulative budget surplus as high as $79 billion by the end of 2008. For now, the prospect of even a slowdown in reconstruction money holds dire security implications. It is not clear if the United States would change its still-evolving plans to draw down American troops if violence in Iraq worsened. President Barack Obama said in his inaugural address that the U.S. would begin leaving Iraq to its people.
i would like to interview the iraqi militants for these how they feel about this information i see whats on there side.
A Chinese court sentenced two men to death and a dairy boss to life in prison Thursday for their roles in producing and selling infant formula tainted with melamine, a deadly industrial chemical added to watered-down milk in order to fool inspectors and increase profits.
The swift trial and harsh sentences show Beijing's resolve in tackling the country's stubborn food safety problems and an eagerness by the communist leadership to move past the embarrassing scandal.
With six babies confirmed dead and some 300,000 others nationwide suffering kidney stones and other problems from drinking melamine-laced formula, public shock has turned to simmering anger since the contamination was exposed in September.
Tian had pleaded guilty to charges of producing and selling fake or substandard products.Tian was also fined 20 million yuan ($2.92 million) while Sanlu, which has been declared bankrupt, was fined 50 million yuan ($7.3 million). Among the 21 convictions announced Thursday, a third man was given a suspended death sentence which is usually commuted to life imprisonment, two others were handed life terms, while the remaining 14 defendants were given jail terms of five to 15 years.
I would interview these two jerks i mean they did this to little kids the only reason why they bought maybe because it was cheap but they didnt not know what they are doing but they know it was wrong but they still did it.
U.S. President Barack Obama's decision Thursday to shut secret CIA-run prisons abroad brought renewed calls for their locations to be disclosed as well a fresh denial from Poland, one of two eastern European countries most closely linked to the practice.
Across Europe, governments uneasy that CIA flights had been carrying terrorism suspects through their airports and air space for years said they were relieved to be heading into a new rendition-free era.
Dick Marty, the Swiss lawmaker who spearheaded the Council of Europe investigations that sought to expose the existence of clandestine interrogation centers in Eastern Europe and Africa, said he expected the truth would come trickling out once the centers were closed.
i would like to interview marty because i feel like there is some americans over there and there hiding it.
In Ireland, government and opposition leaders united in praise for Obama's move.
Al-Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent, maintains he was abducted in December 2003 at the Serbian-Macedonian border and flown by the CIA to a detention center in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he was interrogated and abused.
only these are detention camp thats all we know that there is more information to be heard.
This story is about Caylee Marie Anthony,3 years old, who went missing last summer and whos mom didnt call the police for a couple months. The little girl was found dead in the woods. Her remains were found in a bag with a winnie the pooh blanket, a shirt, and a pair of shorts. She was found with duct tape over her mouth and her hair. They also found a heart shaped sticker over her mouth on the duct tape. Her mom is now being accused of first degree murder.
I think this is the worst of situations. A mother is suppose to be someone who takes care of one and someone we can count on for whatever and to know that this mom was able to do this makes me really sad.
If I could interview anybody it would be the grandma. I would want to ask her if she really believes her daughter did this.
Veronica D.
Period 2
This article is about a lady by the name of Beatriz lezama, 23, was driving on the Garden Grove Freeway and tried to get to the 55 Freeway. As she tried to do that her car went out of control, after stopping she got out of the car and as she did she was hit by at least one vehicle. She died at the scene.
I feel so bad for the victims family. This is a tagic story. Cars can be dangerous because one never knows when something is going to go wrong with them.
If I could interview anybody it would be the car that hit her and ask him whether he saw her and if he did and it was to late to stop, how does he feel about that.
Veronica D.
Period 2
This article took place in Virginia Tech the same place where there was a mass killing back in 2007 but this time it was only one person, Xin Yang,22. She was killed by a 25-year-old whos name is Haiyang Zhu of Ningbo. He used a kitchen knife in a campus cafe. He was arrested and now beind charged and is being held without bond.
Another killing in the same place. Im sure it brings back bad memories to the people who lost someone in the mass killing. Its really sad to hear that theres actually people who have the guts to do things like this.
I would interview the murderer to see why he did it and what was going through his head at the time.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Zack P.-Thats a funny story. Smart little boy and very interested in getting to school on time.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Jake H.-Hes finally gone. I just hope Barrack knows what he is doing and can somewhat get us out of this mess.
Veronica D.
Period 2
Panda H.-That sucks especially because they were older but im not going to lie it is pretty funny!
Veronica D.
Period 2
Leslie M.- I guess somebody was bored. Its kind of funny though trying to dress up like our new president.
Veronica D.
Period 2
This article is about the peanut product recall. There was salmonela in some peanut butter and now there is a recall. Reporters said that there was 31 MILLION pounds of peanut butter that was recalled. The national peanut board said that people who live in America eat about 700 million pounds of peanut butter each year. The company that mad the recalled products was the Peanut Corporation of America, which is not an industry giant, but their peanut paste is used in many other products because other companies buy their peanut paste to use in their treats.
I think that the Peanut Cooperation of America is going to go out of business cause no one is going to want to buy their peanut paste anymore and because of the bad economy. They should also have better health standards for their peanut employees.
If i were to interview something, i would interview a peanut and ask it if it's mad about people being concerned to eat it. I would also ask it "how did the salmonella get into peanuts?"
Brianna H
period 2
Reecently a 51 year old Chicago Police officer was arrested on accessive and unreasonable charges. The Chicago police officer pleaded guilty to these two charges without a fight. The victum was a man in a wheelchair. The man was outside of a hospital when he was exposed to the officer. The man had been loud and verbally abusive so the officer used a club like weapon to strike the man in the face and body. keeping in mind that the victum was handcuffed and schackled. The officer said that there was no possible physical threat with the victum. The officer proceeded to hit the victum numerous times in the face and body anyways. At the same time Cozzi prepared a false report on the victum hitting the officer. That was eventually found to be false. The kicker was that this was all filmed by a nearby pedestrian with a portable video camera. This concerns me because it reminds me of the crookid cops in this nation. They have us pedestrians at their mercy if they wanted. I think this article is intresting because it shows how even our system has certain flaws of corruption. It seems as it is everywhere you look. If I were to interview someone it would be the person who videotaped it. Then I would ask what they though about what happrned to the man in the wheelchair.
Ryan C.
diane segura-I loved your blog entry. I love the fact that Barack Obama is our president as well. This already shows that he is changing this counrty for the good and not for the bad like that last one. hahaha Like I said I loved your entry very intresting Diane very fun to read about.
Ryan C.
The article that I did was of how the Senate passed a wage discrimination legislation contradicting a Supreme Court decision. This made it difficult for workers to file claims after they discovered they get paid less than other colleagues. This can be one of the first major bills signed by Obama, but it will first have to be approved by The house and then sent to the White House.
I think that this article was well written. On the other hand the subject is very discriminating in a way because they are talking about how some poeple are not getting paid the equal wage as their colleagues.
I would want to interview The Senate bceause I want to know how this happened. He must know why some employees aren't getting paid like the rest of thier colleagues.
Alexandra C.
Comment #1
Leslie M. – I remember watching that in the news. They were really look-a-like. That guy is getting popular because of his face. It will be weird if he goes on public and people would look at him or even ask for his autograph and ask him if he is really Obama. He had better not do silly things that could lead Obama to blame.
Comment #2
Veronica D. -- Your article is pretty sad. How a mother could kill her own Daughter just in case it has proven. She deserves to be in jail forever. Poor kid she had to die.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Panda H.- Your article was intense but funny. I would feel bad if I were the husband and having my wife get hit by a Heermans gull. They might seem like any other seagull but don't precieve that the Heermans Gull is "innocent", they are actually very dangerous.
Alexandra C.
Panda H.- Your article was intense but funny. I would feel bad if I were the husband and having my wife get hit by a Heermans gull. They might seem like any other seagull but don't precieve that the Heermans Gull is "innocent", they are actually very dangerous.
Alexandra C.
Neslee O.- The comment that you left for Veronica is incorrect because the lady didn't kill any children. If this statement was true then i would agree with you, in having her be put in jail. Next time make sure you read carefully. Put the correct imformation in your comments that you are leaving for the students that wrote the article. If you are not sure what exactly the article was about just go to the link that the student should always put on top, that's what i did to make sure I'm not contradicting you. I'm not trying to be mean it's just that I'm proving my point. Sorry about that. :[
Alexandra C.
link: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-bettie-page17-2008dec17,0,1667172.story
summary: this article is about Bettie Page's farewell and legacy. Legendary pinup queen Bettie Page was remembered at a private memorial service Tuesday. the attendants at her memorial service were about 70 relatives, friends and admirers, including several Bettie Page lookalikes. After the memorial service, Page's casket was taken from the memorial park's chapel to a shady grave site a few yards from Monroe's crypt. "So it is only fitting that her final resting place be here, not far from Marilyn Monroe's final resting place," said Mark Roesler, chairman of Indianapolis-based CMG Worldwide, which markets Page's images.
Analysis: i believe this article is of significant importance, Bettie Page became a huge icon for many generations even if as she says, "I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer." "I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time. I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important. I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live." she has influenced the life of others with her own whether it be in style [obvioulsy] or other personal ways such as confidence or being upnique.
Interview: with the given atricle i would have to say i would want to interview Tempest Storm, former pinup model and actress. Tempest had only nice thing to say about Bettie in this article and i would like to hear more about them from a perspective of a friend.
elizabeth c.
President Barack Obama is moving quickly to reshape U.S. national-security policy. Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Barack Obama said “there is no time to lose.” The orders reshape how the U.S. prosecutes and questions al-Qaida, Taliban or other foreign countries that pose a threat to Americans. Also he ordered the CIA to close all existing detention facilities and prohibits those prisons from being used in the future. Obama said he would try to seek a lasting peace between Israel and Palestinians. Already on his second day in office, he is moving quickly starting off with his Guantanamo which will be closed. If I were to interview anyone it would probably be the president because what’s going to happen to the detainees and will they be secured.
Mayra S.
Period 2
veronice c i totally agree with you about the mother who didnt call the police when her daughter was missing she made it obvious that she killed her daughter because if she didnt do it she would have called the popo but she was scared so kept it a secret but it was obvious i dont why people do this to there love one this world is full of sin and its getting better its getting worser every second.
veronice c i totally agree with you about the mother who didnt call the police when her daughter was missing she made it obvious that she killed her daughter because if she didnt do it she would have called the popo but she was scared so kept it a secret but it was obvious i dont why people do this to there love one this world is full of sin and its getting better its getting worser every second.
ryan c
i totally i agree with you cops this days are such pigs ok
last year i got a $300 ticket because i walk fast before the light turn green and it was right by t town high school and when i went to court they said i was driving a car meaning this cop already wrote down a fake ticket before i came so i still had to pay. why. because its a waste of time. this pigs are liars and they know they get away with it.so yea thank goodness his in jail they take anvantage of old people dazz mean.
mayra s
i agree with you so glad and out of words that obama was the president that we have been waiting for.
because no other president in my generation was better then he is i never george bush do something right like this on the first day so yeah lets give it up for a new change and its going to happen.
The youngest residents of the White House have sure grabbed Americans' attention on and offline. It's true that being the daughters of the president of the United States has got to be a tough act. But that mantle is lightly held by Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, the daughters of first couple Barack and Michelle Obama. Ever since they've been headed to the White House, the daughters have been gaining attention, with the curious turning to their computers to find out more. Since inauguration, searches on the two girls soared over 500%.
I liked this article because ever since there father became a public figure everyone has been talking about his daughter. They are adorable and seem so sweet. I think that every girl wants to dress and be like them. It's funny how little girls can became so loved by people.
If i were to interview someone it would be a girl. I would ask her if she admires the sisters and what she thinks about them.
-Stephanie B. per2
The Congress in Mexico has agreed to debate the issue of reinstating capital punishment for some crimes. There are many people in Mexico that want to bring back the death penalty and they want to redebate if it should be brought back. Mexico has long been powerful voice in international forums calling for the abolition of capital punishment and has not carried out an execution since 1961. Due to a surge in murders and kidnappings in the country, many linked to drug cartels and organized crime. Mexico abolished capital punishment in 2005, but recent surveys suggest that 70% of Mexicans are in favor of the death penalty. Hundreds of posters demanding capital punishment for murderers and kidnappers have appeared all over Mexico City. The government, church and human rights groups all strongly oppose reinstatement, but millions of Mexicans worried by the rising insecurity in the country are looking for a way on how to control the crime.
I thought that the article was interesting due to the fact that I myself am Mexican and I think that it's good to keep informed on some news from my home country. The deathpenalty is a really hot topic that I wouldn't really wanna take a side. I think that it both has good and bad written over it. Crime is dramatically rising in Mexico and the people are scared and want the government to do something about it. I think that if Mexico does bring the death penalty back then crime would actually go down, because it would scare the thugs off. I also don't think the death penalty is the right way to do things because I don't believe that anybody should decide weather somebody lives or dies. I say let God decide that.
If I was to interview somebody else I would interview some of the people from Mexico City putting up the posters and ask them what do they think and why they think that?
I want to hear what they have to say about the capital punishment.
Juan E.
Period 2
http://currentevents.com/ & http://www.cubamania.com/cuba/showthread.php?t=23862
This article is about how Fidel Castro praises Barack Obama for his honesty But Fidel Castro still thinks President Barack Obama still has a lot of question to answer. In fact Fidel Castro’s brother President Raul Castro once said that Barack Obama seemed like a good man and wished him luck. Seems like the Castro’s really like the new president Barack Obama.
I think that Castro is right about President Obama I also think that he is very honest with the American citizens and also the rest of the world.
If I were to interview someone it would be President Obama to know if he thinks about Castro the same way.
Noemi S
First Day at Obama White House Brings Growing Pains (Update1)
Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- On the first full day in office, President Barack Obama’s team discovered the difference between running a tightly organized campaign and managing a sprawling White House bureaucracy. As Obama left the executive mansion this morning for a post-inaugural prayer service at the National Cathedral, e-mails to press staff went unanswered or bounced back to senders, the phone numbers at the press office emitted busy signals and few aides were available. The full day’s schedule for the president hadn’t been settled. Obama set high expectations for the start of his administration. The president repeatedly praised the transition help he got from his predecessor, George W. Bush. He made a point of naming his Cabinet within weeks of his election and promised they would “hit the ground running” after inauguration.
I chose this article because I’ve watched Obama’s Inauguration at Mr. Waldram’s Class last Tuesday. And it is somewhat interesting to know what’s going on in the White House, after Bush left and now that Obama is the president.
If I were to interview somebody else, I would interview President Obama. Now that he is the Current president, would he be able to handle all the peer pressure and heavy workloads, full schedules everyday? What are his plans?
Neslee O.
Period 2
Alexandra C. – Ok. I did put “How a mother could kill her own Daughter?” It is as if I am questioning it, I am not saying that she killed her daughter, coz I don’t know. I am not sure exactly what happened. However, in case the mother/ lady did the crime, I think she deserves to go in jail if the court said so & if they found her guilty. Thanks for Bringing that up.
Neslee O.
Period 2
Bush's 'War' on therror comes to a sudden end
President Obama eliminated the most controversial tools employed by his predecessor against terrorism suspects. With the stroke of his pen, he effectively declared an end to the "war on terror," as President George W. Bush had defined it, signaling to the world that the reach of the U.S. government in battling its enemies will not be limitless.
While Obama says he has no plans to diminish counterterrorism operations abroad, the notion that a president can circumvent long-standing U.S. laws simply by declaring war was halted by executive order in the Oval Office.
Key components of the secret structure developed under Bush are being swept away: The military's Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, facility, where the rights of habeas corpus and due process had been denied detainees, will close, and the CIA is now prohibited from maintaining its own overseas prisons. And in a broad swipe at the Bush administration's lawyers, Obama nullified every legal order and opinion on interrogations issued by any lawyer in the executive branch after Sept. 11, 2001.
I chose this Article because it shows Obama taking charge right from the from the start of his presedency. He showing that theres no time for rest he has work to be done. He also shows him fixing the past mistakes of the former president Bush.
If I were to ask interview someone it will probably be CIA director Porter J. Goss and ask if you support the new president's decision of the removal of facilitys in Guantanamo Bay.
Antonio Q.
Per: 2
Chrysler LLC, which suffered a 30% drop in sales last year, announced a massive new incentive program to move vehicles off dealers' lots.The carmaker will begin marketing the incentive plans, called "Employee Pricing Plus," in ads on Monday. Under the program, all 2008 and 2009 Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep vehicles will be available at prices similar to those Chrysler employees pay -- typically thousands of dollars below the sticker price. In addition, customers will receive discounts of up to $3,500 on 2009 vehicles and $6,000 on 2008 models.
This is a great idea from Chrysler to bring up their sales because all this time they been suffering like ford and chevy did on their sales so this a great strategy for the most part from chrysler, and the good thing is that the employees will have a great discounts on chryslers cars and dodge as well and the 08 and 09 models prices will go down and make it affordable for people to buy it.
I would ask the employees of chrysler about what they think about this great idea as a solution and about on how they're planing to keep this up.
Edgar S.
Panda- your article its funny because it said that a Heerman Gull attcked a couple eating their ice cream it makes think that the animal wasnt going only after the couple but maybe the ice cream as well.
Edgar S.
This report is about the event that will make history in this country, the fact that we just had an African American as president is historical.
Al news and newspapers, radio and everywhere people was talking about Mr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he had a dream to see one day all people together, but now we are going to have to see what happens with the future of this country. The celebration was more like a party, people had parades and everything I know It’s historical but they weren’t taking it seriously. Celebrities went to the party and people didn’t really paid attention to the moment.
Let’s pay attention to the real situation and get to work.
If I had the chance to interview someone that would have to be George W. Bush and ask him, if he really thinks that Obama is going to work things out.
Andrea P.
Jake H- its true its time for president Bush to leave the white house, and now that Obama won its time for him and his family to move inside the house and now we all have to wait and see if Obama fixes the economy problem that we're facing today and the challenges that waits for him.
Edgar S.
Zach P. - youre a cool guy. i liked your article. and your drawings. yayy. that kid was nuts. i couldnt drive when i was 6. yee.
Julian J.
period 2
The article talk about, of President Obama, and the new stimulus packet. The objective of the packets are to help the companies in crisis and rescue them and the employers.
President Obama spoke about of the differences between Republicans and Democrats, and the way that he will be try to help the other countries, like Mexico, he will try to stop the sell of weapons to the Cartels. Obama is trying to save some money and for that to, he suspend the pay to the Senators.
I think that Obama would change this country, and he is doing a great job with the money of the Senators, and trying to save some money.
I would interview the people of other countries, to know the opinion of the the new president
Jorge G
Period 2
I like the first article, about the little guy that take the car of his father and drove to the school.
Is really funny, because that prove that the kid is responsible.
Jorge G.
Period 2(this is the comment)
President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that perform abortions.
President Bill Clinton ended the ban in 1993, but President George W. Bush re-instituted it in 2001 as one of his first acts in office.The policy bans U.S. taxpayer money, usually in the form of U.S. Obama has chosen to focus initially on issues in which there is consensus across the political spectrum and support from the public, such as closing the prison camp.
"President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control," said Douglas Johnson.
I interview the bush administration what they think about this good changes and why they didnt think like this.
At least five victims were identified as foreign militants, an intelligence officer said.The missiles destroyed two buildings, killing 10 people, at least five of whom were foreign militants, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.Earlier Friday, a suicide attack and a roadside bomb killed two soldiers and three civilians in the Swat Valley, a one-time tourist destination close to the border region, officials said.Militancy in Swat is seen as especially dangerous for Pakistan because the valley lies away from the areas where al-Qaida and the Taliban have traditionally operated.
the only person i would interview was militants. why. because they should know more then others who ever gave those orders to fire will pay for it.
Zach P
I agree with you because a child already knowing how to drive a car is amazing. But it did kind of suck when he crashed. I think that his parents should be charged with child endangerment cause they are responsibe for their child and should have hid the keys.
brianna h
period 2
President Barack Obama and Republicans come together and discuss the issue of the massive stimulate economic stimulus plan. Many of the Republicans believe that the $825 billion dollar plan is way to costly and spending that much will not stimulate the economy quickly enough. Barack Obama states that even though they have differences on this plan he is glad that the congress men have moved this plan quickly to help create 3 or 4 million jobs for the people. Many of the House committees have come together and made an approval of $275 billion tax cuts.
I believe that Barack Obamas plan is a strateic plan to help the economy and we should not doubt his decisions.
Ravid Y.
Period 2
Panda h
i thought your story was funny cause the seagulls attacked old people. Old people getting attacked by anything is pretty funny.
Brianna h
period 2
There is a book called "The Speeches of Barack Obama" and it was sold in Japan. The Japanese people that had bought this book think its an excellent listening tool to learn english. George W. Bush and John Kerry's books didnt sell as well as Obamas did. The book cost 1,050 yen (12 dollars) and it came with a CD of the speeches and the book.
I think that is good that people in other countries are reading Obamas stuff and are even learning english from his speeches, it just shows how good of a speaker he is. He is probably way better then Bush.
I would probably interview Obama and see how he feels about the Japanese people buying a book of his speeches and learning english from that.
Skyye O.
period 5
luis r
i think your article is cool because if scientists could make edible plants that can grow in salt water then we would have more food and use less of our freshwater resouces. We can use the freshwater for ourselves because we're soo greedy.
Brianna h
period 2
Brianna H
i think that the peanuts should have been recalled cause peanuts are gross. Old people can die because of eating contaminated peanuts. Thats not cool. Yeah they are old but they shouldnt have to die that way.
Skyye O.
period 5
Skyye o
i think your article is funny cause why would people in other countries want to read up on our president. they should be worrying about their own countries and their own leaders.
brianna h
period 2
Indian Ocean to see solar eclipse.
The Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, casting its shadow on the terrestrial surface.For those watching from the fringe of the track, the Sun is partially obscured, as if a bite has been taken out of it.The partial eclipse will be seen in a much wider swathe, including the southern third of Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Southeast India, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.It will be the only annular solar eclipse this year. The last was on 7 February, 2007, and after Monday, the next one will be on 15 January, 2010.The big event for eclipse junkies this year is on July 22, when a total solar eclipse will be visible from India and China, the world's two most populous countries.
i would like to interview the nasa eclipse watcher because i think this interesting that they know what they its going to come 2010 how they know is this accurate. this is interesting.
Panda H
The article you picked was very funny and sad at the same time. The gull should have let the old couple eat there ice cream in peace. It should have picked some other couple. Poor old people.
Skyye O.
period 5
Oldest ex-major leaguer Werber dies at 100.
bill werber who was the oldest living ex major leaguer and a teammate of babe ruth,died thursday. he was 100.a career .271 hitter who led the american league in stolen bases three times played with ruth.he .370 as the third base on 1940 Werber, who would forget dates and times late in life, had no trouble remembering his days as a player—including his first major league plate appearance in 1930 with the Yankees.His son said that Werber will be cremated. A public service will be scheduled in Charlotte the weekend of Jan. 31-Feb.
i would interview his son because thats pretty cool how his father lived through out this years. and he know babe ruth so cool.
skyye o
i think your article about other countries is buying obamas speech book. thaz purty kool. yeah thaz kool they are trying to know english awesome.
This article is about two people that were lost as sea for almost a month in shark infested water. They were spotted along the coast of Australia on saturday. They were taken to the hospital. The two men were hungry and dehydrated after 25 days of drifting. There was other people on the boat when it sank in the middle of no where. No other survivors were found and they dont know where to begin a search for the bodies.
This is a very sad story, I would have been soo scared if that was me. Good thing that they survived but its bad that the others didnt.
i would probably interveiw one of the men that were found and see how they survived 25 days without food.
Skyye O.
period 5
iolanda e.
that is pretty cool that he loved to be sooooo freakin old but then again its sad cause he dies. its also pretty legit that he has witnessed soo much in his life and that her knew babe ruth and that he was a pro baseball player himself.
skyye o.
period 5
Zach P.
Dang that was intense, what was that little kid thinking? Well at least he got to school but i just feel sorry for the kids parents because they look like the bad ones when its really the little kids fault.
skyye o.
period 5
This article is about a women in france who sold chileans a kit to make magic cheese for french beauty products. She was arrested last year after a year long investigation. there was a similar scheme in 203 in peru. the lady said that the cheese was all the rage in paris. the cheese would be a good moisturizer and shampoos. the kit cost 389 dollars.
i think that this lady is really weird. who would sell a cheese making kit for that much and im pretty sure whoever bought the kits were a little on the dumb side because magic cheese doesnt exist.
i would interview one of the dumb people that bought the kit and see how they feel about getting scammed.
skyye o.
period 5
Leslie M.
well that is funny that theres some guy in another country that looks just like Obama. thats pretty cool but at the same time it could be a bad thing because the look a like can be photographed doing something really bad and people can think its our president.
skyye o.
period 5
i agree with you on the whole thing about you thinking that obama can help the economy get better. he has a really strategic plan.
skyye o.
period 5
This articles about two dutch student that got a last minute ride with a british entrepreneur on his private jet to obamas inaguration. the british guy was in amsterdam answering question that people sent via text message. someone asked if it was true that he was gonna take the two guys and he answered saying that they were already on the jet as they spoke.
i think its cool that the guy took two college students to go see obama. thats pretty sick.
i would interview one of the guys that got a ride to the us and see how they felt about the inauguration.
skyye o.
period 5
Jake H.
i kinda agree with panda on your article. im sorry but its true. i dont think anyone cares about bush so good thing hes leaving.
skyye o.
period 5
California unemployment rate jumps to 9.3% in December.The state Employment Development Department today reported that the December jobless rate was up almost a full percentage point from 8.4% in November. Last month's national unemployment was 7.2%, compared with 6.7% in November.
The last time the state jobless number hit 9.3% was January 1994. The new data reflected lackluster holiday sales, continued home value declines and a heightened tempo of layoffs at companies across all sectors of the economy.
men if this economy goes bad i dont what to do really i myself need to work but now they are giving me less hours because its slow which it is not good news.i mean we got to pay for the money that goes to war and other not important things i dont understand.
Darin D.
i agree with you on the whole thing about people doing racist things just because we have a black president. its a bunch of bull i think it would probably be the same or even better.
skyye o.
period 5
Family, friends mourn 4-year-old gunshot victim
Inside the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels, a 12-person choir sang and family members and friends mourned the victim of gunfire exchanged by rival gangs. Several hundred people attended a funeral today for 4-year-old Roberto Lopez Jr., who was fatally shot outside his Los Angeles home by a stray bullet.He was shot in the chest Jan. 13 while walking with his sister just south of Angelino Heights.
this is sad to the family and love ones. i feel really bad. i would like to interview the brothers and sisters and the sister who was walking with him at the time he got shot in the chest.
Current Event #16
NY gov picks upstate NY congresswoman to Senate
This current event explains how New York's senate is a women. What is more surprissing is that this is the first time the person is unknown and completly new to the whole deal.Her name is Kirsten Gillibrand and she will be replacing ex senator clinton and she promsises she will get to know new york and they will get to know her.
I would definitly interview illibrand to see how well prepared she is and what her plans for New york are.
Genesis Hernandez
in orange county 5 turkish family members all comitted suicide but investigators dont have no idea why.An autopsy determined that the young women and their grandmother died from overdoses of prescription medication, including the painkiller Vicodin, and that Margrit Ucar shot her husband in the chest before shooting herself in the head.the whole family was found dead all wearing black.
i think that is kinda weird that a whole family will committ suicide. and investigators cant determine why? that is a lil weird. i think there is something behind that because they didnt see any financial problems or martial problems or anything.
if i could interview someone i would interview one of the dead family memeber to ask them why they all committed suicide? i think they should of stayed alive and atleast talked to someone and let them no why they were going to do it or atleast when they were going to do it! it makes investigators very angry that they cant find any reason why they would all kill themself if there were no problems wit money or their marriage.
Darin D.
Period 2
The article talk about, of President Obama, and the new stimulus packet. The objective of the packets are to help the companies in crisis and rescue them and the employers.
President Obama spoke about of the differences between Republicans and Democrats, and the way that he will be try to help the other countries, like Mexico, he will try to stop the sell of weapons to the Cartels. Obama is trying to save some money and for that to, he suspend the pay to the Senators.
if i had to interview anyone it would obama! i would want to know his plan behind the new stimulus packet and why. i believe it will be a good reason because he sseems like a good president but you can never be to sure these days...
Darin D.
Period 2
My current event is about a U.S. Predator drone that fired three missiles at a compound about two miles from the town of Mirali in the tribal area of North Waziristan at about 5:15 p.m., according toPakistani security official and local residents. The precision strike leveled a compound, which was owned by local tribal elder Khalil Malik, killing at least 10 suspected militants, including five foreign nationals, according to the Pakistani security official. The site of the attack is about 30 miles east of the Afghan border.
if i could interview someone i would interview the owner of the compund Khalil Malik and the family of those who died by the attack. I would also interview the person that was in charge of leading the attack.
Sergio N.
this current event news is about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich being charged with trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama. he said on Friday he will not take part in an impeachment trial that could remove him from office.Blagojevich said the trial scheduled to start on Monday in the state Senate was unfair and violated his Constitutional rights because he was barred from calling witnesses involved in the criminal case against him.He was impeached on January 9 by the Illinois House of Representatives for wide-ranging abuse of power. If convicted by the Senate, the two-term Democrat would be removed from office.
if i could interview one person i would interview president Barack Obama and ask him what his opinion on this was and what place does he take on this. i woould also do some reseasrch on senator Blagojevich background and figure out if there is anything that might lead him to corruption.
Sergio N.
The police in the Bahamas have detained an island lawmaker and a paramedic in an alleged plot to extort money from actor John Travolta. Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames says Sen. Pleasant Bridgewater has been held since Thursday in the case.He says a second suspect is ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne, who was detained on Friday. Lightbourne was quoted by several tabloids describing efforts to revive Travolta's 16-year-old son Jett.
Jett died of a seizure earlier this month at a family vacation home on Grand Bahama island.
Bahamas authorities did not provide details about the alleged plot, and attorneys for Travolta did not immediately return calls.
in this case i would interview the hollywood star John Travolta and ask what his point of view is and how does this affect him personally with the awfull loss of his son.
The police in the Bahamas have detained an island lawmaker and a paramedic in an alleged plot to extort money from actor John Travolta. Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames says Sen. Pleasant Bridgewater has been held since Thursday in the case.He says a second suspect is ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne, who was detained on Friday. Lightbourne was quoted by several tabloids describing efforts to revive Travolta's 16-year-old son Jett.
Jett died of a seizure earlier this month at a family vacation home on Grand Bahama island.
Bahamas authorities did not provide details about the alleged plot, and attorneys for Travolta did not immediately return calls.
in this case i would interview the hollywood star John Travolta and ask what his point of view is and how does this affect him personally with the awfull loss of his son.
Sergio N.
President Obama signed an executive order today reversing the ban that prohibits funding to international family planning groups that provide abortions,
Under the hotly debated "Mexico City Policy," the U.S. government cannot provide funding for family planning services to clinics or groups that offer abortion-related services overseas, even if funding for those activities comes from non-government sources. It essentially bars recipients of U.S. foreign aid from promoting abortion as a method of family planning.If organizations received government funding, they would "agree as a condition of their receipt of federal funds that such organizations would neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.
I would ask a teenager who was pregnate what she tought about this policy and how people woould react. I would also interview president Barack Obama and ask him where the funds for this policy will be coming from?
Sergio N.
I am really surprised by reading that a six year old boy was driving his moms car. I think that his parents should have been more careful where they left their car keys, or they should of taken him to school. The kid was very lucky he did not kill anyone and also his parents.
Addie Molgado
my current event is about president Obamas inauguration. The classical music played for millions of people watching President Barack Obama's inauguration was not the live performance it appeared to be.
Unless you were one of the fortunate few sitting within earshot of the celebrated performers, what you heard was a recording made two days earlier.
Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Itzhak Perlman, pianist Gabriela Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill made the decision a day before Tuesday's inauguration to use a previously recorded audio tape for the broadcast of the ceremonies.
Carole Florman, a spokeswoman for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, said the weather was too cold for the instruments to stay in tune.
"They were very insistent on playing live until it became clear that it would be too cold," said Florman in a telephone interview Thursday night.
as a reporter i would interview people from the crowd that were supporting president Barack Obama, and i would ask them if they think its fair that the government try to take them as fools in a presidential inauguration
Sergio N.
I think it is very sad how many gangs in LA do not think about other people. I feel really bad for the family of the kid who got shot. I do not think that LA wold ever be a calm city due to gangs,police brutality and racism as well for Santa Ana.
comment:I think it is funny how Obama wants to keep his blackberry. But i am sure that everyone with a close family would want to keep in touch with them. Specially his daughters.
Addie Molgado
comment: I think it is weird about that Turkish family in orange county. I think this is a sad story because they all commited suicide. If they did not have a motive, I think that maybe someone killed them and made it seem like if they commited suicide.
Addie Molgado
A congresswoman with no renown named Kirsten Gillibrand takes clinton's seat as senator of New York. The NY governor announced her victory a day after the runner up for the seat mysteriously dropped from the race. I would interview Kirsten Gillibrand about her victory and ask about all of her goals and experiences.
Jake H. per.2
Two missle strikes kill 15 people in some al-Queda strongholds placed in tribal regions of Pakistan. Eight people died from an A.I. surveillance plane shooting missiles at a military compound. Then a few hours later another A.I. plane shot two rockets at a house in South Wariristan killing seven more people. I would interview the people who created the planes to know all of the A.I.s' functions and capabilities.
Jake H Per.2
Apparently the Pope now has his own Youtube channel. His goal is to gather a new audience to watch him give his wisdom about how communication through the internet is a great thing but to be addicted to it can isolate you from the real world. Other people like Barack Obama started their own Youtube channel. In 2007 Queen Elizabeth created her royal Youtube channel. I would interview the Pope to ask why he would waste peoples' time posting clips of you on a Youtube channel and the dangers of putting yourself in risk of having other people use your clips for a spoof.
Jake H Per.2
washington- president barack obama on friday struck down the bush administrations ban on giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information. the over turn on bushes policies was warmly welcomed by liberal groups and denounced by abortion rights foe democratic bill clinton ended the an in 1993 but republican george w. bush re-instituted it in 2001as one of his first acts in office but obama did not agree and her struck it down
ivon garcia
DENDERMONDE,belgium – A young man with a painted black-and-white face went on a rampage at a Belgian day care center Friday, stabbing two babies and a female worker to death and seriously wounding 12 others.crying parents hurried to the scene and to nearby hospitals. Shocked rescue workers spoke of finding crying, bleeding toddlers scattered inside the center. Medical workers at six hospitals sprang into action, performing emergency operations to save the 10 children and two adults badly wounded in the attack.
ivon garcia
Two days before he was sentenced to four life terms for killing his parents and younger brothers, an honor student from an upscale Baltimore suburb joked about escaping from prison in a jailhouse phone call to a friend.
Nicholas W. Browning took a different tone at his sentencing hearing Friday, sobbing and telling relatives, "I'm so sorry." Baltimore County Circuit Judge Thomas J. Bollinger sentenced 16-year-old Browning to serve two of the life terms consecutively, meaning he could be eligible for parole in 23 years with good behavior.
ivon garcia
One of Nigeria's biggest daily newspapers reported that police implicated a goat in an attempted automobile theft. In a front-page article on Friday, the Vanguard newspaper said that two men tried to steal a Mazda car two days earlier in Kwara State, with one suspect transforming himself into a goat as vigilantes cornered him.
The paper quoted police spokesman Tunde Mohammed as saying that while one suspect escaped, the other transformed into a goat as he was about to be apprehended.
The newspaper reported that police paraded the goat before journalists, and published a picture of the animal.
Police in the state couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
Belief in black magic is widespread in Nigeria, particularly in far-flung rural areas.
ivon garcia
Launching an all-out media blitz as his impeachment trial draws near, Gov. Rod Blagojevich compared himself Friday to an honest, hardworking cowboy and said he was about to be attacked by a band of black-hatted political insiders eager to raise taxes. After keeping mostly out of the public eye since his arrest on federal corruption charges, Blagojevich reversed course with a series of interviews and public statements portraying himself as the victim of vengeful lawmakers eager to toss him out of office. he says that he did not do it
ivon garcia
Instantly opening a rift among New York Democrats, Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand — a little-known, pro-gun Democrat from a rural Republican district — won appointment Friday to the Senate seat left vacant by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Gov. David Paterson announced his choice a day after presumed front-runner Caroline Kennedy — a woman with considerably more star power but less experience — mysteriously dropped out of contention in an embarrassing turn of events that touched off sniping between the governor and the Kennedy camp.
Gillibrand, at 42, will be the youngest member of the Senate and one of 17 women in the chamber. The second-term congresswoman will assume the seat once held by Kennedy's uncle Robert F. Kennedy as well as by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
ivon garcia
Senior citizens receiving Social Security would get a bonus payment of $300 under the Senate version of President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan.The $820 billion Senate measure includes tax cuts and spending proposals totaling $455 billion under the plan released Friday by Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., in anticipation of a panel vote on Tuesday. That $455 billion measure will be paired on the Senate floor with about $365 billion in further spending proposed by the Appropriations Committee.A House companion measure slated for a vote on Wednesday carries an $825 billion price tag, with one-third reserved for tax cuts.The bonus for seniors is but one chapter in the Senate proposal. There's also a temporary two-year $500 tax cut for most workers and $1,000 for couples, a $2,500 tax credit to help pay for college, tax cuts for businesses and to promote renewable energy, and $87 billion worth of help to states struggling with their 2009-2010 budgets for the Medicaid health care program for the poor and disabled.
ivon garcia
A Canadian company will pay the United States just over $1 million to resolve allegations it violated federal law by selling a defective material used in bulletproof vests worn by law enforcement officers, the Justice Department announced Friday.Barrday Inc. of Cambridge, Ontario, was aware of the problems with its woven Zylon fabric by at least 2001, investigators said, but continued to sell the protective material until 2003 when two police officers were shot through their vests. One of the officers was killed and the other seriously injured.According to the settlement agreement, Barrday executives denied any wrongdoing.
Barrday's Zylon was used in vests sold by Second Chance Body Armor Inc., Point Blank Body Armor Inc. and Gator Hawk Armor Inc.
The government alleged Barrday's Zylon lost its ballistic capability too quickly, especially when exposed to heat and humidity. The vests were bought and used by state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies in a program partly financed by the Justice Department. The Barrday settlement is part of a larger, ongoing federal investigation of the use of Zylon in body armor. As part of the agreement, Barrday will cooperate with investigators.
ivon garcia
Regulators on Friday shut down 1st Centennial Bank in California, the third U.S. bank to fail this year.
California regulators closed the Redlands-based bank and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receiver. 1st Centennial had assets of $803.3 million and deposits of $676.9 million as of Jan. 9.
The FDIC said 1st Centennial's insured deposits will be assumed by First California Bank, based in Westlake Village, Calif. Its six branches will reopen Monday as offices of First California.
The agency said patrons of 1st Centennial will continue to have full access to their deposits.
Regular deposit accounts are insured up to $250,000.
First California also will buy about $293 million of the failed bank's assets; the FDIC will retain the rest for eventual sale.
The FDIC estimated that the resolution of 1st Centennial will cost the federal deposit insurance fund $227 million. 1st Centennial was the third federally insured bank to fail and be shuttered by regulators this year amid the pressures of tumbling home prices, rising mortgage foreclosures and tighter credit. It's expected that many more banks won't survive this year's continued economic tumult, and some may have to merge with other institutions.
ivon garcia
Joseph Bruno, the former majority leader of the New York Senate and for a time the most powerful Republican in state politics, was indicted Friday on federal corruption charges.
Bruno, who retired from the Legislature in July after more than a dozen years leading the Senate, is accused of using his position to steer contracts and grants to businesses that paid him a total of $3.2 million in consulting fees or other compensation from 1993 through 2006, and then covering his tracks.
Prosecutors said in one instance, Bruno solicited officials from several labor unions with interests before state government to hire an investment firm that paid him $1.3 million over a 12-year period.Wright Investors' Service released a statement Friday that Bruno and his attorney had said his actions were cleared by the proper ethics groups.
ivon garcia
The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday approved $20 billion in tax credits and related financial incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency — elements that are part of the Obama administration's plan to revive the economy. The legislation's energy tax breaks would benefit the wind and solar energy industries, encourage energy-efficiency improvements to existing homes and help service stations recoup their costs for installing alternative energy pumps. The economic stimulus package would extend by three years, to the end of 2012, the date that wind facilities would have to be in place to be eligible for the federal renewable energy production tax credit.
ivon garcia
President Barack Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress next month to deliver a State of the Union-style speech.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that Obama plans a speech at the Capitol in February. Gibbs said no date has been set but joked that they are trying to schedule it around "Dancing with the Stars."
Such a speech is typical for a new president. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton delivered similar addresses shortly after taking office, focusing on the goals of their administrations, according to the Government Printing Office's Public Papers of the President.
President Ronald Reagan also gave an inaugural year speech to Congress in 1981, outlining his economic recovery plan. Obama is working with congressional leaders to push through an economic stimulus plan that could cost $825 billion. He met with legislative leaders Friday morning at the White House.
ivon garcia
Barrack Obama moves quickly for a economy recovery plan. He gathers both party leaders for a meeting to talk about how they can start fixing the economy. Obviously both parties started arguing on what plan is the best for instant relief for the country. I would interview Obama to give him props for having the guts to have both parties who hate each other to work together for their common goal: save the economy.
Jake H Per.2
President Obama yesterday eliminated the most controversial tools employed by his predecessor against terrorism suspects. With the stroke of his pen, he effectively declared an end to the "war on terror," as President George W. Bush had defined it, signaling to the world that the reach of the U.S. government in battling its enemies will not be limitless. While Obama says he has no plans to diminish counterterrorism operations abroad, the notion that a president can circumvent long-standing U.S. laws simply by declaring war was halted by executive order in the Oval Office. Key components of the secret structure developed under Bush are being swept away: The military's Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, facility, where the rights of habeas corpus and due process had been denied detainees, will close, and the CIA is now prohibited from maintaining its own overseas prisons. And in a broad swipe at the Bush administration's lawyers, Obama nullified every legal order and opinion on interrogations issued by any lawyer in the executive branch after Sept. 11, 2001.
ivon garcia
Hundreds of relatives and friends packed into the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Friday for the funeral of a 4-year-old boy who was killed by a stray bulled fired during an apparent gang confrontation south of Angelino Heights.Roberto Lopez Jr. was fatally shot about 4:25 p.m. Jan. 13 in the 1200 block of West Court Street. Howard Astorga, 25, of Los Angeles, a gang member paroled last year, was arrested two days after the killing and charged with murder. If convicted as charged, he could face 53 years to life in prison, prosecutors said. The boy, who was walking with his sister to a community center two doors down from their home, died at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Police said Astorga's rap sheet includes grand theft auto, parole violations and drugs and weapons violations
ivon garcia
Hundreds of relatives and friends packed into the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Friday for the funeral of a 4-year-old boy who was killed by a stray bulled fired during an apparent gang confrontation south of Angelino Heights.Roberto Lopez Jr. was fatally shot about 4:25 p.m. Jan. 13 in the 1200 block of West Court Street. Howard Astorga, 25, of Los Angeles, a gang member paroled last year, was arrested two days after the killing and charged with murder. If convicted as charged, he could face 53 years to life in prison, prosecutors said. The boy, who was walking with his sister to a community center two doors down from their home, died at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Police said Astorga's rap sheet includes grand theft auto, parole violations and drugs and weapons violations
ivon garcia
Obama rushes as he starts his term as president. Before Obama was president before 48 hours he orders to close Guantanamo Bay within a year and halting interrogations for 120 days. Obama's administration plans to work at a fast pace that nobody has ever seen before in office. I would interview Obama to ask him why his administration move so fast. Obama: you are just showing America you are arrogant and impatient.
Jake H Per.2
diane segura
per 5
i really liked your article about obama taking the soldiers out of guatanamo bay. after they have been there for so long it was time for the soldiers to go back to their families and loved ones Obama started changing how the United States prosecutes and questions al-Qaida, Taliban or other foreign fighters who pose a threat to Americans. i think ever since obama became president everything is going good
ivon garcia
Darin D.
Period 2
i cant believe that the guy that swore in obama as president messed up in the inaugartion. and it is going to be told to our children and our children children and they are going to say what a way to begin the presidence of the first black president when i saw it on tv i was like wow that is so wrong
ivon garcia
Obama secretly abolishes the ban on abortion funding. Obama is tired of debates and this issue that hurts the economy that also sets to divide our people. Senator John F. Kerry thinks this is a great move, a big step for America's redemption. I would interview Obama to ask why lie to your country when you said you would reduce abortion when are now making sure the population is under control. LIAR!!!
Jake H. Per.2
Timothy Geithner believes by rushing out plans that are not ready to put into motion would place America in a deeper hole. Obama is indeed rushing his recovery plans and new policies. Geithner wants all what the Obama administration to take a chill pill and make sure the plans will become a success. I would interview Geithner to talk about this administration on an adrenalin rush.
Jake H Per.2
The people of Nashville declined when they voted no for making English the only language. If the proposal was accepted then everybody would have to speak english for business, politics, etc. This saves money and time for those learning foreigners and businesses who need other languages to communicate. I would interview Mr. Crafton who fought for this proposal for over two years. After the rejection no one can get a response from Mr. Crafton.
Jake H Per.2
Former senator Joseph L. Bruno is being accused as currupted. Bruno is said to have taken 3 million dollars starting in 1993 for 13 years. Bruno has been charged for his currupted deeds and if he is guilty he would spend 20 years in prison. I would interview Bruno so i can tell him he is dumb for stealing money for himself.
Jake H Per.2
Funny current event: Chris Matthews wants to know if Sarah Palin can read? Palin might get a book deal and Matthews would not be surprised if somebody else would write the book for her. Palin is hated by many liberals and the middle crowd as well. I would interview Palin just to tell her if people read her book then everybody would think she is the next Bush.
Jake H Per.2
The school board of the Spencer community talked about all of the student expulsions. Two students who were expelled for possession of maryjane. They might be expelled until the first month of 2010. The members of the school board want to reinforce attendance and disclipline. I would interview the kid who had the maryjane to tell him he is dumb for even bringing the stuff to school.
Jake H Per.2
Three people died at a day care center in Belgian. A wierdo with black and white paint on his face assaulted the day care center killing two infants and a girl who worked there plus injured two adults and ten children. All of the injured were separated to six different hospitals for immediate operations. I would interview the injured to talk about everything that happened from their point of views.
Jake H Per.2
Google through all of this economy crisis is still standing strong as the shares got a 6% percent boost. Even though google's stock fell 60 percent in November 2007. The article insists that you buy some shares now before its rises up to the roof. Iwould interview Andy Miedler, atech analyst at Edward Jones to ask about the web search advertising.
Jake H Per.2
I messed up on this article i misread it he did not lie. He did not ban it, he reversed it which i found confusing because I did 14 current events for week 16!!!
JH Per.2
The article I did was about a hurricane hitting southwest France and Spain. The winds caused the closing of airports and power loss of 1.9 million housholds. It was reported that 11 people were found dead and 9 children were injured.
I would interview someone that owns a house in where the hurricane hit, and ask them what thier experience was and how it affected them.
This hurricane has caused a lot of damage, such as 6 billion dollars being spent to have repairs in France. It is unfortunate to what has happened to the people that have been hit by this hurricane.
Alexandra C.
Jake H.- I think that the guy is dumb for having assaulted childeren and others at the day care center. He killed two infants and and a girl that worked there, I think that is harsh because the kids at the day care are innocent. He better be put in jail.
Alexandr C.
Juan E. I really liked ur article and I agree with u that the death penalty is sometimes a good thing and bad at the same time. But if having the death penalty can help stop crime than i think they should have it for a last resort.
Luis R.
diane segura: I really liked ur article and i also wonder what are they going to do to all the prisoners. It is going to be very interesting when they do decide what they are going to do.
Luis R.
Who-Police officer (cop)
What-Cop Injured after House Explodes
When-January 25 in the morning at about 8 a.m
Why-gas leak
Where-76 Eastern Ave, in the area where Route 128 ends
relevance-there is Sergent, who just returned from work, said he smelled smoke coming from the furnace downstairs.the police officer was flown by medical Helicopter to Boston Sunday morning.He was pulled from the rubble of the house by neighbor.who ran into the smoldering remains of the structure to rescue him.
It's scary, but, It might be a slovenliness of the police officer.
I would like to ask the police officer,who injured by the explosion of his house-why was it happen exactly.
Firman P.
This article is talking about "The power of Berries".
Several studies show that people who eat diets high in fruits and vegetables have lower cancer rates. Now a large body of research suggests that berries may be among the most potent cancer-fighting fruits.
In numerous laboratory studies, researchers at Ohio State University have found that black raspberries inhibit the development of oral, esophageal and colon cancers in rats.
I think berries have a good vitamins in it.it's including vitamin A,C, E and another vitamins.
I would to ask the scientist about it more.
Firman P.
Period 5
Zachary- I agree with you, because poor kid all he wanted was getting to school early. I don’t like the fact that the kids had to be taken to custody. I’m still shocked at the fact that the kid is six years old and learned how to drive by playing video games. All I can say is someone is going to be grounded for what seems to be the rest of their life.
Veronica- I agree with you, mothers are supposed to be protective. Not murders, both my mother and I read your article and we’re still in shocked for the fact that she didn’t call the police until a month later. I guess some mothers’ have sick minds and I feel bad because I just wish Caylees’ mother was somebody else; and not Casey.
Stephanie- I agree, every girl is beginning to admire President Obama’s daughters. I can relate with that article, because my mom’s best friend just had her baby and named her after President Obama’s daughter Malia. I guess it’s not just girls it’s also mothers.
Panda – I think your article is funny, especially for the fact that it was New Years Eve. What a nice way to welcome the year with a funny story like this. I think, that if you get popped on by a bird its good luck, I guess he will be getting good luck. I guess shouldn’t buy ice cream whenever I go to the beach because I don’t want to get pooped.
Leslie- I remember watching the news about the fact that in Indonesia there’s a look-a-like of our president. It’s been said that there are seven faces that look like us. Talk about evil twins’, imagine going somewhere far away and realizing there’s someone has the same features like you. A little weird, I guess that’s how life is and weird things happen all the time.
Luis - Your article is very interesting, the fact that scientist are trying to figure out a way to water plants by using salt water. Which is cool because that means we won’t have to limit the water that we drink today; and use the salt water for watering plants.
Joshua – Funny article because he wanted to keep his blackberry to keep in touch with his friends. A president keeping it cool and stay true to himself and his friends. Not only points out that we have a true president who happened to bring change to the world and to the presidency.
Yolanda – Global warming is affecting everyone especially the polar bears, seals and penguins. Global warming is moving slowly to the point where what happens next and that will be the point where everyone will start thinking what went wrong. Hopefully, in the future scientist figured out a way to solve this problem.
Yolanda – I’m glad, for the fact that the police finally found out who really was in charge for mixing mixtures into baby formula. Which sicken many babies just for the fact that they wanted to blind the food inspectors so the selling for this formula would increased. Hope they find a solution and clean every baby’s stomach, poor babies, healthy and innocent. All of a sudden they are born into this world filled with pollution.
Veronica- Your article is very interesting, especially for the fact that a women died at the scene. Driving in freeways can be scary especially if you’re trying to make your way on to a freeway. I’m still shocked because she got out of her car to make sure she was okay and suddenly she wasn’t. I hope her family is okay and hopefully the person who hit her will be somewhat okay since he or she hit her.
Veronica – Another murder, luckily they took him in before things got worst. I wonder how incoming freshman feel about attending the school. Due to the fact that a year ago, the same thing happened to the school; a massive murdered that killed a majority of students. Not a good way to start a year off, at Virginia Tech.
Alexandra - Your right this is a very interesting article, just because it will probably let others know how much their colleagues are get paid. Definitely, I would like to know how this happen did it just occurred out of the ordinary or was it something that was already planned.
Mayra S.
Period 2
Zachary- I agree with you, because poor kid all he wanted was getting to school early. I don’t like the fact that the kids had to be taken to custody. I’m still shocked at the fact that the kid is six years old and learned how to drive by playing video games. All I can say is someone is going to be grounded for what seems to be the rest of their life.
Veronica- I agree with you, mothers are supposed to be protective. Not murders, both my mother and I read your article and we’re still in shocked for the fact that she didn’t call the police until a month later. I guess some mothers’ have sick minds and I feel bad because I just wish Caylees’ mother was somebody else; and not Casey.
Stephanie- I agree, every girl is beginning to admire President Obama’s daughters. I can relate with that article, because my mom’s best friend just had her baby and named her after President Obama’s daughter Malia. I guess it’s not just girls it’s also mothers.
Panda – I think your article is funny, especially for the fact that it was New Years Eve. What a nice way to welcome the year with a funny story like this. I think, that if you get popped on by a bird its good luck, I guess he will be getting good luck. I guess shouldn’t buy ice cream whenever I go to the beach because I don’t want to get pooped.
Leslie- I remember watching the news about the fact that in Indonesia there’s a look-a-like of our president. It’s been said that there are seven faces that look like us. Talk about evil twins’, imagine going somewhere far away and realizing there’s someone has the same features like you. A little weird, I guess that’s how life is and weird things happen all the time.
Luis - Your article is very interesting, the fact that scientist are trying to figure out a way to water plants by using salt water. Which is cool because that means we won’t have to limit the water that we drink today; and use the salt water for watering plants.
Joshua – Funny article because he wanted to keep his blackberry to keep in touch with his friends. A president keeping it cool and stay true to himself and his friends. Not only points out that we have a true president who happened to bring change to the world and to the presidency.
Yolanda – Global warming is affecting everyone especially the polar bears, seals and penguins. Global warming is moving slowly to the point where what happens next and that will be the point where everyone will start thinking what went wrong. Hopefully, in the future scientist figured out a way to solve this problem.
Yolanda – I’m glad, for the fact that the police finally found out who really was in charge for mixing mixtures into baby formula. Which sicken many babies just for the fact that they wanted to blind the food inspectors so the selling for this formula would increased. Hope they find a solution and clean every baby’s stomach, poor babies, healthy and innocent. All of a sudden they are born into this world filled with pollution.
Veronica- Your article is very interesting, especially for the fact that a women died at the scene. Driving in freeways can be scary especially if you’re trying to make your way on to a freeway. I’m still shocked because she got out of her car to make sure she was okay and suddenly she wasn’t. I hope her family is okay and hopefully the person who hit her will be somewhat okay since he or she hit her.
Veronica – Another murder, luckily they took him in before things got worst. I wonder how incoming freshman feel about attending the school. Due to the fact that a year ago, the same thing happened to the school; a massive murdered that killed a majority of students. Not a good way to start a year off, at Virginia Tech.
Alexandra - Your right this is a very interesting article, just because it will probably let others know how much their colleagues are get paid. Definitely, I would like to know how this happen did it just occurred out of the ordinary or was it something that was already planned.
Mayra S.
Period 2
video about this article:
this article is talking about "Growing Food on the White House Lawn"
The nonprofit group Kitchen Gardeners International wants to inspire people to grow their own food in home gardens. More recently, its “Eat the View!” campaign has targeted the ultimate home garden — the White House lawn.
To boost its efforts, the group has launched a new video: “The Garden of Eatin’: A Short History of America’s Garden.” The video details the fascinating and sometimes tumultuous history of White House food gardening. (A previous video by founder Roger Doiron of Scarborough, Me., called “This Lawn Is Your Lawn,” was the subject of a blog post by my colleague Andrew Revkin last year over at DotEarth.)
The latest video shows that the concept of a White House garden is hardly a new idea. Presidents throughout history have tried to grow their own food, and there was even a White House greenhouse that was torn down to make room for the West Wing.
Firman P.
period 5
The European Commission was preparing an appeal on Friday to wealthy countries – and to the United States in particular – to adopt carbon trading as the main system for curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Europeans are drafting their proposal (we’ve posted a PDF of the European climate document here) as the United States enters into a period of intense debate over the wisdom of adopting such market-based systems following the inauguration of Barack Obama as president.
Mr. Obama endorsed a system to cap and trade carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, during his election campaign. The main alternative to a cap-and-trade system is a tax on emissions. Many analysts say such a tax would be a more straightforward way of limiting planet-warming gases from industry.
Firman P.
period 5
Panda H.
I feel bad for the old people who were attacked by sea gulls. I feel worse the old man who got pooped on. I doubt they'll be coming back to the beach any time soon. It kind of makes me think twice before buying ice cream at the beach.
Leslie M.
Write-up for School Board Meeting
on January 12.
At the meeting, school board members gave out awards. The first to be congratualted were middle school students in band, mostly from Pioneer Middle School. They congratulated Foothill High School's water polo team for their win. The people who volunteered in the Dino Dash event were all awarded and took a picture with their awards and board members. The meeting also brought up that the school district received a generous donation for our schools. The Founder's Circle were also awarded for their support. Hillview, Foothill, Tustin, and Beckman informed the Board Members of past and current events at their schools.
Leslie M.
A man in the southwestern Chinese province of Guizhou has been infected with bird flu and is in a critical condition in hospital, the Health Ministry said on Sunday.
"Epidemiological tests show that the patient previously had exposure to live poultry markets," the Chinese health ministry said in a brief statement.
But nobody with whom he had been in close contact had shown signs of illness, it added.
I think bird flu is the deadly disease.It's caused by viruses.
I would like3 to ask scientist to know how do u prevent it.
Firman P.
Period 5
"Will.i.am's hopes for the future with Obama"
He said that He and other people were in the Washington D.C to se Barack Obama become the 40th President in The United State of America.They came from the far place to witness history. Poor people, rich people and another famous people.
They Celebrate it because they think they awoke up and they believe that Obama could change to be a better day and life.
he thinks that his dream was reality. he hopes The U.S would be getting better by the new President, Brrack Obama.
Firman P.
Period 5
President Barack Obama, who arguably won a large chunk of political capital in the 2008 election, is now looking to cash in as he urges Congress to pass a massive economic stimulus package.
"We begin this year and this administration in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that calls for unprecedented action," he said in his weekly radio and Internet address. "Just this week, we saw more people file for unemployment than at any time in the last 26 years, and experts agree that if nothing is done, the unemployment rate could reach double digits."
and also he said that he plans to take a three-pronged approach to recovery: Stabilize the financial system, fix market regulation and pass the stimulus plan.
I just hope the economic crisis would be solved and gets better.
I would like to ask Barrack Obama about it.
Firman P
My current event was about a man that resembled the Joker from the movie “The Dark Knight” killed two children and a child care worker in Dendermonde with a knife. The assailant was 20 years of age; he had a white painted face, eye shadow and ginger hair. According to witnesses the man was wearing a bullet proof vest. He tricked his way into the Fabeltjesland day care center at 10:00 am. He claimed he had a meeting with one of the staff members. He then drew a 12 inch knife and started slashing at children which were between a few months old to two years old. There were 21 infants and six supervisors and all the victims were stabbed in the throat or head. Nine of the children escaped unharmed and three of the workers were injured as they tried to fend off the joker imitator. "There was blood everywhere, it was unbelievable, real carnage. He went straight for the babies and attacked them. The smallest ones were in their beds, they were probably asleep." Marita Blinderman was set the alarm for the police and then was then died. "She was falling down as she was on the telephone. When we got there the phone was covered with blood, it was hanging in the little kitchen." After the attack the knifeman calmly left on his bicycle. He was pursued by helicopter and then arrested. "When we arrived, the attack was over and the building evacuated but none of us was sure if he had left. The injuries were bad, the worst I'd ever seen, especially because it involved very young babies," said Carl Haentjens, an ambulance coordinator.
When I was reading this I couldn’t believe that someone would do such a thing. Now every time I watch the movie The Dark Knight and see Heath Ledger I will think of the crazy man. I feel so bad for the children and their parents and the workers. I am glad the man was caught and I hope he gets what he deserves. If I could interview someone it would be the man that dressed up as the joker and ask him why he would do such a thing to children. I probably wouldn’t even be able to interview him because I would want to beat him up so bad.
-Zachary P.
Abortion foes march in
In this article thousands of people that are anti abortion marched on city's waterfront who fought for their beliefs.Even though there new president was supporting abortion rights.The protester's got to speak outrtion to the supreme court.Obama banned all funds to abortions.There was no violence and no arrest.
In my opinion,i am against abortion.I would interview a aborter
students hit in Oregon Club shooting
In this article it talked about a criminal activity that took place in Portland Oregon. where a gunman opened fire at a nightclub and killing two very sexy girls.He did notknow any of his suspects.Cheif Rosie said it apear to be a random fight.Most of the shots were on the sidewalk.Ashely Wilks a 16 year old from prtland was killed.
A peruvian exchange 17 year old girl she was just in shocked.
In my opinion it was very sad wat happened to the girl.also that her friend had to witness that. I would interview the exchange student.
I think this class is dumb!! byron is my bestfriend!!!
This article talks about how a California biotech company wants to do the very first human clinical trial using embryonic stem cells. Geron is located in Menlo Park California. Researchers plan to inject the stem cells into the spines of patients who had recently suffered from a spinal cord injury. There have been seven medical centers hat have been selected to participate in the trial.
I think that they should start doing these stem cell researches because it can help many people who are handicapped or who are paralyzed.
If I were to interview somebody it would be one of the doctors who are going to participate in this surgery. I would ask them if they think its going to be a success and ask if they are nervous or not.
Jose C
Per 5
Fire Thought to Be Arson Damages 15 Homes in Philadelphia Suburb
in this article 15 homes were damaged in a fire that broke out. it was reported on latee satureday and with estimates at 1.2 million dollars in damage said by Mr. Walker the city managerof coatesville. a total of 50 people were left with out homes. police chief william matthews said that this fire was set by more than one person due to the quick spread of the flames.
mY opinion was i feel bad for the people who dont have any homes or there stuff. I would interview one of the teens that had to go through that.!!!!!
Staffers fired shots to break up Florida prison brawl
in this article a prsoner was sent to the hospitle after suffering a gun wound. the shot was not told from who it came from. the other inmates were stabbed and rushed to Orlando Regional Medical Center. five medical evacuation helicopter landed at the prison in less than 15 to 20 minutes said spokeswomen Traci Billingsley. the inmates ignored the orders to stop their reckless behavior and led to several gunshots.
in my opinion even tho the inmates did not obey it was not right for the gaurds to lead gunshots.i would interview the gaurd who decides to release his firearm.
President Barack Obama plans to call on the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to consider allowing states including California to regulate automobile greenhouse-gas emissions, said people familiar with the administration's thinking. Obama also plans to direct the Department of Transportation to complete automobile fuel-economy standards by March. Obama’s administration must determine whether the greenhouse-gas emissions endanger public health or welfare.
I think this is a bad idea on what Obama is doing. This can hurt many peoples health.
If I were to interview anybody it would be anybody who is against what President Obama wants to do. I would ask if they think that the president is doing a good job so far and ir they agree on what he is doing.
Jose C
Per 5
President Barack Obama plans to call on the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to consider allowing states including California to regulate automobile greenhouse-gas emissions, said people familiar with the administration's thinking. Obama also plans to direct the Department of Transportation to complete automobile fuel-economy standards by March. Obama’s administration must determine whether the greenhouse-gas emissions endanger public health or welfare.
I think this is a bad idea on what Obama is doing. This can hurt many peoples health.
If I were to interview anybody it would be anybody who is against what President Obama wants to do. I would ask if they think that the president is doing a good job so far and ir they agree on what he is doing.
Jose C
Per 5
Biden, Summers Sound Warnings on Economy, Push Stimulus Plan
Warning on the U.s on economic outlooks they have a rapidly congressional approved with president Obama with $825 billion.They want to support programs.I t approved by the mid February.Larry Summer's is Obama's top adviser.This week the gov't will announce the progress we have been doing.
My opinion is that hopefully there will be change and there has been improvment. I would like to interview someone from the gov't and ask how does this affect them.
luigi ur gay but i love you haha lol el chompers!!!!......(FBK)
Alexandra C.
i cant believe that a hurricane killed 11 people and injurded 9 in france and spain. that is so crazy and they had top close down the airport too dang... that must have been some hurricane
ivon garcia
Joshua Carranza
per. 5
i really liked your article. obama wanted to keep his blackberry in the white house. i guess after that they are going to let future president keep their own phone no matter what. he said that he woulde feel like a bubble with out his phone if i didnt have my phone i would die
ivon garcia
Arguments in place as Prop. 8 hearing nears
This article it talks about how in the constitution how it defends marrige, also protect minorities such as gays and lesbians.They want to have a ballot on baned same sex.In San Fransisco 18,000 same sex wedding took place.This was just a case on Prop.8.in my opinion i think they shouldn't have pass prop.8 but also beacuse of my reigion and states it in the const.dclaring only marriage betwween a man and a women.
I think I would want to interview a family member from one of the same sex wedding.
Jake H Per.2
i cant believe that google is still going stronge because of the bad economic problems it got a 6% percent boost. Even though google's stock fell 60 percent in November 2007. that is crazy
ivon garcia
jose c
pbama wants to let California to regulate automobile greenhouse-gas emissions Obama also plans to direct the Department of Transportation to complete automobile fuel-economy standards by March. this is really good that obama is trying hard to make economy
ivon garcia
talking about same sex marriage. everyone has their own opinion about this. i think that it is good that people that are same sex got married because they love each other but like i said everyone has their own opinion
ivon garcia
Special legal teams will defend Israeli soldiers against potential war crimes charges stemming from civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip, the prime minister said Sunday, promising the country would fully back those who fought in the three-week offensive.
The move reflected growing concerns by Israel that officers could be subject to international prosecution, despite the army's claims that Hamas militants caused the civilian casualties by staging attacks from residential areas.
ivon garcia
per 2
A First Dog From Down South
in this article president obama turened to the west for the first dog. the obamas want there first pet to be from a shelter. in1970 about 24 million pets were put to death from animal shelters but in 2007 the amout decreased to about 4 million Jennifer Brehler of asheville humane society said of how she is amazed at sweet her doges are compared to the ones in shelters in northern states
in my opinion i think that its great that the obamas choose to pick a dog from a shelter. i would like to interview the youngest daughter to see how this makes her feel.
The White House warned Sunday that the country could face a long and painful financial recovery, even with major government intervention to stimulate the economy and save financial institutions.
"We're off and running, but it's going to get worse before it gets better," said Vice President Joe Biden, taking the lead on a theme echoed by other Democratic officials on the Sunday talk shows.
At the end of the Obama administration's first week, the party in power at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue sought to lower expectations for a quick fix despite legislation expected to pass by next month that would pump billions of dollars into the economy. Democrats also opened the door for even more government aid to struggling banks beyond the $700 billion bailout already in the pipeline.
Congress has given President Barack Obama permission to spend the second $350 billion of a Wall Street bailout package even though lawmakers have criticized the Bush administration for the way it spent the first half. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she is open to additional government rescue money for banks and financial
ivon garcia
The latest in a string of suspicious fires in this Philadelphia suburb tore through a block of row houses, damaging 15 homes, leaving several dozen people homeless and prompting city officials to declare a state of emergency.
At least 30 arsons have been reported since the beginning of 2008, about half of them in the last three weeks. Police said the blazes may be part of a gang initiation, but there was no clear information who was committing the crimes or why.
The latest fire was reported late Saturday at the rear of one house and quickly spread to adjacent homes in the Chester County community.
"This is an arson, no question about it," City Manager Harry Walker said Sunday.
The emergency declaration gives the city powers to deal with the situation without worrying about the budget, such as boarding up the buildings, assigning police to protect them and helping the families involved, Walker said.
The fire came despite stepped-up police patrols and investigative help from county, state and federal agencies. Three people were arrested in December.
ivon garcia
Oil prices fell to below $46 a barrel Monday in Asia after White House officials warned Sunday the U.S. recession will likely worsen in coming months, undermining demand for crude.Light, sweet crude for March delivery fell 70 cents to $45.77 a barrel by midday in Singapore in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose Friday $2.80 to settle at $46.47.
The U.S. economy, the world's largest consumer of crude, will "get worse before it gets better," Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday, dampening expectations that a massive government stimulus package will quickly spur growth.
Congress is working on an $825 billion plan -- about two-thirds new government spending and the rest tax cuts -- that proponents expect will create as many as 4 million jobs.
Weak global demand for crude will likely continue to weigh on prices, said Clarence Chu, a trader at market maker Hudson Capital Energy in Singapore. U.S. crude inventories have soared in the last three weeks, a sign that drivers are cutting consumer spending amid the worst recession in decades.
ivon garcia
Tens of millions of people across China were set to usher in the Lunar New Year Sunday with fireworks and big family reunions, but the global economic crisis put a dampener on celebrations.
Railways and planes worked full tilt over the weekend as people made last-minute dashes home to welcome the Year of the Ox, which begins on Monday.
A record 188 million people were expected to travel by train and another 24 million to fly over the 40 days before and after the New Year, in what is regarded as the biggest annual movement of people in the world.
And while bad weather failed to disrupt the transport network like it did last year in China, the economic crisis loomed large.
In a New Year speech, China's Premier Wen Jiabao warned of challenges in the year ahead, the official People's Daily newspaper reported Sunday, as financial woes continued to impact the country.
ivon garcia
comment #1
luis r:
i really do like your article it would be cool if scientist can grow wdible plants in salt water, we could be able to safe water for ourselfs.
comment #2
jessica amaya:
your article is interesting i really do hope that he gets us out of this debt.
comment #3
Jose C:
barack obamas Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to consider allowing states including California to regulate automobile greenhouse-gas emissions i really do feel that this might be able to have peoples health at risk!
comment #4
im actually glad the people that are against abortion did that march because i am against it as well.
comment #5
ivon garcia:
i really dont think that the 16 year old boy should have joked around about all those things cause now he has to suffer for it.
comment #6
i really thought that your article on the lady with the cheese beauty products wwas funny you think people would actually think things through before spending almost $400 on cheese beaty product lol!
comment #8
i really do belive that its scary that the jobless rate has gone up, this may lead to worst things for family that are struggling to get thru even now imagine later.
comment #9
sergio n:
it hink that they should not include abortion as family planning.
comment #10
Zack P:
i think its funny that the lil boy stole the car, i dont think video games does all the teaching cause its diff then when your actually driving i dont know how he did it!
comment #11
its sad to hear about that orange county turkish family comitted suicide they must have had a legitamit reason.
comment #12
Veronica D: wow im shocked that thie 23 yr old lady got out of her car after it went out of contro. that one of the things they tell you when you learn how to drive which is odnt get out of your car your safer in there then outside with no prtoection what so ever, but yes this very sad!
Diane Segura
Per. 5
With whisky, haggis and poetry, Scots around the world celebrated the 250th anniversary Sunday of the birth of national bard Robert Burns, whose works include "Auld Lang Syne."
From Scotland to the United States, China and even Afghanistan, millions who claim Scots ancestry worldwide enjoyed a traditional Burns supper of haggis -- sheep's heart and lungs chopped up with spices and oatmeal and stuffed into a sheep's stomach -- plus "neeps" (turnips) and "tatties" (potatoes).
Devoted "Rabbie" fans traditionally recite his "Address To A Haggis," which hails the "great chieftain o' the puddin-race," before tucking into their meal.
Thousands of people joined celebrations across Scotland, including a church service at Glasgow cathedral in Scotland's biggest city, and a running 15-minute light and sound show of his life projected onto Glasgow City Hall.
Up to 10,000 people were expected Sunday at an evening lantern procession in Dumfries, the town where the poet died in 1796, for the burning of an effigy of Tam O'Shanter, arguably his most famous literary creation
ivon garcia
It's shaping up to be another lousy year for workers, with more companies expecting to cut payrolls in the months ahead.
That's part of the latest outlook from forecasters in a survey to be released Monday by the National Association for Business Economics that depicts the worst business conditions in the U.S. since the report's inception in 1982.
Thirty-nine percent predicted job reductions through attrition or "significant" layoffs over the next six months, up from 32 percent in the previous survey in October. Around 45 percent in the current survey anticipated no change in hiring plans, while roughly 17 percent thought hiring would increase.
The recession, which started in December 2007, and is expected to stretch into this year, has been a job killer. The economy lost 2.6 million jobs last year, the most since 1945. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 percent in December, the highest in 16 years, and is expected to keep climbing.
ivon garcia
Senator-designate Kirsten Gillibrand pledged Sunday to combat gun violence while protecting hunters' rights, saying "there's enormous space for common ground" on issues that she differs from fellow New York Democrats.Gillibrand met Sunday with Gov. David Paterson, senior Sen. Charles Schumer and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose vacant Senate seat Gillibrand was appointed to fill Friday.
Marissa Shorenstein, a spokeswoman for Paterson, said the governor's office delivered paperwork in Washington on Sunday formalizing Gillibrand's appointment to the Senate.Gillibrand, a second-term congresswoman who worked on the former first lady's 2000 Senate campaign, said Clinton "has always been a mentor of mine and someone I've always admired."
Paterson appointed Gillibrand after the presumed front-runner, Caroline Kennedy, withdrew from contention over personal reasons.
Paterson said at a news conference that, "Caroline Kennedy ... had gotten no indication that she wouldn't be selected."
ivon garcia
The latest in a string of suspicious fires in this Philadelphia suburb tore through a block of row houses, damaging 15 homes, leaving several dozen people homeless and prompting city officials to declare a state of emergency.
At least 30 arsons have been reported since the beginning of 2008, about half of them in the last three weeks. Police said the blazes may be part of a gang initiation, but there was no clear information who was committing the crimes or why.
The latest fire was reported late Saturday at the rear of one house and quickly spread to adjacent homes in the Chester County community.
ivon garcia
When researchers analyzed vials of treated wastewater taken from a plant where about 90 Indian drug factories dump their residues, they were shocked. Enough of a single, powerful antibiotic was being spewed into one stream each day to treat every person in a city of 90,000.
And it wasn't just ciprofloxacin being detected. The supposedly cleaned water was a floating medicine cabinet — a soup of 21 different active pharmaceutical ingredients, used in generics for treatment of hypertension, heart disease, chronic liver ailments, depression, gonorrhea, ulcers and other ailments. Half of the drugs measured at the highest levels of pharmaceuticals ever detected in the environment, researchers say.
Those Indian factories produce drugs for much of the world, including many Americans. The result: Some of India's poor are unwittingly consuming an array of chemicals that may be harmful, and could lead to the proliferation of drug-resistant bacteria.
ivon garcia
Dolphins' uncertain fate stirs debate
in this article Dolphins in new jersy have disappeared and put the gov. to a debate on whether they should save animals from te cold. it went from 16 dolphins to only 6 in Shewsbury rivr in june to mid january.Robert Schoelkopf a marine mammal stranding center said said that if they were still in the river they would seem to beed dead
in my opinion it seems that the water had a instant climate change and have been set to were its to cold for some of the water creatures.
i would really like to interview one of the dolphins!!! lol go jessica!!!! luigi do ur jerk
- byron
Oil falls below $46 in Asia as US warns recession to worsen, pulling down crude demand.
The U.S. economy, the world's largest consumer of crude, will "get worse before it gets better," Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday, dampening expectations that a massive government stimulus package will quickly spur growth.
Congress is working on an $825 billion plan -- about two-thirds new government spending and the rest tax cuts -- that proponents expect will create as many as 4 million jobs.
Investors will be looking to U.S. earnings results this week for signs of the economy's health. Hundreds of companies will issue reports including Procter & Gamble Co., Kimberly-Clark Corp. and Starbucks Corp.
In other trading, gasoline futures fell 1.44 cents to $1.14 a gallon. Heating oil dropped 1.55 cents to $1.44 a gallon while natural gas for February delivery slid 11.7 cents to $4.40 per 1,000 cubic feet.
Dang this is worser then i thought. i would like to interview v.p.
what he meant by worse
worse like as the depression or like worser how worse dang.
Ohio police: Man kills adoptive father, 2 others
this article is about a man in cincinnati who killed his step family.his 13 year old step sister which was able to make a 911 call while the shooting was taking place.26 year old Timithy Sturgel was arrested and charged for murder.Cindy Smith one of Jerrys cousin said that he had been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder.
in my opinion i say that it was very wrong and feel bad for the family.
i would like to interview the suspect and find out what really went on while killed his family
amaya j
i agree with you i feel bad for the family i mean that was not a good thing to. he took someones life and should pay for it.even though he was diagnosed with bippolar but he took an inncoent life he should be sent to jail for life he took a life now he has to pay the price.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090125/ap_on_re_us/plane_splashdown;_ylt=Agd4aP8ytJLg22J zMtANuR1vzwcF
Evidence suggests US Airways jet hit a soft body
in this article it talks about how there was a dent left on a Us airway jetliners engine. but with no evidence to supprt this claim that it hit a small body. the pilot reported in hitting a flock of birds right after take off.all 155 passangers aboard this flight survived when pilot Chesley splashed the plane into the river.
in my opinion i think that its great that no one inside the plane was hurt. but sit back and wounder wat really hit the side of the engine.
i would like to interview one of the passengers and see what they thought as they went off course straight into a river.
Ky. coach indicted in player's death talks of loss
in this article a Kentucky football coach is charged with murder. 15 year old Max Gilpin who collapsed at practice later die three days after. he was fired and said that part of his life was taken for he could no longer teach or coach.
in my opinion it was a tragic loss. but still was not the fault of the coach for he didnt know the condition the kid was in.
i would like to interview the coach and see what really went on and what he did to supposedly kill this student
Car dealers try to survive as economy, sales drop
in this article it is said that car sales are decreasing. this year is a tough one by only selling 6 million vehicles which is 18 percent drop frop the sales in 2007 of 16.1 million and 13.2 in 2008.it lead to about 900 dealerships tp close down
i think this is bad because we are not doing so good in our economy and with a minor sitation like this it bad.
i would like to interview some of the sales men that were laid off.
Amaya J.
Police: 2 shot dead, 7 hurt at Wichita, Kan., wake
in this article there was a shooting which lead to 2 deaths and 7 wounded. Sgt.Ronald Hunt says that all wounded were adults. it occured on saturday at 9:30 during a wake that was held for a women buried. the cops are looking for a pickup truck.
in my opinio i think this is sad because ro many innocent people are beig killed or hurt.
i wold like to interview the suspect and find out what is wrong with him and why people like him like to do these kind of things.
amaya j.
the one on top is mineforgot to put my name
Accused Mexican cartel leaders dispute extradition
in this article in San Diego a mexican drug cartel was against an entering to pleas to drug.Jesus Labra a leader of this organization tapped extensive connects to the columbians and their cocain traffickers.
in my opinion i think this is wrong for the are drug lords and choose to make money the wrong way and kurupt our society.
i would liketo interview one of these leaders and figure out why the choose to make a living this way.
Amaya J.
'Paul Blart: Mall Cop' grabs top box office spot
the number 1 movie for 2 weeks straight while making a 21.5 million dollar profit. while the comedian Paul Blart didnt want to give up his box office badge.
i think its good that it won because it was a funny movie.
i would liketo interview the comedian.
Amaya J.
Cali is facing a $42 billion deficit an current economy downturn.more people left cali more then other state over the past year because of money issues. California's population could hit 60 million by 2050, according to some projections, six times 1950's 10.5 million people and 60 percent more than the current 38 million.Hard-hit by the mortgage crisis and foreclosures, home prices dropped 35 percent in 2008 in Southern California -- making home ownership realistic for young families in California for the first time in nearly a decade.The unemployment news has been grim, with the state's jobless rate in December rising to a 14-year high of 9.3 percent, above the national average of 7.2 percent.
i would like to interview arnold why because he should know more then others.
i hope we make some changes.
This artical is about tighten the limits on greenhouse gases for cars and trunks and to prepare for higher way fuel-economy standards on most vehicles.OBAMA also order that the fuel-efficent cars should be built right here in America.Also it talks about the that Obama wants to work on the problem of cliamte and wants to work with some on the big polluters which is CHINA and India.
Well what i think the Obama is doing the right thing for this global warming problem and it is better for the whole world and the United States.
Jose C.
Well this artical talks about some of the biggest comapanies in all of the United States are laying off people, from tens of thousands of people and this still going to continue.
Well what i think is that this economy probelm should be solve because to many people are losing there jobs and they need money to survive.
Jose C.
Well this artical talks about OBAMA wanting to close the GUANTANAMO BAY DETENTION FACILITY in the with in a year. He orders to "restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism."
Well what i think about this artical is that, Where is OBAMA going to but all these prisoners and terrorist?
Jose C.
This article talks about Obama trying to work with the republicans about his economic stimulus plan. He has listen to the republicans ideas and he has also turned down on some of those ideas.
SO what i think is that Obama and the republicans and the others should really try to solve this economic problem as soon as possible.
Jose C.
THIS ARTICAL TALKS ABOUT HILLARY NAMING A SPECIAL ENVOY, which to lead the U.S. to fight global warming and to reduce the carbon emission and to develope clean energy.I picked this article becacuse i seemed interestin to me.
So what i think about this article, that its a good thing that we are trying to change the world and trying to fight this global warming and keeping our air clean.
Jose C.
Starbucks is taking of peanut butter of its shelves because of the salmonella sacre that happened a few weeks ago.This salmonella problem was traced to the PCA processing plant.
I think that is was a good that STARBUCKS took peanut butter off because you just dont want anybody to get sick.
Jose C.
Per. 2
This article talks abou the plant that produced the Peanut butter with salmonella and this company has a history of sanitations lapes in the year 2006 and 2007 for having so many bad stuff for example dirty surfaces and grease residue and also dirt all over the plant.This was all according to the health inspection report.
Well what i think about this article is that this peanut butter plant should clean up there mess before making peanut butter beacause no one wants to eat peanut butter for a company that is so dirty.
Jose C.
Man Pleads Guilty in Election Attacks
A New York city man pleaded guilty on Monday for his role in attacks on people election night last year after Obama's victory.Brian Carranza,21 faces up to 10 years.Hs other two friends have been acused of a immigrant teenager
the other two suspects were 18.
In my opinion, it was very sad of what happen.I would like to interview one of the friends that were 18.
Jessica A.
Not the 1st time boy was caught wearing cop gear
A 14 year-old boy was impersonating a Chicago police officer.The boy has been caught twice.The boy went on traffic stops with another officer for 5 hrs.Officers are talking about how security breaches are to prevented,they are still looking for how he obtain the uniform.
In my opinion, I think thats cool i would like to have power for a day to pullover waldram for being on a natural high.I would like interview one of the kids friend.
Jessica A.
Anonymous said...
This article was about the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Baghdad against the U.S. It was about how the numbers of deaths of the U.S troops in those three places have decreased. In this month of October, no U.S troops have died in Baghdad, 13 in Iraq, and 15 in Afghanistan. It not only said that but also that more marines and army troops will be sent to those three places.
I think that its great that the numbers have had decrease so much, but still it would be better if there was actually no deaths. Also I don’t think they should bring back as many people as they are sending over there.
If I were to interview somebody to what they think about this. It would be mothers who have the sons or daughters over there. Also to those mothers who have had sons and daughters lost in that war.
Noemi S.
Per: 5th October 30, 2008 8:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Joshua C.
I agree with you about those people never banding Halloween from that town. It is bad about what happened to that 11 year old girl 16 years ago, but things like that will unfortunately always happen. In those cases the best thing is to be careful and move on.
Noemi S.
Per: 5 October 30, 2008 8:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Skyye O.
I agree with you that William Walsh did a pretty bad thing on killing his wife, and I also think that I would never live good knowing that I killed someone. But we are humans and our instincts sometimes are more stronger than our common sense thoughts.
Noemi S
P 5 October 30, 2008 9:02 PM
Anonymous said...
This article is about how the numbers of executions in the U.S prisons has lowered since the past 14 years. This year the prisoner being sentenced to death are 111 which is the lowest figure since executions in 1976. Only 37 people were put to death in 2008, compared with 98 executions in 1999. Texas carried out nearly half of this year's executions, and Ohio, with two after that there are no executions scheduled for the rest of the year.
I think this is a great thing that less people are getting put to death in prison, because this means that the people aren’t as dangerous as they use to be. But it is still bad that there are still deaths occurring.
If I were to interview some one it would be a cop. I would ask them is the deaths have dropped because the prisoners aren’t as bad or because is their just not being punished as hard as they use to. Noemi S.
P. 5 December 11, 2008 10:09 PM
Anonymous said...
This article is about how the number of deaths of officers has lowered in the past five decades. Showing that ‘08 has been the safest year for the law enforcement. Some say that this is all thanks to better training, equipment, and more officers in bullet-resistant vests Officials also cite a downturn in violent crime in general in the streets.
I think this is a good thing because the police officers need to be safe and feel safe as they are going to work or are at work.
I would ask the family of the officers that are today at work and what they think about this article.
Noemi S.
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a men (James Joseph Cialella) was arrested and accused of attempt of murder. It all started when James went to a theater, where another men and this son were watching a movie and talking too. James got annoyed at them both threw popcorn at the son then shot the dad in the left arm. I think this happens to every when they go to the theater or some place else and there’s someone or something that bothers you but I don’t think you have to shot at it.
I would ask a person ,in the theater who was there when this happen, If the dad and the son were really that loud and distracting?
Noemi S.
P5 December 29, 2008 12:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Jessy V. I also think this event was very tragic especially because it happened during new years. But I think it was an accident that made this fire happen.
Noemi S.
Andrea P. I think that it’s a great idea for the government to give loans to those who are unemployed right now and I don’t think its really that bad if others get taxed on for a while.
Noemi S.
P5 January 2, 2009 4:28 PM
The Effort to Roll Back Bush Policies Continues
on obamas first seven days of his election he chose to end some of the Cia programs. he also closed down a prison camp. the prison closed was Guantanamo Bay which lead to actually moving the prisoners to U.S. facilities.
in my opinion i think that it isnt good because it was safer for the citezens because it was harder for the prisoners to escape.
i would like to interview obama to see wat the hell was he thinking.
Jessica A.
Budget Cuts Again Befall Smithsonian
last year about 25 percent of the people were uncertain about the future of economics. Clough said that they were concerned about the finances. 67 staff members were paid from private funds instead of taxpayers dollars.
in my opinion im glad that they they got paid.
i would like to interview one of the staff members.
Jessica A.
Zachary P.
This boy was pretty crazy by trying to drive to school but at least he made it through six miles with out crashing, however I think most of the influence came from the video games he mentioned
Leslie M.
I think this article is funny because its funny that some imitates the president, but again it does make you think is there might be someone that looks so much like you.
Joshua Carranza
It’s interesting that a super encryption package was made just for the president but I think that it should also be available for the public, but well the president does need a lot of security.
It’s pretty stupid that they play around with a baby’s health and specially nation wide. I think that they should compensate all the families that were affected by this cruel crime and the stupid idiots that probably did all this just for money should be all is put on death row.
Veronica D.
Period 2
How could a mother do this I would want to know what reasons she could have had to do this which ever reason she had could not be reasonable for the baby’s death. If she didn’t want the baby there is various other options like adoption.
elizabeth c.
I think it’s interesting that Bettie Page is resting closed to Marilyn Monroe, having to legend resting close to each other its good because tourist who visit them can now visit both of them.
Juan E.
Period 2
I agree the death sentence should be applied in Mexico, but the only reason this isn’t happening is because drug cartels have too much power and influence in the Mexican government.
-Sergio N.
In El Reno, Okla. A man fatally shot his wife, 5 young children and himself after he faxed a note to a TV station saying that they got fired from their jobs and planned their owned deaths with their children with them as an escape for their problems. Ervin Lupoe had written “why leave our children in someone else’s hands” as for a reason to take their children’s life. The station called police after receiving the fax, and a police dispatch center had also receive a call from a man who stated, “I just returned home and my whole family ‘s been shot.” The police had gone to the scene and had found all the bodies lying on the ground. While in the house they could still smell the gun shot residue in the air.
Its sad to know that poeple are losing their jobs but its even sadder to see that know poeple are losing thier lifes. Its also wack beacuse they could get another job or atleast find one even if it dosent pay as much.
Who i would interview would be the man that had no sole at all and no right to be in heaven Ervin Lupoe. I would ask him how he had the nerve to do such a thing. If he could of thought of another ways to find a solutiong besides death. If he and Ana Lupoe had any idea or if they thought of it twice.
jose v.
Our President of the United States has lounched and dertemined to change our relations with the Arab and Muslim worlds, and saying to them that americans "havent been perfect" with dealing with them.Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday declined to characterize the new outreach as a complete rejection of the Bush administration's policies. "Where continuity is appropriate, we are committed to doing that," she told reporters. "In areas of the world that have felt either overlooked or not receiving appropriate attention for the problems that they are experiencing, there's a welcoming of the engagement that we are promising. So it's not any kind of repudiation or indictment of the past eight years so much as an excitement and an acceptance of how we're going to be doing business." So far Obamas outreach have gave a positive aspect to him but further action is awaited. Taliban called the Guantanamo closure a "positive step" but said it was an insufficient change in Bush's "satanic" policies in the region and the world, according to a translation by site Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist sites.
I thought this article was pretty interesting beacuse it had me thinking if what obama had said in the speeches he had said in the elections were going to be true. I know that not all of them but i think he will do some of them and that he will acomplish something.
I would interview the president himself to ask how is he going to work with the arabians and muslim worlds. How is he going to benefit from this. And how are they going to respond to this new turn for our new response that we have offer.
jose v.
Two men from Sri Lanka who were about to go on trial in federal court in Brooklyn on terrorism charges pleaded guilty on Tuesday to plotting to buy shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles for a separatist group in their country.
The men, Thiruthanikan Thanigasalam and Sahilal Sabaratnam, who prosecutors said were acting at the direction of senior members of the group, the Tamil Tigers, in Sri Lanka, also pleaded guilty to attempting and conspiring to provide material support for the group, which the State Department has designated as a terrorist organization.
Mr. Thanigasalam, 40, and Mr. Sabaratnam, 29, entered their pleas before Raymond J. Dearie, the chief judge of United States District Court in Brooklyn, where opening statements were expected to begin on Wednesday.
The guilty pleas stem from a videotaped F.B.I. sting operation in 2006 in which the men sought to buy 10 Russian-made SA-18 heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles and 500 AK-47 assault rifles, prosecutors said. On Monday, two of their co-defendants pleaded guilty to similar charges. Jury selection had been under way in the case.
I thought this article was intense. At first it was about two terrorist poeple cought and sent to the federal court in brooklyn. nut as a read more the court had evidence that these two guys had bought 10 Russian-made SA-18 heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles and 500 AK-47 assault rifles. Also that they were on a terrorist organization.
This interview would go to the two terrorist that had pleaded in the court. Ask how they became terrorist in the first place and ask why had they done this. If they know that they could cause deaths in inosent people.
jose v.
The Ice blocking out thousands of homes and businesses, and schools and government offices were closed Tuesday as a major storm spread a glaze of ice and snow from the southern Plains to the East Coast.
At least 19 deaths had been blamed on the weather.
Highway crews fought to keep up with slippery roads and in some places were blocked by fallen tree limbs and power lines. Ice had built up 3 inches thick in sections of Arkansas and Oklahoma.
The National Weather Service posted ice storm and winter storm warnings Tuesday along a broad swath from Texas and Oklahoma through the Mississippi and Ohio valleys all the way into northern New England. Radar showed smears of snow and freezing rain stretching from Texas to Pennsylvania during the evening.
Broken tree limbs weighted down by ice crashed onto power lines, cutting service to at least 165,000homes and businesses in hard-hit Arkansas.
This artcle was mainly about how ice is causing alot of problems and a couple of deaths in the east coast. Even weather has no mercy on us. People should be more careful on driving on the road especially on the places that there at.
I would interview poeple around that were affected by it. How they fell about the weather and what are they doing to keep on going through thier normal lives. Also if they have emergency kits or plans incase if it gets worse.
jose v.
In Indianapolis The Senate has approved a four-month delay in the digital TV conversion. Democrats say too many Americans won't be ready for the switch to digital, while Republicans have said a delay would only confuse people.
No matter when the change comes, it's likely to be this year. It appears thousands of people are still confused over how to manage the switch. Some are finding it more difficult they counted on.Jim Himebaugh can't see what so many people say is so great about digital television."I'm unimpressed," he said.After spending thousands of dollars for a new television and antenna, Himebaugh is seeing fewer stations. Soon-to-be discontinued analog signals that are now crystal clear don't show up at all in digital. While the majority of homes aren't having any problems making the digital switch, many are finding it's not as easy as connecting a new TV or converter box to their old antenna.
This article was about how the converter box is not as what poeple are finding it to be. I found out in this article that also theres fewer channels and that is frustrating people already. if this is a problem already what can we expect when we go digital??
I would interview poeple that have problems and question if its worth buying the converter box. If they could fix it or if theres no alternitive to this.
jose v.
Even as the birth of octuplets at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center drew attention and applause from around the country, questions arose Tuesday about whether the mother's doctors did enough to prevent such a risky pregnancy.The chances that the eight babies born Monday were conceived naturally are infinitesimal, infertility specialists and doctors in maternal-fetal medicine say. Today's reproductive experts have the tools and the know-how to avoid such high-risk pregnancies and often try desperately to do so.The parents of the octuplets have not been identified, and Kaiser officials say they have not been authorized to release information to the public on how the babies were conceived.Doctors reported Tuesday that the eight babies, six boys and two girls, are doing fine. The babies were delivered by caesarean section Monday and ranged in weight from 1 pound, 8 ounces to 3 pounds, 4 ounces.
The article was mostly on how this woman gave birth to eight babies. It was shocking and it left words to others of how she pulled it of. Although they dont want to show the method of how they did it. It was still very surprising.
I would interview the woman herself. Ask her how she felt. And if she was surprised that she gave birth to eigth and not just one child. I would ask if she was scared that they werent all going to make it.
jose v.
The government Tuesday accused the peanut butter manufacturer tied to a nationwide salmonella outbreak of shipping products in 2007 and 2008 after internal tests found bacterial contamination, violating food safety regulations.
Peanut butter and peanut paste manufactured by the Peanut Corp. of America (PCA) has been tied to the salmonella outbreak that has sickened 501 people in 43 states and is believed to have contributed to eight deaths.The Food and Drug Administration said that its inspection of the PCA plant in Blakely, Ga., found records of 12 instances in which plant officials identified salmonella in ingredients or finished products. The products should not have been shipped, the FDA.PCA took no steps to address cleaning after finding the salmonella says Michael Rogers the director of the FDA's division of field investigations.In some instances, the company had the product tested again by a different laboratory and got a clean test result, FDA officials said in a telephone conference with reporters.
This was mainly about how the peanut butter manafactures that had salmonella in there products had send it to the stores knowing that it could hurt poeple. They violated food safety regulations and now they could face penalties for it.
jose v.
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