Thursday, July 24, 2008

Election Time!

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What is this video trying to say about presidential campaigns and do you agree?


Unknown said...

I think some of the things in the clip were true, but exaggerated.

Unknown said...

I think this clip shows us how some stuff that we really dont know about and not mind it but we should take notes of it and think that chosing someone to be president might me hard be they dont do what they say on t.v.


Unknown said...

To tell you the truth I don't think much about the political stuff because every president will have some big flaw, but some things do seem true. Mccain is a big too old now and Obama is all about the change. The video over did it a bit though, but in a very funny Is that the right term for it....?

Aarika J.
Period 5

Unknown said...

The video shows there views in the simplist way possible,by a cartoon, and also a fun way to gather informaion if u ever wanted to vote for eather one.



Annie said...

I laughed at the fact that you made a guest appearance in the movie! Haha. But I think that this clip is showing how exaggerated our political system is. A lot of this is prevalent "stereotypes" that appear in the media, i.e. stuff like Obama being Muslim (10% of voters believe that! What the heck?!) Clearly politicians will spend bajillions of dollars to try to get you to vote for them, even if they make their opponents look bad in the process. Dishonorable campaigning! [Can you tell I'm for Obama? Lol.]

- Annie Jalota
Period 5

Andrew said...

I think this video is brilliant because it shows exactly what the common American (well the ones who exercise their voting rights) has trouble doing, which is choosing a president who is suitable to run the country. It seems like at least half of the country will be disappointed if one or the other is chosen. This video shows the flaws in the candidates that the media has presented the American public, which, instead of making it easier to vote for a candidate, it actually makes it harder to choose: What flaws do you want to deal with for the next 4 years?

Andrew McCracken

Annie said...
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Annie said...

Granted, this country is a democratic country. But I think the responsibility of the voter lies in picking a leader of this country, someone who (the majority of) people feel represent the United States accurately. I wonder, why do Congressional folk bother to try to get us to vote on local/state issues? Certainly, some are important to us and we would like to know about them, but are all of them really that important? Yes on Prop blah, no on Prop blah....I bet most people make their decisions for that based on some quick, uninformative 30-second commercial on TV or one of those stupid things you get from the Fire Department or the sheriff or whatever. It's like you just have to side with someone and pick that. What happened to making intelligent, independent decisions? Most people in this country are too busy trying to make a living to really pay attention to some of this stuff. They'll make votes based on little to none knowledge, and unfortunately, I think our politicians/media/what-have-you capitalizes on this sad fact. No doubt our system needs some work...

Annie Jalota
Period 5

Chris B. said...

The cartoon pretty much summed up all the flaws in either campaign, but unfortunately all the parties think of when deciding on somebody to vote for. :(

Chris B. said...

Oops...Chubzilla is Actually Chris B.

Anonymous said...

This clip pretty much emphasizes what candidates have said and done to gain votes. Some good and others are just plain crude, for example Bush being portrayed as a "hick" or Hilary trying to sabotage Obama's chance in the preliminary's.

Anonymous said...

I think what they are trying to say is true. The candidates are just telling us what we want to hear. Ohhhhhh I'm going to end the war and all this and that. To me it really doesn't matter who becomes the next president in my opinion. They are both going to be doing the samething, whether we want to see it or not.

Unknown said...

I got the messages sent by the ppl making this vid... but wat about the others that arent smart enough but can vote??

Unknown said...

This video is just showing all of us voters that what we want to hear is exactly what these candidates say. From my perspective it is pretty sad that people are so easily convinced by what it shown on television, rather than taking the time to understand a read about each candidate, the decisions they make are so rational. Many individuals are too dependent on media, because the focus of money takes too much time away from what truly matters. Voting is a serious matter, so I truly believe that if one is not researching about the candidates than they should not vote.

Anonymous said...

To be frank, I do not pay much attention to political news but after watching this video... it pretty much explains that we are in dire need for some CAMPAIGNIN'!

- Ravid Yoeun Period 2

Unknown said...

The video was hilarious! Both political parties have their ups and downs! One is to old to be president and the other candidate lives in a fanstacy world! so it's hard to choose!

Annie said...

Well, for those of you interested in really understanding each candidate, check out It surprises some people to know that both candidates have to stretch the truth some to appeal to people (yes, even Obama! lol).

- Annie Jalota
Period 5

Anonymous said...

This clip is very educative and very entertaining i actually learned something from this clip than in school

Miguel F.